Maintenance Mode

This section describes configuration for performing maintenance of switch elements.


Using maintenance mode, you can perform several maintenance activities such as:
  • eos image upgrade.
  • Initial configuration or reconfiguration of a production system.
  • Replacement of hardware.
  • Changing linecards or transceiver modules.
  • Replace, reattach, and reroute cables.

Maintenance mode uses BGP to divert traffic away from the switch on which the maintenance tasks need to be performed, minimizing traffic impact. You can set the traffic thresholds and time limits at which the switch, or parts of the switch, is considered to be available for maintenance tasks.

Maintenance mode can be activated on a switch at boot-up or during operation. The mode provides the following benefits:
  • Rerouting of traffic when the mode is activated during operation and other routes are present.
  • Replacement of hardware in modular systems or systems with redundant hardware.

The switch is placed into maintenance mode, serviced, and then returned to normal operation.

Maintenance Mode Elements

Maintenance mode elements include Units, Groups of Interfaces and BGP Peers, and Profiles. Arista Network switches provide maintenance mode operations performed on a fundamental, configurable element, referred to as a Unit. Maintenance mode will quiesce a unit, which places the unit into maintenance mode by gracefully transitioning traffic away from it.

The most common maintenance mode operations such as removing from service an entire switch system or individual components of the switch, including a single linecard, interface, or BGP peer, can be achieved using minimal configuration.


Units are configurable maintenance mode elements that comprise a collection of various groups. In addition, units contain policies which decide whether the member groups should be put into maintenance mode automatically upon boot. Built-in units are configured by default, such as the System unit representing the entire system. All maintenance mode operations are executed at the unit level.

An interface, interface range, and BGP peer (or peer-group) can be directly put under maintenance.

Built-in Units

There are various built-in units such as System and Linecard<n>. Fixed systems contain only one built-in unit called System, which comprises the interface group containing all Ethernet interfaces and sub-interfaces; and BGP groups per VRF containing all the peers in the respective VRF.

Modular Systems have both System and Linecard<n> units. Linecard<n> units are present for each linecard which comprises the Linecard<n> groups containing all Ethernet interfaces and sub-interfaces of that linecard.

User-configured Units

You can also configure customized units containing user-defined groups and policies as shown in the following example. A custom group called BG1 with a custom interface IG1 and a unit profile UP1 is created. The show command displays the details.

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# group interface IG1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# profile unit UP1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance units
Unit Name: System
Origin: Built-in
Status: Not Under Maintenance
Unit Profile: Default
Time Since Last State Change: never
Bgp Groups:
Interface Groups:
Unit Name: UNIT1
Origin: User Configured
Status: Under Maintenance
Unit Profile: UP1
Time Since Last State Change: 0:00:08 ago
Bgp Groups:
Interface Groups:

Groups of Interfaces and BGP Peers

Maintenance mode group types include the groups for interfaces and BGP peers. Groups are identified by a group name unique to a particular group type.

By default, several built-in groups are available on the device such as linecard groups containing physical interfaces.

Built-in Groups

There are several built-in groups such as AllEthernetInterface, Linecard1, Linecard2, etc., AllBgpNeighborVrf-<vrf_name>. AllEthernetInterface is the built-in interface group which contains all physical Ethernet interfaces and sub-interfaces on the switch, and is a part of System unit. Whereas on modulars Linercard1, Linecard2, etc., are the built-in groups which contain respective linecard interfaces and sub-interfaces; and are part of the Linecard1 and Linecard2 units respectively. AllBgpNeighborVrf-<vrf_name> is the built-in BGP group which contains all the BGP peers in that particular VRF.

User-defined Groups

The following set of commands sets up a custom group (IG1) of interfaces, which includes physical ports, port-channels and SVIs.

switch(config)# group interface IG1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Ethernet1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface port-Channel1,20
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Vlan1-20
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# exit
Note: User-defined interface groups do not contain sub-interfaces.

The following set of commands sets up a custom group (BG1) of BGP peers.

switch(config)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor BGP_PG1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# vrf vrf1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# exit
Note: BGP groups are specific to VRF.


Profiles are configurable maintenance mode elements that define policies for related software or hardware components to carry out maintenance mode operations.

Default Profiles

Default profiles are the built-in policies which are applied to groups interface/BGP and unit.

The default profile is used in the absence of an explicit interface/BGP profile associated with the group, or explicit unit profile associated with the unit.

BGP Profile
Default BGP profile has route-map with set clausesset community GSHUT additive and set local-preference 0.
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profile bgp default
Bgp Profile: Default
Initiator route-map: SystemGenerated
route-map SystemGenerated permit 10
description System generated initiator route-map
Match clauses:
Set clauses:
set local-preference 0
set community GSHUT additive
Interface Profile
Default interface profile has rate-monitoring load-interval set to 60 seconds, threshold set to 100 kbps, and shutdown disabled as shown. The max-delay parameter is set to 300 seconds but is not enabled.
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profile interface default
Interface Profile: Default
Rate Monitoring:
load-interval: 60 seconds
threshold (in/out): 100 kbps
enabled: no
max-delay: 300 seconds
Unit Profile
Default unit profile has on-boot setting disabled.
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profiles unit default
Unit Profile: Default
enabled: no
duration: 300 seconds

User-defined Profiles

You can define your own profiles which can be associated to groups or set as default profiles.

Interface Profile: The following set of commands sets up an Interface Profile (IP1) with load interval set to 10 seconds, rate-monitoring threshold set to 100kbps and the maximum delay for shutting down the interface set to 100 seconds. The interface will be shutdown with cause maint-down if traffic does not drain below the threshold even after the specified maximum delay period of 100 seconds.

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring load-interval 10
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring threshold 100
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# shutdown max-delay 100
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# exit

An interface profile can be associated to only interface groups using the following set of commands.

switch(config)# group interface IG1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# maintenance profile interface IP1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# exit

You can set the interface profile as the default interface profile using the following set of commands.

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1 default
switch(config-maintenance)# exit

BGP Profile: The following set of commands sets up a BGP profile (BP1) with initiator route-map called RM which will be applied for both inbound and outbound directions.

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile bgp BP1
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# initiator route-map RM inout
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# exit

A BGP profile can be associated to both interface and bgp groups using the following commands.

switch(config)# group interface IG1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# maintenance profile bgp BP1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# exit
switch(config)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# maintenance profile bgp BP1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# exit

You can set the bgp profile as the default bgp profile using the following set of commands.

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile bgp BP1 default
switch(config-maintenance)# exit

Unit Profile: The following set of commands sets up a Unit profile (UP1) with on-boot duration of 300 seconds. The unit will enter into maintenance mode at boot-up and exit maintenance mode at the end of 5 minutes (300sec) after boot-up.

switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# on-boot duration 300
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# exit

A Unit profile can be associated to a Unit using the following commands.

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# profile unit UP1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# exit

You can set the Unit profile as the default Unit profile using the following set of commands.

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1 default
switch(config-maintenance)# exit

Maintenance Mode Features

Arista Network switches provide maintenance mode features including rate monitoring, BGP maintenance route map, on-boot maintenance, and EventMgr integration.

Rate Monitoring

Rate monitoring provides a mechanism to monitor traffic on interfaces identified for maintenance. You can set the traffic threshold and a time limit for the interface to be shutdown for maintenance tasks.

A shutdown parameter can be configured in the interface profile that signals the interface to be shutdown after it has entered maintenance mode.

The max-delay parameter specifies the maximum number of seconds to allow for traffic to dissipate from the interface before the interface is shutdown. The default interface profile settings are shown in the output of the show maintenance profile interface default command.

Note: The exclusive rate monitoring of sub-interfaces is not supported. Sub-interfaces inherit the interface profile from its parent interface. In case of multiple sub-interfaces configured for single parent interface, rate monitoring of parent interface include aggregate values of all respective sub-interfaces.

BGP Maintenance Route Map

Route-maps are used within a BGP maintenance profile to tag the inbound and outbound routes in order to direct traffic away from the unit.

The default profile tags the inbound and outbound routes with the global shutdown community. Other methods can be configured under the route-map such as alternate communities, or by using AS_PATH prepend operations.

On-boot Maintenance

There are two ways of placing a unit in maintenance mode on switch boot-up:
  • The unit is placed into maintenance mode prior to the switch reboot, and the running-config is saved prior to switch boot-up.
  • The on-boot property in the unit maintenance profile specifies that the unit will be placed into maintenance mode as part of boot-up, and remains so for the specified duration.
    Note: The duration value in the on-boot unit maintenance profile starts as soon as the unit is put into maintenance mode on boot-up.

Single Event Upset handling

All electronic devices are subject to interference from cosmic radiation. Arista products use a combination of hardware and software to automatically detect and correct the results of this interference. For instance, many chip memories contain parity or Error Correcting Code (ECC) bits. However, Single Event Handling (SEU) is a randomevent, and following configuration determines the handling behavior.

switch(config)# platform sand seu

The system,by default corrects the first instance of an ECC or parity event without any logging. If a further error occurs within a 4 hour time window, related to the first or not, a log message will be emitted.

The default 4 hours logging window can be changed as following. For example, a second SEU is detected within 3 hours of a prior SEU.

switch(config-sand-seu)# log window 10800 seconds

Static memories are used by hardware to hold configuration to determine switching behaviour. When SEUs occur, repairs are made automatically. The following command disables automatic repair by a specific agent.

switch(config-sand-seu)# repair table static manager SandFap disabled

The following command disables automatic repair by a specific memories, overriding any specific configurations.

switch(config-sand-seu)# repair table static disabled
Note: Repair of static tables should only be disabled in consultation with the Support team.

The following command disables automatic repair of fabric chip memories on the modular or fixed systems which use fabric chip.

switch(config-sand-seu)# repair table fabric manager SandFabric disabled
switch(config-sand-seu)# repair table fabric disabled
The following command disables dynamic memories globally. Dynamic memories are internal memories utilized by hardware to hold transient data, such as packet header encapsulations.
switch(config-sand-seu)# repair table dynamic disabled
The following command disables SEU resets without affecting other dynamic table repairs.
switch(config-sand-seu)# repair table dynamic action reset full disabled
The following command configures the SEU to 12 hours, by default the minimum interval between SEUs is 24 hours.
switch(config-sand-seu)#repair action reset full interval 43200 seconds

Show Command

SEU events generate interrupts, it can be seen along with all other interrupts.

switch# show platform fap interrupts
 | Interrupt Bit                 | Count | First Occurrence    | Last Occurrence     |
 | ...                           |   ... |                     |                     |
 | CFC_ECC_Ecc_2bErrInt[0]       |     2 | 2020-10-15 04:27:59 | 2020-10-15 04:31:41 |
 | ...                           |   ... |                     |                     |
All SEU interrupt names take the form <block>_ECC_<type>Int. The block indicates the part of a switch chip affected. The type can be one of the following:
  • Ecc_1bErr - Single bit error in ECC protected memory, corrected automatically in hardware.
  • Ecc_2bErr - Two bit error in ECC protected memory detected, requires software correction.
  • ParityErr - Single bit error in parity protected memory detected, requires software correction.

Single bit ECC errors do not affect correct operation of the switch. Two bit ECC and parity errors can disrupt correct operation, for example, by dropping one or more packets, or by mis-forwarding packets. The exact effect depends on the memory and location affected by the SEU.

Maintenance Mode Configuration

You can configure maintenance mode for the entire device, specific linecards, or any other Unit. You can set up configuration for maintenance mode for the device at boot-up or while it is running.

Note: Explicit maintenance of sub-interfaces is not supported. Sub-interfaces are put into maintenance implicitly in case of built-in unit maintenance and interface maintenance but not in case of user-configured units.

Unit Configuration

Arista Network switches provide the ability to place the switch in maintenance mode, and configuration options for groups, profiles, associating profiles with groups, units, and maintenance mode operations. System is a predefined (built-in) unit on all switches. Built-in groups include AllEthernetInterface, AllBgpNeighborVRF-<vrf_name>, and Linecardn. Linecardn can also be a built-in unit and can be differentiated depending on the command being used as shown.
  • switch(config-maintenance)# unit Linecardn
  • switch(config)# group interface Linecardn
Built-in unit System comprises the following groups:
  • AllEthernetInterface - a built-in interface group which contains all physical Ethernet interfaces on the switch on a fixed system.
  • Linecardn - a built-in interface group which contains all interfaces for the linecard numbered n for modular systems.
  • AllBgpNeighborVRF-<vrf_name> - a built-in BGP group which contains all the BGP peers in the named VRF.

For each Linecard n, there is a built-in unit which consists of all the Linecardn groups.

By default, the default interface and BGP profiles are applied to the built-in interface and BGP groups and the default built-in unit profile is applied to the built-in unit. You can also configure your own profiles and choose a default.

In the following example, traffic is flowing through multiple switches in the spine to and from one switch to another, when you elect to put one of the Units (entire switch or parts thereof) in the spine switch in maintenance mode. The traffic is then gracefully steered away from the Unit, provided other paths are available. Traffic will continue to flow through the Unit placed into maintenance mode, if no other path is available.

Note: The illustration shows an entire switch as the Unit. You can replace switch with Linecardn or another relevant Unit as appropriate.
Figure 1. Traffic flow pattern between TOR and Core Before Maintenance

Figure 2. Traffic flow pattern between TOR and Core After unit on Spine-1 is put into Maintenance

You can see the status of the Unit (System) using the show maintenance units System command for the example above before the system is placed into maintenance mode. If the device being placed into maintenance mode is modular and the Unit is a linecard, replace the argument System with Linecardn to see the status of the Unit (Linecardn).
switch(config)# show maintenance units System
Unit Name: System
   Origin: Built-in
   Status: Not Under Maintenance
   Unit Profile: Default
   Time Since Last State Change: never
   Bgp Groups: 
   Interface Groups: 
You can then place the Unit (System) into maintenance mode and recheck the status using the sequence of commands shown.
switch(config-maintenance)# unit System
switch(config-builtin-unit-System)# quiesce
switch(config-builtin-unit-System)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance
o - On-boot maintenance
v - Violating traffic threshold

Unit Name              Status                   Time since last change    Flags 
---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- ----- 
System                 Under Maintenance              0:02:03 ago 

switch(config-maintenance)# show ip bgp summary 
BGP summary information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 101
Neighbor Status Codes: m - Under maintenance
  Neighbor         V  AS           MsgRcvd   MsgSent  InQ OutQ  Up/Down State  
PfxRcd PfxAcc
m          4  100               24        17    0    0 00:00:40 Estab  5      5
m         4  102               15        16    0    0 00:06:23 Estab  1      1
Note: The o flag is shown for on-boot maintenance in the show maintenance command and the m neighbor status flag in the show ip bgp summary command indicates that the peer is in maintenance mode.

On-boot Maintenance Mode Configuration

To configure on-boot maintenance, you can use one of two methods:
  • Use quiesce config, or
  • Use on-boot profile

Using quiesce config

You must perform the following tasks to place the Unit in maintenance mode on boot-up using the quiesce command.

  1. Place the unit into maintenance mode prior to switch reboot using the following commands.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)# unit System 
    switch(config-unit-System)# quiesce
    switch(config-unit-System)# exit
    switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance
    o - On-boot maintenance
    v - Violating traffic threshold
    Unit Name Status Time since last change Flags
    --------- ------ ---------------------- -----
    System Under Maintenance 00:01:10 ago
  2. Save the running-config using the following command.
    switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config
    Copy completed successfully
  3. Reload the device.
    switch(config)# reload
    Proceed with reload? [Confirm] Yes
    Connection to switch closed.
  4. After the device comes up, you must execute the no quiesce command for the Unit to come out of maintenance mode. You can check the status of the device after it comes up using the show maintenance command.
    switch# show maintenance
    o - On-boot maintenance
    v - Violating traffic threshold
    Unit Name Status Time since last change Flags
    --------- ------ ---------------------- -----
    System Under Maintenance 00:03:10 ago

Using on-boot profile

The on-boot property in the Unit maintenance profile specifies that the Unit will be placed into maintenance mode as part of boot-up for the specified duration. You must perform the following tasks to use this method.

  1. Check to see if the on-boot maintenance mode is enabled using the show maintenance profiles unit default.
    switch# show maintenance profiles unit default
    Unit Profile: Default
    enabled: no
    duration: 300 seconds
  2. Configure an on-boot profile with on-boot enabled and a duration specified. Make this the default Unit profile. The following code example shows the creation of an on-boot duration of 300 seconds in the profile unit UP1.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1
    switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# on-boot duration 300
    switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# exit
    switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1 default
    switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profiles unit default
    Unit Profile: UP1
    enabled: yes
    duration: 300 seconds
  3. Save the running-config and reload the device.
    switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config
    Copy completed successfully
    switch(config)# reload
    Connection to switch closed.
  4. After the device comes up, execute the show maintenance and show maintenance units System commands.
    switch(config)# show maintenance
    o - On-boot maintenance
    v - Violating traffic threshold
    Unit Name Status Time since last change Flags
    --------- ------ ---------------------- -----
    System Under Maintenance 00:00:08 ago o
    switch(config)# show maintenance units System
    Unit Name: System
    Origin: Built-in
    Status: Under Maintenance (on-boot)
    Unit Profile: UP1
    Time Since Last State Change: 0:00:16 ago
    Will come out of on-boot Maintenance after 0:04:43
    Interface Groups:
    2017-01-18 00:44:39 old state: 'maintenanceModeEnter' to new state:
    'underMaintenance' 0:00:16 ago
    2017-01-18 00:43:54 old state: 'active' to new state: 'maintenanceModeEnter'
    0:01:01 ago

    The o - flag shows that unit System is under maintenance due to on-boot profile. Also, show maintenance units System output shows the following - Will come out of on-boot Maintenance after 0:04:43, which is the time remaining of the specified duration of 5 minutes.

    The Unit will come up in maintenance mode when the device boots up and will exit maintenance mode once the specified duration of 300 seconds in the default profile is completed. The BGP sessions will remain under maintenance for the duration and will resume after the specified duration is over.

Interface-level Maintenance Mode Configuration

To configure the maintenance mode at interface-level, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Configure an interface-level profile (or use a pre-configured one). The following code example creates a user-defined interface profile IP1 with a rate-monitoring load-interval of 100 seconds, a rate-monitoring threshold of 500 kbps and a maximum shutdown delay of 100 seconds.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
    switch(config-maint-if-Et5)# rate-monitoring load-interval 100
    switch(config-maint-if-Et5)# rate-monitoring threshold 500
    switch(config-maint-if-Et5)# shutdown max-delay 100
  2. Make the user-defined interface profile IP1 as the default interface profile.
    switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1 default
  3. Place the interface into maintenance mode.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-maint-if-Et1)# quiesce
  4. Remove the interface from maintenance mode once the service has been performed.
    switch(config-maintenance)# interface Ethernet 1
    switch(config-maint-if-Et1)# no quiesce
    Note: If interface Et1 has sub-interfaces (Et1.1, Et1.2,...) with BGP peers on these sub-interfaces, then these sub-interfaces are also placed into maintenance mode. The show maintenance interface sub-interface detail command displays the maintenance state of sub-interfaces.

Entering Maintenance Mode

Enter configuration commands unit and quiesce using the maintenance profile bgp mode command to place the switch into maintenance mode. The following code sequence places unit foo, the interface 3/3, and BGP in maintenance mode.


switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit foo
switch(config-unit-foo)# quiesce
switch(config-unit-foo)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# interface ethernet 3/3
switch(config-maint-if-Et3/3)# quiesce
switch(config-unit-if-Et3/3)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# bgp
switch(config-maint-bgp- quiesce
switch(config-maint-bgp- exit

Exiting Maintenance Mode

Enter configuration commands unit and no quiesce using the maintenance profile bgp mode command for the switch to exit maintenance mode. The following code sequence causes unit foo, the interface 3/3, and BGP to exit maintenance mode.


switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit foo
switch(config-unit-foo)# no quiesce
switch(config-unit-foo)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# interface ethernet 3/3
switch(config-maint-if-Et3/3)# quiesce
switch(config-unit-if-Et3/3)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# bgp
switch(config-maint-bgp- no quiesce
switch(config-maint-bgp- exit

Configuring Event Handlers

Enter configuration options for the show maintenance command to fire at different stages while entering or exiting maintenance mode.

Example for Maintenance Mode Event Handler for all Stages

switch(config)# event-handler foo
switch(config-handler-foo)# trigger on-maintenance enter unit unit-foo all
switch(config-handler-foo)# action bash /mnt/flash/mm-event-handler-script
switch(config-handler-foo)# timeout 20
switch(config-handler-foo)# exit
Note: The user is expected to configure the timeout value. This is time within which the script should complete execution and exit. If the script has not exited by the end of this period, then the following will occur:
  1. Send the SIGUSR1 signal to the script.
  2. Wait for a GRACE-PERIOD of 10 seconds for the script to exit.
  3. If the script does not exit even after that GRACE-PERIOD, then send a SIGKILL to the script.
  4. The maintenance operation progresses to the next stage.
  5. GRACE-PERIOD is not configurable.
switch(config)# event-handler bar
switch(config-handler-bar)# trigger on-maintenance exit unit unit-foo before
stage ratemon
switch(config-handler-bar)# action bash /mnt/flash/mm-event-handler-script
switch(config-handler-bar)# exit

Configuring Groups

Enter the maintenance mode configuration options for groups with the maintenance and group bgp commands.

Example for Group Interface IG1

switch(config)# group interface IG1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Ethernet1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface port-Channel1,20
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Vlan1-20
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# exit

Example for Group BGP BG1

switch(config)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor BGP_PG1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# vrf vrf1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# exit
Note: BGP groups are specific to VRF.

Configuring Profiles

Enter the maintenance mode configuration options for profiles with the profile interface, rate-monitoring threshold, profile bgp, and profile unit <profile_name> commands.

These command examples assign a user configured profile as the default profile.

Example for Profile Interface IP1

switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring load-interval 10
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring threshold 100
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# shutdown max-delay 100
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# profile interface IP1 default
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# exit

Example for Profile BGP BP1

switch(config-maintenance)# profile bgp BP1
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# initiator route-map rmap inout
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# profile bgp BP1 default
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# exit

Example for Profile Unit UP1

switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# on-boot duration 300
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# profile unit UP1 default
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# exit

Associating Profiles with Groups

Enter the maintenance mode configuration options for associating profiles with groups using the maintenance and group bgp command.


switch(config)# group interface IG1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# maintenance profile bgp BP1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# maintenance profile interface IP1
Note: An interface/BGP profile can be associated with the interface group, and a BGP profile can be associated with the BGP group.

Configuring Units

Enter the maintenance mode configuration options for units using the unit, group bgp, and maintenance commands.


switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit foo
switch(config-unit-foo)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-unit-foo)# group interface IG1
switch(config-unit-foo)#profile unit UP1

Maintenance Mode Commands

bgp <peer> [vrf <vrf_name>]

The bgp <peer> [vrf <vrf-name>] command places the switch in maintenance dynamic BGP unit configuration mode. If no VRF is specified, the BGP peer is considered to be in the DEFAULT VRF, otherwise, in the specified VRF.

The command creates the dynamic BGP unit if the specified dynamic BGP unit does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no bgp <peer> [vrf <vrf_name>] and default bgp <peer> [vrf <vrf_name>] removes the dynamic BGP unit from running-config.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

bgp ipv4_addr [vrf vrf_name]

bgp ipv4_addr [vrf vrf_name]

bgp ipv4_addr [vrf vrf_name]

no bgp [ipv4_addr | ipv6_addr | peer_group_name][vrf vrf_name]

default bgp [ipv4_addr | ipv6_addr | peer_group_name][vrf vrf_name]
  • ipv4_addr BGP neighbor IPv4 address.
  • ipv6_addr BGP neighbor IPv6 address.
  • peer_group_name BGP peer group name.
  • vrf vrf_name name of the VRF to which the BGP peer belongs.

Commands available in maintenance dynamic interface unit configuration mode:



This command creates dynamic BGP unit for IPv4 address, IPv6 addr 1::1 with quiesce and peer-group PG in VRF VRF1 under maintenance configuration.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# bgp
switch(config-maint-bgp- exit
switch(config-maintenance)# bgp 1::1
switch(config-maint-bgp-1::1)# quiesce
switch(config-maint-bgp-1::1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# bgp PG vrf VRF1
switch(config-maint-bgp-PG)# exit
switch(config-maint-bgp-PG)# show active
    bgp 1::1
    bgp PG vrf VRF1

group bgp

The group bgp <group_name> command places the switch in group-BGP configuration mode for configuring the members of a BGP group in a particular VRF and associating a BGP maintenance profile for these members.

The command creates the group if the specified group does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no group bgp <group_name> and default group bgp <group_name> removes the BGP group.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

group bgp group_name

no group bgp group_name

default group bgp group_name


group_name name of the BGP group.

Commands available in group-BGP configuration mode:
  • neighbor (ipv4 address | ipv6 address | peer-group)
  • vrf (vrf-name)
  • maintenance profile bgp
Note: Built-in BGP groups like AllBgpNeighborVrf-default and AllBgpNeighborVrf-<vrf_name> do not allow neighbor configuration. Only BGP maintenance profile can be associated to them.
  • This command creates a BGP group BG1 and enters into group BGP BG1 configuration mode.
    switch(config)# group bgp BG1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# show active
    group bgp BG1
  • This command enters into BGP built-in configuration mode for AllBgpNeighborVrf-default.
    switch(config)# group bgp AllBgpNeighborVrf-default
    group bgp AllBgpNeighborVrf-default
    switch(config-builtin-group-bgp-AllBgpNeighborVrf-default)# exit
    switch(config)# show maintenance groups bgp AllBgpNeighborVrf-default
    BGP Group: AllBgpNeighborVrf-default
    Origin: Built-in
    Ipv4 Peers:,
    Bgp Profile: Default
    Vrf: default
    Units: System

group bgp <group_name>

The group bgp <group_name> command adds a BGP group to a unit.

The no group bgp <group_name> and default group bgp <group_name> removes the BGP group from a unit.

Command Mode

Maintenance Unit Configuration

Command Syntax

group bgp group_name

no group bgp group_name

default group bgp group_name


group_name name of the BGP group.


This command adds a BGP group BG1 to unit UNIT1.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# show active
    unit UNIT1
group bgp BG1

group interface

The group interface command places the switch in group-intf configuration mode for configuring the members of interface group and associating a BGP/interface maintenance profile for these members.

The command creates the group if the specified group does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no group interface <group_name> and default group interface <group_name> removes the interface group.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

group interface group_name

no group interface group_name

default group interface group_name


group_name name of the interface group.

Commands available in group-BGP configuration mode:
  • interface
  • maintenance profile bgp
  • maintenance profile interface
Note: Built-in Interface groups like AllEthernetInterface, Linecard3, Linecard4, etc. do not allow interface configurations. Only BGP/interface maintenance profiles can be associated to them.
  • This command creates an interface group IG1 and enters into group interface IG1 configuration mode.
    switch(config)# group interface IG1
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# show active
    group interface IG1
  • This command enters into built-in interface group AllEthernetInterface.
    switch(config)#group interface AllEthernetIntetrface
    switch(config-builtin-group-if-AllEthernetInterface)# show active
    group interface AllEthernetInterface
    switch(config-builtin-group-if-AllEthernetInterface)# exit
    switch(config)# show maintenance groups interface AllEthernetInterface
    Interface Group: AllEthernetInterface
    Origin: Built-in
    Et1, Et2, Et3, Et4, Et5/1, … Et34, Et35, Et36
    Interface Profile: Default
    Bgp Profile: Default
    Units: System#

group interface <group_name>

The group interface <group_name> command adds an interface to a unit.

The no group interface <group_name> and default group interface <group_name> removes the interface group from a unit.

Command Mode

Maintenance Unit Configuration

Command Syntax

group interface group_name

no group interface group_name

default group interface group_name


group_name name of the interface group.


This command adds an group interface IG1 to unit UNIT1.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# group interface IG1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# show active
    unit UNIT1
group interface IG1

initiator route-map <route-map-name> inout

The initiator route-map <route-map-name> inout command is a maintenance BGP profile configuration option for assigning the initiator route-map, which will be applied to inout (inbound and outbound).

The no initiator route-map <route-map-name> inout and default initiator route-map <route-map-name> inout removes this configuration from the BGP profile.

Command Mode

Maintenance-Profile-BGP Configuration

Command Syntax

initiator route-map route-map-name inout

no initiator route-map

default initiator route-map


route-map-name initiator route-map name.


This command configures initiator route-map RM1 within a BGP profile BP1.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile bgp BP1
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# initiator route-map RM1 inout
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# show active
    profile bgp BP1
        initiator route-map RM1 inout



The interface command adds interfaces to interface group.

The interface <intf-name> and default interface <intf-name> removes the interface from the group.

Command Mode

Group-Interface Configuration

Command Syntax

interface interface-name

no interface interface-name

default interface interface-name

  • interface-name name of the interface.
  • ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
  • port-channel p_range port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
  • vlan v_range vlans specified by v_range.

Valid e_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Valid Ethernet numbers depend on the Ethernet interfaces available on the switch.


  • This command adds Ethernet8, Ethernet9, and port-channel10 to the interface group IG1.
    switch(config)# group interface IG1
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Ethernet8-9
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface port-channel10
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# show active
    group interface IG1
    interface Et8-9
    interface Po10
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# exit

interface intf-name

The interface <intf-name> command places the switch in maintenance dynamic interface unit configuration mode.

The command creates the dynamic interface unit if the specified dynamic interface unit does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no interface <intf-name> and default interface <intf-name> removes the dynamic interface unit from running-config.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

interface interface-name

no interface interface-name

default interface interface-name

  • interface-name name of the interface.
  • ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
  • port-channel p_range port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
  • vlan v_range vlans specified by v_range.

Valid e_range, p_range and v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.

Note: Different dynamic interface units are created for each interface in the range.

Commands available in maintenance dynamic interface unit configuration mode:



This command creates two dynamic interface units for interfaces Ethernet1-2 under maintenance configuration.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# interface Ethernet1-2
switch(config-maint-if-Et1-2)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show active
    interface Ethernet1
    interface Ethernet2


The maintenance command allows you to enter maintenance configuration mode and specify maintenance configuration options.

The no maintenance and default maintenance command removes the maintenance configuration from the running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax


no maintenance

default maintenance

Commands available in maintenance configuration mode:
  • unit
  • bgp
  • interface
  • profile bgp
  • profile interface
  • profile unit
  • profile interface <profile-name> default
  • profile bgp <profile-name> default
  • profile unit <profile-name> default


This example shows the commands to enter maintenance configuration mode and configure maintenance related parameters.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit foo
switch(config-profile-unit-foo)# on-boot duration 300
switch(config-profile-unit-foo)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# unit U1
switch(config-unit-U1)# group interface IG1
switch(config-unit-U1)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-unit-U1)# profile unit foo
switch(config-unit-U1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show active
    profile unit foo
        on-boot duration 300
    unit U1
        group interface IG1
        group bgp BG1
        profile unit foo

maintenance profile bgp

The maintenance profile bgp <profile-name> command associates a BGP maintenance profile to an interface/BGP group. A BGP profile can be associated to both the interface and BGP group.

The no maintenance profile bgp <profile-name> and default maintenance profile bgp <profile-name> removes the profile from the interface/BGP group.

Command Mode

Group-Interface Configuration

Group-BGP Configuration

Built-in-Group-Interface Configuration

Built-in-Group-BGP Configuration

Command Syntax

maintenance profile bgp profile-name

no maintenance profile bgp profile-name

default maintenance profile bgp profile-name


profile name name of the BGP profile.

  • This command adds BGP profile BP1 to a BGP group BG1.
    switch(config)# group bgp BG1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor 1::1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor PG
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# maintenance profile bgp BP1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# show active
    group bgp BG1
        neighbor 1::1
        neighbor PG
        maintenance profile bgp BP1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# exit
  • This command adds BGP profile BP1 to interface group IG1.
    switch(config)# group interface IG1
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Ethernet8-9
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# maintenance profile bgp BP1
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# show active
    group interface IG1
        interface Et8-9
        maintenance profile bgp BP1
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# exit
  • This command adds BGP profile BP1 to built-in interface group AllEthernetInterface.
    switch(config)# group interface AllEthernetInterface
    switch(config-builtin-group-if-AllEtherentInterface)# maintenance profile bgp BP1
    switch(config-builtin-group-if-AllEtherentInterface)# show active
    group interface AllEthernetInterface
        maintenance profile bgp BP1

maintenance profile interface

The maintenance profile interface <profile-name> command associates interface profile to interface group.

The no maintenance profile interface <profile-name> and default maintenance profile interface <profile-name> removes the interface profile from interface group.

Command Mode

Group-Interface Configuration

Built-in-Group-Interface Configuration

Command Syntax

maintenance profile interface profile-name

no maintenance profile interface profile-name

default maintenance profile interface profile-name


profile-name name of the interface profile.

  • This command adds profile interface IP1 to interface group IG1.
    switch(config)# group interface IG1
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Ethernet8-9
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# maintenance profile interface IP1
    switch(config-group-if-IG1)# show active
    group interface IG1
        interface Et8-9
        maintenance profile interface IP1
  • This command adds profile interface IP1 to built-in interface group AllEthernetInterface.
    switch(config)# group interface AllEthernetInterface
    switch(config-builtin-group-if-AllEtherentInterface)# maintenance profile 
    interface IP1
    switch(config-builtin-group-if-AllEtherentInterface)# show active
    group interface AllEthernetInterface
        maintenance profile interface IP1


The neighbor command adds BGP peer(s) to a BGP group. The neighbors can be IPv4, IPv6, or a peer group. The no neighbor <peer> and default neighbor <peer> removes the BGP peer from the group.

Command Mode

Group-BGP Configuration

Command Syntax

neighbor ipv4_addr

no neighbor ipv4_addr

default neighbor ipv4_addr

neighbor ipv6_addr

no neighbor ipv6_addr

default neighbor ipv6_addr

neighbor peer group name

no neighbor peer group name

default neighbor peer group name

  • ipv4_addr BGP neighbor ipv4 address.
  • ipv6_addr BGP neighbor ipv6 address.
  • peer group name BGP peer group name.


  • This command adds ipv4 peer, ipv6 peer 1::1, and peer group PG to the BGP group BG1.
    switch(config)# group bgp BG1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor 1::1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor PG
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# group bgp BG1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor 1::1
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor PG
    switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# exit

on-boot duration

The on-boot duration command is a maintenance unit profile configuration option for specifying the duration after which the associated unit will be brought out of maintenance after reboot. The on-boot property in the maintenance unit profile specifies that the unit will be placed into maintenance mode as part of boot-up, and remain so for the specified duration.

The no on-boot and default on-boot removes this configuration from the unit profile.

Command Mode

Maintenance-Profile-Unit Configuration

Command Syntax

on-boot duration duration

no on-boot

default on-boot


duration number of seconds for which unit will remain under maintenance after reboot (from 300 to 3600 seconds).


This command configures on-boot duration of 1000 seconds in profile unit UP1.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# on-boot duration 1000
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# show active
    profile unit UP1
        on-boot duration 1000


profile bgp

The profile bgp command places the switch in maintenance profile BGP configuration mode for configuring initiator route-map.

The command creates the profile if the specified BGP profile does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no profile bgp <profile-name> and default profile bgp <profile-name> removes the profile from running-config.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

profile bgp profile-name

no profile bgp profile-name

default profile bgp profile-name


profile-name name of the BGP profile.

Commands available in maintenance profile BGP configuration mode:

initiator route-map (route-map name) inout


This command creates BGP profile BP1.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile bgp BP1
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# show active
    profile bgp BP1


profile bgp <profile_name> default

The profile bgp <profile_name> default command configures a user-configured BGP profile as default BGP profile.

The no profile bgp <profile_name> default and default profile bgp <profile_name> default removes the user-configured BGP profile as default BGP profile.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

profile bgp profile_name default

no profile bgp profile_name default

default profile bgp profile_name default


profile_name name of the BGP profile.


This command configures user configured BGP profile BP1 as default BGP profile.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile bgp BP1
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# initiator route-map RM1 inout
switch(config-profile-bgp-BP1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profile bgp default
Bgp Profile: Default
  Initiator route-map: SystemGenerated
   route-map SystemGenerated permit 10
       description System generated initiator route-map
     Match clauses:
     Set clauses:
       set community GSHUT additive
       set local-preference 0

switch(config-maintenance)# profile bgp BP1 default
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profile bgp default
Bgp Profile: BP1
  Initiator route-map: RM1
switch(config-maintenance)# show active
    profile bgp BP1
        initiator route-map RM1 inout
    profile bgp BP1 default


profile interface

The profile interface command places the switch in maintenance profile interface configuration mode for configuring rate-monitoring threshold, load-interval, and shutdown max-delay.

The command creates the profile if the specified interface profile does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no profile interface <profile-name> and default profile interface <profile-name> removes the profile from running-config.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

profile interface profile-name

no profile interface profile-name

default profile interface profile-name


profile-name name of the interface profile.

Commands available in maintenance profile interface configuration mode:
  • rate-monitoring load-interval
  • rate-monitoring threshold
  • shutdown max-delay


This command creates interface profile IP1.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# show active
    profile interface IP1


profile interface <profile_name> default

The profile interface <profile_name> default command configures a user-configured interface profile as default interface profile.

The no profile interface <profile_name> default and default profile interface <profile_name> default removes the user-configured interface profile as default interface profile.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

profile interface profile_name default

no profile interface profile_name default

default profile interface profile_name default


profile_name name of the interface profile.


This command configures user configured interface profile IP1 as default interface profile.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring load-interval 100
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring threshold 500
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# shutdown max-delay 100
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profile interface default
Interface Profile: Default
  Rate Monitoring:
    load-interval: 60 seconds
    threshold (in/out): 100 kbps
    enabled: no
    max-delay: 300 seconds

switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1 default
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profile interface default
Interface Profile: IP1
  Rate Monitoring:
    load-interval: 100 seconds
    threshold (in/out): 500 kbps
    enabled: yes
    max-delay: 100 seconds
switch(config-maintenance)# show active
    profile interface IP1 default
    profile interface IP1
        rate-monitoring load-interval 100
        rate-monitoring threshold 500
        shutdown max-delay 100


profile unit

The profile unit command places the switch in maintenance profile unit configuration mode for configuring on-boot duration.

The command creates the profile if the specified BGP profile does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no profile unit <profile-name> and default profile unit <profile-name> removes the profile from running-config.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

profile unit profile-name

no profile unit profile-name

default profile unit profile-name


profile-name name of the unit profile.

Commands available in maintenance profile unit configuration mode:

on-boot duration


This command creates unit profile UP1.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# show active
    profile unit UP1


profile unit <profile_name>

The profile unit <profile_name> command associates unit profile to a particular unit.

The no profile unit <profile_name> and default profile unit <profile_name> removes the unit profile from a unit.

Command Mode

Maintenance-Unit Configuration

Maintenance-Built-in-Unit Configuration

Command Syntax

profile unit profile-name

no profile unit profile-name

default profile unit profile-name


profile-name name of the unit profile.

  • This command adds profile unit UP1 to UNIT1.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
    switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# group interface IG1
    switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# exit
    switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance units UNIT1
    Unit Name: UNIT1
       Origin: User Configured
       Status: Not Under Maintenance
       Unit Profile: Default
       Time Since Last State Change: never
       Interface Groups: 
    switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
    switch(config-unit-UNIT1)#profile unit UP1
    switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# show maintenance units UNIT1
    Unit Name: UNIT1
       Origin: User Configured
       Status: Not Under Maintenance
       Unit Profile: UP1
       Time Since Last State Change: never
       Interface Groups: 
    switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# show active
        unit UNIT1
            group interface IG1
            profile unit UP1
  • This command adds profile unit UP2 to built-in unit System.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)#profile unit UP2
    switch(config-profile-unit-UP2)# on-boot duration 600
    switch(config-profile-unit-UP2)# exit
    switch(config-maintenance)# unit System
    switch(config-builtin-unit-System)# show active
        unit System
    switch(config-builtin-unit-System)# exit
    switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance units System
    Unit Name: System
       Origin: Built-in
       Status: Not Under Maintenance
       Unit Profile: Default
       Time Since Last State Change: never
       Interface Groups: 
    switch(config-maintenance)# unit System
    switch(config-builtin-unit-System)# profile unit UP2
    switch(config-builtin-unit-System)# show active
        unit System
            profile unit UP2
    switch(config-builtin-unit-System)# exit
    switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance units System
    Unit Name: System
       Origin: Built-in
       Status: Not Under Maintenance
       Unit Profile: UP2
       Time Since Last State Change: never
       Interface Groups: 

profile unit <profile_name> default

The profile unit <profile_name> default command configures a user-configured unit profile as default unit profile.

The no profile unit <profile_name> default and default profile unit <profile_name> default removes the user-configured unit profile as default unit profile.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

profile unit profile_name default

no profile unit profile_name default

default profile unit profile_name default


profile_name name of the interface profile.


This command configures user-configured unit profile UP1 as the default unit profile.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# on-boot duration 1000
switch(config-profile-unit-UP1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profiles unit default
Unit Profile: Default
         enabled: no
         duration: 300 seconds

switch(config-maintenance)# profile unit UP1 default
switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance profile unit default
Unit Profile: UP1
         enabled: yes
         duration: 1000 seconds
switch(config-maintenance)# show active
    profile unit UP1 default
    profile unit UP1
         on-boot duration 1000



The quiesce command places a unit or dynamic interface/BGP unit into maintenance mode, gracefully transitioning traffic away from it.

The no quiesce and default quiesce exits the unit from maintenance.

Command Mode

Maintenance-Unit Configuration

Maintenance-Built-in-Unit Configuration

Maintenance Dynamic-Interface Unit Configuration

Maintenance Dynamic-Bgp Unit Configuration

Command Syntax


no quiesce

default quiesce


This command places unit UNIT1, interface Et1, BGP peer in VRF default, and BGP peer 1::1 in vrf VRF1 into maintenance.
switch(config)# group interface IG1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# interface Ethernet3-6
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# maintenance profile interface IP1
switch(config-group-if-IG1)# exit
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# group interface IG1
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# quiesce
switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# interface Ethernet1
switch(config-maint-if-Et1)# quiesce
switch(config-maint-if-Et1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# bgp
switch(config-maint-bgp- quiesce
switch(config-maint-bgp- exit
switch(config-maintenance)# bgp 1::1 vrf VRF1
switch(config-maint-bgp-1::1)# quiesce
switch(config-maint-bgp-1::1)# exit
switch(config-maintenance)# show active
    bgp 1::1 vrf VRF1
    interface Et1
    unit UNIT1

switch(config-maintenance)# show maintenance 
o - On-boot maintenance
v - Violating traffic threshold

Unit Name              Status                   Time since last change    Flags 
---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- ----- 
System                 Not Under Maintenance             never                  
UNIT1                  Under Maintenance              0:00:06 ago               

Interface Name         Status                   Time since last change    Flags 
---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- ----- 
Ethernet1              Entering Maintenance           0:00:06 ago               

Bgp Neighbor(vrf: defa Status                   Time since last change    Flags 
---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- -----                Under Maintenance              0:00:06 ago               

Bgp Neighbor(vrf: VRF1 Status                   Time since last change    Flags 
---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- ----- 
1::1                   Under Maintenance              0:00:06 ago               


rate-monitoring load-interval

The rate-monitoring load-interval command is a maintenance interface profile configuration option for configuring the interfaces rate monitoring load interval with a load interval value between 5 and 600 seconds.

Command Mode

Maintenance-Profile-Interface Configuration

Command Syntax

rate-monitoring load-interval load_interval

no rate-monitoring load-interval load_interval

default rate-monitoring load-interval load_interval


load_interval load interval value between 5 and 600 seconds.


This command configures the rate monitoring load interval for the profile interface IP1 to a load interval of 10 seconds.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring load-interval 10
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# show active
    profile interface IP1
        rate-monitoring load-interval 10


rate-monitoring threshold

The rate-monitoring threshold command is a maintenance interface profile configuration option for configuring the interfaces rate monitoring threshold with a threshold value between 1 and 4294967295 kilobytes.

The no rate-monitoring threshold and default rate-monitoring threshold removes this configuration from the interface profile.

Command Mode

Maintenance-Profile-Interface Configuration

Command Syntax

rate-monitoring threshold threshold_in_kbps

no rate-monitoring threshold threshold_in_kbps

default rate-monitoring threshold threshold_in_kbps


threshold_in_kbps threshold in kilobytes per second (kbps) between 1 and 4294967295 kilobytes.


This command configures the rate monitoring threshold for the profile interface IP1 to a threshold of 1000 kilobytes per second (kbps).
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# rate-monitoring threshold 1000
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# show active
    profile interface IP1
        rate-monitoring threshold 1000


show interface

The show interface command displays detailed information about the interface.

It displays an extra line that reads: Under maintenance for time in hours and minutes.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show interface intf_name


intf_name name of the interface.
  • ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
  • port-channel p_range port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
  • vlan v_range vlans specified by v_range.
    Note: Valid e_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Valid Ethernet numbers depend on the Ethernet interfaces available on the switch.


This command displays detailed information about interface ethernet 16/1.
switch# show interface ethernet 16/1
Ethernet16/1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Ethernet, address is 001c.7373.efc7
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  Address determined by manual configuration
  IP MTU 1500 bytes, BW 40000000 kbit
  Full-duplex, 40Gb/s, auto negotiation: off, uni-link: n/a
  Up 4 hours, 44 minutes, 36 seconds
  Under maintenance for 4 hours, 22 minutes, 26 seconds
  Loopback Mode : None
  2 link status changes since last clear
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters 4:45:12 ago
  5 minutes input rate 20 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 20 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
     580 packets input, 46286 bytes
     Received 1 broadcasts, 0 multicast
     0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 0 input discards
     0 PAUSE input
     601 packets output, 48954 bytes
     Sent 7 broadcasts, 15 multicast
     0 output errors, 0 collisions
     0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards
     0 PAUSE output

show interface <intf_name> status

The show interface <intf_name> status command displays an m flag if the interface is undergoing maintenance operation.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show interface [intf_name] status


intf_name name of the interface.
  • ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
  • port-channel p_range port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
  • vlan v_range vlans specified by v_range.
    Note: Valid e_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Valid Ethernet numbers depend on the Ethernet interfaces available on the switch.


This command display tabular output and shows m flag for Ethernet16/1 status.
switch# show interface Ethernet16/1 status
port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type Flags
Et1 disabled 1 auto auto 1000BASE-T
Et14/1 connected 2 full 40G 40GBASE-CR4
Et15/1 connected 2 full 40G 40GBASE-CR4
Et16/1 connected routed full 40G 40GBASE-CR4 m
Et17/1 notconnect 1 full 10G Not Present

show ip | ipv6 bgp

The show ip | ipv6 bgp command displays maintenance related information when relevant.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip bgp neighbors peer_addr [vrf vrf_name]

show ipv6 bgp peers peer_addr [vrf vrf_name]


peer_addr name of the peer.
  • ipv4_addr BGP neighbor IPv4 address.
  • ipv6_addr BGP neighbor IPv6 address.
  • peer-group-name BGP peer group name.
  • vrf_name name of the VRF.


This command displays the m flag in show ip bgp summary output for peer which is in maintenance mode.
switch# show ip bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 300, external link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID, VRF default
  Negotiated BGP version 4
  Last read 00:00:09, last write 00:00:11
  Hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Configured hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Connect timer is inactive
  Idle-restart timer is inactive
  Session is under maintenance
  BGP state is Established, up for 04:55:11
  Number of transitions to established: 1
  Last state was OpenConfirm
  Last event was RecvKeepAlive
  Neighbor Capabilities:
    Multiprotocol IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received and negotiated
    Four Octet ASN: advertised and received
    Route Refresh: advertised and received and negotiated
    Send End-of-RIB messages: advertised and received and negotiated
    Additional-paths Receive:
      IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
  Restart timer is inactive
  End of rib timer is inactive
  Message statistics:
    InQ depth is 0
    OutQ depth is 0
                         Sent      Rcvd
    Opens:                  1         1
    Notifications:          0         0
    Updates:                6         2
    Keepalives:           297       297
    Route-Refresh:          0         0
    Total messages:       304       300
  Prefix statistics:
                         Sent      Rcvd
    IPv4 Unicast:           2         1
    IPv6 Unicast:           0         0
  Inbound updates dropped by reason:
    AS path loop detection: 0
    Enforced First AS: 0
    Malformed MPBGP routes: 0
    Originator ID matches local router ID: 0
    Nexthop matches local IP address: 0
    Unexpected IPv6 nexthop for IPv4 routes: 0
    Nexthop invalid for single hop eBGP: 0
  Inbound paths dropped by reason:
    IPv4 labeled-unicast NLRIs dropped due to excessive labels: 0
  Outbound paths dropped by reason:
    IPv4 local address not available: 0
    IPv6 local address not available: 0
    Inbound and Outbound policy
      Route map is SystemGenerated
Local AS is 200, local router ID
TTL is 1
Local TCP address is, local port is 179
Remote TCP address is, remote port is 51936
Auto-Local-Addr is disabled
TCP Socket Information:
  Recv-Q: 0/32768
  Send-Q: 0/32768
  Outgoing Maximum Segment Size (MSS): 1448
  Total Number of TCP retransmissions: 0
    Timestamps enabled: yes
    Selective Acknowledgments enabled: yes
    Window Scale enabled: yes
    Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) enabled: no
  Socket Statistics:
    Window Scale (wscale): 9,7
    Retransmission Timeout (rto): 204.0ms
    Round-trip Time (rtt/rtvar): 7.5ms/3.0ms
    Delayed Ack Timeout (ato): 40.0ms
    Congestion Window (cwnd): 10
    TCP Throughput: 15.45 Mbps
    Advertised Recv Window (rcv_space): 14480

show ip | ipv6 bgp summary [ vrf <vrf_name>]

The show ip | ipv6 bgp summary [ vrf <vrf_name>] command displays the m flag if the BGP IPv4 or IPv6 peer is undergoing maintenance operation.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip bgp summary [vrf vrf_name]

show ipv6 bgp summary [vrf vrf_name]


vrf_name name of the VRF.


This command displays the m flag in show ip bgp summary output for peer which is in maintenance mode.
switch# show ip bgp summary
BGP summary information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 200
Neighbor Status Codes: m - Under maintenance
  Neighbor V  AS MsgRcvd MsgSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State PfxRcd 
PfxAcc 4 100 292 296 0 0 04:47:44 Estab 1 1
m 4 300 292 296 0 0 04:47:44 Estab 1 1

show maintenance

The show maintenance command provides brief information about all units/dynamic interface unit/dynamic bgp unit and status.

o'- flag displays that unit is undergoing or has undergone a maintenance operation because of on-boot.

v - flag displays that one/some of the interfaces are violating traffic, i.e. traffic for those interfaces is above threshold.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance


This command displays maintenance mode details.
switch# show maintenance
o - On-boot maintenance
v - Violating traffic threshold
Unit Name  Status                  Time since last change Flags
---------- ----------------------- ---------------------- -----
System Not Under Maintenance       never
Foo        Under Maintenance       0:00:40 ago             o

Interface Name Status               Time since last change Flags
-------------- -------------------- ---------------------- -----
Ethernet16/1   Entering Maintenance 0:00:02 ago            v

Bgp Neighbor(vrf: defa Status          Time since last change Flags
-------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- -----        Not Under Maintenance   never

Bgp Neighbor(vrf: red) Status          Time since last change Flags
------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----       Under Maintenance        0:00:16 ago


show maintenance bgp

The show maintenance bgp command displays detailed maintenance information about BGP peers.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance bgp ipv4_addr [vrf vrf_name] | ipv6_addr [vrf vrf_name] | peer_group [vrf vrf_name] | ip all [vrf vrf_name | vrf all] | ipv6 all [vrf vrf_name | vrf all]

  • ipv4_addr BGP neighbor ipv4 address.
  • ipv6_addr BGP neighbor ipv6 address.
  • peer_group BGP peer group name.
  • vrf_name name of the VRF to which peer belongs.
  • ip all vrf vrf_name all ipv4 peers in specified VRF.
  • ipv6 all vrf vrf_name all ipv6 peers in specified VRF.
  • ip all vrf all all ipv4 peers in all the VRFs.
  • ipv6 all vrf all all ipv6 peers in all the VRFs.


This command displays maintenance information about BGP peers and and maintenance route-map applied.
switch# show maintenance bgp ip all vrf all
BGP peer maintenance information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 200
    Maintenance state: Under Maintenance
    Maintenance route-map: SystemGenerated
    Maintenance state: Under Maintenance
    Maintenance route-map: SystemGenerated


show maintenance bgp receiver route-map

The show maintenance bgp receiver route-map command displays receiver route-map which is applied during maintenance operation.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance bgp receiver route-map


This command displays receiver route-map contents.
switch# show maintenance bgp receiver route-map
route-map SystemGenerated permit 10
    description System generated receiver route-map
  Match clauses:
    match community GSHUT-LIST
  Set clauses:
route-map SystemGenerated permit 50
    description System generated receiver route-map
  Match clauses:
  Set clauses:

show maintenance interface status quiesced

This example of the show maintenance interface status quisced command displays maintenance mode interface status details for quiesced interfaces.


switch(config)#show maintenance interface status quiesced
v - Violating traffic threshold
s - Shutdown for maintenance
Rate (Mbps)
Interface Status            In  Out Flags
--------- ----------------- --- --- -----
Ethernet1 Under Maintenance 0.3 0.0 v
Ethernet2 Under Maintenance 0.0 0.0
Ethernet4 Under Maintenance 0.0 0.0


show maintenance debug

The show maintenance debug command displays the history of various maintenance operations on a unit/interface/BGP peer.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance debug bgp [peer_name] | interface [intf_name] | units [unit_name]

  • bgp display history of all dynamic BGP units which have undergone maintenance operation.
  • interface display history of all dynamic interface units which have undergone maintenance operation.
  • units display history of all units which have undergone maintenance operation.
  • peer_name name of the peer.
    • ipv4_addr BGP neighbor IPv4 address.
    • ipv6_addr BGP neighbor IPv6 address.
    • peer-group-name BGP peer group name.
  • intf_name name of the interface.
    • ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
    • port-channel p_range port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
    • vlan v_range vlans specified by v_range.
      Note: Valid e_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. Valid Ethernet numbers depend on the Ethernet interfaces available on the switch.
  • unit_name name of the unit.


This command displays history of maintenance operation on Ethernet 16/1.
switch# show maintenance debug interface Ethernet 16/1-4
Interface Ethernet16/1
Maintenance Enter Stage Progression started 4:07:07 ago @ 2016-08-29 22:38:54
0.000000 maintEnter stages started
0.000091 stage begin started
0.000151 event begin:EventMgr started
0.004222 event begin:EventMgr completed
0.004256 stage begin is complete
0.004315 stage before_bgp started
0.004368 event before_bgp:EventMgr started
0.005820 event before_bgp:EventMgr completed
0.005843 stage before_bgp is complete
0.005904 stage bgp started
0.005947 event bgp:Rib started
0.013821 event bgp:Rib completed
0.013855 stage bgp is complete
0.013921 stage after_bgp started
0.013974 event after_bgp:EventMgr started
0.015848 event after_bgp:EventMgr completed
0.015878 stage after_bgp is complete
0.015935 stage before_ratemon started
0.015982 event before_ratemon:EventMgr started
0.017394 event before_ratemon:EventMgr completed
0.017423 stage before_ratemon is complete
0.017470 stage ratemon started
0.017506 event ratemon:MaintenanceMode started
5.021404 event ratemon:MaintenanceMode completed
5.021438 stage ratemon is complete
5.021500 stage after_ratemon started
5.021556 event after_ratemon:EventMgr started
5.023223 event after_ratemon:EventMgr completed
5.023247 stage after_ratemon is complete
5.023300 stage end started
5.023352 event end:EventMgr started
5.024683 event end:EventMgr completed
5.024705 stage end is complete
5.024762 maintEnter stages complete

show maintenance groups

The show maintenance groups command displays all the interface/BGP groups along with their members and associated profiles.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance groups interface | bgp group_name

  • interface display only interface groups
  • bgp display only BGP groups
  • group_name name of the group


This command displays group details for built-in interface group AllEthernetInterface and built-in BGP group AllBgpNeighborVrf-default and user-configured interface group IG1.
switch# show maintenance groups
Interface Group: AllEthernetInterface
  Origin: Built-in
    Et1, Et2, Et3, Et4, Et5/1, Et5/2, Et5/3, Et5/4, Et6/1, Et6/2, Et6/3, Et6/4,
Et7/1, Et7/2, Et7/3, Et7/4, Et8/1, Et8/2, Et8/3, Et8/4, Et9/1, Et9/2, Et9/3,
Et9/4, Et10/1, Et10/2, Et10/3, Et10/4, Et11/1, Et11/2, Et11/3, Et11/4, Et12/1,
Et12/2, Et12/3, Et12/4, Et13/1, Et13/2, Et13/3, Et13/4, Et14/1, Et14/2, Et14/3,
Et14/4, Et15/1, Et15/2, Et15/3, Et15/4, Et16/1, Et16/2, Et16/3, Et16/4, Et17/1,
Et17/2, Et17/3, Et17/4, Et18/1, Et18/2, Et18/3, Et18/4, Et19/1, Et19/2, Et19/3,
Et19/4, Et20/1, Et20/2, Et20/3, Et20/4, Et21/1, Et21/2, Et21/3, Et21/4, Et22/1,
Et22/2, Et22/3, Et22/4, Et23/1, Et23/2, Et23/3, Et23/4, Et24/1, Et24/2, Et24/3,
Et24/4, Et25/1, Et25/2, Et25/3, Et25/4, Et26/1, Et26/2, Et26/3, Et26/4, Et27/1,
Et27/2, Et27/3, Et27/4, Et28/1, Et28/2, Et28/3, Et28/4, Et29, Et30, Et31, Et32,
Et33, Et34, Et35, Et36
        Interface Profile: low-load-interval-profile
        Bgp Profile: Default
    Units: System
Interface Group: IG1
    Origin: User Configured
        Et1, Et2, Et3, Et4, Po10, Po11, Po12
        Interface Profile: IP1
        Bgp Profile: BP1
    Units: UNIT1
Bgp Group: AllBgpNeighborVrf-default
    Origin: Built-in
        Ipv4 Peers:,
    Bgp Profile: Default
    Vrf: default
    Units: System


show maintenance interface

The show maintenance interface command displays detailed information about interfaces and their maintenance status with traffic rates.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance interface [intf_name [detail] | detail]

  • intf_name name of the interface or sub-interface. Options include:
    • ethernet e_range Ethernet interfaces specified by e_range.
    • port-channel p_range port channel interfaces specified by p_range.
    • vlan v_range vlans specified by v_range.
  • detail provides the detailed rate-monitoring information


Valid e_range, p_range, and p_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.

  • This command displays interface status and traffic rates.
    switch# show maintenance interface
    v - Violating traffic threshold
    s - Shutdown for maintenance
     Rate (Mbps)
    Interface            Status                       In        Out        Flags
    -------------------- ---------------------------- --------- ---------- ------
    Ethernet1 Not Under Maintenance -  -
    Ethernet2 Not Under Maintenance -  -
    Ethernet3 Under Maintenance 0.0 0.0
    Ethernet4 Not Under Maintenance -  -
    Ethernet35 Entering Maintenance 8.7 2.9
    Ethernet36 Not Under Maintenance - -
  • This command displays detailed information about the interface Ethernet16/1.
    switch# show maintenance interface Ethernet16/1 detail
    Ethernet16/1 is Under Maintenance
    Groups: AllEthernetInterface
    Selected profiles from Interface groups:
    Interface Maintenance profile: low-load-interval-profile
    Bgp Maintenance profile: Default
    Maintenance State: Under Maintenance
    Vrf: default
    Maintenance routemap: SystemGenerated
    Rate Monitoring:
    Passive monitoring since 0:42:25 ago
    Total samples taken: 236
    Before Maintenance:
    Below threshold: 1
    Above threshold: 0
    After Maintenance:
    Below threshold: 235
    Above threshold: 0
    Last sample information:
    Sample taken 0:00:04 ago
    In: 0.0 Mbps
    Out: 0.0 Mbps

show maintenance interface status

The show maintenance interface status command displays maintenance status and rates for interfaces.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance interface status active | entering | exiting | quiesced

  • active interfaces which are active.
  • entering interface which are entering maintenance.
  • exiting interface which are exiting maintenance.
  • quiesced interface which are under maintenance.


This command displays interface status and traffic rates of interfaces which are quiesced.
switch# show maintenance interface status quiesced
v - Violating traffic threshold
s - Shutdown for maintenance
 Rate (Mbps)
Interface            Status                       In    Out    Flags
-------------------- ---------------------------- ----- ------ ------
Ethernet1 Not Under Maintenance -  -
Ethernet2 Not Under Maintenance -  -
Ethernet3 Not Under Maintenance -  -
Ethernet4 Not Under Maintenance -  -
Ethernet16/1 Under Maintenance 0.0 0.0
port-Channel10 Under Maintenance 100.5 50.5v
port-Channel11 Entering Maintenance 15.5 10.5
port-Channel10 Under Maintenance -  -


show maintenance profiles

The show maintenance profiles command displays all the interface/BGP/unit profiles configuration.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance profiles interface | bgp | unit profile_name

  • interface display only interface profiles.
  • bgp display only BGP profiles.
  • unit display only unit profiles.
  • profile_name name of the profile.


This command displays profile configuration details for interface profile IP1, unit profile UP1 and BGP profile BP1.
switch# show maintenance profiles
Interface Profile: IP1
    Rate Monitoring:
        load-interval: 444 seconds
        threshold (in/out): 4000 Kbps
        enabled: yes
        max-delay: 399 seconds
Bgp Profile: BP1
    Initiator route-map:
        name: RM1
Unit Profile: UP1
        enabled: yes
        duration: 340 seconds

switch #

show maintenance stages

The show maintenance stages command displays stages of maintenance operation while entering/exiting maintenance.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance stages [enter | exit]

  • enter display maintenance stages during maintenance enter operation.
  • exit display maintenance stages during maintenance exit operation.
  • This command displays maintenance mode stages details.
    switch# show maintenance stages
    No.         Stage          Description
    ---------   -------------  -----------------
    1 bgp       BGP            Maintenance processing
    2 ratemon   Interface      Rate Monitoring
    Maintenance Exit           Stage Sequence
    No.         Stage          Description
    ---------   -------------  ------------------
    1 ratemon Interface Rate Monitoring
    2 bgp BGP Maintenance processing
    switch #
  • This command displays maintenance mode stage details during entry.
    switch# show maintenance stages enter
    No.       Stage         Description
    --------- ------------- --------------------
    1 bgp     BGP           Maintenance processing
    2 ratemon Interface     Rate Monitoring

show maintenance summary

The show maintenance summary command displays summarized information about the maintenance mode operations such as number of units configured, number of units Entering/Exiting maintenance etc.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance summary


This command displays summary of maintenance mode operations.
switch# show maintenance summary
Number of Units Configured: 0
Number of Units Exiting Maintenance: 0
Number of Units Entering Maintenance: 0
Number of Units Not Under Maintenance: 1
Number of Units Under Maintenance: 0
Directly Put Under Maintenance:
  Number of interfaces Entering Maintenance: 0
  Number of interfaces Under Maintenance: 1
  Number of bgp peers Entering Maintenance: 0
  Number of bgp peers Under Maintenance: 1
Rate Monitoring:
  Number of interfaces Entering Maintenance: 0
  Number of interfaces Under Maintenance: 1
  Number of interfaces Under Maintenance with threshold violation: 0
  Number of interfaces shutdown for maintenance: 0


show maintenance units

The show maintenance units command displays detailed information about the particular unit.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show maintenance units [unit_name]


unit_name name of unit.


This command displays maintenance units details.
switch# show maintenance units
Unit Name: System
Origin: Built-in
Status: Not Under Maintenance
Unit Profile: Default
Time Since Last State Change: never
Bgp Groups:
Interface Groups:

Unit Name: UNIT1
Origin: User Configured
Status: Under Maintenance
Unit Profile: UP1
Time Since Last State Change: 0:00:08 ago
Bgp Groups:
Interface Groups:
2016-08-29 23:05:30 old state: 'maintenanceModeEnter' to new state:
'underMaintenance' 0:00:08 ago
2016-08-29 23:05:30 old state: 'active' to new state: 'maintenanceModeEnter'
0:00:08 ago


shutdown max-delay

The shutdown max-delay command is a maintenance interface profile configuration option for configuring the maximum duration after which the interface is shutdown with a value between 1 and 4294967295 seconds.

The no shutdown and default shutdown removes this configuration from the interface profile.

Command Mode

Maintenance-Profile-Interface Configuration

Command Syntax

shutdown max-delay delay

no shutdown max-delay delay

default shutdown max-delay delay


delay maximum shutdown delay between 1 and 4294967295 seconds.


This command configures the shutdown max-delay for the profile interface IP1 to 500 seconds or 1 hour.
switch(config)# maintenance
switch(config-maintenance)# profile interface IP1
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# shutdown max-delay 500
switch(config-profile-intf-IP1)# show active
    profile interface IP1
        shutdown max-delay 500


trigger on-maintenance

The trigger on-maintenance command is an event handler configuration for triggering actions during the maintenance operation of a unit, interface and BGP peer at specified stages.

The event-handler configuration takes effect only after exiting the event-handler configuration mode.

Command Mode

Event-handler Configuration

Command Syntax

trigger on-maintenance [enter | exit][unit unit_name | bgp [ipv4_addr | ipv6_addr | peer_group][vrf vrf_name] | [interface intf_name] [begin | end | all] |[before | after][stage stage_name]

  • enter trigger on-maintenance event-handler on maintenance enter operation.
  • exit trigger on-maintenance event-handler on maintenance exit operation.
  • bgp trigger event-handler on dynamic BGP unit maintenance operation.
    • pv4_addr BGP neighbor ipv4 address.
    • pv6_addr BGP neighbor ipv6 address.
    • peer_group BGP peer group name.
  • vrf vrf_name name of the VRF to which BGP peer belongs.
  • interface trigger event-handler on dynamic interface unit maintenance operation.
    • intf_name name of the interface.
      • ethernet trigger event-handler on specified Ethernet interface.
      • port-channel trigger event-handler on specified port channel interface.
      • vlan trigger event-handler on specified VLAN.
        Note: Comma-delimited list, ranges are not supported.
  • unit trigger event-handler on maintenance operation of unit.
  • begin action is triggered in the beginning of maintenance operation.
  • end action is triggered at the end of maintenance operation.
  • stage_name action is triggered at specified stage.
    • bgp and ratemon are the two stages.
  • all action is triggered at all the stages
  • before action is triggered before the specified stage
  • after action is triggered after the specified stage
  • This command configures event-handler E1, which triggers on maintenance an enter operation of unit UNIT1 at all the stages.
    switch(config)# event-handler E1
    switch(config-handler-E1)# trigger on-maintenance enter unit UNIT1 all
    switch(config-handler-E1)# action bash FastCli -c "show maintenance"
    switch(config-handler-E1)# exit
    switch(config)# show event-handler E1
    Event-handler E1
    Trigger: Asynchronous on-maintenance enter unit UNIT1 all delay 0 seconds
    Threshold Time Window: 0 Seconds, Event Count: 1 times
    Action: FastCli -c "show maintenance"
    Action expected to finish in less than 10 seconds
    Last Trigger Detection Time: Never
    Total Trigger Detections: 0
    Last Trigger Activation Time: Never
    Total Trigger Activations: 0
    Last Action Time: Never
    Total Actions: 0
  • This command configures event-handler E2, which triggers on maintenance an exit operation of dynamic interface unit Ethernet1 before stage bgp.
    switch(config)# event-handler E2
    switch(config-handler-E2)# trigger on-maintenance exit interface Ethernet1 before 
    stage bgp
    switch(config-handler-E2)# action bash FastCli -c "show maintenance summary"
    switch(config-handler-E2)# exit
    switch(config)# show event-handler E2
    Event-handler E2
    Trigger: Asynchronous on-maintenance exit interface Ethernet1 before stage bgp 
    delay 0 seconds
    Threshold Time Window: 0 Seconds, Event Count: 1 times
    Action: FastCli -c "show maintenance summary"
    Action expected to finish in less than 10 seconds
    Last Trigger Detection Time: Never
    Total Trigger Detections: 0
    Last Trigger Activation Time: Never
    Total Trigger Activations: 0
    Last Action Time: Never
    Total Actions: 0
  • This command configures event-handler E3, which triggers on maintenance an enter operation of dynamic BGP unit 1::1 in VRF VRF1 at the last stage end.
    switch(config)# event-handler E3
    switch(config-handler-E3)# trigger on-maintenance enter bgp 1::1 vrf VRF1 end
    switch(config-handler-E3)# action bash FastCli -c "show maintenance bgp ip all vrf 
    switch(config-handler-E3)# exit
    switch(config)# show event-handler E3
    Event-handler E3
    Trigger: Asynchronous on-maintenance enter bgp 1::1 vrf VRF1 end delay 0 seconds
    Threshold Time Window: 0 Seconds, Event Count: 1 times
    Action: FastCli -c "show maintenance bgp ip all vrf all"
    Action expected to finish in less than 10 seconds
    Last Trigger Detection Time: Never
    Total Trigger Detections: 0
    Last Trigger Activation Time: Never
    Total Trigger Activations: 0
    Last Action Time: Never
    Total Actions: 0


The unit <unit_name> command places the switch in maintenance unit configuration mode for configuring BGP/interface groups in the unit.

The command creates the unit if the specified unit profile does not exist prior to issuing the command.

The no unit <unit-name> and default unit <unit-name> removes the unit from running-config.

Command Mode

Maintenance Configuration

Command Syntax

unit linecard [l_range | unit_name]

no unit linecard [l_range | unit_name]

default unit linecard [l_range | unit_name]

  • l_range name of the Linecard built-in unit.
  • 0 l_range linecards available on the switch.
  • unit_name name of the user-configured unit.
Commands available in maintenance unit configuration mode:
  • group interface
  • group bgp
  • profile unit
  • quiesce
    Note: Built-in units like System, Linecard3, Linecard4, etc. do not allow group configuration but unit profile can be associated to these units.
  • This command creates maintenance unit UNIT1.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)# unit UNIT1
    switch(config-unit-UNIT1)# show active
    unit UNIT1
  • This command enters the built-in Linecard1 unit configuration mode.
    switch(config)# maintenance
    switch(config-maintenance)# unit Linecard1
    switch(config-builtin-unit-Linecard1)# show active
    unit Linecard1


The vrf command specifies the VRF for BGP group. All the neighbors configured in the BGP group are considered to be members of the BGP group in the particular VRF context.

The no vrf <vrf-name> and default vrf <vrf-name> removes the VRF configuration from the BGP group and sets the VRF context to default.

Command Mode

Group-BGP Configuration

Command Syntax

vrf vrf_name

no vrf vrf_name

default vrf vrf_name


vrf_name name of the VRF in a group belonging to neighbors in that group.


This command specifies VRF VRF1 for the neighbors in the BGP group BGP1.
switch(config)# group bgp BG1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor 1::1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# neighbor PG
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# vrf VRF1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# show active
group bgp BG1
    neighbor 1::1
    neighbor PG
    vrf VRF1
switch(config-group-bgp-BG1)# exit