VXLAN Commands

clear vxlan counters

The clear vxlan counters command resets the VXLAN counters.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

clear vxlan counters ROUTE_TYPE


ROUTE_TYPE     Specifies the type of VXLAN counter reset by the command.
  • software     Command resets software counters.
  • varp     Command resets virtual-ARP counters.

Related Command

show vxlan counters displays the VXLAN counters.


This command resets the VXLAN counters

switch# clear vxlan counters software
switch# show vxlan counters software

designated-forwarder election hold-time

The optional designated-forwarder election hold-time command can configure a wait time before selecting the designated forwarder and allow potential forwarders a chance to advertise their EVPN Ethernet segment (type 4) routes. The no and default forms of the command removes the election hold time.

Command Mode

EVPN Ethernet segment identifier configuration mode

Command Syntax

designated-forwarder election hold-time sec

no designated-forwarder election hold-time sec

default designated-forwarder election hold-time sec


sec Number of seconds for the timer waiting to receive updates from other PE. Range 0-1800.

switch(config)# interface Ethernet1
switch(config-if-Et1)# evpn ethernet-segment
switch(config-evpn-es)# designated-forwarder election hold-time 20

interface vxlan

The interface vxlan command places the switch in vxlan-interface configuration mode for modifying the specified VXLAN Tunnel Interface (VTI). The command also instantiates the interface if it was not previously created.

VXLAN interface configuration mode is not a group change mode; running-config is changed immediately after commands are executed. The exit command does not affect the configuration.

The no interface vxlan deletes the specified VTI interface, including its configuration statements, from running-config. The default interface vxlan command removes all configuration statements for the specified VTI from running-config without deleting the interfaces.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

interface vxlan vx_range

no interface vxlan vx_range

default interface vxlan vx_range


vx_range    VXLAN interface number. The only permitted value is 1.

Commands Available in link-flap Configuration Mode

  • These commands create interface vxlan 1, place the switch in vxlan-interface configuration mode, then display parameters of the new VTI.
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
    interface Vxlan1
       vxlan udp-port 4789

  • This command exits vxlan-interface configuration mode, placing the switch in global configuration mode.
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# exit

ip address virtual

The ip address virtual command configures a specified address as the primary IPv4 address and as a virtual IP address for the configuration mode VLAN interface. The address resolves to the virtual MAC address configured through the ip virtual-router mac-address command. The command includes a subnet designation that is required in primary IP address assignments.

This command is typically used in VXLAN routing configurations as an alternative to assigning a unique IP address to each VTEP. All existing IPv4 addresses must be removed from the interface before executing this command.

The no ip address virtual and default ip address virtual commands remove the IPv4 address and virtual IP assignment from the configuration mode interface by deleting the ip address virtual command from running-config.

Removing the IPv4 address assignments from an interface disables IPv4 processing on that port.

Command Mode

Interface-VLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

ip address virtual ipv4_subnet | secondary

no ip address virtual

default ip address virtual


  • ipv4_subnet     IPv4 and subnet address (CIDR or address-mask notation).
  • secondary     Configures a secondary address on the loopback interface designated as the VXLAN’s source interface.

Related Commands
  • ip address
  • ip virtual-router mac-address


  • This command configures as the IPv4 address and virtual address for vlan 100.

    switch(config-if-Vl100)# show active
     interface Vlan100
       ip address virtual

  • These commands configure as the primary address and as the virtual VTEP address.
    switch(config)# interface loopback 5
    switch(config-if-Lo5)# ip address
    switch(config-if-Lo5)# ip address secondary
    switch(config-if-Lo5)# show active
      interface Loopback5
        ip address
        ip address secondary
    switch(config-if-Lo5)# exit
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan source-interface loopback 5
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active 
      interface Vxlan1
        vxlan source-interface Loopback5
        vxlan udp-port 4789
        vxlan vlan 100 vni 10000
    switch(config)# interface vxlan1
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan flood vtep
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan flood vtep

redistribute attached-host

Use the redistribute attached-host to redistribute the source routes in the MRIB via BGP while running multi-agent protocol model for the IPv4 multicast address-family. Thius activates the neighbor to establish a BGP connection.

Command Mode

BGP router address-family configuration mode

Command Syntax

redistribute attached-host route-map name

no redistribute attached-host route-map name

default redistribute attached-host route-map name


route-map name Name of the route map.


switch(config-router-bgp)# address-family ipv4 multicast
switch(config-router-bgp-af)# neighbor activate
switch(config-router-bgp-af)# redistribute attached-host

show arp

Use the show arp command to display and modify entries in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show arp [agent [ipv4 | ipv6] | host name | A.B.C.D [host | interface | mac-address | summary] | interface [Ethernet | Fabric | Loopback | Management | Port-Channel | Switch | Tunnel | Vlan | VXLAN] | mac-address H.H.H | monitor [summary | vrf] | remote vlan | resolve [host | interface | mac-address | A.B.C.D] | summary total | vrf [word | all]]

  • agentARP Agent information.
    • ipv4Details related to IPv4.
    • ipv6 Details related to IPv6.

  • host nameHostname filter name.
  • A.B.C.DIP address filter.
    • hostHostname filter.
    • interfaceInterface selector.
    • mac-addressMAC address filter.
    • summary Displays a summary of ARP entries.

  • interfaceInterface selector.
    • EthernetEthernet interface.
    • FabricFabric interface.
    • LoopbackHardware interface used in looping packets.
    • ManagementManagement interface.
    • Port-ChannelPort-Channel sub interface.
    • SwitchSwitch interface.
    • TunnelTunnel interface.
    • VlanLogical interface into a VLAN.
    • VXLAN VXLAN tunnel interface.

  • mac-address H.H.H MAC address filter Ethernet address.
  • monitorMonitored IP/IPv6 addresses.
    • summary Displays a summary of monitored IP/IPv6 addresses.
    • vrf Displays monitored IP/IPv6 addresses in a VRF.

  • remote vlan Remote host bindings displaying information about the specified VLAN.

  • resolveResolves host names.
    • hostHostname filter.
    • interfaceInterface selector.
    • mac-address MAC address filter.
    • A.B.C.D IP address filter.

  • summaryDisplays a summary of the ARP entries.
    • total Displays a count of the total ARP entries.

  • vrfDisplays ARP entries in a VRF.
    • wordThe VRF name.
    • all All virtual routing and forwarding instances.

  • The show interfaces VXLAN command displays operational status and configuration information of the specified VXLAN.

    switch(config)# show interfaces VXLAN 1
    VXLAN1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
      Hardware is VXLAN
      source interface is Loopback0 and is active with
      Replication/Flood Mode is headend with Flood List source: CLI
      Remote MAC learning via Datapath
      VNI mapping to VLANs
      Static VLAN to VNI mapping is
        [100, 100]
      Note: All Dynamic VLANs used by VCS are internal VLANs.
            Use 'show VXLAN vni' for details.
      Static VRF to VNI mapping is not configured
      Headend replication flood vtep list is:
      MLAG Shared Router MAC is 0000.0000.0000
      VTEP address mask is Non

  • The show arp command displays all ARP tables on the configured VXLAN.

    switch(config)# show arp interface VXLAN 1
    Address         Age (sec)  Hardware Addr   Interface              -  0000.abab.abab  Vlan100, VXLAN1

  • The show arp interface summary command displays a summary of all ARP tables on the configured VXLAN.

    switch(config)# show arp interface VXLAN 1 summary
    Total: 1
    Static: 1
    Dynamic: 0
    Not learned: 0

show interfaces VXLAN

Use the show interfaces VXLAN command to display the operational status and configuration information of the specified VXLAN.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show interfaces VXLAN num


num VXLAN tunnel interface number. Range 1-1.

switch(config)# show interfaces VXLAN 1
VXLAN1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is VXLAN
  source interface is Loopback0 and is active with
  Replication/Flood Mode is headend with Flood List source: CLI
  Remote MAC learning via Datapath
  VNI mapping to VLANs
  Static VLAN to VNI mapping is
    [100, 100]
  Note: All Dynamic VLANs used by VCS are internal VLANs.
        Use 'show VXLAN vni' for details.
  Static VRF to VNI mapping is not configured
  Headend replication flood vtep list is:
  MLAG Shared Router MAC is 0000.0000.0000
  VTEP address mask is Non

show service vxlan

The show service vxlan command displays the status of the VXLAN Control Service (VCS) and the received (from all connected VTEPs) and advertised (to all connected VTEPs) MAC address reachability information.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show service vxlan [status | switch [SWITCH_TYPE] | vni [VNI_INFO]]

  • SWITCH_TYPE    displayed by switch type. Options include:
    • word     hostname, IP address, or ID of the switch.
    • all     all switches.

  • VNI_INFO     displayed with VNI information. Options include:
    • advertised     advertised MAC addresses.
    • received     received MAC addresses.


This command displays the status of the VCS.
switch(config)# show service vxlan status
Vxlan Controller Service is   : stopped
Mac learning                  : Control plane
Resync period                 : 300 seconds
Resync in progress            : No
Capability                    : VXLAN v4 overlay routing
                                VXLAN v4 overlay indirect routing
fm319(config-if-Vx1)#show service vxlan status 
Vxlan Controller Service is   : stopped
Mac learning                  : Control plane
Resync period                 : 300 seconds
Resync in progress            : No
Capability                    : VXLAN v4 overlay routing
                                VXLAN v4 overlay indirect routing


show vxlan address-table

The show vxlan address-table command displays the vxlan address table. Entries are created by extracting information from packets received from remote VTEPs.

The VXLAN address table correlates MAC addresses that are accessible through remote VTEPs with the local VLAN and the IP address of the VTP through which the addressed device is accessible. The VTI uses this table when constructing the VXLAN encapsulation fields to specify the destination IP address of the recipient VTEP and the VNI segment through which the device’s remote VLAN is accessed.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show vxlan address-table [ENTRY_TYPE] [MAC_ADDR] [VLANS] [REMOTE_VTEP]

  • ENTRY_TYPE    command filters display by entry type. Options include:
    • no parameter     all table entries.
    • configured     static entries; includes unconfigured VLAN entries.
    • dynamic     entries learned though packet receipts.
    • static     entries entered by CLI commands.
    • unicast     entries with unicast MAC address.

  • MAC_ADDR     command uses MAC address to filter displayed entries.
    • no parameter     all MAC addresses table entries.
    • address mac_address     displays entries with specified address (dotted hex notation – H.H.H).

  • VLANS    command filters display by VLAN.
    • no parameter     all VLANs.
    • vlan v_num     VLAN specified by v_num.

  • REMOTE_VTEP     Filters entries by IP address of the remote VTEPs. Options include:
    • no parameter     all items.
    • vtep ipaddr_1 [ipaddr_2...ipaddr_n]     Identifies VTEPs by their IP address.


This command displays the VXLAN address table.

switch> show vxlan address-table
          Vxlan Mac Address Table

Vlan  Mac Address     Type     Prt  Vtep             Moves   Last Move
----  -----------     ----     ---  ----             -----   ---------
  51  0000.0051.0101  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  51  0000.0051.0102  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  51  0000.0051.0103  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  51  0000.0051.0104  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  51  0000.0051.0105  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  61  0000.0061.0102  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  61  0000.0061.0103  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  61  0000.0061.0104  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago
  61  0000.0061.0105  DYNAMIC  Vx1       1       4 days, 0:37:14 ago

show vxlan counters

The show vxlan counters command displays the VXLAN counters.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show vxlan counters ROUTE_TYPE

  • ROUTE_TYPE     Specifies the type of VXLAN counter displayed by the command.
    • software     Command displays software routers.
    • varp     Command displays virtual-ARP counters.

  • vtep     Command displays counters for VTEPs which are identified by their IP address. An optional keyword allows the user to view a single direction of the counters:
    • encap     “encap” counters count packets coming from the edge, encapsulated on the device and directed to the core.
    • decap     “decap” counters count packets coming from the core, decapsulated on the device and heading towards the edge.

Related Command

clear vxlan counters resets the VXLAN counters.

  • This command displays the VXLAN counters for software routers.
    switch> show vxlan counters software

  • This command displays the VXLAN counters for VTEPs.
    switch> show vxlan counters vtep
                                                                       Decap Drop or
                                      Decap Known           Decap BUM      Exception
    VTEP         Decap Bytes      Unicast Packets           Packets          Packets
    -------- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------     62526968000            312632701            312636979             2             800                    2                    6     312279633             800                    2                    6             2
    unlearnt               0                    0                    0             0
                                                  Encap Drop or
    VTEP         Encap Bytes        Encap Packets       Packets
    -------- --------------- -------------------- -------------     30579308814            268239551             2            1140                   10             2               0                    0             0

show vxlan flood vtep

The show vxlan flood vtep command displays the flood list that the switch is using to perform head-end replication. Head-end replication is a data distribution method that supports Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM) traffic over VXLANs by replicating BUM data locally for transmission to the set of remote VTEPs that a flood list specifies. The command displays the VLAN ID that references the configured VNIs (vxlan vlan vni ).

The flood list is determined by the vxlan flood vtep command.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show vxlan flood vtep [VLANS]


VLANS      command filters display by the reference VLAN.
  • no parameter     all VLANs.
  • vlan v_range     VLANs specified by v_range.

    Valid v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.


The command displays flood list contents only when the VLAN line protocol status is up.

Related Command

vxlan flood vtep configures the flood list.


These commands display the VTEPs that have exchanged data with the configured VTI.

switch> show vxlan flood vtep vlan 100-102

          Vxlan Flood Vtep Table

Vlan   Ip Address
----   -------------------------------------------------

show vxlan vtep

The show vxlan vtep command displays information about remote VTEPs discovered by the configured VTI and exchanged packets.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show vxlan vtep detail summary type [ecmp | flood | multicast | unicast]


  • detail - Displays details about the VXLAN VTEP.
  • summary - Displays a summary of the VXLAN VTEP information.
  • type - Displays the type of tunnel.
    • ecmp - Designates an ECMP tunnel.
    • flood - Designates a flood list tunnel.
    • multicast - Designates a multicast tunnel.
    • unicast - Designates a unicast tunnel.
Note: A tunnel may have more than one type listed in the output.


Use the following command to display the VTEPs exchanging data with the configured VTI.

switch# show vxlan vtep
Remote vteps for Vxlan1:
VTEP       Tunnel Type(s)
--------- --------------    flood, unicast    flood    flood, ECMP    multicast
Total number of remote VTEPS: 4

Use the following command to display detailed information about the VTEPs exchanging data with the configured VTI:

switch# show vxlan vtep detail
                Remote VTEPs for Vxlan1:
VTEP       Learned Via    MAC Address Learning   Tunnel Type(s)
--------- -------------- ---------------------- --------------    data plane     datapath               flood, unicast    control plane  control plane          flood    data plane     datapath               flood, ECMP    control plane  datapath               multicast

Total number of remote VTEPS: 4

vxlan flood vtep

The vxlan flood vtep command supports VXLAN head-end replication by creating or modifying a list that specifies remote VTEPs to which the switch bridges replicated traffic. Head-end replication is a data distribution method that supports Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM) traffic over VXLANs by replicating BUM data locally for transmission to the set of remote VTEPs that a flood list specifies. This data flooding facilitates remote MAC address learning through the forwarding of data with unknown MACs.

Each vxlan flood vtep statement in running-config associates a set of VTEP addresses to an access VNI. A default flood list is also configurable that applies to all VNIs for which a flood list is not configured. The vxlan flood vtep command is available in the following formats to create or modify corresponding running-config statements:
  • vxlan flood vtep creates a statement for a specified VNI and replaces existing statements for that VNI.
  • vxlan flood vtep add modifies an existing flood statement by adding the specified VTEPs. This statement creates a list if it references a VNI that has no flood statement.
  • vxlan flood vtep remove modifies an existing flood statement by deleting the specified VTEPs. This statement has no effect if it references a VNI that has no flood statement.

The vxlan flood vtep command specifies a VNI by referencing its associated VLAN ID (vxlan vlan vni). The command provides these options for specifying the reference VLANs:
  • a single VLAN: creates or modifies a single statement referenced by the command.
  • a range of VLANs: creates or modifies all statements referenced by the VLAN range.
  • no VLAN: creates or modifies the default list.

The no vxlan flood vtep and default vxlan flood vtep commands remove the specified flood list by deleting the corresponding vxlan flood vtep statements from running-config. Commands that specify a VLAN range remove all corresponding statements.

Command Mode

Interface-VXLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

vxlan [ ACCESS_VNI] flood vtep] MODIFY] VTEP_1 [VTEP_2]...[VTEP_N]

no vxlan [ACCESS_VNI] flood vtep

default vxlan [ACCESS_VNI] flood vtep

  • ACCESS_VNI     VLAN ID associated to the flood list’s target VNI. Value ranges from 1 to 4094.
    • no parameter     default list.
    • vlan vlan_range     List of VLANs. (Number, range, comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges). Numbers range from 1 to 4094.

  • MODIFY     Statement modification method. Options include:
    • no parameter     creates new list for specified VLANs. Current list is overwritten.
    • add     specified VTEPs are added to existing list.
    • remove     specified VTEPs are deleted from existing list.

  • VTEP_X     IPv4 address of VTEPs that are added or removed from the list.

  • These commands create a default VXLAN head-end replication flood list.
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan flood vtep
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
     interface Vxlan1
       vxlan flood vtep
       vxlan udp-port 4789

  • These commands create VXLAN head-end replication flood lists for the VNIs accessed through vlan101 and vlan 102.
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan vlan 101-102 flood vtep
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
     interface Vxlan1
       vxlan flood vtep
       vxlan vlan 101 flood vtep
       vxlan vlan 102 flood vtep
       vxlan udp-port 4789

  • These commands add two VTEPs for the VNI access through vlan 102.
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan vlan 102 flood vtep add
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
     interface Vxlan1
       vxlan flood vtep
       vxlan vlan 101 flood vtep
       vxlan vlan 102 flood vtep
       vxlan udp-port 4789

vxlan multicast-group decap

The vxlan multicast-group decap command enables VXLAN multicast decapsulation.

VTEPs are enabled by VXLAN multicast decapsulation, supporting Head End Replication (HER). Multicast encapsulated Broadcast/Unknown/Multicast (BUM) packets terminate VTEPs from remote VTEPs that do not support HER.

The no vxlan multicast-group decap and default vxlan multicast-group decap commands disable VXLAN multicast decapsulation.

Command Mode

Interface-VXLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

vxlan multicast-group decap group_addr

no vxlan multicast-group decap

default vxlan multicast-group decap


group_addr     IPv4 address of multicast group. Dotted decimal notation of a valid multicast address.

  • This command enables VXLAN multicast decapsulation.
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-config-if-Vx1)# vxlan multicast-group decap

  • This command disables VXLAN multicast decapsulation.
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-config-if-Vx1)# no vxlan multicast-group decap

vxlan source-interface

The vxlan source-interface command specifies the interface from which the configuration mode VXLAN Interface (VTI) derives the source address (IP) that it uses when exchanging VXLAN frames. There is no default source interface assignment.

The no vxlan source-interface and default vxlan source-interface commands remove the source interface assignment from the interface-vxlan configuration mode by deleting the corresponding ip vxlan source-interface command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-VXLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

vxlan source-interface INT_NAME

no vxlan source-interface

default vxlan source-interface


INT_NAME     Interface type and number. Options include:
  • loopback l_num     Loopback interface specified by l_num.


A VXLAN interface is inoperable without the source-interface assignment.

Related Command

interface vxlan places the switch in VXLAN interface configuration mode.


These commands configure VTI 1 to use the IP address as the source address of outbound VXLAN frames.

switch(config)# interface loopback 15
switch(config-if-Lo15)# ip address
switch(config-if-Lo15)# exit
switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan source-interface loopback 15
switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
interface Vxlan1
   vxlan source-interface Loopback15
   vxlan udp-port 4789

vxlan udp-port

The vxlan udp-port command associates a UDP port with the configuration mode VXLAN Interface (VTI). By default, UDP port 4789 is associated with the VTI.

Packets bridged to the VTI from a VLAN are encapsulated with a VXLAN header that includes the VNI associated with the VLAN and the IP address of the VTEP that connects to the recipient, then sent through the UDP port. Packets that arrive through the UDP port are sent to the bridging domain of the recipient VLAN as determined by the VNI number in the VXLAN header and the interface’s VNI-VLAN map.

The no vxlan udp-port and default vxlan udp-port command restores the default UDP port association (4789) on the configuration mode interface by deleting the corresponding vxlan udp-port command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-VXLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

vxlan udp-port port_id

no vxlan udp-port

default vxlan udp-port


port_id     UDP port number. Value ranges from 1024 to 65535.


UDP port 4789 is reserved by convention for VXLAN usage. Under most typical applications, this parameter should be set to the default value.

Related Commands

interface vxlan places the switch in interface-vxlan configuration mode.

  • This command associates UDP port 5500 with interface vxlan 1.
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan udp-port 5500
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
    interface Vxlan1
       vxlan udp-port 5500

  • This command resets the interface vxlan 1 UDP port association of 4789.
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# no vxlan udp-port
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
    interface Vxlan1
       vxlan udp-port 4789

vxlan vlan vni

The vxlan vlan vni command associates a VLAN ID with a virtual network identifier (VNI). A VNI is a 24-bit number that is assigned to a VLAN to distinguish it from other VLANs that are on a VXLAN Tunnel Interface (VTI). VNI values range from 1 to 16777215 in decimal notation and from 0.0.1 to 255.255.255 in dotted decimal notation.

When a VLAN bridges a packet to the VTI, the packet is encapsulated with a VXLAN header that includes the VNI that is associated with the VLAN. Packets that arrive on the VTI’s UDP socket are bridged to the VLAN that is associated with the VNI specified by the VXLAN header that encapsulates the packet.

The VTI requires a one-to-one correspondence between specified VLANs and VNI values. Commands that assign a new VNI to a previously configured VLAN replace the existing VLAN assignment statement in running-config. Commands that attempt to assign a VNI value to a second VLAN generate a CLI error.

The no vxlan vlan vni and default vxlan vlan vni commands remove the specified VLAN-VNI association from the configuration mode interface by deleting the corresponding vxlan vlan command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-VXLAN Configuration

Command Syntax

vxlan vlan vlan_id vni [vni_id ]

no vxlan vlan vlan_id vni [vni_id]

default vxlan vlan vlan_id vni [vni_id]

  • vlan_id     number of access VLAN. Value ranges from 1 to 4094.
  • vni_id     VNI number. Valid formats: decimal 1 to 16777215 or dotted decimal 0.0.1 to 255.255.255.


These commands associate vlan 100 to vni 100 and vlan 200 to vni 10.10.200.
switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan vlan 100 vni 100
switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan vlan 200 vni 10.10.200
switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
interface Vxlan1
   vxlan udp-port 4789
   vxlan vlan 200 vni 658120
   vxlan vlan 100 vni 100
switch(config-if-Vx1)# vxlan vni notation dotted
switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
interface Vxlan1
   vxlan udp-port 4789
   vxlan vlan 200 vni 10.10.200
   vxlan vlan 100 vni 0.0.100

vxlan vni notation dotted

The vxlan vni notation dotted command configures the switch to display VNIs in dotted decimal notation. A Virtual Network Identifier (VNI) is a 24-bit number that is assigned to a VLAN to distinguish it from other VLANs that are on a VXLAN tunnel interface. VNI values range from 1 to 16777215 in decimal notation and from 0.0.1 to 255.255.255 in dotted decimal notation.

The command affects the VNI number display in all show commands, including show running-config. Commands that include VNI as a parameter may use decimal or dotted decimal notion regardless of the setting of this command. By default, show commands display VNI number in decimal notation.

The no vxlan vni notation dotted and default vxlan vni notation dotted commands restore the default setting of displaying vni numbers in decimal notation by deleting the vxlan vni notation dotted command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

vxlan vni notation dotted

no vxlan vni notation dotted

default vxlan vni notation dotted

  • These commands configure the switch to display VNI numbers in dotted decimal notation, then displays a configuration that includes a VNI setting.
    switch(config)# vxlan vni notation dotted
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
    interface Vxlan1
       vxlan udp-port 4789
       vxlan vlan 333 vni 3.4.5

  • These commands configure the switch to display VNI numbers in decimal notation, then displays a configuration that includes a VNI setting.
    switch(config)# no vxlan vni notation dotted
    switch(config)# interface vxlan 1
    switch(config-if-Vx1)# show active
    interface Vxlan1
       vxlan udp-port 4789
       vxlan vlan 333 vni 197637