Control Plane security

This section contains the following topics:

Transport Layer security

Transport Layer security (TLS), the successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is a security protocol used to communicate between client and server. It establishes an encrypted communication channel to secure data.

By default, eos uses a self signed certificate for client and server connections. However, some browsers or TLS libraries may refuse connections to the default self-signed certificates on eos and in such cases it is recommended to install the TLS server certificates that meet the following criteria:
  • RSA key sizes must be greater than or equal to 2048 bits.
  • There must be less than 825 days to expiry.
  • Certificate must use SHA-2 family of Hashing function.
Note: Although Arista switches use TLS, the terms TLS and SSL are used interchangeably in this document.
Following are the two main components used by TLS for authentication of identity before any communication starts.
  • Certificate
  • Key

An SSL certificate is required to establish a secure connection between the client and server. The certificate includes all of the details which are necessary for authentication. Cryptographic keys are used to provide a secure channel of communication. TLS uses two cryptographic keys: a private keyknown only to the server and a public key embedded in the certificate. The keys are used to validate the certificate.


With the SSL certificate, key, and profile management framework we can manage and configure SSL certificates, keys and profiles. SSL is an application-layer protocol which transfers the data securely between the client and server using a combination of authentication, encryption, and data integrity. SSL uses certificates and private-public key pairs to provide this security. An user can configure an SSL profile which includes certificate, key and trusted CA certificates used in SSL communication. A user can manage certificates, keys, and also multiple SSL profiles. A SSL profile can be configured and attached to any other eos configuration which supports SSL communication. The individual eos configuration using this framework includes details of using the SSL profile in their configuration.

The only private keys supported are those using the RSA algorithm. Both the certificate and keys must be encoded in the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.


This is a code sample of a PEM encoded certificate.

$cat server.crt



This is a code sample of a PEM encoded RSA key.

$cat server.key


Configuring Certificates

Copying a Certificate to the Switch

The copy file: certificate: command copies the certificate to the certificate: file system from any supported source URLs of the copy command. The source file may contain multiple PEM encoded certificates, but must not contain other entities such as keys.


This command copies a server.crt certificate to the certificate: file system.
switch(config)#copy file:/tmp/ssl/server.crt certificate:
Copy completed successfully.
Errors while Copying the Certificates
  • The PEM encoded entities in the source file must all be certificates. If the source file contains different types of entities (e.g. a certificate and a key), the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch(config)#copy file:tmp/ssl/mixed.crt certificate:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/mixed.crt to certificate: (Multiple types of entities in 
    certificate file not supported)
  • The source file must contain valid PEM encoded certificates. If the file contains invalid certificates, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch(config)#copy file:tmp/ssl/bad.crt certificate:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/bad.crt to certificate: (Invalid certificate)
  • Only certificates with RSA public keys are supported. If the certificate does not have an RSA public key, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch(config)#copy file:tmp/ssl/dsa.crt certificate:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/dsa.crt to certificate: (Certificate does not have
    RSA key)
Deleting a Certificate

The delete certificate command deletes a certificate configuration from the certificate: file system on the switch.


This command deletes the server.crt certificate from the switch.
switch(config)#delete certificate:server.crt
Generating Certificates

The following commands help the user to generate a self-signed certificate or Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

  • This command generates a self-signed certificate or Certificate Signing Request (CSR). In the example below, the existing private key test.key is used to generate the certificates. The user will be prompted for the common name, two-letter country code, etc. A common name is required. The generated Certificate Signing Request (CSR) can be viewed on the CLI, whereas a self-signed certificate will be saved to the certificate: file system.
    switch#security pki certificate generate self-signed test.crt key test.key 
    Common Name for use in subject: test
    certificate:test.crt generated
  • This command specifies the digest and the validity (in days) of the certificate. The validity is applicable only for self-signed certificates.
    switch#security pki certificate generate signing-request key test.key digest sha256 validity 365 
    Common Name for use in subject: test
    certificate:test.crt generated
  • This command adds the certificate parameters such as common-name, country, email, and others.
    switch#security pki certificate generate signing-request key test.key parameters common-name Test [country US ...] 
    certificate:test.crt generated

Configuring Keys

Copying a Key to the Switch

The copy command copies an RSA key to the sslkey: file system. The key can be copied from any supported source URLs of the copy command. The source file must contain only one key. Password protected keys are not supported.


This command copies a server.key RSA key to the sslkey: file system.
switch#copy file:/tmp/ssl/server.key sslkey:
Copy completed successfully.
Errors While Copying the Keys
  • Only one PEM encoded key per file is supported. If the source file contains multiple PEM encoded keys, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch#copy file:tmp/ssl/multi.key sslkey:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/multi.key to sslkey: (Multiple PEM entities in 
    single file not supported)
  • The source file must contain a valid PEM encoded RSA key. If the file contains an invalid RSA key, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch# copy file:tmp/ssl/bad.key sslkey:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/bad.key to sslkey: (Invalid RSA key)
  • Password protected keys are not supported. If the source file contains a password protected key, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch#copy file:/tmp/ssl/pass.key sslkey:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/pass.key to sslkey: (Password protected keys are not 
Deleting a Key

The delete command deletes the key configuration from the switch.


This command deletes the server.key key from the switch.
switch# delete sslkey:server.key 
Generating Keys

The following commands help the user to generate RSA keys.

  • This command generates a 2048-bit long RSA private key and saves it to sslkey:test.key.
    switch# security pki key generate rsa 2048 test.key 
  • This command generates a 4096-bit long self-signed certificate RSA key and 2048-bit long certificate signing request RSA key.
    switch# security pki certificate generate self-signed test.crt key test.key 
    generate rsa 4096
    switch#security pki certificate generate signing-request key test.key 
    generate rsa 2048

Configuring a certificate with a RSA key in SSL Profile

A SSL profile is configured with a certificate and its corresponding RSA key. The public key information in the certificate must match the RSA key. This certificate and RSA key pair are used to authenticate to the peer during SSL negotiation. The individual eos features that use SSL profile configuration will decide whether the certificate and key configuration is optional or mandatory.

  • switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# certificate server.crt key server.key
  • In this case, if the RSA key configured in SSL profile does not match with the configured certificate, the SSL profile state becomes invalid, and an error message is displayed.
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# certificate server.crt key client.key
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# show management security ssl profile
       Profile       State      Error
    ------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
       server        invalid    Certificate 'server.crt' does not match
                                with key
Configuring SSL Profile with a Certificate Authority (CA)

During SSL negotiation with mutual authentication, the peer (or client) certificate is verified by checking if it is signed by one of these trusted certificates. For peer certificates that do not have a chain to a trusted certificate, the full bundle of certificates leading to the trusted certificates must be included. The individual eos features that use SSL profile configuration will decide whether the trusted certificate configuration is optional or mandatory.


switch# config
switch(config)# management security
switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# trust certificate ca1.crt
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# trust certificate ca2.crt
Configuring Certificate Chains

Certificate chains are used to provide a chain of trust for the SSL Profile server certificate to a remote party. Several chain certificate commands can be issued to build a certificate chain with many intermediate CAs, regardless of the order. Use the chain certificate command to configure the certificate chain for a SSL profile. The no form of the command deletes the certificate configuration.


Assume that server.crt is issued by an intermediate CA intermediate.crt and intermediate.crt itself is issued by the root CA ca.crt, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1. Certificate Chain Example

  • These commands configure the certificate chain shown schematically in figure Configuring Certificate Chains above. server.crt is issued by an intermediate CA intermediate.crt and intermediate.crt is itself issued by the root CA ca.crt.
    switch#(config)# management security
    switch#(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch#(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# certificate server.crt key server.key
    switch#(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# chain certificate intermediate.crt
    switch#(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# exit
  • The other peer can be configured to trust ca.crt in order to verify the certificate chain during the TLS handshake as shown below.
    switch# config
    switch#(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile client
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# certificate client.crt key client.key
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# trust certificate ca.crt
  • To check the revocation status of the server certificate chain, the client can add the Certificate Revocation List (CRLs) to its SSL profile configuration. One CRL needs to be specified for every CA in the chain, even if its not revoking any certificate.
    switch# config
    switch#(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile client
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# crl intermediate.crl
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# crl ca.crl
    Note: Both the chain certificate and crl commands look into the certificate: file system to find the right PEM file.
Several chain certificate commands can be used to build a certificate chain with multiple intermediate CAs, regardless of the order. The following diagram shows an example certificate chain.
Figure 2. Certificate Chain Example 2

This SSL profile can be configured in the following way. Note that the order of intermediate CAs does not matter.
switch(config)#management security
switch(config-mgmt-security)#ssl profile server2
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#certificate server2.crt key server2.key 
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#chain certificate intermediate2.crt
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#chain certificate intermediate.crt 

A certificate chain can be split into two parts, each part configured on a different peer. The location of the split can be anywhere, as long as between the client and the server, a complete certificate chain can be constructed. The following example shows a server and client SSL profile configuration with a split certificate chain.

Server side:
switch(config)#management security
switch(config-mgmt-security)#ssl profile server2
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#certificate server2.crt key server2.key 
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#chain certificate intermediate2.crt
Client side:
switch(config)#management security
switch(config-mgmt-security)#ssl profile client
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)#certificate client.crt key client.key 
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)#trust certificate ca.crt 
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)#trust certificate intermediate.crt 

The following configuration will not work, as it results in invalid SSL profiles.

switch(config)#management security
switch(config-mgmt-security)#ssl profile server2
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#certificate server2.crt key server2.key 
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#chain certificate intermediate.crt
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server2)#show management security ssl profile
   Profile                      State      Additional Info                         
---------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
   server3                      invalid    Profile has invalid certificate chain
switch(config)#management security
switch(config-mgmt-security)#ssl profile client3
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client3)#certificate client3.crt key client3.key 
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client3)#trust certificate intermediate.crt 
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client3)#show management security ssl profile
   Profile                      State      Additional Info                         
---------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
   client3                      invalid    Profile has invalid trusted certificate 
Local Certificate Checks

eos performs various checks on the certificates in an SSL profile before allowing the use of the profile. The way these checks is performed can be modified, added to or relaxed locally. The following are some of the checks that can be performed before any communication with the peer.

  • Check whether the certificate has an extended key usage attribute:
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# certificate requirement extended-key-usage
  • Check whether all the trusted certificates or certificates in the chain have CA basic constraints set to true.
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# trust certificate requirement 
    basic-constraints ca true
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# chain certificate requirement 
    basic-constraints ca true
  • Do not mark an expired certificate as invalid.
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# certificate policy expiry-date ignore
Displaying SSL profile status and SSL profile errors

The show management security ssl profile command displays the SSL profile status information. To view a specific SSL profile status, use the name of the SSL profile. Otherwise, all SSL profile statuses are displayed.


This command displays the status of the SSL profile server.
switch# show management security ssl profile server
 Profile      State
------------- -----------
 server       valid

If there are any errors in the SSL profile, an invalid state is displayed and the errors are listed in the third column. Once the error is fixed, the SSL profile becomes valid.

  • When the certificate server.crt does not match with the key, the following error message is shown.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
     Profile        State       Error
    ------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
     server         invalid     Certificate 'server.crt' does not match
                                with key
  • When a trusted certificate ca2.crt does not exist, the following error message is shown.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
     Profile        State       Error
    ------------- ------------- -------------------------------------
     server         invalid     Certificate 'ca2.crt' does not exist
  • When a trusted certificate foo.crt is not a self-signed root certificate, the following error message is shown.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
     Profile        State       Error
    ------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
    server         invalid     Certificate 'foo.crt' is trusted and not
                               a root certificate
  • When the certificate server.crt is expired the following error message is shown.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
     Profile        State       Error
    ------------- ------------- -------------------------------------
     server         invalid     Certificate 'server.crt' has expired
  • When the certificate chain is missing an intermediate certificate, the following error message is shown.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
        Profile        State     Error
    -------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------
        server        invalid    Profile has invalid certificate chain
                                 Certificate 'intermediate.crt' does not exist

Rotating Certificate and Key Pair

The certificate and key pair used in SSL profile can be rotated using rotation commands. For example, let's say we want to rotate cert.pem and key.pem in the SSL profile profile01.
switch01# show running-config section ssl
management security
ssl profile profile01
certificate cert.pem key key.pem
Run the security pki certificate generate signing-request rotation ssl profile command to generate a new key and corresponding signing request for SSL profile profile01. This command also generates a unique rotation ID that can be later used to import the certificate.
switch01# security pki certificate generate signing-request rotation ssl profile profile01 key generate rsa 2048 parameters common-name switch01
Rotation ID: 2ad7771e8cbc11ebbba37483ef8d9c4b
Certificate Signing Request:
The complete syntax of the above command is as follows. The import-timeout specifies the timeout for this rotation ID. If no certificate is imported within this timeout, the rotation ID expires and will be deleted.
switch# security pki certificate generate signing-request rotation ssl profile <profile-name> 
key generate rsa <2048|3072|4096>
[ import-timeout <minutes> ] (default: 60 mins) 
[ digest <sha256|sha384|sha512> ]  (default: sha256) parameters common-name <common-name>
[ country <country-code> ]
[ state <state-name> ]                         
[ locality <locality-name> ]                         
[ organization <org-name> ]                         
[ organization-unit <org-unit-name> ]                         
[ email <email> ]                         
[ subject-alternative-name [ ip <ip1 ip2 …> ]                         
[ dns  <nm1 nm2 …> ] [ dns  <nm1 nm2 …> ]
Use the show security pki certificate rotation command to view the status of rotation IDs.
switch# show security pki certificate rotation
Rotation ID                       Profile Name State           Expiry
--------------------------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------
2ad7771e8cbc11ebbba37483ef8d9c4b  profile01    Import Pending  2021-03-24 10:15:37
Copy the signing request, get it signed by a CA and import the certificate using the security pki certificate rotation import <rotation-id> command. Use the rotation ID that was generated with the signing request.
switch# security pki certificate rotation import 2ad7771e8cbc11ebbba37483ef8d9c4b
Enter TEXT certificate. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
Commit the rotation ID using the security pki certificate rotation commit <rotation-id> command. This will rotate cert.pem and key.pem of SSL profile profile01 with new certificate and key.
switch# security pki certificate rotation commit 2ad7771e8cbc11ebbba37483ef8d9c4b
Note: If the key is generated outside eos, then instead of the above workflow, we can rotate the certificate and key pair using a single command as below:
switch# security pki certificate rotation commit ssl profile profile01
Enter TEXT private key. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
Enter TEXT certificate. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
Once the certificate and key pair is rotated, use the show management security ssl certificate cert.pem and show management security ssl key key.pem commands to display the new contents.

Resetting Diffie-Hellman Parameters

The Diffie-Hellman parameters file is used for symmetric key exchange during SSL negotiation. When the system is booted, the system auto generates a Diffie-Hellman parameters file if one does not exist. To reset the auto generated Diffie-Hellman parameters file, use the reset command. The individual features that use SSL profile configuration will decide whether they also use the Diffie-Hellman parameters file. The switch uses 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters with no options to select the size.

Note: Not all features that use SSL profile configuration will use Diffie-Hellman parameters file.


This command resets the Diffie-Hellman parameters file.
switch# reset ssl diffie-hellman parameters

Displaying the Diffie-Hellman parameters

The show management security ssl diffie-hellman command displays the Diffie-Hellman parameters.


This command displays the Diffie-Hellman parameters.
switch# show management security ssl diffie-hellman
Last successful reset on Apr 10 16:18:08 2015
Diffie-Hellman Parameters 1024 bits
 Generator: 2
 Prime:     dc47b5edc0d2b41451432f79f45efab452bba7b1ab118c194d671d6752ed1c550

Configuring the TLS Handshake Settings

During a TLS handshake, both peers send each other a list of the TLS versions they support as a way to agree on and use the highest common version. In a SSL profile the following allowable versions can be configured using the tls versions command. By default, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2 are enabled.

  • This command forces TLSv1.2 to be used. If the other peer does not support this version, the TLS handshake fails.
    switch# config
    switch#(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile client
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# tls versions 1.2
  • These commands add support for TLSv1.1 on top of the already configured TLSv1.2.
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# tls versions add 1.1
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# tls versions 1.1 1.2

Similarly to the TLS version, the cipher suite is negotiated between the client and the server during a TLS handshake. Ideally, the client will send the list of cipher suites it supports and the server will choose a common cipher suite after looking at the clients list as well as its own list of cipher suites. The default cipher-list setting here is an Open SSL cipher string that is HIGH:!eNULL:!aNULL:!MD5, which only allows key length larger than 128 bits and forbids cipher suites using MD5. The full list of cipher suites can be expanded using the shell command openssl ciphers HIGH:!eNULL:!aNULL:!MD5


This command builds a cipher suite list.
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# cipher-list AESGCM
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# cipher-list SHA256:SHA384
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# cipher-list ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384

Enabling the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Mode

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) is a cryptographic standard used to restrict the cryptographic functions and protocol versions that are used by OpenSSL.


This command enables the FIPS mode for a SSL profile.
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# fips restrictions

Syslog with TLS Support

To collect Syslog information on a remote Syslog server define an SSL profile. Traffic to the server is then sent over a TLS connection.

Configuring Syslog with TLS Support

Configure a remote Syslog server with an SSL profile using the following command. It configures a Syslog server with hostname The SSL profile (test-profile) is used for communications over port 1234.
switch(config)# logging host 1234 protocol tls ssl-profile test-profile

SSL Profile Example (Minimal)

The following commands set up a minimal profile to support remote logging over TLS. All relevant configuration on the remote server for TLS communication should also be configured.
switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile test-profile
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-test-profile)# certificate clientCert key clientKey
switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-test-profile)# trust certificate serverCA

Displaying Certificate and Key Information

Displaying Certificate Information

Displaying the Directory Information

The dir command displays the directory output of certificate file systems.


This command displays the directory output of certificate: file-system.
switch# dir certificate:
Directory of certificate:/
   -rw- 3319 Apr 10 11:50 server.crt
No space information available
Displaying the certificate information

The show management security ssl certificate command displays the certificate information. To view a specific certificate use the name of the certificate, else all the certificates are displayed.


This command displays the server.crt certificate information.
switch# show management security ssl certificate server.crt
Certificate server.crt:
 Version:                    1
 Serial Number:              9
    Common name:             ca
    Email address:           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Organizational unit:     Foo Org
    Organization:            Foo
    Locality:                SC
    State:                   CA
    Country:                 US
    Not before:             Aug 11 21:44:17 2014 GMT
    Not After:              May 14 21:44:17 2069 GMT
    Common name:            server
    Email address:          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Organizational unit:    Foo Org
    Organization:           Foo
    Locality:               SC
    State:                  CA
    Country:                US
 Subject public key info:
    Encryption Algorithm:   RSA
    Size:                   2048 bits
    Public exponent:        65537
    Modulus:                e04e3ff8e1c64dbcb141fe96133f998e90a322c671b9f28307bf873
Displaying Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Information

The show management security ssl crl command displays the installed Certificate Revocation List (CRL) information. To view a specific CRL use the name of the CRL, else all the CRLs are displayed.


This command displays the intermediate.crl information.
switch# show management security ssl crl intermediate.crl
CRL intermediate.crl:
   CRL Number: 11
      Common name: intermediate
      Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      Organizational unit: Foo Org
      Organization: Foo
      State: CA
      Country: US
      Last Update: Jul 19 19:27:34 2016 GMT
      Next Update: Dec 05 19:27:34 2043 GMT

Displaying Key Information

Displaying the Directory Information

The dir command displays the directory output of SSL key file systems.


This command displays the directory output of sslkey: file-system.
switch# dir sslkey:
Directory of sslkey:/
   -rw- 1675 Apr 10 12:55 server.key
No space information available
Displaying the RSA Key Information

The show management security ssl key command displays the RSA key information. To view a specific RSA key use the name of the key, otherwise, all the keys are displayed. For security reasons, only the public part of the key is displayed.


This command displays the server.key key information.
switch# show management security ssl key server.key
Key server.key:
 Encryption Algorithm: RSA
 Size:                 2048 bits
 Public exponent:      65537
 Modulus:              e04e3ff8e1c64dbcb141fe96133f998e90a322c671b9f28307bf873

TLS Commands

copy file: certificate:

The copy file: certificate: command copies the certificate to the certificate: file system. The certificate can be copied from any supported source URL of the copy command.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

copy file: file_name certificate:


file_name location or the path of the file or the directory where the certificate is saved.


The following requirements apply to copying certificates:
  • A single source file can contain multiple PEM encoded entities, but they must all be certificates. If other types such as SSL keys are also included, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch(config)#copy file:tmp/ssl/mixed.crt certificate:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/mixed.crt to certificate: (Multiple types of entities in certificate file not supported)
  • The source file must contain valid PEM encoded certificates. If the file contains invalid certificates, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch(config)#copy file:tmp/ssl/bad.crt certificate:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/bad.crt to certificate: (Invalid certificate)
  • Only certificates with RSA public keys are supported. If the certificate does not have an RSA public key, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch(config)#copy file:tmp/ssl/dsa.crt certificate:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/dsa.crt to certificate: (Certificate does not have RSA key)


This command copies a server.crt certificate to the certificate: file system.
switch(config)# copy file:/tmp/ssl/server.crt certificate:
Copy completed successfully.

copy file: sslkey:

The copy file: sslkey: command copies the SSL key to the sslkey: file system. The key can be copied from any supported source URL of the copy command.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

copy file: file_name sslkey:


file_name location or the path of the file or the directory where the key is saved.


The following requirements apply to copying SSL keys:
  • Only one PEM encoded key per file is supported. If the source file contains multiple PEM encoded keys, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch#copy file:tmp/ssl/multi.key sslkey:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/multi.key to sslkey: (Multiple PEM entities in single file not supported)
  • The source file must contain a valid PEM encoded RSA key. If the file contains an invalid RSA key, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch#copy file:tmp/ssl/bad.key sslkey:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/bad.key to sslkey: (Invalid RSA key)
  • Password protected keys are not supported. If the source file contains a password protected key, the copy fails and an error message is displayed as shown.
    switch#copy file:/tmp/ssl/pass.key sslkey:
    % Error copying file:tmp/ssl/pass.key to sslkey: (Password protected keys are not supported)


This command copies an SSL key in the file server.key to the sslkey: file system.
switch(config)#copy file:/tmp/ssl/server.key sslkey:
Copy completed successfully.

delete certificate:

The delete certificate: command deletes a specified certificate from certificate: file system on the switch.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

delete certificate: certificate_name


certificate_name name of the certificate to be deleted.


This command deletes the server.crt certificate from the switch.
switch(config)# delete certificate:server.crt

delete sslkey:

The delete sslkey: command deletes a SSL key from sslkey: file system on a switch.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

delete sslkey: key_name


key_name name of the key.


This command deletes the server.key SSL key on the switch.
switch(config)# delete sslkey:server.key

dir certificate:

The dir certificate: command displays the directory output of certificate: file system on the switch.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

dir certificate:


This command shows the directory output of certificate: file system on the switch.
switch(config)# dir certificate:
Directory of certificate:/
   -rw- 3319 Apr 10 11:50 server.crt
No space information available

dir sslkey:

The dir sslkey: command displays the directory output of sslkey: file system on the switch.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

dir sslkey:


This command shows the directory output of sslkey: file system on the switch.
switch(config)# dir sslkey:
Directory of sslkey:/
   -rw- 1675 Apr 10 12:55 server.key
No space information available

reset ssl diffie-hellman parameters

The reset ssl diffie-hellman parameters command resets the Diffie-Hellman parameters file after a system reboot.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

reset ssl diffie-hellman parameters


This command resets the Diffie-Hellman parameters file.
switch(config)# reset ssl diffie-hellman parameters

security pki certificate generate

The security pki certificate generate command is used to generate a self-signed certificate or a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) certificate. The generated CSR is displayed on the CLI, whereas a self-signed certificate is saved to the certificate: file system.

Many other parameters can be entered and applied to the certificate as shown in the following examples below.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

security pki certificate generate {self-signed | signing-request} certificate_name Key key_name

  • certificate_name name of the certificate to generate. Options includes:
    • self-signed request to generate self-signed certificate.
    • signing-request request to generate signing-request.
    • digest signs the certificate or key with the following cryptographic hash algorithm (sha256, sha384, sha512).
    • key_name name of the key to modify.
  • parameters signing request parameters for a certificate. Option includes:
    • common-name common name for use in subject.
    • country two-letter country code for use in subject.
    • email email address for use in subject.
    • locality locality name for use in subject.
    • organization organization name for use in subject.
    • organization-unit organization Unit Name for use in subject.
    • state state for use in subject.
    • subject-alternative-name subject alternative name extension.
    • rotation to generate a unique rotation ID.
  • validity validity of the certificate in days. Value ranges from 1 to 30000 .
  • This command generates a self-signed certificate or CSR certificate. In the example below an existing private key (test.key) is used to generate the certificates.
    switch(config)# security pki certificate generate self-signed test.crt key test.key
  • This command specifies the digest and the validity (in days) of the certificate or key.
    switch(config)# security pki certificate generate signing-request key test.key digest sha256 validity 365 
  • This command adds the certificate parameters such as common-name, country, email, and others.
    switch(config)# security pki certificate generate signing-request key test.key parameters common-name Test [country US ...] 

security pki key generate

The security pki key generate command generates a RSA key used to validate a specific certificate.

The key generated can be modified and saved by entering the value of the length in generate rsa <length> parameter.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

security pki key generate rsa key_name

  • rsa use Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm. Options include.
    • 2048 Use 2048-bit keys.
    • 3072 Use 3072-bit keys.
    • 4096 Use 4096-bit keys.
  • key_name name of the key to generate.
  • This command generates a a 2048-bit long RSA private key(test.key) and save it to sslkey:test.key.
    switch(config)#security pki key generate rsa 2048 test.key
  • This command modifies the generated RSA key length value.
    switch(config)# security pki certificate generate self-signed test.crt key 
    test.key generate rsa 4096
    switch(config)# security pki certificate generate signing-request key test.key 
    generate rsa 2048

show management security ssl certificate

The show management security ssl certificate command displays information about the certificate. Provide the name of the certificate if you want to view more information of the certificate. If no name is provided, this command displays information of all the certificates.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show management security ssl certificate [certificate_name]


certificate_name name of the certificate. This is optional.


This command displays the server.crt certificate information.
switch# show management security ssl certificate server.crt
Certificate server.crt:
 Version:                    1
 Serial Number:              9
    Common name:             ca
    Email address:           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Organizational unit:     Foo Org
    Organization:            Foo
    Locality:                SC
    State:                   CA
    Country:                 US
    Not before:             Aug 11 21:44:17 2014 GMT
    Not After:              May 14 21:44:17 2069 GMT
    Common name:            server
    Email address:          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Organizational unit:    Foo Org
    Organization:           Foo
    Locality:               SC
    State:                  CA
    Country:                US
 Subject public key info:
    Encryption Algorithm:   RSA
    Size:                   2048 bits
    Public exponent:        65537
    Modulus:                e04e3ff8e1c64dbcb141fe96133f998e90a322c671b9f28307bf873

show management security ssl crl

The show management security ssl crl command displays the basic information on the installed Certificate Revocation List (CRLs).To view information of a specific CRL provide the name of the CRL. If no name is provided, this command shows information of all the CRLs.

Note: The command only shows basic information and does not show any information on the revocation status of certificates.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show management security ssl crl


This command displays the basic information of the intermediate.crl CRL.
switch# show management security ssl crl intermediate.crl
CRL intermediate.crl:
   CRL Number: 11
      Common name: intermediate
      Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      Organizational unit: Foo Org
      Organization: Foo
      State: CA
      Country: US
      Last Update: Jul 19 19:27:34 2016 GMT
      Next Update: Dec 05 19:27:34 2043 GMT

show management security ssl diffie-hellman

The show management security ssl diffie-hellman command displays the Diffie-Hellman parameter information.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show management security ssl diffie-hellman


This command displays the Diffie-Hellman parameter information.
switch# show management security ssl diffie-hellman
Last successful reset on Apr 10 16:18:08 2015
Diffie-Hellman Parameters 1024 bits
 Generator: 2
 Prime:     dc47b5edc0d2b41451432f79f45efab452bba7b1ab118c194d671d6752ed1c550

show management security ssl key

The show management security ssl key command displays the RSA key information. To view information of a specific key, provide the name of the key in the command. If no name is provided, this command displays information of all the keys.

Note: For security reasons, only the public part of the key is shown.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show management security ssl key [key_name]


key_name name of the key. This is optional.


This command displays the server.key key information.
switch# show management security ssl key server.key
Key server.key:    
Encryption Algorithm: RSA
Size:                 2048 bits
Public exponent:      65537
Modulus:              e04e3ff8e1c64dbcb141fe96133f998e90a322c671b9f28307bf873

show management security ssl profile

The show management security ssl profile command displays the SSL profile status information. To display information of a specific SSL profile, provide the name of the profile. If no name is provided, this command displays profile status of all the SSL profiles.

If there are any errors in the SSL profile, the state is shown invalid and the errors are listed in the third column as shown in the example below.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show management security ssl profile [profile_name]


profile_name name of the SSL profile, this is optional.

  • This command displays the SSL profile status of profile server.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
     Profile      State
    ------------- -----------
     server       valid
  • When the certificate server.crt does not match with the key the following error occurs.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
    Profile       State         Error
    ------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
    server        invalid       Certificate 'server.crt' does not match
                                with key
  • When a trusted certificate ca2.crt does not exist the following error occurs.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
    Profile       State         Error
    ------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
    server        invalid       Certificate 'ca2.crt' does not exist
  • When a trusted certificate foo.crt is not self-signed root certificate the following error occurs.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
    Profile       State         Error
    ------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
    server         invalid      Certificate 'foo.crt' is trusted and not
                                a root certificate
  • When the certificate server.crt is expired the following error occurs.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
    Profile       State         Error
    ------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
     server       invalid       Certificate 'server.crt' has expired
  • When the certificate chain is missing an intermediate certificate the following error occurs.
    switch# show management security ssl profile server
    Profile        State         Error
    -------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------
    server         invalid       Profile has invalid certificate chain
                                 Certificate 'intermediate.crt' does not exist

ssl profile

The ssl profile command places the switch in the SSL profile configuration mode. Various SSL profile management configurations are allowed in this mode. For example, this mode allows to configure a SSL profile with a certificate and its corresponding RSA key.

Similarly, other configurations such as trust certificate, chain certificate, crl, tls, cipher-list can be configured to a SSL profile in this mode.

The no form of the command deletes the SSL profile management configuration from running-config.

Command Mode

Management security Mode

SSL Profile Mode

Command Syntax

ssl profile profile_name


profile_name name of the profile.

  • These commands place the switch in SSL profile mode.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
  • These commands configure SSL profile server with a certificate and its corresponding RSA key. The no command deletes the certificate configuration.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# certificate server.crt key server.key
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# no certificate server.crt key server.key
  • These commands configure the trust certificate ca1.crt to an SSL profile. The no command deletes a trusted certificate configuration.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# trust certificate ca1.crt
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# no trust certificate ca1.crt
  • These commands configure the intermediate.crt chain certificate to an SSL profile. The no command deletes a chain certificate configuration.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# certificate server.crt key server.key
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# chain certificate intermediate.crt
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# no chain certificate intermediate.crt
  • These commands provides Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to a SSL profile to check the revocation status of the certificate chain. The no command deletes the CRL configuration.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# crl intermediate.crl
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# crl ca.crl
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# no crl ca.crl
  • These commands configure TLSv1.2 to be used in the SSL profile.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# tls versions 1.2
  • These commands build a cipher suite list.
  • switch# config
    switch(config)# management security
    switch(config-mgmt-security)# ssl profile server
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# cipher-list AESGCM
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# cipher-list SHA256:SHA38
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-server)# cipher-list ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
  • This command check that the certificate has an extended key usage attribute.
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)#certificate requirement extended-key-usage
  • These commands check that all the trusted certificates or certificates in the chain have a CA basic constraints set to true.
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# trust certificate requirement basic-constraints ca true
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# chain certificate requirement basic-constraints ca true
  • This command enables the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode for a SSL profile.
    switch(config-mgmt-sec-ssl-profile-client)# fips restrictions

802.1X port security

This section explains the basic concepts behind 802.1X port security, including switch roles, how the switches communicate, and the procedure used for authenticating clients.

802.1X port security Introduction

802.1X is an IEEE standard protocol that prevents unauthorized devices from gaining access to the network.

802.1X defines three device roles,
  • Supplicant (client).
  • Authenticator (switch).
  • Authentication server (RADIUS).

Before authentication can succeed, switchport is in unauthorized mode and blocks all traffic but, after authentication has succeeded, normal data can then flow through the switchport.

port security control who can send or receive traffic from an individual switch port. An end node is not allowed to send or receive traffic through a port until the node is authenticated by a RADIUS server.

This prevents unauthorized individuals from connecting to a switch port to access your network. Only designated valid users on a RADIUS server will be allowed to use the switch to access the network.

802.1X port security description

802.1X port security controls can send traffic through and receive traffic from the individual switch ports. A supplicant must authenticate itself using EAPoL packets with the switch before it can gain full access to the port. Arista switches act as an authenticator, passing the messages from 802.1X supplicants through to the RADIUS server and vice versa. 802.1X can operate in three different modes:
  • Single Host Mode: Once the 802.1X supplicant is authenticated on the port, only the traffic coming from the supplicant's MAC is allowed through the port.
  • Multi-Host Mode: Once the 802.1X supplicant is authenticated on the port, traffic coming from any source MAC is allowed through the port.
  • Multi-Host authenticated Mode: Multiple 802.1X supplicants are allowed and the traffic coming from all authenticated supplicant’s MAC address is only allowed through the port.

The Single Host and the Multi-Host modes allow only one 802.1X supplicant to be authenticated for one port. Once it is successfully authenticated, no other 802.1X supplicant can be authenticated, unless the current one logs off. However, the Multi-Host authenticated Mode allows multiple 802.1X supplicants to be authenticated and provided access to the network.

Apart from 802.1X authentication, Arista switches also support MAC-Based Authentication (MBA), which allows devices not speaking 802.1X to have access to the network. The authenticator uses the MAC address of such devices as username/password in its RADIUS request packets. Depending on the MAC-Based Authentication configuration on the RADIUS server, it decides whether to authenticate the supplicant or not. Unlike 802.1X supplicants, multiple MBA supplicants are allowed on a single port. The MBA configuration is independent of the 802.1X host modes. MBA supplicants will not be considered to allow or reject unauthenticated traffic, based on the host mode.

Arista switches also support Dynamic VLAN assignment, which allows the RADIUS server to indicate the desired VLAN for the supplicant, using the tunnel attributes with the Access-Accept message. Both 802.1X and MBA supplicants can be assigned a VLAN via the RADIUS server. Note that only one VLAN per port is supported. When the first host authenticates, the authenticator port is put in the respective VLAN (via dynamic VLAN assignment) and subsequently, all other hosts must belong to that VLAN as well.

802.1X features are now supported on 802.1Q trunk ports allowing the user to have port-Based Network Access Control (PNAC) on such a port. With this feature, traffic coming into an 802.1X enabled port with a VLAN tag can also be authenticated via both 802.1X or MBA.

By default, traffic from any unauthenticated device on an 802.1X enabled port is dropped. By configuring Authentication Failure VLAN on the authenticator switch, 802.1X or MBA supplicants traffic can be put into a specific VLAN, if the supplicant fails to authenticate via the RADIUS server.

Note: Only one configurable VLAN for failure is supported. That is, failure due to server timeout, server unreachable, server AUTH-FAIL, or Quarantine.

Switch Roles for 802.1X Configurations

The 802.1X standard specifies the roles of Supplicant (client), Authenticator, and Authentication Server in a network. Switch Roles for 802.1X Configurations illustrates these roles.

Authentication Server The switch that validates the client and specifies whether or not the client may access services on the switch. The switch supports Authentication Servers running RADIUS.

Authenticator The switch that controls access to the network. In an 802.1X configuration, the switch serves as the Authenticator. As the Authenticator, it moves messages between the client and the Authentication Server. The Authenticator either grants or does not grant network access to the client based on the identity data provided by the client, and the authentication data provided by the Authentication Server.

Figure 3. Authenticator, Supplicant, and Authentication Server in an 802.1X configuration

Supplicant/Client The client provides a username or password data to the Authenticator. The Authenticator sends this data to the Authentication Server. Based on the supplicants information, the Authentication Server determines whether the supplicant can use services given by the Authenticator. The Authentication Server gives this data to the Authenticator, which then provides services to the client, based on the authentication result.

Authentication Process

The authentication that occurs between a supplicant, authenticator, and authentication server include the following processes.
  • Either the authenticator (a switch port) or the supplicant starts an authentication message exchange. The switch starts an exchange when it detects a change in the status of a port, or if it gets a packet on the port with a source MAC address that is not included in the MAC address table.
  • An authenticator starts the negotiation by sending an EAP-Request/Identity packet. A supplicant starts the negotiation with an EAPOL-Start packet, to which the authenticator answers with a EAP-Request/Identity packet.
  • The supplicant answers with an EAP-Response/Identity packet to the authentication server via the authenticator.
  • The authentication server responds with an EAP-Request packet to the supplicant via the authenticator.
  • The supplicant responds with an EAP-Response.
  • The authentication server transmits either an EAP-Success packet or EAP-Reject packet to the supplicant.
  • If an EAP-Reject is received, the supplicant will receive an EAP-Reject message and their traffic will not be forwarded.

Communication Between the Switches

For communication between the switches, 802.1X port security uses the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), defined in RFC 2284 and the RADIUS authentication protocol.

The 802.1X standard defines a method for encapsulating EAP messages so they can be sent over a LAN. This encapsulated kind of EAP is known as EAP over LAN (EAPOL). The standard also specifies a means of transferring the EAPOL information between the client or Supplicant, Authenticator, and Authentication Server.

EAPOL messages are passed between the Supplicants and Authenticators port Access Entity (PAE). The figure below shows the relationship between the Authenticator PAE and the Supplicant PAE.

Figure 4. Authenticator PAE and Supplicant PAE

Authenticator PAE: The Authenticator PAE communicates with the Supplicant PAE to receive the Supplicants identifying information. Behaving as a RADIUS client, the Authenticator PAE passes the Supplicants information to the Authentication Server, which decides whether to grant the Supplicant access. If the Supplicant passes authentication, the Authenticator PAE allows it access to the port.

Supplicant PAE: The Supplicant PAE provides information about the client to the Authenticator PAE and replies to requests from the Authenticator PAE. The Supplicant PAE may initiate the authentication procedure with the Authenticator PAE, as well as send logoff messages.

Dot1x Dropped Counters

The Dot1x Dropped Counters count the packets dropped by dot1x interfaces. The dropped counter will not represent all the dropped packets in case of high volume dropping, and the CPU queue drop counter will reflect the rest of the dropped packet counter. This is due to the fact that eos limits the bandwidth for the packets that get sent to the CPU.

The following counters are supported and increment depending on the dot1x interface configuration mode:
  • EAPOL unauthorized port (indicates the dropped packet number due to the unauthorized EAPOL port when Mac Base Authorization is disabled).
  • EAPOL unauthorized host ( indicates the dropped packet number due to the unauthorized EAPOL host).
  • MBA unauthorized host (counts the dropped packet due to the unauthorized host when Mac Base Authorization is enabled.)

Enable 802.1X port Control

To enable 802.1X port authentication on the switch, global command configuration is required:

switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control

port mode can be set to access/trunk port and 802.1X port access entity is set to authenticator:

switch(config-if-Et1)# switchport mode access
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x pae authenticator

Controlled and Uncontrolled ports

A physical port on the switch used with 802.1X has two virtual access points that include a controlled port and an uncontrolled port. The controlled port grants full access to the network. The uncontrolled port only gives access for EAPOL traffic between the client and the Authentication Server. When a client is authenticated successfully, the controlled port is opened to the client.

Figure 5. ports Before and After Client Authentication
Control port State

Before the port is authenticated, the port is in an unauthorized state. In this state, only EAPOL packets are processed by 802.1X agent and all other packets are dropped. After the port is successfully authenticated, the port is in the authorized state and all packets are allowed to pass. The state transition is controlled by authentication exchange between supplicant and authentication server. However, the user can control the state by using any one of the following commands:

dot1x port-control force-authorized

force-authorized: disables 802.1X authentication and directly put the port to the authorized state. This is the default setting.

dot1x port-control force-unauthorized

force-unauthorized: also disables 802.1X authentication and directly put the port to unauthorized state, ignoring all attempts by the client to authenticate.

dot1x port-control auto

auto: enables 802.1X authentication and put the port to unauthorized state first. The port state remains in an unauthorized state or transit to authorized state according to authentication result and configuration.

Uncontrolled port State

The uncontrolled port on the Authenticator is the only one open before a client is authenticated. The uncontrolled port permits only EAPOL frames to be swapped between the client and the Authentication Server. No traffic is allowed to pass through the controlled portin the unauthorized state.

During authentication, EAPOL messages are swapped between the Supplicant PAE and the Authenticator PAE, and RADIUS messages are swapped between the Authenticator PAE and the Authentication Server. If the client is successfully authenticated, the controlled port becomes authorized, and traffic from the client can flow through the port normally.

All controlled ports on the switch are placed in the authorized state, allowing all traffic, by default. When authentication is initiated, the controlled port on the interface is initially set in the unauthorized state. If a client connected to the port is authenticated successfully, the controlled port is set in the authorized state.

Message Exchange During Authentication

The figure below illustrates an exchange of messages between an 802.1X-enabled client, a switch operating as Authenticator, and a RADIUS server operating as an Authentication Server.

Arista switches support MD5-challenge TLS and any other EAP-encapsulated authentication types in EAP Request or Response messages. In other words, the switches are transparent to the authentication scheme used.
Figure 6. Message Exchange During Authentication

Authenticating Multiple Clients Connected to the Same port

Arista switches support 802.1X authentication for ports with more than one client connected to them. Figure 7 illustrates a sample configuration where multiple clients are connected to a single 802.1X port. 802.1X authentication may use multi-host mode, or (on selected switches) single-host mode. In both modes, the port authenticates the packets received from any one client, and the packets received from other clients are dropped, until the connected client is authenticated by the RADIUS server.

Single-host Mode

In single-host mode, once the 802.1X client has been authenticated by the RADIUS server further authentication is not required, but the port accepts packets only from the MAC address of the authenticated client.

Multi-host Mode

In multi-host mode, once the 802.1X client has been authenticated by the RADIUS server, the port is open to accept all packets from any connected client, and these packets do not require any authentication.

802.1X MAC- Based Authentication

The 802.1X MAC-based authentication allows a set of MAC addresses to be programmed into the RADIUS server. These MAC addresses (MAC-based authentication supplicants) do not connect to 802.1X profiles but are still allowed access to the network. The authenticator identifies devices that do not support 802.1X and uses the MAC address of these devices as username and password in its RADIUS request packets.

In a MAC-based authentication, every supplicant trying to gain access to the authenticator port is individually authenticated as opposed to authenticating just one supplicant on a given VLAN or port with 802.1X. The behavior is different for MAC-based authentication supplicants when we have a 802.1.x supplicant authenticated in single host and multi-host 802.1X modes.

To enable Mac-based authentication, use the following command:

Command syntax

dot1x mac based authentication

Note: This command is added to the existing 802.1X configuration on the port, so a typical 802.1X interface configuration with MAC-Based Authentication enabled may look something like this:
switch(config-if-Et1/1)# show active
speed forced 1000full
dot1x pae authenticator
dot1x port-control auto
dot1x mac based authentication
Figure 7. Multiple clients connected to a 802.1X-enabled port
Mac-Based Authentication Delay

Use the mac based authentication delay command to configure a Mac-based Authentication delay. By default, the delay is triggered after 5 seconds.

Comman Syntax

mac based authentication delay 0-300 seconds

Mac-Based Authentication Hold-Period

When Mac Based Authentication is rejected by a AAA server, there is a default hold period of 60 seconds before the Mac Based Authentication is retried again even if the host continues to send traffic. However, the hold-period can be configured manually using the mac based authentication hold period command.

Command Syntax

mac based authentication hold period 0-300 seconds
Note: Configuring a low value for the hold-period can significantly increase the load on a AAA server in- case MAC-Based Authentication is not enabled for a host.

802.1X AAA Unresponsive VLAN


Devices connected to 802.1X controlled ports must perform authentication before their generic traffic is allowed into the network. During this process, the switch contacts a configured AAA server that determines if the device’s access to the network is accepted or denied. When the AAA server is unresponsive, the default behavior is to deny all authentication attempts. The AAA Unresponsive VLAN feature allows the user to specify different behavior for this case, accepting authentication attempts and assigning devices to the native VLAN or a specified VLAN. As in other failure scenarios, the switch tries to authenticate the supplicant after the quiet period has passed.

Configuring 802.1X AAA Unresponsive VLAN

The aaa unresponsive action traffic allow vlan command is configured under the dot1x configuration sub-mode to enable the dot1x AAA unresponsive VLAN feature on the switch. When configured, the switch changes the action taken with regards to authentication attempts when the AAA server is unresponsive. The AAA server is considered unresponsive when communication with it times out.


These commands places the switch in the dot1x configuration mode and enables the dot1x AAA unresponsive VLAN feature on the switch.
switch(config)# dot1x
switch(config-dot1x)# aaa unresponsive action traffic allow vlan


  • AAA unresponsive VLAN does not act on devices that tried to authenticate using VLAN-tagged frames.
  • When AAA unresponsive VLAN is enabled without a VLAN, devices get assigned to the native VLAN – even phones that would otherwise be assigned to the phone VLAN. If phones should be assigned to the phone VLAN when AAA is unavailable, the knob aaa unresponsive phone vlan action allow should be additionally used.

802.1X Web Authentication

802.1X Web authentication feature authenticates a supplicant through a web page, generally referred to as a captive portal, which is why this feature is also known as captive portal authentication. Redirection to captive portal provides support for guest devices/supplicants that neither speak 802.1X nor can be whitelisted in advance or where 802.1X is not sufficient and an additional web based authentication is required.

Configuring 802.1X Web authentication

A global knob under the 802.1X node is used to enable the 802.1X Web authentication:

Command Syntax

captive portal url URL][ssl profile profile]

Enabling the 802.1X Web authentication starts the redirection agent (Dot1xWeb) and its internal HTTP redirector, and makes 802.1X act on radius web-auth-start VSA’s. If a URL is specified, it’s used for the redirection when AAA does not provide a specific URL. If a valid SSL profile is specified, the configured certificate and key are used to start 802.1X Web’s internal HTTPS redirector.

For ACL based Web Authentication, there is one more configuration knob as follows :
switch(config-dot1x)# captive portal access-list ipv4 test-ACL

An ACL can be defined locally on the switch and be configured to use for web authentication, for cases, when AAA is not able to send ACL with web auth = start.

Here are the details about the radius VSAs.
AttributeName Attribute ID Type Value
Arista-WebAuth 6 integer

start = 1

complete = 2

Arista-Captive-portal 10 string any valid url

Show Commands

The “show” commands that display the state of a host show the new values for WebAuth stage as well.

switch(config)# show dot1x hosts
Interface: Ethernet36
Supplicant MAC     Auth Method     State               VLAN Id
--------------     -----------     -----               -------
00:1c:73:73:f9:38  MAC-BASED-AUTH  WEB-AUTH-START
00:1c:73:73:f9:39  MAC-BASED-AUTH  WEB-AUTH-FAILED


The following limitations apply to the 802.1X feature.
  • Only one device per port is supported (MAC ACLs are not supported), connected in wired fashion.
  • HTTPS redirection is only attempted when the connection is to the default TCP port 443.
  • Limitations present in versions lower than RIO RELEASE.
    • HTTPS is not supported.
  • Limitations present in versions eos Release 4.25.0 and 4.25.1:
    • There is no downloadable ACL support - only implicit ACL support is available. This might not suffice if there is a need to allow multiple intranet websites.
    • There is only support of one Captive portal at a time.
  • Limitations in version eos Release 4.25.0:
    • IPv4 Management IP needs to be configured on the management interface. If the management ip address is changed, then captive portal configuration needs to be reconfigured.
    • SVI needs to be configured for the VLAN where the host is going to be after the first phase of authentication - be it EAPOL or MBA.

Configuring 802.1X port security

Basic steps to implementing 802.1X port-based Network Access Control and RADIUS accounting on the switch:

  1. A RADIUS server is required on one or more of your network servers or management stations. 802.1X is not supported with the TACACS+ authentication protocol.
  2. You must create supplicant accounts on the RADIUS server:
    • The account for a supplicant connected to an authenticator port must have a username and password combination when set to the 802.1X authentication mode.
      • An account for the supplicant connected to an authenticator port and placed in the MAC address-based authentication mode needs use the MAC address of the node as both the username and password.
      • Connected clients to an 802.1X authenticator port will require 802.1X client software.
  3. The RADIUS client must be configured by entering the IP addresses and encryption keys of the authentication servers on your network.
  4. The port access control settings must be configured on the switch. This includes the following:
    • Specifying the port roles.
      • Configuring 802.1X port parameters.
        • Enabling 802.1X port-based Network Access Control.
    • Do not set a port that is connected to a RADIUS authentication server to the authenticator role as an authentication server cannot authenticate itself.
    • A supplicant connected to an authenticator port set to the 802.1X username and password authentication method must have 802.1X client software.
    • To prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing the network through unattended network workstations, end users of 802.1X port-based network access control should always log off when they are finished with a work session.
    • The RADIUS client should be configured on the switch before activating port-based access control.

Configuring 802.1X Authentication Methods

IEEE 802.1X port security relies on external client-authentication methods, which must be configured for use. The method currently supported on Arista switches is RADIUS authentication. To configure the switch to use a RADIUS server for client authentication, use the aaa authentication dot1x command.


This command configures the switch to use RADIUS authentication.
switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default group radius

Configuring Dot1x Dropped Counters

Use the statistics packets dropped command to cofigure the dot1x dropped counters on the switch under dot1x configuration mode. By default, the dot1x dropped counters is disabled. The no form of the command disables the dot1x dropped counters from the running configuration.


These commands places the switch in the dot1x mode and enables the dot1x dropped counters.
switch(config-dot1x)# statistics packets dropped

Globally Enable IEEE 802.1X

To enable IEEE 802.1X port authentication globally on the switch, use the dot1x system-auth-control command.


This command enables IEEE 802.1X globally on the switch.
switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control

Designating Authenticator ports

To set the port access entity (PAE) type of an Ethernet or management interface to the authenticator, use the dot1x pae authenticator command.


These commands configure the PAE type to authenticator on the Ethernet interface 1 to enable IEEE 802.1X on the port.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x pae authenticator


For ports to act as authenticator ports to connected supplicants, those ports must be designated using the dot1x port-control command.

The auto option of thedot1x port-control command designates an authenticator port for immediate use, blocking all traffic that is not authenticated by the AAA server.


This command configures Ethernet 1 to immediately begin functioning as an authenticator port.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x port-control auto

The force-authorized option of the dot1x port-control command sets the state of the port to authorized without authentication, allowing traffic to continue uninterrupted.


These commands designate Ethernet 1 as an authenticator port that forwards packets without authentication.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x port-controlforce-authorized

To designate a port as an authenticator but prevent it from authorizing any traffic, use the force-unauthorized option of the dot1x port-control command.


The force-unauthorized option of the dot1x port-control command places the specified port in the unauthorized state, which will deny any access requests from users of the ports.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x port-controlforce-authorized

Specifying the Authentication Mode for Multiple Clients

By default, Arista switches authenticate in multi-host mode, allowing packets from any source MAC address once 802.1X authentication has taken place. To configure the switch for single-host mode (allowing traffic only from the authenticated clients MAC address), use the dot1x host-mode command.


These commands configure Ethernet interface 1 to use single-host mode for 802.1X authentication.
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x host-mode single-host

Configuring Re-authentication

The dot1x reauthentication command enables re-authentication of authenticator ports with the default values.

The dot1x timeout reauth-period command allows to customize the re-authentication period of authenticator ports.

  • These commands configures the configuration mode interface to require re-authentication from clients at regular intervals.
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Eth)# dot1x reauthentication
  • These commands configure the Ethernet interface 1 authenticator to require re-authentication from clients every 6 hours (21600 seconds).
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x reauthentication
    switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x timeout reauth-period 21600
  • These commands deactivate re-authentication on Ethernet interface 1.
  • switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Et1)# no dot1x reauthentication

Setting the EAP Request Maximum

The dot1x reauthorization request limit command configures the number of times the switch retransmits an 802.1X Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) request packet before ending the conversation and restarting authentication.


These commands set the number of times the authenticator sends an EAP request packet to the client before restarting authentication.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x reauthorization request limit 4

The default value is 2.

Disabling Authentication on a port

To disable authentication on an authenticator port, use the no form of the dot1x port-control command.


These commands disable authentication on Ethernet interface 1.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# no dot1x port-control

Setting the Quiet Period

If the switch fails to immediately authenticate the client, the time the switch waits before trying again is specified by the dot1x timeout quiet-period command. This timer also indicates how long a client that failed authentication is blocked.


These commands set the 802.1X quiet period for Ethernet interface 1 to 30 seconds.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x timeout quiet-period 30

The default value is 60 seconds.

Setting the Dot1x Timeout Reauth-period

The dot1x timeout reauth-period command specifies the time period in seconds that the configuration mode interface waits before requiring re-authentication from clients.


These commands configure the timeout reauth-period to 21600 seconds.
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x reauthentication
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x timeout reauth-period 21600

The default value is 3600 seconds.

Setting the Transmission Timeout

Authentication and re-authentication are accomplished by the authenticator sending an Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) request to the supplicant and the supplicant sending a reply which the authenticator forwards to an authentication server. If the authenticator doesnt receive a reply to the EAP request, it waits a specified period of time before retransmitting. To configure that wait time, use the dot1x timeout tx-period command.


These commands configure Ethernet interface 1 to wait 30 seconds before retransmitting EAP requests to the supplicant.
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x timeout tx-period 30

The default value is 5 seconds.

Enable Authentication Failure VLAN

Configure Authentication Failure VLAN on a dot1x-enabled port using the following CLI command under the interface-config mode. The CLI command to set VLAN10 as authentication failure VLAN is as follows:

switch(config-if-Et1/1)# dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 10

When no authentication failure VLAN is configured on a dot1x-enabled port, the default action is to drop any unauthorized traffic on the port. This behavior can also be specified using the following command:


switch(config-if-Et1/1)# dot1x authentication failure action traffic drop

Clearing 802.1X Statistics

The clear dot1x statistics command resets the 802.1X counters.

  • This command clears the 802.1X counters on all interfaces.
    switch# clear dot1x statistics all
  • This command clears the 802.1X counters on Ethernet interface 1.
    switch# clear dot1x statistics interface ethernet 1

Displaying 802.1X Information

You can display information about 802.1X on the switch and on individual ports.

Displaying 802.1X statistics

Use the show dot1x statistics command to display 802.1X statistics for the specified port or ports.

  • This command displays IEEE 802.1X statistics for Ethernet interface 5.
    switch# show dot1x interface ethernet 5 statistics
    Dot1X Authenticator port Statistics for Ethernet5
    RxStart = 0      RxLogoff = 0    RxRespId = 0
    RxResp = 0       RxInvalid = 0   RxTotal = 0
    TxReqId = 0      TxReq = 0       TxTotal = 0
    RxVersion = 0    LastRxSrcMAC = 0000.0000.0000
  • This command displays the dot1x dropped counters for all the dot1x interfaces.
    switch# show dot1x all statistics
    Dot1X Authenticator port Statistics for Ethernet51/1
    RX start = 1     RX logoff = 0   RX response ID = 1
    RX response = 10         RX invalid = 0  RX total = 12
    TX request ID = 2        TX request = 11         TX total = 13
    RX version = 2   Last RX src MAC = ded6.404b.ec94
    Data packet drop counters:
    EAPOL unauthorized port = 2
    EAPOL unauthorized host = 1
    MBA unauthorized host = 0
    Dot1X Authenticator port Statistics for Ethernet49
    RX start = 1     RX logoff = 0   RX response ID = 1
    RX response = 10         RX invalid = 0  RX total = 12
    TX request ID = 2        TX request = 11         TX total = 13
    RX version = 2   Last RX src MAC = ded6.404b.ec94
    Data packet drop counters:
    EAPOL unauthorized port = 2
    EAPOL unauthorized host = 1
    MBA unauthorized host = 0

Displaying 802.1X supplicant information

Use the show dot1x hosts command to display information for all the supplicants.


This command displays 802.1X supplicant information.
switch# show dot1x hosts
    Interface: Ethernet1/1
    Supplicant MAC       Auth Method      State     VLAN Id
    --------------       -----------      -----     -------
    e2:29:cb:11:2f:4a    EAPOL            SUCCESS   300
    e2:29:cb:11:2f:4b    MAC-BASED-AUTH   SUCCESS   300

Displaying Mac-address Tables

Use the show mac address-table command to display the MAC address of the supplicants allowed to pass the traffic through the port.


switch# show mac address-table
    Mac Address Table
    Vlan    Mac Address       Type        ports      Moves   Last Move
    ----    -----------       ----        -----      -----   ---------
    300     e229.cb11.2f4a    STATIC      Et1/1
    300     e229.cb11.2f4b    STATIC      Et1/1
    Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 2

Displaying port security Configuration Information

The show dot1x command shows information about the 802.1X configuration on the specified port or ports.


This commands displays IEEE 802.1X configuration information for Ethernet interface 5.
switch# show dot1x interface ethernet 5
Dot1X Information for Ethernet5
portControl             : auto
QuietPeriod             : 60 seconds
TxPeriod                : 5 seconds
ReauthPeriod            : 3600 seconds
MaxReauthReq            : 2

Displaying the Status of the 802.1X Attributes for each port

Use the show dotx1 interface interface-id command to display the status of the 802x1 attributes for each port.

switch(config-if-Et1/1)# show dot1x interface ethernet1/1
       Dot1X Information for Ethernet1
       portControl             : force-authorized
       HostMode                : multi-host
       QuietPeriod             : 60 seconds
       TxPeriod                : 5 seconds
       ReauthPeriod            : 0 seconds
       MaxReauthReq            : 2
       ReauthTimeoutIgnore     : No
       AuthFailVlan            : 10

Displaying 802.1X Information for all ports

Use the show dot1x all brief command to display IEEE 802.1X status for all ports.


The following commands display a summary of IEEE 802.1X status.
switch# show dot1x all brief
Interface   Client   Status
----------  -------- -------------
Ethernet5   None     Unauthorized

Displaying VLANS

Use the show vlan command to display if a VLAN has been dynamically assigned to the port.


switch# show vlan
    VLAN  Name          Status    ports
    ----- ------------- --------- ----------------------------------
    1     default        active
    2     VLAN0002       active    Et7, Et17, Et18, Et41
    300*  VLAN0300       active    Et1/1, Et6, Et19, Et20, Et29
                                   Et30, Et31, Et32, Et42, Et43, Et44

* indicates a Dynamic VLAN

Displaying EAPOL Fallback to MBA Authentication and MBA Timeout Information

Use the show dotx1 interface interface ID details command to display information about the EAPOL fallback to MBA authentication and MBA timeout details.

switch(config-if-Et1)# show dot1x interface Ethernet1 details
Dot1X Information for Ethernet1
port control: auto
Host mode: multi-host authenticated
Quiet period: 60 seconds
TX period: 5 seconds
Maximum reauth requests: 2
Ignore reauth timeout: No
Auth failure VLAN: 101
Unauthorized access VLAN egress: Yes
Unauthorized native VLAN egress: Yes
EAPOL: enabled
MAC-based authentication: disabled
EAPOL authentication failure fallback: MBA, timeout 200 seconds
Dot1X Authenticator Client
port status: Authorized
Supplicant MAC  Reauth Period (in seconds)
--------------  --------------------------
0022.0100.0001  120

802.1X port security Commands

aaa unresponsive action traffic allow vlan

The aaa unresponsive action traffic allow vlan enables the the dot1x AAA unresponsive VLAN feature on the switch.

The no aaa unresponsive action traffic allow vlan command disbales the dot1x AAA unresponsive VLAN feature from the running-config.

Command Mode

Dot1x Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

aaa unresponsive action traffic allow vlan VLAN-ID

no unresponsive action traffic allow vlan


  • unresponsive Configure AAA timeout options.
  • action Set action for supplicant when AAA times out.
  • traffic Set action for supplicant traffic when AAA times out.
  • allow Allow traffic when AAA times out.
  • vlan Allow traffic in VLAN when AAA times out.
  • VLAN-ID Identifier for a Virtual LAN. Value ranges from 1 to 4094.


These commands places the switch in the dot1x configuration mode and enables the dot1x AAA unresponsive VLAN feature on the switch.
switch(config)# dot1x
switch(config-dot1x)# aaa unresponsive action traffic allow vlan 50

captive portal

The captive portal command enables the 802.1X Web Authentication on the switch.

The no captive portal command removes the 802.1X Web Authentication configuration from the running-config.

Command Mode

Dot1x Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

captive portal url URL ssl profile profile access-list ipv4 ACL name

no captive portal url URL ssl profile profile access-list ipv4 ACL name

  • url Configure captive portal URL.
  • ssl Configure SSL related option.
  • access-list Configure access control list.
  • This command enables 802.1X Web Authentication on the switch.
    switch(config)# dot1x
    switch(config-dot1x)# captive portal ssl profile test-ssl_profile
  • This command enables the ACL based Web authentication.
    switch(config)# dot1x
    switch(config-dot1x)# captive portal access-list ipv4 test-ACL

clear dot1x statistics

The clear dot1x statistics command resets the 802.1X counters on the specified interface or all interfaces.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

clear dot1x statistics INTERFACE_NAME

INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and number. Options include:
  • all Display information for all interfaces.
  • interface ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
  • interface loopback l_num Loopback interface specified byl_num.
  • interface management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
  • interface port-channel p_num port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
  • interface vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.


This command resets the 802.1X counters on all interfaces.
switch# clear dot1x statistics all

dot1x mac based authentication

The dot1x mac based authentication command enables MAC-based authentication on the existing 802.1X authenticator port.

The no dot1x mac based authentication and the default dot1x mac based authentication commands restore the switch default by disabling the corresponding dot1x mac based authentication command for the specific 802.1X authenticator port.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x mac based authentication

no dot1x mac based authentication

default dot1x mac based authentication

Related Command

show dot1x hosts


These commands configure MAC-based authentication on Ethernet interface 1.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x mac based authentication

dot1x mac based authentication delay

The dot1x mac based authentication delay command enables MAC-based authentication delay. By default, the delay is triggered after 5 seconds.

The no dot1x mac based authentication delay and the default dot1x mac based authentication delay commands restore the switch default by disabling the corresponding dot1x mac based authentication delay command.

Command Mode

Dot1x Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x mac based authentication delay delay-time seconds

no dot1x mac based authentication delay

default dot1x mac based authentication delay

  • delay-time Delay in seconds. The value is from 0 to 300.
  • seconds Unit in seconds.


These commands configure a MAC-based authentication delay of 30 seconds on a switch.
switch(config)# dot1x
switch(config-dot1x)# mac based authentication delay 30 seconds

dot1x mac based authentication hold period

The dot1x mac based authentication hold period command enables MAC-based authentication hold period. By default, the hold period is 60 seconds.

The no dot1x mac based authentication hold period and the default dot1x mac based authentication hold period commands restore the switch default by disabling the corresponding dot1x mac based authentication hold period command.

Command Mode

Dot1x Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x mac based authentication hold period hold period-time seconds

no dot1x mac based authentication hold period

default dot1x mac based authentication hold period

  • hold period-time Hold period in seconds. The value is from 1 to 300 in seconds.
  • seconds Unit in seconds.


These commands configure a MAC-based authentication hold period of 100 seconds on a switch.
switch(config)# dot1x
switch(config-dot1x)# mac based authentication hold period 100 seconds

dot1x pae authenticator

The dot1x pae authenticator command sets the port access entity (PAE) type of the configuration mode interface to authenticator, which enables IEEE 802.1X on the port. IEEE 802.1X is disabled on all ports by default.

The no dot1x pae authenticator and default dot1x pae authenticator commands restore the switch default by deleting the corresponding dot1x pae authenticator command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x pae authenticator

no dot1x pae authenticator

default dot1x pae authenticator

  • These commands configure interface ethernet 2 as a port access entity (PAE) authenticator, enabling IEEE 802.1X on the port.
    switch(config-if-Et1)# interface ethernet 2
    switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x pae authenticator
  • These commands disable IEEE 802.1X authentication on interface ethernet 2.
    switch(config-if-Et1)# interface ethernet 2
    switch(config-if-Et1)# no dot1x pae authenticator

dot1x reauthentication

The dot1x reauthentication command configures the configuration mode interface to require re-authentication from clients at regular intervals. The interval is set by the dot1x timeout reauth-period command.

The no dot1x reauthentication and default dot1x reauthentication commands restore the default setting by deleting the corresponding dot1x reauthentication command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x reauthentication

no dot1x reauthentication

default dot1x reauthentication


These commands configure the interface Ethernet 1 authenticator to require periodic re-authentication from clients.
switch(config)#interface Ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)#dot1x reauthentication

dot1x reauthorization request limit

The dot1x reauthorization request limit command configures how many times the switch retransmits an 802.1X Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) request packet before ending the conversation and restarting authentication.

The no dot1x reauthorization request limit and default dot1x reauthorization request limit commands restore the default value of 2 by deleting the corresponding dot1x reauthorization request limit command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x reauthorization request limit attempts

no dot1x reauthorization request limit

default dot1x reauthorization request limit


attempts Maximum number of attempts. Values range from 1 to 10; default value is 2.

  • This command sets the 802.1X EAP-request retransmit limit to 6.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 1 
    switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x reauthorization request limit 6
  • This command restores the default request repetition value of 2.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 1 
    switch(config-if-Et1)# no dot1x reauthorization request limit

dot1x system-auth-control

The dot1x system-auth-control command enables 802.1X authentication on the switch.

The no dot1x system-auth-control and default dot1x system-auth-control commands disables 802.1X authentication by removing the dot1x system-auth-control command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x system-auth-control

no dot1x system-auth-control

default dot1x system-auth-control

  • This command enables 802.1X authentication on the switch.
    switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control
  • This command disables 802.1X authentication on the switch.
    switch(config)# no dot1x system-auth-control

dot1x timeout quiet-period

If the switch fails to immediately authenticate the client, the time the switch waits before trying again is specified by the dot1x timeout quiet-period command. This timer also indicates how long a client that failed authentication is blocked.

The no dot1x timeout quiet-period and default dot1x timeout quiet-period commands restore the default quiet period of 60 seconds by removing the corresponding dot1x timeout quiet-period command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x timeout quiet-period quiet_time

no dot1x timeout quiet-period

default dot1x timeout quiet-period


quiet_time Interval in seconds. Values range from 1 to 65535. Default value is 60.


These commands set the 802.1X quiet period for Ethernet interface 1 to 30 seconds.
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x timeout quiet-period 30

dot1x timeout reauth-period

The dot1x timeout reauth-period command specifies the time period that the configuration mode interface waits before requiring re-authentication from clients.

The no dot1x timeout reauth-period and default dot1x timeout reauth-period commands restore the default period of 60 minutes by removing the corresponding dot1x timeout reauth-period command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x timeout reauth-period reauth_time

no dot1x timeout reauth-period

default dot1x timeout reauth-period


reauth_time The number of seconds the interface passes traffic before requiring re-authentication. Values range from 1 to 65535. Default value is 3600.


These commands configure theinterface Ethernet 1 authenticator to require re-authentication from clients every 6 hours (21600 seconds).
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x reauthentication
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x timeout reauth-period 21600

dot1x timeout tx-period

Authentication and re-authentication are accomplished by the authenticator sending an Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) request to the supplicant and the supplicant sending a reply which the authenticator forwards to an authentication server. If the authenticator does not get a reply to the EAP request, it waits a specified period of time before retransmitting. The dot1x timeout tx-periodcommand configures that wait time.

The no dot1x timeout tx-period and default dot1x timeout tx-period commands restore the default wait time by removing the corresponding dot1x timeout tx-period command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x timeout tx-period tx_time

no dot1x timeout tx-period

default dot1x timeout tx-period


tx_time Values range from 1 to 65535. Default value is 5.


These commands configure interface Ethernet 1 to wait 30 seconds before retransmitting EAP requests to the supplicant.
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x timeout tx-period 30

dot1x host-mode

When multiple clients are connected to an Ethernet interface providing 802.1X authentication, the port can accept packets from all MAC addresses once the supplicant has been authenticated (multi-host mode), or it can accept only those packets originating from the MAC address of the authenticated client (single-host mode) or ultiple authenticated clients (multi-host authenticated mode) . The dot1x host-mode command specifies the host mode for authentication of multiple clients on the configuration mode interface.

The no dot1x host-mode and default dot1x host-mode commands restore the switch default (multi-host mode) by removing the corresponding dot1x host-mode command for the configuration mode interface.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x host-mode [multi-host | single-host | multi-host authenticated]

no dot1x host-mode

default dot1x host-mode

  • multi-host Configures the interface to use multi-host mode (the default).
  • single-host Configures the interface to use single-host mode.
  • multi-host authenticated Configures the interface to use multi-host authenticated mode.


These commands configure interface Ethernet 1 to use single-host mode for 802.1X authentication.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x host-mode single-host

dot1x port-control

The dot1x port-control command configures the configuration mode interface as an authenticator port and specifies whether it will authenticate traffic.

The no dot1x port-control and default dot1x port-control commands configure the port to pass traffic without authorization by removing the corresponding dot1x port-control command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Command Syntax

dot1x port-control STATE

no dot1x port-control

default dot1x port-control

STATE Specifies whether the interface will authenticate traffic. The default value is force-authorized. Options include:
  • auto Configures the port to authenticate traffic using Extensible Authentication Protocol messages.
  • force-authorized Configures the port to pass traffic without authentication.
  • force-unauthorized Configures the port to block all traffic regardless of authentication.
  • These commands configure interface Ethernet 1 to pass traffic without authentication. This is the default setting.
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x port-control force-authorized
  • These commands configure interface Ethernet 1 to block all traffic.
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x port-control force-unauthorized
  • These commands configure interface Ethernet 1 to authenticate traffic using EAP messages.
    switch(config)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Et1)# dot1x port-control auto

show dot1x all brief

The show dot1x all brief command displays the IEEE 802.1X status for all ports.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show dot1x all brief


This command displays the IEEE 802.1X status.
switch# show dot1x all brief
Interface           Client          Status
Ethernet5           None            Unauthorized

show dot1x hosts

The show dot1x hosts command displays 802.1X information for all the supplicants.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show dot1x hosts [ethernet]


ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.


This command displays 802.1X information for all the supplicants.
switch# show dot1x hosts
Interface: Ethernet1/1
    Supplicant MAC       Auth Method       State      VLAN Id
    --------------       -----------       -----      -------
    e2:29:cb:11:2f:4a    MAC-BASED-AUTH    SUCCESS     300

show dot1x statistics

The show dot1x statistics command displays 802.1X statistics for the specified port or ports.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show dot1x INTERFACE_NAME statistics

  • INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and number. Options include:
    • all Display information for all interfaces.
    • ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
    • loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
    • management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
    • port-channel p_num port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
    • vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.

  • Output Fields
    • RxStartNumber of EAPOL-Start frames received on the port.
    • TxReqIdNumber of EAP-Request/Identity frames transmitted on the port.
    • RxVersionVersion number of the last EAPOL frame received on the port.
    • RxLogoffNumber of EAPOL-Logoff frames received on the port.
    • RxInvalidNumber of invalid EAPOL frames received on the port.
    • TxReqNumber of transmitted EAP-Request frames that were not EAP-Request/Identity.
    • LastRxSrcMAC The source MAC address in the last EAPOL frame received on the port.
    • RxRespId The number of EAP-Response/Identity frames received on the port.
    • RxTotal The total number of EAPOL frames transmitted on the port.
    • TxTotal The total number of EAPOL frames transmitted on the port.


This command displays the 802.1X statistics for interface ethernet 5.
switch# show dot1x interface ethernet 5 statistics
Dot1X Authenticator port Statistics for Ethernet5
RxStart = 0      RxLogoff = 0    RxRespId = 0
RxStart= 0       RxInvalid = 0   RxTotal = 0
TxReqId = 0      TxReq = 0       TxTotal = 0
RxVersion = 0    LastRxSrcMAC = 0000.0000.0000

show dot1x

The show dot1x command displays 802.1X information for the specified interface.

Command Mode


Command Syntax


  • INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and number. Options include:
    • all Display information for all interfaces.
    • ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
    • loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
    • management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
    • port-channel p_num port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
    • vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
  • INFO Type of information the command displays. Values include:
    • no parameter displays summary of the specified interface.
    • detail displays all 802.1X information for the specified interface.
  • This command displays 802.1X summary information for interface ethernet 5.
    switch# show dot1x interface ethernet 5
    Dot1X Information for Ethernet5
    portControl             : auto
    QuietPeriod             : 60 seconds
    TxPeriod                : 5 seconds
    ReauthPeriod            : 3600 seconds
    MaxReauthReq            : 2
  • This command displays detailed 802.1X information for interface ethernet 5.
    switch# show dot1x interface ethernet 5 detail
    Dot1X Information for Ethernet5
    portControl             : auto
    QuietPeriod             : 60 seconds
    TxPeriod                : 5 seconds
    ReauthPeriod            : 3600 seconds
    MaxReauthReq            : 2
    Dot1X Authenticator Client
    port Status             : Unauthorized

statistics packets dropped

The statistics packets droppedcommand to cofigure the dot1x dropped counters on the switch under dot1x configuration mode. By default, the dot1x dropped counters is disabled. The no form of the command disables the dot1x dropped counters from the running configuration.

The no statistics packets dropped command disables the dot1x dropped counters from the running configuration.

Command Mode

Dot1x Configuration

Command Syntax

statistics packets dropped

no statistics packets dropped


These commands places the switch in the dot1x mode and enables the dot1x dropped counters.
switch(config-dot1x)# statistics packets dropped