Environment Commands
Environment Control Configuration Commands
Environment Display Commands
environment fan-speed
The environment fan-speed command determines how to control the speed of the switch fans. By default, the switch automatically controls the fan speed.
The switch normally controls the fan speed to maintain optimal operating temperatures. The fans can be configured to operate at a constant speed regardless of the switch temperature conditions.
The no environment fan-speed and default environment fan-speed commands restore the default action of automatic fan-speed control by removing the environment fan-speed override statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
environment fan-speed ACTION
no environment fan-speed
default environment fan-speed
- auto Fan speed is controlled by the switch.
This option restores the default setting by removing the environment fan-speed override command from running-config
- override percent Fan speed is set to the specified percentage of the maximum. Valid percent settings range from 30 to 100.
- This command overrides the automatic fan speed control and configures the fans
to operate at 50% of maximum
switch(config)# environment fan-speed override 50 ==================================================================== WARNING: Overriding the system fan speed is unsupported and should only be done under the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You can risk damaging hardware by setting the fan speed too low and doing so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding your warranty. To set the fan speed back to automatic mode, use the 'environment fan-speed auto' command ==================================================================== switch(config)#
- This command restores control of the fan speed to the
switch(config)# environment fan-speed auto switch(config)#
environment insufficient-fans action
The environment insufficient-fans command controls the switch response to the insufficient fan condition. By default, the switch initiates a shutdown procedure when it senses insufficient fans.
The switch operates normally when one fan is not operating. Non-functioning modules should only be removed from the switch if they are immediately replaced; adequate switch cooling requires the installation of all components, including a non-functional fan.
Two non-operational fans trigger an insufficient fan shutdown condition. This condition normally initiates a power-down procedure.
The no environment insufficient-fans and default environment insufficient-fans commands restore the default shutdown response to the insufficient-fans condition by removing the environment insufficient-fans action ignore statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
environment insufficient-fans action REMEDY
no environment insufficient-fans action
default environment insufficient-fans action
- ignore Switch continues operating when insufficient fans are operating.
- shutdown Switch shuts the power down when insufficient fans are
The shutdown parameter restores default behavior by removing the environment insufficient-fans command from running-config.
- This command configures the switch to continue operating after it senses
insufficient fan
switch(config)# environment insufficient-fans action ignore ==================================================================== WARNING: Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system has insufficient fans inserted is unsupported and should only be done under the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding your warranty. To re-enable the shutdown-on-overheat behavior, use the 'environment insufficient-fans action shutdown' command. ====================================================================
- This command configures the switch to shut down when it senses an insufficient
switch(config)# environment insufficient-fans action shutdown switch(config)#
environment overheat action
The environment overheat command controls the switch's response to an overheat condition. By default, the switch shuts down when it senses an overheat condition.
- Alert Threshold: All fans run at maximum speed, and a warning message is logged.
- Critical Threshold: The component is shut down immediately, and its Status LED flashes orange.
In modular systems, cards are shut down when their temperatures exceed the critical threshold. The switch normally shuts down if the temperature remains above the critical threshold for three minutes.
The no environment overheat action, and default environment overheat action commands restore the default shutdown response to the environment overheat condition by removing the environment overheat action ignore statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
environment overheat action REMEDY
no environment overheat action
default environment overheat action
- shutdown Switch shuts power down by an overheat condition.
- ignore Switch continues operating during an overheat condition.
- This command configures the switch to continue operating after it senses an
switch(config)# environment overheat action ignore ==================================================================== WARNING: Overriding the system shutdown behavior when the system is overheating is unsupported and should only be done under the direction of an Arista Networks engineer. You risk damaging hardware by not shutting down the system in this situation, and doing so without direction from Arista Networks can be grounds for voiding your warranty. To re-enable the shutdown-on-overheat behavior, use the 'environment overheat action shutdown' command. ==================================================================== switch(config)#
- This command configures the switch to shut down when it senses an overheat
switch(config)# environment overheat action shutdown switch(config)#
When a component requires service, the locator-led command activates a locator to assist a technician in finding the component. The command causes the status LED on the specified component to flash and display a “service requested” message on the LCD panel of modular switches or lights the blue locator light on the front of fixed switches. The available locators vary by platform; to see a list of the locator LEDs available on the switch, use the locator-led ? command. To trun off the locator LED, use the no locator-led command.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
locator-led {fantray tray_num | interface interface | module module_num | powersupply supply_num}
no locator-led {fantray tray_num | interface interface | module module_num | powersupply supply_num}
- fantray tray_num Activates the locator LED on specified fan tray.
- interface interface Activates the locator LED on specified interface.
- module module_num Activates the locator LED on specified module.
- powersupply supply_num Activates the locator LED on specified power supply.
- This command enables the locator LED on fantray
switch# locator-led fantray 3 Enabling locator led for FanTray3 switch#
- This command disables the locator LED on fantray
switch# no locator-led fantray 3 Disabling locator led for FanTray3 switch#
- This command displays the locator LEDs available on the
switch# locator-led ? fantray Fan tray LED interface Interface LED module Module LED powersupply Power supply LED switch#
show environment power
The show environment power command displays the status of all power supplies in the switch.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show environment power [INFO_LEVEL]
- no parameter Displays current and power levels for each supply.
- detail Also includes status codes that can report error conditions.
switch> show environment power
Power Input Output Output
Supply Model Capacity Current Current Power Status
------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 PWR-760AC 760W 0.81A 11.00A 132.8W Ok
2 PWR-760AC 760W 0.00A 0.00A 0.0W AC Loss
show environment temperature
The show environment temperature command displays the operating temperature of all sensors on the switch.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show environment temperature [MODULE_NAME] [INFO_LEVEL]
- MODULE_NAME Specifies modules for which data is
displayed. This parameter is only available on modular switches. Options include:
- no parameter All modules (identical to all option).
- fabric fab_num Specified fabric module. Number range varies with switch model.
- linecard line_num Line card module. Number range varies with switch model.
- supervisor super_num Supervisor module. Number range varies with switch model.
- mod_num Supervisor (1 to 2) or line card (3 to 18) module.
- all All modules.
- INFO_LEVEL Specifies level of detail that the command
displays. Options include:
- no parameter Displays table that lists the temperature and thresholds of each sensor.
- detail Displays data block for each sensor listing the current temperature and historic data.
Display Values
- Ok All sensors report temperatures below the alert threshold.
- Overheating At least one sensor reports a temperature above its alert threshold.
- Critical At least one sensor reports a temperature above its critical threshold.
- Unknown The switch is initializing.
- sensor Failed At least one sensor is not functioning.
- This command displays a table that lists the temperature measured by each
switch> show environment temperature System temperature status is: Ok Alert Critical sensor Description Temperature Threshold Threshold ------- ------------------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 1 Front-panel temp sensor 30.750C 65C 75C 2 Fan controller 1 sensor 32.000C 75C 85C 3 Fan controller 2 sensor 38.000C 75C 85C 4 Switch chip 1 sensor 50.000C 105C 115C 5 VRM 1 temp sensor 60.000C 105C 110C switch>
- This command lists the temperature detected by each sensor and includes the number of
previous alerts, the time of the last alert, and the time of the last
switch> show environment temperature detail Tempsensor1 - Front-panel temp sensor Current State Count Last Change Temperature 30.750C Max Temperature 35.000C 4 days, 23:35:24 ago Alert False 0 never Tempsensor2 - Fan controller 1 sensor Current State Count Last Change Temperature 32.000C Max Temperature 36.000C 4 days, 23:32:46 ago Alert False 0 never Tempsensor3 - Fan controller 2 sensor Current State Count Last Change Temperature 38.000C Max Temperature 41.000C 4 days, 23:37:56 ago Alert False 0 never Tempsensor4 - Switch chip 1 sensor Current State Count Last Change Temperature 51.000C Max Temperature 53.000C 4 days, 23:35:16 ago Alert False 0 never Tempsensor5 - VRM 1 temp sensor Current State Count Last Change Temperature 60.000C Max Temperature 62.000C 4 days, 22:54:51 ago Alert False 0 never switch>
show locator-led
The show locator-led command displays the status of locator LEDs enabled on the switch.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show locator-led
switch# show locator-led
There are no locator LED enabled
show system environment all
The show system environment all command displays temperature, cooling, and power supply status.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show system environment all
switch> show system environment all
System temperature status is: Ok
Alert Critical
sensor Description Temperature Threshold Threshold
------- ------------------------ ------------- ---------- ----------
1 Front-panel temp sensor 31.000C 65C 75C
2 Fan controller 1 sensor 32.000C 75C 85C
3 Fan controller 2 sensor 38.000C 75C 85C
4 Switch chip 1 sensor 50.000C 105C 115C
5 VRM 1 temp sensor 60.000C 105C 110C
System cooling status is: Ok
Ambient temperature: 31C
Airflow: port-side-intake
Fan Tray Status Speed
--------- --------------- ------
1 Ok 52%
2 Ok 52%
3 Ok 52%
4 Ok 52%
5 Ok 52%
Power Input Output Output
Supply Model Capacity Current Current Power Status
------- ----------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 PWR-760AC 760W 0.81A 11.00A 132.6W Ok
2 PWR-760AC 760W 0.00A 0.00A 0.0W AC Loss
show system environment cooling
The show system environment cooling command displays fan status, air flow direction, and ambient temperature on the switch.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show system environment cooling [INFO_LEVEL]
- INFO_LEVEL Specifies level of detail that the command
displays. Options include:
- no parameter Displays the fan status, air flow direction, and ambient switch temperature.
- detail Also displays actual and configured fan speed of each fan.
- System Cooling Status
- Ok No more than one fan has failed or is not inserted.
- Insufficient fans More than one fan has failed or is not inserted. This status is also displayed if fans with different airflow directions are installed. The switch shuts down if the error is not resolved.
- Ambient temperature Temperature of the surrounding area.
- Airflow Indicates the
direction of the installed fans:
- port-side-intake All fans flow air from the front (port side) to the rear of the chassis.
- port-side-exhaust All fans flow air from the rear to the front (port side) of the chassis.
- incompatible fans Fans with different airflow directions are inserted.
- Unknown The switch is initializing.
- Fan Tray Status table Displays the status and operating speed of
each fan. Status values indicate the following conditions:
- OK The fan is operating normally.
- Failed The fan is not operating normally.
- Unknown The system is initializing.
- Not Inserted The system is unable to detect the specified fan.
- Unsupported The system detects a fan that the current software version does not support.
switch> show system environment cooling
System cooling status is: Ok
Ambient temperature: 30C
Airflow: port-side-intake
Fan Tray Status Speed
--------- --------------- ------
1 Ok 51%
2 Ok 51%
3 Ok 51%
4 Ok 51%
5 Ok 51%
show system environment power budget
The show system environment power budget command displays the configured power budget for PoE switches and a table to show the current consumption.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show system environment power budget
switch> show system environment power budget
Budget is 300.0W out of 1425.2W of total power
Active devices using up to 60.0W
Device Consumed
Name Power
----------------------- -----------------------
Ethernet37 30.0W
Ethernet38 30.0W
Total 60.0W