In DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) 8.6, the Controller supports modular chassis switches. A chassis can have one or more line cards. On the Controller side, a chassis switch with multiple line cards, each with its own ASIC, will be treated as a single switch. When connected, the chassis should work like any regular switch and requires no user intervention for this support to work. The Controller will automatically pick up the chassis, initiate a handshake, and react to any chassis events like line cards added or removed.

Permitting DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) interface names to contain forward slashes (/) aids in managing interfaces in the DMF fabric.

When some LAG member links go down, it may be preferable to isolate the filter switch by bringing down the entire LAG interface rather than delivering unreliable data to tools and devices. Two new commands are now part of the DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) lag-interface configuration to aid in managing the LAG interface when a specified number of links go down.

Latency and drop information help determine if there is a loss in a particular flow and where the loss occurred. A Service Node action configured as a DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) managed service has multiple separate taps or spans in the production network and can measure the latency of a flow traversing through any pair of these points. It can also detect packet drops between any two points in the network if the packet only appears on one point within a specified time frame, currently set to 100ms.

Session slicing (4-tuple) is a feature in DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) that tracks TCP and now UDP sessions.  Configure a managed service on a Service Node specifying the packet count, after which the Service Node will start dropping the packets and stop forwarding them to tool nodes.

Latency and drop information help determine if there is a loss in a particular flow and where the loss occurred. A Service Node action configured as a DMF-managed service that, given two separate taps or spans in the production network, can measure the latency of a flow traversing through these two points. It can also detect packet drops between two points in the network if the packet only appears on one point within a specified time frame, currently set to 100ms.

The DMF Application Identification feature allows monitoring of applications identified from packets taken from filter interfaces and sent through the fabric by sending IPFIX reports to a collector. The feature provides a filtering function by forwarding or dropping packets from specific applications before sending the packet to the analysis tools.