MapReduce Tracer
MapReduce Tracer Introduction
- Hadoop clusters deployed with a L3 design.
- The top of rack switch becomes the default gateway to all attached TaskTracker nodes.
- JobTracker RPC ports do not require authentication.
- Nodes cannot simultaneously belong to multiple Hadoop clusters.
- Access all TaskTrackers within a cluster through a common HTTP access port.
- The switch DNS or static host configuration facilitates TaskTracker name resolution.
- Apache 0.20.205
- Apache 1.2.1
- Cloudera 3u6
- Cloudera 4.1.3
- Cloudera 4.3.0
- HortonWorks 1.3
- Cloudera 4.5.0
These sections briefly describe Hadoop, Hadoop data structures, and MapReduce Tracer.
Hadoop Description
Apache Hadoop is an open-source, Java-based software framework that supports large dataset storage and processing in a distributed computational environment. It is licensed under Apache License 2.0 and developed by a global community.
Hadoop facilitates application execution on systems comprising thousands of nodes utilizing petabytes of data. The distributed file system facilitates rapid data transfer among nodes and supports continued operations when individual nodes fail or become inaccessible.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) contains a distributed file system that stores data on the commodity machines to provide high aggregate bandwidth across the cluster.
Hadoop Cluster Structure
A cluster consists of a server group that functions as a single system to provide high availability through load balancing and parallel processing. A Hadoop cluster provides a type of computational cluster designed for storing and analyzing large amounts of unstructured data in a distributed computing environment.
Typical Hadoop clusters include one main node and multiple worker nodes. The main node consists of TaskTracker, JobTracker, NameNode, and DataNode functions. The worker nodes include a TaskTracker and DataNode.
Map Reduce
Hadoop implements a MapReduce algorithm to process large datasets by distributing parallel tasks to nodes within a cluster. The MapReduce program includes a Map procedure that filters data and a Reduce procedure that processes the data.
MapReduce manages task and data distribution to cluster nodes to execute tasks in parallel, and data transfers between cluster components support redundancy and fault tolerance.
The MapReduce engine comprises one JobTracker and multiple TaskTrackers nodes within the Hadoop cluster. The JobTracker receives MapReduce jobs from a client application and manages the completion of these jobs by submitting tasks to available TaskTracker nodes. If a TaskTracker fails to perform the assigned task, the JobTracker reschedules that part of the job to another node.
MapReduce Tracer Function
MapReduce Tracer allows you to track and interact with Hadoop nodes directly connected to Arista switches in a cluster. MapReduce Tracer communicates with a JobTracker to obtain a list of all nodes in a cluster. Then, it queries JobTracker and TaskTrackers for information regarding the running jobs and the progress of those jobs. This process creates a map of TaskTrackers with the types of jobs. Use show commands to display the data in tables using the CLI and EAPI.
MapReduce Tracer only monitors nodes directly connected to the switch on L3 networks. Directly connected nodes use the top-of-rack switch as the default gateway, and the switch learns ARP entries for these nodes. JobTracker filters nodes by tracking ARP entries to remove nodes not directly accessible and provides a list of nodes.
- Number of monitored Hadoop nodes
- Llist of monitored nodes including IP addresses
- Running jobs by TaskTrackers
- JobTracker and TaskTracker statistics
MapReduce Tracer can simultaneously monitor multiple clusters. This means the directly connected TaskTracker nodes can belong to different clusters. EOS supports a maximum of five clusters per switch.
MapReduce Tracer Configuration
- Access the MapReduce Tracer Configuration Mode through the Global Configuration Mode and control the global MapReduce Tracer settings.
- Access the Monitor-Hadoop-Cluster Configuration Mode through the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode and define polling configurations to monitor individual Hadoop clusters.
MapReduce Tracer functions after enabling it globally. Each polling configuration can be enabled after enabling the feature.
Configuring MapReduce Tracer Globally
Configure the MapReduce Tracer global parameters in the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode. Tasks performed in this mode include specifying connection parameters to Hadoop clusters and globally enabling MapReduce Tracer.
Accessing the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode
Access the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode using the monitor hadoop command. Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode does not apply group changes. The running-config immediately stores the statements when entered. The exit command returns the switch to Global Configuration mode.
- Use the following commands to place the switch in the
Monitor-Hadoop Configuration
switch(config)#monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
- This command exits the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# exit switch(config)#
- This command deletes all previously configured Monitor-Hadoop
Configuration Mode
switch(config)# no monitor hadoop switch(config)#
Enabling MapReduce Tracer Globally
Globally enable MapReduce Tracer using the no version of the shutdown (Monitor-Hadoop) command. EOS globally disables MapReduce Tracer by default.
switch(config)# monitor hadoop
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# no shutdown
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# show active
monitor hadoop
no shutdown
Creating a Cluster Monitor
Create a cluster monitor by accessing the Monitor-Hadoop-Cluster Configuration Mode mode with the cluster (Monitor Hadoop) command. Each monitor has a cluster ID and probes one Hadoop cluster. When the command specifies a monitor with a previously defined cluster ID, subsequent commands edit the monitor parameters. Create a new monitor with a new cluster ID by entering a command that specifies a nonexistent cluster ID.
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active
monitor hadoop
cluster CL2
Configuring Hadoop Cluster Access
- JobTracker access parameters including the IP address, port number, and username
- TaskTracker access port
- Polling interval
- Cluster description
- Enabled setting
The minimum explicit configuration includes the JobTracker address and username. Use the default values for all other parameters. By default, cluster monitors are disabled.
The cluster (Monitor Hadoop) command places the switch in the Monitor-Hadoop-Cluster Configuration Mode for the specified monitor with a cluster connection parameters.
Enable a cluster monitor by using the no version of the shutdown (Monitor-Hadoop) command when enabling MapReduce Tracer globally.
Configuring JobTracker
A cluster JobTracker resides on the master node and schedules work for the cluster TaskTracker nodes. The jobtracker (Monitor Hadoop Cluster) command specifies connection parameters to the monitored cluster.
JobTracker parameters include the node location as an IPv4 address or hostname, RPC port, and username. The default RPC port is 8021. Location and username parameters do not have default values and must be explicitly configured.
switch(config)# monitor hadoop
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# jobtracker host username account1
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active
monitor hadoop
cluster CL2
jobtracker host user account1
TaskTracker Configuration
The tasktracker (Monitor Hadoop Cluster) command specifies the HTTP port that accesses the TaskTrackers for the Hadoop cluster probed by the Configuration Mode Monitor. The switch compiles a list of the cluster TaskTracker addresses by periodically polling the cluster JobTracker.
The TaskTracker HTTP port uses 50060 by default.
- For the CL2 monitor, use the following commands to configure a
TaskTracker access port of
switch(config)# monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# tasktracker http-port 51000 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 tasktracker http-port 51000 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)#
- Use the following commands to restore the default TaskTracker HTTP access port address of
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# no tasktracker http-port switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active all monitor hadoop cluster CL2 jobtracker rpc-port 8021 tasktracker http-port 50060 interval 10 shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)#
Configuring Polling Intervals
After completing the Hadoop Monitor configuration, the switch polls the cluster JobTracker to maintain the list of active TaskTracker nodes associated with the monitored cluster and compile Hadoop job statistics. The interval (Monitor Hadoop Cluster) command specifies the interval between polls to the JobTracker of the monitored cluster. By default, the switch uses a polling interval of 10 seconds.
switch(config)# monitor hadoop
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# interval 25
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active
monitor hadoop
cluster CL2
interval 25
MapReduce Tracer Example
Use the following commands to create monitors that probe two Hadoop clusters, enables each monitor individually, then enables MapReduce Tracer globally. Monitor parameters for the clusters include the following:
Cluster ID CL_1
- Jobtracker
- IP address -
- RPC port - 8021
- username - xyz1
- TaskTracker
- HTTP address - 54000
- JobTracker
- Polling Interval - 10 seconds (default)
Cluster ID CL_2
- Jobtracker
- IP address -
- RPC port - 9521
- username - qrst
- TaskTracker
- HTTP address - 500060
- JobTracker Polling Interval
- Polling Interval - 5 seconds (default)
switch(config)#monitor hadoop
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#cluster CL_1
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL_1)#jobtracker host username xyz1
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL_1)#tasktracker http-port 54000
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL_1)#no shutdown
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#cluster CL_2
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL_2)#jobtracker host rpc-port 9521
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL_2)#interval 5
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL_2)#no shutdown
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#no shutdown
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#show active
monitor hadoop
no shutdown
cluster CL_1
jobtracker host user xyz1
tasktracker http-port 54000
no shutdown
cluster CL_2
jobtracker host rpc-port 9521 user qrst4
interval 5
no shutdown
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#show active all
monitor hadoop
no shutdown
cluster CL_1
jobtracker host rpc-port 8021 user xyz1
tasktracker http-port 54000
interval 10
no shutdown
cluster CL_2
jobtracker host rpc-port 9521 user qrst4
tasktracker http-port 50060
interval 5
no shutdown
Displaying MapReduce Tracer Results
MapReduce Tracer display commands provide information about the configuration and activity on the monitored clusters.
Displaying MapReduce Tracer Status
Display the MapReduce Tracer status through the show monitor hadoop status command. Status information includes the enabled status and the number of monitored clusters, TaskTrackers, and locally running jobs.
switch> show monitor hadoop status
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Mapreduce Tracer status:
Admin status : Enabled
Operational status : Enabled
Number of clusters configured : 3
Number of local TaskTrackers : 4
Number of jobs running locally : 4
Displaying the Cluster Configuration and Connections
- show monitor hadoop cluster all - Displays configuration and connection data for all monitored clusters.
- show monitor hadoop cluster status - Displays configuration and connection data for a specified cluster.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker status - Displays connection and activity information for TaskTrackers in a specified cluster, on a specified node, or accessed through a specified interface.
switch>show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 status
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Cluster status for cluster: Cluster0
Admin status : Enabled
JobTracker host : host0
JobTracker RPC port : 9000
JobTracker user : user0
JobTracker polling interval : 100 seconds
TaskTracker HTTP port : 8800
Operational status : Enabled
Active TaskTrackers : 31
Blacklisted TaskTrackers : 1
Decommissioned TaskTrackers : 1
Tracker expiry interval : 20.0
Map slots (used/total) : 10/100
Reduce slots (used/total) : 11/110
JobTracker heap size : 1.04GB (max: 2.08GB)
Displaying Job Lists Information
- show monitor hadoop - Jobs running on all monitored Hadoop clusters.
- show monitor hadoop cluster counters - Jobs running on a specified cluster and byte counter data.
- show monitor hadoop cluster history - Jobs
previously run on a specified cluster.
- clear monitor hadoop job-history - Includes jobs that ran since enabling the monitor, reloading the switch, or clearing the job history.
- show monitor hadoop cluster jobs - Jobs running on a specified cluster.
- show monitor hadoop history - Jobs that ran on
all configured clusters is accessed through.
- clear monitor hadoop job-history - Includes jobs that ran since enabling the monitor, reloading the switch, or clearing the job history.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker counters: Jobs running on a specified TaskTracker and byte counter data.
- Use the following command to display the jobs running on all monitored
switch> show monitor hadoop Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Currently running jobs: 4 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------- ---------------- --------- ---------- ------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 510001 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster1 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob11 510002 ShortName12 Cluster1 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
- Use the following command to display data for the previously run jobs on
connected Hadoop
switch> show monitor hadoop history Job history for all clusters: JobId Job Name Cluster Start Time End Time Bytes In Bytes Out ------ ---------------- --------- ----------- ------------ ---------- --------- 2 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster0 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43 442 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster1 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43 442 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster1 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43 2 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster0 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43 441 HistoryJob1 Cluster1 2013-10-06 2013-10-08 26.08GB 13.04GB 17:57:43 00:31:03 1 HistoryJob1 Cluster0 2013-10-06 2013-10-08 26.08GB 13.04GB 17:57:43 00:31:03 switch>
- Use the following command to display jobs running on cluster
Cluster0 and byte counters for
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 counters Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Counters for currently running jobs on cluster: Cluster0 JobId Job Name User Bytes In Bytes Out Start Time ------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- 2 ShortName2 JobUser2 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ JobUser1 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 switch>
Displaying Job Data
The following commands display information about active jobs or previously active jobs on monitored clusters. Available data includes Job Identifiers, JobTracker ID, Job start time, Job stop time, data consumption, and progress statistics.
- show monitor hadoop cluster history jobs -Data consumption, start and stop times, and JobTracker ID for a specific job.
- show monitor hadoop cluster jobs <job number> - Data consumption, start and stop times, priority, JobTracker ID, and progress statistics for a specified job.
- show monitor hadoop cluster jobs counter -HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) data consumption and and shuffle byte counters for a specified job.
- show monitor hadoop counters - Data through and start time for jobs running on all monitored clusters.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker jobs - Progress statistics and start times are available for jobs running on specified TaskTracker.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks - Job progress and byte counts of jobs running on a specified Hadoop cluster .
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks cluster job task - Progress statistics, HDFS data consumption, start time, and progress information for the specified task of a running job.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker counters - Data consumption and start times for jobs running on a specified TaskTracker.
- Use the following command to display information about job
1 on cluster
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 history job 1 Job history data for job: HistoryJob1 Cluster : Cluster0 Job Id : 1 JT Id : 201310110013 User : HistoryUser1 Job start time : 2013-10-06 17:57:43 Job end time : 2013-10-08 00:31:03 Per Interface job counters: Interface TaskTracker Bytes In Bytes Out --------------- ------------------ -------------- --------- Ethernet7 TaskTracker2 26.08GB 13.04GB switch>
- Use the following command to display information about job
1 running on cluster
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 jobs 1 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Information for job: ReallyAVeryLongNameForAJob1 running on cluster: Cluster0 Cluster : Cluster0 Id : 1 Name : ReallyAVeryLongNameForAJob1 User : JobUser1 Priority : veryHigh Running state : running Number of map tasks : 2 Number of reduce tasks : 0 Start time : 2013-10-06 17:56:03 Bytes In : 37.36GB Bytes Out : 76.29MB Map Progress : 12.34% Reduce Progress : 13.45% Cleanup Progress : 14.56% Setup Progress : 15.67% switch>
- Use the following command to display data for jobs running on
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 jobs Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
Displaying TaskTracker Lists
- show monitor hadoop cluster tasktracker - TaskTrackers on a specified cluster.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker all - TaskTrackers on all monitored clusters.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 tasktracker
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Total 2 TaskTrackers on cluster Cluster0:
Node IP Address Interface Maps Reduces
------------- ----------- -------------- ------ -------
TaskTracker1 Ethernet7 4 0
TaskTracker2 Port-Channel7 4 0
Displaying TaskTracker Connection and Activity
show monitor hadoop tasktracker status - Connection and activity information for TaskTrackers on a specified cluster or accessed through a specified interface.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker all counters - Data consumption for TaskTrackers connected to monitored clusters.
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 status
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
TaskTracker : TaskTracker1
IP Address :
Interface : Ethernet7
State : active
Running jobs : 2
Running tasks : 4
Map Tasks : 4
Reduce Tasks : 0
Total bytes read : 2.08GB
Total bytes written : 4.24MB
Displaying Data Bursts
The show monitor hadoop traffic burst command displays the largest data bursts for jobs running on a specified cluster or accessed through a specified node or interface. A data burst represents the data consumed during a polling interval.
switch> show monitor hadoop traffic burst interface Port-Channel 7
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Bursts on Interface: 'Port-Channel7' in cluster: Cluster0
Top 2 input bursts:
JobId Job Name Burst Time
----------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------
1 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43
2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03
Top 2 output bursts:
JobId Job Name Burst Time
----------- --------------------- ------------ -------------------
1 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13
2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03
Low-memory Mode Overview
- Memory leaks in EOS or customer user processes.
- Process leaks due to multiple processes or scripts running at one time.
- Over configuration of the system that requires more memory than available.
- A large number of temporary (tmpfs) files such as logs.
- A large number of CLI sessions.
- Any event or agents that can consume more memory than available in the system.
Once the switch reaches the low-memory state, the system uses the oom_score, which depends on the value of the oom_score_adj parameter to kill processes and free up available memory. The value for the parameter ranges from -1000 (not shut down) to 1000 (shut down first) during an OOM state. Non-essential agents are assigned oom_score_adj values of 900 or greater.
- Non-essential agents shut down by Linux do not restart.
- CLIrestarts, and sends a message, "Restarting CLI due to memory exhaustion on the system", to all login sessions in the switch.
- Disables CLI Scheduler.
The system requires manual intervention through reset system memory exhaustion command to exit the mode and restart the agents.
Configuring Low-memory Mode
The following examples apply to all platforms.
- These commands configure the low-memory
switch(config)# monitor system switch(config-monitor-system)# memory exhaustion switch(config-monitor-system-memory)# action agent non-critical hold-down
The following command disables low-memory mode in config-monitor-system-memory.
switch(config-monitor-system-memory)# no action agent non-critical hold-down
The following command exits low-memory mode after an OOM event has occurred and agents have been shut down. The command restarts the agents being held down and reenables the CLI scheduler.
switch(config-monitor)#reset system memory exhaustion
- Feature enabled.
- Low-memory mode (featured enabled and system experiencing OOM).
- Number of times the system entered low-memory mode.
- Last time the system entered low-memory mode (if applicable).
- Last time the system exited low-memory mode (if applicable).
switch#show monitor system
The following output displays on a system with the feature disabled and the system never entered the low-memory mode.
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: False
System currently in Memory Exhaustion: False
Number of times system entered Memory Exhaustion:
The following output displays on a system with the feature enabled and the system never entered the low-memory mode.
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: True
System currently in Memory Exhaustion: False
Number of times system entered Memory Exhaustion: 0
The following output displays on a system with the feature enabled and the system enters the low-memory mode.
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: True
System currently in Memory Exhaustion: True
Number of times system entered Memory Exhaustion: 1
Last time entered in Memory Exhaustion: 0:00:07 ago
The following output displays on a system with the feature enabled and the system enters the low-memory mode once, and has exited the low-memory mode.
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: True
System currently in Memory Exhaustion: False
Number of times system entered Memory Exhaustion: 1
Last time entered in Memory Exhaustion: 0:01:00 ago
Last time exited from Memory Exhaustion: 0:00:05 ago
Configuring oom_score_adj for a daemon agent
To configure the oom_score_adj of any configured daemon, use the following command:
switch(config-daemon-<daemon_name>)# oom score adjustment <score>
switch(config)# daemon daemonName
switch(config-daemon-daemonName)# oom score adjustment -200
switch(config-daemon-daemonName)# shutdown
switch(config-daemon-daemonName)# no shutdown
MapReduce Tracer Commands
Global Configuration Commands
Clear Hadoop Monitor Commands
Display Commands
- show agent oom scores
- show monitor hadoop
- show monitor hadoop cluster all
- show monitor hadoop cluster counters
- show monitor hadoop cluster history
- show monitor hadoop cluster history jobs
- show monitor hadoop cluster jobs
- show monitor hadoop cluster jobs <job number>
- show monitor hadoop cluster jobs counter
- show monitor hadoop cluster status
- show monitor hadoop cluster tasktracker
- show monitor hadoop counters
- show monitor hadoop history
- show monitor hadoop status
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker all
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker all counters
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker counters
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker jobs
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks cluster job task
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker status
- show monitor hadoop traffic burst
- show monitor system
Hadoop Commands
Hadoop-Cluster Commands
clear monitor hadoop burst-counters
The clear monitor hadoop burst-counters command resets MapReduce Tracer burst counters for all jobs running on specified clusters.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear monitor hadoop burst-counters [clusters]
- clusters Hadoop clusters for which command
displays data. Options include:
- no parameter All clusters.
- cluster c_name Cluster name.
switch# clear monitor hadoop burst-counters cluster CL2
Cleared burst counters
clear monitor hadoop job-history
The clear monitor hadoop job-history command resets the job history database for all specified clusters.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear monitor hadoop job-history [clusters]
- clusters Hadoop clusters for which command
displays data. Options include:
- no parameter All clusters.
- cluster c_name Cluster name.
This command clears the job history on the CL2 cluster.
switch# clear monitor hadoop job-history cluster CL2
Cleared job history
cluster (Monitor Hadoop)
The cluster command is a monitor-hadoop command that places the switch in the monitor-hadoop-cluster mode for configuring and enabling a MapReduce Tracer monitor for a Hadoop cluster. The command either accesses an existing monitor configuration or creates a monitor.
The Monitor-Hadoop-Cluster Configuration Mode is not a group change mode. The running-config changes immediately after entering commands. Exiting the monitor-hadoop-cluster mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to the monitor-hadoop configuration mode.
The Configuration Mode Monitor is enabled by the no version of the shutdown (Monitor Hadoop Cluster). Enabling a monitor also requires that MapReduce Tracer is globally enabled (shutdown (Monitor Hadoop Cluster).
The no cluster and default cluster commands remove the specified Hadoop cluster configuration from running-config.
Command Mode
Monitor-Hadoop Configuration
Command Syntax
cluster cluster_name
no cluster cluster_name
default cluster cluster_name
cluster_name Hadoop cluster name.
Related Command
The monitor hadoop command places the switch in the monitor-hadoop configuration mode.
- These commands create the CL2 monitor and enters the
monitor-hadoop-cluster mode for the
switch(config)# monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)#
- These commands exit the monitor-hadoop-cluster
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# exit switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
- These commands remove the CL2
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# no cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# show active switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
description (Monitor Hadoop Cluster)
The description command adds a text string to the configuration mode MapReduce Tracer cluster monitor. The string has no functional impact on the monitor.
The no description and default description commands remove the text string from the configuration mode monitor by removing the corresponding description command from running-config.
Command Mode
Monitor-hadoop-cluster Configuration
Command Syntax
description label_text
no description
default description
label_text Character string assigned to the monitor configuration.
Related Command
The cluster (Monitor Hadoop) command places the switch in the monitor-hadoop-cluster configuration mode.
switch(config)# monitor hadoop
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# description First Cluster
monitor hadoop
cluster CL2
description First Cluster
jobtracker host user JANE
interval (Monitor Hadoop Cluster)
The interval command specifies the polling interval between queries to the Hadoop cluster JobTracker specifed by configuration mode statements. The switch polls a cluster’s JobTracker to update its list of active TaskTracker nodes and the statistics of jobs running in the cluster. This command controls the frequency of these polls. The default interval is 10 seconds.
The no interval and default interval commands restore the default interval of 10 seconds by removing the interval command from running-config.
Command Mode
Monitor-Hadoop Configuration
Command Syntax
interval period
no interval
default interval
period Interval (seconds) between JobTracker polls. Value ranges from 1 to 600. Default is 10.
Related Commands
The cluster (Monitor Hadoop) command places the switch in the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode.
switch(config)# monitor hadoop
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# interval 25
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active
monitor hadoop
cluster CL2
interval 25
jobtracker (Monitor Hadoop Cluster)
The jobtracker command specifies JobTracker access parameters for the cluster monitored by configuration mode monitor statements. A cluster’s JobTracker is located on the master node and schedules work to the cluster’s TaskTracker nodes.
Parameters required to communicate with a JobTracker include its node location (IPv4 address or hostname), RPC port, and username. The default RPC port is 8021. Location and username parameters do not have default values and must be explicity configured. A JobTracker command that specifies a partial parameter list modifies the existing corresponding jobtracker statement in running-config.
- removes the jobtracker statement from running config when it lists all command parameters.
- modifies the existing jobtracker statement when it lists a subset of command parameters.
Command Mode
Monitor-Hadoop-Cluster Configuration
Command Syntax
jobtracker [location][port][user]
no jobtracker[location][port][user]
default jobtracker [location][port][user]
All parameters may be placed in any order.
- location Address or hostname of JobTracker node.
Options include:
- no parameter Location remains undefined or unchanged from a previous configuration.
- host ipv4_addr IPv4 address of master (JobTracker) node.
- host hostname Hostname of master (JobTracker) node.
- port JobTracker RPC port number. Default value is
8021. Options include:
- no parameter Port number remains unchanged from previous configuration.
- rdp-port port_num Port number of master (JobTracker) node. Value ranges from 1 to 65535.
- user Username that accesses JobTracker node.
Options include:
- no parameter Username remains undefined or unchanged from previous configuration.
- username name_string JobTracker username.
Related Command
The cluster (Monitor Hadoop) command places the switch in the Monitor-Hadoop-Cluster Configuration Mode.
- For the CL2 cluster configuration, these commands establish a connection to
the JobTracker node at with the username
account1. The default RPC port
(8021) is implicitly
switch(config)# monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# jobtracker host username account1 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 jobtracker host user account1 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)#
- These commands modify the JobTracker configuration to specify an RPC port of
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# jobtracker rpc-port 9000 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 jobtracker host rpc-port 9000 user account1 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)#
monitor hadoop
- Compile a list of nodes in the cluster.
- Compile a list of jobs the nodes are running.
- Download progress of the running jobs.
The Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode is not a group change mode, and the running-config changes immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode does not affect the running-config. The exit command returns the switch to the Global configuration mode. MapReduce Tracer is enabled in the monitor-hadoop mode through the no version of the shutdown (Monitor Hadoop Cluster) command.
The no monitor hadoop and default monitor hadoop commands delete previously configured monitor hadoop mode configuration commands.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
monitor hadoop
no monitor hadoop
default monitor hadoop
- These commands place the switch in the monitor-hadoop
switch(config)# monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
- This command exits the monitor-hadoop
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# exit switch(config)#
- This command deletes all previously configured monitor-hadoop
configuration mode
switch(config)# no monitor hadoop switch(config)#
show agent oom scores
The show agent oom scores command displays information for each agent if specified.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show agent [ agentName] oom scores
- Display Values
- Agent name Name(s) of agent(s) - processes.
- RssAnon Size of the resident anonymous memory for the given process.
- VmSize Current total virtual memory size for the process.
- Max VmSize Peak value of total virtual memory for the process.
- oom_score Parameter used in determining which process to hold down.
- oom_score_adj Parameter used to adjust oom_score.
switch# show agent Snmp Sysdb oom scores
Agent Name RssAnon VmSize Max VmSize oom_score oom_score_adj
---------- --------- ------- ---------- --------- ------------
Snmp 34.8MB 536.1MB 541.9MB 911 900
Sysdb 102.3MB 597.5MB 597.5MB 0 -500
show monitor hadoop
The show monitor hadoop command displays a list of jobs that are running on all monitored Hadoop clusters.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop
switch> show monitor hadoop
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Currently running jobs: 4
JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time
----- ---------------- --------- ---------- ------------- -------------------
1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03
2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43
510001 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster1 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03
510002 ShortName12 Cluster1 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43
show monitor hadoop cluster all
The show monitor hadoop cluster all command displays configuration and connection information for all monitored Hadoop clusters.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster all
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster all
Total number of clusters configured: 3
Cluster : Cluster0
Admin status : Enabled
JobTracker host : host0
JobTracker RPC port : 9000
JobTracker user : user0
JobTracker polling interval : 100 seconds
TaskTracker HTTP port : 8800
Operational status : Enabled
Active TaskTrackers : 31
Blacklisted TaskTrackers : 1
Decommissioned TaskTrackers : 1
Tracker expiry interval : 20.0
Map slots (used/total) : 10/100
Reduce slots (used/total) : 11/110
JobTracker heap size : 1.04GB (max: 2.08GB)
Cluster : Cluster1
Admin status : Enabled
JobTracker host : host1
JobTracker RPC port : 9001
JobTracker user : user1
JobTracker polling interval : 101 seconds
TaskTracker HTTP port : 8801
Operational status : Enabled
Active TaskTrackers : 32
Blacklisted TaskTrackers : 0
Decommissioned TaskTrackers : 0
Tracker expiry interval : 40.0
Map slots (used/total) : 20/200
Reduce slots (used/total) : 22/220
JobTracker heap size : 2.09GB (max: 4.15GB)
Cluster : Cluster2
Admin status : Disabled
JobTracker host : host2
JobTracker RPC port : 9002
JobTracker user : user2
JobTracker polling interval : 102 seconds
TaskTracker HTTP port : 8802
Operational status : Disabled
show monitor hadoop cluster counters
The show monitor hadoop cluster counters command displays a list of jobs running on the specified Hadoop cluster and data consumption associated with these jobs.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name counters
c_name Cluster name.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 counters
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Counters for currently running jobs on cluster: Cluster0
JobId Job Name User Bytes In Bytes Out Start Time
------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -------------------
2 ShortName2 JobUser2 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43
1 ReallyAVeryLon\ JobUser1 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03
show monitor hadoop cluster history
The show monitor hadoop cluster history command displays all jobs that ran on the specified cluster. The list includes all jobs that ran since the switch was reloaded, the job history was cleared (clear monitor hadoop job-history), or MapReduce Tracer was enabled.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name history
c_name Cluster name.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 history
Jobs history on cluster: Cluster0
JobId Job Name Start Time End Time Bytes In Bytes Out
-------- ------------------ ------------- -------------- ------------ ---------
2 AReallyBigHist\ 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB
oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43
2 AReallyBigHist\ 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB
oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43
1 HistoryJob1 2013-10-06 2013-10-08 26.08GB 13.04GB
17:57:43 00:31:03
show monitor hadoop cluster history jobs
The show monitor hadoop cluster history jobs command displays data about the specified job. Hadoop jobs are identified by job number and the cluster that ran the job.
Data that the command returns include job identifiers, JobTracker ID, start and stop times, and data consumption.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name history jobs job_number
- c_name Cluster name.
- job_number Job number. Value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 history job 1
Job history data for job: HistoryJob1
Cluster : Cluster0
Job Id : 1
JT Id : 201310110013
User : HistoryUser1
Job start time : 2013-10-06 17:57:43
Job end time : 2013-10-08 00:31:03
Per Interface job counters:
Interface TaskTracker Bytes In Bytes Out
--------------- ------------------ -------------- ---------
Ethernet7 TaskTracker2 26.08GB 13.04GB
show monitor hadoop cluster jobs
The show monitor hadoop cluster jobs command displays a list of jobs that are running on the specified cluster.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name jobs
c_name Cluster name.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 jobs
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Currently running jobs on cluster: Cluster0
JobId Job Name User Maps Reduces Start Time
-------- ------------------ ----------- ------- ----------- -------------------
2 ShortName2 JobUser2 2 0 2013-10-06 17:37:43
1 ReallyAVeryLon\ JobUser1 2 0 2013-10-06 17:56:03
show monitor hadoop cluster jobs counter
The show monitor hadoop cluster jobs counter command displays data consumption and progress statistics for the specified job.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name [jobs job_number] counter
- c_name Cluster name.
- job_number Job number. Value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 jobs 1 counters
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Cluster : Cluster0
Job Name : ReallyAVeryLongNameForAJob1
Job Id : 1
Interface HDFS Bytes Read HDFS Bytes Written Reduce Shuffle Bytes
----------------- ------------------ --------------------- --------------------
Port-Channel8 4.14GB 8.48MB 12.72MB
Port-Channel9 6.21GB 12.72MB 19.07MB
Ethernet8 3.10GB 6.36MB 9.54MB
Ethernet9 5.17GB 10.60MB 15.89MB
Port-Channel7 2.07GB 4.24MB 6.36MB
Ethernet10 7.24GB 14.83MB 22.25MB
Port-Channel10 8.28GB 16.95MB 25.43MB
Ethernet7 1.03GB 2.12MB 3.18MB
show monitor hadoop cluster jobs <job number>
The show monitor hadoop cluster jobsjob number command displays information about the specified job. Hadoop jobs are identified by job ID and the cluster that is running the job.
Data that the command returns include time of update, job identifiers, start times, data consumption, and completion progress.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name [jobs job_number]
- c_name Cluster name.
- job_number Job number. Value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 jobs 1
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Information for job: ReallyAVeryLongNameForAJob1 running on cluster: Cluster0
Cluster : Cluster0
Id : 1
Name : ReallyAVeryLongNameForAJob1
User : JobUser1
Priority : veryHigh
Running state : running
Number of map tasks : 2
Number of reduce tasks : 0
Start time : 2013-10-06 17:56:03
Bytes In : 37.36GB
Bytes Out : 76.29MB
Map Progress : 12.34%
Reduce Progress : 13.45%
Cleanup Progress : 14.56%
Setup Progress : 15.67%
show monitor hadoop cluster status
The show monitor hadoop cluster status command displays configuration and connection information for the specified cluster.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name status
c_name Cluster name.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 status
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Cluster status for cluster: Cluster0
Admin status : Enabled
JobTracker host : host0
JobTracker RPC port : 9000
JobTracker user : user0
JobTracker polling interval : 100 seconds
TaskTracker HTTP port : 8800
Operational status : Enabled
Active TaskTrackers : 31
Blacklisted TaskTrackers : 1
Decommissioned TaskTrackers : 1
Tracker expiry interval : 20.0
Map slots (used/total) : 10/100
Reduce slots (used/total) : 11/110
JobTracker heap size : 1.04GB (max: 2.08GB)
show monitor hadoop cluster tasktracker
The show monitor hadoop cluster tasktracker command displays a list of TaskTrackers in the specified cluster. The IP address and access interface is included in the table.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name tasktracker
c_name Cluster name.
switch> show monitor hadoop cluster Cluster0 tasktracker
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Total 2 TaskTrackers on cluster Cluster0:
Node IP Address Interface Maps Reduces
------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------
TaskTracker1 Ethernet7 4 0
TaskTracker2 Port-Channel7 4 0
show monitor hadoop counters
The show monitor hadoop counters command displays byte counter data for all jobs running on clusters for which MapReduce Tracer is configured.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop counters
switch> show monitor hadoop counters
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Counters for running jobs:
JobId Job Name Cluster Bytes In Bytes Out Start Time
------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -------------------
510002 ShortName12 Cluster1 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43
510001 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster1 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03
2 ShortName2 Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43
1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03
show monitor hadoop history
The show monitor hadoop history command displays jobs that ran on clusters for which MapReduce Tracer is configured. The list includes all jobs that ran since the switch was reloaded, MapReduce Tracer was enabled, or the job history was cleared (clear monitor hadoop job-history).
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop history
switch> show monitor hadoop history
Job history for all clusters:
JobId Job Name Cluster Start Time End Time Bytes In Bytes Out
------ ---------------- --------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ---------
2 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster0 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB
oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43
442 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster1 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB
oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43
442 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster1 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB
oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43
2 AReallyBigHist\ Cluster0 2013-10-06 2013-10-09 26.08GB 13.04GB
oricalJobName 17:41:03 06:47:43
441 HistoryJob1 Cluster1 2013-10-06 2013-10-08 26.08GB 13.04GB
17:57:43 00:31:03
1 HistoryJob1 Cluster0 2013-10-06 2013-10-08 26.08GB 13.04GB
17:57:43 00:31:03
show monitor hadoop status
The show monitor hadoop status command displays system status for MapReduce Tracer.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop status
switch> show monitor hadoop status
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Mapreduce Tracer status:
Admin status : Enabled
Operational status : Enabled
Number of clusters configured : 3
Number of local TaskTrackers : 4
Number of jobs running locally : 4
show monitor hadoop tasktracker all
The show monitor hadoop tasktracker all command displays a list of TaskTrackers that are on all monitored Hadoop clusters.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop tasktracker all
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker all
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
All local TaskTrackers:
Node Cluster IP Address Interface Maps Reduces
---------------- ------------ -------------- ----------------- -------- -------
TaskTracker1 Cluster0 Ethernet7 4 0
TaskTracker3 Cluster1 Ethernet8 4 0
TaskTracker2 Cluster0 Port-Channel7 4 0
TaskTracker4 Cluster1 Port-Channel8 4 0
show monitor hadoop tasktracker all counters
The show monitor hadoop tasktracker all counters command displays byte counters for the TaskTrackers of all monitored Hadoop clusters.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop tasktracker all counters
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker all counters
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23
Counters for all TaskTrackers:
Node IP Address Interface Bytes Read Bytes Written
---------------- -------------- ----------------- --------------- -------------
TaskTracker1 Ethernet7 2.08GB 4.24MB
TaskTracker3 Ethernet8 6.23GB 12.72MB
TaskTracker2 Port-Channel7 4.15GB 8.48MB
TaskTracker4 Port-Channel8 8.30GB 16.95MB
show monitor hadoop tasktracker counters
The show monitor hadoop tasktracker counters command displays a list of jobs running on the specified TaskTracker and output from byte counters associated with these jobs.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop tasktracker NODES counters
- NODES TaskTracker node access point. Options
- host hostname Node name.
- interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces through which node connects.
- interface port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces through which node connects.
- This command displays the jobs running on the TaskTracker on the
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 counters Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 JobId Job Name Cluster Bytes In Bytes Out Start Time ------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 Note: these counters are derived from Hadoop counters and represent approximate network bandwidth utilization switch>
- This command displays jobs running on TaskTrackers accessed through Ethernet
interfaces 7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet 7,8 counters Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker3 JobId Job Name Cluster Bytes In Bytes Out Start Time ------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- 510002 ShortName12 Cluster1 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43 510001 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster1 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob11 Note: These counters are derived from Hadoop counters and represent approximate network bandwidth utilization Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 JobId Job Name Cluster Bytes In Bytes Out Start Time ------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 Note: these counters are derived from Hadoop counters and represent approximate network bandwidth utilization switch>
- This command displays jobs running on TaskTrackers accessed through
port channel interface
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 7 counters Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker2 JobId Job Name Cluster Bytes In Bytes Out Start Time ------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:37:43 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 37.36GB 76.29MB 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 Note: these counters are derived from Hadoop counters and represent approximate network bandwidth utilization switch>
show monitor hadoop tasktracker jobs
The show monitor hadoop tasktracker jobs command displays data about the jobs that are running on TaskTrackers located on the specified node or accessed through the listed interfaces.
Including a cluster parameter filters results to include data only from the cluster polled by the specified monitor.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop tasktracker NODES jobs [CLUSTERS]
- NODES TaskTracker node access point. Options
- host hostname Node name.
- interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces through which node connects.
- interface port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces through which node connects.
- CLUSTERS Hadoop cluster for which command
displays data. Options include:
- no parameter TaskTracker on specified NODE can be in any cluster.
- cluster c_name TaskCluster on specified NODE must be in named cluster.
- This command displays data for jobs running on
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 jobs Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
- This command displays data for jobs on TaskTrackers accessed through
Ethernet interfaces 7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet 7,8 jobs Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker3 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------- ---------------- --------- ---------- ------------- ------------------- 510001 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster1 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob11 510002 ShortName12 Cluster1 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
- This command displays data for jobs on TaskTrackers accessed through
port channel interface
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 7 jobs Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker2 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
- This command displays data for jobs on TaskTrackers on the
Cluster0 cluster that are accessed through
Ethernet interfaces 7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet 7,8 jobs cluster Cluster0 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
- This command displays data for jobs on TaskTracker named
TaskTracker1 on the
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 jobs cluster Cluster0 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
- This command displays data for jobs on TaskTrackers on the
Cluster0 cluster that are accessed through
port channel interface
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 7 jobs cluster Cluster0 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running job for TaskTracker: TaskTracker2 JobId Job Name Cluster Maps(#/%) Reduces(#/%) Start Time ------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------------- 1 ReallyAVeryLon\ Cluster0 2/12.34% 0/13.45% 2013-10-06 17:56:03 gNameForAJob1 2 ShortName2 Cluster0 2/24.68% 0/26.90% 2013-10-06 17:37:43 switch>
show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks
The show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks command displays progress and byte counts of tasks executed by TaskTrackers located on the specified node or accessed through the listed interfaces.
Including a cluster-ID parameter filters results to include data only from the specified cluster.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop tasktracker NODES running-tasks [CLUSTERS][JOBS]
- NODES TaskTracker node access point. Options
- host hostname Node name.
- interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces through which node connects.
- interface port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces through which node connects.
- CLUSTERS Hadoop cluster for which command
displays data. Options include:
- no parameter TaskTracker on specified NODE can be in any cluster.
- cluster c_name TaskCluster on specified NODE must be in named cluster.
- JOBS Job list. Options include:
- no parameter all jobs.
- job 0 to 2147483647 Specifies number of single job.
- This command displays data for tasks running on TaskTracker named
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 running-tasks Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 on interface Ethernet7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 1 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 2 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB 2 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for tasks running on the TaskTracker named
TaskTracker1 of the
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 running-tasks cluster Cluster0 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 on interface Ethernet7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 1 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 2 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB 2 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for tasks running for job
1 on the TaskTracker named
TaskTracker1 of the
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 running-tasks cluster Cluster0 job 1 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 on interface Ethernet7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 1 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for tasks running on TaskTrackers accessed
through Ethernet interfaces 7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet 7,8 running-tasks Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 on interface Ethernet7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 2 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB 2 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker3 on interface Ethernet8 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ------ ------ --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 510002 222 Cluster1 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 510001 112 Cluster1 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 510002 221 Cluster1 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB 510001 111 Cluster1 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for tasks running on TaskTrackers of
Cluster0 cluster that are accessed through
Ethernet interfaces 7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet 7,8 running-tasks cluster Cluster0 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 on interface Ethernet7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 1 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 2 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB 2 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for tasks running for job
1 on the TaskTrackers of
Cluster0 cluster that are accessed through
Ethernet interfaces 7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet 7,8 running-tasks cluster Cluster0 job 1 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker1 on interface Ethernet7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 1 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for tasks running on TaskTrackers accessed
through port channe l interfaces
7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 7-8 running-tasks Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker2 on interface Port-Channel7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 1 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB 2 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker4 on interface Port-Channel8 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ------ ------ --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 510002 222 Cluster1 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 510001 112 Cluster1 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 510001 111 Cluster1 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for tasks running on TaskTrackers of
Cluster0 cluster accessed through
port channel interface
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 7 running-tasks cluster Cluster0 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker2 on interface Port-Channel7 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ----- ------- --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 1 2 Cluster0 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 1 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB 2 1 Cluster0 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for job 510001 running
on TaskTrackers of Cluster1 cluster that are
accessed through port channel interface
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 8 running-tasks cluster Cluster1 job 510001 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Running tasks for TaskTracker: TaskTracker4 on interface Port-Channel8 JobId TaskId Cluster Type Progress Status HDFS Read HDFS Write Shuffle ------ ------ --------- ----- --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------- 510001 112 Cluster1 Map 33.33% running 2.10MB 2.14MB 2.96MB 510001 111 Cluster1 Map 50.00% running 1.05MB 1.07MB 1.48MB switch>
show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks cluster job task
The show monitor hadoop tasktracker running-tasks cluster job task command displays detailed data for the specified task.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop tasktracker NODE [running-tasks cluster name][ job jnum ][task tnum]
- NODE TaskTracker node access point. Options
- host hostname Node name.
- interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces through which node connects.
- interface port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces through which node connects.
- name Cluster name.
- jnum Job number. Value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
- tnum Task number. Value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
- This command displays data for task 1 of
job 1 on
TaskTracker1 of
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 running-tasks cluster Cluster0 job 1 task 1 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Task details for one task as given below: TaskTracker name : TaskTracker1 Interface : 'Ethernet7' Cluster : Cluster0 Job Id : 1 Task Id : 1 Attempt Id : 0 Task type : Map Status : running State : running Start time : 2013-10-06 17:57:43 Progress : 50.00% HDFS bytes read : 1.05MB HDFS bytes written : 1.07MB Reduce shuffle bytes : 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for task 1 of
job 1 on the
Cluster0 TaskTracker that is accessible through
Ethernet interface
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet 7 running-tasks cluster Cluster0 job 1 task 1 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Task details for one task as given below: TaskTracker name : TaskTracker1 Interface : 'Ethernet7' Cluster : Cluster0 Job Id : 1 Task Id : 1 Attempt Id : 0 Task type : Map Status : running State : running Start time : 2013-10-06 17:57:43 Progress : 50.00% HDFS bytes read : 1.05MB HDFS bytes written : 1.07MB Reduce shuffle bytes : 1.48MB switch>
- This command displays data for task 111 of
job 510001 on the
Cluster0 TaskTracker that is accessible
through port channel interface
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 8 running-tasks cluster Cluster1 job 510001 task 111 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Task details for one task as given below: TaskTracker name : TaskTracker4 Interface : 'Port-Channel8' Cluster : Cluster1 Job Id : 510001 Task Id : 111 Attempt Id : 0 Task type : Map Status : running State : running Start time : 2013-10-06 17:57:43 Progress : 50.00% HDFS bytes read : 1.05MB HDFS bytes written : 1.07MB Reduce shuffle bytes : 1.48MB switch>
show monitor hadoop tasktracker status
- show monitor hadoop cluster c_name tasktracker status: TaskTrackers on specified cluster.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker node status: TaskTrackers on specified nodes or interfaces.
- show monitor hadoop tasktracker all status: all connected TaskTrackers.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop cluster c_name tasktracker status
show monitor hadoop tasktracker NODES status
show monitor hadoop tasktracker all status
- c_name Cluster name.
- NODES TaskTracker node access point. Options
- host hostname Node name.
- interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces through which node connects.
- interface port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces through which node connects.
- This command displays connection and activity information for all
TaskTrackers connected through Ethernet interfaces
7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Ethernet7,8 status Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 TaskTracker : TaskTracker1 IP Address : Interface : Ethernet7 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 2.08GB Total bytes written : 4.24MB TaskTracker : TaskTracker3 IP Address : Interface : Ethernet8 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 6.23GB Total bytes written : 12.72MB switch>
- This command displays connection and activity information for all connected
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker all status Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 All local TaskTrackers: TaskTracker : TaskTracker4 IP Address : Interface : Port-Channel8 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 8.30GB Total bytes written : 16.95MB TaskTracker : TaskTracker3 IP Address : Interface : Ethernet8 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 6.23GB Total bytes written : 12.72MB TaskTracker : TaskTracker2 IP Address : Interface : Port-Channel7 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 4.15GB Total bytes written : 8.48MB TaskTracker : TaskTracker1 IP Address : Interface : Ethernet7 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 2.08GB Total bytes written : 4.24MB switch>
- This command displays connection and activity data for TaskTracker on the
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker host TaskTracker1 status Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 TaskTracker : TaskTracker1 IP Address : Interface : Ethernet7 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 2.08GB Total bytes written : 4.24MB switch>
- This command displays connection and activity data for all TaskTracker
connected through Port Channel
switch> show monitor hadoop tasktracker interface Port-Channel 7 status Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 TaskTracker : TaskTracker2 IP Address : Interface : Port-Channel7 State : active Running jobs : 2 Running tasks : 4 Map Tasks : 4 Reduce Tasks : 0 Total bytes read : 4.15GB Total bytes written : 8.48MB switch>
show monitor hadoop traffic burst
- Input bursts include bytes written to the host.
- Output bursts include bytes written by the host.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor hadoop [CLUSTERS] traffic burst [NODE]
- CLUSTERS Hadoop clusters for
which command displays data. Options include:
- no parameter All clusters.
- cluster c_name Cluster name.
- NODES TaskTracker node access
point. Options include:
- host hostname Node name.
- interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces through which node connects.
- interface port-channel p_range Port channel interfaces through which node connects.
- This command displays traffic burst data for all running
switch> show monitor hadoop traffic burst Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Bursts on Interface: 'Ethernet7' in cluster: Cluster0 Top 2 input bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ---------------- -------- ------------------- 1 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03 gNameForAJob Top 2 output bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ---------------- -------- ------------------- 1 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03 gNameForAJob Bursts on Interface: 'Port-Channel7' in cluster: Cluster0 Top 2 input bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ---------------- -------- ------------------- 1 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03 gNameForAJob Top 2 output bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ---------------- -------- ------------------- 1 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03 gNameForAJob Bursts on Interface: 'Ethernet8' in cluster: Cluster1 Top 4 input bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------- ---------------- -------- ------------------- 510001 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43 510002 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03 gNameForAJob 510003 ShortName 9.22GB 2013-10-06 17:24:23 510004 ReallyAVeryLon\ 12.29GB 2013-10-06 17:07:43 gNameForAJob Top 4 output bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ----------------- -------- ------------------- 510001 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13 510002 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03 gNameForAJob 510003 ShortName 12.29GB 2013-10-06 17:16:53 510004 ReallyAVeryLon\ 16.39GB 2013-10-06 16:57:43 gNameForAJob Bursts on Interface: 'Port-Channel8' in cluster: Cluster1 Top 4 input bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ---------------- --------- ------------------- 3101 510001 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43 510002 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03 gNameForAJob 510003 ShortName 9.22GB 2013-10-06 17:24:23 510004 ReallyAVeryLon\ 12.29GB 2013-10-06 17:07:43 gNameForAJob Top 4 output bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ---------------- -------- ------------------- 510001 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13 510002 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03 gNameForAJob 510003 ShortName 12.29GB 2013-10-06 17:16:53 510004 ReallyAVeryLon\ 16.39GB 2013-10-06 16:57:43 gNameForAJob switch>
- This command displays traffic burst for all jobs running
on TaskTrackers that are accessible through Ethernet
interfaces 7 and
switch> show monitor hadoop traffic burst interface Ethernet 7,8 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Bursts on Interface: 'Ethernet7' in cluster: Cluster0 Top 2 input bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ --------------- ------ ------------------- 1 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03 gNameForAJob Top 2 output bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ --------------- ------- ------------------- 1 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03 gNameForAJob Bursts on Interface: 'Ethernet8' in cluster: Cluster1 Top 4 input bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ ---------------- -------- ------------------- 510001 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43 510002 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03 gNameForAJob 510003 ShortName 9.22GB 2013-10-06 17:24:23 510004 ReallyAVeryLon\ 12.29GB 2013-10-06 17:07:43 gNameForAJob Top 4 output bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ --------------- -------- ------------------- 510001 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13 510002 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03 gNameForAJob 510003 ShortName 12.29GB 2013-10-06 17:16:53 510004 ReallyAVeryLon\ 16.39GB 2013-10-06 16:57:43 gNameForAJob switch>
- This command displays traffic burst data for all running
jobs that are accessible through port
channel interface
switch> show monitor hadoop traffic burst interface Port-Channel 7 Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:14:23 Bursts on Interface: 'Port-Channel7' in cluster: Cluster0 Top 2 input bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ --------------- ------- ------------------- 1 ShortName 3.07GB 2013-10-06 17:57:43 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 6.15GB 2013-10-06 17:41:03 gNameForAJob Top 2 output bursts: JobId Job Name Burst Time ------ --------------- ------- ------------------- 1 ShortName 4.10GB 2013-10-06 17:55:13 2 ReallyAVeryLon\ 8.20GB 2013-10-06 17:36:03 gNameForAJob
show monitor system
The show monitor system command displays information about the memory usage status of the system including when low-memory situations have led to Out-Of-Memory (OOM) events.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show monitor system
- The following output is for a system where the feature is disabled and the
system has never entered the low-memory
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: False System currently in Memory Exhaustion: False Number of times system entered Memory Exhaustion: 0
The following output is for a system where the feature is enabled and the system has never entered the low-memory mode.
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: True System currently in Memory Exhaustion: False Number of times system entered Memory Exhaustion: 0
The following output is for a system where the feature is enabled and the system enters the low-memory mode.
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: True System currently in Memory Exhaustion: True Number of times system entered Memory Exhaustion: 1 Last time entered in Memory Exhaustion: 0:00:07 ago
The following output is for a system where the feature is enabled and the system enters the low-memory mode once, and has exited the low-memory mode.
Memory Exhaustion Feature enabled: True System currently in Memory Exhaustion: False Last time entered in Memory Exhaustion: 0:01:00 ago Last time exited from Memory Exhaustion: 0:00:05 ago
shutdown (Monitor-Hadoop)
The shutdown command globally disables MapReduce Tracer on the switch. Enabling MapReduce Tracer for an individual cluster requires the feature to be globally enabled through this command and enabled for the individual cluster thorough the shutdown (Monitor Hadoop Cluster) command. By default, MapReduce Tracer is globally disabled.
The no shutdown command globally enables MapReduce Tracer. The shutdown and default shutdown commands globally disable MapReduce Tracer by removing the corresponding no shutdown command from running-config.
Command Mode
Monitor-Hadoop Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
default shutdown
Related Command
The monitor hadoop command places the switch in the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode.
- These commands globally enable MapReduce
switch(config)# monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# no shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# show active monitor hadoop no shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
- This command globally disables MapReduce
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# show active switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
shutdown (Monitor Hadoop Cluster)
The shutdown command disables MapReduce Tracer for the configuration mode cluster. Globally disabling MapReduce Tracer (show monitor hadoop) also disables the function on the individual cluster. Enabling MapReduce Tracer for the cluster requires the function to be enabled globally and for the individual cluster.
The no shutdown command configures the MapReduce Tracer setting as enabled for the configuration mode cluster. The shutdown and default shutdown commands disable MapReduce Tracer for the cluster by removing the corresponding no shutdown command from running-config.
Command Mode
Monitor-Hadoop-Cluster Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
default shutdown
Related Command
The cluster (Monitor Hadoop) command places the switch in the monitor-hadoop-cluster configuration mode.
- These commands globally enable MapReduce Tracer, then enables it for the
switch(config)# monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# no shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# no shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 no shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# exit switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# show active monitor hadoop no shutdown cluster CL2 no shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
- These commands disable MapReduce Tracer for the
CL2 cluster. MapReduce Tracer remains globally
switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# exit switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# show active monitor hadoop no shutdown cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop)#
tasktracker (Monitor Hadoop Cluster)
The tasktracker command specifies the HTTP port for accessing TaskTrackers of the Hadoop cluster monitored through configuration mode statements. The switch compiles a list of the cluster’s TaskTracker addresses by periodically polling the cluster’s JobTracker (jobtracker (Monitor Hadoop Cluster)). The default TaskTracker HTTP port is 50060.
The no tasktracker and default tasktracker commands restore the configuration mode TaskTracker HTTP port to 50060 by removing the corresponding tasktracker command from running-config.
Command Mode
Monitor-Hadoop Configuration
Command Syntax
tasktracker http-port port_number
no tasktracker http-port
default tasktracker http-port
port_num TaskTracker HTTP port number. Value ranges from 1 to 65535. Default value is 50060.
Related Command
The cluster (Monitor Hadoop) command places the switch in the Monitor-Hadoop Configuration Mode.
- These commands specify a TaskTracker HTTP port address
switch(config)# monitor hadoop switch(config-monitor-hadoop)# cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# tasktracker http-port 51000 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 tasktracker http-port 51000 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)#
- These commands restore the default TaskTracker HTTP port
address of
switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# no tasktracker http-port switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active monitor hadoop cluster CL2 switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)# show active all monitor hadoop cluster CL2 jobtracker rpc-port 8021 tasktracker http-port 50060 interval 10 shutdown switch(config-monitor-hadoop-CL2)#