

Arista switches support Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for routing packets across network boundaries. This section describes Arista’s implementation of IPv4 and includes these topics:

IPv4 Addressing

Each IPv4 network device is assigned a 32-bit IP address that identifies its network location. These sections describe IPv4 address formats, data structures, configuration tasks, and display options:

IPv4 Address Formats

IPv4 addresses are composed of 32 bits, expressed in dotted decimal notation by four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255. A subnet is identified by an IP address and an address space defined by a routing prefix. The switch supports the following subnet formats:
  • IP address and subnet mask: The subnet mask is a 32-bit number (dotted decimal notation) that specifies the subnet address space. The subnet address space is calculated by performing an AND operation between the IP address and subnet mask.

  • IP address and wildcard mask: The wildcard mask is a 32-bit number (dotted decimal notation) that specifies the subnet address space. Wildcard masks differ from subnet masks in that the bits are inverted. Some commands use wildcard masks instead of subnet masks.

  • CIDR notation: CIDR notation specifies the scope of the subnet space by using a decimal number to identify the number of leading ones in the routing prefix. When referring to wildcard notation, CIDR notation specifies the number of leading zeros in the routing prefix.

  • These subnets (subnet mask and CIDR notation) are calculated identically:

  • The defined space includes all addresses between and These subnets (wildcard mask and CIDR notation) are calculated identically:

    The defined space includes all addresses between and

IPv4 Address Configuration

Assigning an IPv4 Address to an Interface

The ip address command specifies the IPv4 address of an interface and the mask for the subnet to which the interface is connected.

These commands configure an IPv4 address with subnet mask for VLAN 200:
switch(config)# interface vlan 200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# ip address

Assigning an IPv4 Class E Address to an Interface

The ipvr routable assigns a class E addresses to an interface. When configured, the class E address traffic are routed through BGP, OSPF, ISIS, RIP, static routes and programmed to the FIB and kernel. By default, this command is disabled.

  • These commands configure an IPv4 Class E (240/4) address to an interface.
    switch(config)# router general
    switch(config-router-general)# ipv4 routable

Assigning a Secondary IPv4 Address to an Interface

The ip address secondary command assigns a secondary IPv4 address to an interface. Each interface can have multiple secondary IPv4 addresses assigned to it.


  • Use the following commands to enter Ethernet Interface Configuration Mode and add a secondary IP address,, to Ethernet interface, Ethernet7/30/2:
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet7/30/2
    switch(config-if-Et7/30/2)# ip address secondary

Detecting duplicate IP Addresses on an Interface

The ip address duplicate detection disabled command detects any duplicate IP address on the interface. When the duplicate IP address is detected, a syslog message is generated. It helps the network operator to identify IP addresses misconfiguration. By default, this feature is enabled.

  • This command disables the feature on the switch.
    switch(config)# ip address duplicate detection disabled

  • This command enables the feature.
    switch(config)# ip address duplicate detection logging

    Note: Commands are in global configuration mode, and are not per VRF.

This is an example of a Syslog message, when a duplicate IP address is detected.

Mar 24 16:41:57 cd290 Arp: %INTF-4-DUPLICATE_ADDRESS_WITH_HOST: IP address 
configured on interface Ethernet1/1 is in use by a host with 
MAC address 00:00:01:01:00:00 on interface Ethernet1/1 in VRF default

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maps IP addresses to MAC addresses recognized by the local network devices. The ARP cache consists of a table that stores the correlated addresses of the devices that the router facilitates data transmissions.

After receiving a packet, routers use ARP to find the device MAC address assigned to the packet destination IP address. If the ARP cache contains both addresses, the router sends the packet to the specified port. If the ARP cache does not contain the addresses, ARP broadcasts a request packet to all devices in the subnet. The device at the requested IP address responds and provides its MAC address. ARP updates the ARP cache with a dynamic entry and forwards the packet to the responding device. Add static ARP entries to the cache using the CLI.

Proxy ARP

Proxy ARP enables a network device (proxy) to respond to ARP requests for network addresses on a different network with its MAC address. Traffic to the destination directs to the proxy device which then routes the traffic toward the ultimate destination.

Configuring ARP

The switch uses ARP cache entries to correlate 32-bit IP addresses to 48-bit hardware addresses. The arp aging timeout command specifies the duration of dynamic address entries in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache for addresses learned through the Layer 3 interface. The default duration is 14400 seconds (four hours).

Entries refresh and expire at a random time within the range of 80%-100% of the cache expiry time. The refresh attempts three times at an interval of 2% of the configured timeout.

Static ARP entries never time out and must be removed from the table manually.

This command specifies an ARP cache duration of 7200 seconds (two hours) for dynamic addresses added to the ARP cache learned through VLAN 200.
switch(config)# interface vlan 200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# arp aging timeout 7200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# show active
interface Vlan200
   arp aging timeout 7200

The arp command adds a static entry to an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.

This command adds a static entry to the ARP cache in the default VRF.
switch(config)# arp 0025.900e.c63c arpa

The arp proxy max-delay command enables delaying proxy ARP requests on the configuration mode interface. EOS disables Proxy ARP by default. When enabled, the switch responds to all ARP requests, including gratuitous ARP requests, with target IP addresses that match a route in the routing table. When a switch receives a proxy ARP request, EOS performs a check to send the response immediately or delay the response based on the configured maximum delay in milliseconds (ms).


Use the following command to set a delay of 500ms before returning a response to a proxy ARP request.

switch(config)#arp proxy max-delay 500ms

Gratuitous ARP

EOS broadcasts gratuitous ARP packets using a device in response to an internal change rather than as a response to an ARP request. The gratuitous ARP packet consists of a request packet (no reply expected) that supplies an unrequested update of ARP information. In a gratuitous ARP packet, both the source and destination IP addresses use the IP of the sender, and the destination MAC address uses the broadcast address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).

Gratuitous ARP packets generate to update ARP tables after an IPv4 address or a MAC address change occurs.

Configuring Gratuitous ARP

By default, Arista switch interfaces reject gratuitous ARP request packets. The arp gratuitous accept command configures an L3 interface to accept the gratuitous ARP request packets sent from a different device in the network and add the mappings to the ARP table. Gratuitous ARP can be configured on Ethernet interfaces, VLANs/SVI, or L3 port channels, but has no effect on L2 interfaces.

These commands enable gratuitous ARP packet acceptance on interface ethernet 2/1.
switch (config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch (config-if-Et2/1)# arp gratuitous accept

Displaying ARP Entries

The show ip arp command displays ARP cache entries that map an IP address to a corresponding MAC address. The table displays addresses by their host names when the command includes the resolve argument.

  • This command displays ARP cache entries that map MAC addresses to IPv4 addresses.
    switch> show ip arp
    Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface              0  004c.6211.021e  Vlan101, Port-Channel2              0  004c.6214.3699  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  004c.6219.a0f3  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  0045.4942.a32c  Vlan1000, Ethernet33              0  f012.3118.c09d  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  00e1.d11a.a1eb  Vlan1000, Ethernet5              0  004f.e320.cd23  Vlan1000, Ethernet6              0  0032.48da.f9d9  Vlan1000, Ethernet37              0  0018.910a.1fc5  Vlan1000, Ethernet29             0  0056.cbe9.8510  Vlan1000, Ethernet26

  • This command displays ARP cache entries that map MAC addresses to IPv4 addresses. The output displays host names assigned to IP addresses in place of the address.
    switch> show ip arp resolve
    Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface
    green-vl101.new         0  004c.6211.021e  Vlan101, Port-Channel2              0  004c.6214.3699  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1
    orange-vl1000.n         0  004c.6219.a0f3  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  0045.4942.a32c  Vlan1000, Ethernet33
    purple.newcompa         0  f012.3118.c09d  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1
    pink.newcompany         0  00e1.d11a.a1eb  Vlan1000, Ethernet5
    yellow.newcompa         0  004f.e320.cd23  Vlan1000, Ethernet6              0  0032.48da.f9d9  Vlan1000, Ethernet37
    royalblue.newco         0  0018.910a.1fc5  Vlan1000, Ethernet29             0  0056.cbe9.8510  Vlan1000, Ethernet26

ARP Inspection

The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) inspection command ip arp inspection vlan activates a security feature that protects the network from ARP spoofing. EOS intercepts ARP requests and responses on untrusted interfaces on specified VLANs and verifies intercepted packets to ensure valid IP-MAC address bindings. On trusted interfaces, all incoming ARP packets process and forward without verification, and all invalid ARP packets are dropped.

Enabling and Disabling ARP Inspection

By default, EOS disables ARP inspection on all VLANs.

  • This command enables ARP inspection on VLANs 1 through 150.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

  • This command disables ARP inspection on VLANs 1 through 150.
    switch(config)# no ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

  • This command sets the ARP inspection default to VLANs 1 through 150.
    switch(config)# default ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

  • This command enable ARP inspection on multiple VLANs 1 through 150 and 200 through 250.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection vlan 1-150,200-250

Syslog for Invalid ARP Packets Dropped

After dropping an invalid ARP packet, EOS displays the following syslog message appears. The log severity level can be set higher if required.

%SECURITY-4-ARP_PACKET_DROPPED: Dropped ARP packet on interface Ethernet28/1 Vlan 
2121 because invalid mac and ip binding. Received: 00:0a:00:bc:00:de/

Displaying ARP Inspection States

The command show ip arp inspection vlan displays the configuration and operation state of ARP inspection. For a VLAN range specified by show ip arp inspection vlandisplays only VLANs with ARP inspection enabled. If you do not specify a VLAN, the output displays all VLANs with ARP inspection enabled. The operation state turns to Active when the hardware traps ARP packets for inspection.

This command displays the configuration and operation state of ARP inspection for VLANs 1 through 150.
switch(config)# show ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

: Enabled
Operation State : Active
: Enabled
Operation State : Active
VLAN 150
: Enabled
Operation State : Active


Displaying ARP Inspection Statistics

The command show ip arp inspection statistics displays the statistics of inspected ARP packets. For a VLAN specified by show ip arp inspection vlan, the output displays only VLANs with ARP inspection. If you do not specify a VLAN, the output displays all VLANs with ARP inspection enabled.

The command clear arp inspection statistics clears ARP inspection.

  • This command displays ARP inspection statistics for VLAN 1.
    switch(config)# show ip arp inspection statistics vlan 2
    Vlan : 2
    ARP Req Forwarded = 20
    ARP Res Forwarded = 20
    ARP Req Dropped = 1
    ARP Res Dropped = 1
    Last invalid ARP:
    Time: 10:20:30 ( 5 minutes ago )
    Reason: Bad IP/Mac match
    Received on: Ethernet 3/1
      Source MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      Dest MAC: 00:02:00:02:00:02
      ARP Type: Request
      ARP Sender MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      ARP Sender IP: 1.1.1

  • This command displays ARP inspection statistics for ethernet interface 3/1.
    switch(config)# show ip arp inspection statistics ethernet interface 3/1
    Interface : 3/1
    ARP Req Forwarded = 10
    ARP Res Forwarded = 10
    ARP Req Dropped = 1
    ARP Res Dropped = 1
    Last invalid ARP:
    Time: 10:20:30 ( 5 minutes ago )
    Reason: Bad IP/Mac match
    Received on: VLAN 10
      Source MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      Dest MAC: 00:02:00:02:00:02
      ARP Type: Request
      ARP Sender MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      ARP Sender IP: 1.1.1

  • This command clears ARP inspection statistics.
    switch(config)# clear arp inspection statistics

Configuring Trust Interface

By default, all interfaces are untrusted. The command ip arp inspection trust configures the trust state of an interface.

  • This command configures the trust state of an interface.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection trust

  • This command configures the trust state of an interface to untrusted.
    switch(config)# no ip arp inspection trust

  • This command configures the trust state of an interface to the default.
    switch(config)# default ip arp inspection trust

Configuring Rate Limit

After enabling ARP inspection, EOS traps ARP packets to the CPU. When the incoming ARP rate exceeds expectations, two actions can be taken. For notification purposes, the command ip arp inspection logging enables logging of incoming ARP packets. The command ip arp inspection limit disables the interfaces and prevents a denial-of-service attack..

  • This command enables logging of incoming ARP packets when the rate exceeds the configured value and sets the rate to 2048, the upper limit for the number of invalid ARP packets allowed per second. Then, it sets the burst consecutive interval to monitor interface for a high ARP rate to 15 seconds.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection logging rate 2048 burst interval 15

  • This command configures the rate limit of incoming ARP packets to disable the interface when the incoming ARP rate exceeds the configured value, and sets the rate to 512, the upper limit for the number of invalid ARP packets allowed per second.Then sets the burst consecutive interval to monitor the interface for a high ARP rate to 11 seconds.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection limit rate 512 burst interval 11

  • This command displays verification of the interface specific configuration.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 3/1
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection limit rate 20 burst interval 5
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet 3/3
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection trust
    switch(config)# show ip arp inspection interfaces
     Interface      Trust State  Rate (pps) Burst Interval
     -------------  -----------  ---------- --------------
     Et3/1          Untrusted    20         5
     Et3/3          Trusted      None       N/A

Disabling Errors Caused by ARP Inspection

If the incoming ARP packet rate on an interface exceeds the configured rate limit in burst interval, EOS disables the interface by default. If errdisabled, the interface remains in this state until you intervene with the command errdisable detect cause arp-inspection. For example, after you perform a shutdown or no shutdown of the interface or it automatically recovers after a certain time period. The command errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection enables auto recovery. The command errdisable recovery interval enables sharing the auto recovery interval among all disabled interfaces. See the chapter Data Transfer Introduction for information on all errdisable commands.

  • This command enables errdisable caused by an ARP inspection violation.
    switch(config)# errdisable detect cause arp-inspection

  • This command disables errdisable caused by an ARP inspection violation.
    switch(config)# no errdisable detect cause arp-inspection

  • This command enables auto recovery.
    switch(config)# errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection

  • This command disables auto recovery.
    switch(config)# no errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection

  • This command enables sharing the auto recovery interval of 10 seconds among all errdisable interfaces.
    switch(config)# errdisable recovery interval 10

  • This command disables sharing the auto recovery interval of 10 seconds among all errdisable interfaces.
    switch(config)# no errdisable recovery interval 10

  • This command displays the reason for a port entering the errdisable state.
    switch(config)# show interfaces status errdisabled
    Port         Name         Status       Reason
    ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------------
    Et3/2                     errdisabled  arp-inspection

Configuring Static IP MAC Binding

The ARP inspection command ip source binding allows you to add static IP-MAC binding. If enabled, ARP inspection verifies incoming ARP packets based on the configured IP-MAC bindings. The static IP-MAC binding entry can only be configured on Layer 2 ports. By default, there is no binding entry on the system.

  • This command configures static IP-MAC binding for IP address, MAC address 0001.0001.0001, vlan 1, and Ethernet interface slot 4 and port 1.
    switch(config)# ip source binding 0001.0001.0001 vlan 1 interface 
    ethernet 4/1

  • This command configures static IP-MAC binding for IP address, MAC address 0001.0001.0001, vlan 1, and port-channel interface 20.
    switch(config)# ip source binding 0001.0001.0001 vlan 1 interface 
    port-channel 20

  • This command displays the configured IP-MAC binding entries. Note that the Lease column displays dynamic DHCP snooping binding entries. For static binding entries, lease time displays as infinite.
    switch(config)# show ip source binding 0001.0001.0001 static vlan 1 
    interface port-channel 20
    MacAddress      IpAddress   Lease(sec)  Type   VLAN  Interface
    --------------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----- --------------
    0001.0001.0001   infinite    static 1     Port-Channel20

IPv4 Routing

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is a communications protocol used for relaying network packets across a set of connected networks using the Internet Protocol suite. Routing transmits network layer data packets over connected independent subnets. Each subnet is assigned an IP address range, and each device on the subnet is assigned an IP address from that range. The connected subnets have IP address ranges that do not overlap.

A router is a network device that connects multiple subnets. Routers forward inbound packets to the subnet whose address range includes the packets’ destination address. IPv4 and IPv6 are internet layer protocols that define packet-switched internetworking, including source-to-destination datagram transmission across multiple networks.

Enabling IPv4 Routing

When IPv4 routing is enabled, the switch attempts to deliver inbound packets to destination IPv4 addresses by forwarding them to interfaces or next-hop addresses specified by the forwarding table.

The ip routing command enables IPv4 routing.


This command enables IP routing:

switch(config)# ip routing

Static and Default IPv4 Routes

Static routes are entered through the CLI and are typically used when dynamic protocols cannot establish routes to a specified destination prefix. Static routes are also useful when dynamic routing protocols are not available or appropriate. Creating a static route associates a destination IP address with a local interface. The routing table refers to these routes as connected routes available for redistribution into routing domains defined by dynamic routing protocols.

The ip route command creates a static route. The destination is a network segment; the next-hop is either an IP address or a routable interface port. When multiple routes exist to a destination prefix, the route with the lowest administrative distance takes precedence.

By default, the administrative distance assigned to static routes is 1. Assigning a higher administrative distance to a static route configures it to be overridden by dynamic routing data. For example, a static route with a distance value of 200 is overridden by OSPF intra-area routes, which have a default distance of 110.

A route tag is a 32-bit number that is attached to a route. Route maps use tags to filter routes. Static routes have a default tag value of 0.

This command creates a static route:
switch(config)#ip route vlan 500

Creating Default IPv4 Routes

The default route denotes the packet forwarding rule that takes effect when no other route is configured for a specified IPv4 address. All packets with destinations that are not established in the routing table are sent to the destination specified by the default route.

The IPv4 destination prefix is, and the next-hop is the default gateway.

This command creates a default route and establishes as the default gateway address:
switch(config)#ip route

Resolution RIB Profiles for Static Routes

Specify a Resolution RIB Profile as a system-connected per next-hop for a static route. System-connected describes a static route that only resolves if the next hop can be reached over a connected route. If you do not specify a system-connected route, the static route resolves if the next hop can be reached over any type of route in the FIB, including a connected route or a tunnel RIB. route.

Configuring Resolution RIB Profile for Static Routes

Use the following command to configure a Resolution RIB Profile for static route,, and

switch(config)#ip route vrf myVRF resolution ribs system-connected

Displaying Resolution Profiles for Static Routes

Use the show ip routecommand:

switch(config)#show ip route
interface Ethernet1
   mtu 1500
   no switchport
   ip address
interface Ethernet2
   no switchport
   ip address 
ip route resolution ribs system-connected
arp 00:22:33:44:55:66 arpa
arp 00:22:33:44:55:67 arpa
mpls tunnel static st1 Ethernet1 label-stack 9000

Dynamic IPv4 Routes

Dynamic routing protocols establish dynamic routes. These protocols also maintain the routing table and modify routes to adjust for topology or traffic changes. Routing protocols assist the switch in communicating with other devices to exchange network information, maintaining routing tables, and establishing data paths.

The switch supports these dynamic IPv4 routing protocols:

Viewing IPv4 Routes and Network Components

Displaying the FIB and Routing Table

The show ip route command displays routing table entries that are in the forwarding information base (FIB), including static routes, routes to directly connected networks, and dynamically learned routes. Multiple equal-cost paths to the same prefix are displayed contiguously as a block, with the destination prefix displayed only on the first line.

The show running-config command displays configured commands not in the FIB. The show ip route summary command displays the number of routes, categorized by source, in the routing table.

  • This command displays IP routes learned through BGP.
    switch> show ip route bgp
    Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
           O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
           E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
           N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
           R - RIP, A - Aggregate
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [1/0] via
     B I [1/0] via

  • This command displays a summary of routing table contents.
    switch> show ip route summary
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    connected                   15
    static                       0
    ospf                        74
      Intra-area: 32 Inter-area:33 External-1:0 External-2:9
      NSSA External-1:0 NSSA External-2:0
    bgp                          7
      External: 6 Internal: 1
    internal                    45
    attached                    18
    aggregate                    0

Displaying the IP Route Age

The show ip route age command displays the time when the route for the specified network was present in the routing table. It does not account for changes in parameters like metrics, next hop etc.

This command displays the time since the last update to ip route
switch> show ip route age

Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
       O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
       E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
       N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
       R - RIP, I - ISIS, A - Aggregate

 B E via, age 3d01h


Displaying Gateways

A gateway is a router that provides access to another network. The gateway of last resort, also known as the default route, is the route that a packet uses when the route to its destination address is unknown. The IPv4 default route in is

The show ip route gateway command displays IP addresses of all gateways (next hops) used by active routes.

This command displays next hops used by active routes.
switch> show ip route gateway

The following gateways are in use: Vlan101 Vlan2000 Vlan2201 Vlan2302 Vlan2302 Vlan2303 Vlan2303 Vlan2418 Vlan2418 Vlan2768 Vlan3020


Displaying Host Routes

The show ip route host command displays all host routes in the host forwarding table. Host routes are those whose destination prefix is the entire address (mask = or prefix = /32). Each displayed host route is labeled with its purpose:

  • F      static routes from the FIB.
  • R     routes defined because the IP address is an interface address.
  • B      broadcast address.
  • A      routes to any neighboring host for which the switch has an ARP entry.

This command displays all host routes in the host forwarding table.
switch# show ip route host

R - receive B - broadcast F - FIB, A - attached

F to cpu
B to cpu
A on Vlan2000
R to cpu
A on Vlan2000
R to cpu
A on Vlan2901
B to cpu
B to cpu
A on Vlan2902
R to cpu

F via on Vlan3003
                via on Vlan3008
                via on Vlan3492
via on Vlan3884
                via on Vlan3000
F via on Vlan101
F via on Vlan3910
F via on Vlan3911
F via on Vlan3912


IPv4 Multicast Counters

IPv4 multicast counters allow association of IPv4 multicast routes with a packet or byte counter.

Multicast Counters Hardware Overview

This section describes a hardware overview for multicast counters, and contains the following sections.

Platform Independent Requirements for Counters

The following platform independent requirements include:
  • Enable/Disable counters.
  • Clear counters.
  • Show counters.
  • Configure counter mode for byte (default) or frame mode.

Policer Counter Overview

The switch hardware has two policer banks, each with 4k entries, and each entry has one 32-bit entry1 and one 32-bit entry2, which can be used as either a packet counter or byte counter.

In the pipeline, each bank can have one policer index coming from upstream blocks, which means different features cannot update multiple policer entries in the same bank simultaneously. Therefore, different features cannot share entries in the same bank.

Each FFU/BST entry points to a corresponding RAM in switch hardware routing. A policer index is saved in the action ram, so when installing a multicast route into hardware, the platform code will get a policer index and save it in the action field. A counter is not added to the action field if a policer index is unavailable.

Switch hardware can have multiple features competing for the policer banks. It is desirable to have a platform command to reserve policer banks dedicated to a certain feature.

The following command reserves one or two policer banks to be used only by the named feature:

[no] platform fm6000 [nat|acl|qos|multicast] policer banks <1|2>

Available bank(s) are reserved for the feature. Otherwise the command will take effect at the next reboot or FocalPointV2 agent restart. This reservation guarantees the configured number of bank(s) for this feature. However, the feature can still possibly obtain the other policer bank if it needs more, and the other bank is available.

If a feature has a pending reservation request which is not fulfilled because of availability, and some other feature frees a bank, the bank will be allocated to the pending feature.

BGP Functions Supported for Arista Switches

Arista switches support these BGP functions:
  • A single BGP instance
  • Simultaneous internal (IBGP) and external (EBGP) peering
  • Multiprotocol BGP
  • BGP Confederations

Additional Requirements

On switch hardware, the following additional requirements include:
  • Reservation of policer banks.
  • Notification of policer bank availability when a policer entry is freed by other features.

Multicast Counters iBGP and eBGP Configuration

This section describes the commands required to configure an iBGP and an eBGP topology, and contains the following sections.

Policer Usage

There are two types of counters – those created by wildcard creation and by specific creation. When a specific counter is required, and the hardware runs out of policer entries, a wildcard counter is forced to give up its policer entry.

Suppose the user configures a specific counter, and the Starter Group (SG) already has a wildcard-created counter. In that case, this counter is upgraded to a specific one, with no change in the hardware policer index. If the user configures both a wildcard counter and a specific counter for this SG and subsequently deletes the specific counter, the counter for this SG is downgraded to a wildcard, with no change in the hardware policer index. However, if another specific counter is pending for a hardware policer index, then this policer entry will be assigned to that counter due to its higher precedence.

Even if a counter is configured by the user, in order to conserve the use of hardware resources, do not allocate a policer entry until a real route (G, S) is programmed into the Frame Filtering and Forwarding Unit (FFU).

Configuring IPv4 Multicast Counters

Perform the following CLI steps to configure IPv4 multicast counters on the FM6000 platform:

  1. Execute the global configuration command:
    • no|default ip multicast count bytes| packets

    Enables wildcard counters. Also used to change bytes/packets mode. When hardware runs of resources, specific creation has priority to preempt counters from wildcard creation. The bytes | packets optional keyword enables the counter to be in either bytes mode or packets mode. This mode applies to all counters. All counter values will be reset to zero when the counter mode changes.

    • no|default ip multicast count <G> <S>

    This only takes effect when ip multicast count is enabled. Either <G> <S> or bytes|packets optional keyword is used. They can not be used concurrently.

    No | default Commands: (default is same as no)

    • no ip multicast count Deletes all multicast counters, including explicit <G> <S> routes
      • no ip multicast count <G> <S> Removes the config. Do not delete the counter because the wildcard is still active.

      • If no <G, S> is specified, all multicast routes will have counters unless the hardware runs out of resources. The creation of counters is referred to as “wildcard creation.”
      • If <G, S> is specified, only <G, S> will get a counter (and no other route). The creation of counters is referred to as “specific creation.” By default, all mcast routes will have counters allocated. This <G, S> configuration is applicable when the hardware runs out of resources. Specific <G, S> creation has priority to preempt counters from wildcard creation.

    The byte | frame optional keyword enables the counter to be in either byte mode or frame mode. This mode applies to all counters. When the counter mode changes, all counter values will be reset to zero.

    Either <G, S>, or byte | frame optional keywords are used but cannot be used together. All counters are byte|frame. The byte|frame mode is global and not applicable on a <G, S> basis.

  2. Execute clear command:
    clear ip multicast count <G> <S>

  3. Execute show command:
    show multicast fib ipv4 <G> count

    This command currently exists but does not show anything.

    This show command is intended to display the following (example):

    switch> show multicast fib ipv4 count
    Activity poll time: 60 seconds
    Byte: 123
    Vlan100 (iif)
    Activity 0:00:47 ago

    Total counts are the sum of counts from all sources in that group.

    The count value can be N/A if a mroute does not have an associated counter.

    If the count value for any source in a G is N/A, then the total counts for G will be shown as N/A. However, the count values for other sources are still shown.

Route Management

When enabling routing, the switch discovers the best route to a packet destination address by exchanging routing information with other devices. EOS disables IP routing by default.

Route Redistribution

Route redistribution advertises connected (static) routes or routes established by other routing protocols into a dynamic routing protocol routing domain. By default, the switch advertises only routes in a routing domain established by the protocol that defined the domain.

Route redistribution commands specify the scope of the redistribution action. By default, all routes from a specified protocol, or all static routes, advertise into the routing domain. Commands can filter routes by applying a route map and defining the subset of routes to advertise.

Equal Cost Multipath Routing (ECMP) and Load Sharing

Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) provides a routing strategy to forward traffic over multiple paths with equal routing metric values.

Configuring ECMP (IPv4)

EOS assigns all ECMP paths with the same tag value, and commands that change the tag value of a path also change the tag value of all paths in the ECMP route.

In a network topology using ECMP routing, hash polarization may result when all switches perform identical hash calculations. Hash polarization leads to uneven load distribution among the data paths. Switches select different hash seeds to perform hash calculations and avoid hash polarization.

The ip load-sharing command provides the hash seed with an algorithm for distributing data streams among multiple equal-cost routes to a specified subnet.

This command sets the IPv4 load sharing hash seed to 20:
switch(config)# ip load-sharing fm6000 20

Multicast Traffic Over ECMP

The switch attempts to spread outbound unicast and multicast traffic to all ECMP route paths equally. To disable the sending of multicast traffic over ECMP, use the multipath none command or the no version of the multipath deterministic command.

Resilient ECMP

Resilient ECMP uses prefixes where routes are not desired for rehashing due to link flap, typically where ECMP participates in load balancing. Resilient ECMP configures a fixed number of next-hop entries in the hardware ECMP table for all the routes within a specified IP address prefix. Implementing fixed table entries for a specified next-hop address allows the data flow hash to a valid next-hop number to remain intact even when some next-hops go down or come back online.

Enable resilient ECMP for all routes within a specified prefix using the ip hardware fib ecmp resilience

command. The command specifies the maximum number of next-hop addresses that the hardware ECMP table contains for the specified IP prefix and configures a redundancy factor that facilitates the duplication of next-hop addresses in the table. The fixed table space for the address uses the maximum number of next hops multiplied by the redundancy factor. When the table contains the maximum number of next-hop addresses, the redundancy factor specifies the number of times to list each address. When the table contains fewer than the maximum number of next-hop addresses, the table space entries fill with additional duplication of the next-hop addresses.

EOS supports resilient ECMP for IPv6 IP addresses.

This command configures a hardware ECMP table space of 24 entries for the IP address A maximum of six next-hop addresses can be specified for the IP address. When the table contains six next-hop addresses, each appears in the table four times. When the table contains fewer than six next-hop addresses, each address duplicates until filling all of the 24 table entries.
switch(config)# ip hardware fib ecmp resilience capacity 6 redundancy 4

Unequal Cost Multipath (UCMP) for Static Routes

Unequal Cost Multipath (UCMP) for Static Routes provides a mechanism to forward traffic from a device on an ECMP route with the ratio of the weights used for next-hops and program them into the Forwarding Information Database (FIB).

Configuring UCMP for Static Routes

Use the following commands to configure UCMP on the VRF, myVRF, with an FEC maximum size of 100:

switch(config)# router general
switch(config-router-general)# vrf myVRF
switch(config-router-general-vrf-myVRF)# route static ucmp forwarding fec maximum-size 100

Aggregate Group Monitoring (AGM) for ECMP

This feature allows the monitoring of packets and bytes traversing the members of the configured ECMP groups on the switch with a high time resolution. Once enabled, AGM collects data for the specified duration, writes it to the specified file on the switch storage, and then stops.

Supported Platforms

  • DCS-7260CX3

Configuring AGM for ECMP Groups

Note: You must have at least one ECMP Group configured on the switch.

To begin collecting data on the switch at 100 millisecond intervals for 1800 seconds, use the following command:

switch(config)# start snapshot counters ecmp poll interval 100 milliseconds duration 1800 seconds

Specify an optional URL to store the data. If not specified, the files store in the non-persistent storage at /var/tmp/ecmpMonitor.

If providing a URL, it must point to a valid file system. EOS allows the following file systems:

  • file - The path must start with /tmp or /tmp. The files store in the non-persistent storage.
  • flash - Files store in persistent storage.

Use the following command to interrupt the snapshot before the end of the configured duration:

switch# stop snapshot counters ecmp

To delete previous snapshots, use the following command:

switch# clear snapshot counters ecmp id_range

If you do not specify a range of IDs, then all previous snapshots delete from the system.

Displaying AGM for ECMP Information

Use the show snapshot counters ecmp history to display information about the configuration.

switch# show snapshot counters ecmp history
                                Request ID: 17
                                Output directory URL: file:/var/tmp/ecmpMonitor
                                Output file name(s): ecmpMonitor-17-adj1284.ctr, ecmpMonitor-17-adj1268.ctr
                                Complete: True
                                Poll interval: 1000 microseconds
                                Total poll count: 59216
                                Start time: 2024-06-17 17:58:36
                                Stop time: 2024-06-17 17:59:36
                                L2 Adjacency ID    Interfaces
                                --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------              
                                1268                  Ethernet54/1, Ethernet41/1, Ethernet1/1, Ethernet57/1
                                1284                  Ethernet20/1, Ethernet35/1, Ethernet41/1, Ethernet8/1, Ethernet1/1

The output displays the list of previous snapshots including any current ones as well as the following information:

  • Request ID - Identifies the snapshot Request ID to use for the clear command.
  • Output directory URL - Identifies the snapshot storage location.
  • Complete - Identifies the snapshot completion status.
  • Poll Interval - Identifies the configured polling interval for the snapshot.
  • Total poll count - Identifies the total number of hardware counters collected.d
  • Start time and Stopped time - Identifies the system time when the snapshot started and stopped.
  • L2 Adjacency ID and Interfaces - The summary of the ECMP groups monitored by AGM.

Resilient Equal-Cost Multi-Path(RECMP) Deduping

Routes covered by a Resilient Equal-Cost Multi-Path (RECMP) prefix consists of routes that use hardware tables dedicated for Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) routing. Resilient ECMP (RECMP) deduping reduces the number of ECMP hardware table entries allocated by the switch to force the routes with the same set of next hops but point to different hardware table entries and point to the same hardware table entry when encountering high hardware resource utilization. Forcing RECMP routes to change the hardware table entry that they point to may potentially cause a traffic flow disruption for any existing flows going over that route. The deduping process attempts to minimize the amount of potential traffic loss.

Each route needs to allocate hardware table entries in the ASIC that contain forwarding information for the route, such as the next-hops and egress links used by each next-hop uses. The network device uses these hardware table entries when making forwarding decisions for a packet meant for a certain route. These ECMP hardware tables have limited size and can fill up quickly if allocating a large number of these hardware table entries. One option to ease the usage of these hardware tables can force RECMP routes to share hardware table entries.

RECMP routes can point to the same hardware table entry if they share the same set of next hops and the order of the next-hops. However, RECMP routes may end up sharing the same set of next-hops, but the next-hop ordering may be different between them, and the routes end up occupying different hardware table entries in the ASIC. RECMP routing has a property where the current ordering of next-hops for a given route can be influenced by the previous order. The ordering between the routes can differ because these routes had a different set of next hops at some previous time before they finally converged onto the same set of next-hops.

When the ECMP hardware resource usage crosses the high threshold, the deduping process begins, and it lasts until the ECMP hardware resource usage falls below the low threshold. Use the ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization thresholds command to modify the thresholds.

Configuring Resilient ECMP Deduping
EOS disabled Resilient ECMP Deduping by default.
  • Use the following command to disable all the hardware resource optimization features:
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization disabled

  • Use the following command to re-enable the all hardware resource optimization features after disabling them:
    switch(config)# no ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization disabled

  • Use the following command to configure the thresholds for starting and stopping the optimization:
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization thresholds low <20> high <80>
  • The value specified for the threshold represents the percentage of resource utilization, and uses an integer between 0 and 100.
  • Setting the high threshold to 80 indicates that optimization starts when the resource utilization is above 80%. The default value of this threshold is 90.
  • Setting the low threshold to 20 indicates that optimization stops when the resource utilization is below 20%. The default value of this threshold is 85.
Show Commands
  • The show ip hardware fib summary command displays the statistics of this RECMP deduping:


    switch# show ip hardware fib summary
    Fib summary
    Adjacency sharing: disabled
    BFD peer event: enabled
    Deletion Delay: 0
    Protect default route: disabled
    PBR: supported
    URPF: supported
    ICMP unreachable: enabled
    Max Ale ECMP: 600
    UCMP weight deviation: 0.0
    Maximum number of routes: 0
    Fib compression: disabled
    Resource optimization for adjacency programming: enabled
    Adjacency resource optimization thresholds: low 20, high 80

    The last two lines of the output shows if RECMP deduping is enabled, and the corresponding threshold values for starting and stopping the optimization process.

  • The show hardware capacity command displays the utilization of the hardware resources. The example below shows the multi-level hierarchy ECMP resources:
    switch# show hardware capacity
    Forwarding Resources Usage
    Table    Feature         Chip    Used     Used    Free	Committed    Best Case    High
                                     Entries  (%)     Entries    Entries      Max          Watermark
    ------- --------------- ------- -------- ------- --------   ------------ ------------ ---------
    ECMP                            0        0%     4095        0     	 4095         0
    ECMP     Mpls                   0        0%     4095        0     	 4095         0
    ECMP     Routing                0        0%     4095        0     	 4095         0
    ECMP     VXLANOverlay           0        0%     4095        0     	 4095         0
    ECMP     VXLANTunnel            0        0%     3891        0     	 3891         0

  • With RECMP deduping, optimization of a sub-optimal ECMP route requires releasing and reallocating hardware resources for the route. Therefore the process may increase overall convergence time for route programming. It may not be desirable to always start the optimization when the sufficent hardware resource existt. The threshold value for starting the optimization should be adjusted based on the route scale of the network.

  • The deduping of ECMP hardware resources may cause potential traffic flow disruption for traffic flows going over RECMP routes with changing hardware table entries. While the deduping process tries to minimize the amount of traffic flow disruption, it is still sometimes inevitable.

  • RECMP hardware table entries can only be deduped to other RECMP hardware table entries that share the same set of nexthops. This puts a limit to the amount of RECMP hardware table entries that can be reduced to the number of RECMP hardware table entries with unique nexthop sets.

Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF)

Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) verifies the accessibility of source IP addresses in forwarded packets from a switch. When uRPF determines that the routing table does not contain an entry with a valid path to the packet source IP address, the switch drops the packet.

IPv4 and IPv6 uRPF operate independently. Configure uRPF on a VRF. Commands that do not specify a VRF utilize the default instance. uRPF does not affect multicast routing.

uRPF defines two operational modes:

  • Strict mode - In strict mode, uRPF also verifies that a received packet on the interface with the routing table entry uses that entry for the return packet.
  • Loose mode - uRPF validation does not verify the inbound packet ingress interface.

uRPF Operation

Configure uRPF on interfaces. For packets arriving on a uRPF-enabled interface, the source IP address examines the source and destination addresses of unicast routing table entries and verifies it.

uRPF requires a reconfigured routing table to support IP address verification. When enabling uRPF for the first time, unicast routing becomes briefly disabled to facilitate the routing table reconfiguration. The initial enabling of uRPF does not affect multicast routing.

A packet fails uRPF verification if the table does not contain an entry whose source or destination address that matches the packet’s source IP address. In strict mode, the uRPF also fails when the matching entry’s outbound interface does not match the packet’s ingress interface.

uRPF does not verify the following packets:
  • DHCP with a source that uses and a destination uses
  • IPv6 link local in the following format -FE80::/10.
  • Multicast packets


When verifying ECMP routes, strict mode checks all possible paths to determine the correct interface receives the packet. ECMP groups with a maximum of eight routing table entries support strict mode. The switch reverts to loose mode for ECMP groups that exceed eight entries.

Default Routes

uRPF strict mode provides an allow-default option that accepts default routes. On interfaces that enable allow-default and define a default route, uRPF strict mode validates a packet even when the routing table does not contain an entry that matches the packet’s source IP address. If not enabling allow-default, uRPF does not consider the default route when verifying an inbound packet.

Null Routes

NULL0 routes drop traffic destined to a specified prefix. When enabling uRPF, traffic originating from null route prefixes drops in strict and loose modes.

uRPF Configuration

Enable Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) for IPv4 packets ingressing the configuration mode interface using the ip verify command.

Note: uRPF cannot be enabled on interfaces with ECMP member FECs.

  • This command enables uRPF loose mode on interface vlan 17.
    switch(config)# interface vlan 17
    switch(config-if-Vl17)# ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
    switch(config-if-Vl17)# show active
     interface Vlan17
       ip verify unicast source reachable-via any

  • This command enables uRPF strict mode on interface vlan 18.
    switch(config)# interface vlan 18
    switch(config-if-Vl18)# ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx
    switch(config-if-Vl18)# show active
     interface Vlan18
       ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx

Routing Tables / Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)

An IP routing table is a data table that lists the routes to network destinations and metrics (distances) associated with those routes. A routing table is also known as a Routing Information Base (RIB).

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) allows traffic separation by maintaining multiple routing tables. Arista switches support multiple VRF instances:

  • A default global VRF
  • Multiple user-defined VRFs
The number of user-defined VRFs supported varies by platform. VRFs can be used as management or data plane VRFs.
  • Management VRFs have routing disabled and typically used for management-related traffic.
  • Dataplane VRFs have routing enabled and support routing protocols and packet forwarding, including both hardware and software.

Trident, FM6000, and Arad platform switches support dataplane VRFs.

VRFs support unicast IPv4 and IPv6 traffic and multicast traffic. Loopback, SVI, and routed ports may be added to VRFs. Management ports may be added without any hardware forwarding.

To allow overlap in the sets of IP addresses used by different VRF instances, a Route Distinguisher (RD) may be prepended to each address. RFC4364 defines RDs.

Default VRF

EOS creates the default VRF automatically and you cannot renamed or configure it. Some configuration options accept default as a VRF input.

User-Defined VRFs

Create a user-defined VRF with the vrf instance command. After creating it, a VRF may be assigned a Route Distinguisher (RD) with the rd (VRF configuration mode) command in the VRF submode of Router-BGP Configuration Mode.

  • These commands create a VRF named purple, place the switch in BGP VRF configuration mode for that VRF, and specify a route distinguisher for the VRF, identifying the administrator as AS 530, and assigning 12 as its local number.
    switch(config)# vrf instance purple
    switch(config-vrf-purple)# router bgp 50
    switch(config-router-bgp)# vrf purple
    switch(config-router-bgp-vrf-purple)# rd 530:12

  • To add interfaces to a user-defined VRF, enter configuration mode for the interface and use the vrf (Interface mode) command. Loopback, SVI, and routed ports can be added to a VRF.
    These commands add vlan 20 to the VRF named purple.
    switch(config)# interface vlan 20
    switch(config-if-Vl20)# vrf purple

  • The show vrf command shows information about user-defined VRFs on the switch.
    This command displays information for the VRF named purple.
    switch# show vrf purple
    Vrf     RD         Protocols  State       Interfaces
    ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------
    purple  64496:237  ipv4       no routing  Vlan42, Vlan43

rd (VRF configuration mode)

The rd command issued in VRF Configuration Mode is a legacy command supported for backward compatibility. To configure a Route Distinguisher (RD) for a VRF, use the rd (VRF configuration mode) command.

Note: Legacy RDs that were assigned to a VRF in VRF Configuration Mode will still appear in show vrf outputs if an RD has not been configured in Router-BGP VRF Configuration Mode, but they no longer have an effect on the system.

Context-Active VRF

The context-active VRF specifies the default VRF commands to use when displaying or refreshing routing table data.

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF.

This command specifies magenta as the context-active VRF.
switch# cli vrf magenta
switch# show routing-context vrf
Current VRF routing-context is magenta

The show routing-context vrf command displays the context-active VRF.

This command displays the context-active VRF.
switch# show routing-context vrf
Current VRF routing-context is magenta

RIB Route Control

The Routing Information Base (RIB) consists of the routing information learned by the routing protocols, including static routes. The Forwarding Information Base (FIB) consists of the routes actually used to forward traffic through a router.

Forwarding Information Base (FIB) performs IP destination prefix-based switching decisions. Similar to a routing table, the FIB maintains the forwarding information for the winning routes from the RIB. When routing or topology changes occur in the network, the IP routing table information updates, and reflects the changes in the FIB.

Configuring FIB policy

The RIB calculates the best or winning routes to each destination and place these routes in the forwarding table. Then advertises the best routes based on the configured FIB policy.

For example, a FIB policy can be configured to deny the routes for FIB programming, however, it does not prevent these routes fromadvertising a routing protocol, or redistributed into another routing domain, or used for recursive resolution in the IP RIB. FIB policies control the size and content of the routing tables, and the best route to take to reach a destination.

Use the rib ipv4 | ipv6 fib policy command to enable an FIB policy for a specific VRF in the Router General Configuration Mode.

EOS supports the following match statements:
  • match interface
  • match [ ip | ipv6 ] address prefix-list
  • match [ ip | ipv6 ] resolved-next-hop prefix-list
  • match isis level
  • match metric
  • match source-protocol

The following example enables FIB policy for IPv4 in the default VRF, using the route map, map1.
switch(config)# router general
switch(config-router-general)# vrf default 
switch(config-router-general-vrf-default)# rib ipv4 fib policy map1

Displaying FIB Information

Use the show rib route <ipv4|ipv6> fib policy exclude command to display the RIB information. The fib policy excluded option displays the RIB routes excluded from programming into the FIB by the FIB policy.

The following example displays the routes filtered by FIB policy using the fib policy excluded option of the show rib route ip|ipv6 command.
switch# show rib route ipv6 fib policy excluded
switch# show rib route ip bgp fib policy excluded

VRF name: default, VRF ID: 0xfe, Protocol: bgp
Codes: C - Connected, S - Static, P - Route Input
       B - BGP, O - Ospf, O3 - Ospf3, I - Isis
       > - Best Route, * - Unresolved Nexthop
       L - Part of a recursive route resolution loop
>B [200/0]
         via [115/20] type tunnel
            via, Ethernet1
         via [115/20] type tunnel
            via, Ethernet2
            via, Ethernet3 
>B [200/0]
         via [115/20] type tunnel
            via, Ethernet1
         via [115/20] type tunnel 
            via, Ethernet2
            via, Ethernet3 

Displaying RIB Route Information

Use the show rib route ip command to view the IPv4 RIB information.


This command displays IPv4 RIB static routes.

switch# show rib route ip static

VRF name: default, VRF ID: 0xfe, Protocol: static
Codes: C - Connected, S - Static, P - Route Input
       B - BGP, O - Ospf, O3 - Ospf3, I - Isis
       > - Best Route, * - Unresolved Nexthop
       L - Part of a recursive route resolution loop
>S [1/0]
         via [0/1]
            via Management1, directly connected
>S [1/0]
         via [0/1]
            via Management1, directly connected


IPv4 Route Scale

Optimize IPv4 routes to achieve route scale when route distribution has many routes with one or two parameters, and each parameter consisting of prefix lengths 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32. If configuring two separate prefix lengths, in any order, one must have the prefix length of 32.

Note: IPv4 Route Scale cannot be used with AlgoMatch.

The following sections describe IPv4 route scale configuration, show commands, and system log messages:

Configuring IPv4 Route Scale

Enable IPv4 route scale using the ip hardware fib optimize command in the Global Configuration Mode. The platform Layer 3 agentrestarts to ensure IPv4 routes optimization with the agent SandL3Unicast terminate command in the Global Configuration Mode.

This configuration command allows configuring prefix lengths 12 and 32.
switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 12 32
! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

One of the two prefixes uses a prefix-length of 32 required in the instance when using two prefixes. For this command to take effect, you must restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure IPv4 route optimization.
switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
SandL3Unicast was terminated

Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes and then re-adds them to the hardware.

This configuration command allows configuring prefix lengths 32 and 16.
switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 32 16
! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

One of the two prefixes uses a prefix-length of 32 required in the instance when using two prefixes. For this command to take effect, you must restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure IPv4 route optimization.
    switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes and then re-adds them to the hardware.

  • This configuration command allows configuring prefix length 24.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 24
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

In this instance, when configuring a single prefix-length, the configuration does not require a prefix-length of 32. For this command to take effect, you must restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure IPv4 route optimization.
    switch(config)#agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes and then re-adds them to the hardware.

  • This configuration command allows configuring the prefix length 32.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 32
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

    For this command to take effect, you must restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure IPv4 route optimization.
    switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes and then re-adds them to the hardware.

  • This configuration command disables the prefix lengths 12 and 32 configuration.
    switch(config)#no ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 12 32
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are not optimized

One of the two prefixes uses a prefix-length of 32 required in the instance when using two prefixes. For this command to take effect, you must restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure no IPv4 route optimization.
    switch(config)#agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes and then re-adds them to the hardware.

  • This configuration command attempts to configure the prefix lengths 20 and 28 which triggers an error exception. One of the two prefixes in this command must be a prefix-length of 32 required when adding two prefixes.
    switch(config)#ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 20 28
    % One of the prefix lengths must be 32

IPv4 routes of certain prefix lengths can be optimized for enhanced route scale. The following command disables prefix optimization on the specified VRF(s) to provide more flexibility.

  • This configuration command disables prefix optimization on the default VRF.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize disable-vrf default
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure that the disable-vrf option change takes effect

  • This configuration command disables prefix optimization on VRFs named vrf1 and vrf2.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize disable-vrf vrf1 vrf2
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure that the disable-vrf option change takes effect

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure that the disable-vrf configuration takes effect.
    switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

  • This configuration command enables prefix optimization on the default VRF.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize vrf default prefix-length 32
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

  • This configuration command enables prefix optimization on VRFs named vrf1 and vrf2.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize vrf vrf1 vrf2 prefix-length 32
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

  • This configuration command disables optimization on vrf1 and vrf2 optimization configured in above example.
    switch(config)# no ip hardware fib optimize vrf vrf1
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

The platform trident forwarding-table partition flexible command enables ALPM Mode in Flexible UFT mode using a subset of resources, so ALPM and Exact Match can coexist.

  • This configuration command sets up the flexible partition.
    switch(config)# platform trident forwarding-table partition flexible ?
      alpm         Shared UFT bank entries for the ALPM table
      exact-match  Shared UFT bank entries for the exact-match table
      l2-shared    Shared UFT bank entries for the MAC table
      l3-shared    Shared UFT bank entries for the host table

  • ALPM gives the route prefix in DEFIM (TCAM table for longest prefix matched (LPM) lookup) and ALPM tables.
    switch(config)# platform trident forwarding-table partition flexible alpm ?
      184320  Upto 180K LPM routes
      368640  Upto 360K LPM routes

Note: The size parameter has following values:
  • DCS-7300X3: 180k and 360k are accepted.
  • CCS-720XP: 144k and 96k are accepted.
  • Other sizes are invalid.

IPv4 Routescale with 2-to-1 Compression

The IPv4 routescale with2-to-1 compression optimizes certain prefix lengths and enhances the route scale capabilities on 7500R, 7280R, 7500R2, and 7280R2 platforms. The compression is best suited to achieve route scale when route distribution has a large number of routes of one or two prefix lengths.

Configuring IPv4 Routescale 2-to-1 Compression

Use the compress command to increase the hardware resources available for the specified prefix length. This command allows configuring up to one compressed prefix length, and this command is supported only on 7500R, 7280R, 7500R2, and 7280R2 platforms.

Note: The compress command takes effect only when you restart the platform Layer3 agent on 7500R, 7280R, 7500R2, and 7280R2 platforms. Use command agent SandL3Unicast terminate to restart the platform Layer3 agent.

  • In the following example we are configuring prefix length 20 and 24, expanding prefix length 19 and 23, and compressing prefix length 25.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize prefix-length 20 24 expand 19 23 compress 25
     ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

  • In the following example we are configuring prefix length 20 and 23, expanding prefix length 19, compressing prefix length 24.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize prefix-length 20 23 expand 19 compress 24
     ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

  • Optionally, you can also use the internet profile to configure the IPv4 route scale compression.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize prefixes profile internet
     ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

Configure a new TCAM profile for the compress configuration to work, and disable a few features in the new TCAM profile to make space for the flex-route feature in the hardware. Features like acl vlan ip and the mirror ip have to be disabled, if you need any of these features or any other features to be enabled with flex-route feature, contact the Arista team.

The internet profile works differently based on whether the flex-route feature is enabled in the TCAM profile or not. If the flex-route feature is enabled, the internet profile behaves like ip hardware fib optimize prefix-length 20 23 expand 19 22 compress 24. If the flex-route feature is disabled, the internet profile behaves as ip hardware fib optimize prefix-length 20 24 expand 19 23.

switch(config)# hardware tcam
switch(config-hw-tcam)# profile flex-route copy default
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-flex-route)# feature flex-route copy system-feature-source-profile
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-flex-route-feature-flex-route)# exit
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-flex-route)# no feature acl vlan ip
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-flex-route)# no feature mirror ip
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-flex-route)# exit
Saving new profile 'flex-route'
switch(config-hw-tcam)# system profile flex-route


  • A maximum of two prefix lengths can be optimized directly at any point of time, of which only one can be a non-nibble aligned prefix length. Additional prefix lengths can be optimized using the expand or the compress options.

  • A maximum of 1-to-4 way expansion and 2-to-1 way compression into any optimized prefix length is supported. Multiple expansion prefix lengths can be programmed at any time, however, there can be just one compression prefix length programmed at any given point in time.

  • A maximum of 4096 next-hops can be reliably pointed to by the compressed prefixes using 2-to-1 way compression.

  • The 2-to-1 compression cannot be enabled along with unicast RPF. When both features are enabled together, unicast RPF functionality may not be correct.

  • The flex-route feature in TCAM profiles based only on the default profile, while disabling the acl vlan ip and the mirror ip features. Contact the Arista team if any other feature, that is not available in the default TCAM profile, is required to be supported along with the flex-route feature, including support for Mirror to GRE tunnel or ACLs on SVI.

  • VXLAN is not supported with the compress option of this feature. There is no Syslog or a warning message when VXLAN is configured along with the 2-to-1 way compression feature.

Show Commands

Display the IPv4 route scale summary using the show platform arad ip route summary command in the Global Configuration Mode. Resources for all IPv4 route scale routes are displayed by the show platform arad ip route command for the Global Configuration Mode.

  • This command displays hardware resource usage for IPv4 routes.
    switch(config)# show platform arad ip route summary
    Total number of VRFs: 1
    Total number of routes: 25
    Total number of route-paths: 21
    Total number of lem-routes: 4

  • This command shows resources for all IPv4 routes in hardware. Routes that use the additional hardware resources appear with an asterisk (*).
    switch(config)# show platform arad ip route
    Tunnel Type: M(mpls), G(gre)
    * - Routes in LEM
    |                              Routing Table                                      |             |
    |VRF|  Destination   |     |                   |    |Acl  |                 |ECMP | FEC | Tunnel
    |ID |    Subnet      | Cmd |    Destination    |VID |Label| MAC / CPU Code  |Index|Index|T Value
    |0  |       |TRAP |CoppSystemL3DstMiss|0   | -   |ArpTrap          |  -  |1030 |   -  
    |0  |    |TRAP |CoppSystemIpBcast  |0   | -   |BcastReceive     |  -  |1032 |   -  
    |0  |    |TRAP |CoppSystemIpUcast  |0   | -   |Receive          |  -  |32766|   -  
    |0  ||TRAP |CoppSystemIpBcast  |0   | -   |BcastReceive     |  -  |1032 |   -  
    |0  ||TRAP |CoppSystemIpBcast  |0   | -   |BcastReceive     |  -  |1032 |   -  
    |0  |    |TRAP |CoppSystemL3DstMiss|1007| -   |ArpTrap          |  -  |1029 |   -  
    |0  |       |TRAP |CoppSystemL3LpmOver|0   | -   |SlowReceive      |  -  |1024 |   -  
    |0  |*     |ROUTE|Et10               |1007| -   |00:01:00:02:00:03|  -  |1033 |   -  
    |0  |*  |ROUTE|Et9                |1006| -   |00:01:00:02:00:03|  -  |1027 |   -

IP Source Guard

IP Source Guard (IPSG) prevents IP spoofing attacks.

IP Source Guard (IPSG) filters inbound IP packets based on the source MAC and IP addresses. Hardware supports IPSG. IPSG enabled on a Layer 2 port verifies IP packets received on this port. EOS permits packets if each packet source MAC and IP addresses match user-configured IP-MAC binding entries on the receiving VLAN and port. EOS drops packets with no match immediately.

Configuring IPSG

IPSG applies only to Layer 2 ports, and you enable it using the ip verify source command for the Global Configuration Mode. When configured on Layer 3 ports, IPSG does not take effect until this interface converts to Layer 2.

Layer 2 Port-Channels, not member ports, support IPSG. The IPSG configuration on port channels supersedes the configuration on the physical member ports. Therefore, source IP MAC binding entries should be configured on port channels using the ip source binding command. When configured on a port channel member port, IPSG does not take effect until deleting this port from the port channel configuration.

  • These configuration commands exclude VLAN IDs 1 through 3 from IPSG filtering. When enabled on a trunk port, IPSG filters the inbound IP packets on all allowed VLANs. IP packets received on VLANs 4 through 10 on ethernet 36 filter using IPSG, while those received on VLANs 1 through 3 are permitted.
    switch(config)# no ip verify source vlan 1-3
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 36
    switch(config-if-Et36)# switchport mode trunk
    switch(config-if-Et36)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-10
    switch(config-if-Et36)# ip verify source

  • This configuration command configures source IP-MAC binding entries to IP address, MAC address 0000.aaaa.1111, VLAN ID 4094, and interface ethernet 36.
    switch(config)# ip source binding 0000.aaaa.1111 vlan 4094 interface ethernet 36

DHCP Server Show Commands

Use the show dhcp server command to display DHCP server information.
  • DHCPv4 display example:
    switch# show dhcp server ipv4
    IPv4 DHCP Server is active
    Debug log is enabled
    DNS server(s):
    DNS domain name: domainFoo
    Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
    TFTP server:
    serverFoo (Option 66) (Option 150)
    TFTP file: fileFoo
    Active Leases: 1
    IPv4 DHCP interface status:
       Interface   Status
       Ethernet1   Inactive (Could not determine VRF)
       Ethernet2   Inactive (Not in default VRF)
       Ethernet3   Inactive (Kernel interface not created yet)
       Ethernet4   Inactive (Not up)
       Ethernet5   Inactive (No IP address)
       Ethernet6   Active
    Vendor information:
    Vendor ID: default
      Sub-options         Data       
    ---------------- ----------------
    Vendor ID: vendorFoo
      Sub-options       Data       
    ---------------- -----------
          3            “Foo”
    Subnet name: subnetFoo
    Range: to
    DNS server(s):
    Lease duration: 3 days 3 hours 3 minutes
    Default gateway address:
    TFTP server:
    subnetServerFoo (Option 66) (Option 150)
    TFTP boot file: subnetFileFoo
    Active leases: 1
    MAC address: 1a1b.1c1d.1e1f
    IPv4 address:
    MAC address: 2a2b.2c2d.2e2f    
    IPv4 address:

  • For DHCPv6, there are two additional fields in subnet information output, Direct field and the Relay field. These two fields specify if the DHCP Server is accepting broadcast or relayed messages.

    The Direct field displays Active when the subnet matches the interface with DHCPv6 configured. This indicates the server is accepting broadcast messages.

    The Direct field displays Inactive when there is another existing subnet already matching the interface, or when the subnet matches more than one DHCP configured interface.

    Examples of outputs for the DHCPv6 show dhcp server command:

    In this example, DHCPv6 is configured with subnet fe80::/10 while being enabled on Ethernet1 with address fe80::1/64 and on Ethernet3 with address fe80::2/64.
    switch# show dhcp server ipv6
    IPv6 DHCP server is active
    Debug log is enabled                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS server(s): fe80::6                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS domain name: testaristanetworks.com                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Lease duration: 1 days 3 hours 30 minutes                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Active leases: 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    IPv6 DHCP interface status:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
       Interface    Status                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    --------------- ------                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
       Ethernet1    Active
       Ethernet3    Active                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Subnet: fe80::/10                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Subnet name: foo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Range: fe80::1 to fe80::3
    DNS server(s): fe80::4 fe80::5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    Direct: Inactive (Multiple interfaces match this subnet: Ethernet1 Ethernet3)
    Relay: Active                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
    Active leases: 0

  • This example illustrates when multiple subnets match an interface. In this example, DHCPv6 is configured with subnets fc00::/7 and fe80::/10 while being enabled on Ethernet1 with address fe80::1/10 and fc00::1/7.
    switch# show dhcp server ipv6
    IPv6 DHCP server is active                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS server(s):  fc00::2                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS domain name: testaristanetworks.com                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Lease duration: 1 days 3 hours 30 minutes                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Active leases: 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    IPv6 DHCP interface status:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
       Interface    Status                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    --------------- ------                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
       Ethernet1    Active                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Subnet: fc00::/7                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Subnet name: foo                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    Range: fc00::1 to fc00::5                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    DNS server(s): fc00::6 fc00::8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    Direct: Inactive (This and other subnets match interface Ethernet1)
    Relay: Active
    Active leases: 0
    Subnet: fe80::/10                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Subnet name: bar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    Direct: Inactive (This and other subnets match interface Ethernet1)
    Relay: Active
    Active leases: 0

  • When a subnet is disabled, the show dhcp server command displays the disable message with a reason. The number of active leases of the disabled subnets will be 0. In this example, there are overlapping subnets.
    switch# show dhcp server
    IPv4 DHCP Server is active
    DNS server(s):
    Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
    Active Leases: 0
    IPv4 DHCP interface status:
       Interface   Status
       Ethernet1   Active
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - overlapping subnet
    Range: to
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - overlapping subnet
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0

  • In this example, the display output shows overlapping ranges.
    switch# show dhcp server
    IPv4 DHCP Server is active
    DNS server(s):
    Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
    Active Leases: 0
    IPv4 DHCP interface status:
       Interface   Status
       Ethernet1   Active
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - range overlaps with an existing pool)
    Range: to
    Range: to
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0

  • This example shows duplicate static IP address reservation.
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - ipv4-address is reserved more than once)
    Subnet name:
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0
    MAC address: 1a1b.1c1d.1e1f    
    IPv4 address:
    MAC address: 2a2b.2c2d.2e2f    
    IPv4 address:

  • Use the show dhcp server leases command to display detailed information about the IP addresses allocated by the DHCP Server (including the IP address, the expected end time for that address, the time when the address is handed out, and the equivalent MAC address).
    switch# show dhcp server leases
    End: 2019/06/20 17:44:34 UTC
    Last transaction: 2019/06/19 17:44:34 UTC
    MAC address: 5692.4c67.460a
    End: 2019/06/20 18:06:33 UTC                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    Last transaction: 2019/06/20 14:36:33 UTC                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    MAC address: 165a.a86d.ffac

DHCP Server

The router with DHCP Server enabled acts as a server that allocates and delivers network addresses with desired configuration parameters to its hosts.

The DHCP server is based on ISC Kea.

The router with an DHCP Server enabled acts as a server that allocates and delivers network addresses with desired configuration parameters to its hosts.

DHCP Server support includes:

DHCPv4 support includes:
  • Configurable on different interfaces: Routed, VLAN, LAG, Sub-interface, and LAG Sub-interface.
  • Configurable lease time for allocated network addresses.
  • Configurable DNS domain.
  • Configurable DNS servers.
  • Configurable subnets with parameters:
    • Default gateway
    • DNS servers
    • Ranges
    • Lease time

Additional features for DHCPv4 include:
  • Configurable TFTP server
  • Configurable TFTP bootfile

Additional features for DHCPv4 includes:
  • Configurable Vendor options with sub options
  • Configurable sub option types include: IPv4 address, array of IPv4 addresses, and string
  • TFTP bootfile now supports an URI

Additional features for DHCPv4 include a configurable static IP address for exclusive use by a given client, based on the client’s MAC address.

Example deployment:

DHCP Server on an aggregation switch, via VXLAN tunnels.

DHCP Server Overview

The dhcp server command configures an Ethernet interface on a switch with DHCP server enabled. Configure the following features on all platforms:

  • Interfaces including Routed, VLANs, LAG, Sub-interface, and LAG Sub-interface
  • Lease time for allocated network addresses
  • DNS domains
  • DNS servers
  • Subnets with parameters:
    • Default gateway
    • DNS servers
    • Ranges
    • Lease time

  • TFTP Server-Name (DHCP option 66 )
  • TFTP server Bootfile-Name (DHCP option 67)
  • List of TFTP servers (DHCP option 150)
  • Vendor options with suboptions (DHCP option 43)
  • Suboptions including IPv4 address, array of IPv4 addresses, and string.
  • TFTP server Bootfile-Name (DHCP option 67) with support for an URI.
  • Configurable static IP address for exclusive use by a given client, based on the client MAC address.

Note: Only supported on a default VRF.

Minimal DHCP Server Configuration

The following displays a DHCP server enabled for IPv4 on Ethernet1 and IPv6 on Ethernet 2.

switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dhcp server ipv4
switch(config)# interface ethernet 2
switch(config-if-Et2)# dhcp server ipv6

The following file extract displays a minimal working configuration for DHCP IPv4.

interface Ethernet1
no switchport
dhcp server ipv4
ip address
dhcp server

The following file extract displays a minimal working configuration for DHCP IPv6.

interface Vlan1409
dhcp server ipv6
ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:10::1/64/10
dhcp server
subnet 2001:db8:0:10::/64
range 2001:db8:0:10::1000 2001:db8:0:10::1fff

Configuring DHCP Servers

The DHCP server options configured globally per address family apply to all subnets. Access the following commands under the config-dhcp-server level.

The following command enters the DHCP server global configuration mode.

switch# configure
switch(config)# dhcp server

Use the following command to disable the DHCP server.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# disabled

Use the following commands to configure the DNS servers. Only two servers can be configured globally per address family.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# dns server ipv4
switch(config-dhcp-server)# dns server ipv6 2001:db8:0:10::53 2001:db8:0:10::5353

The following commands configure the domain names for allocated IP addresses. For example, add a domain with the name podV4.example.com for DHCPv4 and a domain with the name podV6.example.com for DHCPv6.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# dns domain name ipv4 podV4.example.com
switch(config-dhcp-server)# dns domain name ipv6 podV6.example.com

The following commands configure lease time for the allocated IP addresses. For example, configure the lease time as one (1) day.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# lease time ipv4 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
switch(config-dhcp-server)# lease time ipv6 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes

The following command configures the TFTP Server-Name. The server can be in the form of either an IPv4 address or a fully qualified domain name and only available in DHCPv4. For example, configure the TFTP server with the IPv4 address,

switch(config-dhcp-server)# tftp server option 66 ipv4

The following command configures the TFTP Servers.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# tftp server option 150 ipv4

The following command configures the TFTP Server Bootfile-Name, only available in DHCPv4.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# tftp server file ipv4 bootfile.conf

The following command configures Vendor specific option. To enter the Vendor option submode config-dhcp-vendor-ipv4 from config-dhcp-server config mode, specify a vendor class identifier, only available in DHCPv4. For example, Vendor option for clients with vendor class identifier vendorClassIDA.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# vendor-option ipv4 vendorClassIDA

The following command configures default. If you do not configure the default, the DHCP Server sends the configured Vendor option to clients requesting a Vendor option with a vendor class identifier that does not match any configured Vendor option.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# vendor-option ipv4 default

The following command configures suboptions for the Vendor. The configuration sends the resulting Vendor option in a hexadecimal format to the desired client. The output displays aVendor option with a suboption with IPv4 address, for clients with the vendor class identifier vendorClassIDA, resulting in Vendor option 1:4:c0:0:2:8.

Sub option number is 1
Length of the Data is 4
Data is c0:0:2:8
dhcp server
vendor-option ipv4 vendorClassIDA
sub-option 1 type ipv4-address data

The following command configures the Vendor option with IPv4 addresses and, for clients with the vendor class identifier vendorClassIDA, resulting in the Vendor option fe:8:c0:0:2:8:c0:0:2:9.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# vendor-option ipv4 vendorClassIDA sub-option 254 type array ipv4-address data 

The following command configures Vendor option with a string “vendor”, for all clients whose vendor class identifier does not match any configured Vendor option, resulting in Vendor option 1e:3:46:4f:4f..

switch(config-dhcp-server)# vendor-option ipv4 default sub-option 30 type string data "vendor"

The following command sets up Vendor option holding two suboptions, suboption 1 holds the IPv4 address, and suboption 2 holds a string “vendor”, for all clients whose vendor class identifier does not match any configured Vendor option, resulting in Vendor option 1:4:c0:0:2:8:2:3:46:4f:4f.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# vendor-option ipv4 default sub-option 1 type ipv4-address data sub-option 2 type string data “vendor"

Configuring DHCP Server Subnets

DHCP Server settings can also be configured per subnet and overrides the DHCP Server global mode configurations. There can be multiple subnets configured, but they must not overlap. EOS disables overlapping subnets.

The following command enters DHCP Server subnet mode under the IPv4 address family.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet

The following command enters DHCP Server subnet mode under IPv6 address family.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet 2001:db8:0:10::/64

The following command configures the name of the subnet. For example, name subnetV4 for DHCPv4 and subnetV6 for DHCPv6.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet name subnetV4
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet 2001:db8:0:10::/64 name subnetV6

The following command configures range of IP addresses of the subnet. The range must be within the subnet mask, otherwise the subnet becomes disabled.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet range
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet 2001:db8:0:10::/64 range 2001:db8:0:10::1000 2001:db8:0:10::1fff

The following command configures the DNS servers for a subnet. Configure up to 2 servers per subnet.

switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet dns server
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet 2001:db8:0:10::/64 dns server 2001:db8:0:10::10 2001:db8:0:10::11

The following command configures the lease time for allocated IP addresses of the subnet.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet lease time ipv4 3 days 0 hours 0 minutes
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet fe80::/10 lease time ipv4 3 days 0 hours 0 minutes

The following command configures the default-gateway for a subnet.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet default-gateway

The following command configures the TFTP Server-Name for a subnet. The server can be in the form of either an IPv4 address or a fully qualified domain name, but can only be configured for DHCPv4.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet tftp server option 66 subnet-tftp.example.com

The following command configures a list of TFTP servers. The server can only be in the form of an IP address, but can only be configured for DHCPv4.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet tftp server option 150

The following command configures the TFTP server Bootfile-Name for a subnet, but can only be configured for DHCPv4.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet tftp server file subnet-bootfile.conf

The following command configures a static IP address for exclusive use by a client. Enter the dhcp-server-subnet configuration submode, (config-dhcp-mac-address-ipv4) from and specify the client MAC Address. The IP address must not be used by another client. Only DHCPv4 addresses allowed for this configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet
switch(config-dhcp-server-subnet-ipv4)# reservations mac-address 1a1b.1c1d.1e1f ipv4-address

Displaying DHCP Information

Show DHCP Server Information

The following command displays the DHCP Server information.

switch# show dhcp server ipv4
IPv4 DHCP Server is active
Debug log is enabled
DNS server(s):
DNS domain name: podV4.example.com
Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
TFTP server: (Option 66) (Option 150)
TFTP file: https://このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。:123/example/one
Active Leases: 1
IPv4 DHCP interface status:
Interface   Status
Ethernet1   Inactive (Could not determine VRF)
Ethernet2   Inactive (Not in default VRF)
Ethernet3   Inactive (Kernel interface not created yet)
Ethernet4   Inactive (Not up)
Ethernet5   Inactive (No IP address)
Ethernet6   Inactive (No Link Local address)
Ethernet7   Inactive (DHCP relay is configured for this interface)
Ethernet8   Inactive (DHCP relay is always on)
Ethernet9   Active

Vendor information:
Vendor ID: default
Sub-options         Data       
---------------- ----------------
2          “vendor”

Vendor ID: vendorClassIDA
Sub-options       Data       
---------------- --------------------

Subnet name: subnetFooV4
Range: to
DNS server(s):
Lease duration: 3 days 0 hours 0 minutes
Default gateway address:
TFTP server:
 subnet-tftp.example.com (Option 66) (Option 150)
 TFTP boot file: subnet-bootfile.conf
 Active leases: 1
 MAC address: 1a1b.1c1d.1e1f
 IPv4 address:
 MAC address: 2a2b.2c2d.2e2f    
 IPv4 address:

Displaying Disabled Subnets

When a subnet becomes disabled, the show dhcp server [ipv4|ipv6] output displays the disabled message under Disabled reason(s). None of the disabled subnets have active leases. Currently, the output displays only 2 disabled reasons.

switch# show dhcp server
IPv4 DHCP Server is active
DNS server(s):
Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
Active Leases: 0
IPv4 DHCP interface status:
Interface   Status
Ethernet1   Active

Subnet: (Subnet is disabled)
Range: to
DNS server(s):
Default gateway address:
Active leases: 0
Disabled reason(s):
Overlapping subnets: 

Subnet: (Subnet is disabled)
Range: to
DNS server(s):
Default gateway address:
Active leases: 0
Disabled reason(s):
Overlapping subnets: 

For Overlapping ranges:
switch# show dhcp server
IPv4 DHCP Server is active
DNS server(s):
Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
Active Leases: 0
IPv4 DHCP interface status:
Interface   Status
Ethernet1   Active

Subnet: (Subnet is disabled)
Range: to
Range: to
DNS server(s):
Default gateway address:
Active leases: 0
Disabled reason(s):
Overlapping range: to 

E.g. Duplicate static IP address reservation:
Subnet: (Subnet is disabled)
Subnet name:
Range: to
DNS server(s):
Default gateway address:
Active leases: 0
MAC address: 1a1b.1c1d.1e1f    
IPv4 address:

MAC address: 2a2b.2c2d.2e2f    
IPv4 address:

Disabled reason(s):
Duplicate IPv4 address reservation:

For DHCPv6, Direct and Relay indicates that the DHCP Server accepts broadcast and relayed messages.

switch# show dhcp server ipv6
IPv6 DHCP server is active
Debug log is enabled     
DNS server(s): fe80::6     
DNS domain name: aristanetworks.example.com        
Lease duration: 1 days 3 hours 30 minutes      
Active leases: 0               
IPv6 DHCP interface status:    
Interface    Status         
--------------- ------         
Ethernet1    Active
Ethernet3    Active        

Subnet: fe80::/10      
Subnet name: foo     
Range: fe80::1 to fe80::3
DNS server(s): fe80::4 fe80::5          
Direct: Inactive (Multiple interfaces match this subnet: Ethernet1 Ethernet3)
Relay: Active            
Active leases: 0

For DHCPv6, a subnet may match only one interface and vice versa. Otherwise the subnet is disabled and no lease assigned for that subnet.

interface Ethernet1
no switchport
ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:10::1/64
dhcp server ipv6
interface Ethernet3
no switchport
ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:11::1/64
dhcp server ipv6
dhcp server
subnet 2001:db8::/56

The following enables DHCPv6 on Ethernet1 (with address fc00::1/7 and fe80::1/10), and then configures subnets fc00::/7 and fe80::/64 for DHCPv6.

interface Ethernet1
no switchport
ipv6 address fc00::1/7
ipv6 address fe80::1/64 link-local 
dhcp server ipv6
dhcp server
subnet fc00::/7
subnet fe80::/64

#show dhcp server ipv6
IPv6 DHCP server is active     
DNS server(s):  fc00::2     
DNS domain name: aristanetworks.example.com        
Lease duration: 1 days 3 hours 30 minutes      
Active leases: 0               
IPv6 DHCP interface status:    
Interface    Status         
--------------- ------         
Ethernet1    Active        

Subnet: fc00::/7      
Subnet name: foo               
Range: fc00::1 to fc00::5       
DNS server(s): fc00::6 fc00::8          
Direct: Inactive (This and other subnets match interface Ethernet1)
Relay: Active

Active leases: 0

Subnet: fe80::/64      
Subnet name: subnetBarV6         
Direct: Inactive (This and other subnets match interface Ethernet1)
Relay: Active

Active leases: 0


The following output displays the IP addresses allocated by the DHCP Server with the show dhcp server [ipv4|ipv6] leases command. It also displays the expected end time for the address, the time when the address is assigned, and the equivalent MAC address.

switch# show dhcp server leases
End: 2019/06/20 17:44:34 UTC
Last transaction: 2019/06/19 17:44:34 UTC
MAC address: 5692.4c67.460a

End: 2019/06/20 18:06:33 UTC   
Last transaction: 2019/06/20 14:36:33 UTC      
MAC address: 165a.a86d.ffac

DHCP Relay Global Configuration Mode

Configure DHCP Relay using the dhcp relay command in the global configuration mode. The command places the switch in DHCP Relay mode and allows the configuration of DHCP Relay on several interfaces with a single command. The configuration entered in the DHCP Relay global configuration mode can be overridden by equivalent interface specific commands.


The dhcp relay command places the switch in the DHCP Relay configuration mode.

switch(config)# dhcp relay

Specify the IP address of the default DHCP or DHCPv6 Server. Multiple IP addresses can be specified and DHCP requests forward to all specified helper addresses. Configure an ip helper-address IP_Address under each desired routing interface.

Use the following commands to forward DHCP broadcast packets received on interface Ethernet1 and Vlan2 to DHCP servers at,, and to hostname DefaultDHCPHostname:

switch(config)# interface ethernet1
switch(config-if-Et1)# no switchport
switch(config-if-Et1)# ip address
switch(config)# interface vlan2
switch(config-if-Et1)# ip address
switch(config)# dhcp relay
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server DefaultDHCPHostname

Use the following commands to forward DHCPv6 broadcast packets received on interface ethernet1 to a DHCPv6 Server at fc00::3.
switch(config)# interface ethernet1                     
switch(config-if-Et1)# no switchport                        
switch(config-if-Et1)# ipv6 address fc00::1/10 
switch(config)# dhcp relay
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server fc00::3

The configuration points a routed interface to the specified DHCP and DHCPv6 server, if the configuration meets following criteria:

  • The default VRF contains the routed interface.
  • The interface has an IP address configured.
  • The configuration does not occur on a Management or a Loopback interface.

Use the following commands to remove the default DHCP or DHCPv6 Server.

switch(config)# dhcp relay
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# no server
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# no server
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# no server DefaultDHCPHostname
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# no server fc00::3

To override the default DHCP Server on an interface, the parameter,ip helper-addressIP_Address, must be used.

Use the following commands to forward a DHCP broadcast packet received on interface Ethernet1 to DHCP Servers at, and hostname DefaultDHCPHostname, but VLAN2 broadcasts packets to the DHCP Server at only.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# no switchport
switch(config-if-Et1)# ip address
switch(config)# interface vlan2
switch(config-if-Et1)# ip address
switch(config-if-Et1)# ip helper-address
switch(config)# dhcp relay
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server DefaultDHCPHostname

To override the default DHCPv6 Server on an interface, the parameter, ipv6 helper-address IPv6_Address> must be used.

Use the following commands to forward a DHCPv6 broadcast packet received on interface Ethernet1 to DHCPv6 Server at fc00::3, and VLAN2 broadcasts packets to DHCPv6 Server at fc00::4 only.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# no switchport
switch(config-if-Et1)# ipv6 address fc00::1/10
switch(config)# interface vlan2
switch(config-if-Et1)# ipv6 address fc00::2/10
switch(config-if-Et1)# ipv6 helper-address fc00::4
switch(config)# dhcp relay
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# server fc00::3

Configure DHCP Relay for IPv4 unnumbered interfaces by adding a DHCP IPv4 helper address and configuring the vendor option.

Use the information option command to enter DHCP Relay Information Option Configuration Mode:

switch(config)# dhcp relay
switch(config-dhcp-relay)# information option
switch(config-information-option)# vendor-option

You can disable DHCP or DHCPv6 Relay functionality from a specific interface. This disables both DHCP Relay global and interface mode configurations.

Use the following command to disable DHCP Relay functionality only.
switch(config)# interface vlan3
switch(config-if-Et1)# dhcp relay ipv4 disabled

Use the following to disable DHCPv6 Relay functionality only.

switch(config)# interface Vvlan3
switch(config-if-Et1)# dhcp relay ipv6 disabled

Displaying DHCP Relay

The show ip dhcp relay command displays all the interfaces enabled with DHCP Relay and the server configured on these interfaces.

switch# show ip dhcp relay
DHCP Relay is active
DHCP Relay Option 82 is disabled
DHCPv6 Relay Link-layer Address Option (79) is disabled
DHCPv6 Relay Remote ID (Option 37) encoding format: MAC address:interface ID
DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
Default L3 interface DHCP servers:   
  DHCPv4 servers:
  DHCPv6 servers: fc00::3
Interface: Ethernet1
  DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
  DHCPv6 all subnet relaying is disabled 
  Using default DHCPv4 servers        
  Using default DHCPv6 servers
Interface: Ethernet2                  
  DHCP Smart Relay is disabled         
  DHCPv6 all subnet relaying is disabled
  Using default DHCPv4 servers        
  DHCPv6 servers: fc00::4
Interface: Vlan2                   
  DHCP Smart Relay is disabled         
  DHCPv6 all subnet relaying is disabled
  DHCPv4 servers:       
  DHCPv6 servers: fc00::4 
Interface: Vlan3           
  DHCP Smart Relay is disabled         
  DHCPv6 all subnet relaying is disabled
  DHCPv4 Relay is disabled            
  DHCPv6 Relay is disabled  

Use the show ip dhcp relay command to display DHCP Relay for unnumbered interfaces:
switch# show ip dhcp relay
   DHCP Relay Option (82) is enabled
   DHCP Relay vendor-specific suboption (9) under information option (82)

DHCP Relay Across VRF

The EOS DHCP relay agent supports forwarding of DHCP requests to DHCP servers located in a different VRF to the DHCP client interface VRF. In order to enable VRF support for the DHCP relay agent, Option 82 (DHCP Relay Agent Information Option) must first be enabled. The DHCP relay agent uses Option 82 to pass client specific information to the DHCP server.

These sections describe DHCP Relay across VRF features:
The DHCP relay agent inserts Option 82 information into the DHCP forwarded request, which requires the DHCP server belongs to a network on an interface, and that interface belongs to a different VRF than the DHCP client interface. Option 82 information includes the following:
  • VPN identifier - The VRF name for the ingress interface of the DHCP request, inserted as sub-option 151.

    Table 1. VPN Identifier
    SubOpt Len ASCII VRF Identifier

    151 7 V R F N A M E

  • Link selection - The subnet address of the interface that receives the DHCP request, inserted as sub-option 5. After enabling the DHCP smart relay, the link selection fills with the subnet of the active address. The relay agent sets the Gateway IP address (gIPaddr) to its IP address so that DHCP messages can be routed over the network to the DHCP server.
    Table 2. Link Selection
    SubOpt Len Subnet IP Address
    5 4 A1 A2 A3 A4

  • Server identifier override - The primary IP address of the interface that receives the DHCP request, inserted as sub-option 11. After enabling the DHCP smart relay, the server identifier fills with the active address, one of the primary or secondary addresses chosen by smart relay mechanism.
    Table 3. Link Selection
    SubOpt Len Overriding Server Identifier Address
    11 4 B1 B2 B3 B4

  • VSS control suboption as suboption 152 - The DHCP server strips out this suboption when sending the response to the relay, indicating that the DHCP server used VPN information to allocate IP address.
  • Circuit ID - Identifies the circuit, interface or VLAN, on the switch that received the request.
  • Remote ID - Identifies the remote host.

Note: The DHCP server must be capable of handling VPN identifier information in Option 82.

Direct communication between DHCP client and server may not be possible if they reside in separate VRFs. The Server identifier override and Link Selection sub-options set the relay agent to act as the DHCP server, and enable all DHCP communication to flow through the relay agent.

The relay agent adds all the appropriate sub-options, and forwards all request packets, including renew and release,to the DHCP server. When the relay receives the DHCP server response messages, EOS removes Option 82 information and forwards the response to the DHCP client in the client VRF.

Configuring DHCP Relay

The DHCP relay agent information option is inserted in DHCP messages relayed to the DHCP server. The ip helper-address command enables DHCP relay on an interface and relays DHCP messages to the specified IPv4 address.


This command enables DHCP relay on the interface ethernet 1/2; and relays DHCP messages to the server at

switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/2
switch(config-if-Et1/2)# ip helper-address

The commands provided in the following examples enable the attachment of VRF-related tags in the relay agent information option. If both the DHCP client interface and server interface exist on the same VRF, default or non-default, then EOS does not insert the VRF-related DHCP relay agent information option.

  • This command configures the DHCP relay to add option 82 information.
    switch(config)# ip dhcp relay information option

  • These commands configures two new VRF instances and assign them Route Distinguishers (RDs).
    switch(config)# vrf instance mtxxg-vrf
    switch(config-vrf-mtxxg-vrf)# router bgp 50
    switch(config-router-bgp)# vrf mtxxg-vrf
    switch(config-router-bgp-vrf-mtxxg-vrf)# rd 5546:5546
    switch(config)# vrf instance qchyh-vrf
    switch(config-vrf-qchyh-vrf)# router bgp 50
    switch(config-router-bgp)# vrf qchyh-vrf
    switch(config-router-bgp-vrf-qchyh-vrf)# rd 218:218

  • This command configures an interface connected to DHCP client in vrf mtxxg-vrf and assigns an IP address.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 9
    switch(config-if-Et9)# no switchport

  • This command configures the DHCP client interface in VRF mtxxg-vrf.
    switch(config-if-Et9)# vrf mtxxg-vrf
    switch(config-if-Et9)# ip address

  • This command configures the server interface in VRF qchyh-vrf.
    switch(config-if-Et11)# vrf qchyh-vrf
    switch(config-if-Et11)# ip address

  • This command configures a helper address for a DHCP server in VRF qchyh-vrf.
    switch(config-if-Et11)# ip helper-address vrf qchyh-vrf

Configuring Option 82

Use the following commands to enter Information Option (Option 82) insertion and configure the format of information options:

switch(config)#dhcp relay
switch(config-dhcp-relay)#information option

To specify the format for the circuit-id encoding, use the following command:

switch(config-information-option)#circuit-id encoding (%x | %p)

The default format uses string denoted by %p. Setting the encoding to %x enables hex encoding for the circuit ID. The configured value must be a valid hex number. If not configured, DHCP Relay uses the default format.

To specify the format for the remote-id encoding, use the following command:

switch(config-information-option)#remote-id encoding (%x | %p)

The default format uses string denoted by %p. Setting the encoding to %x enables hex encoding for the remote ID. The configured value must be a valid hex number. If not configured, DHCP Relay uses the default format.

DHCP Relay Global Configuration Mode Show Command


This command displays the VRF specifier for the server:
switch# show ip dhcp relay
DHCP Relay is active
DHCP Relay Option 82 is enabled
DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
Interface: Ethernet9
Option 82 Circuit ID: Ethernet9
DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
DHCP servers:


The ip dhcp relay information option (Global) command enables the configuration of the DHCP server to uniquely identify the origin of the request using a source-interface and the helper address. Configure the source interface with a routable address used by the DHCP server to uniquely identify the DHCP relay agent that forwarded the client request.

Configuring DHCP Relay in VXLAN EVPN (IPv4)

Use the following command to enable the DHCP relay information option (Option 82) required to specify a source interface.

switch(config)# ip dhcp relay information option

The following configures a Loopback interface as the source interface.

switch(config)# interface Loopback1
switch(config-if-Lo1)# ip address

Use the following commands to configure the Loopback interface as the specified source interface for the helper address.

switch(config)# interface vlan100
switch(config-if-Vl100)# ip helper-address source-interface Loopback1

Use the following commands to configure the Loopback interface when the DHCP server resides in a different VRF (red). The source interface must be configured in the DHCP server VRF for the command to take effect.

switch(config)# interface Loopback3
switch(config-if-Lo3)# vrf red
switch(config-if-Lo3)# ip address

switch(config)# interface vlan100
switch(config-if-Vl100)# ip helper-address vrf red source-interface Loopback3

The following command disables the use of source interface along with the helper address.

switch(config)# interface vlan100
switch(config-if-Vl100)# no ip helper-address source-interface Loopback1

Configuring DHCP Relay in VXLAN EVPN (IPv6)

Use the following commands to configure a local interface.

switch(config)# interface Loopback2
switch(config-if-Vl100)# ipv6 address 2001::10:20:30:1/128

Use the following commands to configure the Loopback interface as the local interface for the helper address.

switch(config)# interface vlan200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2002::10:20:30:2 local-interface Loopback2

Use the following commands to configure the Loopback interface when the DHCP server is in a different VRF (red). The local interface must be configured in the DHCP server's VRF for the command to take effect.

switch(config)# interface Loopback4
switch(config-if-Lo4)# vrf red
switch(config-if-Lo4)# ipv6 address 2001::10:20:30:1/128

switch(config)# interface vlan200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2002::10:20:30:2 vrf red local-interface Loopback4

Use the following command to disable the use of local interface along with the helper address.

switch(config-if-Vl200)# no ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2002::10:20:30:2 local-interface Loopback4

The following command displays the status of DHCP relay option (Option 82) and lists the configured DHCP servers.

switch# show ip dhcp relay
DHCP Relay is active
DHCP Relay Option 82 is enabled
DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
Interface: Vlan100
  Option 82 Circuit ID: Vlan100
  DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
  DHCP servers:
Interface: Vlan200
  Option 82 Circuit ID: Vlan100
  DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
  DHCP servers: 2002::10:20:30:2

DHCP Snooping with Bridging

In this configuration, in addition to sending DHCP packets to relay after adding information option, the packets also be bridge within the VLAN. In the bridging mode, the switch intercepts DHCP packets, inserts option-82 if not already present, and bridges the packet within the VLAN. This mode of DHCP snooping can be configured without DHCP relay configuration.

Configuring DHCP Snooping with Bridging

Following are the steps to configure DHCP snooping with bridging:
  1. Enable DHCP snooping feature using the ip dhcp snooping command.
    switch# ip dhcp snooping

  2. Enable the insertion of option-82 in DHCP request packets using the ip dhcp snooping information option command. By default, option-82 is disabled and must be enabled for DHCP Snooping to be functional.
    switch# ip dhcp snooping information option

  3. Enable DHCP snooping on the corresponding VLANs using the ip dhcp snooping vlan command. By default,EOS disables DHCP snooping on any VLAN.
    switch# ip dhcp snooping vlan

  4. Set the circuit-id information sent in option-82. By default, EOS sends the Interface name and VLAN ID. Remote circuit-id contains the MAC address of the relay agent.
    switch# ip dhcp snooping information option circuit-id type 2 format
    %h:%p  Hostname and interface name
    %p:%v  Interface name and VLAN ID

  5. Enable bridging capabilities of DHCP snooping using the ip dhcp snooping bridging command. This command enables DHCP snooping with or without DHCP relay configuration.
    switch# ip dhcp snooping bridging

DHCP Snooping with Bridging Show Commands

The show ip dhcp snooping displays the DHCP snooping with bridging information.
switch# show ip dhcp snooping
DHCP Snooping is enabled
DHCP Snooping is operational
DHCP Snooping is configured on following VLANs:
DHCP Snooping bridging is operational on following VLANs:
Insertion of Option-82 is enabled
 Circuit-id sub-option Type: 0
 Circuit-id format: Interface name:Vlan ID
 Remote-id: 00:1c:73:8d:eb:67 (Switch MAC)


  • Configure all the needed commands so that DHCP snooping is enabled and operational on all the VLANs.

  • show ip dhcp snooping displays whether the DHCP snooping is operational or not.

  • show ip dhcp snooping counters displays if snooped packets are getting dropped or not.

  • show ip dhcp snooping counters debug displays the reason for packets getting dropped.
    switch# show ip dhcp snooping counters debug
    Counter                           Requests          Responses
    ----------------------------- ----------------- -----------------
    Received                                      3                 2
    Forwarded                                     3                 2
    Dropped - Invalid VlanId                      0                 0
    Dropped - Parse error                         0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid Dhcp Optype                 0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid Info Option                 0                 0
    Dropped - Snooping disabled                   0                 0

  • Check if the packets are hitting the TCAM rule.
    switch# show platform trident tcam detail | grep -i dhcp
    DHCP Snooping uses 3 entries.
    655402               45 hits - DHCP client to relay trap-to-cpu

TCP MSS Clamping

TCP MSS clamping limits the value of the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) in the TCP header of TCP SYN packets transiting a specified Ethernet or tunnel interface. Setting the MSS ceiling can avoid IP fragmentation in tunnel scenarios by ensuring that the MSS is low enough to account for the extra overhead of GRE and tunnel outer IP headers. TCP MSS clamping can be used when connecting via GRE to cloud providers that require asymmetric routing.

When MSS clamping is configured on an interface, if the TCP MSS value in a SYN packet transiting that interface exceeds the configured ceiling limit it will be overwritten with the configured limit and the TCP checksum will be recomputed and updated.

TCP MSS clamping is handled by default in the software data path, but the process can be supported through hardware configuration to minimize possible packet loss and a reduction in the number of TCP sessions which the switch can establish per second.


This feature should be used with caution. When the TCP MSS clamping feature is enabled by issuing the tcp mss ceiling command on any routed interface, all routed IPv4 TCP SYN packets (TCP packets with the “SYN” flag set) are sent by default to the CPU and switched through software, even on interfaces where no TCP MSS ceiling has been configured, as long as TCP MSS clamping is enabled. This limits the number of TCP sessions that can be established through the switch per second, and, because throughput for software forwarding is limited, this feature can also cause packet loss if the rate at which TCP SYN packets are sent to the CPU exceeds the limits configured in the control-plane policy map.

Packet loss and TCP session reductions can be minimized by enabling TCP MSS clamping in hardware, but only SYN packets in which MSS is the first TCP option are clamped in the hardware data path; other TCP SYN packets are still switched through software.

To disable MSS clamping, the MSS ceiling must be removed from every interface on which it has been configured by issuing the no tcp mss ceiling command on each configured interface.

Enabling TCP MSS Clamping

There is no global configuration to enable TCP MSS clamping. It is enabled as soon as an MSS ceiling is configured on at least one interface.

Disabling TCP MSS Clamping

To disable TCP MSS clamping, the MSS ceiling configuration must be removed from every interface by using the no or default form of the tcp mss ceiling command on every interface where a ceiling has been configured.

Configuring the TCP MSS Ceiling on an Interface

The TCP MSS ceiling limit is set on an interface using the tcp mss ceiling command. This also enables TCP MSS clamping on the switch as a whole.

Note: Configuring a TCP MSS ceiling on any interface enables TCP MSS clamping on the switch as a whole. Without hardware support, clamping routes all TCP SYN packets through software, even on interfaces where no TCP MSS ceiling has been configured. This significantly limits the number of TCP sessions the switch can establish per second, and can potentially cause packet loss if the CPU traffic exceeds control plane policy limits.

On Sand platform switches (Qumran-MX, Qumran-AX, Jericho, Jericho+), the following limitations apply:
  • This command works only on egress.
  • TCP MSS ceiling is supported on IPv4 unicast packets entering the switch; the configuration has no effect on GRE transit packets.
  • The feature is supported only on IPv4 routed interfaces. It is not supported on L2 (switchport) interfaces or IPv6 routed interfaces.
  • The feature is not supported for IPv6 packets even if they are going to be tunneled over an IPv4 GRE tunnel.
  • The feature is not supported on VXLAN, loopback or management interfaces.
  • The feature is only supported on IPv4 unicast packets entering the switch. The configuration has no effect on GRE transit packets or GRE decap, even if the egress interface has a TCP MSS ceiling configured.


  • These commands configure interface ethernet 5 as a routed port, then specify a maximum MSS ceiling value of 1458 bytes for TCP SYN packets exiting that port.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no switchport
    switch(config-if-Et5)# tcp mss ceiling ipv4 1458 egress

  • These commands apply TCP MSS clamping at 1436 bytes in the egress direction for IPv6 packets:
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 26
    switch(config)# tcp mss ceiling ipv6 1436 egress

  • These commands apply TCP MSS clamping at 1476 bytes for IPv4 packets and 1436 bytes for IPv6 packets in egress direction:
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 27
    switch(config)# tcp mss ceiling ipv4 1476 ipv6 1436 egress

Verifying the TCP MSS Clamping

If TCP MSS ceiling is configured on an interface and if the command show cpu counters queue | nz is incrementing in CoppSystemL3Ttl1IpOptUcast field for Tcp packet with Syn flag, then TCP MSS clamping is being performed in Software.

switch# show cpu counters queue | nz
CoPP Class                     Queue    Pkts   Octets   DropPkts   DropOctets
CoppSystemL3Ttl1IpOptUcast     TC0      1       82       0          0

Configuring TCP MSS Clamping

Interface Configuration

You can specify the TCP MSS value under the interface configuration mode. The command syntax is shown below:

tcp mss ceiling [ipv4 | ipv6] 64-65515 egress

The keyword egress specifies that the MSS clamping is applied on packets transmitted out on the interface in egress direction.

The following example applies TCP MSS clamping at 1436 bytes in the egress direction for IPv4 packets:
switch(config)# interface ethernet 25
switch(config)#tcp mss ceiling ipv4 1436 egress

the following example applies TCP MSS clamping at 1436 bytes in the egress direction for IPv6 packets:
switch(config)# interface ethernet 26
switch(config)# tcp mss ceiling ipv6 1436 egress

The following example applies TCP MSS clamping at 1476 bytes for IPv4 packets and 1436 bytes for IPv6 packets in egress direction:
switch(config)# interface ethernet 27
switch(config)# tcp mss ceiling ipv4 1476 ipv6 1436 egress

Hardware TCP MSS Clamping Configuration

Hardware MSS clamping requires the system TCAM profile to have TCP MSS clamping enabled. You can achieve this by creating a user defined TCAM profile as described below. The User Defined PMF Profiles - TOI provides general guidelines on how to create and configure TCAM profiles.

The system TCAM profile must have the feature tcp-mss-ceiling ip in it in order to use hardware MSS clamping. This is applicable regardless of whether the TCAM profile is copied from an existing profile or created from scratch.

Step 1: Create the user defined TCAM profile

The following example demonstrates copying any source profile and adding the feature tcp-mss-ceiling ip. In this example, the profile name is Pro1 and the source profile name is Source1.
(config)# hardware tcam
(config-hw-tcam)# profile Pro1 copy Source1
(config-hw-tcam-profile-Pro1)# feature tcp-mss-ceiling ip copy system-feature-source-profile

TCP MSS clamping is supported only for IPv4 routed packets. Set the packet type for the feature as follows. This is optional when using copy system-feature-source-profile. In this example, the system profile name is Pro1 and the feature name is Source1.
(config-hw-tcam-profile-Pro1-feature-Source1)# packet ipv4 forwarding routed

Set the key size limit to 160. This is also optional when the feature is copied from system-feature-source-profile. In this example, the system profile name is Pro1 and the feature name is Source1.
(config-hw-tcam-profile-Pro1-feature-Source1)# key size limit 160

Removing unused features to ensure that the TCP MSS TCAM DB is allocated. In this example, the system profile name is Pro1 and the feature name is Source1.
(config-hw-tcam-profile-Pro1-feature-Source1)# exit
(config-hw-tcam-profile-Pro1)# no feature mirror ip
(config-hw-tcam-profile-Pro1)# no feature acl port mac

Step 2: Apply the user defined TCAM profile to the system.

The following example sets the profile as the system profile under the hardware tcam mode. In this example, the system profile name is red.
(config-hw-tcam)# system profile red

When the system TCAM profile is changed, it is expected that some agents will restart. Also it might be necessary to remove some unused features from the TCAM profile to ensure that the TCP MSS feature gets allocated a TCAM DB. For more information about configuring TCAM profiles, refer to User Defined PMF Profiles.

Note: The hardware clamping only works for TCP packets with MSS as the first TCP option. Packets where MSS is not the first TCP option are still trapped to CPU for clamping in software even if the feature tcp-mss-ceiling is configured in the system TCAM profile.

Backward Compatibility

The tunnel mss ceiling command which provides the same functionality is deprecated with the introduction of tcp mss ceiling command. The configuration option tunnel mss ceiling was available only on GRE tunnel interfaces, while tcp mss ceiling is supported on other routed IPv4 interfaces as well.

TCP MSS Clamping Limitations

  • The TCP-MSS Clamping is not supported on L2 (switchport ) interfaces.
  • The TCP-MSS Clamping is NOT supported on VXLAN, Loopback and Management interfaces.
  • The TCP-MSS Clamping is supported only in the Egress direction.
  • The TCP-MSS Clamping is only supported on unicast routed packets entering the switch. The configuration has no effect on GRE transit packets and GRE decap case, even if the Egress interface has TCP MSS ceiling configured.

Software TCP MSS Clamping Limitations

  • Once the TCP-MSS Clamping is enabled, all routed TCP-SYN packets will be software switched, even on interfaces where there is no TCP-MSS ceiling configuration.
  • TCP SYN packets could get dropped under high CPU usage conditions or due to DOS attack protection mechanisms such as PDP/CoPP. These factors could limit the TCP connection establishment rate, i.e new TCP sessions established per second through the switch.

Hardware MSS Clamping Limitations

  • Hardware TCP-MSS clamping is not supported with host routes when the clamping is applied on a non-tunnel interface. This limitation does not apply to GRE tunnel interfaces.
  • TCP SYN packets where TCP-MSS is not the first TCP option are trapped to CPU for MSS adjustment even in hardware MSS clamping mode.
  • Hardware TCP-MSS clamping is not supported for IPv6 packets.

Configuring Hardware Support for TCP MSS Clamping

TCP MSS clamping can be supported in hardware, but some packets are still routed through the software data path, and an MSS ceiling value must be configured on each interface where clamping is to be applied.

Hardware support for clamping is accomplished through the use of a user-defined TCAM profile. The TCAM profile can be created from scratch or copied from an existing profile, but in either case it must include the tcp-mss-ceiling ip feature.


  • When the system TCAM profile is changed, some agents will restart.
  • To ensure that the TCP MSS feature is allocated a TCAM DB, it may be necessary to remove some unused features from the TCAM profile.
  • Hardware TCP MSS clamping only works for TCP packets with MSS as the first TCP option. Other TCP SYN packets are still trapped to the CPU for clamping in software.
  • Hardware TCP MSS clamping is not supported with host routes when the clamping is applied on a non-tunnel interface. This limitation does not apply to GRE tunnel interfaces.
  • The maximum MSS ceiling limit with hardware MSS clamping is 32727 even though the CLI allows configuration of much larger values.
  • For more information on the creation of user-defined TCAM profiles, see https://www.arista.com/en/support/toi/eos-4-20-5f/13977-user-defined-pmf-profile.

To configure hardware support for TCP MSS clamping, create a TCAM profile that includes the tcp mss ceiling feature, then apply it to the system.

Creating the TCAM Profile

A TCAM profile that supports TCP MSS clamping can be created from scratch, or the feature can be added to a copy of the default TCAM profile. When creating a profile from scratch, care must be taken to ensure that all needed TCAM features are included in the profile.

Modifying a Copy of the Default TCAM Profile

The following commands create a copy of the default TCAM profile, name it tcp-mss-clamping, and configure it to enable MSS clamping in hardware, then remove some unused features included in the default profile to ensure that there are sufficient TCAM resources for the clamping feature.

switch(config)# hardware tcam
switch(config-hw-tcam)# profile tcp-mss-clamping copy default
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-tcp-mss-clampingl)# feature tcp-mss-ceiling ip copy system-feature-source-profile
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-tcp-mss-clamping-feature-tcp-mss-ceiling)# key size limit 160
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-tcp-mss-clamping-feature-tcp-mss-ceiling)# packet ipv4 forwarding routed
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-tcp-mss-clamping-feature-tcp-mss-ceiling)# exit

switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-tcp-mss-clamping)# no feature mirror ip
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-tcp-mss-clamping)# no feature acl port mac
switch(config-hw-tcam-profile-tcp-mss-clampingl)# exit

switch(config-hw-tcam)# exit


Applying the TCAM Profile to the System

The following commands enter Hardware TCAM Configuration Mode and set the tcp-mss-clamping profile as the system profile.

switch(config)# hardware tcam
switch(config-hw-tcam)# system profile tcp-mss-clamping

Verifying the TCAM Profile Configuration

The following command displays hardware TCAM profile information to verify that the user-defined TCAM profile has been applied correctly.

switch(config)# show hardware tcam profile

Configuration        Status                  
FixedSystem          tcp-mss-clamping         tcp-mss-clamping 


IPv4 GRE Tunneling

GRE tunneling supports the forwarding over IPv4 GRE tunnel interfaces. The GRE tunnel interfaces act as a logical interface that performs GRE encapsulation or decapsulation.

Note: The forwarding over GRE tunnel interface on DCS-7500R is supported only if all the line cards on the system have Jericho family chip-set.

Configuring GRE Tunneling Interface

On a Local Arista Switch

switch(config)# ip routing
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel mode gre
switch(config-if-Tu10)# ip address
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel source
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel destination
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel path-mtu-discovery
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel tos 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel ttl 10

On a Remote Arista Switch

switch(config)# ip routing
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel mode gre
switch(config-if-Tu10)# ip address
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel source
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel destination
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel path-mtu-discovery
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel tos 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel ttl 10   

Alternative Configuration for Tunnel Source IPv4 Address

switch(config)# interface Loopback 10
switch(config-if-Lo10)# ip add
switch(config-if-Lo10)# exit

switch(config)# conf terminal
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel source interface Loopback 10

Configuration for Adding an IPv4 Route over the GRE Tunnel Interface

switch(config)# ip route Tunnel 10

Tunnel Mode

Tunnel Mode needs to be configured as gre, for GRE tunnel interface. Default value is tunnel mode gre.

IP Address

Configures the IP address for the GRE tunnel interface. The IP address can be used for routing over the GRE tunnel interface. The configured subnet is reachable over the GRE tunnel interface and the packets to the subnet are encapsulated in the GRE header.

Tunnel Source

Specifies the source IP address for the outer IPv4 encapsulation header for packets going over the GRE tunnel interface. The tunnel source IPv4 address should be a valid local IPv4 address configured on the Arista Switch. The tunnel source can also be specified as any routed interface on the Arista Switch. The routed interface’s IPv4 address is assigned as the tunnel source IPv4 address.

Tunnel Destination

Specifies the destination IPv4 address for the outer IPv4 encapsulation header for packets going over the GRE tunnel interface. The tunnel destination IPv4 should be reachable from the Arista Switch.

Tunnel Path Mtu Discovery

Specifies if the “Do not Fragment” flag needs to set in the outer IPv4 encapsulation header for packets going over the GRE tunnel interface.

Tunnel TOS

Specifies the Tunnel Type of Service (ToS) value to be assigned to the outer IPv4 encapsulation header for packets going over the GRE tunnel interface. Default TOS value of 0 will be assigned if tunnel TOS is not configured.

Tunnel TTL

Specifies the TTL value to the assigned to the outer IPv4 encapsulation header for packet going over the GRE tunnel interface. The TTL value is copied from the inner IPv4 header if tunnel TTL is not configured. The tunnel TTL configuration requires the tunnel Path MTU Discovery to be configured.

Displaying GRE tunnel Information

  • The following commands display the tunnel configuration.

    switch# show interfaces Tunnel 10
    Tunnel10 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
     Hardware is Tunnel, address is 0a01.0101.0800
     Internet address is
     Broadcast address is
     Tunnel source, destination
     Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP
       Key disabled, sequencing disabled
       Checksumming of packets disabled
     Tunnel TTL 10, Hardware forwarding enabled
     Tunnel TOS 10
     Path MTU Discovery
     Tunnel transport MTU 1476 bytes
     Up 3 seconds

  • switch# show gre tunnel static
    Name     Index  Source   Destination  Nexthop  Interface
    -------- ------ -------- ------------ -------- -----------
    Tunnel10 10 Ethernet6/1
    switch# show tunnel fib static interface gre 10
    Type 'Static Interface', index 10, forwarding Primary
       via, 'Ethernet6/1'
          GRE, destination, source, ttl 10, tos 0xa

  • Use the show platform fap tcam summary command to verify if the TCAM bank is allocated for GRE packet termination lookup.
    switch# show platform fap tcam summary
               Tcam Allocation (Jericho0)
    Bank        Used By     Reserved By
    ---------- ------------ -----------
    0          dbGreTunnel   -

  • Use the show ip route command to verify if the routes over tunnel is setup properly.
    switch# show ip route
    VRF: default
    Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
           O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
           E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
           N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
           R - RIP, I L1 - IS-IS level 1, I L2 - IS-IS level 2,
           O3 - OSPFv3, A B - BGP Aggregate, A O - OSPF Summary,
           NG - Nexthop Group Static Route, V - VXLAN Control Service,
           DH - DHCP client installed default route, M - Martian,
           DP - Dynamic Policy Route
    Gateway of last resort is not set
     C is directly connected, Tunnel10, Static Interface GRE tunnel 
    index 10, dst, src, TTL 10, TOS 10
     S is directly connected, Tunnel10, Static Interface GRE 
    tunnel index 10, dst, src, TTL 10, TOS 10

  • The following commands are used to verify the tunnel encapsulation programming.
    switch# show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel gre interface Tunnel 10
    |                                                  Jericho0                   |
    |                                 GRE Tunnel Egress Encapsulation DB                               
    | Bank/ | OutLIF | Next   | VSI  | Encap | TOS  | TTL | Source | Destination| 
    OamLIF| OutLIF | Drop|
    | Offset|        | OutLIF | LSB  | Mode  |      |     | IP     | IP         | Set  
    | Profile|     |
    | 3/0   | 0x6000 | 0x4010 | 0    | 2     | 10   | 10  | | | No    
    | 0      | No |
    switch# show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel
    |                                                  Jericho0                    |
    |                                     IP Tunnel Egress Encapsulation DB                         
    | Bank/ | OutLIF | Next   | VSI | Encap| TOS | TTL | Src | Destination | OamLIF 
    | OutLIF  | Drop|
    | Offset|        | OutLIF | LSB | Mode | Idx | Idx | Idx | IP          | Set    | 
    Profile |     |
    | 3/0   | 0x6000 | 0x4010 | 0   | 2    | 9   | 0   | 0   |    | No     | 
    0       | No |

GRE Tunneling Support

GRE tunneling supports the forwarding over IPv4 GRE tunnel interfaces. The GRE tunnel interfaces act as a logical interface that performs GRE encapsulation or decapsulation. A maximum of 256 GRE-tunnel interfaces are supported.

Note: GRE keepalives are not supported.

To configure a local Arista switch on a GRE-tunnel interface, consider the following an example.
switch(config)# ip routing
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel mode gre
switch(config-if-Tu10)# ip address
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel source
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel destination
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel path-mtu-discovery
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel tos 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel ttl 10

To configure a remote Arista switch on a GRE-tunnel interface, consider the following an example.
switch(config)# ip routing
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel mode gre
switch(config-if-Tu10)# ip address
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel source
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel destination
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel path-mtu-discovery
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel tos 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel ttl 10

To add a IPv4 route over the GRE-tunnel interface, configure simulare to the following.
switch(config)# ip route Tunnel 10

Note: IPv6 GRE-Tunnels are not supported. This is only a data-plane limitation whereas IS-IS IPv6 (such as control-plane) can still work.

Use the show interfaces Tunnel command to display the interface tunnel.

switch(config)# show interfaces Tunnel 10
Tunnel10 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Tunnel, address is 0a01.0101.0800
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  Tunnel source, destination
  Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP
   Key disabled, sequencing disabled
   Checksumming of packets disabled
  Tunnel TTL 10, Hardware forwarding enabled
  Tunnel TOS 10
  Path MTU Discovery
  Tunnel transport MTU 1476 bytes
  Tunnel underlay VRF "underlayVrf"
  Up 3 seconds

Use the show gre tunnel static command to display a static interface tunnel.

switch(config)#show gre tunnel static
Name        Index      Source         Destination       Nexthop     Interface
----------- -------    -----------    -------------     ----------  ----------
Tunnel10    10    Ethernet6/1

Use the show tunnel fib static interface command to display a fib static interface tunnel.

switch(config)# show tunnel fib static interface gre 10
Type 'Static Interface', index 10, forwarding Primary
   via, 'Ethernet6/1'
      GRE, destination, source, ttl 10, tos 0xa

Tunnel Mode

Tunnel mode is GRE for a GRE-tunnel interface which is also the default tunnel mode.

IP address

Use this IP address for routing over the GRE-tunnel interface. The configuration subnet is reachable over the GRE-tunnel interface, and the packets to the subnet is encapsulated with the GRE header.

Tunnel Source

Specifies the source IP address for the encapsulating IPv4 header of a packet going over the GRE-tunnel interface. The tunnel source IPv4 address is a valid local IPv4 address configured on the Arista switch. It uses any route interface on the Arista switch. The routed interfaces IPv4 address assigns the tunnel source IPv4 address. Maximum of 16 unique tunnel source IPv4 addresses are supported across all GRE-tunnel interfaces.

The following is an example of an interface as a Tunnel source.

switch(config)# interface Loopback 10
switch(config-if-Lo10)# ip add
switch(config-if-Lo10)# exit
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)#  tunnel source interface Loopback 10

Note: Coexistence of GRE-tunnel interfaces and Decap-Groups is not supported.

Note: Coexistence of GRE-tunnel interfaces and VXLAN is not supported.

Note: GRE-tunnel is not supported with MLAG configuration.

Tunnel Destination

Specifies the destination IPv4 address for the encapsulating IPv4 header of a packet going over the GRE-tunnel interface. The tunnel destination IPv4 is reachable from the Arista switch.

Note:Multicast traffic over GRE-Tunnels is not supported.

Tunnel Path MTU Discovery

The tunnel path Maximum Transmition Unit (MTU) Discovery specifies if the Don't Fragment (DF) flag needs to be set in the encapsulating IPv4 header of a packet going over the GRE-Tunnel interface. MTU configuration on the GRE-tunnel interface is used by control plane protocols and not enforced in hardware for packets forwarded in data-plane. The MTU change on the tunnel interface does not take effect until the tunnel interface is flapped.

Tunnel TOS

The Tunnel TOS specifies the TOS value to be set in the encapsulating IPv4 header of a packet going over the GRE-Tunnel interface. The default value of 0 is assigned if tunnel TOS is not configured. Maximum of seven unique tunnel TOS values are supported across all GRE-tunnel interfaces.

Tunnel TTL

The Tunnel TTL specifies the TTL value to be set in the encapsulating IPv4 header of a packet going over the GRE-tunnel interface. The TTL value is copied from the inner IPv4 header if tunnel TTL is not configured. The tunnel TTL configuration requires the tunnel path MTU discovery to be configured. Maximum of four unique tunnel TTL values are supported across all GRE-tunnel interfaces.

VRF Forwarding (Overlay VRF)

The following configuration is an example of overlay VRF, for a GRE tunnel interface.
switch(config)# vrf instance overlayVrf
switch(config)# ip routing vrf overlayVrf
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# vrf overlayVrf

Note:Both the tunnels source and destination address must be in the underlay VRF. GRE key forwarding is not supported.

The following is an example of a static route configuration, with an overlay VRF.
switch(config)# ip route vrf overlayVrf

VRF Forwarding (Underlay VRF)

The following is an configuration example of a underlay VRF for a GRE tunnel interface.
switch(config)# vrf instance underlayVrf
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel underlay vrf underlayVrf

TCAM Bank Allocation

Note: Command to check if Ternary Content-Addressable Memory (TCAM) bank is allocated for GRE packet termination lookup.

switch(config)# show platform fap tcam summary

           Tcam Allocation (Jericho0)
Bank       Used By                   Reserved By
---------- ------------------------- -----------
0           dbGreTunnel               -

PBR is not supported on GRE terminated packets.

Verifing Tunnel Routes

Use the show ip route command to check if the routes over tunnel is setup correctly.
switch(config)# show ip route
VRF: default
Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
       O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
       E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
       N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
       R - RIP, I L1 - IS-IS level 1, I L2 - IS-IS level 2,
       O3 - OSPFv3, A B - BGP Aggregate, A O - OSPF Summary,
       NG - Nexthop Group Static Route, V - VXLAN Control Service,
       DH - DHCP client installed default route, M - Martian,
       DP - Dynamic Policy Route

Gateway of last resort is not set

 C is directly connected, Tunnel10, Static Interface GRE-Tunnel index 10, dst, src, TTL 10, TOS 10
 S is directly connected, Tunnel10, Static Interface GRE-Tunnel index 10, dst, src, TTL 10, TOS 10

Verifing Tunnel Encap

Use the show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel gre interface Tunnel command to check the tunnel encap programming on the GRE interface.

switch(config)# show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel gre interface Tunnel 10
|                                                  Jericho0                                                        |
|                                 GRE Tunnel Egress Encapsulation DB                                               |
| Bank/   | OutLIF  | Next    | VSI   | Encap | TOS  | TTL  | Source   | Destination     | OamLIF | OutLIF  | Drop |
| Offset  |         | OutLIF  | LSB   | Mode  |      |      | IP       | IP              | Set    | Profile |      |
| 3/0     | 0x6000  | 0x4010  | 0     | 2     | 10   | 10   | |        | No     | 0       | No   |

Use the show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel command to check the tunnel encap programming on the IP-tunnel interface.

switch(config)# show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel
|                                                  Jericho0                                                 |
|                                     IP Tunnel Egress Encapsulation DB                                     |
| Bank/   | OutLIF  | Next    | VSI   | Encap | TOS | TTL | Src | Destination     | OamLIF | OutLIF  | Drop |
| Offset  |         | OutLIF  | LSB   | Mode  | Idx | Idx | Idx | IP              | Set    | Profile |      |
| 3/0     | 0x6000  | 0x4010  | 0     | 2     | 9   | 0   | 0   |        | No     | 0       | No   |

Verifing Tunnel VRF

Use the show ip interface tunnel command to check the overlay VRF.

switch(config)# show ip interface tunnel 10
Tunnel10 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  IPv6 Interface Forwarding : None
  Proxy-ARP is disabled
  Local Proxy-ARP is disabled
  Gratuitous ARP is ignored
  IP MTU 1476 bytes
  VPN Routing/Forwarding "overlayVrf"

switch(config)# show ip route vrf overlayVrf 

VRF: overlayVrf
Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel, 
       O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
       E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
       N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
       R - RIP, I L1 - IS-IS level 1, I L2 - IS-IS level 2,
       O3 - OSPFv3, A B - BGP Aggregate, A O - OSPF Summary,
       NG - Nexthop Group Static Route, V - VXLAN Control Service,
       DH - DHCP client installed default route, M - Martian,
       DP - Dynamic Policy Route, L - VRF Leaked

Gateway of last resort is not set

 C is directly connected, Ethernet1
 S [1/0] via, Tunnel10, Static Interface GRE-Tunnel index 10, dst, src
 C is directly connected, Tunnel10, Static Interface GRE-Tunnel index 10, dst, src

Tunnel underlay VRF Configuration

Use the show interfaces Tunnel command to check the underlay VRF.
switch(config)# show interfaces Tunnel 10
Tunnel10 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Tunnel, address is 0a01.0101.0800
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  Tunnel source, destination
  Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP
   Key disabled, sequencing disabled
   Checksumming of packets disabled
  Tunnel TTL 10, Hardware forwarding enabled
  Tunnel TOS 10
  Path MTU Discovery
  Tunnel transport MTU 1476 bytes
  Tunnel underlay VRF "underlayVrf"
  Up 3 seconds

Use the show ip route vrf underlayVrf command to check the IP route VFR underlayVRF.

switch(config)# show ip route vrf underlayVrf
VRF: underlayVrf
Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel, 
       O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
       E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
       N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B - BGP, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
       R - RIP, I L1 - IS-IS level 1, I L2 - IS-IS level 2,
       O3 - OSPFv3, A B - BGP Aggregate, A O - OSPF Summary,
       NG - Nexthop Group Static Route, V - VXLAN Control Service,
       DH - DHCP client installed default route, M - Martian,
       DP - Dynamic Policy Route, L - VRF Leaked,

Gateway of last resort is not set

 C is directly connected, Ethernet1

BfRuntime to Use Non-default VRFs

Use the following commands to configure the VRF for the BfRuntime connection for the management interface on the switches that support it. The management interface may be configured on a different VRF from the default one.

Configuring BfRuntime to Use Non-default VRFs

The platform barefoot bfrt vrf command configures the forwarding plane agent to restart and listen on the configured VRFs for connections.
switch(config)# platform barefoot bfrt vrf <VRF name>

If no VRF specified, the configuration uses the default VRF for the IP and port for the the BfRuntime server.

The following displays a typical configuration.
switch(config)# vrf instance management
switch(config-vrf-management)# exit
switch(config)# platform barefoot bfrt 50052
switch(config)# platform barefoot bfrt vrf <VRF name>
switch(config)# int management1
switch(config-if-Ma1)# vrf management

Displaying BfRuntime Configuration

The show platform barefoot bfrt command displays the existing configuration for the BfRuntime server.
switch# show platform barefoot bfrt
Namespace: management                    

IPv4 Commands

IP Routing and Address Commands

IPv4 DHCP Relay Commands

DHCP Server Configuration Commands

IPv4 DHCP Snooping Commands

IPv4 Multicast Counters Commands

ARP Table Commands

VRF Commands

Trident Forwarding Table Commands

IPv4 GRE Tunneling Commands

agent SandL3Unicast terminate

The agent SandL3Unicast terminate command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

agent SandL3Unicast terminate

Related Commands

This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized.
switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
SandL3Unicast was terminated

Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes, which are re-added to the hardware.


The arp command adds a static entry to an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. The switch uses ARP cache entries to correlate 32-bit IP addresses to 48-bit hardware addresses.

The no arp and default arp commands remove the ARP cache entry with the specified IP address. When multiple VRFs contain ARP cache entries for identical IP addresses, each entry can only be removed individually.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

arp [VRF_INSTANCE] ipv4_addr mac_addr arpa

no arp [VRF_INSTANCE] ipv4_addr

default arp [VRF_INSTANCE] ipv4_addr

  • VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance being modified.

    • no parameter      Changes are made to the default VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Changes are made to the specified user-defined VRF.

  • ipv4_addr IPv4 address of ARP entry.
  • mac_addr Local data-link (hardware) address (48-bit dotted hex notation – H.H.H).

  • This command adds a static entry to the ARP cache in the default VRF.
    switch(config)# arp 0025.900e.c63c arpa

  • This command adds the same static entry to the ARP cache in the VRF named purple.
    switch(config)# arp vrf purple 0025.900e.c63c arpa

arp aging timeout

The arp aging timeout command specifies the duration of dynamic address entries in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache for addresses learned through the configuration mode interface. The default duration is 14400 seconds (four hours).

The arp aging timeout and default arp aging timeout commands restores the default ARP aging timeout for addresses learned on the configuration mode interface by deleting the corresponding arp aging timeout command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Loopback Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

arp aging timeout arp_time

no arp aging timeout

default arp aging timeout


arp_time      ARP aging timeout period (seconds). Values range from 60 to 65535. Default value is 14400.

This command specifies an ARP cache duration of 7200 seconds (two hours) for dynamic addresses added to the ARP cache that were learned through vlan 200.
switch(config)# interface vlan 200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# arp aging timeout 7200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# show active
interface Vlan200
   arp aging timeout 7200

arp cache persistent

The arp cache persistent command restores the dynamic entries in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache after reboot.

The no arp cache persistent and default arp cache persistent commands remove the ARP cache persistent configuration from the running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

arp cache persistent

no arp cache persistent

default arp cache persistent

This command restores the ARP cache after reboot.
switch(config)# arp cache persistent

arp gratuitous accept

The arp gratuitous accept command configures the configuration mode interface to accept gratuitous ARP request packets received on that interface. Accepted gratuitous ARP requests are then learned by the ARP table.

The no and default forms of the command prevent the interface from accepting gratuitous ARP requests. Configuring gratuitous ARP acceptance on an L2 interface has no effect.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Interface Port-channel Configuration

Command Syntax

arp gratuitous accept

no arp gratuitous accept

default arp gratuitous accept

These commands configure interface ethernet 2/1 to accept gratuitous ARP request packets.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch(config-if-Et2/1)# arp gratuitous accept

arp proxy max-delay

The arp proxy max-delay command enables delayingproxy ARP requests on the configuration mode interface. Proxy ARP is disabled by default. When proxy ARP is enabled, the switch responds to all ARP requests, including gratuitous ARP requests, with target IP addresses that match a route in the routing table. When a switch receives a proxy ARP request, EOS performs a check to send the response immediately or delay the response based on the configured maximum delay in milliseconds (ms).

Command Mode

Configuration mode

Command Syntax

arp proxy max-delay milliseconds


milliseconds - Configure the maximum delay before returning a proxy ARP response in milliseconds. Use a range between 0 and 1000ms with a default value of 800ms.


This command sets a delay of 500ms before returning a response to a proxy ARP request.

switch(config)# arp proxy max-delay 500ms

clear arp

The clear arp command removes the specified dynamic ARP entry for the specified IP address from the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

clear arp [VRF_INSTANCE] ipv4_addr

  • VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance for which arp data is removed.
    • no parameter      Specifies the context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

  • ipv4_addr      IPv4 address of dynamic ARP entry.

These commands display the ARP table before and after the removal of dynamic ARP entry for IP address
switch# show arp

Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface             0  001c.730b.1d15  Management1            0  0025.900e.c468  Management1            0  0025.900e.c63c  Management1           0  001c.7304.3906  Management1

switch# clear arp
switch# show arp

Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface             0  001c.730b.1d15  Management1            0  0025.900e.c63c  Management1           0  001c.7304.3906  Management1


clear arp-cache

The clear arp-cache command refreshes dynamic entries in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. Refreshing the ARP cache updates current ARP table entries and removes expired ARP entries not yet deleted by an internal, timer-driven process.

The command, without arguments, refreshes ARP cache entries for all enabled interfaces. With arguments, the command refreshes cache entries for the specified interface. Executing clear arp-cache for all interfaces can result in extremely high CPU usage while the tables are resolving.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax


  • VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance for which arp data is refreshed.
    • no parameter      Specifies the context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

  • INTERFACE_NAME       Interface upon which ARP cache entries are refreshed. Options include:
    • no parameter       All ARP cache entries.
    • interface ethernet e_num      ARP cache entries of specified Ethernet interface.
    • interface loopback l_num      ARP cache entries of specified loopback interface.
    • interface management m_num      ARP cache entries of specified management interface.
    • interface port-channel p_num         ARP cache entries of specified port-channel Interface.
    • interface vlan v_num      ARP cache entries of specified VLAN interface.
    • interface VXLAN vx_num       VXLAN interface specified by vx_num.

Related Commands

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF.

These commands display the ARP cache before and after ARP cache entries are refreshed.
switch# show arp

Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface             0  001c.730b.1d15  Management1           0  001c.7301.6015  Management1

switch# clear arp-cache
switch# show arp

Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface             0  001c.730b.1d15  Management1


clear ip dhcp relay counters

The clear ip dhcp relay counters command resets the DHCP relay counters. The configuration mode determines which counters are reset:.

The Interface configuration command clears the counter for the configuration mode interface.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

clear ip dhcp relay counters [INTERFACE_NAME]


INTERFACE_NAME       Entity for which counters are cleared. Options include:
  • no parameter      Clears counters for the switch and for all interfaces.
  • interface ethernet e_num      Clears counters for the specified Ethernet interface.
  • interface loopback l_num      Clears counters for the specified loopback interface.
  • interface port-channel p_num        Clears counters for the specified port-channel Interface.
  • interface vlan v_num      Clears counters for the specified VLAN interface.

  • These commands clear the DHCP relay counters for vlan 1045 and shows the counters before and after the clear command.
    switch# show ip dhcp relay counters
              |  Dhcp Packets  |
    Interface | Rcvd Fwdd Drop |         Last Cleared
    ----------|----- ---- -----|---------------------
      All Req |  376  376    0 | 4 days, 19:55:12 ago
     All Resp |  277  277    0 |
              |                |
     Vlan1001 |  207  148    0 | 4 days, 19:54:24 ago
     Vlan1045 |  376  277    0 | 4 days, 19:54:24 ago
    switch# clear ip dhcp relay counters interface vlan 1045
              |  Dhcp Packets  |
    Interface | Rcvd Fwdd Drop |         Last Cleared
    ----------|----- ---- -----|---------------------
      All Req |  380  380    0 | 4 days, 21:19:17 ago
     All Resp |  281  281    0 |
              |                |
     Vlan1000 |  207  148    0 | 4 days, 21:18:30 ago
     Vlan1045 |    0    0    0 |          0:00:07 ago

  • These commands clear all DHCP relay counters on the switch.
    switch(config-if-Vl1045)# exit
    switch(config)# clear ip dhcp relay counters
    switch(config)# show ip dhcp relay counters
              |  Dhcp Packets  |
    Interface | Rcvd Fwdd Drop | Last Cleared
    ----------|----- ---- -----|-------------
      All Req |    0    0    0 |  0:00:03 ago
     All Resp |    0    0    0 |
              |                |
     Vlan1000 |    0    0    0 |  0:00:03 ago
     Vlan1045 |    0    0    0 |  0:00:03 ago

clear ip dhcp snooping counters

The clear ip dhcp snooping counters command resets the DHCP snooping packet counters.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

clear ip dhcp snooping counters [COUNTER_TYPE]


COUNTER_TYPE  - Specify the type of counter to reset. Options include the following:
  • no parameter Counters for each VLAN.
  • debug      Aggregate counters and drop cause counters.

  • This command clears the DHCP snooping counters for each VLAN.
    switch# clear ip dhcp snooping counters
    switch# show ip dhcp snooping counters
         | Dhcp Request Pkts | Dhcp Reply Pkts |
    Vlan |  Rcvd  Fwdd  Drop | Rcvd Fwdd  Drop | Last Cleared
    -----|------ ----- ------|----- ---- ------|-------------
     100 |     0     0     0 |    0    0     0 |  0:00:10 ago

  • This command clears the aggregate DHCP snooping counters.
    switch# clear ip dhcp snooping counters debug
    switch# show ip dhcp snooping counters debug
    Counter                       Snooping to Relay Relay to Snooping
    ----------------------------- ----------------- -----------------
    Received                                      0                 0
    Forwarded                                     0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid VlanId                      0                 0
    Dropped - Parse error                         0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid Dhcp Optype                 0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid Info Option                 0                 0
    Dropped - Snooping disabled                   0                 0
    Last Cleared:  0:00:08 ago

clear ip multicast count

The clear ip multicast count command clears all counters associated with the multicast traffic.

Command Mode

Gobal Configuration

Command Syntax

clear ip multicast count [group_address [source_address]]

  • no parameters      Clears all counts of the multicast route traffic.
  • group_address      Clears the multicast traffic count of the specified group address.
    • source_address      Clears the multicast traffic count of the specified group and source addresses.


This command functions only when the ip multicast count command is enabled.

  • This command clears all counters associated with the multicast traffic.
    switch(config)# clear ip multicast count

  • This command clears the multicast traffic count of the specified group address.
    switch(config)# clear ip multicast count

clear snapshot counters ecmp

The clear shapshot counters ecmp deletes previous snapshots.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

clear snapshot counters ecmp req_id_range


  • req_id_range - Specify the Request ID of the snapshot to delete. If none specified, all previous snapshots delete from the switch.


To delete previous snapshots, use the following command:

switch#clear snapshot counters ecmp id_range

cli vrf

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF. The context-active VRF determines the default VRF that VRF-context aware commands use when displaying routing table data.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

cli vrf [VRF_ID]


VRF_ID       Name of VRF assigned as the current VRF scope. Options include:
  • vrf_name      Name of user-defined VRF.
  • default      System-default VRF.


VRF-context aware commands include:

clear arp-cache

show ip

show ip arp

show ip route

show ip route gateway

show ip route host

Related Commands

The show routing-context vrf command displays the context-active VRF.


These commands specify magenta as the context-active VRF, then display the context-active VRF.

switch# cli vrf magenta
switch# show routing-context vrf
Current VRF routing-context is magenta


The compress command increases the hardware resources available for the specified prefix lengths.

The no compress command removes the 2-to-1 compression configuraion from the running-config.

Note: The compress command is supported only on 7500R, 7280R, 7500R2 and 7280R2 platforms.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip hardware fib optimize prefix-length prefix-lengthexpand prefix-length compress

no ip hardware fib optimize prefix-length prefix-lengthexpand prefix-length compress


compress    Allows configuring up to one compressed prefix length.

In the following example we are configuring prefix length 20 and 24, expanding prefix length 19 and 23, and compressing prefix length 25.
switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize prefix-length 20 24 expand 19 23 compress 25
 ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

description (VRF)

The description command adds a text string to the configuration mode VRF. The string has no functional impact on the VRF.

The no description and default description commands remove the text string from the configuration mode VRF by deleting the corresponding description command from running-config.

Command Mode

VRF Configuration

Command Syntax

description label_text

no description

default description


label_text      Character string assigned to the VRF configuration.

Related Commands

The vrf instance command places the switch in VRF configuration mode.

These commands add description text to the magenta VRF.
switch(config)# vrf instance magenta
switch(config-vrf-magenta)# description This is the first vrf
switch(config-vrf-magenta)# show active
 vrf instance magenta
   description This is the first vrf


dhcp relay

The dhcp relay command places the switch in the DHCP relay mode. This command is executed under global configuration mode.

The no dhcp relay command removes DHCP relay configuration from the running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp relay

no dhcp relay


The dhcp relay command places the switch in the DHCP relay configuration mode.
switch(config)# dhcp relay

dhcp server

The dhcp server command places the switch in the DHCP relay mode. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

The no dhcp server command removes DHCP relay configuration from the running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server

no dhcp server


The dhcp server command places the switch in the DHCP relay configuration mode.
switch(config)# dhcp server

dhcp server client

The dhcp server client command configures client options for the DHCP server.Execute this command under the dhcp server configuration mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server client class [ipv4|ipv6] definition client_class assignments [default-gateway|dns|lease|option|private-option|tftp]


  • [ipv4|ipv6] - Select the IP address family.
  • definition client_class - Add a class for the client definition.
  • default-gateway - Configure the client class default gateway sent to DHCP clients.
  • dns - Configure the client class DNS.
  • lease - Configure the client class lease.
  • option - Configure the client class DHCP options.
  • private-option - Configure the client class's private options.
  • tftp - Configure the client class's TFTP options.


Use the dhcp server client class default-gateway command to add a client definition for the IPv4 DHCP client class default gateway of options.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# client class ipv4 definition test1 default-gateway

dhcp server debug

The dhcp server debug log command configures DHCP server debugging configuration. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server debug log file


log file - Specify the file location to store debugging logs.


Use the dhcp server log command to add a file location for debugging logs.
switch(config-dhcp-server)#debug log

dhcp server dns

The dhcp server dns command configures DHCP server DNS options. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server dns [domain name domain_name ] [server [ipv4|ipv6] ip_address


  • domain name domain_name - Specify the domain name of the DNS server.
  • server [ipv4|ipv6] ip_address - Specify the DNS server as IPv4 or IPv6 and the IP address of the server.


Use the dhcp server dns command to add an IPv4 DNS server,, to the DHCP configuration. options.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# dns server ipv4

dhcp server lease

The dhcp server lease command configures DHCP server lease options. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server lease time [ipv4|ipv6] days days hourshours minutesminutes


  • [ipv4|ipv6] - Configure the lease for IPv4 or IPv6.
  • days days - Specify the number of days for the lease to be in effect from 0 to 2000 days.
  • hourshours - Specify the number of hours for the lease to be in effect from 0 to 23 hours.
  • minutesminutes - Specify the number of minutes for the lease to be in effect from 0 to 59 minutes.


Use the dhcp server lease command to add an IPv4 lease to be in effect for 10 days, to the DHCP configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# dns lease time ipv4 10 days

dhcp server option

The dhcp server option command configures DHCP server options. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server option [ipv4|ipv6] code [always-send data type [hex |string] data]] >quoted_string >hex [client-id disable] hourshours minutesminutes


  • [ipv4|ipv6] - Configure the option for IPv4 or IPv6.
  • code- Specify the option number from the DHCP options.
  • [always-send data type [hex |string] data]] >quoted_string >hex - Specify to send the option whether or not the client requested it.
  • client-id disable - Prevent the DHCPv4 server from sending back the client ID.


Use the dhcp server option command to add an IPv4 DHCP code, 67, to the DHCP configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# option ipv4 option 67

dhcp server private-option

The dhcp server private-option command configures DHCP server private options. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server private-option [ipv4|ipv6] code [always-send data type [hex |string] data]] >quoted_string >hex


  • [ipv4|ipv6] - Configure the option for IPv4 or IPv6.
  • code- Specify the option number from 224 to 254.
  • [always-send data type [hex |string] data]] quoted_string >hex - Specify to send the option whether or not the client requested it.


Use the dhcp server option command to add an IPv4 private option code, 225, and to always send the option to the DHCP configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# option ipv4 private-option 225 always-send private-option ipv4 225 always-send type string data "Code Sent"

dhcp server subnet

The dhcp server subnet command configures DHCP server subnet options. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server subnet ipv4_address ipv6_address


  • ipv4_address> - Configure the IPv4 subnet.
  • ipv6_address - Configure the IPv6 subnet.


Use the dhcp server subnet command to add an IPv4 subnet,, to the DHCP configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# subnet

dhcp server subnet client

The dhcp server subnet [ipv4 | ipv6] client command configures client options for the DHCP server. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server subnet [ipv4|ipv6] client class defintion client_class [default-gateway|dns|lease|name|range|reservations|tftp]


  • [ipv4|ipv6] - Select the IP address family.
  • definition client_class - Add a class for the client definition.
  • default-gateway ip_address - Configure the client class default gateway sent to DHCP clients.
  • dns server - Configure the client class DNS.
  • lease days hourshours minutesminutes - Configure the client class lease in days, hours, and minutes.
  • name name - Configure the subnet name.
  • range ip_address_start ip_address_end - Configure the range of IP addresses for the subnet.
  • reservations mac-address mac_address [hostname | ipv4-address]- Configure the MAC address to use for reservations.
  • tftp - Configure the client class's TFTP options.


Use the dhcp server subnet ipv4 client class default-gateway command to add a client definition for the IPv4 DHCP client class default gateway of options.
switch(config-dhcp-server)#subnet ipv4 client class ipv4 definition test1 default-gateway

dhcp server tftp

The dhcp server tftp command configures DHCP server TFTP options. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server tftp server [file [ipv4|ipv6] file_name] [option [150|66]] ipv4


  • file [ipv4|ipv6] file_name> - Configure the IPv4 or IPv6 boot file name.
  • option [150|66]] ipv4 ip_address - Configure the TFTP DHCP option as 150 or 66 with an IPv4 address.


Use the dhcp server tftp command to add option 150 with an IPv4 address, to the DHCP configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# tftp option 150 ipv4

dhcp server vendor-option

The dhcp server vendor-option command configures the DHCP server vendor identifier options. Execute this command under the dhcp server configuration mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server vendor-option ipv4 vendor_id default vendor_id sub-option sub-option_code


  • vendor_id - Configure the vendor identifier.
  • default vendor_id - Set as the default vendor specific option.
  • sub-option sub-option_code - Set the sub-option code from 1-254.


Use the dhcp server vendor-option command to add vendor option, 1:4:c0:0:2:8 , to the DHCP configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# vendor-option 1:4:c0:0:2:8

dhcp server vendor-option ipv4 sub-option

The dhcp server vendor-option command configures the DHCP server vendor identifier options. Execute this command in the DHCP Server Configuration Mode.

Command Mode

DHCP Server Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

dhcp server vendor-option ipv4 vendor_id default vendor_id sub-option sub-option_code type [array | ipv4-address | string] array [ipv4-address data ip_address [string data quoted_string


  • vendor_id - Configure the vendor identifier.
  • default vendor_id - Set as the default vendor specific option.
  • sub-option sub-option_code - Set the sub-option code from 1-254.


Use the dhcp server vendor-option command to add the vendor option, 1:4:c0:0:2:8, to the DHCP Server configuration.
switch(config-dhcp-server)# vendor-option 1:4:c0:0:2:8

interface tunnel

The interface tunnel command places the switch in interface-tunnel configuration mode.

Interface-tunnel configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately after commands are executed.

The no interface tunnel command deletes the specified interface tunnel configuration.

The exit command returns the switch to the global configuration mode.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

interface tunnel number

no interface tunnel number


number     Tunnel interface number. Values range from 0 to 255.

This command places the switch in interface-tunnel configuration mode for tunnel interface 10.
switch(config)# interface tunnel 10

ip arp inspection limit

The ip arp inspection limit command disables the interface if the incoming ARP rate exceeds the configured value rate limit of the incoming ARP packets on an interface.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

ip arp inspection limit [ RATE pps] [BURST_INTERVAL sec | none]

no ip arp inspection limit [ RATE pps] [BURST_INTERVAL sec | none]

default ip arp inspection limit [ RATE pps] [BURST_INTERVAL sec | none]

  • RATE - Specifies the ARP inspection limit rate in packets per second.
    • pps - Specify the number of ARP inspection limit rate packets per second.

  • BURST_INTERVAL - Specifies the ARP inspection limit burst interval.
    • sec - Specify the burst interval in seconds.

  • This command configures the rate limit of incoming ARP packets to disable the interface when the incoming ARP rate exceeds the configured value, sets the rate to 512, the upper limit for the number of invalid ARP packets allowed per second, and sets the burst consecutive interval to monitor the interface for a high ARP rate to 11 seconds.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection limit rate 512 burst interval 11

  • This command displays verification of the interface specific configuration.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 3/1
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection limit rate 20 burst interval 5
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet 3/3
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection trust
    switch(config)# show ip arp inspection interfaces
     Interface      Trust State  Rate (pps) Burst Interval
     -------------  -----------  ---------- --------------
     Et3/1          Untrusted    20         5
     Et3/3          Trusted      None       N/A

ip arp inspection logging

The ip arp inspection logging command enables logging of incoming ARP packets on the interface if the rate exceeds the configured value.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

ip arp inspection logging [RATE pps ][BURST_INTERVAL sec | none]

no ip arp inspection logging [RATE pps ][BURST_INTERVAL sec | none]

default ip arp inspection logging [RATE pps ][BURST_INTERVAL sec | none]

  • RATE - Specifies the ARP inspection limit rate in packets per second.
    • <pps> -Specifies the number of ARP inspection limit rate packets per second.

  • BURST_INTERVAL - Specifies the ARP inspection limit burst interval.
    • sec - Specify the number of burst interval seconds.

This command enables logging of incoming ARP packets when the incoming ARP rate exceeds the configured value on the interface, sets the rate to monitor the interface for a high ARP rate to 15 seconds.
switch(config)# ip arp inspection logging rate 2048 burst interval 15

ip arp inspection trust

The ip arp inspection trust command configures the trust state of an interface. By default, all interfaces are untrusted.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

ip arp inspection trust

no ip arp inspection trust

default ip arp inspection trust

  • This command configures the trust state of an interface.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection trust

  • This command configures the trust state of an interface to untrusted.
    switch(config)# no ip arp inspection trust

  • This command configures the trust state of an interface to the default.
    switch(config)# default ip arp inspection trust

ip arp inspection vlan

The ip arp inspection vlan command enables ARP inspection. EOS intercepts ARP requests and responses on untrusted interfaces on specified VLANs, and verifies intercepted packets with valid IP-MAC address bindings. EOS drops all invalid ARP packets. On trusted interfaces, EOS processes all incoming ARP packets and forwards without verification. By default, EOS disables ARP inspection on all VLANs.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

ip arp inspection vlan [LIST]


LIST       Specifies the VLAN interface number.

  • This command enables ARP inspection on VLANs 1 through 150.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

  • This command disables ARP inspection on VLANs 1 through 150.
    switch(config)# no ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

  • This command sets the ARP inspection default to VLANs 1 through 150.
    switch(config)# default ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

  • These commands enable ARP inspection on multiple VLANs 1 through 150 and 200 through 250.
    switch(config)# ip arp inspection vlan 1-150,200-250

ip dhcp relay all-subnets

The ip dhcp relay all-subnets command configures the DHCP smart relay status on the configuration mode interface. DHCP smart relay supports forwarding DHCP requests with a client secondary IP addresses in the gateway address field. Enabling DHCP smart relay on an interface requires that you enable DHCP relay on that interface.

By default, an interface assumes the global DHCP smart relay setting as configured by the ip dhcp relay all-subnets default command. The ip dhcp relay all-subnets command, when configured, takes precedence over the global smart relay setting.

The no ip dhcp relay all-subnets command disables DHCP smart relay on the configuration mode interface. The default ip dhcp relay all-subnets command restores the interface’s to the default DHCP smart relay setting, as configured by the ip dhcp relay all-subnets default command, by removing the corresponding ip dhcp relay all-subnets or no ip dhcp relay all-subnets statement from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp relay all-subnets

no ip dhcp relay all-subnets

default ip dhcp relay all-subnets

  • This command enables DHCP smart relay on VLAN interface 100.
    switch(config)# interface vlan 100
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# ip helper-address
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# ip dhcp relay all-subnets
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# show ip dhcp relay
    DHCP Relay is active
    DHCP Relay Option 82 is disabled
    DHCP Smart Relay is enabled
    Interface: Vlan100
      DHCP Smart Relay is enabled
      DHCP servers:

  • This command disables DHCP smart relay on VLAN interface 100.
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# no ip dhcp relay all-subnets
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# show active
     interface Vlan100
       no ip dhcp relay all-subnets
       ip helper-address
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# show ip dhcp relay
    DHCP Relay is active
    DHCP Relay Option 82 is disabled
    DHCP Smart Relay is enabled
    Interface: Vlan100
      DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
      DHCP servers:

  • This command enables DHCP smart relay globally, configures VLAN interface 100 to use the global setting, then displays the DHCP relay status.
    switch(config)# ip dhcp relay all-subnets default
    switch(config)# interface vlan 100
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# ip helper-address
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# default ip dhcp relay
    switch(config-if-Vl100)# show ip dhcp relay
    DHCP Relay is active
    DHCP Relay Option 82 is disabled
    DHCP Smart Relay is enabled
    Interface: Vlan100
      Option 82 Circuit ID: 333
      DHCP Smart Relay is enabled
      DHCP servers:

ip dhcp relay all-subnets default

The ip dhcp relay all-subnets default command configures the global DHCP smart relay setting. DHCP smart relay supports forwarding DHCP requests with a client secondary IP addresses in the gateway address field. The default global DHCP smart relay setting is disabled.

The global DHCP smart relay setting applies to all interfaces for which an ip dhcp relay all-subnets statement does not exist. Enabling DHCP smart relay on an interface requires that you also enable DHCP relay on that interface.

The no ip dhcp relay all-subnets default and default ip dhcp relay all-subnets default commands restore the global DHCP smart relay default setting of disabled by removing the ip dhcp relay all-subnets default command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp relay all-subnets default

no ip dhcp relay all-subnets default

default ip dhcp relay all-subnets default

This command configures the global DHCP smart relay setting to enabled.
switch(config)# ip dhcp relay all-subnets default

ip dhcp relay always-on

The ip dhcp relay always-on command enables the DHCP relay agent on the switch regardless of the DHCP relay agent status on any interface. By default, the DHCP relay agent is enabled only if at least one routable interface is configured with an ip helper-address statement.

The no ip dhcp relay always-on and default ip dhcp relay always-on commands remove the ip dhcp relay always-on command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp relay always-on

no ip dhcp relay always-on

default ip dhcp relay always-on

This command enables the DHCP relay agent.
switch(config)# ip dhcp relay always-on

ip dhcp relay information option (Global)

The ip dhcp relay information option command configures the switch to attach tags to DHCP requests before forwarding them to the DHCP servers designated by the ip helper-address commands. The command specifies the tag contents for packets forwarded by the configured interface. The default value for each interface configured with an ip helper-address is the name and number of the interface.

The no ip dhcp relay information option and default ip dhcp relay information option commands restore the switch default setting of not attaching tags to DHCP requests by removing the ip dhcp relay information option command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp relay information option

no ip dhcp relay information option

default ip dhcp relay information option


This command enables the attachment of tags to DHCP requests forwarded to DHCP server addresses.

switch(config)# ip dhcp relay information option

ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id

The ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id command specifies the content of tags that the switch attaches to DHCP requests before forwarding them from the configuration mode interface to DHCP server addresses specified by ip helper-address commands. Tags attach to outbound DHCP requests only if you enable the information option on the switch (ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id).

The no ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id and default ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id commands restore the default content setting for the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Loopback Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id id_label

no ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id

default ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id


id_label- Specify the tag content. Use a format in alphanumeric characters (maximum 15 characters).


This command configures x-1234 as the tag content for packets send from VLAN 200.

switch(config)# interface vlan 200
switch(config-if-Vl200)# ip dhcp relay information option circuit-id x-1234

ip dhcp snooping

The ip dhcp snooping command enables DHCP snooping globally on the switch. Configure DHCP snooping as a set of Layer 2 processes and use it with DHCP servers to control network access to clients with specific IP/MAC addresses. The switch supports Option-82 insertion,a DHCP snooping process that allows relay agents to provide remote-ID and circuit-ID information to DHCP reply and request packets. DHCP servers use this information to determine the originating port of DHCP requests and associate a corresponding IP address to that port. DHCP servers use port information to track host location and IP address usage by authorized physical ports.

DHCP snooping uses the information option (Option-82) to include the switch MAC address as the router-ID along with the physical interface name and VLAN number as the circuit-ID in DHCP packets. After adding the information to the packet, the DHCP relay agent forwards the packet to the DHCP server as specified by the DHCP protocol.

DHCP snooping on a specified VLAN requires all of these conditions to be met:
  • Enable DHCP snooping globally.
  • Enabled insertion of option-82 information in DHCP packets.
  • Enable DHCP snooping on the specified VLAN.
  • Enable DHCP relay on the corresponding VLAN interface.

The no ip dhcp snooping and default ip dhcp snooping commands disables global DHCP snooping by removing the ip dhcp snooping command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp snooping

no ip dhcp snooping

default ip dhcp snooping

Related Commands

This command globally enables snooping on the switch, displaying DHCP snooping status prior and after invoking the command.
switch(config)# show ip dhcp snooping
DHCP Snooping is disabled
switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping
switch(config)# show ip dhcp snooping
DHCP Snooping is enabled
DHCP Snooping is not operational
DHCP Snooping is configured on following VLANs:
DHCP Snooping is operational on following VLANs:
Insertion of Option-82 is disabled

ip dhcp snooping bridging

The ip dhcp snooping bridging command enables the DHCP snooping bridging configuration.

The no ip dhcp snooping bridging command removes the DHCP snooping bridging configuration from the running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

ip dhcp snooping bridging

no ip dhcp snooping bridging


This command configures the DHCP snooping bridging.
switch# configure
switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping bridging

ip dhcp snooping information option

The ip dhcp snooping information option command enables the insertion of option-82 DHCP snooping information in DHCP packets on VLANs where DHCP snooping is enabled. DHCP snooping is a Layer 2 switch process that allows relay agents to provide remote-ID and circuit-ID information to DHCP reply and request packets. DHCP servers use this information to determine the originating port of DHCP requests and associate a corresponding IP address to that port.

DHCP snooping uses information option (Option-82) to include the switch MAC address (router-ID) along with the physical interface name and VLAN number (circuit-ID) in DHCP packets. After adding the information to the packet, the DHCP relay agent forwards the packet to the DHCP server through DHCP protocol processes.

DHCP snooping on a specified VLAN requires all of these conditions to be met:
  • Enable DHCP snooping globally.
  • Enabled insertion of option-82 information in DHCP packets.
  • Enable DHCP snooping on the specified VLAN.
  • Enable DHCP relay on the corresponding VLAN interface.

Ifnot enabling DHCP snooping globally, the ip dhcp snooping information option command persists in running-config without any operational effect.

The no ip dhcp snooping information option and default ip dhcp snooping information option commands disable the insertion of option-82 DHCP snooping information in DHCP packets by removing the ip dhcp snooping information option statement from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp snooping information option

no ip dhcp snooping information option

default ip dhcp snooping information option

These commands enable DHCP snooping on DHCP packets from ports on snooping-enabled VLANs. DHCP snooping was previously enabled on the switch.
switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping information option
switch(config)# show ip dhcp snooping
DHCP Snooping is enabled
DHCP Snooping is operational
DHCP Snooping is configured on following VLANs:
DHCP Snooping is operational on following VLANs:
Insertion of Option-82 is enabled
  Circuit-id format: Interface name:Vlan ID
  Remote-id: 00:1c:73:1f:b4:38 (Switch MAC)

ip dhcp snooping vlan

The ip dhcp snooping vlan command enables DHCP snooping on specified VLANs. DHCP snooping provides a Layer 2 process that allows relay agents to provide remote-ID and circuit-ID information in DHCP packets. DHCP servers use this data to determine the originating port of DHCP requests and associate a corresponding IP address to that port. Configure DHCP snooping on a global and VLAN basis.

VLAN snooping on a specified VLAN requires each of these conditions:
  • Enable DHCP snooping globally.
  • Enabled insertion of option-82 information in DHCP packets.
  • Enable DHCP snooping on the specified VLAN.
  • Enable DHCP relay on the corresponding VLAN interface.

If not enabling global DHCP snooping, the ip dhcp snooping vlan command persists in running-config without any operational affect.

The no ip dhcp snooping information option and default ip dhcp snooping information option commands disable DHCP snooping operability by removing the ip dhcp snooping information option statement from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip dhcp snooping vlan v_range

no ip dhcp snooping vlan v_range

default ip dhcp snooping vlan v_range

  • v_range - Specify the range of VLANs to enable DHCP snooping. Formats include a number, a number range, or a comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Numbers range from 1 to 4094.

These commands enable DHCP snooping globally, DHCP snooping on VLAN interface 100, and DHCP snooping on vlan100.
switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping
switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping information option
switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping vlan 100
switch(config)# interface vlan 100
switch(config-if-Vl100)# ip helper-address
switch(config-if-Vl100)# show ip dhcp snooping
DHCP Snooping is enabled
DHCP Snooping is operational
DHCP Snooping is configured on following VLANs:
DHCP Snooping is operational on following VLANs:
Insertion of Option-82 is enabled
  Circuit-id format: Interface name:Vlan ID
  Remote-id: 00:1c:73:1f:b4:38 (Switch MAC)

ip hardware fib ecmp resilience

The ip hardware fib ecmp resilience command enables resilient ECMP for the specified IP address prefix and configures a fixed number of next hop entries in the hardware ECMP table for that prefix. In addition to specifying the maximum number of next hop addresses that the table can contain for the prefix, the command includes a redundancy factor that allows duplication of each next hop address. The fixed table space for the address is the maximum number of next hops multiplied by the redundancy factor.

Resilient ECMP is useful when it is not desirable for routes to be rehashed due to link flap, as when ECMP is being used for load balancing.

The no ip hardware fib ecmp resilience and default ip hardware fib ecmp resilience commands restore the default hardware ECMP table management by removing the ip hardware fib ecmp resilience command from running-config .

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip hardware fib ecmp resilience net_addr capacity nhop_max redundancy duplicates

no ip hardware fib ecmp resilience net_addr

default ip hardware fib ecmp resilience net_addr

  • net_addr      IP address prefix managed by command. (CIDR or address-mask).
  • nhop_max      Maximum number of nexthop addresses for specified IP address prefix.

    Value range varies by platform:
    • Helix: <2 to 64>
    • Trident: <2 to 32>
    • Trident II: <2 to 64>

  • duplicates      Specifies the redundancy factor. Value ranges from 1 to 128.
This command configures a hardware ECMP table space of 24 entries for the IP address A maximum of six next-hop addresses can be specified for the IP address. When the table contains six next-hop addresses, each appears in the table four times. When the table contains fewer than six next-hop addresses, each is duplicated until the 24 table entries are filled.
switch(config)# ip hardware fib ecmp resilience capacity 6 redundancy 4

ip hardware fib load-balance distribution

The ip hardware fib load-balance distribution command allows the configuration of dynamic load balancing (DLB) on ECMP Groups. The no and default versions of the command disables the feature and returns the configuration to the traditional hash-based load balancing.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip hardware fib load-balance distribution [dynamic | hash] average-traffic-weight average_traffic_weight_value flow-set-size flow_set_size_value inactivity inactivity_value sampling-period sampling_period seed hash_seed member-selection [optimal always | optimal timer]


  • hash - Specify to use hash-based load balancing, the default behavior.
  • dynamic - Specify to use dynamic load balancing with ECMP groups.
    • average-traffic-weigh average_traffic_weight_value - Specify a value between 1 and 15 with a default value of 1. A higher weight value gives preference to average values over instantaneous values.
    • flow-set-size flow_set_size_value - Specify the number of flow set entries allocated to each DLB group.
    • inactivity inactivity_value - Specify the amount of time for a flow set to be idle before reassigning to an optimal port.
    • member-selection [optimal always | optimal timer] - Specify when to select an optimal port for the next packet in a flow.
      • optimal always - Specify to always pick the optimal member whether or not the inactivity duration has elapse.
      • optimal timer - If the inactivity duration has elapsed, pick the optimal member.
    • sampling-period sampling_period - Specify the duration between two consecutive sampling of port state data with a default value of 16 microseconds.
    • seed hash_seed - Specify a value for random number generation by optimal candidate random selection process to select a port when two or more ports have the same optimal quality.


Use the following command to set the DLB member selection to optimal always:

switch(config)# ip hardware fib load-balance distribution dynamic optimal always

ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization

The ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization command is used to enable or disable the resource optimization features on the switch. By default, RECMP is enabled on the switch.

The no hardware fib next-hop resource optimization command removes all the resource optimization features running on the switch.

Command Mode

Global Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization OPTIONS

no ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization OPTIONS

  • The following two options are allowed to configure with this command:
    • disabled Disable hardware resource optimization for adjacency programming.
    • thresholds Utilization percentage for starting or stopping optimization. The resource utilization percentage value ranges from 0 to 100. It can be set to low and high.

  • The following command is used to disable all hardware resource optimization features on the switch:
    switch# configure terminal
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization disabled

  • The following command is used to configure the thresholds for starting and stopping the optimization:
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib next-hop resource optimization thresholds low 20 high 80

ip hardware fib optimize

The ip hardware fib optimize command enables IPv4 route scale. Restart the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure optimization of IPv4 routes with the agent SandL3Unicast terminate command for the configuration mode interface.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length prefix-length prefix-length


prefix-length     The length of the prefix equal to 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, or 32. Optionally, add one additional prefix-length limited to the prefix-length of 32.

Related Commands


  • This configuration command allows configuring prefix lengths 12 and 32
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 12 32
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

    One of the two prefixes in this command has a prefix-length of 32, required in the instance when adding two prefixes. For this command to take effect, restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure optimization of IPv4 routes.
    switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes, and then re-added to the hardware.

  • This configuration command allows configuring prefix lengths 32 and 16.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 32 16
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

    One of the two prefixes in this command is a prefix-length of 32, required when adding two prefixes. For this command to take effect, restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure optimization of IPv4 routes.
    switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes, and then re-added to the hardware.

  • This configuration command allows configuring prefix length 24.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 24
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

    In this instance, add one prefix-length, and does not require a prefix-length of 32. For this command to take effect, restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure optimization of IPv4 routes.
    switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes, and then re-added to the hardware.

  • This configuration command allows configuring the prefix length of 32.
    switch(config)# ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 32
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are optimized

    For this command to take effect, restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

  • This configuration command restarts the platform Layer 3 agent to ensure optimization of IPv4 routes.
    switch(config)# agent SandL3Unicast terminate
    SandL3Unicast was terminated

    Restarting the platform Layer 3 agent results in deletion of all IPv4 routes, and then re-added to the hardware.

  • This configuration command disables configuring prefix lengths 12 and 32.
    switch(config)# no ip hardware fib optimize exact-match prefix-length 12 32
    ! Please restart layer 3 forwarding agent to ensure IPv4 routes are not optimized

    One of the two prefixes in this command has a prefix-length of 32, required when configuring two prefixes. For this command to take effect, restart the platform Layer 3 agent.

ip helper-address

The ip helper-address command enables the DHCP relay agent on the configuration mode interface and specifies a forwarding address for DHCP requests. An interface that is configured with multiple helper-addresses forwards DHCP requests to all specified addresses.

The no ip helper-address and default ip helper-address commands remove the corresponding ip helper-address command from running-config. Commands that do not specify an IP helper-address remove all helper-addresses from the interface.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ip helper-address ipv4_addr [vrf vrf_name][source-address ipv4_addr | source-interface INTERFACES]

no ip helper-address [ipv4_addr]

default ip helper-address [ipv4_addr]

  • vrf vrf_name     Specifies the user-defined VRF for DHCP server.
  • ipv4_addr     Specifies the DHCP server address accessed by interface.
  • source-address ipv4_addr     Specifies the source IPv4 address to communicate with DHCP server.
  • source-interface INTERFACES     Specifies the source interface to communicate with DHCP server. Options include:
    • Ethernet eth_num     Specifies the Ethernet interface number.
    • Loopback lpbck_num     Specifies the loopback interface number. Value ranges from 0 to 1000.
    • Management mgmt_num     Specifies the management interface number. Accepted values are 1 and 2.
    • Port-Channel {int_num | sub_int_num}     Specifies the port-channel interface or subinterface number. Value of interface ranges from 1 to 2000. Value of sub-interface ranges from 1 to 4094.
    • Tunnel tnl_num     Specifies the tunnel interface number. Value ranges from 0 to 255.
    • VLAN vlan_num     Specifies the Ethernet interface number. Value ranges from 1 to 4094.


If the source-address parameter is specified, then the DHCP client receives an IPv4 address from the subnet of source IP address. The source-address must be one of the configured addresses on the interface.

  • This command enables DHCP relay on the VLAN interface 200; and configure the switch to forward DHCP requests received on this interface to the server at
    switch(config)# interface vlan 200
    switch(config-if-Vl200)# ip helper-address
    switch(config-if-Vl200)# show active
    interface Vlan200
       ip helper-address

  • This command enables DHCP relay on the interface ewthernet 1/2; and configures the switch to use as the source IP address when relaying IPv4 DHCP messages to the server at
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/2
    switch(config-if-Et1/2)# ip helper-address source-address

ip icmp redirect

The ip icmp redirect command enables the transmission of ICMP redirect messages. Routers send ICMP redirect messages to notify data link hosts of the availability of a better route for a specific destination.

The no ip icmp redirect disables the switch from sending ICMP redirect messages.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip icmp redirect

no ip icmp redirect

default ip icmp redirect


This command disables the redirect messages.

switch(config)# no ip icmp redirect
switch(config)# show running-config
              <-------OUTPUT OMITTED FROM EXAMPLE-------->
no ip icmp redirect
ip routing
               <-------OUTPUT OMITTED FROM EXAMPLE-------->

ip load-sharing

The ip load-sharing command provides the hash seed to an algorithm that the switch uses to distribute data streams among multiple equal-cost routes to an individual IPv4 subnet.

In a network topology using Equal-Cost Multipath routing, all switches performing identical hash calculations may result in hash polarization, leading to uneven load distribution among the data paths. Hash polarization is avoided when switches use different hash seeds to perform different hash calculations.

The no ip load-sharing and default ip load-sharing commands return the hash seed to the default value of zero by removing the ip load-sharing command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip load-sharing HARDWARE seed

no ip load-sharing HARDWARE

default ip load-sharing HARDWARE

  • HARDWARE      The ASIC switching device. The available option depend on the switch platform. Verify available options with the CLI ? command.
    • arad
    • fm6000
    • petraA
    • trident

  • seed     The hash seed. Value range varies by switch platform. The default value on all platforms is 0.
    • when HARDWARE=arad     seed ranges from 0 to 2.
    • when HARDWARE=fm6000     seed ranges from 0 to 39.
    • when HARDWARE=petraA     seed ranges from 0 to 2.
    • when HARDWARE=trident     seed ranges from 0 to 5.

This command sets the IPv4 load sharing hash seed to one on FM6000 platform switches.
switch(config)# ip load-sharing fm6000 1

ip local-proxy-arp

The ip local-proxy-arp command enables local proxy ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) on the configuration mode interface. When local proxy ARP is enabled, ARP requests received on the configuration mode interface will return an IP address even when the request comes from within the same subnet.

The no ip local-proxy-arp and default ip local-proxy-arp commands disable local proxy ARP on the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding ip local-proxy-arp command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Loopback Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ip local-proxy-arp

no ip local-proxy-arp

default ip local-proxy-arp

These commands enable local proxy ARP on VLAN interface 140.
switch(config)# interface vlan 140
switch(config-if-Vl140)# ip local-proxy-arp
switch(config-if-Vl140)# show active
interface Vlan140
   ip local-proxy-arp

ip multicast count

The ip multicast count command enables the IPv4 multicast route traffic counter of group and source addresses in either bytes or packets.

The no ip multicast count command deletes all multicast counters including the routes of group and source addresses.

The no ip multicast count group_address source_addresscommand removes the current configuration of the specified group and source addresses. It does not delete the counter because the wildcard is still active.

The default ip multicast count command reverts the current counter configuration of multicast route to the default state.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip multicast count [group_address [source_address] | bytes | packets]

no ip multicast count [group_address [source_address] | bytes | packets]

default ip multicast count [group_address [source_address] | bytes | packets]

  • group_address     Configures the multicast route traffic count of the specified group address.
    • source_address     Configures the multicast route traffic count of the specified group and source addresses.

  • bytes     Configures the multicast route traffic count to bytes.
  • packets     Configures the multicast route traffic count to packets.


This command is supported on the FM6000 platform only.

  • This command configures the multicast route traffic count to bytes.
    switch(config)# ip multicast count bytes

  • This command configures the multicast route traffic count of the specified group and source addresses.
    switch(config)# ip multicast count

  • This command deletes all multicast counters including the routes of group and source addresses.
    switch(config)# no ip multicast count

  • This command reverts the current multicast route configuration to the default state.
    switch(config)# default ip multicast count

ip proxy-arp

The ip proxy-arp command enables proxy ARP on the configuration mode interface. Proxy ARP is disabled by default. When proxy ARP is enabled, the switch responds to all ARP requests, including gratuitous ARP requests, with target IP addresses that match a route in the routing table.

The no ip proxy-arp and default ip proxy-arp commands disable proxy ARP on the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding ip proxy-arp command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Loopback Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ip proxy-arp

no ip proxy-arp

default ip proxy-arp

This command enables proxy ARP on interface ethernet 4.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 4
switch(config-if-Et4)# ip proxy-arp

ip route

The ip route command creates a static route. The destination is a network segment; the nexthop address is either an IPv4 address or a routable port. When multiple routes exist to a destination prefix, the route with the lowest administrative distance takes precedence.

By default, the administrative distance assigned to static routes is 1. Assigning a higher administrative distance to a static route configures it to be overridden by dynamic routing data. For example, a static route with an administrative distance value of 200 is overridden by OSPF intra-area routes, which have a default administrative distance of 110.

Tags are used by route maps to filter routes. The default tag value on static routes is 0.

Multiple routes with the same destination and the same administrative distance comprise an Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) route. The switch attempts to spread outbound traffic equally through all ECMP route paths. All paths comprising an ECMP are assigned identical tag values; commands that change the tag value of a path change the tag value of all paths in the ECMP.

The no ip route and default ip route commands delete the specified static route by removing the corresponding ip route command from running-config. Commands that do not list a nexthop address remove all ip route statements with the specified destination from running-config. If an ip route statement exists for the same IP address in multiple VRFs, each must be removed separately. All static routes in a user-defined VRF are deleted when the VRF is deleted.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax


no ip route [VRF_INSTANCE] dest_net [NEXTHOP][DISTANCE]

default ip route [VRF_INSTANCE] dest_net [NEXTHOP][DISTANCE]

  • VRF_INSTANCE      Specifies the VRF instance being modified.
    • no parameter      Changes are made to the default VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Changes are made to the specified VRF.

  • dest_net      Destination IPv4 subnet (CIDR or address-mask notation).
  • NEXTHOP Location or access method of next hop device. Options include:
    • ipv4_addr      An IPv4 address.
    • null0      Null0 interface.
    • ethernet e_num     Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
    • loopback l_num      Loopback interface specified by l_num.
    • management m_num      Management interface specified by m_num.
    • port-channel p_num     Port-channel interface specified by p_num.
    • vlan v_num     VLAN interface specified by v_num.
    • VXLAN vx_num     VXLAN interface specified by vx_num.

  • DISTANCE Administrative distance assigned to route. Options include:
    • no parameter     Route assigned default administrative distance of one.
    • 1-255     The administrative distance assigned to route.

  • TAG_OPTION      Static route tag. Options include:
    • no parameter      Assigns default static route tag of 0.
    • tag t_value      Static route tag value. t_value ranges from 0 to 4294967295.

  • RT_NAME      Associates descriptive text to the route. Options include:
    • no parameter      No text is associated with the route.
    • name descriptive_text      The specified text is assigned to the route.

Related Command

The ip route nexthop-group command creates a static route that specifies a Nexthop Group to determine the Nexthop address.


This command creates a static route in the default VRF.
switch(config)# ip route vlan 2000

ip routing

The ip routing command enables IPv4 routing. When IPv4 routing is enabled, the switch attempts to deliver inbound packets to destination IPv4 addresses by forwarding them to interfaces or next hop addresses specified by the forwarding table.

The no ip routing and default ip routing commands disable IPv4 routing by removing the ip routing command from running-config. When IPv4 routing is disabled, the switch attempts to deliver inbound packets to their destination MAC addresses. When this address matches the switch’s MAC address, the packet is delivered to the CPU. IP packets with IPv4 destinations that differ from the switch’s address are typically discarded. The delete-static-routes option removes static entries from the routing table.

IPv4 routing is disabled by default.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip routing [VRF_INSTANCE]


default ip routing [DELETE_ROUTES][VRF_INSTANCE]

  • DELETE_ROUTES      Resolves routing table static entries when routing is disabled.
    • no parameter      Routing table retains static entries.
    • delete-static-routes      Static entries are removed from the routing table.

  • VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance being modified.
    • no parameter     Changes are made to the default VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Changes are made to the specified user-defined VRF.

This command enables IPv4 routing.
switch(config)# ip routing

ip source binding

IP source guard (IPSG) is supported on Layer 2 Port-Channels, not member ports. The IPSG configuration on port channels supersedes the configuration on the physical member ports. Hence, source IP MAC binding entries should be configured on port channels. When configured on a port channel member port, IPSG does not take effect until this port is deleted from the port channel configuration.

Note: IP source bindings are also used by static ARP inspection.

The no ip source binding and default ip source binding commands exclude parameters from IPSG filtering, and set the default for ip source binding.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

ip source binding [IP_ADDRESS][MAC_ADDRESS] vlan [VLAN_RANGE] interface [INTERFACE]

no ip source binding [IP_ADDRESS][MAC_ADDRESS] vlan [VLAN_RANGE] interface [INTERFACE]

default ip source binding [IP_ADDRESS][MAC_ADDRESS] vlan [VLAN_RANGE] interface [INTERFACE]

  • IP_ADDRESS      Specifies the IP ADDRESS.
  • MAC_ADDRESS      Specifies the MAC ADDRESS.
  • VLAN_RANGE      Specifies the VLAN ID range.
  • INTERFACE      Specifies the Ethernet interface.

This command configures source IP-MAC binding entries to IP address, MAC address 0000.aaaa.1111, VLAN ID 4094, and interface ethernet 36.
switch(config)# ip source binding 0000.aaaa.1111 vlan 4094 interface 
ethernet 36

ip verify source

The ip verify source command configures IP source guard (IPSG) applicable only to Layer 2 ports. When configured on Layer 3 ports, IPSG does not take effect until this interface is converted to Layer 2.

IPSG is supported on Layer 2 Port-Channels, not member ports. The IPSG configuration on port channels supersedes the configuration on the physical member ports. Therefore, source IP MAC binding entries should be configured on port channels. When configured on a port channel member port, IPSG does not take effect until this port is deleted from the port channel configuration.

The no ip verify source and default ip verify source commands exclude VLAN IDs from IPSG filtering, and set the default for ip verify source.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

ip verify source vlan [VLAN_RANGE]

no ip verify source [VLAN_RANGE]

default ip verify source


VLAN_RANGE      Specifies the VLAN ID range.

Related Commands

This command excludes VLAN IDs 1 through 3 from IPSG filtering. When enabled on a trunk port, IPSG filters the inbound IP packets on all allowed VLANs. IP packets received on VLANs 4 through 10 on Ethernet 36 will be filtered by IPSG, while those received on VLANs 1 through 3 are permitted.
switch(config)# no ip verify source vlan 1-3
switch(config)# interface ethernet 36
switch(config-if-Et36)# switchport mode trunk
switch(config-if-Et36)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-10
switch(config-if-Et36)# ip verify source

ip verify

The ip verify command configures Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) for inbound IPv4 packets on the configuration mode interface. uRPF verifies the accessibility of source IP addresses in packets that the switch forwards.

uRPF defines two operational modes: strict mode and loose mode.
  • Strict mode: uRPF verifies that a packet is received on the interface that its routing table entry specifies for its return packet.
  • Loose mode: uRPF validation does not consider the inbound packet’s ingress interface only that there is a valid return path.

The no ip verify and default ip verify commands disable uRPF on the configuration mode interface by deleting the corresponding ip verify command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Loopback Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Interface-Port-Channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ip verify unicast source reachable-via RPF_MODE

no ip verify unicast

default ip verify unicast


RPF_MODE      Specifies the uRPF mode. Options include:
  • any      Loose mode.
  • rx      Strict mode.
  • rx allow-default      Strict mode. All inbound packets are forwarded if a default route is defined.


The first IPv4 uRPF implementation briefly disrupts IPv4 unicast routing. Subsequent ip verify commands on any interface do not disrupt IPv4 routing.

  • This command enables uRPF loose mode on VLAN interface 17.
    switch(config)# interface vlan 17
    switch(config-if-Vl17)# ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
    switch(config-if-Vl17)# show active
     interface Vlan17
       ip verify unicast source reachable-via any

  • This command enables uRPF strict mode on VLAN interface 18.
    switch(config)# interface vlan 18
    switch(config-if-Vl18)# ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx
    switch(config-if-Vl18)# show active
     interface Vlan18
       ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx

ipv4 routable

The ipv4 routable command assignes an class E addresses to an interface. When configured, the class E address traffic are routed through BGP, OSPF, ISIS, RIP, static routes and programmed to the FIB and kernel. By default, this command is disabled.

The no ipv4 routable and default ipv4 routable commands disable IPv4 Class E routing by removing the ipv4 routable command from running-config.

IPv4 routable routing is disabled by default.

Command Mode

Router General Configuration

Command Syntax

ipv4 routable

no ipv4 routable

default ipv4 routable


These commands configure an IPv4 Class E (240/4) address to an interface.
switch(config)# router general
switch(config-router-general)# ipv4 routable

platform barefoot bfrt vrf

The platform barefoot bfrt vrf command configures the forwarding plane agent on supported platforms to restart and listen on the configured VRF for connections. If left unconfigured, the default VRF is used for the IP and port for theBfRuntime server.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

platform barefoot bfrt vrf VRF name


VRF name configured VRF for connections.

These commands configure the forwarding plane agent to restart and listen on the configured VRF for connections.
switch(config)# vrf instance management
switch(config-vrf-management)# exit
switch(config)# platform barefoot bfrt 50052
switch(config)# platform barefoot bfrt vrf <VRF name>
switch(config)# int management1
switch(config-if-Ma1)# vrf management

platform trident forwarding-table partition

The platform trident forwarding-table partition command provides a shared table memory for L2, L3 and algorithmic LPM entries that can be partitioned in different ways.

Instead of having fixed-size tables for L2 MAC entry tables, L3 IP forwarding tables, and Longest Prefix Match (LPM) routes, the tables can be unified into a single shareable forwarding table.

Note: Changing the Unified Forwarding Table mode causes the forwarding agent to restart, briefly disrupting traffic forwarding on all ports.

The no platform trident forwarding-table partition and default platform trident forwarding-table partition commands remove the  platform trident forwarding-table partition command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

platform trident forwarding-table partition SIZE

no platform trident forwarding-table partition

default platform trident forwarding-table partition


SIZE       Size of partition. Options include:
  • 0      288k l2 entries, 16k host entries, 16k lpm entries.
  • 1      224k l2 entries, 80k host entries, 16k lpm entries.
  • 2      160k l2 entries, 144k host entries, 16k lpm entries.
  • 3      96k l2 entries, 208k host entries, 16k lpm entries.

The default value is 2 (160k l2 entries, 144k host entries, 16k lpm entries).

  • This command sets the single shareable forwarding table to option 2 that supports 160k L2 entries, 144k host entries, and 16k LPM entries.
    switch(config)# platform trident forwarding-table partition 2

  • This command sets the single shareable forwarding table to option 3 that supports 96k L2 entries, 208k host entries, and 16k LPM entries. Since the switch was previously configured to option 2, you’ll see a warning notice before the changes are implemented.
    switch(config)# platform trident forwarding-table partition 3
    Warning: StrataAgent will restart immediately

platform trident routing-table partition

The platform trident routing-table partition command manages the partition sizes for the hardware LPM table that stores IPv6 routes of varying sizes.

An IPv6 route of length /64 (or shorter) requires half the hardware resources of an IPv6 route that is longer than /64. The switch installs routes of varying lengths in different table partitions. This command specifies the size of these partitions to optimize table usage.

Note: Changing the routing table partition mode causes the forwarding agent to restart, briefly disrupting traffic forwarding on all ports.

The no platform trident routing-table partition and default platform trident routing-table partition commands restore the default partitions sizes by removing the platform trident routing-table partition command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

platform trident routing-table partition SIZE

no platform trident routing-table partition

default platform trident routing-table partition


SIZE      Size of partition. Options include:
  • 1      16k IPv4 entries, 6k IPv6 (/64 and smaller) entries, 1k IPv6 (any prefix length).
  • 2      16k IPv4 entries, 4k IPv6 (/64 and smaller) entries, 2k IPv6 (any prefix length).
  • 3      16k IPv4 entries, 2k IPv6 (/64 and smaller) entries, 3k IPv6 (any prefix length).

    The default value is 2 (16k IPv4 entries, 4k IPv6 (/64 and smaller) entries, 2k IPv6 (any prefix length).


Partition allocation cannot be changed from the default setting when uRPF is enabled for IPv6 traffic.

This command sets the shareable routing table to option 1 that supports 6K prefixes equal to or shorter than /64 and 1K prefixes longer than /64.
switch(config)# platform trident routing-table partition 1

rib fib policy

The rib fib policy command enables FIB policy for a particular VRF under router general configuration mode. The FIB policy can be configured to advertise only specific RIB routes and exclude all other routes.

For example, a FIB policy can be configured that will not place routes associated with a specific origin in the routing table. These routes will not be used to forward data packets and these routes are not advertised by the routing protocol to neighbors.

The no rib fib policy and default rib fib policy commands restore the switch to its default state by removing the corresponding rib fib policy command from running-config .

Command Mode

Router General Configuration

Command Syntax

rib [ipv4 | ipv6] fib policy name

no rib [ipv4 | ipv6] fib policy name

default rib [ipv4 | ipv6] fib policy name

  • ipv4 IPv4 configuration commands.
  • ipv6       IPv6 configuration commands.
  • name       Route map name.

The following example enables FIB policy for IPv4 in the default VRF, using the route map, map1.
Switch(config)# router general
Switch(config-router-general)# vrf default
Switch(config-router-general-vrf-default)# rib ipv4 fib policy map1

show arp

The show arp command displays all ARP tables. This command differs from the show ip arp command in that it shows MAC bindings for all protocols, whereas show ip arp only displays MAC address – IP address bindings. Addresses are displayed as their host name by including the resolve argument.

Command Mode


Command Syntax



The VRF_INST and FORMAT parameters are always listed first and second. The DATA parameter is always listed last. All other parameters can be placed in any order.
  • VRF_INST       Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
    • no parameter      Context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

  • FORMAT       Displays format of host address. Options include:
    • no parameter     Entries associate hardware address with an IPv4 address.
    • resolve      Enter associate hardware address with a host name (if it exists).

  • HOST_ADD      IPv4 address by which routing table entries are filtered. Options include:
    • no parameter     Routing table entries are not filtered by host address.
    • ipv4_addr     Table entries matching specified IPv4 address.

  • HOST_NAME       Host name by which routing table entries are filtered. Options include:
    • no parameter      Routing table entries are not filtered by host name.
    • host hostname      Entries matching hostname (text).

  • INTF      Interfaces for which command displays status.
    • no parameter      Routing table entries are not filtered by interface.
    • interface ethernet e_num      Routed Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
    • interface loopback l_num      Routed loopback interface specified by l_num.
    • interface management m_num     Routed management interface specified by m_num.
    • interface port-channel p_num      Routed port channel Interface specified by p_num.
    • interface vlan v_num      VLAN interface specified by v_num.
    • interface VXLAN vx_num      VXLAN interface specified by vx_num.

  • MAC_ADDR      MAC address by which routing table entries are filtered. Options include:
    • no parameter      Routing table entries are not filtered by interface MAC address.
    • mac_address mac_address Entries matching mac_address (dotted hex notation – H.H.H).

  • DATA       Detail of information provided by command. Options include:
    • no parameter      Routing table entries.
    • summary Summary of ARP table entries.
    • summary total Number of ARP table entries.

Related Commands

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF.

This command displays the ARP table.
switch> show arp
Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface             0  001c.730b.1d15  Management1           0  001c.7304.3906  Management1

show dhcp server

Use the show dhcp server command to display DHCP server information.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show dhcp server [ipv4 | ipv6 | leases | vrf]

  • ipv4 Displays details related to IPv4.
  • ipv6 Displays details related to IPv6.
  • leases Displays active leases.
    • A.B.C.D/E IPv4 subnet.
    • NAME Subnet name.
  • The following output displays DHCPv4.

    switch#show dhcp server ipv4
    IPv4 DHCP Server is active
    Debug log is enabled
    DNS server(s):
    DNS domain name: mydomain
    Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
    TFTP server:
    myserver (Option 66) (Option 150)
    TFTP file: fileFoo
    Active Leases: 1
    IPv4 DHCP interface status:
       Interface   Status
       Ethernet1   Inactive (Could not determine VRF)
       Ethernet2   Inactive (Not in default VRF)
       Ethernet3   Inactive (Kernel interface not created yet)
       Ethernet4   Inactive (Not up)
       Ethernet5   Inactive (No IP address)
       Ethernet6   Active
    Vendor information:
    Vendor ID: default
      Sub-options         Data       
    ---------------- ----------------
    Vendor ID: vendorFoo
      Sub-options       Data       
    ---------------- -----------
          3            “data”
    Subnet name: subnetFoo
    Range: to
    DNS server(s):
    Lease duration: 3 days 3 hours 3 minutes
    Default gateway address:
    TFTP server:
    subnetServerFoo (Option 66) (Option 150)
    TFTP boot file: subnetFiletftp
    Active leases: 1
    MAC address: 1a1b.1c1d.1e1f
    IPv4 address:
    MAC address: 2a2b.2c2d.2e2f    
    IPv4 address:
  • In this example, DHCPv6 is configured with subnet fe80::/10 while being enabled on Ethernet1 with address fe80::1/64 and on Ethernet3 with address fe80::2/64.
    switch#show dhcp server ipv6
    IPv6 DHCP server is active
    Debug log is enabled                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS server(s): fe80::6                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS domain name: testaristanetworks.com                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Lease duration: 1 days 3 hours 30 minutes                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Active leases: 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    IPv6 DHCP interface status:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
       Interface    Status                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    --------------- ------                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
       Ethernet1    Active
       Ethernet3    Active                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Subnet: fe80::/10                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Subnet name: foo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Range: fe80::1 to fe80::3
    DNS server(s): fe80::4 fe80::5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    Direct: Inactive (Multiple interfaces match this subnet: Ethernet1 Ethernet3)
    Relay: Active                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
    Active leases: 0
  • This example illustrates when multiple subnets match an interface. In this example, DHCPv6 is configured with subnets fc00::/7 and fe80::/10 while being enabled on Ethernet1 with address fe80::1/10 and fc00::1/7.
    switch#show dhcp server ipv6
    IPv6 DHCP server is active                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS server(s):  fc00::2                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    DNS domain name: testaristanetworks.com                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Lease duration: 1 days 3 hours 30 minutes                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Active leases: 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    IPv6 DHCP interface status:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
       Interface    Status                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    --------------- ------                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
       Ethernet1    Active                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Subnet: fc00::/7                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Subnet name: data                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    Range: fc00::1 to fc00::5                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    DNS server(s): fc00::6 fc00::8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    Direct: Inactive (This and other subnets match interface Ethernet1)
    Relay: Active
    Active leases: 0
    Subnet: fe80::/10                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Subnet name: bar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    Direct: Inactive (This and other subnets match interface Ethernet1)
    Relay: Active
    Active leases: 0
  • After disabling a subnet, the show dhcp server command displays the disable message with a reason. The number of active leases of the disabled subnets displays as0. In this example, there are overlapping subnets.
    switch#show dhcp server
    IPv4 DHCP Server is active
    DNS server(s):
    Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
    Active Leases: 0
    IPv4 DHCP interface status:
       Interface   Status
       Ethernet1   Active
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - overlapping subnet
    Range: to
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - overlapping subnet
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0
  • In this example, the display output shows overlapping ranges.
    switch#show dhcp server
    IPv4 DHCP Server is active
    DNS server(s):
    Lease duration: 1 days 0 hours 0 minutes
    Active Leases: 0
    IPv4 DHCP interface status:
       Interface   Status
       Ethernet1   Active
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - range overlaps with an existing pool)
    Range: to
    Range: to
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0
  • This example displays duplicate static IP address reservation.
    Subnet: (Subnet is disabled - ipv4-address is reserved more than once)
    Subnet name:
    DNS server(s):
    Default gateway address:
    Active leases: 0
    MAC address: 1a1b.1c1d.1e1f    
    IPv4 address:
    MAC address: 2a2b.2c2d.2e2f    
    IPv4 address:
  • Use the show dhcp server leases command to display detailed information about the IP addresses allocated by the DHCP Server (including the IP address, the expected end time for that address, the time when the address is handed out, and the equivalent MAC address).
    switch#show dhcp server leases
    End: 2019/06/20 17:44:34 UTC
    Last transaction: 2019/06/19 17:44:34 UTC
    MAC address: 5692.4c67.460a
    End: 2019/06/20 18:06:33 UTC                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    Last transaction: 2019/06/20 14:36:33 UTC                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    MAC address: 165a.a86d.ffac

show dhcp server leases

Use the show dhcp server leases command to display DHCP server lease information.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show dhcp server leases [ ipv4 | ipv6

  • ipv4 Displays details related to IPv4.
  • ipv6 Displays details related to IPv6.
  • leases Displays active leases.


Use the show dhcp server leases command to display detailed information about the IP addresses allocated by the DHCP Server including the IP address, the expected end time for that address, the time when assigning the address, and the equivalent MAC address.
switch# show dhcp server leases
End: 2019/06/20 17:44:34 UTC
Last transaction: 2019/06/19 17:44:34 UTC
MAC address: 5692.4c67.460a

End: 2019/06/20 18:06:33 UTC                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Last transaction: 2019/06/20 14:36:33 UTC                                                                                                                                                                                                      
MAC address: 165a.a86d.ffac

show hardware capacity

The show hardware capacity command displays the utilization of the hardware resources:

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show hardware capacity


The following command is used to show the utilization of the hardware resources:
switch# show hardware capacity
Forwarding Resources Usage

Table    Feature         Chip      Used	Used      Free	Committed    Best Case    High
                                   Entries   (%)	 Entries    Entries      Max          Watermark
------- --------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ---------
ECMP                                0  	 0%        4095       0     	4095          0
ECMP      Mpls                      0  	 0%        4095       0     	4095          0
ECMP      Routing                   0  	 0%        4095       0     	4095          0
ECMP      VXLANOverlay              0  	 0%        4095       0     	4095          0
ECMP      VXLANTunnel               0  	 0%        3891       0     	3891          0

show hardware resource DlbEcmpGroupTable agent *

The following platforms use the show hardware resource DlbEcmpGroupTable agent * command:
  • DCS-7050CX4
  • DCS-7050DX4-32S-F
  • DCS-7050PX4-32S-F
  • DCS-7050SDX4
  • DCS-7050SPX4
  • 7358X4-SC

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show hardware resource DlbEcmpGroupTable agent *


Use the following command to display information about DLB and ECMP groups:

switch# show hardware resource DlbEcmpGroupTable agent *
Resource: bcm56881_b0::Common::DlbEcmpGroupTable
Feature agent: StrataL3Unicast
Unit id: 511
View: entry
eId      OC   flowBase     flowSize    memPtr  inDur   member0Port    member0PortValid   ... 
---     ---   --------     --------    —----   —---   —----------    —---------------    ... 
  2       1        512            1        2     50            11                   1    ...

show interface tunnel

The show interface tunnel command displays the interface tunnel information.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show interface tunnel number


number       Specifies the tunnel interface number.

This command displays tunnel interface configuration information for tunnel interface 10.
switch# show interface tunnel 10

Tunnel10 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
 Hardware is Tunnel, address is 0a01.0101.0800
 Internet address is
 Broadcast address is
 Tunnel source, destination
 Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP
   Key disabled, sequencing disabled
   Checksumming of packets disabled
 Tunnel TTL 10, Hardware forwarding enabled
 Tunnel TOS 10
 Path MTU Discovery
 Tunnel transport MTU 1476 bytes
 Up 3 seconds 

show ip

The show ip command displays IPv4 routing, IPv6 routing, IPv4 multicast routing, and VRRP status on the switch.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip

This command displays IPv4 routing status.
switch> show ip

IP Routing : Enabled
IP Multicast Routing : Disabled
VRRP: Configured on 0 interfaces

IPv6 Unicast Routing : Enabled
IPv6 ECMP Route support : False
IPv6 ECMP Route nexthop index: 5
IPv6 ECMP Route num prefix bits for nexthop index: 10


show ip arp

The show ip arp command displays ARP cache entries that map an IPv4 address to a corresponding MAC address. The table displays addresses by the host names when the command includes the resolve argument.

Command Mode


Command Syntax



The VRF_INST and FORMAT parameters list first and second. The DATA parameter lists last. All other parameters can be placed in any order.
  • VRF_INST  - Specifies the VRF instance to display data.
    • no parameter - Specifies the Context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name - Specifies name of VRF instance. Specifies the system default VRF default.

  • FORMAT - Displays format of host address. The options include the following:
    • no parameter - Displays entries associated hardware address with an IPv4 address.
    • resolve -Displays the specific associated hardware address with a host name (if it exists).

  • HOST_ADDR -Specifies the IPv4 address to filter routing table entries. The options include the following:
    • no parameter - Routing table entries not filtered by host address.
    • ipv4_addr   - Table entries matching specified IPv4 address.

  • HOST_NAME - Host name by to filter routing table entries. The options include the following:
    • no parameter - Routing table entries not filtered by host name.
    • host hostname - Entries with matching hostname (text).

  • INTERFACE_NAME - Interfaces to display status.
    • no parameter - Routing table entries not filtered by interface.
    • interface ethernet e_num - Routed Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
    • interface loopback l_num - Routed loopback interface specified by l_num.
    • interface management m_num - Routed management interface specified by m_num.
    • interface port-channel p_num  - Routed port channel Interface specified by p_num.
    • interface vlan v_num - VLAN interface specified by v_num.
    • interface VXLAN vx_num  - VXLAN interface specified by vx_num.

  • MAC_ADDR  - MAC address to filter routing table entries. The options include the following:
    • no parameter - Routing table entries not filtered by interface MAC address.
    • mac_address mac_address - Entries with matching mac_address (dotted hex notation – H.H.H).

  • DATA - Details of information provided by command. The options include the following:
    • no parameter - Routing table entries.
    • summary - Summary of ARP table entries.
    • summary total - Number of ARP table entries.

  • This command displays ARP cache entries that map MAC addresses to IPv4 addresses.
    switch> show ip arp
    Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface              0  004c.6211.021e  Vlan101, Port-Channel2              0  004c.6214.3699  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  004c.6219.a0f3  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  0045.4942.a32c  Vlan1000, Ethernet33              0  f012.3118.c09d  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  00e1.d11a.a1eb  Vlan1000, Ethernet5              0  004f.e320.cd23  Vlan1000, Ethernet6              0  0032.48da.f9d9  Vlan1000, Ethernet37              0  0018.910a.1fc5  Vlan1000, Ethernet29             0  0056.cbe9.8510  Vlan1000, Ethernet26

  • This command displays ARP cache entries that map MAC addresses to IPv4 addresses. The ouput displays host names assigned to IP addresses in place of the address.
    switch> show ip arp resolve
    Address         Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Interface
    green-vl101.new         0  004c.6211.021e  Vlan101, Port-Channel2              0  004c.6214.3699  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1
    orange-vl1000.n         0  004c.6219.a0f3  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1              0  0045.4942.a32c  Vlan1000, Ethernet33
    purple.newcompa         0  f012.3118.c09d  Vlan1000, Port-Channel1
    pink.newcompany         0  00e1.d11a.a1eb  Vlan1000, Ethernet5
    yellow.newcompa         0  004f.e320.cd23  Vlan1000, Ethernet6              0  0032.48da.f9d9  Vlan1000, Ethernet37
    royalblue.newco         0  0018.910a.1fc5  Vlan1000, Ethernet29             0  0056.cbe9.8510  Vlan1000, Ethernet26

show ip arp inspection statistics

The show ip arp inspection statistics command displays the statistics of inspected ARP packets. For a specified VLAN specified, the output displays only VLANs with ARP inspection enabled. If no VLAN specified, the output displays all VLANs with ARP inspection enabled.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip arp inspection statistics [vlan [VID]|[INTERFACE] interface intf_slot | intf_port]

  • VID - Specifies the VLAN interface ID.
  • INTERFACE  - Specifies the interface (e.g., Ethernet).
    • intf_slot - Specifies the Interface slot.
    • intf_port - Specifies the Interface port.

  • INTF - Specifies the VLAN interface slot and port.

  • This command display statistics of inspected ARP packets for VLAN 10.
    switch(config)# show ip arp inspection statistics vlan 10
    Vlan : 10
    Req Forwarded = 20
    ARP Res Forwarded = 20
    ARP Req Dropped = 1
    ARP Res Dropped = 1
    Last invalid ARP:
    Time: 10:20:30 ( 5 minutes ago )
    Reason: Bad IP/Mac match
    Received on: Ethernet 3/1
      Source MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      Dest MAC: 00:02:00:02:00:02
      ARP Type: Request
      ARP Sender MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      ARP Sender IP: 1.1.1

  • This command displays ARP inspection statistics for Ethernet interface 3/1.
    switch(config)# show ip arp inspection statistics ethernet interface 3/1
    Interface : 3/1
    ARP Req Forwarded = 10
    ARP Res Forwarded = 10
    ARP Req Dropped = 1
    ARP Res Dropped = 1
    Last invalid ARP:
    Time: 10:20:30 ( 5 minutes ago )
    Reason: Bad IP/Mac match
    Received on: VLAN 10
      Source MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      Dest MAC: 00:02:00:02:00:02
      ARP Type: Request
      ARP Sender MAC: 00:01:00:01:00:01
      ARP Sender IP: 1.1.1

show ip arp inspection vlan

The show ip arp inspection vlan command displays the configuration and operation state of ARP inspection. For a VLAN range specified, the output displays only VLANs with ARP inspection enabled. If no VLAN specified, the output displays all VLANs with ARP inspection enabled. The operation state turns to Active when hardware becomes ready to trap ARP packets for inspection.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip arp inspection vlan [LIST]


LIST  - Specifies the VLAN interface number.

This command displays the configuration and operation state of ARP inspection for VLANs 1 through 150.
switch(config)# show ip arp inspection vlan 1 - 150

: Enabled
Operation State : Active
: Enabled
Operation State : Active
VLAN 150
: Enabled
Operation State : Active


show ip dhcp relay counters

The show ip dhcp relay counters command displays the number of DHCP packets received, forwarded, or dropped on the switch and on all interfaces enabled as DHCP relay agents.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip dhcp relay counters

This command displays the IP DHCP relay counter table.
switch> show ip dhcp relay counters

          |  Dhcp Packets  |
Interface | Rcvd Fwdd Drop |         Last Cleared
----------|----- ---- -----|---------------------
  All Req |  376  376    0 | 4 days, 19:55:12 ago
 All Resp |  277  277    0 |
          |                |
 Vlan1000 |    0    0    0 | 4 days, 19:54:24 ago
 Vlan1036 |  376  277    0 | 4 days, 19:54:24 ago


show ip dhcp relay

The show ip dhcp relay command displays the DHCP relay agent configuration status on the switch.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip dhcp relay

This command displays the DHCP relay agent configuration status.
switch> show ip dhcp relay
DHCP Relay is active
DHCP Relay Option (82)is enabled
DHCP Relay vendor-specific suboption (9) under information option (82)
DHCP Smart Relay is enabled
Interface: Vlan100
  DHCP Smart Relay is disabled
  DHCP servers:

show ip dhcp snooping counters

The show ip dhcp snooping counters command displays counters that track the quantity of DHCP request and reply packets received by the switch. The output displays data for each VLAN or aggregated for all VLANs with counters for packets dropped.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip dhcp snooping counters [COUNTER_TYPE]


COUNTER_TYPE-Displays the type of counter.
  • no parameter     Command displays counters for each VLAN.
  • debug      Command displays aggregate counters and drop cause counters.

  • This command displays the number of DHCP packets sent and received on each VLAN.
    switch> show ip dhcp snooping counters
         | Dhcp Request Pkts | Dhcp Reply Pkts |
    Vlan |  Rcvd  Fwdd  Drop | Rcvd Fwdd  Drop | Last Cleared
    -----|------ ----- ------|----- ---- ------|-------------
     100 |     0     0     0 |    0    0     0 |  0:35:39 ago

  • This command displays the number of DHCP packets sent on the switch.
    switch> show ip dhcp snooping counters debug
    Counter                       Snooping to Relay Relay to Snooping
    ----------------------------- ----------------- -----------------
    Received                                      0                 0
    Forwarded                                     0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid VlanId                      0                 0
    Dropped - Parse error                         0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid Dhcp Optype                 0                 0
    Dropped - Invalid Info Option                 0                 0
    Dropped - Snooping disabled                   0                 0
    Last Cleared:  3:37:18 ago

show ip dhcp snooping hardware

The show ip dhcp snooping hardware command displays internal hardware DHCP snooping status on the switch.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip dhcp snooping hardware


This command DHCP snooping hardware status.

switch> show ip dhcp snooping hardware
DHCP Snooping is enabled
DHCP Snooping is enabled on following VLANs:
    Vlans enabled per Slice
        Slice:  FixedSystem

show ip dhcp snooping

The show ip dhcp snooping command displays the DHCP snooping configuration.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip dhcp snooping

This command displays the switch’s DHCP snooping configuration.
switch> show ip dhcp snooping
DHCP Snooping is enabled
DHCP Snooping is operational
DHCP Snooping is configured on following VLANs:
DHCP Snooping is operational on following VLANs:
Insertion of Option-82 is enabled
  Circuit-id format: Interface name:Vlan ID
  Remote-id: 00:1c:73:1f:b4:38 (Switch MAC)

show ip hardware fib summary

The show ip hardware fib summary command displays the statistics of the RECMP.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show ip hardware fib summary


  • The following command is used to show the statistics of RECMP:
    switch# show ip hardware fib summary
    Fib summary
    Adjacency sharing: disabled
    BFD peer event: enabled
    Deletion Delay: 0
    Protect default route: disabled
    PBR: supported
    URPF: supported
    ICMP unreachable: enabled
    Max Ale ECMP: 600
    UCMP weight deviation: 0.0
    Maximum number of routes: 0
    Fib compression: disabled
    Resource optimization for adjacency programming: enabled
    Adjacency resource optimization thresholds: low 20, high 80

    About the Output

    The last two lines of the output shows whether the feature is enabled and what are the corresponding threshold values for starting and stopping the optimization process.

show ip interface

The show ip interface command displays the status of specified interfaces that are configured as routed ports. The command provides the following information:
  • Interface description
  • Internet address
  • Broadcast address
  • Address configuration method
  • Proxy-ARP status
  • MTU size

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip interface [INTERFACE_NAME][VRF_INST]

  • INTERFACE_NAME       Interfaces for which command displays status.
    • no parameter     All routed interfaces.
    • ipv4_addr      Neighbor IPv4 address.
    • ethernet e_range      Routed Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
    • loopback l_range     Routed loopback interfaces specified by l_range.
    • management m_range      Routed management interfaces specified by m_range.
    • port-channel p_range      Routed port channel Interfaces specified by p_range.
    • vlan v_range      VLAN interfaces specified by v_range.
    • VXLAN vx_range      VXLAN interfaces specified by vx_range.

  • VRF_INST      Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
    • no parameter      Context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

  • This command displays IP status of configured VLAN interfaces numbered between 900 and 910.
    switch> show ip interface vlan 900-910
    ! Some interfaces do not exist
    Vlan901 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
      Description: ar.pqt.mlag.peer
      Internet address is
      Broadcast address is
      Address determined by manual configuration
      Proxy-ARP is disabled
      MTU 9212 bytes
    Vlan903 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
      Description: ar.pqt.rn.
      Internet address is
      Broadcast address is
      Address determined by manual configuration
      Proxy-ARP is disabled
      MTU 9212 bytes

  • This command displays the configured TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) ceiling value of 1436 bytes for an Ethernet interface 25.
    switch> show ip interface ethernet 25
    Ethernet25 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
      Internet address is
      Broadcast address is
      IPv6 Interface Forwarding : None
      Proxy-ARP is disabled
      Local Proxy-ARP is disabled
      Gratuitous ARP is ignored
      IP MTU 1500 bytes
      IPv4 TCP MSS egress ceiling is 1436 bytes

show ip interface brief

Use the show ip interface brief command output to display the status summary of the specified interfaces that are configured as routed ports. The command provides the following information for each specified interface:
  • IP address
  • Operational status
  • Line protocol status
  • MTU size

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip interface [INTERFACE_NAME][VRF_INST] brief

  • INTERFACE_NAME       Interfaces for which command displays status.
    • no parameter      All routed interfaces.
    • ipv4_addr      Neighbor IPv4 address.
    • ethernet e_range      Routed Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
    • loopback l_range      Routed loopback interfaces specified by l_range.
    • management m_range      Routed management interfaces specified by m_range.
    • port-channel p_range      Routed port channel Interfaces specified by p_range.
    • vlan v_range      VLAN interfaces specified by v_range.
    • VXLAN vx_range      VXLAN interface range specified by vx_range.

  • VRF_INST       Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
    • no parameter     Context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

This command displays the summary status of VLAN interfaces 900-910.
switch> show ip interface vlan 900-910 brief

! Some interfaces do not exist
Interface              IP Address         Status     Protocol         MTU
Vlan901          up         up              9212
Vlan902         up         up              9212
Vlan905         up         up              1500
Vlan907         up         up              9212
Vlan910         up         up              9212

show ip route

The show ip route command displays routing table entries that are in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB), including static routes, routes to directly connected networks, and dynamically learned routes. Multiple equal-cost paths to the same prefix are displayed contiguously as a block, with the destination prefix displayed only on the first line.

The show running-config command displays configured commands not in the FIB.

Command Mode


Command Syntax



The VRF_INSTANCE and ADDRESS parameters are always listed first and second, respectively. All other parameters can be placed in any order.
  • VRF_INSTANCE      Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
    • no parameter      Context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

  • ADDRESS       Filters routes by IPv4 address or subnet.
    • no parameter      All routing table entries.
    • ipv4_addr      Routing table entries matching specified address.
    • ipv4_subnet      Routing table entries matching specified subnet (CIDR or address-mask).

  • ROUTE_TYPE      Filters routes by specified protocol or origin. Options include:
    • no parameter     All routing table entries.
    • aggregate      Entries for BGP aggregate routes.
    • bgp      Entries added through BGP protocol.
    • connected      Entries for routes to networks directly connected to the switch.
    • isis      Entries added through ISIS protocol.
    • kernel      Entries appearing in Linux kernel but not added by EOS software.
    • ospf      Entries added through OSPF protocol.
    • rip      Entries added through RIP protocol.
    • static      Entries added through CLI commands.
    • vrf      Displays routes in a VRF.

  • INFO_LEVEL       Filters entries by next hop connection. Options include:
    • no parameter     Filters routes whose next hops are directly connected.
    • detail      Displays all routes.

  • PREFIX       Filters routes by prefix.
    • no parameter     Specific route entry that matches the ADDRESS parameter.
    • longer-prefixes      All subnet route entries in range specified by ADDRESS parameter.

Related Command

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF.

  • This command displays IPv4 routes learned through BGP.
    switch> show ip route bgp
    Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
           O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
           E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
           N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
           R - RIP, A - Aggregate
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [20/0] via
     B E [1/0] via
     B I [1/0] via

  • This command displays the unicast IP routes installed in the system.
    switch# show ip route
     VRF name: default
    Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
     O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
     E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
     N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
     R - RIP, I - ISIS, A B - BGP Aggregate, A O - OSPF Summary,
     NG - Nexthop Group Static Route
    Gateway of last resort is not set
     C is directly connected, Vlan2659
     C is directly connected, Vlan2148
     C is directly connected, Vlan2700
     S [1/0] via, Management1
     S [1/0] via, Management1
     S [1/0] via, Management1
     S [1/0] via, Management1
     S [1/0] via, Management1
     C is directly connected, Management1

  • This command displays the leaked routes from a source VRF.
    switch# show ip route vrf VRF2
    S L [1/0] (source VRF VRF1) via, Ethernet1

  • This example displays an IPv4 route with Forwarding Equivalency Class (FEC) with an IPv4 next hop and an IPv6 next hop route.
    switch# show ip route
       VRF: default
       Source Codes:
       C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
       O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
       E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
       N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B - Other BGP Routes,
       B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP, R - RIP, I L1 - IS-IS level 1,
       I L2 - IS-IS level 2, O3 - OSPFv3, A B - BGP Aggregate,
       A O - OSPF Summary, NG - Nexthop Group Static Route,
       V - VXLAN Control Service, M - Martian,
       DH - DHCP client installed default route,
       DP - Dynamic Policy Route, L - VRF Leaked,
       G  - gRIBI, RC - Route Cache Route,
       CL - CBF Leaked Route
    S [1/0]
                        via 2000:0:0:43::2, Ethernet2
                        via, Ethernet4

show ip route age

The show ip route age command displays the time when the route for the specified network was present in the routing table. It does not account for the changes in parameters like metric, next-hop etc.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip route ADDRESS age


ADDRESS      Filters routes by IPv4 address or subnet.
  • ipv4_addr      Routing table entries matching specified address.
  • ipv4_subnet      Routing table entries matching specified subnet (CIDR or address-mask).

This command shows the amount of time since the last update to ip route
switch> show ip route age
Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
       O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
       E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
       N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
       R - RIP, I - ISIS, A - Aggregate

 B E via, age 3d01h

show ip route gateway

The show ip route gateway command displays IP addresses of all gateways (next hops) used by active routes.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip route [VRF_INSTANCE] gateway


VRF_INSTANCE      Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
  • no parameter      Context-active VRF.
  • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

Related Commands

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF.

This command displays next hops used by active routes.
switch> show ip route gateway
The following gateways are in use: Vlan101 Vlan3000 Vlan3901 Vlan3902 Vlan3902 Vlan3903 Vlan3903 Vlan3908 Vlan3908 Vlan3908 Vlan3910 Vlan3911 Vlan3911 Vlan3912 Vlan3984 Vlan3992 Vlan3992

show ip route host

The show ip route host command displays all host routes in the host forwarding table. Host routes are those whose destination prefix is the entire address (mask = or prefix = /32). Each entry includes a code of the route’s purpose:
  • F      static routes from the FIB.
  • R     routes defined because the IP address is an interface address.
  • B      broadcast address.
  • A      routes to any neighboring host for which the switch has an ARP entry.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip route [VRF_INSTANCE] host


VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
  • no parameter      Context-active VRF.
  • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

Related Commands

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF.

This command displays all host routes in the host forwarding table.
switch> show ip route host
R - receive B - broadcast F - FIB, A - attached

F to cpu
B to cpu
A on Vlan2000
R to cpu
A on Vlan2000
B to cpu
B to cpu
R to cpu
B to cpu
B to cpu
A on Vlan2902
R to cpu

F via on Vlan3003
                via on Vlan3008
                via on Vlan3492
                via on Vlan3601
                via on Vlan3602
via on Vlan3000
F via on Vlan101
F via on Vlan3910
F via on Vlan3912

show ip route match tag

The show ip route match tag command displays the route tag assigned to the specified IPv4 address or subnet. Route tags are added to static routes for use by route maps.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip route [VRF_INSTANCE] ADDRESS match tag

  • VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
    • no parameter      Context-active VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

  • ADDRESS      Displays routes of specified IPv4 address or subnet.
    • ipv4_addr      Routing table entries matching specified IPv4 address.
    • ipv4_subnet      Routing table entries matching specified IPv4 subnet (CIDR or address-mask).

This command displays the route tag for the specified subnet.
switch> show ip route match tag
Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel,
       O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
       E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
       N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP,
       R - RIP, I L1 - IS-IS level 1, I L2 - IS-IS level 2,
       O3 - OSPFv3, A B - BGP Aggregate, A O - OSPF Summary,
       NG - Nexthop Group Static Route, V - VXLAN Control Service,
       DH - DHCP client installed default route, M - Martian

 O E2 tag 0


show ip route summary

The show ip route summary command displays the number of routes, categorized by destination prefix, in the routing table.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip route [VRF_INSTANCE] summary


VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance for which data is displayed.
  • no parameter      Context-active VRF.
  • vrf vrf_name      Specifies name of VRF instance. System default VRF is specified by default.

This command displays a summary of the routing table contents.
switch> show ip route summary
Route Source         Number Of Routes
connected                   15
static                       0
ospf                        74
  Intra-area: 32 Inter-area:33 External-1:0 External-2:9
  NSSA External-1:0 NSSA External-2:0
bgp                          7
  External: 6 Internal: 1
internal                    45
attached                    18
aggregate                    0

show ip verify source

The show ip verify source command displays the IP source guard (IPSG) configuration, operational states, and IP-MAC binding entries for the configuration mode interface.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip verify source [VLAN | DETAIL]

  • VLAN       Displays all VLANs configured in no ip verify source vlan.
  • DETAIL       Displays all source IP-MAC binding entries configured for IPSG.

Related Commands

  • This command verifies the IPSG configuration and operational states.
    switch(config)# show ip verify source
    Interface       Operational State
    --------------- ------------------------
    Ethernet1       IP source guard enabled
    Ethernet2       IP source guard disabled

  • This command displays all VLANs configured in no ip verify source vlan. Hardware programming errors, e.g.,VLAN classification failed, are indicated in the operational state. If an error occurs, this VLAN will be considered as enabled for IPSG. Traffic on this VLAN will still be filtered by IPSG.
    switch(config)# show ip verify source vlan
    IPSG disabled on VLANS: 1-2
    VLAN            Operational State
    --------------- ------------------------
    1               IP source guard disabled
    2               Error: vlan classification failed

  • This command displays all source IP-MAC binding entries configured for IPSG. A source binding entry is considered active if it is programmed in hardware. IP traffic matching any active binding entry will be permitted. If a source binding entry is configured on an interface or a VLAN whose operational state is IPSG disabled, this entry will not be installed in the hardware, in which case an “IP source guard disabled” state will be shown. If a port channel has no member port configured, binding entries configured for this port channel will not be installed in hardware, and a “Port-Channel down” state will be shown.
    switch(config)#show ip verify source detail
    Interface      IP Address  MAC Address     VLAN  State
    -------------- ----------- --------------- ----- ------------------------
    Ethernet1    0000.aaaa.1111   5     active
    Ethernet1    0000.aaaa.5555   1     IP source guard disabled
    Port-Channel1    0000.bbbb.1111   4     Port-Channel down

show platform arad ip route summary

The show platform arad ip route summary command shows hardware resource usage of IPv4 routes.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show platform arad ip route summary

Related Commands

This command shows hardware resource usage of IPv4 routes.
switch(config)# show platform arad ip route summary
Total number of VRFs: 1
Total number of routes: 25
Total number of route-paths: 21
Total number of lem-routes: 4


show platform arad ip route

The show platform arad ip route command shows resources for all IPv4 routes in hardware. Routes that use the additional hardware resources will appear with an asterisk.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show platform arad ip route

Related Commands
  • This command displays the platform unicast forwarding routes. In this example, the ACL label field in the following table is 4094 by default for all routes. If an IPv4 egress RACL is applied to an SVI, all routes corresponding to that VLAN will have an ACL label value. In this case, the ACL Label field value is 2.
    switch# show platform arad ip route
     Tunnel Type: M(mpls), G(gre)
    |                                Routing Table                                |               
    |VRF|   Destination    |      |                    |     | Acl   |             | 
    ECMP| FEC | Tunnel
    | ID|   Subnet         | Cmd  |       Destination  | VID | Label |  MAC / CPU 
    Code |Index|Index|T Value
    |0  |         |TRAP | CoppSystemL3DstMiss|0    | - | ArpTrap | - |1031 | -
    |0  |       |TRAP | CoppSystemL3DstMiss|2659 | - | ArpTrap | - |1030 | -
    |0  |       |TRAP | CoppSystemL3DstMiss|2148 | - | ArpTrap | - |1026 | -
    |0  |     |TRAP | CoppSystemL3DstMiss|0    | - | ArpTrap | - |1032 | -
    |0  |         |TRAP | CoppSystemL3LpmOver|0    | - | SlowReceive | - 
    |1024 | -
    |0  |*      |TRAP | CoppSystemIpBcast  |0    | - | BcastReceive | - 
    |1027 | -
    |0  |*      |TRAP | CoppSystemIpUcast  |0    | - | Receive | - |32766| -
    |0  |*    |ROUTE| Po1                |2659 |4094 | 00:1f:5d:6b:ce:45 
    | - |1035 | -
    |0  |*  |TRAP | CoppSystemIpBcast  |0    | - | BcastReceive | - 
    |1027 | -
    |0  |*      |TRAP | CoppSystemIpBcast  |0    | - | BcastReceive | - 
    |1027 | -
    |0  |*      |TRAP | CoppSystemIpUcast  |0    | - | Receive | - |32766| -
    |0  |*    |ROUTE| Et18               |2700 |2 | 00:1f:5d:6b:00:01 
    | - |1038 | -

  • This command shows resources for all IPv4 routes in hardware. Routes that use the additional hardware resources will appear with an asterisk.
    switch(config)# show platform arad ip route
    Tunnel Type: M(mpls), G(gre)
    * - Routes in LEM
    |                              Routing Table                     |             |
    |VRF|  Destination |     |                   |    |Acl  |                 |ECMP 
    | FEC | Tunnel
    |ID |    Subnet    | Cmd |    Destination    |VID |Label| MAC / CPU Code  
    |Index|Index|T Value
    |0  |       |TRAP |CoppSystemL3DstMiss|0   | -   |ArpTrap          |  -  
    |1030 |   -   
    |0  |    |TRAP |CoppSystemIpBcast  |0   | -   |BcastReceive     |  -  
    |1032 |   -   
    |0  |    |TRAP |CoppSystemIpUcast  |0   | -   |Receive          |  -  
    |32766|   -   
    |0  ||TRAP |CoppSystemIpBcast  |0   | -   |BcastReceive     |  -  
    |1032 |   -   
    |0  ||TRAP |CoppSystemIpBcast  |0   | -   |BcastReceive     |  -  
    |1032 |   -   
    |0  |    |TRAP |CoppSystemL3DstMiss|1007| -   |ArpTrap          |  -  
    |1029 |   -   
    |0  |       |TRAP |CoppSystemL3LpmOver|0   | -   |SlowReceive      |  -  
    |1024 |   -   
    |0  |*     |ROUTE|Et10               |1007| -   |00:01:00:02:00:03|  -  
    |1033 |   -   
    |0  |*  |ROUTE|Et9                |1006| -   |00:01:00:02:00:03|  -  
    |1027 |   -

show platform barefoot bfrt

The show platform barefoot bfrt command displays information about the current BfRuntime server configuration.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show platform barefoot bfrt


no parameter state of the system.


The following output is for a system where the BfRuntime server has been configured.
(switch)# show platform barefoot bfrt
Namespace: management                    

show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel gre interface tunnel

The show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel gre interface tunnel command verifies the tunnel encapsulation programming for the tunnel interface.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel gre interface tunnel number


number     Specifies the tunnel interface number.

These commands verify the tunnel encapsulation programming for the tunnel interface 10.
switch# show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel gre interface tunnel 10
|                                                  Jericho0                   |
|                                 GRE Tunnel Egress Encapsulation DB                               
| Bank/ | OutLIF | Next   | VSI  | Encap | TOS  | TTL | Source | Destination| 
OamLIF| OutLIF | Drop|
| Offset|        | OutLIF | LSB  | Mode  |      |     | IP     | IP         | Set   
| Profile|     |
| 3/0   | 0x6000 | 0x4010 | 0    | 2     | 10   | 10  | | | No    
| 0      | No  |

show platform fap eedb ip-tunnel
|                                                  Jericho0                     |
|                                     IP Tunnel Egress Encapsulation DB                         
| Bank/ | OutLIF | Next   | VSI | Encap| TOS | TTL | Src | Destination | OamLIF 
| OutLIF  | Drop|
| Offset|        | OutLIF | LSB | Mode | Idx | Idx | Idx | IP          | Set    | 
Profile |     |
| 3/0   | 0x6000 | 0x4010 | 0   | 2    | 9   | 0   | 0   |    | No     | 
0       | No  |

show platform fap tcam summary

The show platform fap tcam summary command displays information about the TCAM bank that is allocated for GRE packet termination lookup.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show platform fap tcam summary

This command verifies if the TCAM bank is allocated for GRE packet termination lookup.
switch# show platform fap tcam summary

Tcam Allocation (Jericho0)
Bank        Used By                Reserved By
---------- ----------------------- -----------
0           dbGreTunnel             -

show platform trident forwarding-table partition

The show platform trident forwarding-table partition command displays the size of the L2 MAC entry tables, L3 IP forwarding tables, and Longest Prefix Match (LPM) routes.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show platform trident forwarding-table partition

show platform trident forwarding-table partition flexible

  • The show platform trident forwarding-table partition command shows the Trident forwarding table information.
    switch(config)# show platform trident forwarding-table partition
    L2 Table Size: 96k
    L3 Host Table Size: 208k
    LPM Table Size: 16k

  • The show platform trident forwarding-table partition flexible shows the banks allocated for ALPM as well.
    switch(config)# show platform trident forwarding-table partition flexible
    Minimum L2 entries             = 32768
    Minimum L3 entries             = 16384
    Maximum L2 entries             = 262144
    Maximum L3 entries             = 262144
    Maximum Exact Match entries    = 131072
    L2 entries per bucket          = 4
    L3 entries per bucket          = 4
    Exact Match entries per bucket = 2
    Maximum entries per bucket     = 4
    Maximum shared buckets         = 65536
    Maximum entries per bank       = 32768
    Maximum shared banks           = 8
    ALPM entries per bank          = 46080
    ALPM                           = Enabled
    # UFT bank details #
    S - Shared UFT bank, D - Dedicated UFT bank
    | Physical ID |  Feature   | Type | Logical ID | Hash Offset  |
    |      0      |     L2     |  D   |     0      |     0x4      |
    |      1      |     L2     |  D   |     1      |     0xe      |
    |      2      |    ALPM    |  S   |    N/A     |      0       |
    |      3      |    ALPM    |  S   |    N/A     |      0       |
    |      4      |    ALPM    |  S   |    N/A     |      0       |
    |      5      |    ALPM    |  S   |    N/A     |      0       |
    |      6      |     L2     |  S   |     2      |     0xc      |
    |      7      | ExactMatch |  S   |     0      |     0xc      |
    |      8      | ExactMatch |  S   |     1      |     0xf      |
    |      9      |     L3     |  S   |     2      |     0xc      |
    |      10     |     L3     |  D   |     0      |     0x0      |
    |      11     |     L3     |  D   |     1      |     0x8      |

show platform trident l3 shadow dlb-ecmp-group-control

The show platform trident l3 shadow dlb-ecmp-group-control displays information about Dynamic Load Balancing with ECMP groups.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show platform trident l3 shadow dlb-ecmp-group-control


Use the following command to display information about DLB and ECMP groups:

switch# show platform trident l3 shadow dlb-ecmp-group-control
     eId  size path baseAddr flowSize memPtr flowBase OC mode inDur
     ---- ---- ---- -------- -------- ------ -------- -- ---- ------
        1    3    0    136      1        1      256      1  0    500
eId = Entry ID
size = Primary Group Size
path = Primary Path Threshold
baseAddr = Group Port To Member Base Address
flowSize = Flow Set Size
memPtr = Group Membership Pointer
flowBase = Flow Set Base
OC = Enable Optimal Candidate
mode = Port Assignment Mode
inDur = Inactivity Duration

The output displays the following information:

  • Entry ID - Indicates the dynamic load balance group ID.
  • Primary Group Size - Indicates the number of members in the DLB group.
  • Enable optimal candidate - Indicates the least loaded member or predefined member selection. Always set to 1 to ensure the selection of the least loaded member.
  • Inactivity duration - Indicates the inactivity period. If the switch does not receive new packets from a particular flow within this duration, then the optimal member becomes the new member for the flow. Represented in microseconds.

show rib route ip

The show rib route ip command displays a list of IPv4 Routing Information Base (RIB) routes.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show rib route ip [vrf vrf_name][PREFIX][ROUTE TYPE]

  • vrf vrf_name       Displays RIB routes from the specified VRF.
  • PREFIX           dDisplays routes filtered by the specified IPv4 information. Options include:
    • ip_address       Displays RIB routes filtered by the specified IPv4 address.
    • ip_subnet_mask       Displays RIB routes filtered by the specified IPv4 address and subnet mask.
    • ip_prefix       Displays RIB routes filtered by the specified IPv4 prefix.

  • ROUTE TYPE       Displays routes filtered by the specified route type. Options include:
    • bgp       Displays RIB routes filtered by BGP.
    • connected       Displays RIB routes filtered by connected routes.
    • dynamicPolicy      Displays RIB routes filtered by dynamic policy routes.
    • host       Displays RIB routes filtered by host routes.
    • isis       Displays RIB routes filtered by ISIS routes.
    • ospf       Displays RIB routes filtered by OSPF routes.
    • ospf3       Displays RIB routes filtered by OSPF3 routes.
    • reserved       Displays RIB routes filtered by reserved routes.
    • route-input       Displays RIB routes filtered by route-input routes.
    • static       Displays RIB routes filtered by static routes.
    • vrf      Displays routes in a VRF.
    • vrf-leak       Displays leaked routes in a VRF.

  • This command displays IPv4 RIB static routes.
    switch# show rib route ip static
    VRF name: default, VRF ID: 0xfe, Protocol: static
    Codes: C - Connected, S - Static, P - Route Input
           B - BGP, O - Ospf, O3 - Ospf3, I - Isis
           > - Best Route, * - Unresolved Nexthop
           L - Part of a recursive route resolution loop
    >S [1/0]
             via [0/1]
                via Management1, directly connected
    >S [1/0]
             via [0/1]
                via Management1, directly connected

  • This command displays IPv4 RIB connected routes.
    switch# show rib route ip connected
    VRF name: default, VRF ID: 0xfe, Protocol: connected
    Codes: C - Connected, S - Static, P - Route Input
           B - BGP, O - Ospf, O3 - Ospf3, I - Isis
           > - Best Route, * - Unresolved Nexthop
           L - Part of a recursive route resolution loop
    >C [0/1]
             via, Ethernet1
    >C [0/1]
             via, Ethernet2
    >C [0/1]
             via, Ethernet3

  • This command displays routes leaked through VRF leak agent.
    switch# show rib route ip vrf VRF2 vrf-leak
    VRF: VRF2, Protocol: vrf-leak
    >VL [1/0] source VRF: VRF1
              via [0/0] type ipv4
                 via, Ethernet1

show rib route fib policy excluded

The show rib route fib policy excluded command displays the RIB routes filtered by FIB policy. The fib policy excluded option displays the RIB routes that have been excluded from being programmed into FIB, by FIB policy.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show rib route [ipv4 | ipv6] fib policy excluded

The following example displays the RIB routes excluded by the FIB policy using the fib policy excluded option of the show rib route command.
switch# show rib route ipv6 fib policy excluded
switch# show rib route ip bgp fib policy excluded

VRF name: default, VRF ID: 0xfe, Protocol: bgp
Codes: C - Connected, S - Static, P - Route Input
       B - BGP, O - Ospf, O3 - Ospf3, I - Isis
       > - Best Route, * - Unresolved Nexthop
       L - Part of a recursive route resolution loop
>B [200/0]
         via [115/20] type tunnel
            via, Ethernet1
         via [115/20] type tunnel
            via, Ethernet2
            via, Ethernet3 
>B [200/0]
         via [115/20] type tunnel
            via, Ethernet1
         via [115/20] type tunnel 
            via, Ethernet2
            via, Ethernet3

show rib route summary

The show rib route summary command displays information about the routes present in the Routing Information Base.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show rib route summary [INFO_LEVEL]

  • no parameter variable displays data in one table with the summary of all routes in the RIB for default VRF.
  • brief keyword displays one table with the summary of all routes across all configured VRFs.
  • ip keyword displays one table with the summary of all IPv4 in the RIB for default VRF.
  • ipv6 keyword displays one table with the summary of all IPv4 in the RIB for default VRF.
  • vrf vrf_Name keyword displays one table with the summary of all routes in the Routing Information Base for the specified VRF.
  • vrf all keyword displays one table with the summary of all routes in the Routing Information Base for each configured VRF.
  • INFO_LEVEL amount of information that is displayed. Options include:
    • Display Values
      • VRF VRF RIB displayed.
      • Route Source Source for the route.
      • Number of Routes Number of routes for each source.

  • The following displays data in one table with the summary of all routes in the RIB for default VRF.

    switch> show rib route summary
    VRF: default
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    -------------------- ----------------
    BGP                                 1
    Connected                           4
    Dynamic policy                      0
    IS-IS                               0
    OSPF                                0
    OSPFv3                              0
    RIP                                 0
    Route input                         2
    Static                              0
    VRF leak                            0

  • The following displays data in one table with the summary of all routes across all configured VRFs.

    switch> show rib route summary brief
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    -------------------- ----------------
    BGP                                 2
    Connected                           8
    Dynamic policy                      0
    IS-IS                               0
    OSPF                                0
    OSPFv3                              0
    RIP                                 0
    Route input                         4
    Static                              0
    VRF leak                            0 

  • The following displays data in one table with the summary of all IPv4 routes in the RIB for default VRF.

    switch> show rib route summary ip
    VRF: default
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    -------------------- ----------------
    BGP                                 1
    Connected                           4
    Dynamic policy                      0
    IS-IS                               0
    OSPF                                0
    OSPFv3                              0
    RIP                                 0
    Route input                         2
    Static                              0
    VRF leak                            0

  • The following displays data in one table with the summary of all IPv6 routes in the RIB for default VRF.

    switch> show rib route summary ipv6
    VRF: default
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    -------------------- ----------------
    BGP                                 0
    Connected                           0
    Dynamic policy                      0
    IS-IS                               0
    OSPF                                0
    OSPFv3                              0
    RIP                                 0
    Route input                         0
    Static                              0
    VRF leak                            0

  • The following displays data in one table with the summary of all routes in the RIB for the VRF named red.

    switch> show rib route summary vrf red
    VRF: red
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    -------------------- ----------------
    BGP                                 1
    Connected                           4
    Dynamic policy                      0
    IS-IS                               0
    OSPF                                0
    OSPFv3                              0
    RIP                                 0
    Route input                         2
    Static                              0
    VRF leak                            0

  • The following displays data in one table with the summary of all routes in the RIB for each configured VRF.

    switch> show rib route summary vrf all
    VRF: red
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    -------------------- ----------------
    BGP                                 1
    Connected                           4
    Dynamic policy                      0
    IS-IS                               0
    OSPF                                0
    OSPFv3                              0
    RIP                                 0
    Route input                         2
    Static                              0
    VRF leak                            0
    VRF: default
    Route Source         Number Of Routes
    -------------------- ----------------
    BGP                                 1
    Connected                           4
    Dynamic policy                      0
    IS-IS                               0
    OSPF                                0
    OSPFv3                              0
    RIP                                 0
    Route input                         2
    Static                              0
    VRF leak                            0

show routing-context vrf

The show routing-context vrf command displays the context-active VRF. The context-active VRF determines the default VRF that VRF-context aware commands use when displaying routing table data from a specified VRF.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show routing-context vrf

Related Commands

The cli vrf command specifies the context-active VRF.

This command displays the context-active VRF.
switch> show routing-context vrf
Current VRF routing-context is PURPLE

show snapshot counters ecmp history

The show snapshot counters ecmp history displays information about the AGM configuration.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show snapshot counters ecmp history


  • Request ID - Identifies the snapshot Request ID to use for the clear command.
  • Output directory URL - Identifies the snapshot storage location.
  • Complete - Identifies the snapshot completion status.
  • Poll Interval - Identifies the configured polling interval for the snapshot.
  • Total poll count - Identifies the total number of hardware counters collected.
  • Start time and Stopped time - Identifies the system time when the snapshot started and stopped.
  • L2 Adjacency ID and Interfaces - The summary of the ECMP groups monitored by AGM.


Use the show snapshot counters ecmp history to display information about the configuration.

switch#show snapshot counters ecmp history
Request ID: 17
Output directory URL: file:/var/tmp/ecmpMonitor
Output file name(s): ecmpMonitor-17-adj1284.ctr, ecmpMonitor-17-adj1268.ctr
Complete: True
Poll interval: 1000 microseconds
Total poll count: 59216
Start time: 2024-06-17 17:58:36
Stop time: 2024-06-17 17:59:36
L2 Adjacency ID    Interfaces
--------------------- ----------------------------------------------------              
1268                  Ethernet54/1, Ethernet41/1, Ethernet1/1, Ethernet57/1
1284                  Ethernet20/1, Ethernet35/1, Ethernet41/1, Ethernet8/1, Ethernet1/1

show tunnel fib static interface gre

The show tunnel fib static interface gre command displays the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) information for a static interface GRE tunnel.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show tunnel fib static interface gre number


number      Specifies the tunnel index number.

This command display the interface tunnel configuration with GRE configured.
switch# show tunnel fib static interface gre 10

Type 'Static Interface', index 10, forwarding Primary
   via, 'Ethernet6/1'
      GRE, destination, source, ttl 10, tos 0xa

show vrf

The show vrf command displays the VRF name, RD, supported protocols, state and included interfaces for the specified VRF or for all VRFs on the switch.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show vrf [VRF_INSTANCE]


VRF_INSTANCE       Specifies the VRF instance to display.
  • no parameter      Information is displayed for all VRFs.
  • vrf vrf_name      Information is displayed for the specified user-defined VRF.

This command displays information for the VRF named purple.
switch> show vrf purple
Vrf      RD          Protocols  State       Interfaces
-------- ----------- ---------- ----------- --------------
purple   64496:237   ipv4       no routing  Vlan42, Vlan43


start snapshot counters

The start snapshot counters ecmp allows the monitoring of packets and bytes traversing the members of the configured ECMP groups on the switch with a high time resolution.

Command Mode

Global Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

start snapshot counters ecmp poll interval interval [milliseconds | microseconds] duration duration seconds destination_url


  • interval interval - Specify at least 100 microseconds. EOS does not guarantee the interval, and the actual poll interval may depend on the system load as well as the number and size of configured ECMP groups. Valid values include milliseconds and microseconds.
  • duration duration seconds - Specify the duration for collecting data. A maximum of 3600 seconds can be configured.
  • destination_url - Optionally, provide a destination URL for data storage.
    • file - The path must start with /tmp or /tmp. The files store in the non-persistent storage.
    • flash - Files store in persistent storage.


To begin collecting data on the switch at 100 millisecond intervals for 1800 seconds, use the following command:

switch(config)#start snapshot counters ecmp poll interval 100 milliseconds duration 1800 seconds

tcp mss ceiling

The tcp mss ceiling command configures the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) limit in the TCP header on the configuration mode interface and enables TCP MSS clamping.

The no tcp mss ceiling and the default tcp mss ceiling commands remove any MSS ceiling limit previously configured on the interface.

Note: Configuring a TCP MSS ceiling on any Ethernet or tunnel interface enables TCP MSS clamping on the switch as a whole. Without hardware support, clamping routes all TCP SYN packets through software, even on interfaces where no TCP MSS ceiling has been configured. This significantly limits the number of TCP sessions the switch can establish per second, and can potentially cause packet loss if the CPU traffic exceeds control plane policy limits.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Subinterface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Subinterface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-Tunnel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

tcp mss ceiling {ipv4 segment size | ipv6 segment size}{egress | ingress}

no tcp mss ceiling

default tcp mss ceiling

  • ipv4 segment size The IPv4 segment size value in bytes. Values range from 64 to 65515.
  • ipv6 segment size  The IPv6 segment size value in bytes. Values range from 64 to 65495. This option is not supported on Sand platform switches (Qumran-MX, Qumran-AX, Jericho, Jericho+).
  • egress The TCP SYN packets that are forwarded from the interface to the network.
  • ingress The TCP SYN packets that are received from the network to the interface. Not supported on Sand platform switches.

  • On Sand platform switches (Qumran-MX, Qumran-AX, Jericho, Jericho+), this command works only for egress, and is supported only on IPv4 unicast packets entering the switch.
  • Clamping can only be configured in one direction per interface and works only on egress on Sand platform switches.
  • To configure ceilings for both IPv4 and IPv6 packets, both configurations must be included in a single command; re-issuing the command overwrites any previous settings.
  • Clamping configuration has no effect on GRE transit packets.

These commands configure interface ethernet 5 as a routed port, then specify a maximum MSS ceiling value of 1458 bytes in TCP SYN packets exiting that port. This enables TCP MSS clamping on the switch.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# no switchport
switch(config-if-Et5)# tcp mss ceiling ipv4 1458 egress


The tunnel command configures options for protocol-over-protocol tunneling. Because interface-tunnel configuration mode is not a group change mode, running-config is changed immediately after commands are executed. The exit command does not affect the configuration.

The no tunnel command deletes the specified tunnel configuration.

Command Mode

Interface-tunnel Configuration

Command Syntax

tunnel options

no tunnel options

  • options      Specifies the various tunneling options as listed below.
    • destination      Destination address of the tunnel.
    • ipsec      Secures the tunnel with the IPsec address.
    • key      Sets the tunnel key.
    • mode      Tunnel encapsulation method.
    • path-mtu-discovery      Enables the Path MTU discovery on tunnel.
    • source      Source of the tunnel packets.
    • tos      Sets the IP type of service value.
    • ttl      Sets time to live value.
    • underlay      Tunnel underlay.

These commands place the switch in interface-tunnel configuration mode for interface Tunnel 10 and with GRE tunnel configured on the interfaces specified.
switch(config)# ip routing
switch(config)# interface Tunnel 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel mode gre
switch(config-if-Tu10)# ip address
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel source
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel destination
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel path-mtu-discovery
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel tos 10
switch(config-if-Tu10)# tunnel ttl 10

vrf (Interface mode)

The vrf command adds the configuration mode interface to the specified VRF. You must create the VRF first, using the vrf instance command.

The no vrf and default vrf commands remove the configuration mode interface from the specified VRF by deleting the corresponding vrf command from running-config.

All forms of the vrf command remove all IP addresses associated with the configuration mode interface.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Loopback Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

vrf [vrf_name]

no vrf [vrf_name]

default vrf [vrf_name]


vrf_name Name of configured VRF.

  • These commands add the configuration mode interface (vlan 20) to the VRF named purple.
    switch(config)# interface vlan 20
    switch(config-if-Vl20)# vrf purple

  • These commands remove the configuration mode interface from VRF purple.
    switch(config)#  interface vlan 20
    switch(config-if-Vl20)# no vrf purple

vrf instance

The vrf instance command places the switch in VRF configuration mode for the specified VRF. If the named VRF does not exist, this command creates it. The number of user-defined VRFs supported varies by platform.

To add an interface to the VRF once it is created, use the vrf (Interface mode) command.

The no vrf instance and default vrf instance commands delete the specified VRF instance by removing the corresponding vrf instance command from running-config. This also removes all IP addresses associated with interfaces that belong to the deleted VRF.

The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

vrf instance [vrf_name]

no vrf instance [vrf_name]

default vrf instance [vrf_name]


vrf_name Name of VRF being created, deleted or configured. The names main and default are reserved.

This command creates a VRF named purple and places the switch in VRF configuration mode for that VRF.
switch(config)# vrf instance purple