Session Management commands
Global Configuration commands
- configure replace
- configure session
- management api eos-sdk-rpc
- management api external-services
- management api gnmi
- management api gnsi
- management api gribi
- management api http-commands
- management api models
- management api netconf
- management api restconf
- management console
- management ssh
- management telnet
- management xmpp
- reset system storage secure
Management Configuration commands
- domain (XMPP Management)
- idle-timeout (Console Management)
- idle-timeout (SSH Management)
- idle-timeout (Telnet Management)
- protocol http (API Management)
- protocol https (API Management)
- protocol https certificate (API Management)
- server (XMPP Management)
- session privilege (XMPP Management)
- shutdown (API Management)
- shutdown (Telnet Management)
- shutdown (XMPP Management)
- switch-group (XMPP Management)
- username (XMPP Management)
- vrf (API Management)
- vrf (XMPP Management)
- xmpp send
- xmpp session
Display commands
configure replace
The configure replace command replaces the current configuration with the new configuration from the specified source.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
configure replace {source_file_path:source_file_name | boot-extensions | clean-config | installed-extensions | running-config | startup-config}[ignore-errors] [md5 md5sum] [skip-checkpoint]
- source_file_path:source_file_name replaces the current configuration with the configuration from the specified source file.
- boot-extensions replace the current configuration with the boot extensions configuration.
- clean-config replaces the current configuration with clean and default configurations.
- installed-extensions replace the current configuration with the installed extensions configuration.
- running-config obsolete.
- starup-config replaces the current configuration with the startup configuration.
- ignore-errors ignore errors while loading the new configuration.
- md5 md5sum performs a checksum to validate data integrity with the specified MD5 hashing algorithm.
- skip-checkpoint skips creating the checkpoint file of running-config.
switch(config)# configure replace start-config
! Preserving static routes. Use 'no ip routing delete-static-routes' to clear
configure session
The configure session command allows a series of configuration changes made temporarily and commits to running-config later by issuing the commit command. An uncommitted configuration session will be discarded if the switch reboots and will time out after 24 hours.
The no configure session session_name and default configure session session_name commands delete the specified configuration session.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
configure session [session_name]
no configure session session_name
default configure session session_name
session_name session name.
- It creates a session with a name generated by the systems when a session name is not specified.
- The switch permits up to five uncommitted sessions.
- When the switch reboots, it discards the uncommitted sessions.
- Uncommitted sessions time out after 24 hours.
switch(config)#configure session
switch(config-s-sess-1)#no username kevin
switch(config-s-sess-1)#aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
switch(config-s-sess-1)#dot1x system-auth-control
switch(config-s-sess-1)#copy running-config startup-config
switch(config-s-sess-1)#reload all now
domain (XMPP Management)
The domain command configures the switch's XMPP domain name. The XMPP client accepts messages only when using a locally configured domain. It uses the switch's domain name if none is specified.
Management over XMPP is disabled by default. To enable it, you must provide the server's location, domain, username, and password for the switch.
Arista recommends configuring the XMPP domain before the username, because it will provide shortcuts for the switch-group and username so you can configure without the domain attached to it (e.g., USERNAME instead of USERNAME@DOMAIN).
The no domain and default domain commands delete the domain name by removing the domain command from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-xmpp Configuration
Command Syntax
domain string
no domain
default domain
string domain name (text string).
- This command configures as the switch’s domain
switch(config)#management xmpp test1(config-mgmt-xmpp)#server arista-xmpp test1(config-mgmt-xmpp)#domain test1(config-mgmt-xmpp)#username This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. password 0 arista test1(config-mgmt-xmpp)#no shutdown
- This command removes the domain name from the XMPP
switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)#no domain switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)#
idle-timeout (Console Management)
The idle-timeout (Console Management) command configures the idle-timeout period for console connection sessions. The idle timeout is when the connection waits after a user's most recent command before shutting down the connection. Setting the idle timeout to zero disables the connection timeout automatically, which is the default setting.
The no idle-timeout and default idle-timeout commands disable the automatic connection timeout by removing the idle-timeout statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
idle-timeout idle_period
no idle-timeout
default idle-timeout
- 0 Automatic connection timeout is disabled.
- 1 to 86400 Automatic timeout period (minutes).
- These commands configure a console idle-timeout period of three hours, then
return the switch to global configuration
switch(config)# management console switch(config-mgmt-console)# idle-timeout 180 switch(config-mgmt-console)# exit switch(config)#
- These commands disable automatic connection
switch(config)# management console switch(config-mgmt-console)# idle-timeout 0 switch(config-mgmt-console)#
idle-timeout (SSH Management)
The idle-timeout (SSH Management) command configures the idle-timeout period for SSH connection sessions. The idle timeout is when the connection waits after a user's most recent command before shutting down the connection. Setting the idle timeout to zero disables the connection timeout automatically, which is the default setting.
The no idle-timeout and default idle-timeout commands disable the automatic connection timeout by removing the idle-timeout statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-ssh Configuration
Command Syntax
idle-timeout idle_period
no idle-timeout
default idle-timeout
- 0 Automatic connection timeout is disabled.
- 1 to 86400Automatic timeout period (minutes).
- These commands configure an SSH idle-timeout period of three hours, then return
the switch to global configuration
switch(config)#management ssh switch(config-mgmt-ssh)#idle-timeout 180 switch(config-mgmt-ssh)#exit switch(config)#
- These commands disable automatic connection
switch(config)#management ssh switch(config-mgmt-ssh)#idle-timeout 0 switch(config-mgmt-ssh)#
idle-timeout (Telnet Management)
The idle-timeout (Telnet Management) command configures the idle-timeout period for Telnet connection sessions. The idle timeout is when the connection waits after a user's most recent command before shutting down the connection. Setting the idle timeout to zero disables the connection timeout automatically, which is the default setting.
The no idle-timeout and default idle-timeout commands disable the automatic connection timeout by removing the idle-timeout statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
idle-timeout idle_period
no idle-timeout
default idle-timeout
- 0 Automatic connection timeout is disabled.
- 1 to 86400 Automatic timeout period (minutes).
- These commands configure a Telnet idle-timeout period of three hours, then
return the switch to global configuration
switch(config)#management telnet switch(config-mgmt-telnet)#idle-timeout 180 switch(config-mgmt-telnet)#exit switch(config)#
- These commands disable automatic connection
switch(config)#management telnet switch(config-mgmt-telnet)#idle-timeout 0 switch(config-mgmt-telnet)#
management api eos-sdk-rpc
The management api eos-sdk-rpc command places the switch in eos SDK RPC API management configuration mode.
The no management api eos-sdk-rpc and default management api eos-sdk-rpc commands delete the mgmt-api-eos-sdk-rpc configuration mode statements from running-config.
eos SDK RPC API management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the eos SDK RPC API management configuration mode does not affect the running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api eos-sdk-rpc
no management api eos-sdk-rpc
default management api eos-sdk-rpc
- transport (eos SDK RPC API Management)
- This command places the switch in eos SDK RPC API management configuration
switch(config)#management api eos-sdk-rpc switch(config-mgmt-api-eos-sdk-rpc)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-eos-sdk-rpc)#exit switch(config)#
management api external-services
The management api external-services command places the switch in External Services API configuration mode.
The no management api external-services and default management api external-services commands delete the mgmt-api-external-services configuration mode statements from running-config.
External Services API configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the External Services API configuration mode does not affect the running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api external-services
no management api external-services
default management api external-services
- shutdown (External Services API Management)
- vrf (External Services API Management)
- This command places the switch in External Services API Management configuration
switch(config)# management api external-services switch(config-mgmt-api-external-services)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-external-services)# exit switch(config)#
management api gnmi
The management api gnmi command places the switch in GNMI API Management configuration mode.
The no management api gnmi and default management api gnmi commands delete the mgmt-api-gnmi configuration mode statements from running-config.
GNMI API Management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the GNMI API Management configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api gnmi
no management api gnmi
default management api gnmi
- operation (GNMI API Management)
- provider (GNMI API Management)
- transport (GNMI API Management)
- This command places the switch in GNMI API Management configuration
switch(config)# management api gnmi switch(config-mgmt-api-gnmi)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-gnmi)# exit switch(config)#
management api gnsi
The management api gnsi command places the switch in GNSI API management configuration mode.
The no management api gnsi and default management api gnsi commands delete the mgmt-api-gnsi configuration mode statements from running-config.
GNSI API Management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the GNSI API Management configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api gnsi
no management api gnsi
default management api gnsi
- service (GNSI API Management)
- transport (GNSI API Management)
- This command places the switch in GNSI API Management configuration
switch(config)#management api gnsi switch(config-mgmt-api-gnsi)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-gnsi)#exit switch(config)#
management api gribi
The management api gribi command places the switch in gRIBI API Management configuration mode.
The no management api gribi and default management api gribi commands delete the mgmt-api-gribi configuration mode statements from running-config.
gRIBI API Management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config changes immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the gRIBI API Management configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api gribi
no management api gribi
default management api gribi
- transport (gRIBI API Management)
- This command places the switch in gRIBI API Management configuration
switch(config)# management api gribi switch(config-mgmt-api-gribi)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-gribi)# exit switch(config)#
management api http-commands
The management api http-commands command places the switch in HTTP commands API Management configuration mode.
The no management api http-commands and default management api http-commands commands delete the mgmt-api-http-command configuration mode statements from running-config.
HTTP commands API Management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting HTTP commands API Management configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api http-commands
no management api http-commands
default management api http-commands
- This command places the switch in HTTP commands API Management configuration
switch(config)# management api http-commands switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# exit switch(config)#
management api models
The management api models command places the switch in Models API Management configuration mode.
The no management api models and default management api models commands delete the mgmt-api-models configuration mode statements from running-config.
Models API Management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting Models API Management configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api models
no management api models
default management api models
- models (Models API Management)
- modules (Models API Management)
- provider (Models API Management)
- This command places the switch in Models API Management configuration
switch(config)# management api models switch(config-mgmt-api-models)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-models)# exit switch(config)#
management api netconf
The management api netconf command places the switch in Netconf API Management configuration mode.
The no management api netconf and default management api netconf commands delete the mgmt-api-netconf configuration mode statements from running-config.
Netconf API Management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting Netconf API Management configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api netconf
no management api netconf
default management api netconf
- transport (Netconf API Management)
- This command places the switch in Netconf API Management configuration
switch(config)# management api netconf switch(config-mgmt-api-netconf)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-netconf)# exit switch(config)#
management api restconf
The management api restconf command places the switch in Restconf API Management configuration mode.
The no management api restconf and default management api restconf commands delete the mgmt-api-restconf configuration mode statements from running-config.
Restconf API Management configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting Restconf API Management configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management api restconf
no management api restconf
default management api restconf
- transport (Restconf API Management)
- This command places the switch in Restconf API Management configuration
switch(config)# management api restconf switch(config-mgmt-api-restconf)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-api-restconf)# exit switch(config)#
management console
The management console command places the switch in mgmt-console configuration mode to adjust the idle-timeout period for console connection sessions. The idle-timeout period determines the inactivity interval that terminates a connection session.
The no management console and default management console commands delete mgmt-console configuration mode statements from running-config.
The mgmt-console configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the mgmt-console configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management console
no management console
default management console
commands Available in mgmt-console Configuration Mode
- This command places the switch in mgmt-console configuration
switch(config)# management console switch(config-mgmt-console)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-console)# exit switch(config)#
management ssh
The management ssh command places the switch in mgmt-ssh configuration mode to adjust SSH session connection parameters.
The no management ssh and default management ssh commands delete the mgmt-ssh configuration mode statements from running-config.
The mgmt-ssh configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the mgmt-ssh configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management ssh
no management ssh
default management ssh
- authentication mode (Management-SSH)
- cipher (Management-SSH)
- fips restrictions (Management-SSH)
- hostkey (Management-SSH)
- idle-timeout (Management-SSH)
- ip access group (Management-SSH)
- ipv6 access group (Management-SSH)
- login timeout (Management-SSH)
- key-exchange (Management-SSH)
- mac hmac (Management-SSH)
- server-port (Management-SSH)
- shutdown (Management-SSH)
- vrf (Management-SSH)
- This command places the switch in mgmt-ssh configuration
switch(config)# management ssh switch(config-mgmt-ssh)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-ssh)# exit switch(config)#
management telnet
The management telnet command places the switch in mgmt-telnet configuration mode to adjust telnet session connection parameters.
The no management telnet and default management telnet commands delete the mgmt-telnet configuration mode statements from running-config.
The mgmt-telnet configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the mgmt-telnet configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management telnet
no management telnet
default management telnet
- idle-timeout (Management-Telnet)
- ip access group (Management-Telnet)
- ipv6 access group (Management-Telnet)
- shutdown (Management-Telnet)
- vrf (Management-Telnet)
- This command places the switch in mgmt-telnet configuration
switch(config)# management telnet switch(config-mgmt-telnet)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-telnet)# exit switch(config)#
management xmpp
The management xmpp command places the switch in mgmt-xmpp configuration mode. Management over XMPP is disabled by default. To enable XMPP, you must provide the location of the XMPP server along with the username and password for the switch.
The no management xmpp and default management xmpp commands delete the mgmt-xmpp configuration mode statements from running-config.
The mgmt-xmpp configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately upon entering commands. Exiting the mgmt-xmpp configuration mode does not affect running-config. The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
management xmpp
no management xmpp
default management xmpp
- domain (Management-xmpp)
- server (Management-xmpp)
- session (Management-xmpp)
- shutdown (Management-xmpp)
- switch-group (Management-xmpp)
- username (Management-xmpp)
- vrf (Management-xmpp)
- This command places the switch in mgmt-xmpp configuration
switch(config)# management xmpp switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)#
- This command returns the switch to global management
switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# exit switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)#
protocol http (API Management)
The protocol http command enables the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) server.
The no protocol http and default protocol http commands disable the HTTP server by removing the protocol http statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-API Configuration
Command Syntax
protocol http [TCP_PORT]
no protocol http
default protocol http
- TCP_PORT Port number used for the HTTP server.
Options include:
- no parameter Specifies default port number 80.
- port 1 to 65535 Specifies HTTP server port number. The value ranges from 1 to 65535.
- localhost The name of the server bound on the localhost.
- port The number of the TCP port to serve on.
Related commands
management api http-commands places the switch in mgmt-api configuration mode.
switch(config)#management api http-commands
protocol https (API Management)
The protocol https command enables the HTTP secure server. The HTTP secure server is active by default.
The default protocol https command restores the default setting by removing the no protocol https statement from running-config. The no protocol https command disables the HTTP secure server.
Command Mode
Mgmt-API Configuration
Command Syntax
protocol https [TCP_PORT]
no protocol https
default protocol https
- TCP_PORT Port number used for the HTTPS server.
Options include:
- no parameter Specifies default port number 443.
- port 1 to 65535 Specifies HTTP server port number. The value ranges from 1 to 65535.
- certificate The HTTPS key and certificate to use.
- cipher Exclusive list of cryptographic ciphers.
- key-exchange Exclusive list of key-exchange algorithms.
- mac Exclusive list of MAC algorithms.
- port The number of the TCP port to serve on.
- ssl Configure SSL options.
Related commands
management api http-commands places the switch in mgmt-api configuration mode.
- These commands enables service to the HTTP server. The no
shutdown command allows access to the
switch(config)# management api http-commands switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# protocol https switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# no shutdown
- These commands specify the port number used for the HTTPS server. The
no shutdown command allows access to the
switch(config)# management api http-commands switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# protocol https port 52 switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# no shutdown
protocol https certificate (API Management)
The protocol https certificate command configures the HTTP secure server to request an X.509 certificate from the client. The client then authenticates the certificate with a public key.
The no protocol https certificate and default protocol https certificate commands restore default behavior by removing the protocol https certificate statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-API Configuration
Command Syntax
protocol https certificate
no protocol https certificate
default protocol https certificate
Related Command
management api http-commands places the switch in mgmt-api configuration mode.
switch(config)#management api http-commands
switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#protocol https certificate
reset system storage secure
Use the reset system storage secure command to trigger the secure erase mechanism. A secure erase is a command that deliberately, permanently, and irreversibly removes/destroys the data stored on a storage device, rendering that data unrecoverable.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
reset system storage secure
- To trigger the secure erase mechanism, use the reset system storage
switch# reset system storage secure WARNING! This will destroy all data and will NOT be recoverable. Device will reboot into Aboot, and execution may take up to one hour. Would you like to proceed? [y/N]
- If a particular platform does not support the reset system storage
secure command , the following message will
switch#reset system storage secure % Unavailable command (not supported on this hardware platform)
server (XMPP Management)
The server command adds an XMPP server to running-config. You can set up multiple XMPP servers for redundancy. The XMPP server location should be a DNS name and not a raw IP address for redundant configurations. The DNS server returns the list of available XMPP servers, which the client can use to find an accessible server.
The XMPP server provides the user authentication. eos local configuration or TACACS+ provides the command authentication. The XMPP server should use the same authentication source as the switches. RADIUS is not supported as an XMPP authorization mechanism.
Theno server and default server commands remove the specified XMPP server from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-xmpp Configuration
Command Syntax
no server
default server
- SERVER_NAME XMPP server location. Options
- IP address in dotted decimal notation.
- a host name for the XMPP server.
- SERVER_PORT Server port. Options include:
- port 1 to 65535 where number ranges from 1 to 65535. If no port is specified, the default port 5222 is used.
- This command configures the server hostname arista-xmpp to server
switch(config)# management xmpp switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# server arista-xmpp port 1
- This command removes the XMPP server.
switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# no server
session privilege (XMPP Management)
The session privilege command will place the user in EXEC mode. By default, the initial privilege level is meaningless. However, with the configuration of roles, users can add meaning to the different privilege levels. By default, XMPP does not limit access to any command.
Level 1-15: commands accessible from EXEC Mode.
If aaa is not configured and the switch is configured to connect to the XMPP client, any message received is executed with privilege level 1 by default.
The no session privilege and default session privilege commands revert the list contents to none for the specified privilege levels.
Command Mode
Mgmt-xmpp Configuration
Command Syntax
session privilege PRIV_LEVEL
no session privilege
default session privilege
PRIV_LEVEL Privilege levels of the commands.The value ranges from 0 and 15.
- These commands authorize configuration commands (privilege level config 5) for
switch(config)#(config)# management xmpp switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# session privilege 5 switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)#
- This command removes the privilege levels set for the XMPP
switch(config)# management xmpp switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# no session privilege
show inventory
The show inventory command displays the hardware components installed in the switch. Each component has a serial number and a description.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show inventory
switch> show inventory
System information
Model Description
------------------------ ----------------------------------
DCS-7150S-52-CL 52-port SFP+ 10GigE 1RU + Clock
HW Version Serial Number Mfg Date
----------- -------------- ----------
02.00 JPE13120702 2013-03-27
System has 2 power supply slots
Slot Model Serial Number
---- ---------------- ----------------
1 PWR-460AC-F K192KU00241CZ
2 PWR-460AC-F K192L200751CZ
System has 4 fan modules
Module Number of Fans Model Serial Number
------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------
1 1 FAN-7000-F N/A
2 1 FAN-7000-F N/A
3 1 FAN-7000-F N/A
4 1 FAN-7000-F N/A
System has 53 ports
Type Count
---------------- ----
Management 1
Switched 52
System has 52 transceiver slots
Port Manufacturer Model Serial Number Rev
---- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----
1 Arista Networks SFP-10G-SR XCW1225FD753 0002
2 Arista Networks SFP-10G-SR XCW1225FD753 0002
51 Arista Networks SFP-10G-SR XCW1225FD753 0002
52 Arista Networks SFP-10G-SR XCW1225FD753 0002
show xmpp neighbors
The show xmpp neighbors command displays all neighbors and their connection status. The XMPP server keeps track of all relationships between its users.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show xmpp neighbors
switch# show xmpp neighbors
Neighbor State Last Seen Login Time
------------------------------ --------------- ---------------------
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. present 0:01:40 ago
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. present 20:29:39 ago
Neighbor Status Message
------------------------------ -------------------------------------
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Arista Networks DCS-7048T-4S
show xmpp status
The show xmpp status command displays the current XMPP connection status to the server.
The XMPP server keeps track of all relationships between its users. For two users to communicate directly, the other party must establish and confirm this relationship.
Switches automatically confirm requests from outside parties as long as they are users from the same domain name, for example, when you chat with your switch from your XMPP chat client.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show xmpp status
switch#show xmpp status
XMPP Server: port 5222
Client username: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Default domain:
Connection status: connected
show xmpp switch-group
The show xmpp switch-group command displays the configured and active switch groups for the switch.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show xmpp switch-group
switch# show xmpp switch-group
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
shutdown (API Management)
The shutdown command disables management over API on the switch in mgmt-api configuration mode. API is disabled by default.
The no shutdown command enables the management API access in mgmt-api configuration mode.
The default shutdown command disables the management API access in mgmt-api configuration mode.
Command Mode
Mgmt-API Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
default shutdown
Related Command
management api http-commands places the switch in mgmt-api configuration mode.
- These commands disable API access to the HTTP
switch(config)# management api http-commands switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# shutdown switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#
- These commands enable API access to the HTTP
switch(config)# management api http-commands switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# no shutdown switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#
shutdown (Telnet Management)
- To enable Telnet, enter no shutdown at the management-telnet prompt.
- To disable Telnet, enter shutdown at the management-telnet prompt.
Command Mode
Management-Telnet Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
- These commands enable Telnet and return the switch to global
switch(config)# management telnet switch(config-mgmt-telnet)# no shutdown switch(config-mgmt-telnet)# exit switch(config)#
- This command disables
switch(config-mgmt-telnet)# shutdown
shutdown (XMPP Management)
The shutdown command disables or enables management over XMPP on the switch in management-telnet mode.XMPP is disabled by default.
The no shutdown and default shutdown commands re-enable XMPP by removing the shutdown command from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-xmpp Configuration
Command Syntax
no shutdown
default shutdown
- These commands enable management over XMPP and return the switch to
global configuration
switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# no shutdown switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# exit switch(config)#
- This command disables management over
switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# shutdown switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)#
switch-group (XMPP Management)
The switch-group command allows you to configure each switch to join specified chat rooms on startup. The switch is configured to belong to the specified chat room to participate in a chat group.
The no switch-group and default switch-group commands delete the specified switch-group configuration (or all switch-group configurations if no name is specified) by removing the corresponding switch-group statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-xmpp Configuration
Command Syntax
switch-group name SECURITY
no switch-group
default switch-group
- name Group name text that the user enters at the
login prompt to access the CLI. To enter multiple names in a single command,
separate them with spaces.
Valid usernames begin with A-Z, a-z, or 0-9 and may also contain any of these characters:
@ # $ % ^ & * - _ = + ; < > ,. ~ |
- SECURITY password assignment.
- password pwd_txt name is protected by a specified password. pwd_txt is a clear-text string.
- password 0 pwd_txt name is protected by a specified password. pwd_txt is a clear-text string.
- password 7 pwd_txt name is protected by a specified password. pwd_txt is encrypted string.
- A switch group is an arbitrary grouping of switches within the network belonging to one chat group.
- In order to belong to one or more switch groups, the switch has to be manually assigned to it.
- Switch groups are defined dynamically based on the configuration of all of the switches in the network.
- As per the multi-user chat XMPP standard (XEP-0045), switch groups have the full name of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- All CLI commands allow either the full group name or the short name, which are appended the @conference.DOMAIN.
- You must configure each group with a separate command if the switch belongs to multiple chat rooms.
- These commands configure the switch-group to be part of the chat
switch(config)# management xmpp switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# switch-group This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. password 0 arista
- Use the show xmpp switch-group to verify the active
switch-group for the
switch# show xmpp switch-group This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
username (XMPP Management)
The username command configures the switch's username and password on the XMPP server.
The no username and default username commands delete the specified username by removing the corresponding username statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Mgmt-xmpp Configuration
Command Syntax
username name SECURITY
no username
default username
- name username text that defines the XMPP username
and password.
Valid usernames begin with A-Z, a-z, or 0-9 and may also contain any of these characters:
@ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + { } [ ] ; < > ,. ~ |
- SECURITY password assignment.
- password pwd_txt name specifies and unencrypted shared key. pwd_txt is a clear-text string.
- password 0 pwd_txt name specifies and unencrypted key. pwd_txt is a clear-text string.
- password 7 pwd_txt name specifies a hidden key. pwd_txt is an encrypted string.
Encrypted strings entered through this parameter are generated elsewhere. The password 7 option (SECURITY) is typically used to enter a list of username-passwords from a script.
- These commands create the username and assign it a password. The password is
entered in clear text because the parameter is set to
switch(config)# management xmpp switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# server arista-xmpp switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# domain switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# username This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. password 0 arista switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# no shutdown
- This command removes all usernames from the XMPP
switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# no username switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)#
vrf (API Management)
The vrf command places the switch in the server's VRF configuration mode. If the named VRF does not already exist, this command creates it.
Command Mode
Mgmt-API Configuration
Command Syntax
- default Instance created in the default VRF.
- vrf_nameInstance created in the specified user-defined VRF.
Related Command
management api http-commands places the switch in mgmt-api configuration mode.
switch(config)# management api http-commands
switch(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)# vrf management-vrf
vrf (XMPP Management)
The vrf command places the switch in VRF configuration mode for the XMPP server. If the named VRF does not already exist, this command creates it.
The VRF configuration for the client is for the entire XMPP service rather than per server. All servers resolving on a particular hostname must be reachable in the same VRF.
Command Mode
Mgmt-xmpp Configuration
Command Syntax
- default Instance created in the default VRF.
- vrf_name Instance created in the specified user-defined VRF.
switch(config)# management xmpp
switch(config-mgmt-xmpp)# vrf management-vrf
xmpp send
The xmpp send command can connect to the XMPP server and send messages to switches or switch groups within the network.
Before switches can send messages, they must be friend with each other. An easy way to have them auto-friend each other is to have them join the same chat room. The show xmpp neighbor command verifies the friendship between switches.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
xmpp send to neighbor XMIT_TYPE content
- neighbor Options include switches or switch groups within the network that are connected as friends in a chat room.
- XMIT_TYPE Transmission type. Valid options
- command Sends an XMPP command.
- message Sends an XMPP message.
- content The command you want the friends within the chat room to display or execute.
- Only enable-mode commands are allowed within the multi-switch CLI.
- Changing into a different CLI mode and running several commands is not supported (e.g., into configuration mode).
- An external XMPP client (for example, Adium) sends multiple lines within a single message. By sending multiple lines, it is possible to change to another CLI mode. After the message is processed, the switch automatically returns to the enable mode.
- commands that prompt for a response (like reload) are not supported.
- Long commands, such as image file copies, may cause the switch XMPP client to stop responding and disconnect momentarily. The switch should reconnect, and the long command should be complete.
- Many command outputs are displayed in a specific table format. Select a mono-spaced font, such as Courier, for the incoming messages to achieve the same visual feel as through a terminal.
switch# xmpp send test2 command show version
message from user: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hardware version: 04.40
Serial number: JFL08432083
System MAC address: 001c.7301.7d69
Software image version: 4.12.3
Architecture: i386
Internal build version: 4.12.3
Internal build ID: f5ab5f57-9c26-4fe4-acaa-fb60fa55d01d
Uptime: 2 hours and 38 minutes
Total memory: 1197548 kB
Free memory: 182452 kB
xmpp session
The xmpp session command is similar to running SSH from the switch. The user must input their username (default isUSER@DEFAULTDOMAIN) and password in order to connect to the XMPP server. This command allows you to interact in the enable mode with a switch or switch group over XMPP using the standard CLI, with access to help and tab completion. All commands are then executed remotely and only the non-empty results are displayed on the screen.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
xmpp session switchgroup
switchgroup The option includes the switch group within the network that is connected as friends in a chat room.
- Only enable-mode commands are allowed within the multi-switch CLI.
- Changing into a different CLI mode and running several commands is not supported (e.g., into configuration mode).
- An external XMPP client (for example, Adium) can send multiple lines within a single message. By sending multiple lines, it is possible to change into another CLI mode. After the message is processed, the switch automatically returns to the enable mode.
- commands that prompt for a response (like reload) are not supported.
- Long commands, such as image file copies, may cause the switch XMPP client to stop responding and disconnect momentarily. The switch should reconnect, and the long command should be complete.
- Many command outputs are displayed in a specific table format. Select a mono-spaced font, such as Courier, for the incoming messages to achieve the same visual feel as through a terminal.
switch# xmpp session This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
xmpp-all# show int Eth3 status
response from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Et3 bs3 connected in Po3 a-full a-1000 10GBASE-SR