
Configuring and Viewing Environment Settings

Overriding Automatic Shutdown

This section contains the following topics:


The switch can be configured to continue operating during temperature shutdown conditions. Ignoring a temperature shutdown condition is strongly discouraged because operating at high temperatures can damage the switch and void the warranty.

Temperature shutdown condition actions are specified by the environment overheat action command. The switch displays this warning when configured to ignore shutdown temperature conditions.

switch(config)# environment overheat action ignore
WARNING: Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system
is overheating is unsupported and should only be done under
the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging
hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing
so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding
your warranty. To re-enable the shutdown-on-overheat behavior, use
the 'environment overheat action shutdown' command.

The running-config contains the environment overheat action command when set to ignore. When the command is not in running-config, the switch shuts down when an overheating condition exists.

The following running-config file lists the environment overheat action command.

switch# show running-config
! Command: show running-config
! device: switch (DCS-7150S-64-CL, EOS-4.13.2F)

ip route
environment overheat action ignore

Insufficient Fans

The switch can be configured to ignore the insufficient fan shutdown condition. This is strongly discouraged because continued operation without sufficient cooling may lead to a critical temperature condition that can damage the switch and void the warranty.

Insufficient-fans shutdown override is configured by the environment insufficient-fans action command. The switch displays this warning when configured to ignore insufficient-fan conditions.

switch(config)# environment insufficient-fans action ignore
WARNING: Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system
has insufficient fans inserted is unsupported and should only be done 
the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging
hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing
so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding
your warranty. To re-enable the shutdown-on-overheat behavior, use
the 'environment insufficient-fans action shutdown' command.

The running-config contains the environment insufficient-fans action command when set to ignore. When running-config does not contain this command, the switch shuts down when it detects an insufficient-fans condition.

Fan Speed

The switch can be configured to override the automatic fan speed. The switch normally controls the fan speed to maintain optimal operating temperatures. The fans can be configured to operate at a constant speed regardless of the switch temperature conditions.

Fan speed override is configured by the environment fan-speed command. The switch displays this warning when its control of fan speed is overridden.

switch(config)# environment fan-speed override 50
WARNING: Overriding the system fan speed is unsupported and should only
be done under the direction of an Arista Networks engineer.
You can risk damaging hardware by setting the fan speed too low
and doing so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds
for voiding your warranty.
To set the fan speed back to automatic mode, use the
'environment fan-speed auto' command

The running-config contains the environment fan-speed override command if it is set to override. When running-config does not contain this command, the switch controls the fan speed.

Viewing Environment Status

This section contains the following topics:

Power Status

The show environment power command displays the status of the power supplies.


This command displays the status of the power supplies.

switch> show environment power
Power Input Output Output
Supply  Model         Capacity  Current  Current  Power    Status
------- ------------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1       PWR-650AC      650W      0.44A    10.50A  124.0W   Ok

Temperature Status

To display internal temperature sensor status, enter show environment temperature.

switch> show environment temperature
System temperature status is: Ok
                                               Alert      Critical
Sensor  Description               Temperature  Threshold  Threshold
------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------
1       Front-panel temp sensor   22.000C       65C        75C
2       Fan controller 1 sensor   23.000C       75C        85C
3       Fan controller 2 sensor   28.000C       75C        85C
4       Switch chip 1 sensor      40.000C       105C       115C
5       VRM 1 temp sensor         48.000C       105C       110C

System temperature status is the first line that the command displays. System temperature status values indicate the following:
  • Ok: All sensors report temperatures below the alert threshold.
  • Overheating: At least one sensor reports a temperature above its alert threshold.
  • Critical: At least one sensor reports a temperature above its critical threshold.
  • Unknown: The switch is initializing.
  • Sensor Failed: At least one sensor is not functioning.

Fan Status

The show system environment cooling command displays the cooling and fan status.


This command displays the fan and cooling status:

switch> show system environment cooling
System cooling status is: Ok
Ambient temperature: 22C
Airflow: port-side-intake
Fan Tray  Status          Speed
--------- --------------- ------
1 Ok 35%
2 Ok 35%
3 Ok 35%
4 Ok 35%
5 Ok 35%

System Status

The show system environment all command lists the temperature, cooling, fan, and power supply information the individual show environment commands display, as described in Temperature Status, Fans, and Power.


This command displays the temperature, cooling, fan, and power supply status:
switch> show system environment all
System temperature status is: Ok
                                               Alert      Critical
Sensor  Description              Temperature   Threshold  Threshold
------- ------------------------ ------------- ---------- ----------
1       Front-panel temp sensor   22.750C       65C        75C
2       Fan controller 1 sensor   24.000C       75C        85C
3       Fan controller 2 sensor   29.000C       75C        85C
4       Switch chip 1 sensor      41.000C       105C       115C
5       VRM 1 temp sensor         49.000C       105C       110C

System cooling status is: Ok
Ambient temperature: 22C
Airflow: port-side-intake
Fan Tray  Status           Speed
--------- --------------- ------
1         Ok                 35%
2         Ok                 35%
3         Ok                 35%
4         Ok                 35%
5         Ok                 35%

Power                         Input    Output   Output
Supply  Model       Capacity  Current  Current  Power    Status
------- ----------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1       PWR-650AC   650W       0.44A   10.50A   124.0W   Ok

Locating Components on the Switch

When a component requires service, the switch administrator may use the locator-led command to assist a technician in finding the component. The command causes the status LED on the specified component to flash and display a “service requested” message on the LCD panel of modular switches or lights the blue locator light on the front of fixed switches. Use the show locator-led command to display all locator LEDs currently enabled on the switch.

  • This command enables the locator LED on fan tray 3:
    switch# locator-led fantray 3
    Enabling locator led for FanTray3

  • This command displays all locator LEDs enabled on the switch:
    switch# show locator-led
    There are no locator LED enabled
