Arista Networks announces the deprecation of V7 and lower versions of its Wireless Manager APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) effective 1st September 2021. Customers using V7 or lower version APIs will continue to receive support from Arista TAC (Technical Assistance Center) until 31st August 2022.

Note: This announcement applies only to the Wireless Manager APIs, and not to the APIs for other services.


Customers are encouraged to migrate to V8 of the Wireless Manager APIs. The new APIs scale better with the growing Arista Wi-Fi product, and are easier to use and maintain.  

If you need further assistance with migration, please contact 이 이메일 주소가 스팸봇으로부터 보호됩니다. 확인하려면 자바스크립트 활성화가 필요합니다.