Arista 可扩展操作系统 (EOS®) 是 Arista 用于下一代数据中心和云网络的云网络解决方案的核心。使用 Arista EOS 构建的云架构可扩展到数十万个计算和存储节点,并具有大规模工作的管理和配置功能。通过其可编程性,EOS 支持一系列软件应用程序,可提供工作流程自动化、高可用性、前所未有的网络可视性和分析以及与虚拟化、管理、自动化和编排服务的各种第三方应用程序的快速集成。
Arista EOS 是一个完全可编程且高度模块化的基于 Linux 的网络操作系统,使用熟悉的行业标准 CLI,并在 Arista 交换系列中运行单个二进制软件映像。EOS 专为实现弹性和可编程性而设计,具有独特的多进程状态共享架构,可将状态信息和数据包转发与协议处理和应用逻辑完全分开。
- 根据需求进行扩展,从 100 个扩展到超过 100,000+ 个计算和存储节点
- 基于发布/订阅状态共享基础的灵活且经过验证的软件操作系统,并演进到全网络软件基础架构的 NetDB,用于集中和流式处理网络状态,进而改进可见性分析
- 基于标准的开放式设计方法,MLAG 位于第 2 层,ECMP 位于第 3 层,在非阻塞模式下有效利用所有可用带宽,同时提供故障转移和弹性
- 使用 VXLAN 等重叠技术进行网络虚拟化,实现无缝工作负载移动性网络细分和应用程序扩展
- Arista EOS 提供众多可编程选项,可实现对网络的编程控制。
- 丰富且结构完善的 API 集,包括:
- 基于 eAPI JSON 的 RPC,使用本机 CLI 命令提供类似 REST 的接口
- 基于 OpenConfig、Go、Python 和 Ruby 的对象模型
- 盒脚本上的本机 Go 和 Python
- 使用 EOS SDK 开发本机高性能应用程序
- 原生 Linux API 和脚本
- 与 Puppet、Chef 和 Ansible 的紧密开发运维集成
- 使用 Arista 智能系统升级 (SSU) 的减少维护窗口通过智能插入和删除网络元素来缩短维护时间窗口
- 在正常的交换机操作期间,对 EOS 内的单独进程执行实时修补和升级
- 自我修复弹性,最大限度地减少停机时间,对单个模块进行故障限制,并在不需要重建状态信息的情况下重新启动流程
- 使用自定义监控、故障转移和负载均衡的第三方集成进行自定义监控、故障转移和负载均衡
- 对行业标准和客户特定开发运维解决方案的应用程序性能和全网络监控功能提供前所未有的可视性
- 具有 Arista 数据分析器 (DANZ) 功能集简化了 Tap 聚合。
- 通过 Cloud TracersTM、VM Tracer、MapReduce Tracer、Path Tracer、Health Tracer、Container Tracer、Latency Analyzer (LANZ) 以及 sFlow 监控等跟踪器快速识别和排除应用程序和网络性能问题。
- CloudVision 平台,用于通过门户自动执行网络操作任务的工作流程
- CloudVision 可将物理网络与 Arista 生态系统合作伙伴(包括 VMware、OpenStack、Palo Alto Networks、Microsoft 等)的解决方案进行简化和可扩展的集成。
- 通过零接触服务开通 (ZTP) 和零接触更换 (ZTR) 简化新交换机和更换交换机的服务开通
- 高级事件管理,用于自动响应网络和应用程序事件
- 通过丰富的编程功能,自动化复杂的 IT 工作流程并简化网络运营以满足个性化需求
- 与合作伙伴的自动化集成通过 Puppet、Chef 和 Ansible 等工具增强了本机功能,并与 F5 和 VMware 等合作伙伴一起将自动化扩展到堆栈以包括其他网络系统和应用程序,包括防火墙、负载平衡器和计算基础设施。
- 在 Arista 交换机、集装箱式 EOS (cEOS) 或虚拟化 EOS (vEOS) 上打包为捆绑 EOS,适用于任何生产或模拟用例,并提供灵活的平台支持,包括第三方硬件
- cEOSTM(集装箱式 EOS) – 为 DevOps 和 NetOps 集成扩展云自动化和操作模型,并提供灵活的平台支持,包括第三方硬件
Introducing CloudEOS - Cloud Networking Infrastructure as Code
CloudEOS™ is Arista’s multi-cloud and cloud-native networking solution supporting autonomic operation to deliver an enterprise-class, highly-secure, and reliable networking experience for any cloud. As part of the Arista EOS® and CloudVision® product family, it delivers consistent segmentation, automation, telemetry, provisioning and troubleshooting for the enterprise edge, WAN, campus, data center and multiple public and private clouds.
To provide a scalable and automated network experience, CloudEOS integrates with Arista CloudVision to simplify the operators experience of interconnecting and managing multi-cloud, cloud-native and on-premises enterprise networks. Leveraging a network-wide approach for workload orchestration and workflow automation, together with advanced network telemetry and standards-based programmability, CloudEOS and CloudVision provide a seamless and universal approach to multi-cloud networking.
CloudEOS, deployed with Universal Cloud Network Designs, provides the vital missing elements required for building multi-cloud connectivity with consistent isolation across the entire enterprise environment. It delivers consistent high-performance virtual machine and container-based instances of EOS software that simplify network operations with declarative cloud provisioning tool chains like Terraform, Ansible and other popular CloudOps and DevOps solutions that are used to deploy the entire application stack.
With CloudEOS, customers can take full advantage of their multi-cloud and cloud-native investments without compromising on the network reliability, security and predictability that they expect from Arista.
Arista CloudEOS Router - Summary of Key Capabilities
Declarative Cloud Provisioning - using the popular Terraform application, a platform engineering team can stand up virtual private cloud instances in multiple public cloud providers with a single additional line of code per VPC. Terraform will automatically deploy an Arista CloudEOS leaf router, or a high availability pair of routers, and establish secure connectivity to a CNPS for each connected VPC.
Multi Cloud Reachability and Scale - any resource elastically scales up/down within the public cloud its instantiation and real-time addressing are maintained coherently across the entire CNPS segment, even across cloud providers in high-velocity environments like Kubernetes.
Elastic Scaling and Consumption - for cloud delivered functions like segment control points, edge transit routers, and cloud spine nodes the architecture is designed to enable these nodes to be procured in and through the public cloud providers and billed based on the actual consumption in a Pay-as-You-Go model.
Enhanced Visibility and Analytics - each networking node within the CNPS streams telemetry data back to Arista CloudVision which can be deployed in the public cloud in a VPC or on-premises. This enables a digital replica of the network state to be available for analytics or as training data for supervised machine learning models.
Product Highlights
Cloud Grade Routing
Multi Cloud: routing VM – optimized for public and private clouds and available in major public cloud marketplaces – including Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure
Cloud Native: container version – extends CloudEOS into the Kubernetes cluster for auto-provisioning, consistent routing, improved visibility and better troubleshooting
Transitive Routing: connects multiple Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) together with a normalized connectivity pattern and the same proven Arista EOS software used in all Arista networking platforms
UCN: Universal Cloud Network (UCN) standards-based network designs within and across public clouds; for leaf-and-spine and edge-to-edge connectivity through a standards-based BGP layer-3 EVPN or reliable leaf-and-spine routed topologies
Site-to-Site: connect public clouds, data centers and campus sites with high-speed WAN interconnection using IPsec VPN encryption and dynamic path selection
Key Features and Capabilities
Cloud Network Private Segments (CNPS): VXLAN and IPsec based Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) spanning cloud regions and providers, to enable a secure, global and consistent segmentation model
Dynamic Path Selection (DPS): with In-band Path Telemetry for cloud edge use cases, providing reliability connectivity over diverse WAN segments
Network Address Translation (NAT): provide IP address flexibility in any VPC
Telemetry streaming: based on open source gNMI, gRPC, and OpenConfig standards delivering greatly improved network visibility and troubleshooting
Autonomic Cloud Operations
Elastic: Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) consumption through Public Cloud Marketplaces and Service Catalogs
All Inclusive: includes CloudVision with Terraform integrations, all EOS routing and telemetry features, and A-care software support
Consistent operational model: Arista EOS and CloudVision complemented with DevOps and CloudOps toolchain integrations like Terraform
Open Programmability: programmable via JSON API (eAPI) or EOS SDK, with support for Python, Go, Ansible, NetConf, and OpenConfig
Performance and Reliability
Cloud High Availability (HA): utilizing Bi-directional Forwarding Detection (BFD) and multi-path routing (ECMP) for fast recovery and continuous operation
High Performance Data Plane (DPDK/SR-IOV): increases throughput while reducing latency, jitter, and CPU utilization to deliver the ultimate performance in any cloud or hardware platform
Latest Cloud Architecture: utilizing Microsoft Azure Accelerated Networking and Amazon AWS Enhanced Networking for efficient resource utilization in public cloud instances
EOS+ 是网络可编程性软件平台。 EOS+ 能够使用端到端解决方案通过编程控制网络,它为客户提供自动化其网络的能力以针对管理工作负载和工作流程降低运营成本和提高响应能力。 EOS+ 提供来自 Arista 和众多合作伙伴的预建应用程序,并能够直接或在 Arista EOS 软件咨询服务的协助下进行定制。 EOS 应用程序可提供完整的解决方案,并具有 Arista 技术协助中心 (TAC) 的支持。
- 具有全面 TAC 支持的应用程序,可解决主要网络自动化需求
- 可由客户或在 EOS 咨询服务的支持下针对个体网络需要进行定制
- 主要应用:
- ZTPServer - 实现零接触智能动态端到端网络服务开通
- EOS 遥测套件 - 提供针对性数据收集,并具有可配置间隔、阈值和警示
- 用于安全加速的 EOS DirectFlow Assist (DFA) - 设计用来卸载或者协助附加的内联或带外安全平台(如防火墙)
- 依靠业内公认的专家来帮助建议和构建软件驱动的云网络
- 专家建议和实施的聚焦于网络的开发运维 (DevOps) 工具和方法,旨在促进业务敏捷性
- 依靠经验丰富的网络软件编程人员团队进行聚焦于 EOS 的现场或远程开发
EOS 开发环境
- 丰富的、结构完善的 API 集,包括 eAPI 和 Linux API 以及 SDK,使所有层次可编程
- vEOS 是 EOS 的虚拟测试环境,可加速应用程序部署和开发
- EOS SDK 用于与需要低延迟和高性能的网络应用的交换机操作系统进行直接集成
Arista Networks pioneered the open networking model with Arista Extensible Operating System (EOS) - a fully programmable and highly modular, Linux-based network operating system, supporting a broad set of merchant silicon architectures, driving Cloud Networking deployments. As part of the commitment to Open Networking, Arista provides a range of solutions addressing the various needs of cloud providers through disaggregation in 5 core areas:
- Hardware platforms
- Platform drivers
- Network operating systems
- Virtualization / containerization
- Complete solutions
Arista’s open networking initiatives in collaboration with the world’s largest cloud operators on both software and hardware solutions include:
- Facebook’s OpenR project
- EOS on Facebook Wedge
- SONiC support on Arista switching and routing platforms
- Facebook F16 project with Arista 7368X modular switch
- Arista SAI for SONiC
Customers looking for deployment models to achieve both flexibility and agile service delivery can innovate with these disaggregation deployment models for open network software, consistent operating models, leveraging merchant silicon innovations across a set of platforms.
Open Networking Software with Arista
With extensive experience in building products for cloud use cases and long standing relationships with the community, Arista is uniquely positioned to help customers develop a best-of-breed approach to networking, with key benefits including:
- Flexible and Open Networking
- Choice of high performance platforms from Arista’s market leading data center portfolio for leaf and spine networks
- Cloud Principles Foundation
- Lower Opex by leveraging DevOps tools for consistent automation for compute and networking deployments
- Native streaming of deep platform telemetry with OpenConfig APIs
- High scale and extensive debugging capabilities leveraging from cloud deployment experience
- Consistent Operational model
- Standardizing on a set of platforms, Customers have the option of choosing between Arista EOS and Arista SAI with SONiC software as an added benefit, for broader network roles
- 24x7 Global Customer Support from Arista world-class services organization for SAI and platform related issues for a positive end-user experience.
An example of Arista open networking, SONiC is an open source network operating system developed initially by Microsoft for the Azure cloud platform that runs on multiple hardware platforms.
Arista’s Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI) layer allows SONiC to run on Arista switches, leveraging Arista’s advanced hardware design and platform drivers. Customers have the option of choosing between Arista EOS and Arista SAI with SONiC software, for broader network roles.
The Arista Open Networking solution offers a best-in-class foundation for Cloud providers, enterprises and service providers enabling seamless integration across any IT infrastructure that simplifies management and provisioning, speeds up service delivery, lowers costs and creates opportunities for agile introduction of new workloads.
Please visit the Literature section to find out more, or contact your local Arista representative or 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.
EOS Literature
- .Advanced Automation and Visibility with Arista EOS
- .EOS Architecture Whitepaper
- .EOS Extensibility At-A-Glance
- .EOS CLI Parser Customizations
- .Simplifying Network Operations through Data Center Automation
- .Arista Warrior- First Book on EOS
Open Networking & CloudEOS Literature
EOS+ Platform Literature
- .ACE Hands on Training
- .Customer Interface Monitoring: Remote Port Health Manager
- .Arista EOS Roles for Ansible
- .EOS Architecture
- .Installing EOS SDK
- .Building an EOS Agent with EOS SDK
- .Life Cycle of an EOS Agent