MPLS Commands
MPLS Commands
- MPLS Commands
- entropy-label
- mpls icmp source-interface
- mpls ip
- mpls parsing speculative
- mpls shared index
- mpls static
- mpls static vrf-label
- mpls tunnel termination
- mpls tunnel termination (vrf qos map)
- show mpls parsing speculative
- show mpls route
- show mpls route summary
- show mpls tunnel termination qos maps
- vrf (MPLS tunnel termination)
- RSVP-TE LSR Show Commands
Use the authentication command to enable cryptographic authentication. The no form and the default form of the command removes the cryptographic authentication.
Command Mode
MPLS RSVP sub-mode (mpls-rsvp)
Command Syntax
authentication [index 1-4294967295 [active | password ]|[sequence-number window 1-255]|[type [md5 | none]]]
no authentication [index 1-4294967295 [active | password ]|[sequence-number window 1-255]|[type [md5 | none]]]
default authentication [index 1-4294967295 [active | password ]|[sequence-number window 1-255]|[type [md5 | none]]]
- index
1-4294967295 - Specify the password index.
- active - Use index as the active password.
- password - Specify the password.
- sequence-number - Specify the index in the sequence.
- window 1-255 - Configure the reorder window size. The default value is 5. A value of 1 turns off support for packet reordering.
- type - Specify the authentication mechanism.
- md5 - Add the MD5 hash.
- none - Indicates no authentication mechanism. Disables cryptographic authentication.
Enable Cryptographic Authentication (RFC 2747) by setting the authentication type to md5 and configuring an active password.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication type md5
Configure authentication secrets with an index. One of the indices should be chosen as the actively used password:
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication index 1 password s3cr3t (config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication index 1 active
Use the active password to authenticate outgoing messages. All configured passwords are accepted for authentication of incoming packets, which allows smooth key rollover.
Password encoding is available:
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication index 1 password 7 07092E43
The size of the sequence number reorder window can be changed to accommodate a larger number of out-of-order packets. A value of N means that a packet is accepted if all earlier received packets with a higher sequence number are within the preceding N-1 packets.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication sequence-number window 5
The default value is 5. A value of 1 effectively turns off support for packet reordering.
cspf delay
RSVP-TE uses CSPF to compute the FRR backup path. Throttle CSPF to avoid frequent path changes when frequent network events occur. Use the cspf delay command to specify how frequently CSPF runs after a network event by specifying the initial wait interval, back-off interval, and maximum wait interval for CSPF. The no form and the default form of the command remove the CSPF delay.
Command Mode
Router traffic engineering mode
Command Syntax
cspf delay [initial n back-off n] max n
no cspf delay [initial n back-off n] max n
default cspf delay [initial n back-off n] max n
- initial Specify initial wait interval for CSPF.
- n - Specify the time in milliseconds.
- back-off - Specify the back-off interval for
- n - Specify the time in milliseconds. 1-300000.
- back-off - Specify the back-off interval for
- n - Specify the time in milliseconds.
- max - Specify the maximum wait interval for CSPF.
- n - Specify the time in milliseconds. 1-300000.
The entropy-label command enables the MPLS LDP Entropy Label.
The no entropy-label command removes the MPLS LDP Entropy Label configurations from the running-config.
Command Mode
MPLS LDP Configuration Mode
Command Syntax
no entropy-label
switch(config)# mpls ldp
switch(config-mpls-ldp)# entropy-label
switch(config-mpls-ldp)# exit
Use the fast-reroute command to support Fast Reroute (FRR) link protection/NHOP (RFC 4090). You can enable FRR protection by setting the Fast Reroute mode to link-protection.
Command Mode
MPLS RSVP sub-mode (mpls-rsvp)
Command Syntax
fast-reroute [mode [ link-protection | node-protection | none]|[reversion [global | local]]
- modeFast reroute mode.
- link-protection - Protects against failure of the next link.
- node-protection - Protects against failure of the next node.
- none - Disables fast reroute.
- reversionSelect reversion behavior.
- globalGlobal revertive repair (default).
- local Local revertive repair.
Enable support for Fast ReRoute (FRR) link protection/NHOP (RFC 4090) by setting the Fast Reroute mode to link-protection.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute mode link-protection
To turn off FRR, change the mode to the default setting none.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute mode none
You can change the revertive behavior of the FRR from the global revertive mode to the local revertive mode. In the global revertive mode, an LSR re-routed over a bypass tunnel because the downstream link keeps uses the bypass tunnel even after the link has recovered. This expects the headend router to set up a new LSP upon notification that a link became unavailable. In the local revertive mode, the LSR switches back to using the primary link after recovery.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute reversion local
The default for reversion is global.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute reversion global
fast-reroute reversion
You can change the revertive behavior of the FRR from the global revertive mode to the local revertive mode. In the global revertive mode, an LSR re-routed over a bypass tunnel because the downstream link became unavailable but keeps using the bypass tunnel after the link recovers. This expects the headend router to set up a new LSP upon notification that a link became unavailable.In the local revertive mode, the LSR switches back to using the primary link after recovery.
The default for reversion is global.
Command Mode
Configuration sub-mode for RSVP
Command syntax
fast-reroute reversion [global | local]
- global Global revertive repair.
- localLocal revertive repair.
Set the fast-reroute reversion to local:
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute reversion local
The default for reversion is global.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute reversion global
The graceful-restart command configures Graceful Restart for RSVP which preserves data plane traffic when RSVP agents restart. The no | default versions of the command disables the feature and removes it from the running-config file.
Command Mode
MPLS RSVP Configuration Mode
Command Syntax
graceful-restart role [helper | speaker] timer [recovery | restart] maximum timer_value seconds
- role [helper | speaker] - Specify the Graceful Restart role.
- helper - Assists with RSVP neighbors restarts.
- speaker - Allows the local node to restart.
- timer [recovery | restart] - Specify the RSVP Graceful Restart time.
- recovery - Specify the recover timer.
- restart - Specify the restart timer.
- maximum timer_value - Specify the maximum timer value as a number between 1 and 320.
- seconds - Identifies the timer value in seconds.
Use the following commands to configure a Helper role with a maximum recovery timer of 160 seconds:
switch(config)# mpls rsvp
switch(config-mpls-rsvp)# graceful-restart role helper
switch(config-mpls-rsvp-gr-helper)# timer recovery maximum 160 seconds
hello interval
The hello interval command sets the time between the hello packets. The no form of the command explicitly disables the Hello messages, while the default form of the command resets to the default setting of 10 seconds with a multiplier of 4.
Command Mode
Configuration sub-mode for RSVP.
Command Syntax
hello interval [interval [sec]] [multiplier [num]]
no hello interval [interval [sec]][multiplier [num]]
default hello interval [interval [sec]][multiplier [num]]
- interval
secThe interval in units of seconds.
- multiplier numThe number of missed hellos after which the neighbor is expired.
In this example, EOS sends hello messages to all known neighbors every 10 seconds. If the switch does not receive hello responsesfrom a neighbor for 4*10=40 seconds, the switch loses communication and the neighbor resets.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# hello interval 10 multiplier 4
In this example, the default of 10 seconds with multiplier 4 resets.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# default hello interval
in this example, explicitly disable the Hello messages.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# no hello interval
mpls icmp source-interface
The mpls icmp source-interface command permits the designation of a source interface as an IPv4 address or IPv6 address. Using the no parameter disables the designated interface.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mpls icmp [fragmentation-needed | ip | ipv6 ttl-exceeded]
no mpls icmp [fragmentation-needed | ip | ipv6 ttl-exceeded]
- fragmentation-needed tunneling - Specify fragmentation for larger packets and enable MPLS tunneling.
- ip source-interface - Specify the source interface from the list of available interfaces:
- Ethernet
- Loopback
- Management
- Port-Channel
- Tunnel
- Vlan
- ipv6 source-interface
- Ethernet
- Loopback
- Management
- Port-Channel
- Tunnel
- Vlan
- ttl-exceeded tunneling - Time-to-live exceeded in transit and enable MPLS tunneling on the switch.
switch(config)#mpls icmp ip source-interface Loopback0
mpls ip
The mpls ip command enables MPLS routing. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) provides a networking process that avoids complex lookups in a routing table by replacing complete network addresses with short path labels for directing data packets to network nodes. MPLS data paths are serviced through a tunnel encapsulation data structure that adds four-byte label headers to packets.
The no mpls ip and default mpls ip commands disable MPLS routing by removing the mpls ip command from running-config. When MPLS routing is disabled, routed MPLS packets are dropped and all MPLS routes and adjacencies are removed. MPLS routing is disabled by default.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mpls ip
no mpls ip
default mpls ip
- This command enables MPLS routing. Previous commands enabled IP routing and
configured MPLS static
switch(config)# mpls ip switch(config)# show running-config ! Command: show running-config ! ip routing ! mpls ip ! mpls static top-label 3400 pop payload-type ipv4 mpls static top-label 4400 pop payload-type ipv4 ! ! end switch(config)#
- This command disables MPLS
switch(config)# no mpls ip switch(config)# show running-config ! Command: show running-config <-------OUTPUT OMITTED FROM EXAMPLE--------> ! ip routing ! mpls static top-label 3400 pop payload-type ipv4 mpls static top-label 4400 pop payload-type ipv4 ! ! end switch(config)#
mpls parsing speculative
Use the mpls parsing speculative command to configure parsing additional header types used by the load-balancing hash algorithm.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mpls parsing speculative [control-word | ethernet | ipv4 | ipv6]
- parsing - Configure parsing of MPLS packets.
- speculative - Configure speculative parsing of different types of MPLS encapsulated packets for all data plane features.
- control-word - Enable parsing of MPLS pseudowire packets with a control word.
- ethernet - Enable parsing of MPLS encapsulated Ethernet packets.
- ipv4 - Enable parsing of MPLS encapsulated IPv4 packets.
- ipv6 - Enable parsing of MPLS encapsulated IPv6 packets.
To enable MPLS speculative parsing on Ethernet packets, use the following command:
switch(config)#mpls parsing speculative ethernet
mpls shared index
The mpls shared index command configures an Ethernet-Segment (ES) shared-index to allocate an ESI label value based on the shared-index configuration.
The no mpls shared index command removes mpls shared index configuration from the running-config.
Command Mode
EVPN Ethernet-Segment Mode
Command Syntax
mpls shared index index-value
no mpls shared index index-value
- index-value Label index value. Value ranges from 1 to 1024.
- These commands place the switch on Ethernet-Segment (ES) configuration mode
and configure an MPLS shared index value of 100.
switch(config)# interface Ethernet4 switch(config-if-Et1)# switchport access vlan 1000 switch(config-if-Et1)# evpn ethernet-segment switch(config-evpn-es)# identifier 0022:2222:2222:2222:2222 switch(config-evpn-es)# mpls shared index 100 switch(config-evpn-es)# route-target import 00:02:00:02:00:02
mpls static
The mpls static command creates an MPLS rule that specifies the method of handling of inbound MPLS traffic. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a networking process that replaces complete network addresses with short path labels for directing data packets to network nodes.
- MPLS filter: The top-label parameter specifies the 20-bit value that the MPLS packet’s top header label must match to be handled by the rule.
- Nexthop location: Specifies the destination nexthop address (IPv4 or IPv6) and the interface through which the switch forwards the packet.
- MPLS action: Specifies the MPLS label stack management action
performed on the packet:
- pop-payload: removes the top label from stack; this terminates an LSP (label-switched path).
- swap-label: replaces top label with a specified new label; this passes a packet along an LSP.
- Rule priority: Specifies the rule to be used when an MPLS packet matches multiple rules.
- Commands that include only a top label tag remove all MPLS rules with the matching top label.
- Commands with no PRIORITY parameter remove all matching routes of every metric value.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mpls static top-label top_tag[ bgp peer [peer IP]] [DEST_INTF] NEXTHOP_ADDR ACTION [PRIORITY]
no mpls static top-label top_tag
no mpls static top-label top_tag [DEST_INTF] NEXTHOP_ADDR ACTION [PRIORITY]
default mpls static top-label top_tag
default mpls static top-label top_tag [DEST_INTF] NEXTHOP_ADDR ACTION [PRIORITY]
- top_tag Top header’s label field contents. Value ranges from 0 to 1048575 (20 bits).
- BGP peer peer IP The BGP peer identifier.
DEST_INTF Specifies interface through which NEXTHOP_ADDR is accessed. Options include:
- no parameter Any interface.
- ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
- loopback l_num Loopback interface specified by l_num.
- management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
- port-channel p_num Port-channel interface specified by p_num.
- vlan v_num VLAN interface specified by v_num.
- VXLAN vx_num VXLAN interface specified by vx_num.
- NEXTHOP_ADDR Nexthop address for MPLS for
filtered MPLS packets. Options include:
- ipv4_addr IPv4 address.
- ipv6_addr IPv6 address.
- ACTION MPLS header stack management action performed
on packet. Options include:
- pop payload-type ipv4 Removes top layer from stack. Payload is handled as IPv4 packet.
- pop payload-type ipv6 Removes top layer from stack. Payload is handled as IPv6 packet.
- swap-label 0 to 1048575 Replaces header label with specified label value (20 bits).
- PRIORITY Specifies rule priority when multiple
rules match a packet. Options include:
- no parameter Assigns a metric value of 100 to the rule.
- metric 1 to 255 Lower values denote higher priority. Value ranges from 1 to 255.
The mpls static command does not support push label actions.
- These commands create an MPLS rule that matches packets with a top label
value of 3400 and causes the removal of the top
label from the header stack. The nexthop destination of the IPv4 payload is
IP address through Ethernet interface
3/3/3. This rule has a metric value of
switch(config)# mpls static top-label 3400 ethernet 3/3/3 pop payload-type ipv4 switch(config)# show running-config ! mpls static top-label 3400 Ethernet3/3/3 pop payload-type ipv4 ! end switch(config)#
- These commands create a backup rule that forwards the packet through
Ethernet interface 4/3. This rule’s metric value
of 150 assigns it backup status prior to the first
switch(config)# mpls static top-label 3400 ethernet 4/3 pop payload-type ipv4 metric 150 switch(config)# show running-config ! mpls static top-label 3400 Ethernet4/3 pop payload-type ipv4 metric 150 mpls static top-label 3400 Ethernet3/3/3 pop payload-type ipv4 ! <-------OUTPUT OMITTED FROM EXAMPLE--------> end switch(config)#
- These commands create an MPLS rule that forwards the packet to the nexthop
address through any
switch(config)# mpls static top-label 4400 pop payload-type ipv4 switch(config)# show running-config <-------OUTPUT OMITTED FROM EXAMPLE--------> ! mpls static top-label 3400 Ethernet4/3 pop payload-type ipv4 metric 150 mpls static top-label 3400 Ethernet3/3/3 pop payload-type ipv4 mpls static top-label 4400 pop payload-type ipv4 ! end switch(config)#
This command uses the BGP peer option to designate the nexthop..
switch(config)#mpls static top-label 1001 bgp peer pop payload-type ipv4
- When the peer IP is not specified, the next-hop is
considered as the peer.
switch(config)# mpls static top-label 1002 bgp peer pop payload-type ipv4 switch(config)# mpls static top-label 1002 bgp peer pop payload-type ipv4
- Multiple nexthops can be associated with the same BGP peer by explicitly
specifying the BGP peer IP. This is useful in the case of third-party
switch(config)# mpls static top-label 1000 nexthop-group mygroup bgp peer pop payload-type ipv4
mpls static vrf-label
Use the mpls static vrf-label command to configure a static VRF label route. The no and default versions of the command removes the configuration.
Command Mode
Global configuration mode
Command Syntax
mpls static vrf-label mpls-label [vrf vrf-name]
no mpls static vrf-label mpls-label [vrf vrf-name]
default mpls static vrf-label mpls-label [vrf vrf-name]
- mpls-labelValue of the MPLS label.
- vrf vrf-nameVRF instance name.
switch(config)# mpls static vrf-label 100 vrf default
switch(config)# mpls static vrf-label 200 vrf v1
mpls tunnel termination
Command Mode
Global configuration mode
Command Syntax
mpls tunnel termination [ model [php model][ttl [[pipe | uniform] dscp]| pipe | uniform]
no mpls tunnel termination [model [php model][ttl [[pipe | uniform] dscp]| pipe | uniform]
default mpls tunnel termination [model [php model][ttl [[pipe | uniform] dscp]| pipe | uniform]
- modelTunnel termination TTL and DSCP model.
- phpPenultimate hop popping configuration.
- ttlModel for TTL.
- pipePreserve the inner value.
- uniformPropagate value from outer header.
- dscpmode for DSCP.
switch(config)# mpls tunnel termination model ttl uniform dscp pipe
mpls tunnel termination (vrf qos map)
The mpls tunnel termination (vrf qos map) command changes configuration mode to allow the attachment of DSCP-to-traffic-class maps to specific VRFs. This is a group change command, so no changes are made to the running config until the exit command is issued.
MPLS tunnel termination mode has one subcommand, vrf. vrf is also a group change command, with the subcommand qos map dscp to traffic-class.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mpls tunnel termination
switch(config)# mpls tunnel termination
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-termination)# vrf newVRF1
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-termination-vrf-newVRF1)# qos map dscp to traffic-class map1
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-termination-vrf-newVRF1)# exit
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-termination)# vrf newVRF2
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-termination-vrf-newVRF2)# qos map dscp to traffic-class map1
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-termination-vrf-newVRF2)# exit
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-termination)# exit
switch(config)# exit
ping mpls rsvp session
LSP Ping allows the user to check if the remote endpoint of an RSVP session is reachable through the LSP. Running ping on an RSVP LSP creates an LSP Ping Request packet with the label programmed by RSVP and that packet will follow the MPLS path until it reaches the end of the tunnel. If the node that receives this Request is the intended destination, it replies with an RSVP Ping Reply through normal IP routing. When the source receives the Reply it indicates that there are no apparent data plane failures and that the endpoint of that LSP is reachable.
Command Mode
Configuration sub-mode for RSVP
Command Syntax
ping mpls rsvp session [id num | name word] [lsp | pad-reply | repeat | source | standard | tos | tos ]
- idSpecifies the session by ID
- numRSVP session ID.
- lspSpecifies LSP
- pad-replyIndicates that the reply should copy the pad TLV.
- repeatSpecifies repeat count.
- sourceSpecifies source address.
- standardSets the standard to comply with.
- tos Specifies ToS value.
- tos Specifies MPLS traffic class field.
- numRSVP session ID.
- nameSpecifies session by name.
- wordRSVP session name.
- lspSpecifies LSP
- pad-replyIndicates that the reply should copy the pad TLV.
- repeatSpecifies repeat count.
- sourceSpecifies source address.
- standardSets the standard to comply with.
- tos Specifies ToS value.
- traffic-class Specifies MPLS traffic class field.
- wordRSVP session name.
- A user can invoke the ping utility for a specific LSP by using the session and
LSP IDs displayed in the CLI show
switch# ping mpls rsvp session id 1 lsp 1 repeat 3 LSP ping to RSVP session #1 LSP #1 timeout is 5000ms, interval is 1000ms Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 Reply from seq=1, time=53.294ms, success: egress ok Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 Reply from seq=2, time=75.329ms, success: egress ok Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 Reply from seq=3, time=85.574ms, success: egress ok --- RSVP target fec : lspping statistics --- Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2272ms 3 received from, rtt min/max/avg 53.294/85.574/71.399 ms
- For the ping mpls rsvp session command, the argument
lsp is optional. If unspecified, the utility pings
all LSPs within that
switch# ping mpls rsvp session id 1 repeat 2 LSP ping to RSVP session #1 timeout is 5000ms, interval is 1000ms LSP 1 Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 Reply from seq=1, time=60.28ms, success: egress ok LSP 2 Via, Ethernet1, label 100002 Reply from seq=1, time=81.701ms, success: egress ok LSP 1 Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 Reply from seq=2, time=52.807ms, success: egress ok LSP 2 Via, Ethernet1, label 100002 Reply from seq=2, time=62.814ms, success: egress ok --- RSVP target fec : lspping statistics --- LSP 1 Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1262ms 2 received from, rtt min/max/avg 52.807/60.280/56.544 ms LSP 2 Via, Ethernet1, label 100002 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1262ms 2 received from, rtt min/max/avg 62.814/81.701/72.257 ms
- Similarly, the session can be specified by name and the utility pings all the
LSPs within that
switch# ping mpls rsvp session name Session1to4 repeat 2 LSP ping to session Session1to4 timeout is 5000ms, interval is 1000ms LSP 1 Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 Reply from seq=1, time=63.314ms, success: egress ok LSP 2 Via, Ethernet1, label 100002 Reply from seq=1, time=75.639ms, success: egress ok LSP 1 Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 Reply from seq=2, time=60.875ms, success: egress ok LSP 2 Via, Ethernet1, label 100002 Reply from seq=2, time=77.135ms, success: egress ok --- RSVP target fec : lspping statistics --- LSP 1 Via, Ethernet1, label 100000 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1262ms 2 received from, rtt min/max/avg 60.875/63.314/62.094 ms LSP 2 Via, Ethernet1, label 100002 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1262ms 2 received from, rtt min/max/avg 75.639/77.135/76.387 ms
preemption method
The preemption method command enables deferred failure of RSVP-TE LSPs on link oversubscription. Use a preemption timer value to configure a delay on a transit router to support LSPs signaled with soft preemption enabled by the headend (RFC 5712).
The default preemption method is soft preemption with a timer value of 30 seconds.
Command Mode
Configuration sub-mode for RSVP
Command Syntax
preemption method [hard | soft ] timer t
no preemption method [hard | soft ] timer t
default preemption method [hard | soft ] timer t
- hardHard preemption.
- soft Soft preemption.
- timerTime limit for LSP teardown.
- t 1-65535 Timer value in units of seconds.
- timerTime limit for LSP teardown.
In this example, the preemption method is soft preemption with a timer value of 10 seconds.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# preemption method soft timer 10
Setting the preemption method to hard preemption results in a timer value of 0 seconds and disables the feature.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# preemption method hard
refresh method
Using the refresh method command with the bundled keyword enables the Refresh Overhead Reduction that supports the sending of message IDs and refreshing state with refresh messages.
Command Mode
Configuration sub-mode for RSVP
Command Syntax
refresh method [bundled | explicit ]
- bundled Refresh states using message identifiers lists. This is the default setting.
- explicitSend each message individually.
Use the bundled keyword to enable the Refresh Overhead Reduction.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# refresh method bundled
To turn off refresh overhead reduction, use the explicit keyword.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# refresh method explicit
show mpls parsing speculative
The show mpls parsing speculative command displays information about the MPLS Speculative Parsing configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
show mpls parsing speculative
- parsing - Configure parsing of MPLS packets.
- speculative - Configure speculative parsing of different types of MPLS encapsulated packets for all data plane features.
- control-word - Enable parsing MPLS pseudowire packets with a control word.
- ethernet - Enable parsing MPLS encapsulated Ethernet packets.
- ipv4 - Enable parsing MPLS encapsulated IPv4 packets.
- ipv6 - Enable parsing MPLS encapsulated IPv6 packets.
Use the following command to display information about the MPLS configuration:
switch#show mpls parsing speculative
Packet Type Status
------------------ --------
Control Word disabled
Ethernet disabled
IPv4 enabled
IPv6 enabled
show mpls route summary
The show mpls route summary command displays statistics about the configuration and implementation of MPLS rules.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls route summary
switch> show mpls route summary
Number of Labels: 1 (1 unprogrammed)
Number of adjacencies in hardware: 0
Number of backup adjacencies: 2
show mpls route
The show mpls config route command displays the switch’s MPLS static rule configuration for the specified routes and rules.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls [INFO_LEVEL] route [header_label]
- INFO_LEVEL Specifies the filters that are used
to select the routes to display. Options include:
- no parameter Displays routes published by the forwarding agent.
- config Displays all configured routes.
- lfib Displays routes stored to the Label Forwarding Information Base (LFIB).
- header_label Filters routes by MPLS top header
label. Options include:
- no parameter Displays routes for all header values.
- 0 to 1048575 Specifies header for which command displays information.
This command displays the MPLS rule configuration.
switch# show mpls config route Codes: S - Static MPLS Route, IA - IS-IS SR Adjacency Segment, IP - IS-IS SR Prefix Segment, L - LDP, I>L - IS-IS SR Segment to LDP, L>I - LDP to IS-IS SR Segment, R - RSVP In-Label Out-Label Metric Payload NextHop Egress-ACL Status Monitored -------- --------- ------ ------- --------- ---------- ------ -------------- 1000 pop 100 ipv4 apply up 1001 pop 100 ipv4 apply down 1002 pop 100 ipv4 apply down 1003 pop 100 ipv4 apply down 1004 pop 100 ipv4 apply up 1005 pop 100 ipv4 apply up
The status could be down if either of the following is true- Nexthop is not resolved (show ip route nexthop - shows no route).
- The monitored BGP session is down (show ip bgp summary - shows the peer is not in established state).
- The following example shows that the first route is down because the BGP
peer session is down.
switch# show mpls config route Codes: S - Static MPLS Route, IA - IS-IS SR Adjacency Segment, IP - IS-IS SR Prefix Segment, L - LDP, I>L - IS-IS SR Segment to LDP, L>I - LDP to IS-IS SR Segment, R - RSVP In-Label Out-Label Metric Payload NextHop Egress-ACL Status Monitored -------- --------- ------ ------- -------- ---------- ------ ------------- 88886 pop 100 ipv4 apply down 88887 pop 100 ipv4 apply down
- The following example shows the status of label
88886 is down because the BGP peer session to is down, but route exists for
switch# show ip bgp summary BGP summary information for VRF default Router identifier, local AS number 3000 Neighbor Status Codes: m - Under maintenance Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State PfxRcd PfxAcc 4 4000 16 18 0 0 01:04:42 Active switch# show ip route VRF: default Codes: C - connected, S - static, K - kernel, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type2, B - Other BGP Routes, B I - iBGP, B E - eBGP, R - RIP, I L1 - IS-IS level 1, I L2 - IS-IS level 2, O3 - OSPFv3, A B - BGP Aggregate, A O - OSPF Summary, NG - Nexthop Group Static Route, V - VXLAN Control Service, M - Martian, DH - DHCP client installed default route, DP - Dynamic Policy Route, L - VRF Leaked, G - gRIBI, RC - Route Cache Route S [1/0] via, Ethernet2
show mpls rsvp
Use the show mpls rsvp to display the overall state of the RSVP.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls rsvp [bandwidth | counters | ip | ipv6 | neighbor | session]
- bandwidthDisplays RSVP bandwidth information.
- countersDisplays RSVP message counters.
- ipDisplays details related to IPv4.
- ipv6Displays details related to IPv6.
- neighborDisplays RSVP neighbors.
- sessionDisplays RSVP session information.
switch> show mpls rsvp
Administrative state: enabled
Operational state: up
Refresh interval: 30 seconds
Refresh reduction: enabled
Hello messages: enabled
Hello interval: 10 seconds
Hello multiplier: 4
Fast Re-Route: disabled
Mode: none
Hierarchical FECs: enabled
Cryptographic authentication: disabled
MTU signaling: disabled
Number of sessions: 1
Ingress/Transit/Egress: 0/1/0
Number of LSPs: 1
Operational: 1
Ingress/Transit/Egress: 0/1/0
Currently using bypass tunnels: 0
Number of bypass tunnels: 0
Number of neighbors: 2
Number of interfaces: 2
show mpls rsvp counters
Use the show mpls rsvp counters command to display RSVP message counters, per interface.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls rsvp counters [[interface [Ethernet |Fabric | Loopback | Management | Port-Channel | Switch | Tunnel | Vlan | Vxlan]]| ipv4 interface | ipv6 interface
- interface Filter by interface.
- EthernetHardware Ethernet interface.
- FabricFabric interfaces.
- LoopbackHardware interface used for looping packets.
- ManagementManagement interface.
- Port-ChannelLag interface.
- SwitchSwitch interface.
- TunnelTunnel interface.
- VlanLogical interface into a VLAN.
- Vxlan VXLAN tunnel interface.
- ipv4Filter by IPv4.
- interface Filter by interface.
- ipv6Filter by IPv6.
- interface Filter by interface.
switch> show mpls rsvp counters
Received Messages:
Interface Path PathTear PathErr Resv ResvTear ResvErr Srefresh Other Errors
--------- ---- -------- ------- ---- -------- ------- -------- ----- ------
Ethernet1 5 0 0 0 0 0 8 51 1
Ethernet2 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0
Sent Messages:
Interface Path PathTear PathErr Resv ResvTear ResvErr Srefresh Other Errors
--------- ---- -------- ------- ---- -------- ------- -------- ----- ------
Ethernet1 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 49 0
Ethernet2 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
show mpls rsvp neighbor
Use the show mpls rsvp neighbor command to display a summary of all RSVP neighbors, or the list of active LSPs for a specific neighbor.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls rsvp neighbor [A.B.C.D | A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H | summary]
- A.B.C.DIP (v4 or v6) address of neighbor.
- A:B:C:D:E:F:G:HIP (v4 or v6) address of neighbor.
- summaryDisplays summarized information.
Use the show mpls rsvp neighbor command to display a summary of all RSVP neighbors.
switch> show mpls rsvp neighbor Neighbor Upstream for Session #1 LSP #1 Downstream for Neighbor uptime: 00:01:24 Authentication type: disabled Last hello received: 1 seconds ago Last hello sent: 1 seconds ago Bypass tunnel: not requested Neighbor Upstream for Downstream for Session #1 LSP #1 Neighbor uptime: 00:01:24 Authentication type: disabled Last hello received: - Last hello sent: 31 seconds ago Bypass tunnel: not requested
Use the show mpls rsvp neighbor summary command to display summarized information.
switch> show mpls rsvp neighbor summary Neighbor Role Sessions LSPs ==================== ========== ======== ======== Upstream 1 1 Downstream 1 1
show mpls rsvp session detail
Use the show mpls rsvp session detail to display the detailed information of RSVP sessions.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls rsvp session detail
switch> show mpls rsvp session detail
Session #1
Destination address:
Tunnel ID: 0
Extended Tunnel ID:
Role: transit
LSP #1
State: up
MTU Signaling: enabled
Received Path MTU: 1800 bytes
Sent Path MTU: 1500 bytes
show mpls rsvp session summary
Use the show mpls rsvp session summary command to filter sessions in the show command and in LSP ping and traceroute commands. Sessions can further be filtered by name, destination, router role (transit/ingress/egress), and state.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls rsvp session summary
switch> show mpls rsvp session summary
Session Destination LSP Name Role Bypass State
======== ================== ======== ============ ======= ====== =========
1 1 Session1 transit n/req up
show mpls rsvp session
Use the show mpls rsvp session command to list the current RSVP sessions filtered by IP address.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show mpls rsvp session
switch> show mpls rsvp session
Session #1
Destination address:
Tunnel ID: 0
Extended Tunnel ID:
Role: transit
LSP #1
State: up
Type: primary
Source address:
LSP uptime: 00:02:38
Session name: Session1
Local label: 100000
Downstream label: 100000
Upstream neighbor:
Last refresh received: 17 seconds ago
Last refresh sent: 10 seconds ago
Downstream neighbor:
Last refresh received: 7 seconds ago
Last refresh sent: 9 seconds ago
Bypass tunnel: not requested
show mpls tunnel termination qos maps
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
Command Syntax
show mpls tunnel termination qos maps [ vrf vrf_name ]
vrf_name The VRF whose DSCP to TC map association is to be shown. If this parameter is omitted, all DSCP to TC maps associated with a VRF are shown.
switch# show mpls tunnel termination qos maps
VRF newVRF1 DSCP to TC map: map1
VRF newVRF2 DSCP to TC map: map1
switch# show mpls tunnel termination qos maps vrf newVRF2
VRF newVRF2 DSCP to TC map: map1
show traffic-engineering cspf path
Use the show traffic-engineering cspf path command to display all the paths counted by CSPF.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show traffic-engineering cspf path [destination-IP]detail]
- A.B.C.D CSPF path to this destination IP address.
- detail Show detailed path information.
In this example, the CSPF destination path is selected to display.
switch> show traffic-engineering cspf path Destination Constraint Path exclude Ethernet1 exclude SRLG of Ethernet1 exclude Ethernet2
In this example, the CSPF destination path is selected to display detailed information.
switch> show traffic-engineering cspf path detail Destination: Path Constraint: exclude Ethernet1 exclude SRLG of Ethernet1: orange-link (500), green-link (400), 100, red-link (200), 600 Request Sequence number: 1 Response Sequence number: 1 Number of times path updated: 2 Last updated: 00:01:58 Reoptimize: Always Path: Path Constraint: exclude Ethernet2 Request Sequence number: 2 Response Sequence number: 2 Number of times path updated: 3 Last updated: 00:00:38 Reoptimize: Always Path:
show traffic-engineering database
Use the show traffic-engineering database to display the topology used for CSPF computations. Starting from EOS Release 4.23.1F, the SRLG group details of a neighbor are shown if it is advertised.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show traffic-engineering database
- Beginning with EOS Release 4.23.1F, the SRLG group details of a neighbor are shown if it is advertised.
- Beginning with EOS Release 4.24.2F, information for the OSPFv2 topology is displayed if configured.
switch# show traffic-engineering database
TE Router-ID:
Source: IS-IS Level-1 IPv4 Topology Database
IS-IS System-ID: 1111.1111.1001
Number of Links: 2
Network type: P2P
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1002
Administrative group (Color): 0x123a
TE Metric: 30
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 25.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.00 Mbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 9.00 Mbps TE class 1: 9.00 Mbps
TE class 2: 8.5.00 Mbps TE class 3: 8.00 Mbps
TE class 4: 7.00 Mbps TE class 5: 7.50 Mbps
TE class 6: 6.00 Mbps TE class 7: 6.00 Mbps
Network Type: LAN
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1003.02
TE Metric: 30
Administrative Group: 0x12
IPv4 Local Addresses:
Maximum Link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Maximum Reservable Link BW: 10.50 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE-Class 0: 8.50 Gbps TE-Class 1: 8.70 Gbps
TE-Class 2: 7.50 Gbps TE-Class 3: 7.25 Gbps
TE-Class 4: 6.50 Gbps TE-Class 5: 7.30 Gbps
TE-Class 6: 3.50 Gbps TE-Class 7: 7.20 Gbps
Source: IS-IS Level-2 IPv4 Topology Database
IS-IS System-ID: 1111.1111.1003
Number of Links: 1
Network Type: LAN
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1003.16
IPv4 Local Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 5.00 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 4.00 Gbps TE class 1: 4.00 Gbps
TE class 2: 4.00 Gbps TE class 3: 4.00 Gbps
TE class 4: 3.00 Gbps TE class 5: 3.00 Gbps
TE class 6: 3.00 Gbps TE class 7: 3.00 Gbps
Source: OSPFv2 Instance ID 33 Area-ID Topology Database
OSPFv2 Router-ID:
Number of Links: 2
Network type: P2P
Administrative group (Color): 0x123a
TE metric: 30
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 25.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.00 Mbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 9.00 Mbps TE class 1: 9.00 Mbps
TE class 2: 8.50 Mbps TE class 3: 8.00 Mbps
TE class 4: 7.00 Mbps TE class 5: 7.50 Mbps
TE class 6: 6.00 Mbps TE class 7: 6.00 Mbps
Network type: LAN
Administrative group (Color): 0x12
TE metric: 30
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.5 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 8.50 Gbps TE class 1: 8.70 Gbps
TE class 2: 7.50 Gbps TE class 3: 7.25 Gbps
TE class 4: 6.50 Gbps TE class 5: 7.30 Gbps
TE class 6: 3.50 Gbps TE class 7: 7.20 Gbps
TE Router-ID:
Source: IS-IS Level-1 IPv4 Topology Database
IS-IS System-ID: 1111.1111.1004
Number of Links: 2
Network type: P2P
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1002
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 50.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 8.00 Gbps TE class 1: 8.00 Gbps
TE class 2: 8.00 Gbps TE class 3: 8.00 Gbps
TE class 4: 7.00 Gbps TE class 5: 7.00 Gbps
TE class 6: 7.00 Gbps TE class 7: 7.00 Gbps
Shared Risk Link Group:
Group: 100
Group: green-link (150)
The shutdown command disables the RSVP-TE protocol instance or the RSVP-related functions for the interface. The RSVP-TE configuration information associated with the interface is retained.
RSVP-TE is enabled globally by issuing no shutdown in the configuration sub-mode. This is the only mandatory setting for RSVP-TE to work. There is no per-interface knob to enable or disable RSVP. However, RSVP is only enabled on interfaces on which MPLS is enabled.
Command Mode
Configuration sub-mode for RSVP
Command Syntax
no shutdown
- You can enable RSVP-TE globally by issuing the no
(config-mpls-rsvp)# no shutdown
- Similarly, it is disabled with the shutdown command,
which is the
(config-mpls-rsvp)# shutdown
The srlg command specifies if link SRLGs of a primary LSP are to be considered as constraints while creating a fast-reroute bypass tunnel with either link or node protection. When the srlg command is specified with strict keyword, then when a path for a bypass tunnel excluding SRLGs of next-hop interface of primary LSP can not be found, RSVP does not setup the bypass tunnel. When thesrlg command is specified without the strict keyword, then a bypass tunnel is setup with as many links as possible that exclude the SRLGs of next-hop interface of primary LSP and where such links are not available, links that have the least number of SRLGs which are to be excluded are used.
When this CLI is not configured, the behavior remains the same as before, which is to turn off SRLG processing. Therefore, the no and default versions of the command takes you back to the default of SRLG processing being turned off.
Command Mode
Configuration sub-mode for RSVP
Command Syntax
srlg strict
no srlg strict
default srlg strict
strictApplies strict SRLG constraints.
switch(config)# interface Et1
switch(config-if-Et1)# traffic-engineering srlg 100
switch(config)# interface Et2
switch(config-if-Et2)# traffic-engineering srlg 200
vrf (MPLS tunnel termination)
Command Mode
MPLS Tunnel Termination Configuration mode
Command Syntax
vrf vrf_name
vrf_name The name of the VRF to configure. This does not create a VRF. The VRF must be created with the vrf command in Configuration mode.
switch(config)# mpls tunnel configuration
switch(config-mpls-tunnel-configuration)# vrf newVRF1