Setting the PTP Mode

To enable PTP on switch interfaces, set the PTP mode using the ptp mode command. PTP mode options include the following:
  • boundary - The device acts as a boundary clock and runs and participates in the best master clock algorithm.
  • disabled - Disables PTP, and the device forwards all PTP packets as normal traffic.
  • end-to-end transparent - The device acts as an end-to-end transparent clock, synchronizing all ports to a connected master clock and updating the time interval field of forwarded PTP packets using switch residence time.
  • peer-to-peer transparent - The device acts as a peer-to-peer transparent clock, synchronizing all ports to a connected master clock and updating the time interval field of forwarded PTP packets using switch residence time and inbound path delays.
  • generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP) - The device runs generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP), participating in the best master clock algorithm but also updating the interval field of forwarded PTP packets using switch residence time and inbound path delays.

To disable PTP globally on the switch, use the no or default forms of the ptp mode command.

This command configures the device as a PTP boundary clock.
switch(config)# ptp mode boundary