Audio Video Bridging (AVB)
Arista switches support Audio Video Bridging (AVB) and the associated protocols. This section describes AVB concepts and the implementation of associated protocols.
AVB Overview
Audio Video Bridging (AVB) is a protocol set that provides precision time synchronization, admission control, queuing reservation, and guaranteed bandwidth of professional grade quality audio and video across an IP network.
- Generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP)
- Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol (MSRP)
- Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP)
- gPTP with hardware time stamping
- gPTP Grandmaster function
- MSRP protocol on Ethernet interfaces: stream admission control and propagation
- Control plane protection for PTP and MSRP control frames
- Traffic classes 2 and 3 for AVB traffic
- Traffic shaping on egress ports
- MSRP protocol on LAGs
- MSRP co-ordination with gPTP; streams are allowed even when gPTP is not in sync
- Signaling message support in gPTP
- Running peer delay mechanism on STP blocked ports
- Grandmaster-specific state machines (gPTP)
AVB Protocols
Generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP) is a network time synchronization standard for bridged Local Area Networks based on the IEEE 1588v2 Precision Time Protocol and supports the AVB protocol standards.
Time synchronization in a gPTP domain is conducted the same way as in a PTP 1588 domain. A grandmaster is selected through the best grand master clock algorithm and distributes timing synchronization information to all directly attached peers. This information is propagated across the network to provide a common time reference to all Audio and Video end stations.
Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) is an application of Multiple Registration Protocol used by AVB endpoints to dynamically register and unregister VLANs on an interface.
When an interface wishes to join a VLAN advertised by an MSRP talker (to receive a stream), MVRP sends a Join message. On receiving the Join message, the interface is added to the VLAN. If the VLAN does not already exist, MVRP dynamically creates the VLAN and propagates it through the network.
MVRP Join was discarded due to an error.
Multiple Stream Registration Protocol (MSRP) is a signaling protocol that allows end stations (nodes) to reserve network resources and ensure QoS for communicating with other end stations.
MSRP nodes are specified as talkers or listeners:
- Talker nodes transmit multimedia streams to other nodes in the AVB network.
- Listener nodes receive multimedia streams from the AVB talker nodes.
MSRP is implemented by the switch on individual interfaces. MSRP is active when it is enabled on at least one interface, and stopped when it is disabled on all interfaces. MSRP uses Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) to facilitate attribute registrations and distribution across connected end points in a LAN environment.
MSRP events post Syslog messages, with the severity level of INFO for each message.
MSRP SR Class state transition occurred on an interface.
Talker Advertise Join message for a stream was transmitted/received on an interface.
Talker Failed Join message for a stream was transmitted/received on an interface.
Listener Join message for a stream was transmitted/received on an interface.
Domain Join message was transmitted/received on an interface.
Talker Advertise Leave message for a stream was transmitted/received on an interface.
Talker Failed Leave message for a stream was transmitted/received on an interface.
Listener Leave message for a stream was transmitted/received on an interface.
Domain Leave message was transmitted/received on an interface.
MSRP Bandwidth was allocated for a listener on an interface.
MSRP Bandwidth could not be allocated for a listener on an interface.
MSRP Bandwidth was de-allocated for a listener on an interface.
MSRP Join was discarded because of an error.
Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) protocol includes MSRP and MVRP, and allows participants in an MRP application to register attributes with participants in a Bridged Local Area Network (BLAN).
AVB Configuration
This section describes the AVB configuration:
Enabling gPTP
Configure gPTP on the switch though the ptp mode gptp command. PTP is enabled on individual interfaces with the ptp enable command.
switch(config)# ptp mode gptp
switch(config)# interface ethernet 41-45
switch(config-if-Et41-45)# ptp enable
switch(config)# show running-config
ptp mode gptp
switch(config-if-Et41-45)#show active
interface Ethernet41
speed forced 10000full
ptp enable
interface Ethernet42
speed forced 10000full
ptp enable
interface Ethernet43
speed forced 10000full
ptp enable
interface Ethernet44
speed forced 10000full
ptp enable
interface Ethernet45
ptp enable
Enabling MSRP
MSRP is enabled on an interface with the msrp command.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 41-43
switch(config-if-Et41-43)#show active
interface Ethernet41
speed forced 10000full
interface Ethernet42
speed forced 10000full
interface Ethernet43
speed forced 10000full
Displaying MSRP Configuration and Status
MSRP configuration information and status is displayed with the show msrp command.
switch(config)# show msrp interfaces ethernet 41-43
MSRP Global Status : Enabled
Max Frame Size : 1522
Max Fan-In Ports : No limit
Class Supported Priority Bandwidth
----- --------- -------- ---------
A Y 3 75%
B Y 2 0%
Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail
AskFail : Listener Asking Failed Rdy : Listener Ready
RdyFail : Listener Ready Failed
Admin Sr Talkers Listeners Bandwidth
Port State Pvid Class Oper State Adv Fail Rdy AskFail Allocated
---- -------- ----- ------ --------------- ---- ----- ---- -------- ---------
Et41 Active 5 A Boundary 1 0 1 0 200kbps
B Core 0 0 0 1 100kbps
Et42 Active 3 A Core 0 0 1 1 50kbps
B WaitingForPeer 1 0 0 0 20kbps
Et43 Disabled 3
Stream data is available for the talker and listener. The show msrp interfaces command displays the status and configuration information for each stream.
This command displays data for listener station streams on interfaces ethernet 1-2.
switch(config)# show msrp interfaces ethernet 1-2 MSRP Global Status : Enabled Max Frame Size : 1522 Max Fan-In Ports : No limit Delta Class Supported Priority Bandwidth ----- --------- -------- --------- A Y 3 75% B Y 2 0% Legend ------ Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail AskFail : Listener Asking Failed Rdy : Listener Ready RdyFail : Listener Ready Failed Listeners Port Stream Id Dec Dir -------- -------------------- --------- ------ Et1 0000.0000.0000.002a AskFail Tx 0000.0000.0000.029a RdyFail Rx 0000.0000.0000.038f AskFail Rx Et2 0000.0000.0000.002a AskFail Rx 0000.0000.0000.029a RdyFail Rx 0000.0000.0000.038f AskFail Tx switch(config)#
This command displays data for talker station streams on interfaces ethernet 1-2.
switch(config)# show msrp interfaces ethernet 1-2 talkers Legend ------ Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail Talkers Port Stream Id Dec Dir FailCode -------- -------------------- --------- ------ --------- Et1 0000.0000.0000.002a Adv Rx -- 0000.0000.0000.038f Fail Tx 7 Et2 0000.0000.0000.002a Adv Tx -- 0000.0000.0000.038f Adv Rx 7 switch(config)#
Enabling MVRP
MVRP is disabled by default. To enable MVRP on an interface, use the mvrp command. MVRP is enabled globally if it is enabled on at least one interface.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 34
switch(config-if-Et34)# mvrp
Displaying MVRP Configuration and Status
MVRP configuration information and status are displayed with the show mvrp command.
switch(config)# show mvrp interfaces Ethernet 30-40
MVRP Global Status : Enabled
Port Admin State Registered Vlans Declared Vlans
-------- ------------ -------------------- --------------------
Et30 Disabled
Et31 Disabled
Et32 Disabled
Et33 Disabled
Et34 Active
Et35 Disabled
Et36 Disabled
Et37 Disabled
Et38 Disabled
Et39 Disabled
Et40 Disabled
AVB commands
MSRP commands
MRP commands
MVRP commands
mrp leave-all-timer
The mrp leave-all-timer command specifies the mrp leave all timer interval for the configuration mode interface.
When starting MRP, a participant starts its LeaveAll timer. Upon timer expiry, it sends a LeaveAll message and restarts its timer. When other participants receive the message, they register their attributes and restart their leave-all timers.
The default leave-all timer interval is a randomly selected value from 10 to 15 seconds. Under normal conditions, this value should not be adjusted.
The no mrp leave-all-timer and default mrp leave-all-timer commands restore the default leave-all timer interval on the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding mrp leave-all-timer command from running-config.
command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
command Syntax
mrp leave-all-timer period
mrp leave-all-timer
default mrp leave-all-timer
no mrp leave-all-timer
period leave all timer interval (seconds). Values range from 10 to 60. Default value is a randomly selected value from 10 to 15.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 17
switch(config-if-Et17)# mrp leave-all-timer 12
mrp leave-timer
The leave-timer controls the de-registration of attributes. If an MRP participant needs other participants to unregister their attributes, it sends a Leave message. When receiving a Leave message, the Leave-timer starts and unregisters the attributes if it does not receive Join messages for the attributes before the Leave-timer expires.
The mrp leave-timer command specifies the mrp leave-timer interval for the configuration mode interface. The default leave-timer interval is 0.6 seconds. Under normal operation conditions, this value should not be adjusted.
The no mrp leave-timer and default mrp leave-timer commands restore the default leave-timer interval of 0.6 seconds on the configuration mode interface by removing the corresponding mrp leave-timer command from running-config.
command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
command Syntax
mrp leave-timer period
no mrp leave-timer
default mrp leave-timer
period leave all timer interval (seconds). Values range from 10 to 60. Default value is a randomly selected value from 10 to 15.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 17
switch(config-if-Et17)# mrp leave-timer 12
MSRP enables Multiple Stream Registration Protocol (MSRP), which is a signaling protocol that provides nodes with the ability to reserve network resources to ensure Quality of Service (QoS) between talker and listener endpoints. The Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) utilizes MSRP to reserve bandwidth for data streams, and configure a complete path between endpoints.
The msrp command enables MSRP on the configuration mode interface. If MSRP was not previously enabled on any interface, the MSRP agent is launched by this command.
The no msrp and default msrp commands disable MSRP on the configuration mode interface, and removes the corresponding msrp command from running-config. The command stops the MSRP agent when MSRP is no longer enabled on any interface.
command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
command Syntax
no msrp
default msrp
- These commands enable MSRP on interface ethernet
3/3/3. Because it was not previously enabled on any other
interface, the command launches the MSRP
switch(config)# interface ethernet 3/3/3 switch(config-if-Et3/3/3)# msrp Launching MSRP Agent switch(config-if-Et3/3/3)# show active interface Ethernet3/3/3 msrp switch(config-if-Et3/3/3)#
- These commands disable the MSRP agent on interface ethernet
3/3/3. Because it is not enabled on any other
interface, the command stops the MSRP
switch(config-if-Et3/3/3)# no msrp Stopping MSRP agent switch(config-if-Et3/3/3)# show active interface Ethernet3/3/3 switch(config-if-Et3/3/3)# msrp
msrp streams load-file
The load-file for MSRP streamsprovides a file that contains an alias that can be substituted in the name (stream-id) of a string.
The msrp streams load-file command allows users to include a line in the file (example: 0102.0304.0506 XYZW4 or 0102.0304 XYZW5) that causes the bytes to be replaced with the accompanying string in show msrp streams commands.
The no msrp streams load-file and default msrp streams load-file commands remove the alias assignment by removing the corresponding msrp streams load-file command from running-config.
command Mode
Global Configuration
command Syntax
msrp streams load-file [FILE TYPE]
no msrp streams load-file
default msrp streams load-file
- certificate: device name, directory, or file name
- extension: device name, directory, or file name
- file: device name, directory, or file name
- flash: device name, directory, or file name
- ftp: device name, directory, or file name
- http: device name, directory, or file name
- https: device name, directory, or file name
- scp: device name, directory, or file name
- sftp: device name, directory, or file name
- sslkey: device name, directory, or file name
- system: device name, directory, or file name
- terminal: device name, directory, or file name
- tftp: device name, directory, or file name
- usb1: device name, directory, or file name
switch(config)# msrp streams load-file file1
show msrp
The show msrp command displays MSRP operational information for the specified interfaces.
command Mode
command Syntax
show msrp [ INTERFACE_NAME]
- no parameter all Ethernet interfaces.
- interfaces ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
- Valid e_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
switch(config)# show msrp interfaces ethernet 41-43
MSRP Global Status : Enabled
Max Frame Size : 1522
Max Fan-In Ports : No limit
Class Supported Priority Delta Bandwidth
----- --------- -------- ---------
A Y 3 75%
B Y 2 0%
Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail
AskFail : Listener Asking Failed Rdy : Listener Ready
RdyFail : Listener Ready Failed
Admin Sr Talkers Listeners Bandwidth
Port State Pvid Class Oper State Adv Fail Rdy AskFail Allocated
---- -------- ----- ------ --------------- ---- ----- ---- -------- ---------
Et41 Active 5 A Boundary 1 0 1 0 200kbps
B Core 0 0 0 1 100kbps
Et42 Active 3 A Core 0 0 1 1 50kbps
B WaitingForPeer 1 0 0 0 20kbps
Et43 Disabled 3
show msrp interfaces
The show msrp interfaces command displays station stream information for the specified station type, interfaces and streams.
command Mode
command Syntax
- INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and number. Values
- no parameter all Ethernet interfaces.
- ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
- STATION_TYPE Endpoint type. Values include:
- talker command displays data for talker station streams.
- listeners command displays data for listener station streams.
- streams command displays data for talker and listener station streams.
- STREAMS Streams for which command displays information.
Options include:
- no parameter all streams.
- stream-id hex_string specifies the stream command for which command displays information.
- Valid e_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
- Valid hex_string formats include <H>, <H.H>, <H.H.H>, or <H.H.H.H>, where H is a four-digit hex number that ranges from 0 to FFFF.
This command displays data for listener station streams on interfaces ethernet 1 and 2.
switch(config)# show msrp interfaces ethernet 1-2 listeners Legend ------ AskFail : Listener Asking Failed Rdy : Listener Ready RdyFail : Listener Ready Failed Listeners Port Stream Id Dec Dir -------- -------------------- --------- ------ Et1 0000.0000.0000.002a AskFail Tx 0000.0000.0000.029a RdyFail Rx 0000.0000.0000.038f AskFail Rx Et2 0000.0000.0000.002a AskFail Rx 0000.0000.0000.029a RdyFail Rx 0000.0000.0000.038f AskFail Tx switch(config)#
This command displays data for talker station streams on interfaces ethernet 1 and 2.
switch(config)# show msrp interfaces ethernet 1-2 talkers Legend ------ Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail Talkers Port Stream Id Dec Dir FailCode -------- -------------------- --------- ------ --------- Et1 0000.0000.0000.002a Adv Rx -- 0000.0000.0000.038f Fail Tx 7 Et2 0000.0000.0000.002a Adv Tx -- 0000.0000.0000.038f Adv Rx 7 switch(config)#
show msrp streams
The show msrp streams command displays configuration and status information on the specified MSRP streams.
command Mode
command Syntax
show msrp streams [STREAM_NAME] [INFO_LEVEL]
- STREAMS Streams for which command displays
information. Options include:
- no parameter all streams.
- stream-id hex_string specifies the stream command for which command displays information.
- Valid hex_string formats include <H>, <H.H>, <H.H.H>, or <H.H.H.H>, where H is a four-digit hex number that ranges from 0 to FFFF.
- INFO_LEVEL type of information that the command
displays. Options include:
- no parameter command displays stream identification information.
- detail command displays identification and transmission characteristics.
- propagation command displays ingress and egress port information.
- This command displays stream identification
switch(config)# show msrp interfaces streams Legend ------ Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail Stream Id DMAC Port Dec Vlan Class Bandwidth -------------------- ------------------- -------- ------ ---- ----- ---------- 0000.0000.0000.002a 00:11:22:33:44:55 Et1 Adv 24 A 8000kbps 0000.0000.0000.029a 22:33:44:55:66:77 -- -- 4095 A 0kbps 0000.0000.0000.038f 11:22:33:44:55:66 Et2 Adv 119 B 1000kbps switch(config)#
- This command displays stream identification and status
switch(config)# show msrp streams detail Legend ------ Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail Stream Id DMAC Port Dec Vlan Class Bandwidth -------------------- ------------------- -------- ------ ---- ----- ---------- 0000.0000.0000.002a 00:11:22:33:44:55 Et1 Adv 24 A 8000kbps Latency (nsec): 800 Max Frame Size: 1522 Max Interval Frames: 2 0000.0000.0000.029a 22:33:44:55:66:77 -- -- 4095 A 0kbps Latency (nsec): 0 Max Frame Size: 1100 Max Interval Frames: 3 switch(config)#
- This command displays stream ingress and egress port
switch(config)# show msrp streams propagation Legend ------ Adv : Talker Advertise Fail : Talker Fail AskFail : Listener Asking Failed Rdy : Listener Ready RdyFail : Listener Ready Failed Stream Id DMAC Port Dec Vlan Class Bandwidth -------------------- ------------------- -------- ------ ---- ----- ---------- 0000.0000.0000.002a 00:11:22:33:44:55 Et1 Adv 24 A 8000kbps Talker Propagation: Ingress Ingress Propagated Propagated Egress Dec Port Dec Port Dec -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- Adv --> Et1 --> Adv --> Et2 --> Adv Et4 --> Adv Et5 --> Adv Listener Propagation: Egress Egress Propagated Listener Ingress Dec Port Dec Port Dec -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- AskFail <-- Et1 <-- AskFail <-- Et2 <-- AskFail AskFail <-- Et4 <-- AskFail AskFail <-- Et5 <-- AskFail 0000.0000.0000.029a 22:33:44:55:66:77 -- -- 4095 A 0kbps Talker Propagation: Ingress Ingress Propagated Propagated Egress Dec Port Dec Port Dec -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- Listener Propagation: Egress Egress Propagated Listener Ingress Dec Port Dec Port Dec -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- RdyFail <-- Et1 <-- RdyFail RdyFail <-- Et2 <-- RdyFail 0000.0000.0000.038f 11:22:33:44:55:66 Et2 Adv 119 B 1000kbps Talker Propagation: Ingress Ingress Propagated Propagated Egress Dec Port Dec Port Dec -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- Adv --> Et2 --> Fail --> Et1 --> Fail Listener Propagation: Egress Egress Propagated Listener Ingress Dec Port Dec Port Dec -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- AskFail <-- Et2 <-- AskFail <-- Et1 <-- Rdy switch(config)#
show mvrp
The show mvrp command displays MVRP operational information for the specified interfaces.
command Mode
command Syntax
show mvrp [INTERFACE_NAME]
- no parameter all Ethernet interfaces.
- interfaces ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
- Valid e_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
switch(config)# show mvrp interfaces Ethernet 30-40
MVRP Global Status : Enabled
Port Admin State Registered Vlans Declared Vlans
-------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------
Et30 Disabled
Et31 Disabled
Et32 Disabled
Et33 Disabled
Et34 Active
Et35 Disabled
Et36 Disabled
Et37 Disabled
Et38 Disabled
Et39 Disabled
Et40 Disabled