Setting the PTP Transport Type

To set the PTP transport type, use the ptp transport command.
  • This command configures the PTP transport type for the interface to IPv4.
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp transport ipv4

  • This command configures the PTP transport type for the interface to IPv6.
    switch(config-if)# ptp transport ipv6

Setting the Local Priority of the Clock and Interfaces

To set the local priority of the clock and interfaces to control the topology, use the ptp local-priority command.
switch(config)# ptp local-priority 1
switch(config-if)# ptp local-priority 255

Setting up as a Slave to another PTP Device

Each interface may be configured with a candidate grantor IP address to send requests and potentially become the slave device to another PTP device. After configuration, the switch starts negotiating with the candidate grantor, and depending on the Announce messages received, it may start requesting Sync and Delay Response to sync the clock. Each grantor may be associated with a unicast negotiation profile. If the configuration omits the profile, the device uses the default interval of one second and a duration of 60 seconds for all message types. If the profile does not exist, the switch uses the default values until the profile gets added.

Use the ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor command to set up the profile. The following commands set up the candidate grantor profile.
switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor
switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor profile fastProfile

Setting up as a Master to another PTP Device

Each interface may be configured with a range of IP addresses of remote grantees to grant incoming requests and potentially become a master to another PTP device. By default, the interface denies incoming requests outside the configured range of IP addresses. Each grantee may be associated with a unicast negotiation profile. If the configuration omits the profile, the interface grants incoming requests with an interval of 0 or longer for all message types. If you specify a profile, it compares it to the configured interval. If the profile does not exist, the switch uses the default values until you add the profile.

Use the ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee command to set up the profile. The following commands set up the remote grantee profile.
switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee
switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee profile fastProfile

Setting the masterOnly Flag

For ports that should not be a slave regardless of other attributes, use the ptp role master command.
switch(config-if)# ptp role master

Configuring the Unicast Profile

A Unicast negotiation profile may be configured to change message rates and durations. The following tables displays the default value and the configurable range of each value.

Field Range Default
Announce interval [-3, 0] 0
Announce duration [60, 1000] 60
Sync interval [-7, 0] 0
Sync duration [60, 1000] 60
Delay Response interval [-7, 0] 0
Delay Response duration [60, 1000] 60

When you apply a profile to a remote grantee on a Grant port, it uses the profile values to determine if the given request should be granted or denied. If the requested interval is shorter than the profile, the port denies the request. When a profile applies to a candidate grantor on a Request port, it will be requested to the candidate grantor using the values in the profile.

The following configures a typical Unicast negotiation profile.
switch(config)# ptp unicast-negotiation profile fastProfile
switch(config-unicast-negotiation-profile-fastProfile)# announce interval -2
switch(config-unicast-negotiation-profile-fastProfile)# announce duration 500
switch(config-unicast-negotiation-profile-fastProfile)# sync interval -3
switch(config-unicast-negotiation-profile-fastProfile)# sync duration 300
switch(config-unicast-negotiation-profile-fastProfile)# delay-resp interval -3
switch(config-unicast-negotiation-profile-fastProfile)# delay-resp duration 300

Displaying Unicast Negotiation Configurations

The show ptp unicast-negotiation profile command displays all user configured profiles and their values.
(switch)# show ptp unicast-negotiation profile
Unicast Negotiation Profile fastProfile
Announce interval: 0.25 seconds
Announce duration: 500 seconds
Sync interval: 0.125 seconds
Sync duration: 300 seconds
Delay Response interval: 0.125 seconds
Delay Response duration: 300 seconds

The show ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor command displays all configured candidate grantors, associated profile name and latest update.
(switch)# show ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor
 Interface    Address      Profile       Grantor Status
----------- ---------- -------------- ------------------ 
 Ethernet1    4::1       fastProfile    Master
 Ethernet1    4::2       fastProfile    Candidate Master
 Ethernet2    4::2       fastProfile    Blacklisted

The show ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee command displays all configured remote grantees, associated profile name and latest update.
(switch)# show ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee 
Interface    Address      Profile
------------ ---------- -------------
 Ethernet1    4::1/96    fastProfile
 Ethernet1    4::2/96    fastProfile
 Ethernet2    4::2/96    fastProfile

The show ptp unicast-negotiation granted command displays to which remote grantees each port has granted and some detail.
(switch)# show ptp unicast-negotiation granted  
Interface    Address    Message     Interval        Duration       Expires In
----------- ---------- ------------ -------------- -------------- -------------
 Ethernet2    4::1       Announce    0.25 seconds    300 seconds    30 seconds
 Ethernet2    4::1       Sync        2.0 seconds     300 seconds    30 seconds

The show ptp unicast-negotiation requested command displays to which candidate grantors each port has requested and some detail.
(switch)# show ptp unicast-negotiation requested  
 Interface    Address    Message     Interval        Duration       Expires In
------------ --------- ----------- --------------- -------------- -------------
 Ethernet2    4::2       Announce    0.25 seconds    600 seconds    250 seconds
 Ethernet2    4::2       Sync        2.0 seconds     300 seconds    denied

The show ptp local-clock command displays the clock local priority in G8275.2 mode.
(switch)# show ptp local-clock  
 PTP Mode: Boundary Clock
Clock Identity: 0x00:1c:73:ff:ff:00:72:40
Clock Domain: 44
Number of PTP ports: 64
Priority1: 128
Priority2: 128
Local Priority: 128
Clock Quality:
   Class: 248
   Accuracy: 0x30
   OffsetScaledLogVariance: 0xffff
Offset From Master: -5
Mean Path Delay: 416 nanoseconds
Steps Removed: 1
Skew: 1.00000006399
Last Sync Time: 23:42:33 UTC Nov 01 2018
Current PTP System Time: 23:42:33 UTC Nov 01 2018

The show ptp interface command displays the interface local priority in G8275.2 mode.

Note: The Announce, Sync and Delay request message intervals are for multicast mode. Since G8275.2 operates in unicast mode, those values should be ignored.

(switch)# show ptp interface Ethernet 42 | nz  Interface Ethernet42
PTP: Enabled
Port state: Slave
Sync interval: 1.0 seconds
Announce interval: 2.0 seconds
Announce interval timeout multiplier: 3
Delay mechanism: end to end
Delay request message interval: 0.25 seconds
Local Priority: 128
Transport mode: ipv4
Announce messages received: 2964
Sync messages received: 2558
Follow up messages received: 2558
Delay request messages sent: 2540
Delay response messages received: 2540
Signaling messages sent: 98
Signaling messages received: 101