Deployment Check List

This appendix creates a bootable USB drive for installing Arista Analytics.

Analytics Deployment Checklist

Verifying the following steps ensures that the Arista Analytics Node deployment is correct.

Note: All HTTP commands following should run in the Kibana dev_tools console.


  1. Before first-boot, make sure the management interface is wired and has connectivity.
  2. Check if the DNS configuration is correct.
  3. List indices using POST _cat/indices to detect issues concerning time in the flow generator (SN, Switch, etc). For example, you may see indices from days in the future or past for egregious time differences.
  4. Check if sFlow®* comes on port 6343, NetFlow v5 on 2055, andNetFlow v10 on 4739, using tcpdump -i bond0 port 6343 on bond0 or bond3 as appropriate.
  5. Check if the packet comes without a VLAN tag (in DMF policy).
  6. Check if IPAM is enabled (all switches must have IP addresses in the Controller subnet).
  7. Ping check from AN to Controller and vice versa. Ping check from AN to SNMP target.
  8. Check if all containers are up on all nodes. Notably, kibana, elasticsearch, btan, datacollect: docker ps -a
  9. Check if the UI successfully loads on all nodes via the physical IP of nodes.
  10. Check the status of ES using POST _cluster/health.
  11. Check if all cluster members are present in the ES and Floodlight cluster using the CLI: show cluster or the API: ES REST api: GET _cat/nodes
*sFlow® is a registered trademark of Inmon Corp.