ICMP Probe allows querying of interface status and ARP or Neighbor Discovery table status remotely.  It is a request/response protocol, similar to ping, but instead of simply responding to the request, it responds with information about a local interface or a remote neighbor.  The node being queried is called the "proxy node"

The ICMP protocol has a type of messages used to handle problematic situations in a network, like for example destination unreachable, packet's Time To Live exceeded, and others. They all contain the "original datagram" field which represents the leading octets of the datagram to which the ICMP message is a response. The original datagram consists of the IP header + at least 64 bits of the data.

Traceroute and tracert are widely available diagnostic command-line interface commands for displaying possible routes (paths) and transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. This enhancement applies to IPv4 and IPv6 overlay. The VTEP overlay ICMPs for “time-to-live expired” (aka TTL-expired) are sourced with the VTEP IP which results in the traceroute output to display the VTEP IPs on the overlay packet’s path from source to destination.