Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Commands

ptp announce interval

The ptp announce interval command configures the interval at which the configuration mode interface sends PTP announce messages. The no ptp announce interval command resets the announce interval to its default of 1 (2 seconds).

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp announce interval log_interval

no ptp announce interval

default ptp announce interval


log_interval The number of log seconds between PTP announce messages (base 2 log (seconds)). Value ranges from -3 (1/8 second) to 4 (16 seconds); default value is 1 (2 seconds).

  • These commands set the interval between PTP announce messages sent by interface ethernet 5 to 4 seconds.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp announce interval 2
  • These commands reset the PTP announce interval on interface ethernet 5 to the default value of 1 (2 seconds).
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp announce interval

ptp announce timeout

The ptp announce timeout sets the timeout multiplier for the configuration-mode interface. The timeout multiplier is the number of announcement intervals that the interface will wait without receiving a PTP announce message before a timeout occurs; the range is from 2 to 255. The default multiplier is 3, which results in a 6-second timeout interval when the announce interval is set to the default of 2 seconds. To configure the announce interval, use the ptp announce interval command.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp announce timeout multiplier

no ptp announce timeout

default ptp announce timeout


multiplier Number of announce intervals after which the interface will time out if it does not receive a PTP announce message. The range is from 2 to 255; default value is 3.

  • This command sets the timeout multiplier for interface ethernet 5 to 5. This means that the interface will time out if it doesnt receive a PTP announce message within five announce intervals.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp announce timeout 5
  • These commands reset the PTP timeout interval on interface ethernet 5 to the default value of 3.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp announce timeout 

ptp delay-mechanism

The ptp delay-mechanism command configures the delay mechanism in boundary clock mode. The no ptp delay-mechanism command disables the feature.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp delay-mechanism mech_type

no ptp delay-mechanism

default ptp delay-mechanism


mech_type The delay mechanism. Options include the following:
  • e2e end-to-end delay mechanism.
  • p2p peer-to-peer mechanism.
  • This command sets the delay mechanism to peer-to-peer in the boundary clock mode.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp delay-mechanism p2p
  • This command sets the delay mechanism to end-to-end in the boundary clock mode.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp delay-mechanism e2e
  • This command removes the delay mechanism configuration from Ethernet 5.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp delay-mechanism e2e

ptp delay-req interval

The ptp delay-req interval command specifies the time in log seconds recommended to the slave devices to send delay request messages. You must enable PTP on the switch first and configure the source IP address for PTP communication. The no ptp delay-req interval command resets the interval to its default of 5 (32 seconds).

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp delay-req interval log_interval

no ptp delay-req interval

default ptp delay-req interval


log_interval The range is -1 to 8 log seconds (base 2 log (seconds)). The default is 5 (32 seconds).

  • These commands set the minimum interval allowed between PTP delay request messages on interface ethernet 5 to 3 (8 seconds).
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp delay-request interval 3
  • These commands reset the minimum interval allowed between PTP delay-request messages to the default of 5 (32 seconds).
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp delay-request interval

ptp domain

The ptp domain command sets the domain number to use for the clock. The no ptp domain command resets or restores the domain to the default number 0.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp domain domain_number

no ptp domain

default ptp domain


domain_number Value ranges from 0 to 255. Default number is 0.

  • This command shows how to configure domain 1 for use with a clock.
    switch(config)# ptp domain 1
  • This command removes the configured domain 1 for use with a clock.
    switch(config)# no ptp domain 1

ptp enable

The ptp enable command enables PTP on the interface. The no ptp enable command disables PTP on the interface.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp enable

no ptp enable

default ptp enable

  • This command enables PTP on interface ethernet 5.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp enable
  • This command disables PTP on Ethernet interface 5.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp enable

ptp forward-v1

The ptp forward-v1 command configures the switch to forward Precision Time Protocol version 1 packets as regular multicast traffic. By default, PTP v1 packets are trapped by the CPU, logged and discarded.

The no ptp forward-v1 and default ptp forward-v1 commands restore the default forwarding behavior by removing the corresponding ptp forward-v1 command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp forward-v1

no ptp forward-v1

default ptp forward-v1

  • This command configures the switch to forward PTP v1 packets as regular multicast traffic.
    switch(config)# ptp forward-v1
  • This command configures the switch to log and discard PTP v1 packets.
    switch(config)# no ptp forward-v1

ptp hold-ptp-time

The ptp hold-ptp-time command configures the PTP offset hold time in seconds. The no ptp hold-ptp-time command resets or restores the PTP hold time to the default value.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp hold-ptp-time offset

no ptp hold-ptp-time

default ptp hold-ptp-time


offset Value ranges from 0 to 86400.

  • This command shows how to configure the PTP offset hold time.
    switch(config)# ptp hold-ptp-time 600
  • This command resets or restores the PTP offset hold time to the default value.
    switch(config)# no ptp hold-ptp-time

ptp local-priority

The ptp local-priority command configures the local priority of the clock and interfaces to control the topology.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp local-priority PRIORITY_NUM


PRIORITY_NUM The priority number from 1 to 255.


This command sets the priority for the subinterface.
switch(config)# ptp local-priority 1
switch(config-if)# ptp local-priority 255

ptp mode

The ptp mode command configures the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) packet forwarding mode for the switch. By default, PTP is disabled globally; the mode must be changed to use PTP on switch interfaces.

The no ptp mode and default ptp mode commands return the forwarding mode to disabled by removing the ptp mode command from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp mode mode_name

no ptp mode

default ptp mode


mode_name Default mode is disabled. Options include:
  • boundary The device acts as a boundary clock, and both runs and participates in the best master clock algorithm.
    • disabled The default mode. PTP is disabled, and the device forwards all PTP packets as normal traffic.
    • e2etransparent The device acts as an end-to-end transparent clock, synchronizing all ports to a connected master clock and updating the time interval field of forwarded PTP packets using switch residence time.
    • p2ptransparent The device acts as a peer-to-peer transparent clock, synchronizing all ports to a connected master clock and updating the time interval field of forwarded PTP packets using switch residence time and inbound path delays.
    • gptp The device runs generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP), participating in the best master clock algorithm but also updating the interval field of forwarded PTP packets using switch residence time and inbound path delays.
  • This command configures the switch to act as a PTP boundary clock.
    switch(config)# ptp mode boundary
  • This command restores PTP to disabled mode.
    switch(config)# no ptp mode

ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay

Mean path delay is the mean time in nanoseconds that PTP packets take to travel between PTP master and slave. The ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay command configures the mean-path-delay threshold in nanoseconds. When this threshold is configured, a Syslog message is generated if the value of the most recently calculated mean path delay is greater than or equal to this value.

The no ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay and default ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay commands clear the threshold value and prevent further Syslog messages from being generated for this parameter.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay threshold

no ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay

default ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay


threshold threshold in nanoseconds. Values range from 0 to 1000000000 (1 second).


This command sets a mean-path-delay threshold value of 2000 nanoseconds.
switch(config)# ptp monitor threshold mean-path-delay 2000

ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master

PTP offset is the difference in nanoseconds between master and slave time. The ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master command configures the offset-from-master threshold in nanoseconds. A Syslog message is generated if the most recently calculated time offset from the PTP master is outside of the range (-<threshold>, <threshold>). The maximum offset threshold is one second.

The no ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master and no ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master commands clear the threshold value and prevents further Syslog messages from being generated for this parameter.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master threshold

no ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master

default ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master


threshold Offset threshold value in nanoseconds. Values range from 0 to 1000000000.


This command sets an offset-from-master threshold value of 500 nanoseconds.
switch(config)# ptp monitor threshold offset-from-master 500 

ptp monitor threshold skew

PTP skew is the clock frequency difference between master and slave. The ptp monitor threshold skew command configures the value of the skew-threshold percentage. A Syslog message is generated if the value of the most recently calculated skew is not in the range (1/(1+threshold), 1*(1+threshold)).

The no ptp monitor threshold skew and default ptp monitor threshold skew commands clear the threshold value and prevent further Syslog messages from being generated for this parameter.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp monitor threshold skew threshold

no ptp monitor threshold skew

default ptp monitor threshold skew


threshold skew percentage threshold represented as a double precision (16 digit) real number ranging from 0 (0%) to 10 (1000%).


This command sets a skew threshold value of 5 (500%).
switch(config)# ptp monitor threshold skew 5

ptp monitor

The ptp monitor command enables and disables PTP monitoring on the switch. When PTP monitoring is enabled, the switch records PTP status and configuration information (which can be viewed using the show ptp monitor command) and generates Syslog messages for metrics whose threshold values have been configured. PTP monitoring is enabled by default.

The no ptp monitor command disables the PTP monitoring and clears all the recorded data from running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp monitor

no ptp monitor


This command disables ptp monitor PTP monitoring on the switch and clears all the recorded data.
switch(config)# ptp monitor

ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold

The ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold command configures the propagation delay threshold above which the switch will consider the neighbor connected to this port to be incapable of participating in generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP).

The no ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold and default ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold commands restore the threshold to 100000 nanoseconds by removing the corresponding ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold link_prop

no ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold

default ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold


link_prop Threshold in nanoseconds. Value ranges from 0 to 10000000000 (ten billion). Default is 100000.

  • These commands set the link propagation delay threshold on interface ethernet 5 to 200000 nanoseconds.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold 200000
  • These commands restore the link propagation delay threshold on interface ethernet 5 to its default value of 100000 nanoseconds.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5s
    witch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp pdelay-neighbor-threshold

ptp pdelay-req interval

The ptp pdelay-req interval command configures the interval between Precision Time Protocol peer delay-request messages. The no ptp pdelay-req interval command removes the configuration.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp pdelay-req interval log_interval

no ptp pdelay-req interval

default ptp pdelay-req interval


log_interval The log interval in seconds (base 2 log (seconds)). Value ranges from 0 to 5.

  • This command shows how to configure the interval allowed between PTP peer delay request messages on interface Ethernet 5.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp pdelay-request interval 3
  • This command removes the configure the interval allowed between PTP peer delay request messages on interface Ethernet 5.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp pdelay-request interval

ptp priority1

The ptp priority1 command configures the priority 1 value for advertising the switchs PTP clock. Priority 1 is the most significant of the six factors used by devices in the selection of a master clock. Lower values indicate higher priority.

The no ptp priority1 and default ptp priority1 commands restore the priority 1 default setting of 128.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp priority1 priority_rate

no ptp priority1

default ptp priority1


priority_rate Value ranges from 0 to 255. Default is 128.

  • This command sets the priority 1 level for the switchs PTP clock to 120.
    switch(config)# ptp priority1 120
  • This command restores the default priority 1 level of 128.
    switch(config)# no ptp priority1

ptp priority2

The ptp priority2 command sets the priority 2 value for the clock. The range is from 0 to 255. Priority 2 is the fifth most significant of the six factors used by devices in the selection of a master clock. Lower values indicate higher priority.

The no ptp priority2 and default ptp priority2 commands restore the priority 2 default setting of 128.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp priority2 priority_rate

no ptp priority2

default ptp priority2


priority_rate Specifies the priority 2 level for the PTP clock. Value ranges from 0 to 255; default value is 128.

  • This command sets the priority 2 level for the switchs PTP clock to 120.
    switch(config)# ptp priority2 120
  • This command restores the default priority 2 level of 128.
    switch(config)# no ptp priority2 

ptp role

The ptp role command configures a port to operate either in the master mode or the dynamic mode when it is executed in the interface configuration mode.

The no ptp role command removes the master or dynamic mode if it was previously configured on an interface.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp role [dynamic | master]

no ptp role

default ptp role

  • dynamic the dynamic mode.
  • master the master clock mode that has the most precise time.
  • This command configures a port to operate in the master mode for interface ethernet 1.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Et1)# ptp role master
  • This command configures a port to operate in the dynamic mode for interface ethernet 1.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 1
    switch(config-if-Et1)# ptp role dynamic

ptp source

The ptp source command configures the source IP address for all PTP packets. The IP address can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format. The no ptp source ip command removes this configuration.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp source ip {ip|ipv6} ip_addr

no ptp source ip

default ptp source ip


ip specifies an IPv4 source address.

ipv6 specifies an IPv6 source address.

ip_addr the source IP address.

  • This command configures the source IP address for all PTP packets.
    switch(config)# ptp source ip
  • This command configures the source IP address 2001:db8:ac10:fe01:: for all PTP packets.
    switch(config)# ptp source ip 2001:db8:ac10:fe01::
  • This command removes any configured source IP address for all PTP packets.
    switch(config)# no ptp source ip

ptp sync timeout

A PTP synchronization timeout occurs if a sync message is not received for a specified period of time, calculated as a multiple of the PTP sync-message interval. The ptp sync timeout command configures the sync timeout multiplier. The range is 2 to 255, with a default of 20 (20 times the sync interval). To configure the sync interval, use the ptp sync-message interval command.

The no ptp sync timeout and default ptp sync timeout commands restore the PTP sync timeout multiplier to its default value of 20.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp sync timeout interval_multiplier

no ptp sync timeout

default ptp sync timeout


interval_multiplier The number of sync intervals that must pass without the configuration mode interface receiving a PTP sync message before a timeout occurs. Value ranges from 2 to 255. Default value is 20.


These commands configure the sync timeout on interface ethernet 5 to ten times the configured sync interval.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp sync timeout 10

ptp sync-message interval

The ptp sync-message interval command configures the time for sending synchronization messages by specifying its log2 value. Default values and ranges depend on the PTP mode, which is set using the ptp mode command.

The no ptp sync-message interval and default ptp sync-message interval commands restore the sync interval to its default (1 second in boundary mode, 1/8 second in gptp mode) by removing the corresponding ptp sync-message interval command from running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp sync-message interval log_interval

no ptp sync-message interval

default ptp sync-message interval


log_interval The interval between PTP synchronization messages sent from the master to the slave (base 2 log (seconds)). Values vary according to PTP mode: in boundary mode, the range is from -7 (1/128 second) to 3 (8 seconds) and the default value is 0 (1 second). In gptp mode, the range is from -3 (1/8 second) to 17 (131072 seconds, approximately 36 hours) with a default of -3.

  • These commands set the interval for PTP synchronization messages on interface ethernet 5 to 3 (8 seconds).
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp sync-message interval 3
  • In boundary mode, these commands restore the interval for PTP synchronization messages on interface ethernet 5 to its default of 0 (1 second).
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp sync-message interval

ptp transport

The ptp transport command configures the PTP transport type for a specific interface. Any values set in interface PTP configuration mode override the settings in the PTP configuration profile associated with the interface. The no ptp transport command removes the stetting from the running-config.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Interface-Port Channel Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp transport TRANSPORT_TYPE

no ptp transport

default ptp transport


TRANSPORT_TYPE The transport mode in boundary clock mode. Options include:
  • ipv4 The IPv4 address used as the transport type on the interface.
  • ipv6 The IPv6 address used as the transport type on the interface.
  • layer2 The Layer 2 protocol used as the transport type on the interface.
  • This command overrides the transport type in the profile and sets it to be IPv4 for the interface.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# ptp transport ipv4
  • This command removes the interval for PTP synchronization messages on interface Ethernet 5.
    switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
    switch(config-if-Et5)# no ptp transport 

ptp ttl

The ptp ttl command configures the Time To Live (TTL) value of the PTP packets. The no ptp ttl resets the TTL value to the default value of 1 hop by removing the ptp ttl command from the running-config.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp ttl hop_count

no ptp ttl

default ptp ttl


hop_count The TTL value measured in hops. Value ranges from 1 to 255, default is 1.

  • This command sets the time to live of the PTP packets to 60 hops.
    switch(config)# ptp ttl 60
  • This command resets the time to live of the PTP packets to the default value of 1 hop.
    switch(config)# no ptp ttl

ptp unicast-negotiation

The ptp unicast-negotiation command configures the master slave profiles for PTP devices.

Command Mode

Interface-Ethernet Configuration

Command Syntax

ptp unicast-negotiation

ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee

  • candidate-grantor become slave to another PTP device.
  • remote-grantee become master to another PTP device.
  • This command sets up an interface as a potential master.
    switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee
    switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee profile fastProfile
  • This command sets up an interface as a potential slave.
    switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor
    switch(config-if)# ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor profile fastProfile

show ptp

The show ptp command displays summary Precision Time Protocol (PTP) information and PTP status of switch ports.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ptp


This command displays summary PTP information.
switch#show ptp
PTP Mode: gptp - Generalized PTP Clock
Clock Identity: 2001:0DB8:73:ff:ff:26:fd:90
Grandmaster Clock Identity: 2001:0DB8:96:ff:fe:6c:ed:02
Number of slave ports: 1
Number of master ports: 6
Slave port: Ethernet33
Mean Path Delay (nanoseconds): 718
Steps Removed: 1
Neighbor Rate Ratio: 1.00000007883
Rate Ratio: 1.00000007883
Interface StateASTime Since LastNeighborMean PathResidence 
Capable   Changed  Rate    Ratio              Delay (ns)  Time (ms) 
--------- -------- ------- ------------------ ----------- -----------  
Et1       Disabled No      Never              1.0          00
Et2       Disabled No      Never              1.0          00
Et3       Disabled No      Never              1.0          00
Et4       Disabled No      Never              1.0          00
Et5       Disabled No      Never              1.0          00
Et6       Disabled No      Never              1.0          00
Et7       Master           Yes                0:21:08      1.000000094200

show ptp foreign-master-record

The show ptp foreign-master-record command displays information about foreign masters (PTP sources not designated as the switch's master from which the switch has received sync packets).

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ptp foreign-master-record


This command displays information about PTP foreign masters.
switch# show ptp foreign-master-record
No Foreign Master Records

show ptp interface counters

The show ptp interface counters command displays PTP interface counters for all interfaces.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ptp[INTERFACE_NAME] counters


INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and numbers. Options include:
  • no parameter Display information for all interfaces.
  • ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
  • loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range
  • management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
  • port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
  • vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
  • VXLAN vx_range VXLAN interface range specified by vx_range.

Valid range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.


This command displays the PTP interface counters.
switch# show ptp interface ethernet 5 counters
Interface Ethernet5
Announce messages sent: 0
Announce messages received: 0
Sync messages sent: 0
Sync messages received: 0
Follow up messages sent: 0
Follow up messages received: 0
Delay request messages sent: 0
Delay request messages received: 0
Delay response messages sent: 0
Delay response messages received: 0
Peer delay request messages sent: 0
Peer delay request messages received: 0
Peer delay response messages sent: 0
Peer delay response messages received: 0
Peer delay response follow up messages sent: 0
Peer delay response follow up messages received: 0

show ptp interface

The show ptp interface command displays PTP information for all the interfaces on the device.

Command Mode


Command Syntax


  • INTERFACE_NAME Interface type and numbers. Options include:
    • no parameter Display information for all interfaces.
    • ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
    • loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
    • management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
    • port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
    • vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.

    Valid range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.

  • STATUS_FILTER Filters interfaces by their configuration status. Options include:
    • no parameter all interfaces.
    • enabled PTP configured interfaces.


This command displays PTP information for all the interfaces on the device.

switch# show ptp interface
Interface Ethernet1
PTP: Disabled
Port state: Disabled
Sync interval: 1.0 seconds
Announce interval: 2.0 seconds
Announce interval timeout multiplier: 3
Delay mechanism: end to end
Delay request message interval: 32.0 seconds
Transport mode: ipv4

Interface Ethernet5
PTP: Disabled
Port state: Disabled
Sync interval: 8.0 seconds
Announce interval: 2.0 seconds
Announce interval timeout multiplier: 5
Delay mechanism: peer to peer
Peer delay request message interval: 8.0 seconds
Peer Mean Path Delay: 0
Transport mode: ipv6


show ptp local-clock

The show ptp local-clock command displays the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) clock information.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ptp local-clock


This command shows how to display the PTP local clock and offset.
switch# show ptp local-clock
PTP Mode: Boundary Clock
Clock Identity: 0x00:1c:73:ff:ff:1e:83:24
Clock Domain: 1
Number of PTP ports: 24
Priority1: 128
Priority2: 128
Clock Quality:
   Class: 248
   Accuracy: 0x30
   OffsetScaledLogVariance: 0xffff
Offset From Master: 0
Mean Path Delay: 0
Steps Removed: 0

show ptp masters

The show ptp masters command displays information about the switch's PTP master and grand master clocks.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show ptp masters


This command displays information about the switchs PTP master and grand master clocks.
switch# show ptp masters
Parent Clock:
Parent Clock Identity: 0x00:1c:73:ff:ff:00:72:40
Parent Port Number: 0
Parent IP Address: N/A
Observed Parent Offset (log variance): N/A
Observed Parent Clock Phase Change Rate: N/A

Grandmaster Clock:
Grandmaster Clock Identity: 0x00:1c:73:ff:ff:00:72:40
Grandmaster Clock Quality:
   Class: 248
   Accuracy: 0x30
   OffsetScaledLogVariance: 0xffff
   Priority1: 128
   Priority2: 128

show ptp monitor

The show ptp monitor command to displays the list of up to 100 recorded entries of offset from master, mean path delay and skew values, along with current PTP mode, whether or not the feature is enabled, number of entries displayed and the configured thresholds for each metric. Entries are sorted by the system time at which the value was calculated, starting with the most recent data at the top.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ptp monitor


This command displays the information recorded by PTP monitoring.
switch# show ptp monitor 
PTP Mode: Boundary Clock 
Ptp monitoring: enabled 
Number of entries: 5 
Offset from master threshold: 1500 
Mean path delay threshold: not configured 
Skew threshold: 0.5 
Interface  Time                          Offset from   Mean Path     Skew         
                                         Master (ns)   Delay (ns) 
---------- ----------------------------- ------------  ------------- ----------- 
Et8        21:23:12.901 UTC Feb 22 2018  71            5849           1.003159918 
Et1        21:23:12.901 UTC Feb 22 2018  113           3672           1.004990621 
Et2        21:23:12.901 UTC Feb 22 2018  706           7799           1.002744199 
Et1        21:23:12.901 UTC Feb 22 2018  803           5861           1.003432049 
Et1        21:23:12.901 UTC Feb 22 2018  610           3415           0.998974658

show ptp source ip

The show ptp source ip command displays the PTP source IP for the device.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC

Command Syntax

show ptp source ip


This command shows the PTP source IP to be
switch# show ptp source ip
PTP source IP:
This command shows the PTP source IP to be 2001:db8:ac10:fe01::
switch# show ptp source ip
PTP source IP: 2001:db8:ac10:fe01::

show ptp unicast-negotiation

The show ptp unicast-negotiation command displays PTP unicast negotiation information for the switch.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ptp unicast-negotiation profile

show ptp unicast-negotiation [DETAILS]


DETAILS   Details requested. Options include:
  • candidate-grantor   Display all configured candidate grantors, associated profile name and latest update.
  • remote-grantee Display all configured remote grantees, associated profile name and latest update.
  • granted Display to which remote grantees each port has granted and some detail.
  • requested Display to which candidate grantors each port has requested and some detail.
  • This command displays the unicast negotiation profiles configured on the switch.
    switch# show ptp unicast-negotiation profile
    Unicast Negotiation Profile fastProfile
    Announce interval: 0.25 seconds
    Announce duration: 500 seconds
    Sync interval: 0.125 seconds
    Sync duration: 300 seconds
    Delay Response interval: 0.125 seconds
    Delay Response duration: 300 seconds
  • This command displays all configured candidate grantors, associated profile name and latest update.
    switch# show ptp unicast-negotiation candidate-grantor
     Interface  Address    Profile        Grantor Status
    ----------- ---------- -------------- ------------------ 
     Ethernet1  4::1       fastProfile    Master
     Ethernet1  4::2       fastProfile    Candidate Master
     Ethernet2  4::2       fastProfile    Blacklisted
  • This command displays all configured remote grantees, associated profile name and latest update.
    switch# show ptp unicast-negotiation remote-grantee
     Interface    Address    Profile
    ------------ ---------- -------------
     Ethernet1    4::1/96    fastProfile
     Ethernet1    4::2/96    fastProfile
     Ethernet2    4::2/96    fastProfile
  • This command displays to which remote grantees each port has granted and some detail.
    switch# show ptp unicast-negotiation granted 
    Interface    Address    Message     Interval       Duration       Expires In
    ----------- ---------- ------------ -------------- -------------- -----------
     Ethernet2   4::1       Announce    0.25 seconds   300 seconds    30 seconds
     Ethernet2   4::1       Sync        2.0 seconds    300 seconds    30 seconds
  • This command displays to which candidate grantors each port has requested and some detail.
    switch# show ptp unicast-negotiation requested  
    Interface    Address   Message     Interval        Duration       Expires In
    ------------ --------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ------------
     Ethernet2   4::2      Announce    0.25 seconds    600 seconds    250 seconds
     Ethernet2   4::2      Sync        2.0 seconds     300 seconds    denied

show ptp unicast-negotiation profile

The show ptp unicast-negotiation profile command displays all user configured profiles and their values.

Command Mode


Command Syntax

show ptp unicast-negotiation profile


This command displays the PTP profiles.
switch# show ptp unicast-negotiation profile
Unicast Negotiation Profile fastProfile
Announce interval: 0.25 seconds
Announce duration: 500 seconds
Sync interval: 0.125 seconds
Sync duration: 300 seconds
Delay Response interval: 0.125 seconds
Delay Response duration: 300 seconds