7130 Layer 1 Commands
Layer 1 Configuration Commands
Layer 1 show Commands
l1 source
The l1 source command configures the source for patching Layer 1 traffic between various front panel interfaces and Switch Application (SwitchApp) ports in the Ethernet Interface configuration mode.
The no l1 source and default l1 source commands remove the source configurations and return to the default platform configurations.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
l1 source {interface | mac | none}
- interface patches the Layer 1 traffic
from the specified interface.
- Application 1-1 - Application FPGA connector interface
- CPU 1-4 - CPU interface
- Downstream 1-255 - Downstream interface
- Ethernet 1-96 - Ethernet interface
- MuxIn 1-24 - Metamux input interface
- MuxOut 1-24 - Metamux output interface
- Ptp 1-2 - MetaWatch PIP interface
- Switch 1-7 Switch interface
- TrafficGen 1-256 - Traffic Generation interface
- Upstream 1-255 - Upstream interface
- WatchIn 1-255 - WatchIn interface
- WatchOut 1-255 - WatchOut interface
- WatchPassthrough 1-255 - Watch passthrough interface
- WhiteRabbit 1-255 - White Rabbit interface
- mac patches the Layer 1 traffic from the specified MAC address.
- none unpatches the Layer 1 traffic source.
- This command patches the Layer 1 traffic from the Ethernet
interface et2.
switch(config)# interface ethernet1 switch(config-if-Et1)# l1 source interface et2 switch(config-if-Et1)#
- This command unpatches the Layer 1 traffic source.
switch(config)# interface ethernet1 switch(config-if-Et1)# l1 source none
(config)# int sw1/1/1 (config-if-sw1/1/1)# speed 10g (config-if-sw1/1/1)# int et1/1 (config-if-et1/1)# speed 1g (config-if-et1/1)# l1 source int sw1/1/1 (config-if-et1/1)# show l1 source int et1/1 Interface Source Interface Type ------------------ ---------------------- ------- Ethernet1/1 dynamic
show l1 destination
The show l1 destination command displays the list of all destinations for all interfaces.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show l1 destination [interface]
- application - Application FPGA connector interface.
- cpu - CPU interface.
- ethernet - Ethernet interface.
- switch - Switch interface.
- This command displays the list of all interfaces to connect in the
crosspoint and the specific destination
switch> show l1 destination Interface Destination Interface(s) Type ------------------ ------------------------ ------ Ethernet1 App1/1, Sw1 dynamic Ethernet2 Ethernet3, Ethernet4 dynamic Ethernet3 Ethernet4 Ethernet5 App1/1 Ethernet1 dynamic App1/2 Sw17 static Sw1 Sw2 Sw3 Sw4 Sw5 Sw17 App1/2 static Cpu1 Cpu2
Note: Interfaces without a destination port are listed, but the Destination Interface and Type columns appear as blanks. - This command displays the list of destination interfaces to connect for the
Ethernet interface et1.
switch# show l1 destination interface et1 Interface Destination Interfaces Type --------------------- ------------------------ ------ Ethernet1 App1/1, Sw1 dynamic
show l1 matrix
The show l1 matrix command displays the matrix representation of Layer 1 paths for available interfaces in the privileged EXEC mode.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show l1 matrix [all | interface | detail | physical]
- all displays the matrix of Layer 1 paths for possible interface types even if they do not have a connection.
- interface displays the matrix of Layer 1 paths for
the specified interface.
- Application 1-1 - Application FPGA connector interface
- CPU 1-4 - CPU interface
- Downstream 1-255 - Downstream interface
- Ethernet 1-96 - Ethernet interface
- MuxIn 1-24 - Metamux input interface
- MuxOut 1-24 - Metamux output interface
- Ptp 1-2 - MetaWatch PIP interface
- Switch 1-7 Switch interface
- TrafficGen 1-256 - Traffic Generation interface
- Upstream 1-255 - Upstream interface
- WatchIn 1-255 - WatchIn interface
- WatchOut 1-255 - WatchOut interface
- WatchPassthrough 1-255 - Watch passthrough interface
- WhiteRabbit 1-255 - White Rabbit interface
- detail displays the detailed matrix of Layer 1 paths.
- physical displays the Layer 1 matrix for physical interfaces only.
- This command displays the matrix of Layer 1 paths for all available interface
switch> show l1 matrix Ethernet Switch App 1 3 4 1 17 1/1 1/2 | | | | | | | Et1 -> -|-|-|------+-|--------+ | Et2 -> -|-+-+ | | Sw17 -> -|------------|------------+ App1/1 -> -+ | App1/2 -> --------------+
- This command displays the matrix of Layer 1 paths for all available interface
types even if the interfaces do not have a connection.
switch> show l1 matrix all Ethernet Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | | | | Et1 -> -|---|-|----------------------------------+ Et2 -> -|---+-+ Et3 -> | Et4 -> | Et5 -> | Et6 -> | Et7 -> | Et8 -> | Et9 -> | Et10 -> | Et11 -> | Et12 -> | Et13 -> | Et14 -> | Et15 -> | Et16 -> | Sw1 -> | Sw2 -> | Sw3 -> | Sw4 -> | Sw5 -> | Sw6 -> | Sw7 -> | Sw8 -> | Sw9 -> | Sw10 -> | Sw11 -> | Sw12 -> | Sw13 -> | Sw14 -> | Sw15 -> | Sw16 -> | Sw17 -> | App1/1 -> -+ App1/2 -> Cpu1 -> Cpu2 -> Switch App Cpu 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1/1 1/2 1 2 | | | Et1 -> -------------------|----+ | Et2 -> | | Et3 -> | | Et4 -> | | Et5 -> | | Et6 -> | | Et7 -> | | Et8 -> | | Et9 -> | | Et10 -> | | Et11 -> | | Et12 -> | | Et13 -> | | Et14 -> | | Et15 -> | | Et16 -> | | Sw1 -> | | Sw2 -> | | Sw3 -> | | Sw4 -> | | Sw5 -> | | Sw6 -> | | Sw7 -> | | Sw8 -> | | Sw9 -> | | Sw10 -> | | Sw11 -> | | Sw12 -> | | Sw13 -> | | Sw14 -> | | Sw15 -> | | Sw16 -> | | Sw17 -> -------------------|--------+ App1/1 -> | App1/2 -> -------------------+ Cpu1 -> Cpu2 ->
- This command displays the matrix of Layer 1 paths for the specific Ethernet
interfaces et1 and et4.
switch> show l1 matrix interface et1, et4 Ethernet Switch App 1 4 1 1/1 | | | | Et1 -> -|-|--------+--------+ Et2 -> -|-+ App1/1 -> -+
show l1 path
The show l1 path command displays the source and destination paths for all interfaces in the system.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show l1 path [interface]
- interface lists the connections available for the
specified interface.
- Application 1-1 - Application FPGA connector interface
- CPU 1-4 - CPU interface
- Downstream 1-255 - Downstream interface
- Ethernet 1-96 - Ethernet interface
- MuxIn 1-24 - Metamux input interface
- MuxOut 1-24 - Metamux output interface
- Ptp 1-2 - MetaWatch PIP interface
- Switch 1-7 Switch interface
- TrafficGen 1-256 - Traffic Generation interface
- Upstream 1-255 - Upstream interface
- WatchIn 1-255 - WatchIn interface
- WatchOut 1-255 - WatchOut interface
- WatchPassthrough 1-255 - Watch passthrough interface
- WhiteRabbit 1-255 - White Rabbit interface
- This command displays the source and destination paths for all interfaces in the
switch# show l1 path Source Destination Type ------------------ -------------------- ------- Ethernet1 App1/1 dynamic Ethernet1 Sw1 dynamic Ethernet2 Ethernet3 dynamic Ethernet2 Ethernet4 dynamic App1/1 Ethernet1 dynamic App1/2 Sw17 static Sw17 App1/2 static
- This command displays the list of all connections that include the Ethernet
interfaces et1 and et4.
switch# show l1 path interface et1, et4 Source Destination Type --------------------- ---------------------- ------- Ethernet1 App1/1 dynamic Ethernet1 Sw1 dynamic Ethernet2 Ethernet4 dynamic App1/1 Ethernet1 dynamic
show l1 source
The show l1 source command displays the list of all source interfaces to connect for specific interfaces such as Ethernet ports, switch, FPGA ports, or CPU ports.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show l1 source [interface | capabilities]
- interface lists the source interfaces
available to connect for the specified interface.
- Application 1-1 - Application FPGA connector interface
- CPU 1-4 - CPU interface
- Downstream 1-255 - Downstream interface
- Ethernet 1-96 - Ethernet interface
- MuxIn 1-24 - Metamux input interface
- MuxOut 1-24 - Metamux output interface
- Ptp 1-2 - MetaWatch PIP interface
- Switch 1-7 Switch interface
- TrafficGen 1-256 - Traffic Generation interface
- Upstream 1-255 - Upstream interface
- WatchIn 1-255 - WatchIn interface
- WatchOut 1-255 - WatchOut interface
- WatchPassthrough 1-255 - Watch passthrough interface
- WhiteRabbit 1-255 - White Rabbit interface
- capabilities lists the Layer 1 source capabilities for the specified switch.
- This command displays the list of all source interfaces to
connect in the crosspoint and the specific interfaces.
switch# show l1 source Interface Source Interface Type --------------------- ---------------------- ------- Ethernet1 App1/1 dynamic Ethernet2 Ethernet3 Ethernet2 dynamic Ethernet4 Ethernet2 dynamic Ethernet5 MAC dynamic App1/1 Ethernet1 dynamic App1/2 Sw17 static Sw1 Ethernet1 dynamic Sw2 Sw3 Sw4 Sw5 Sw17 App1/2 static Cpu1 Cpu2
Note: Interfaces without a source port are listed as well, but the Source Interface and Type columns appear as blanks. - This command displays the list of source interfaces to connect for the Ethernet
interface et1.
switch# show l1 source interface et1 Interface Source Interface Type --------------------- ------------------- ------- Ethernet1 App1/1 dynamic
show l1 source capabilities
The show l1 source capabilities command displays the list of all interfaces available to connect in the crosspoint and the possible source ports.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show l1 source capabilities
- This command displays the list of all possible source interfaces
available to connect in the crosspoint and the specific interfaces.
switch# show l1 source capabilities Interface Possible Source Interface(s) --------------------- --------------------------------- Ethernet1 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Ethernet2 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Ethernet3 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Ethernet4 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Ethernet5 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Application1/1 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Application1/2 Sw17 Switch1 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Switch2 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Switch3 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Switch4 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Switch5 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Switch17 Ap1/2 Cpu1 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Cpu2 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16
- This command displays the list of possible source interfaces available to
connect for the Ethernet interface et1.
switch# show l1 source interface et1 capabilities Interface Possible Source Interface(s) --------------------- -------------------------------- Ethernet1 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16
- This command displays the list of possible source interfaces available to
connect for the FPGA port fpga.
switch# show l1 source fpga capabilities Interface Possible Source Interface(s) --------------------- ------------------------------ Application1/1 Ap1/1,Cpu1-2,Et1-16,Sw1-16 Application1/2 Sw17