Generic UDP Encapsulation (GUE) is a general method for encapsulating packets of arbitrary IP protocols within a UDP tunnel. GUE provides an extensible header format with optional data. In this release, decap capability of GUE packets of variant 1 header format has been added. This variant allows direct encapsulation using the UDP header without the GUE header. The inner payload could be one of IPv4, IPv6, or MPLS.

Support for ingress Port ACLs on GUE Packets. The matching of ACLs can be done on  outer IP header as well as UDP header fields for gue routed/bridged, decap/transit packets, and the ACL can be applied to Front Panel Ports.

MPLS over GUE (Generic UDP Encapsulation) is a tunneling mechanism for encapsulating MPLS IP traffic in a UDP header. This feature adds support for MPLS over GUE encapsulation for BGP VPN routes resolving over IPv4 next hops. 

Generic UDP Encapsulation (GUE) is a general method for encapsulating packets of arbitrary IP protocols within a UDP tunnel. GUE provides an extensible header format with optional data. In this release, the ability to encapsulate MPLS over GUE packets of variant 1 header format has been added. 

This feature allows a compatible SSH client to authenticate to EOS via a FIDO2-anchored SSH key via the “” or “” key types. In OpenSSH this was introduced in version 8.2p1. This feature is not compatible with the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)restrictions mode in EOS; if both are configured, this feature will take precedence.

Generic UDP Encapsulation (GUE) is a general method for encapsulating packets of arbitrary IP protocols within a UDP tunnel. While GUE supports an extensible header format with optional data, currently we only support the variant 1 header format, which directly encapsulates the IPv4/IPv6 payload without a GUE header.