Initial switch Access
- Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) configures the switch without user interaction ( Zero Touch Provisioning.)
- Manual provisioning configures the switch through commands entered by a user through the CLI ( Manual Provisioning.)
Zero Touch Provisioning
Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) configures a switch without user intervention by downloading a startup configuration file (startup-config) or a boot script from a location specified by a DHCP server. Configuring the Network for ZTP describes network tasks required to set up ZTP.
The switch enters ZTP mode when it boots if flash memory does not contain a startup-config or zerotouch-config file. It remains in ZTP mode until a user cancels ZTP mode or until the switch retrieves a startup-config or a boot script. After downloading a file through ZTP, the switch reboots again, using the retrieved file.
Security Considerations
The ZTP process cannot distinguish an approved DHCP server from a rogue DHCP server. For secure provisioning, you must ensure that only approved DHCP servers can communicate with the switch until after the complete ZTP process. Arista also recommends validating the eos image on your ZTP server by confirming that its MD5 checksum matches the MD5 checksum found on the eos download page of the Arista website.
On a UNIX server, the md5sum command calculates this checksum:
% md5sum eos.swi
3bac45b96bc820eb1d10c9ee33108a25 eos.swi
This command is available on Arista switches from the CLI or within the Bash shell.
switch# bash md5sum /mnt/flash/eos-4.18.0F.swi
73435f0db3af785011f88743f4c01abd /mnt/flash/eos-4.18.0F.swi
switch#[admin@switch ~]$ md5sum /mnt/flash/eos-4.18.0F.swi
73435f0db3af785011f88743f4c01abd /mnt/flash/eos-4.18.0F.swi
[admin@switch ~]$
- Mount the switch in its permanent location.
- Connect at least one management or Ethernet port to a network that can access the DHCP server and the configuration file.
- Provide power to the switch.
You can monitor ZTP provisioning progress on the console port. Console Port provides information for setting up the console port. Canceling Zero Touch Provisioning provides information for monitoring ZTP progress and canceling ZTP mode.
Manual Provisioning
- The console port is used for serial access to the switch. These conditions may
require serial access:
- Management ports are not assigned IP addresses.
- The network is inoperable.
- The password for the user's login is not available.
- The password to access the enable mode is not available.
- It uses the Ethernet management ports for out-of-band network management tasks. That port must have IP address before using a management port for the first time.
Console Port
The console port is a serial port located on the front of the switch. Figure 1 shows the console port on the DCS-7050T-64 switch. Use a serial or RS-232 cable to connect to the console port. The accessory kit also includes an RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter cable connecting to the switch.
Port Settings
- 9600 baud
- no flow control
- 1 stop bit
- no parity bits
- 8 data bits
Admin Username
The initial configuration provides one username, admin, that is not assigned a password. You can only log into the switch through the console port using the admin username without a password. After assigning a password to the admin username, it can log into the switch through any port.
The username command modifies a specified username and can be used to create or delete usernames, including admin.
switch(config)# username admin secret pxq123
When the switch reboots, it will lose the passwords unless startup configuration saves the new or altered passwords.
Canceling Zero Touch Provisioning
Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) installs a startup-config file from a network location if flash memory does not contain a startup-config or zerotouch-config file when the switch reboots. Canceling ZTP is required if the switch cannot download a startup-config or boot script file.
When the switch boots without a startup-config or zerotouch-config file, it displays the following message through the console port:
No startup-config was found.
The device is in Zero Touch Provisioning mode and is attempting to
download the startup-config from a remote system. The device will not
be fully functional until a valid startup-config is downloaded
from a remote system or Zero Touch Provisioning is cancelled. To cancel
Zero Touch Provisioning, login as admin and type 'zerotouch cancel'
at the CLI.
localhost login:
To cancel ZTP mode, log into the switch with the admin password, then enter the zerotouch cancel command. The switch immediately boots without installing a startup-config file.
localhost login: admin
localhost>Apr 15 21:28:21 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-DHCP_QUERY: Sending DHCP
request on [ Ethernet10, Ethernet13, Ethernet14, Ethernet17, Ethernet18,
Ethernet21, E-thernet22, Ethernet23, Ethernet24, Ethernet7, Ethernet8,
Ethernet9, Management1, Management2 ]
Apr 15 21:28:51 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-DHCP_QUERY_FAIL: Failed to get a
valid DHCP response
Apr 15 21:28:51 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-RETRY: Retrying Zero Touch
Provisioning from the beginning (attempt 1)
Apr 15 21:29:22 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-DHCP_QUERY: Sending DHCP request on
[ Ethernet10, Ethernet13, Ethernet14, Ethernet17, Ethernet18, Ethernet21,
Ethernet22, Ethernet23, Ethernet24, Ethernet7, Ethernet8, Ethernet9,
Management1, Management2 ]
localhost>zerotouch cancel
zerotouch cancel
localhost>Apr 15 21:29:39 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-CANCEL: Canceling Zero
Touch Provisioning
Apr 15 21:29:39 localhost ZeroTouch: %ZTP-5-RELOAD: Rebooting the system
Broadcast messagStopping sshd: [ OK ]
watchdog is not running
SysRq : Remount R/O
Restarting system
Aboot 1.9.0-52504.eos2.0
Press Control-C now to enter the Aboot shell
To avoid entering ZTP mode on subsequent reboots, create a startup-config file described in Step 8 of the Ethernet Management Port.
Ethernet Management Port
Arista switches provide one or more Ethernet management ports for configuring the switch and managing the network out of the band. Figure 1 shows the location of the Ethernet management ports on a DCS-7050T-64 switch. Only one port is required to manage the switch.
You can access the Ethernet management port(s) remotely over a common network or locally through a connected PC. Before you can access the switch through a remote connection, an IP address and a static route to the default gateway are required. You can configure a virtual IP address on a modular switch with dual supervisors to access the management port on whichever supervisor is active.
Assigning a Virtual IP Address to Access the Active Ethernet Management Port
This procedure assigns a virtual IP address on modular switches with dual supervisors, which connects to the Ethernet management port of the active supervisor. (See the following section to assign a physical IP address to an Ethernet management port.)
- Connect a PC or terminal server to the console port. Use the settings listed in Console Port under Port Settings.
- Type admin at the login prompt to log into the switch.
Initial login through the console port does not require a
Arista eos switch login: admin Last login: Fri Apr 9 14:22:18 on Console switch>
- Type enable at the command prompt to enter Privileged
EXEC mode.
switch> enable switch#
- Type configure terminal (or config) to enter
global configuration mode.
switch# configure terminal switch(config)#
- Type interface management 0 to enter
interface configuration mode for the virtual interface which accesses management
port 1 on the currently active
switch(config)# interface management 0 switch(config-if-Ma0)#
- Type ip address, followed by the desired address, to
assign a virtual IP address to access to the active management port. This
command assigns IP address to management port
switch(config-if-Ma0)# ip address
- Type exit at both the interface and global configuration prompts to
return to Privileged EXEC
switch(config-if-Ma0)# exit switch(config)# exit switch#
- Type write (or copy running-config
startup-config) to save the new configuration to the
startup-config file.
switch# write switch#
Assigning an IP Address to a Specific Ethernet Management Port
This procedure assigns an IP address to a specific Ethernet management port:
- Connect a PC or terminal server to the console port. Use the settings listed in Console Port under Port Settings.
- Type admin at the login prompt to log
into the switch. The initial login does not require a
Arista eos switch login: admin Last login: Fri Apr 9 14:22:18 on Console switch>
- Type enable at the command prompt to
enter Privileged EXEC mode.
switch> enable switch#
- Type configure terminal (or
config) to enter global configuration mode.
switch# configure terminal
- Type interface management 1
to enter interface configuration mode. (Use the available management port
for management port
switch(config)# interface management 1 switch(config-if-Ma1)#
- Type ip address, followed by the
desired address, to assign an IP address to the port. This command assigns the
IP address to management port 1.
switch(config-if-Ma1)# ip address
- Type exit at both the interface and global
configuration prompts to return to Privileged EXEC
switch(config-if-Ma1)# exit switch(config)# exit switch#
- Type write
(or copy running-config startup-config) to save
the new configuration to the startup-config file.
switch# write switch#
Configuring a Default Route to the Gateway
This procedure configures a default route to a gateway located at
- Enter global configuration
switch> enable switch# configure terminal
- Create a static route to the gateway with the IP route
switch(config)# ip route
- Save the new
switch# write switch#