Switch Administration Commands

banner login

The banner login command configures a message that the switch displays before login and password prompts. The login banner is available on console, telnet, and ssh connections.

The no banner login and default banner login commands delete the login banner.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

banner login

no banner login

default banner login

  • banner_text To configure the banner, enter a message when prompted. The message may span multiple lines. Banner text supports the following keywords:
    • $(hostname) displays the switchs host name.
  • EOF To end the banner editing session, type EOF on its own line and press enter.
  • These commands create a two-line login banner.
    switch(config)# banner login
    Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
    This is a login banner for $(hostname).
    Enter your login name at the prompt.
  • This output displays the login banner.
    This is a login banner for switch.
    Enter your login name at the prompt.
    switch login:john
    Last login: Mon Jan 14 09:05:23 2013 from adobe-wrks.aristanetworks.com

banner motd

The banner motd command configures a message of the day (motd) that the switch displays after a user logs in. The motd banner is available on console, telnet, and ssh connections.

The no banner motd and default banner motd commands delete the motd banner.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

banner motd

no banner motd

default banner motd

  • banner_text To configure the banner, enter a message when prompted. The message may span multiple lines. Banner text supports this keyword:
    • $(hostname) displays the switchs host name.
  • EOF To end the banner editing session, type EOF on its own line and press enter.
  • These commands create an motd banner.
    switch(config)#banner motd
    Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
    This is an motd banner for $(hostname)
  • This output displays the motd banner.
    switch login:john
    Last login: Mon Jan 14 09:17:09 2013 from adobe-wrks.aristanetworks.com
    This is an motd banner for Switch

clear ptp interface counters

The clear ptp interface counters command resets the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) packet counters.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

clear ptp interface [INTERFACE_NAME] counters


INTERFACE_NAMEInterface type and numbers. Options include:
  • no parameter Displays information for all interfaces.
    • ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
    • loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
    • management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
    • port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
    • vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
    • VXLAN vx_range VXLAN interface range specified by vx_range.

    Valid parameter formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.


This command clears all PTP counters.
switch# clear ptp counters

clock set

The clock set command sets the system clock time and date. If the switch is configured with an NTP server, NTP time synchronizations override manually entered time settings.

Time entered by this command is local, as configured by the clock timezone command.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

clock set hh:mm:ss date

  • hh:mm:ss is the current time (24-hour notation).
  • date is the current date. Date formats include:
    • mm/dd/yy example: 05/15/2012
    • example: May 15 2012
    • example: 15 May 2012


This command manually sets the switch time.
switch# clock set 08:15:24 14 Jan 2013
Mon Jan 14 08:15:25 2013
timezone is US/Central

clock timezone

The clock timezone command specifies the UTC offset that converts system time to local time. The switch uses local time for time displays and to time-stamp system logs and messages.

The no clock timezone and default clock timezone commands delete the timezone statement from running-config, setting local time to UTC.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

clock timezone zone_name

no clock timezone

default clock timezone


zone_name the time zone. Settings include a list of predefined time zone labels.

  • This command configures the switch for the United States Central Time Zone.
    switch(config)# clock timezone US/Central
    switch(config)# show clock
    Fri Jan 11 18:42:49 2013
    timezone is US/Central
  • To view the predefined time zone labels, enter clock timezone with a question mark.
    switch(config)# clock timezone ?
      Africa/Abidjan                    Africa/Accra
      Africa/Addis_Ababa                Africa/Algiers
      Africa/Asmara                     Africa/Asmera
      Africa/Bamako                     Africa/Bangui
      W-SU                              W-SU timezone
      WET                               WET timezone
      Zulu                              Zulu timezone
    switch(config)#clock timezone
  • This command displays all time zone labels that start with America.
    switch(config)# clock timezone AMERICA?
    America/Adak                    America/Anchorage
    America/Anguilla                America/Antigua
    America/Araguaina               America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
    America/Virgin                  America/Whitehorse
    America/Winnipeg                America/Yakutat
    switch(config)#clock timezone AMERICA

dns domain

The dns domain command configures the switchs domain name. The switch uses this name to complete unqualified host names.

The no dns domain and default dns domain commands delete the domain name by removing the dns domain command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

dns domain string

no dns domain

default dns domain


string domain name (text string).


This command configures aristanetworks.com as the switchs domain name.
switch(config)# dns domain aristanetworks.com


The email command places the switch in email client configuration mode. If you configure a from-user and an outgoing SMTP server on the switch, you can then use an email address as an output modifier to a show command and receive the output as email.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax



This command places the switch in email client configuration mode.
switch(config)# email

event-monitor backup max-size

The event-monitor backup max-size command specifies the quantity of event monitor backup files the switch maintains. Values range from 1 to 200 files with a default of ten files.

The event-monitor backup path command specifies the path/name of these files. The switch appends an extension to the file name that tracks the creation order of backup files. When the quantity of files exceeds the configured limit, the switch deletes the oldest file.

The no event-monitor backup max-size and default event-monitor backup max-size command restores the default maximum number of backup files the switch can store to ten by removing the corresponding event-monitor backup max-size command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

event-monitor backup max-size file_quantity

no event-monitor backup max-size

default event-monitor backup max-size


file_quantity maximum number of backup files. Value ranges from 1 to 200. Default is 10.


These commands configure the switch to back up the event buffer to a series of files named sw-event.log. The switch can store a maximum of four files.
switch(config)# event-monitor backup path sw-event.log
switch(config)# event-monitor backup max-size 4

The first five files that the switch creates to store event monitor buffer contents are:






The switch deletes sw-event.log.0 the first time it verifies the number of existing backup files after the creation of sw-event.log.4.

event-monitor backup path

The event-monitor backup path command enables the storage of the event monitor buffer to switch files and specifies the path/name of these files. The command references the file location either from the flash drive root directory (/mnt/flash) where the CLI operates or from the switch root directory (/).

The event monitor buffer is circular after the buffer is filled, new data is written to the beginning of the buffer, replacing old data. At the conclusion of each buffer writing cycle, it is copied into a new backup file before the switch starts re-writing the buffer. The switch appends a extension number to the file name when it creates a new file. After every 500 events, the switch deletes the oldest backup file if the file limit specified by the event-monitor backup max-size command is exceeded.

running-config can contain a maximum of one event-monitor backup path statement. Subsequent event-monitor backup path commands replace the existing statement in running-config, changing the name of the file where event monitor backup files are stored.

The no event-monitor backup path and default event-monitor backup path commands disable the storage of the event monitor buffer to switch files by deleting the event-monitor backup path command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

event-monitor backup path URL_FILE

no event-monitor backup path

default event-monitor backup path


URL_FILE path and file name of the backup file:
  • path_string specified path is appended to /mnt/flash/.
  • file: path_string specified path is appended to /.
  • flash: path_string specified path is appended to /mnt/flash/.


These commands configure the switch to store the event monitor buffer in sw-event.log, then display the new file in the flash directory.
switch(config)# event-monitor backup path eventmon_backup_dir/event.log
bash-4.3# ls /mnt/flash/eventmon_backup_dir/

arpevent.log.1  lacpevent.log.1  neighborevent.log.1  routeevent.log.1
igmpsnoopingevent.log.1  macevent.log.1   route6event.log.1    

event-monitor buffer max-size

The event-monitor buffer max-size command specifies the size of the event monitor buffer. The event monitor buffer is a fixed-size circular data structure that receives event records from the event monitor. When event monitor backup is enabled (event-monitor backup path), the buffer is copied to a backup file before each rollover.

Buffer size ranges from 6 Kb to 50 Kb. The default size is 32 Kb.

The no event-monitor buffer max-size and default event-monitor buffer max-size commands restore the default buffer size of 32 Kb by removing the event-monitor buffer max-size command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

event-monitor buffer max-size buffer_size

no event-monitor buffer max-size

default event-monitor buffer max-size


buffer_size buffer capacity (Kb). Values range from 6 to 50. Default value is 32.


This command configures a buffer size of 48 Kb.
switch(config)# event-monitor buffer max-size 48

event-monitor clear

The event-monitor clear command removes the contents of the event monitor buffer. If event monitor backup is enabled, this command removes the contents from all event monitor backup files.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

event-monitor clear


This command clears the contents of the event monitor buffer.
switch# event-monitor clear

event-monitor interact

The event-monitor interact command replaces the CLI prompt with an SQLite prompt. The event monitor buffer and all backup logs are synchronized into a single SQLite file and loaded for access from the prompt.
  • To access help from the SQLite prompt, enter .help.
  • To exit SQLite and return to the CLI prompt, enter .quit or .exit.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

event-monitor interact

  • This command replaces the eos CLI prompt with an SQLite prompt.
    switch# event-monitor interact
  • This command exits SQLite and returns to the eos CLI prompt.
    sqlite> .quit

event-monitor sync

The event-monitor buffer sync command combines the event monitor buffer and all backup logs and synchronizes them into a single SQLite file, which is stored at /var/log/eventMon.db.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

event-monitor sync


This command synchronizes the buffer and backup logs into a single SQLite file.
switch(config)# event-monitor sync


The event-monitor command enables the event monitor and specifies the types of events that are logged. The event monitor is an event logging service that records system events to a local database.

The database maintains a separate table for each event type.

The event monitor is disabled by default.
  • The no event-monitor all command disables the event monitor.
  • The no event-monitor command, followed by a log type parameter, disables event recording for the specified type.
  • The event-monitorcommand enables the specified event logging type by removing the corresponding no event-monitor command from running-config.

The no event-monitor and default event-monitor commands, without a LOG_TYPE parameter, restore the default event monitor settings by deleting all event monitor related commands from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

event-monitor LOG_TYPE

no event-monitor LOG_TYPE

default event-monitor LOG_TYPE


LOG_TYPE specifies the event logging type. Options include:
  • all all event logging types.
  • arp changes to ARP table.
  • backup backed up log files.
  • buffer changes to the local buffer settings.
  • igmpsnooping changes to IGMP snooping table.
  • lacp changes to the LACP table events.
  • mac changes to MAC address table.
  • mroute changes to multicast routing table.
  • neighbor changes to the neighbor routing table.
  • route changes to IP routing table.
  • route6 changes to IP route6 table.
  • stpunstable events that cause STP instability.

Related Command

no event-monitor

  • This command disables the event monitor for all types of events.
    switch(config)# no event-monitor all
  • This command enables the event monitor for routing table changes.
    switch(config)# event-monitor route


The hostname command assigns a text string as the switchs host name. The default host name is localhost.

The prompt displays the host name when appropriately configured through the prompt command.

The no hostname and default hostname commands return the switchs host name to the default value of localhost.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

hostname string

no hostname

default hostname


string host name assigned to the switch.


This command assigns the string main-host as the switchs host name.
switch(config)# hostname main-host

The prompt was previously configured to display the host name.

ip domain lookup

The ip domain lookup command specifies the source interface for all DNS requests sent from the specified VRF.

The no ip domain lookup and default ip domain lookup commands return the switch to its default state, in which the switch selects source IP addresses for each DNS request from the specified VRF.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip domain lookup [VRF_INSTANCE] source-interface INTF_NAME

no ip domain lookup [VRF_INSTANCE] source-interface

default ip domain lookup [VRF_INSTANCE] source-interface

  • VRF_INSTANCE specifies the VRF instance being modified.
    • no parameter changes are made to the default VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name changes are made to the specified VRF.
  • INTF_NAME name of source interface to be used for DNS requests. Options include:
    • ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
    • loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
    • management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
    • port-channel p_num Port-channel interface specified by p_num.
    • vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
  • This command specifies VLAN 5 as the source interface for DNS requests originating from the default VRF.
    switch(config)# ip domain lookup source-interface Vlan5
  • This command specifies VLAN 10 as the source interface for DNS requests originating from VRF purple.
    switch(config)# ip domain lookup vrf purple source-interface Vlan10

ip domain-list

The ip domain-list command specifies a domain name to add to the IP domain list.

The no ip domain-list and default ip domain-list commands return the IP domain list to its default state, in which the switch selects source IP addresses for each DNS request from the specified VRF.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip domain-list [IP_DOMAIN_NAME]

no ip domain-list [IP_DOMAIN_NAME]

default ip domain-list [IP_DOMAIN_NAME]


IP_DOMAIN_NAME specifies the IP domain name.

  • This command specifies foo.com as the IP domain name to add to the IP domain list.
    switch(config)# ip domain-list foo.com
  • This command removes foo.com and returns the IP domain list to its default state.
    switch(config)# no ip domain-list foo.com

ip host

The ip host command associates a hostname to an IPv4 address. This command supports local hostname resolution based on local hostname-IP address maps. Multiple hostnames can be mapped to an IP address. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be mapped to the same hostname (to map an IPv6 address to a hostname, use the ipv6 host command). The show hosts command displays the local hostname-IP address mappings.

The no ip host and default ip host commands removes hostname-IP address maps by deleting the corresponding ip host command from running-config, as specified by command parameters:
  • no parameters: command removes all hostname-IP address maps.
  • hostname parameter: command removes all IP address maps for the specified hostname.
  • hostname and IP address parameters: command removes specified hostname-IP address maps.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip host hostname hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] ...[hostadd_X]

no ip host [hostname] [hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]

default ip host [hostname] [hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]

  • hostname hostname (text).
  • hostadd_N IPv4 address associated with hostname (dotted decimal notation).
Related Commands
  • This command associates the hostname test_lab with the IP addresses and
    switch(config)# ip host test_lab
  • This command removes all IP address maps for the hostname production_lab.
    switch(config)# no ip host production_lab

ip name-server

The ip name-server command adds name server addresses to running_config. The switch uses name servers for name and address resolution. The switch can be configured with up to three name servers. Although a command can specify multiple name server addresses, running_config stores each address in a separate statement. Name server addresses can be IPv4 and IPv6; each command can specify both address types.

Attempts to add a fourth server generate an error message. All name server addresses must be configured in the same VRF. When name servers were previously configured in a VRF, they must all be removed before adding new name server entries.

The no ip name-server and default ip name-server commands remove specified name servers from running_config. Commands that do not list an address remove all name servers.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ip name-server [VRF_INSTANCE] [SERVER_1] [SERVER_2] [SERVER_3]

no ip name-server [VRF_INSTANCE] [SERVER_1] [SERVER_2] [SERVER_3]

default ip name-server [VRF_INSTANCE] [SERVER_1] [SERVER_2] [SERVER_3]

  • VRF_INSTANCE specifies the VRF instance containing the addresses.
    • no parameter default VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name a user-defined VRF.
  • SERVER_X IP address of the name server (dotted decimal notation). Options include:
    • ipv4_addr (A.B.C.D)
    • ipv6_addr (A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H)

    A command can contain both (IPv4 and IPv6) address types.


All configured name server addresses must come from the same VRF. To use a user defined VRF for connection to a name server, first remove any name servers configured in the default VRF.

  • This command adds two name servers to the configuration.
    switch(config)# ip name-server 3:4F21:1902::
  • This command attempts to add a name server when the configuration already lists three servers.
    switch(config)# ip name-server
    % Maximum number of nameservers reached. '' not added

ipv6 host

The ipv6 host command associates a hostname to an IPv6 address. This command supports local hostname resolution based on local hostname-IP address maps. Multiple hostnames can be mapped to an IPv6 address. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be mapped to the same hostname (to map IPv4 addresses to a hostname, use the ip host command). The show hosts command displays the local hostname-IP address mappings.

The no ipv6 host and default ipv6 host commands remove hostname-IP address maps by deleting the corresponding ipv6 host command from running-config, as specified by command parameters:
  • no parameters: command removes all hostname-IPv6 address maps.
  • hostname parameter: command removes all IPv6 address maps for the specified hostname.
  • hostname and IP address parameters: command removes specified hostname-IP address maps.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ipv6 host hostname hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] ...[hostadd_X]

no ipv6 host [hostname] [hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]

default ipv6 host [hostname] [hostadd_1 [hostadd_2] [hostadd_X]

  • hostname hostname (text).
  • hostadd_N IPv6 addresses associated with hostname (dotted decimal notation).
Related Commands


This command associates the hostname support_lab with the IPv6 address 2001:0DB8:73:ff:ff:26:fd:90.
switch(config)# ipv6 host support_lab 2001:0DB8:73:ff:ff:26:fd:90

logging format

The logging format command configures formatting options for syslog messages.

The no logging format and default logging format commands remove the corresponding logging format command from running-config and restore the specified formatting to its default setting.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

logging format {hostname{fqdn|ipv4}|rfc5424|sequence-numbers|timestamp{high-resolution|traditional[timezone][year]}}

no logging format {hostname|rfc5424|sequence-numbers|timestamp}

default logging format {hostname|rfc5424|sequence-numbers|timestamp}


hostname {fqdn\ipv4} specifies the formatting for the hostname in syslog messages as either fqdn (fully qualified domain name) or ipvr (IPv4 address).

rfc5424 causes syslogs generated locally to include high-resolution timestamps, and syslogs forwarded to remote servers to be sent in RFC5424 format.

sequence-numbers causes the sequence numbers of syslog messages to be visible when the messages are displayed.

timestamp {high-resolution|traditional[timezone][year]} specifies the formatting for syslog timestamps as either high-resolution (high-resolution RFC3339 timestamps) or traditional (traditional syslog timestamps as specified in RFC3164).When using the traditional timestamp format, timezone and year can also be included.

  • This command enables sequence numbering that can been seen when Syslog messages are displayed.
    switch(config)# logging format sequence-numbers
  • To display the sequence numbers, issue the show logging command.
    switch# show logging
        Syslog logging: enabled
        Buffer logging: level debugging
        Console logging: level informational
        Synchronous logging: disabled
        Trap logging: level informational
        Sequence numbers: enabled
        Syslog facility: local4
        Hostname format: Hostname only
        Repeat logging interval: disabled
    Log Buffer:
    Nov 12 14:03:34 switch1 SuperServer: 1: %SYS-7-CLI_SCHEDULER_LOG_STORED: Logfile for scheduled CLI execution job 'tech-support' is stored in 
    Nov 12 14:06:52 switch1 Cli: 2: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by admin on con0 (
    Nov 12 14:07:26 switch1 Cli: 3: %SYS-5-CONFIG_E: Enter configuration mode from console by admin on con0 (
    Nov 12 14:14:29 switch1 Cli: 4: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by admin on con0 (
    Nov 12 14:15:55 switch1 Cli: 5: %SYS-5-CONFIG_E: Enter configuration mode from console by admin on con0 (
    Nov 12 14:33:05 switch1 Cli: 6: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by admin on con0 (
    Nov 12 14:45:13 switch1 Cli: 7: %SYS-5-CONFIG_E: Enter configuration mode from console by admin on con0 (

logging persistent

The logging persistent command logs the files stored on the flash disk. It can store upto 30MB logs.

The no logging persistent command disables the logging from the running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration Mode

Command Syntax

logging persistent logging file size

no logging persistent logging file size

  • logging file size The maximum size (in bytes) of logging file stored on flash disk. The value ranges from 1024 to 2147483647.
  • This command configures logging persistent on the switch.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# logging persistent 1024
    ! Note: writing system log message on non-volatile flash will affect the life 
    expectancy of the flash drive due to heavy writing. Please disable persistent logging unless needed.

logging repeat-messages

The logging repeat-messages command configures repetition of syslog messages instead of summarizing the count of repeats.

The no logging repeat-messages and default logging repeat-messages commands disable the functionality to repeat logging messages in running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

logging repeat-messages

no logging repeat-messages

default logging repeat-messages

  • This command repeats syslog messages instead of summarizing the count of repeats.
    switch(config)# logging repeat-messages
  • This command displays the status of logging repeat messages command.
    switch(config)# show logging
    Syslog logging: enabled
        Buffer logging: level debugging
        Console logging: level debugging
        Monitor logging: level debugging
        Synchronous logging: disabled
        Trap logging: level informational
        Sequence numbers: disabled
        Syslog facility: local4
        Hostname format: Hostname only
        Repeat logging interval: disabled
        Repeat messages: enabled
    Facility             Severity            Effective Severity
    --------------       -------------       ------------------
    aaa                  debugging           debugging
    accounting           debugging           debugging

no event-monitor

The no event-monitor and default event-monitor commands remove the specified event-monitor configuration statements from running-config, returning the switch to the specified default state.
  • no event-monitor with no parameters, restores all default setting states:
    • event monitor is enabled.
    • buffer backup is disabled.
  • The no event-monitor backup disables the backup.

To disable the event monitor, enter the no event-monitor all command (event-monitor).

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

no event-monitor [PARAMETER]

default event-monitor [PARAMETER]


PARAMETER the event monitor property that is returned to the default state.
  • no parameter all event monitor properties.
  • backup event monitor buffer backup is disabled.


This command removes all event monitor configuration statements from running-config.
switch(config)# no event-monitor

ntp authenticate

The ntp authenticate command enables the authentication of incoming NTP packets. When authentication is enabled, NTP packets will be used to synchronize time on the switch only if they include a trusted authentication key. Authentication keys are created on the switch using the ntp authentication-key command, and the ntp trusted-key command is used to specify which keys are trusted. NTP authentication is disabled by default.

The no ntp authenticate and default ntp authenticate commands disable NTP authentication on the switch by removing the corresponding ntp authenticate command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ntp authenticate

no ntp authenticate

default ntp authenticate

  • This command enables NTP authentication on the switch.
    switch(config)# ntp authenticate
  • This command disables NTP authentication on the switch.
    switch(config)# no ntp authenticate

ntp authentication-key

The ntp authentication-key command creates an authentication key for use in authenticating incoming NTP packets. For the key to be used in authentication:

  • It must be configured as a trusted key using the ntp trusted-key command.
  • NTP authentication must be enabled on the switch using the ntp authenticate command.
  • The same key must be configured on the NTP server.

The no ntp authentication-key and default ntp authentication-key commands remove the specified authentication key by removing the corresponding ntp authentication-key command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ntp authentication-keykey_id ENCRYPT_TYPE password_text

no ntp authentication-key key_id

default ntp authentication-key key_id

  • key_id key ID number. Value ranges from 1 to 65534.
  • ENCRYPT_TYPE encryption method. Values include:
    • md5 key_text is MD5 encrypted.
    • sha1 key_text is SHA-1 encrypted.
  • password_text the authentication-key password.
  • This command creates an NTP authentication key with ID 234 and password timeSync using MD5 encryption.
    switch(config)# ntp authentication-key 234 md5 timeSync 

    Running-config stores the password as plain text.

  • This command removes NTP authentication key 234.
    switch(config)# no ntp authentication-key 234

ntp local-interface

The ntp local-interface command configures an interface as the local NTP source.The IP address of that interface will then be used as the source address in NTP packets sent by the switch. If the switch is acting as an NTP server and a server-specific source interface has been configured using the source option of the ntp server command, the server-specific source address will take precedence.

The no ntp local-interface and default ntp local-interface commands remove the ntp local-interface command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ntp local-interface [VRF_INSTANCE] INT_PORT

no ntp local-interface

default ntp local-interface

  • VRF_INSTANCE the VRF instance to be used for connection to the specified server. Options include:
    • no parameter connects using the default VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name connects using the specified user-defined VRF.
  • INT_PORT the interface port that specifies the NTP local interface. Settings include:
    • ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
    • loopback l_range loopback interface list.
    • management m_range management interface list.
    • port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
    • vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
  • This command configures ntp local-interface vlan 25 as the local NTP source. NTP packets exiting the switch use the IP address of VLAN interface 25 as their source address.
    switch(config)# ntp local-interface vlan 25
  • This command removes the ntp local-interface command from the configuration.
    switch(config)# no ntp local-interface

ntp serve all

The ntp serve all command configures the switch to act as an NTP server by accepting incoming NTP requests.

Using this command also causes the switch to re-synchronize with its upstream NTP server.

Individual interfaces can be configured separately to accept or deny NTP requests by using the ntp serve command, and these settings override the global setting.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ntp serve all

no ntp serve all

default ntp serve all

  • This command configures the switch to accept incoming NTP requests.
    switch(config)# ntp serve all
  • This command configures the switch to deny incoming NTP requests.
    switch(config)# no ntp serve all

ntp serve

The ntp serve command configures the command mode interface to accept incoming NTP requests regardless of the global setting.

The no ntp serve command configures the command mode interface to refuse incoming NTP requests regardless of the global setting. The default ntp serve command configures the command mode interface to follow the global setting.

Using this command also causes the switch to re-synchronize with its upstream NTP server.

Command Modes

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Loopback Configuration

Interface-Management Configuration

Interface-Port-channel Configuration

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Interface-VXLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ntp serve

no ntp serve

default ntp serve

  • These commands configure interface ethernet 5 to accept incoming NTP requests regardless of global settings.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)#ntp serve
  • These commands configure interface ethernet 5 to deny incoming NTP requests regardless of global settings.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)#no ntp serve
  • These commands configure interface ethernet 5 to use global settings in responding to incoming NTP requests.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)#default ntp serve

ntp server

The ntp server command adds a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server to running-config. If the command specifies a server that already exists in running-config, it will modify the server settings. The switch synchronizes the system clock with an NTP server when running-config contains at least one valid NTP server.

The switch supports NTP versions 1 through 4. The default is version 4.

The prefer option specifies a preferred NTP server, which is used as the NTP server if not discarded by NTP.

The no ntp server and default ntp server commands remove the specified NTP server from running-config. To remove an NTP server configured in a user-defined VRF, include the VRF name in the no ntp server command.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax



default ntp server [VRF_INSTANCE] SERVER_NAME

All parameters except VRF_INSTANCE and SERVER_NAME can be placed in any order.

  • VRF_INSTANCE the VRF instance to be used for connection to the specified server.
    • no parameter connects using the default VRF.
    • vrf vrf_name connects using the specified user-defined VRF.
  • SERVER_NAME NTP server location. Options include:
    • IP address in dotted decimal notation.
  • PREFERENCE indicates priority of this server when the switch selects a synchronizing server.
    • no parameter server has no special priority.
    • prefer server has priority when the switch selects a synchronizing server.
  • NTP_VERSION specifies the NTP version. Settings include:
    • no parameter sets NTP version to 4 (default).
    • version number, where number ranges from 1 to 4.
  • IP_SOURCE specifies the source interface for NTP updates for the specified NTP server. This option overrides global settings created by the ntp local-interface command. Options include:
    • no parameter sets the source interface to the global default.
    • source ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
    • source loopback l_num loopback interface specified by l_num.
    • source management m_num management interface specified by m_num.
    • source port-channel p_num port-channel interface specified by p_num.
    • source vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
  • burst indicates that when the NTP server is reached, the switch sends packets to the server in bursts of eight instead of the usual one. Recommended only for local servers. Off by default.
  • iburst indicates that the switch sends packets to the server in bursts of eight instead of the usual one until the server is reached. Recommended for general use to speed synchronization. Off by default.
  • AUTH_KEY the authentication key to use in authenticating NTP packets from the server.
    • no parameter no authentication key is specified.
    • key 1 to 65534 switch will use the specified key to authenticate NTP packets from the server.
  • MAX_POLL_INT specifies the maximum polling interval for the server (as the base-2 logarithm of the interval in seconds). Settings include:
    • no parameter sets the maximum polling interval to 10 (1,024 seconds, the default).
    • maxpoll number, where number is the base-2 logarithm of the interval in seconds. Values range from 3 (8 seconds) to 17 (131,072 seconds, approximately 36 hours).
  • MIN_POLL_INT specifies the minimum polling interval for the server (as the base-2 logarithm of the interval in seconds). Settings include:
    • no parameter sets the minimum polling interval to 6 (64 seconds, the default).
    • minpoll number, where number is the base-2 logarithm of the interval in seconds. Values range from 3 (8 seconds) to 17 (131,072 seconds, approximately 36 hours).


To configure multiple parameters for a single server, include them all in a single ntp server command. Using the command again for the same server overwrites parameters previously configured in running-config.

All NTP servers must use the same VRF. If no VRF is specified, the server is configured in the default VRF. To use a user-defined VRF for connection to an NTP server, first use the no ntp server command to remove any NTP servers configured in the default VRF.

When specifying a source interface, choose an interface in the same VRF as the server. If the source interface is not in the same VRF, the source data will be included in running-config but will not be added to NTP packets.

An NTP server may be configured using an invalid or inactive VRF, but the status of the NTP server will remain inactive until the VRF is active.

  • This command configures the switch to update its time with the NTP server at address and designates it as a preferred NTP server.
    switch(config)# ntp server prefer
  • This command configures the switch to update its time through an NTP server named local-nettime.
    switch(config)# ntp server local-nettime
  • This command configures the switch to update its time through a version 3 NTP server.
    switch(config)# ntp server version 3
  • These commands reconfigure the switch to access the above NTP servers through VRF magenta.
    switch(config)# no ntp server
    switch(config)# no ntp server local-nettime
    switch(config)# no ntp server
    switch(config)# ntp server vrf magenta prefer
    switch(config)# ntp server vrf magenta local-nettime
    switch(config)# ntp server vrf magenta version 3

ntp trusted-key

The ntp trusted-key command specifies which authentication keys will be trusted for authentication of NTP packets. A packet with a trusted key will be used to update the local time if authenticated.

The no ntp trusted-key and default ntp trusted-key commands remove the specified authentication keys from the trusted key list by removing the corresponding ntp trusted-key command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ntp trusted-key key_list

no ntp trusted-key

default ntp trusted-key


key_list specified one or more keys. Formats include a number (1 to 65534), number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.


This command configures the switch to trust authentication keys 234 and 237 for authentication of NTP packets.
switch(config)# ntp trusted-key 234,237

power enable module

The power enable module command powers up the specified module. The no power enable module command powers down the specified module.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

power enable module {fabric|linecard|supervisor|switchcard} module_number

no power enable module {fabric|linecard|supervisor|switchcard} module_number

default power enable module {fabric|linecard|supervisor|switchcard} module_number


fabric specifies a fabric card

linecard specifies a linecard

supervisor specifies a supervisor

switchcard specifies a switch card

module_number specifies the number of the module

  • This command powers down linecard 3.
    switch(config)# no power enable module linecard 3
  • These commands reload fabric module 2.
    switch(config)# no power enable module fabric 2
    switch(config)#power enable module fabric 2


The prompt command specifies the contents of the CLI prompt. Characters allowed in the prompt include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and these punctuation marks:

! @ # $ % & * ( ) - = + f g [ ] ; : < > , . ? / n

The prompt supports these control sequences:
  • %s – space character
  • %t – tab character
  • %% – percent character
  • %D – time and date
  • %D{f_char} – time and date, format specified by the BSD strftime (f_char) time conversion function.
  • %H – host name
  • %h – host name up to the first ‘.’
  • %P – extended command mode
  • %p – command mode
  • %r 1 – redundancy status on modular systems.
  • %R 2 – extended redundancy status on modular systems – includes status and slot number.
Table 1. Command Mode Prompt Examples

Command Mode

Command Mode Prompt

Extended Command Mode Prompt




Privileged Exec



Global Configuration



Ethernet Interface Configuration



VLAN Interface Configuration



Port Channel Interface Configuration



Management Interface Configuration



Access List Configuration



OSPF Configuration



BGP Configuration



The no prompt and default prompt commands return the prompt to the default of %H%R%P.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

prompt p_string

no prompt

default prompt


p_string     prompt text (character string). Elements include letters, numbers, and control sequences.

  • This command creates a prompt that displays system 1 and the command mode.
    host-name.dut103(config)# prompt system%s1%P
    system 1(config)#
  • This command creates a prompt that displays the command mode.
    host-name.dut103(config)# prompt %p
  • These equivalent commands create the default prompt.
    % prompt %H%P
    % no prompt

show banner

The show banner command displays the specified banner.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show banner BANNER_TYPE [login | motd]


BANNER_TYPE banner that the command displays. Options include:
  • login command displays login banner.
  • motd command displays message of the day banner.


These commands configure and display the message of the day banner.
switch(config)# banner motd
Enter TEXT message. Type 'EOF' on its own line to end.
This is an motd banner for $(hostname)

switch(config)# show banner motd
This is an motd banner for $(hostname)

show clock

The show clock command displays the current system clock time and configured time zone. The switch uses the system clock for system log messages and debugging traces.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show clock


This command displays the current system clock time and configured time zone.
switch> show clock
Wed Nov  2 10:29:32 2011
timezone is America/Los_Angeles

show event-monitor arp

The show event-monitor arp command performs an SQL-style query on the event monitor database and displays ARP table events as specified by command parameters. The event monitor buffer and all backup logs are synchronized into a single SQLite file.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor arp [GROUP] [MESSAGES] [INTERFACE] [IP] [MAC] [TIME] [VRF]

Optional parameters can be placed in any order.

  • GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
    • no parameter results are not grouped.
    • group by interface results are grouped by interface.
    • group by ip results are grouped by IP address.
    • group by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
    • group by vrf results are grouped by VRF.
  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • INTERFACE restricts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by interface.
    • match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
    • match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
    • match-interface management m_range management interface list.
    • match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
    • match-interface tunnel t_range tunnel interface list.
    • match-interface VXLAN vx_range VXLAN interface list.
    • match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
  • IP restricts result-set to events that include specified IP address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific IP addresses.
    • match-ip ip_address_rex IP address, as represented by regular expression.
  • MAC restricts result-set to events that include specified MAC address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific MAC addresses.
    • match-mac mac_address_rex MAC address, as represented by regular expression.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events generated during specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
  • VRF restricts result-set to events that include a specific VRF.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-vrf vrf_name the VRF name.


This command displays ARP table events listed in the event monitor database.
switch# show event-monitor arp
% Writing 220017 Arp, 234204 Route, 1732559 Mac events to the database
2012-11-06 12:36:10||Vlan1417|0000.00dc.cc0d|0|added|2186271
2012-11-06 12:38:20||Vlan1417|0000.00f7.e25f|0|added|2186292
2012-11-06 12:38:34||Vlan1417|0000:00:01:c2:ac|0|added|2186295
2012-11-06 12:39:13||Vlan1417|00:00:00:45:c2:79|0|added|2186299
2012-11-06 12:39:50||Vlan1417|||removed|2186303
2012-11-06 12:39:51||Vlan1417|00:00:00:e9:36:46|0|added|2186305
2012-11-06 12:40:00||Vlan1417|00:00:00:4a:36:c3|0|added|2186308
2012-11-06 12:40:02||Vlan1417|00:00:00:5b:a7:21|0|added|2186312
2012-11-06 12:41:16||Vlan1417|00:00:00:3f:94:59|0|added|2186320
2012-11-06 12:41:50||Vlan1417|00:00:00:1f:3c:8e|0|added|2186346
2012-11-06 12:43:34||Vlan1417|00:00:00:e3:0d:9c|0|added|2186762
2012-11-06 12:43:42||Vlan1417|00:00:00:7b:09:7d|0|added|2186765
2012-11-06 12:43:59||Vlan1417|00:00:00:8d:a6:d8|0|added|2186768

show event-monitor igmpsnooping

The show event-monitor igmpsnooping command performs an SQL-style query on the event-monitor database, using the statement specified in the command.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor igmpsnooping [GROUP] [MESSAGES] [MAC] [INTERFACE] [VLAN] [TIME]

  • GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
    • no parameter results are not grouped.
    • group-by interface results are grouped by interface.
    • group-by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
    • group-by vlan results are grouped by VLAN.
  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • MAC restricts result-set to events that include specified MAC address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific MAC addresses.
    • match-mac mac_address_rex MAC address, as represented by regular expression.
  • INTERFACE restricts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by interface.
    • match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
    • match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
    • match-interface management m_range management interface list.
    • match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
    • match-interface vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
    • match-interface tunnel t_range tunnel interface list.
    • match-interface VXLAN vx_range VXLAN interface list.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events with specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
  • VLAN restricts result-set to events that include a specific VLAN (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-vlan vlan VLAN interface number.
switch# show event-monitor igmpsnooping

show event-monitor mac

The show event-monitor mac command performs an SQL-style query on the event monitor database and displays MAC address table events as specified by command parameters. The event monitor buffer and all backup logs are synchronized into a single SQLite file.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor mac [GROUP] [MESSAGES] [INTERFACE] [MAC] [TIME]

Optional parameters can be placed in any order.

  • GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
    • no parameter results are not grouped.
    • group-by interface results are grouped by interface.
    • group-by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • INTERFACE restricts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by interface.
    • match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
    • match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
    • match-interface management m_range management interface list.
    • match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
    • match-interface vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
    • match-interface tunnel t_range tunnel interface list.
    • match-interface VXLAN vx_range VXLAN interface list.
  • MAC restricts result-set to events that include specified MAC address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific MAC addresses.
    • match-mac mac_address_rex MAC address, as represented by regular expression.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events with specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
  • This command displays all events triggered by MAC address table events.
    switch# show event-monitor mac
    % Writing 0 Arp, 0 Route, 1 Mac events to the database
    2012-01-19 13:57:55|1|0808.0808.0808|Ethernet1|configuredStaticMac|added|0
  • This command displays events triggered by MAC address table changes.
    switch# show event-monitor mac match-mac 08:08:08:%
    2012-01-19 13:57:55|1|0808.0808.0808|Ethernet1|configuredStaticMac|added|0

show event-monitor mroute

The show event-monitor mroute command performs an SQL-style query on the event-monitor database, using the statement specified in the command.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor mroute [GROUP] [MESSAGES] [IP] [INTERFACE] [SRC_IP] [TIME]

Optional parameters can be placed in any order.

  • GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
    • no parameter results are not grouped.
    • group-by interface results are grouped by interface.
    • group-by ipv6 results are grouped by IPv6 address.
    • group-by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
    • group-by vrf results are grouped by VRF.
  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • IP restricts result-set to events that include specified IP address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific IP addresses.
    • match-ipv6 ip_address_rex IP address, as represented by regular expression.
  • INTERFACE restricts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by interface.
    • match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
    • match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
    • match-interface management m_range management interface list.
    • match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
    • match-interface vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
    • match-interface tunnel t_range tunnel interface list.
    • match-interface VXLAN vx_range VXLAN interface list.
  • SRC_IP restricts result-set to events that include specified Source IP address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific IP addresses.
    • match-ip ip_address_rex IP address, as represented by regular expression.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events with specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.


This command displays neighbor table events listed in the event monitor database.
switch# show event-monitor mroute
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||||added|30
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||Vlan2|iif|join|31
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||Vlan3|oif|join|32
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||Vlan4|oif|join|33
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||||added|34
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||Vlan3|iif|join|35
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||Vlan2|oif|join|36
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||Vlan4||leave|37
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||||deleted|38
2011-07-28 12:33:28|default|||||deleted|39

show event-monitor neighbor

The show event-monitor neighbor command performs an SQL-style query on the event monitor database and displays neighbor table events as specified by command parameters. The event monitor buffer and all backup logs are synchronized into a single SQLite file.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor neighbor [GROUP][MESSAGES][INTERFACE][IP6][MAC][TIME][VRF]

Optional parameters can be placed in any order.

  • GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
    • no parameter results are not grouped.
    • group-by interface results are grouped by interface.
    • group-by ip6 results are grouped by IPv6 address.
    • group-by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
    • group-by vrf results are grouped by VRF.
  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • INTERFACE restricts result-set to events that include specified interface (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by interface.
    • match-interface ethernet e_range Ethernet interface list.
    • match-interface loopback l_range loopback interface list.
    • match-interface management m_range management interface list.
    • match-interface port-channel c_range port channel interface list.
    • match-interface vlan v_range VLAN interface list.
    • match-interface tunnel t_range tunnel interface list.
    • match-interface VXLAN vx_range VXLAN interface list.
  • IP6 restricts result-set to events that include specified IP address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific IP addresses.
    • match-ipv6 ip6_address_rex IPv6 address, as represented by regular expression.
  • MAC restricts result-set to events that include specified MAC address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific MAC addresses.
    • match-mac mac_address_rex MAC address, as represented by regular expression.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events with specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
  • VRF restricts result-set to events that include a specific VRF (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-vrf vrf_name VRF name, as represented by a regular expression.


This command displays neighbor table events listed in the event monitor database.
switch# show event-monitor neighbor
2019-09-30 14:37:32.894147|def0::1|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|1
2019-09-30 14:37:32.894395|def0::2|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|2
2019-09-30 14:37:32.894607|def0::3|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|3
2019-09-30 14:37:32.894815|def0::4|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|4
2019-09-30 14:37:32.895071|def0::5|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|5
2019-09-30 14:37:32.895303|def0::6|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|6
2019-09-30 14:37:32.895527|def0::7|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|7
2019-09-30 14:37:32.895732|def0::8|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|8
2019-09-30 14:37:32.895968|def0::9|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|9
2019-09-30 14:37:32.896194|def0::a|Vlan1|default|0005.0005.0005|1|added|10

show event-monitor route6

The show event-monitor route6 command performs an SQL-style query on the event monitor database and displays routing6 table events as specified by command parameters. The event monitor buffer and all backup logs are synchronized into a single SQLite file.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor route6 [GROUP][MESSAGES][IP6][TIME]

Optional parameters can be placed in any order.

  • GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
    • no parameter results are not grouped.
    • group by interface results are grouped by interface.
    • group by ip6 results are grouped by IPv6 address.
    • group by mac results are grouped by MAC address.
    • group by vrf results are grouped by VRF.
  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • IP6 restricts result-set to events that include specified IP address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific IP addresses.
    • match-ipv6 ip6_address_rex IPv6 address, as represented by regular expression.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events with specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.


This command displays neighbor table events listed in the event monitor database.
switch# show event-monitor route6
2019-09-30 14:59:30.660447|def1::1:0/128|default|receive|0|1|updated|41
2019-09-30 14:59:30.660720|def1::2:0/128|default|attached|0|1|updated|42
2019-09-30 14:59:30.660983|def1::3:0/128|default|staticConfig|0|1|updated|43
2019-09-30 14:59:30.661226|def1::4:0/128|default|kernel|0|1|updated|44
2019-09-30 14:59:30.661469|def1::5:0/128|default|rip|0|1|updated|45
2019-09-30 14:59:30.661706|def1::6:0/128|default|connected|0|1|updated|46
2019-09-30 14:59:30.661968|def1::7:0/128|default|redirect|0|1|updated|47
2019-09-30 14:59:30.662207|def1::8:0/128|default|bgpAggregate|0|1|updated|48
2019-09-30 14:59:30.662451|def1::9:0/128|default|ospfAggregate|0|1|updated|49
2019-09-30 14:59:30.662694|def1::a:0/128|default|ospf|0|1|updated|50
2019-09-30 14:59:30.662935|def1::b:0/128|default|bgp|0|1|updated|51
2019-09-30 14:59:30.663174|def1::c:0/128|default|unknown|0|1|updated|52

show event-monitor route

The show event-monitor route command performs an SQL-style query on the event monitor database and displays routing table events as specified by command parameters. The event monitor buffer and all backup logs are synchronized into a single SQLite file.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor route [GROUP][MESSAGES][IP][TIME]

Optional parameters can be placed in any order.

  • GROUP used with aggregate functions to group results. Analogous to SQL group by command.
    • no parameter results are not grouped.
    • group-by ip results are grouped by IPv4 address.
  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • IP restricts result-set to events that include specified IP address (SQL Like command).
    • no parameter result-set not restricted to specific IP addresses.
    • match-ip ip_address_rex IP address, as represented by regular expression.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events with specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.


This command displays 10 routing table events listed in the event monitor database.
switch# show event-monitor route limit 10
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659428||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|20
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659464||default|connected|1|0|updated|21
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659497||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|22
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659503||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|23
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659512||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|24
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659541||default|connected|1|0|updated|27
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659564||default|connected|1|0|updated|28
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659578||default|receive|0|0|updated|29

show event-monitor sqlite

The show event-monitor sqlite command performs an SQL-style query on the event monitor database, using the statement specified in the command.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor sqlite statement


statement SQLite statement.


This command displays all entries from the route table.
switch# show event-monitor sqlite select * from route;
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659428||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|20
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659464||default|connected|1|0|updated|21
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659497||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|22
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659503||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|23
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659512||default|receiveBcast|0|0|updated|24
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659541||default|connected|1|0|updated|27
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659564||default|connected|1|0|updated|28
2019-09-30 14:01:21.659578||default|receive|0|0|updated|29

show event-monitor stpunstable

The show event-monitor stpunstable command performs an SQL-style query on the event-monitor database, using the statement specified in the command.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show event-monitor stpunstable [MESSAGES][TIME]

Optional parameters can be placed in any order.

  • MESSAGES number of messages returned from query. Analogous to SQL limit command.
    • no parameter result-set size is not limited.
    • limit msg_quantity number of results that are displayed. Values range from 1 to 15,000.
  • TIME restricts result-set to events with specified period.
    • no parameter result-set not restricted by time of event.
    • match-time last-minute includes events generated during last minute.
    • match-time last-day includes events generated during last day.
    • match-time last-hour includes events generated during last hour.
    • match-time last-week includes events generated during last week.
switch# show event-monitor stpunstable limit 5
2019-02-07 07:22:10.286164|Cist|Ethernet5|forward-delay-while|1
2019-02-07 07:22:10.286651|Cist|Ethernet6|forward-delay-while|2
2019-02-07 07:22:10.286844|Cist|Ethernet8|forward-delay-while|3
2019-02-07 07:22:10.287030|Cist|Ethernet14|forward-delay-while|4
2019-02-07 07:22:10.287215|Cist|Ethernet21|forward-delay-while|5

show hostname

The show hostname command displays the hostname and the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the switch.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show hostname


This command displays the hostname and FQDN of the switch.
switch> show hostname
Hostname: switch_1
FQDN:     switch_1.aristanetworks.com


show hosts

The show hosts command displays the default domain name, name lookup service style, a list of name server hosts, and the static hostname-IP address maps.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show hosts


This command displays the switchs IP domain name:
switch> show hosts
Default domain is: aristanetworks.com
Name/address lookup uses domain service
Name servers are:,

Static Mappings:

Hostname                       IP     Addresses

TEST_LAB                      IPV4
PRODUCTION_LAB                IPV4
SUPPORT_LAB                   IPV6    2001:0DB8:73:ff:ff:26:fd:90

show ip domain-name

The show ip domain-name command displays the switchs IP domain name that is configured with the ip domain name command.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip domain-name


This command displays the switchs IP domain name:
switch> show ip domain-name

show ip name-server

The show ip name-server command displays the ip addresses of name-servers in running-config. The name servers are configured by the ip name-server command.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ip name-server


This command displays the IP address of name servers that the switch is configured to access.
switch>show ip name-server

show local-clock time-properties

The show local-clock time-properties command displays the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) clock properties.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show local-clock time-properties


This command shows the PTP clock properties.
switch# show local-clock time-properties
Current UTC offset valid: False
Current UTC offset: 0
Leap 59: False
Leap 61: False
Time Traceable: False
Frequency Traceable: False
PTP Timescale: False
Time Source: 0x0

show ntp associations

The show ntp associations command displays the status of connections to NTP servers.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ntp associations

Display Values
  • refid (reference ID): the reference ID of the configured NTP server’s time source. The reference ID is either the IPv4 address of the source or (if the source has an IPv6 address) the first four octets of the MD5 hash of the IPv6 address.
  • st (stratum): number of steps between the switch and the reference clock.
  • t (transmission type): u unicast; b broadcast; l local.
  • when: interval since reception of last packet (seconds unless unit is provided).
  • poll: interval between NTP poll packets. Maximum (1024) reached as server and client syncs.
  • reach: octal number that displays status of last eight NTP messages (377 - all messages received).
  • delay: round-trip delay of packets to the NTP server.
  • offset: difference between local clock and the server’s clock.
  • jitter: nominal offset estimation error.


This command displays the status of the switch’s NTP associations.
switch>show ntp associations 
     remote          refid      st t when  poll reach   delay   offset  jitter 
+l.ntp.arista.co   2 u  539  1024  377  121.748   -0.345   0.893
-3.ntp.arista.co   2 u  868  1024  377  101.671    2.434   1.529
+2.ntp.arista.co  2 u  676  1024  377  116.505     0.03   0.768
*4.ntp.arista.co 2 u  696  1024  377   48.431   -0.416    0.15

show ntp status

The show ntp status command displays the status of NTP on the switch. If the switch clock is not synchronized to an NTP server, the status reads “unsynchronised” and shows the server polling interval. If the clock is synchronized to an NTP server, the status shows the IP address and stratum of the server, the precision of the synchronization, and the polling interval.


In eos releases prior to 4.23.2, this command identified system peers with IPv6 addresses by their reference IDs (the first four octets of the MD5 hash of the IPv6 address). In later releases, this command always shows the IP address of the system peer (whether IPv4 or IPv6).

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ntp status


This command displays the switch’s NTP status.
switch> show ntp status
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
   time correct to within 66 ms
   polling server every 1024 s
1 When logged into a fixed system or a supervisor on a modular system, this option has no effect.
2 When logged into a fixed system, this option has no effect.