RSVP-TE applies the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) for Traffic Engineering (TE) to distribute MPLS labels for steering traffic and reserving bandwidth.
- RSVP-TE Core Protocol and Transit Role
- Hello Messages Refresh Overhead Reduction
- Cryptographic Authentication
- Fast Reroute including facility backup, link-protection/NHOP
- LSP Ping and Traceroute
- Fast Reroute Node-Protection
- Bandwidth Management
- SRLG for Fast Reroute
- MTU Signaling
- Soft Preemption
- OSPFv2 as the IGP
- LDP Entropy Label
- Point to Multipoint (P2MP) Label Switched Paths (LSPs)
RSVP-TE LSR Configuration
(config)# mpls rsvp
Enabling RSVP-TE
(config-mpls-rsvp)# no shutdown
(config-mpls-rsvp)# shutdown
RSVP-TE does not have a per-interface configuration to enable and disable RSVP. However, you can only enable RSVP on interfaces with MPLS enabled.
State Refresh Parameter
(config-mpls-rsvp)# refresh interval 30
Configuring Hello Messages
To configure the Hello Message interval in seconds and the timeout multiplier, use the following commands.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# hello interval 10 multiplier 4
(config-mpls-rsvp)# default hello interval
(config-mpls-rsvp)# no hello interval
Configuring Refresh Overhead Reduction
(config-mpls-rsvp)# refresh method bundled
(config-mpls-rsvp)# refresh method explicit
Cryptographic Authentication Extension
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication type md5
By default, EOS sets the feature tonone which disables cryptographic authentication.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication index 1 password s3cr3t
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication index 1 active
The features uses the active password to authenticate outgoing messages. Authentication of all incoming packets accepts all configured passwords which allows smooth key rollover.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication index 1 password 7 07092E43
(config-mpls-rsvp)# authentication sequence-number window 5
The default value is 5. A value of 1 effectively turns off support for packet reordering.
Configuring Fast Reroute Extension
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute mode link-protection
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute mode none
This setting only applies to the Point of Local Repair (PLR) behavior. For example, the router is the upstream node relative to a to-be-protected link for routing an LSP. Merge Point (MP) behavior is always enabled and not affected by this setting.
Enable Node Protectionusing the parameter node-protection.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute reversion local
(config-mpls-rsvp)# fast-reroute reversion global
Configuring Shared Risk Link Groups
This command specifies if the link SRLGs of a primary LSP can be considered as constraints when creating a fast-reroute bypass tunnel with either link or node protection. When you specify srlg with the strict keyword, and if a path for a bypass tunnel excluding SRLGs of the next-hop interface of primary LSP can not be found, RSVP does not setup the bypass tunnel. When you specify srlgwithout a strict keyword, then a bypass tunnel sets up with as many links as possible that exclude the SRLGs of the next-hop interface of primary LSP and ifunavailable, links that have the least number of SRLGs which are to be excluded are used.
If not configured, the behavior remains the same as before and turns off SRLG processing. Therefore, the no and default versions of the command return to the default of no SRLG processing.
(config)# interface Et1
(config-if-Et1)# traffic-engineering srlg 100
(config)# interface Et2
(config-if-Et2)# traffic-engineering srlg 200
Configuring Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF)
RSVP-TE uses CSPF to compute the FRR backup path. Configure CSPF to avoid frequent path changes when frequent events occur on the network. Use the Router Traffic Engineering Configuration Mode to specify how frequently CSPF runs after a network event by specifying the initial wait interval, back-off interval, and maximum wait interval for CSPF. Use the following commands to configure CSPF to an initial wait interval of 600 milliseconds, a back-off interval of 60000 milliseconds, and a maximum wait interval of 10000 milliseconds:
switch(config)# router traffic-engineering
switch(config-te)# cspf delay initial 60000 back-off 60000 max 10000
The switch defaults to 100 for initial wait interval, 200 for back-off interval, and 1000 for maximum wait interval with all values in milliseconds.
Configuring Traffic Engineering
For CSPF to compute the FRR backup path to a particular destination, enable traffic engineering on all the IGP-enabled interfaces, and globally enable the traffic engineering extensions. For IS-IS, enable under the Router ISIS Configuration Mode, and for OSPFv2, enable in theRouter OSPFv2 Configuration Mode. This is required for the IGP to start exchanging TE-related attributes with peers and build the topology database.
Also, CSPF needs a router ID to uniquely identify a router, so that it can find a path to it. CSPF also uses a self router-id as a source for running SPF. Configure a required router-id in the Router Traffic Engineering Configuration Mode for CSPF to function properly.
Configuring MTU Signaling
RSVP can discover the lowest Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) used along an LSP by evaluating and updating, at each hop, the composed MTU, stored in the General Parameters fragment of an AdSpec object in RSVP Path messages.
At each RSVP hop with MTU signaling enabled, the value updates by taking the minimum between the downstream interface for an LSP and the composed MTU value from the incoming Path message.
When disabled, the composed MTU does not update.
switch(config-mpls-rsvp)# mtu signaling
The no and default versions of the command disables MTU Signaling.
Configuring Soft Preemption
EOS supports soft preemption which enables the deferred failure of RSVP-TE LSPs on a link oversubscription. Configure a preemption timer value to create a delay on a transit router to support LSPs signaled with soft preemption enabled by the headend.
By default, EOS uses soft preemption with a timer value of 30 seconds.
In this example, use the following command to configure the preemption method as soft preemption with a timer value of 10 seconds.
(config-mpls-rsvp)# preemption method soft timer 10
(config-mpls-rsvp)# preemption method hard
Configuring Graceful Restart
Graceful Restart preserves data plane traffic when the RSVP agents restart and has two modes:
- Helper Mode - Assists with restarting RSVP neighbors.
- Speaker Mode - Allows the local node to restart.
Graceful Restart uses RSVP Hello Messages and if you do not enable Hello messages, Graceful Restart remains inactive.
RSVP nodes participating in Graceful Restart exchange a new object in the Hello Message that advertises two Graceful Restart time values of restart phase and recovery phase. The restart phase starts when a Hello Message times out which marks the end of an RSVP neighbor communication. If a neighbor advertises a non-zero restart time value, a timer starts after detecting a communication loss from that neighbor.
If an RSVP node does not receive a Hello Message from a neighbor before the end of the restart phase, Hello communication loss procedures begin on the network. If an RSVP node receives a Hello message with the same source instance as before the end of the restart phase, the network returns to a normal RSVP state. If an RSVP node receives a Hello messagefrom a neighbor with a different source instance before the recovery period starts, with a non-zero recovery value in the message, RSVP considers the neighbor as restarted, and a recovery phase begins.
The recovery phase starts after the reception of a different source instance than previous Hello messages from a neighbor. Since source instances have a per RSVP agent lifetime, a different source instance indicates that a neighbor restarted. If the recovery value in the Hello messages has a non-zero, the neighbor requires assistance with restarting, and initiates a timer using that value, and then ends the recovery phase. During the recovery phase, outgoing RSVP reservation messages pause until the neighbor receives a Path message from the same LSP. After receiving the message, the recovery phase ends.
At the end of the recovery period, RSVP clears any data plane and control plane states not re-advertised since the restart of the RSVP neighbor.
Configuring Helper Mode
Enable Helper mode in the MPLS RSVP Configuration Mode on the switch, and configure the maximum accepted restart and recovery values.
Use the following commands to enter MPLS RSVP Configuration Mode and configure Helper mode:
switch(config)# mpls rsvp
switch(config-mpls-rsvp)# graceful-restart role helper
switch(config-mpls-rsvp-gr-helper)# timer restart maximum 160 seconds
switch(config-mpls-rsvp-gr-helper)# timer recovery maximum 320 seconds
Configuring Speaker Mode
Enable Speaker mode in the MPLS RSVP Configuration Mode on the switch, and configure the maximum accepted restart and recovery values.
Use the following commands to enter MPLS RSVP Configuration Mode and configure Speaker mode:
switch(config)# mpls rsvp
switch(config-mpls-rsvp)# graceful-restart role speaker
switch(config-mpls-rsvp-gr-speaker)# timer restart maximum 160 seconds
switch(config-mpls-rsvp-gr-speaker)# timer recovery maximum 320 seconds
Configuring Path Specifications
Path specifications can be explicit and dynamic depending on Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF) search procedure to find a path in the network topology.
Explicit Path Specifications
switch(config-te-rsvp)# path MyPath explicit
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# hop
(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# hop
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# hop before
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# hop after
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# no hop
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# show active
router traffic-engineering
path MyPath explicit
(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# show pending
(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# show diff
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# exit
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-expl-MyPath)# abort
Dynamic Path Specifications
In a dynamic path specification, the operator provides constraints with which a CSPF procedure finds a path in the network topology. The CSPF result is a list of strict hops which forms the ERO.
The submode to configure dynamic paths is entered by specifying the name with dynamic.
switch(config-te-rsvp)# path MyPath dynamic
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-dyn-MyPath)# hop exclude
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-dyn-MyPath)# hop
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-dyn-MyPath)# hop loose
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-dyn-MyPath)# hop before
switch(config-te-rsvp-path-dyn-MyPath)# hop loose after
Configuring Tunnel Specifications
Tunnel specification has its own sub-mode.
switch(config-te-rsvp)# tunnel MyTunnel
Each tunnel has a tunnel destination IP.
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-MyTunnel)# destination ip
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-MyTunnel)# path MyPath
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-MyTunnel)#path MyOtherPath secondary pre-signaled
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# bandwidth 10 mbps
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# bandwidth auto min 1 mbps max 5 mbps adjustment-period 60
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# priority setup 5 hold 3
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# no shutdown
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# exit
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# abort
switch(config-te-rsvp)# optimization interval 3600 seconds
switch(config-te-rsvp)# tunnel myTunnel
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# optimization interval 3600 seconds
switch(config-te-rsvp)# optimization interval 3600 seconds
switch(config-te-rsvp)# tunnel myTunnel
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# optimization disabled
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# alias endpoint
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# alias endpoint 2001::10
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# split-tunnel quantum 10 kbps
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-myTunnel)# split-tunnel quantum 10 kbps sub-tunnels limit 20
IGP Shortcut in IS-IS
IGP shortcuts enable traffic to get forwarded along paths computed to take advantage of traffic-engineered paths setup using RSVP using a modified SPF algorithm. This enables operators to take advantage of TE capabilities of RSVP tunnels which traverse over links satisfying bandwidth, latency or fast reroute considerations.
IGP shortcuts are enabled on a RSVP Label Edge Router (LER) selectively on specific RSVP tunnels. When IGP shortcut is enabled, IP routes resolving over RSVP tunnels are installed in FIB. As a result all IP traffic including control plane traffic is forwarded through IGP shortcut tunnels. All protocols relying on FIB for nexthop resolution such as Static routes or BGP is also resolved over IGP shortcuts.
Configuring IGP Shortcut on RSVP Tunnel
On a RSVP LER, IGP shortcut is enabled individually on each RSVP tunnel that is intended for them. No configuration changes are needed on any of the RSVP Label Switch Routers.
switch(config)# router traffic-engineering
switch(config-te)# rsvp
switch(config-te-rsvp)# tunnel R3b
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-T1)# igp shortcut
switch(config-te-rsvp-tunnel-T1)# exit
IGP shortcuts is enabled by default in IS-IS, following command disables this under the IS-ISaddress-family ipv4 mode.
switch# conf terminal
switch(config)# router isis inst1
switch(config-router-isis)# address-family ipv4
switch(config-router-isis-af)# igp shortcut disabled
- IGP shortcut is only supported for IPv4.
- IGP shortcuts can only be computed over RSVP tunnels'
- IS-IS must be enabled on the loopback interface whose primary IP address is used as the RSVP tunnel end point.
- This is only available in the multi-agent routing protocol model.
- TI-LFA protection is not enabled for Segment Routing destinations reachable via IGP shortcuts.
Show Commands
switch# show traffic-engineering rsvp tunnel
Tunnel TestTunnel
State: up
Bandwidth: 0.0 bps, mode explicit
LSPs: 2
Active path: primary
Primary path: Path1to4
State: up, in use
Path (dynamic):
Secondary path: Path1to4detour
State: up
Path (explicit):
switch(config)# show traffic-engineering rsvp tunnel lsp
Tunnel TestTunnel
State: up
Bandwidth: 0.0 bps, mode explicit
LSPs: 2
Active path: primary
LSP 1:
Path specification: Path1to4, primary
CSPF Path ID: 10001
Bandwidth: 0.0 bps
State: up, in use
Path (dynamic):
LSP 2:
Path specification: Path1to4detour, secondary
Bandwidth: 0.0 bps
State: up
Path (explicit):
switch# show traffic-engineering rsvp tunnel detail
Tunnel TestTunnel
Additional endpoints:
State: up
Bandwidth: 0.0 bps, mode explicit
Setup priority: 7
Hold priority: 0
MTU signaling: disabled
Periodic optimization: disabled
Session #4
Tunnel index: 1
LSPs: 2
LDP tunneling: enabled
IGP shortcut: enabled
Active path: primary
Primary path: Path1to4
State: up, in use
CSPF Path ID: 10001
Path (dynamic):
Secondary path: Path1to4detour
State: up
Path (explicit):
switch# show traffic-engineering rsvp tunnel history
Tunnel TestTunnel
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 CSPF query on primary path
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 State change: down
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 LSP #1 added
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 CSPF reply for primary path, path found
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 LSP #2 added
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:46 State change: up using primary path
LSP #1
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 LSP created
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 State change: establishing
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:46 State change: up
LSP #2
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 LSP created
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:44 State change: establishing
Mon 2020-07-13 07:04:47 State change: up
switch# show isis summary
IS-IS Instance: inst1 VRF: default
Instance ID: 0
System ID: 1111.1111.1001, administratively enabled
Router ID: IPv4:
Multi Topology disabled, not attached
IPv4 Preference: Level 1: 115, Level 2: 115
IPv6 Preference: Level 1: 115, Level 2: 115
IS-Type: Level 2, Number active interfaces: 3
Routes IPv4 only
LSP size maximum: Level 1: 1492, Level 2: 1492
Shortcut SPF for IGP: Enabled
switch# show isis network topology
IS-IS Instance: inst1 VRF: default
IS-IS paths to level-2 routers
System Id Metric IA Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
1111.1111.1003 10 0 1111.1111.1003 RSVP LER tunnel index 5 IGP Shortcut
Configuring Transit Support for Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP) LSPs
Allows efficient multicast distribution with traffic duplication occurring at the closest point to the receivers. Enable this feature using the p2mp parameter in the MPLS RSVP Configuration Mode.
Use the following command to add P2MP functionality to the RSVP-TE configuration:
switch(config)#mpls rsvp
switch(config-mpls-rsvp)#no shutdown
Disable P2MP functionality using the following command:
Alternatively, remove P2PM to disable the functionality:
switch(config-mpls-rsvp)# no p2mp
Displaying P2MP LSP Information
The output displays P2P, P2MP, and LSP information separately in the high level RSVP state.
switch# show mpls rsvp
Administrative state: enabled
Operational state: up
Refresh interval: 30 seconds
Refresh reduction: disabled
Hello messages: disabled
Fast Re-Route: enabled
Mode: link protection
Hierarchical FECs: enabled
Reversion: global
Bypass tunnel optimization interval: 30 seconds
Cryptographic authentication: disabled
SRLG mode: none
Soft preemption: enabled
Preemption timer: 30 seconds
MTU signaling: disabled
Label type for local termination: implicit null
Hitless restart: disabled
Graceful restart: disabled
Number of sessions: 1
Ingress/Transit/Egress: 1/0/0
Number of LSPs: 1
Operational: 1
Ingress/Transit/Egress: 1/0/0
Currently using bypass tunnels: 0
Number of sessions: 1
Number of LSPs: 1
Operational: 1
Ingress/Transit/Egress/Bud: 0/1/0/0
Currently using bypass tunnels: 1
Number of sub-LSPs: 2
Operational: 2
Ingress/Transit/Egress: 0/2/0
Currently using bypass tunnels: 1
Number of bypass tunnels: 1
Number of neighbors: 4
Number of interfaces: 2
Displaying RSVP Sessions includes information about P2MP Sessions:
switch# show mpls rsvp sessions
Session #1
Destination address:
Tunnel ID: 1
Extended Tunnel ID:
State: up
Session creation: 00:25:03 ago
Role: ingress
LSP #1
State: up
Type: bypass
Source address:
LSP creation: 00:25:03 ago
Session name: Bypass_link_10.0.23.3
Downstream label: 500001
Downstream neighbor:
Local interface: Ethernet19/1
Last refresh received: 32 seconds ago
Last refresh sent: 8 seconds ago
Bypass tunnel: not requested
Fast re-route mode requested: none
Fast re-route mode operational: none
Session: P2mpTunnel
P2MP ID: 60000000
Tunnel ID: 1
Extended Tunnel ID:
State: up
Session creation: 00:25:04 ago
State: up (2 of 2 sub-LSPs up)
LSP creation: 00:25:04 ago
Sub-LSPs: 2
Destination up
Destination up
Use the following command to display detailed session information about RSVP P2MP:
show mpls rsvp session detail
Session #1
Destination address:
Tunnel ID: 1
Extended Tunnel ID:
State: up
Session creation: 00:26:28 ago
Role: ingress
LSP #1
State: up
Type: bypass
Source address:
LSP creation: 00:26:28 ago
Session name: Bypass_link_10.0.23.3
Downstream label: 500001
Downstream neighbor:
Local interface: Ethernet19/1
Last refresh received: 17 seconds ago
Last refresh sent: 15 seconds ago
Bypass tunnel: not requested
Fast re-route mode requested: none
Fast re-route mode operational: none
MTU signaling: disabled
Explicit Route:
Record Route (from upstream):
Record Route (from downstream): [label: 500001] [label: 400001] [label: 3]
Session: P2mpTunnel
P2MP ID: 60000000
Tunnel ID: 1
Extended Tunnel ID:
State: up
Session creation: 00:26:28 ago
State: up (2 of 2 sub-LSPs up)
LSP creation: 00:26:28 ago
Upstream neighbor via Ethernet13/1
Local label: 216384
Downstream neighbor via Ethernet17/1
Via backup neighbor: via Ethernet19/1
Downstream label: 300000
Bypass tunnel: in use
Name: Bypass_link_10.0.23.3
Next hop:
Next hop label: 500001
Merge point label: 300000
Fast re-route mode requested: link protection
Fast re-route mode operational: link protection
Downstream neighbor via Ethernet19/1
Downstream label: 500000
Bypass tunnel: not available
Fast re-route mode requested: link protection
Fast re-route mode operational: none
Sub-LSP destination
State: up
Explicit Route:
Record Route (from upstream):
Record Route (from downstream): [label: 300000] [label: 400000]
Last refresh received:
From upstream: 24 seconds ago
From downstream: 25 seconds ago
Last refresh sent:
To upstream: 6 seconds ago
To downstream: 11 seconds ago
Sub-LSP destination
State: up
Explicit Route:
Record Route (from upstream):
Record Route (from downstream): [label: 500000]
Last refresh received:
From upstream: 24 seconds ago
From downstream: 24 seconds ago
Last refresh sent:
To upstream: 6 seconds ago
To downstream: 25 seconds ago
Show Commands
RSVP Show Commands
switch> show mpls rsvp
Administrative state: enabled
Operational state: up
Refresh interval: 30 seconds
Refresh reduction: enabled
Hello messages: enabled
Hello interval: 10 seconds
Hello multiplier: 4
Fast Re-Route: disabled
Mode: none
Hierarchical FECs: enabled
Cryptographic authentication: disabled
MTU signaling: disabled
Number of sessions: 1
Ingress/Transit/Egress: 0/1/0
Number of LSPs: 1
Operational: 1
Ingress/Transit/Egress: 0/1/0
Currently using bypass tunnels: 0
Number of bypass tunnels: 0
Number of neighbors: 2
Number of interfaces: 2
switch> show mpls rsvp neighbor
Upstream for
Session #1 LSP #1
Downstream for
Neighbor uptime: 00:01:24
Authentication type: disabled
Last hello received: 1 seconds ago
Last hello sent: 1 seconds ago
Bypass tunnel: not requested
Upstream for
Downstream for
Session #1 LSP #1
Neighbor uptime: 00:01:24
Authentication type: disabled
Last hello received: -
Last hello sent: 31 seconds ago
Bypass tunnel: not requested
switch> show mpls rsvp neighbor summary
Neighbor Role Sessions LSPs
==================== ========== ======== ======== Upstream 1 1 Downstream 1 1
switch> show mpls rsvp session
Session #1
Destination address:
Tunnel ID: 0
Extended Tunnel ID:
Role: transit
LSP #1
State: up
Type: primary
Source address:
LSP uptime: 00:02:38
Session name: Session1
Local label: 100000
Downstream label: 100000
Upstream neighbor:
Last refresh received: 17 seconds ago
Last refresh sent: 10 seconds ago
Downstream neighbor:
Last refresh received: 7 seconds ago
Last refresh sent: 9 seconds ago
Bypass tunnel: not requested
switch> show mpls rsvp session summary
Session Destination LSP Name Role Bypass State
======== ================== ======== ============ ======= ====== =========
1 1 Session1 transit n/req up
switch> show mpls rsvp session detail
Session #1
Destination address:
Tunnel ID: 0
Extended Tunnel ID:
Role: transit
LSP #1
State: up
MTU Signaling: enabled
Received Path MTU: 1800 bytes
Sent Path MTU: 1500 bytes
switch> show mpls rsvp counters
Received Messages:
Interface Path PathTear PathErr Resv ResvTear ResvErr Srefresh Other Errors
--------- ---- -------- ------- ---- -------- ------- -------- ----- ------
Ethernet1 5 0 0 0 0 0 8 51 1
Ethernet2 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0
Sent Messages:
Interface Path PathTear PathErr Resv ResvTear ResvErr Srefresh Other Errors
--------- ---- -------- ------- ---- -------- ------- -------- ----- ------
Ethernet1 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 49 0
Ethernet2 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
CSPF Show Commands
RSVP-TE uses CSPF to compute the FRR backup path. If srlg is configured in RSVP configuration to exclude SRLG, then details about the SRLG related constraint attributes are also displayed as in the following show commands.
switch> show traffic-engineering cspf path
Destination Constraint Path exclude Ethernet1
exclude SRLG of Ethernet1
exclude Ethernet2
switch> show traffic-engineering cspf path detail
Path Constraint: exclude Ethernet1
exclude SRLG of Ethernet1: orange-link (500),
green-link (400), 100, red-link (200), 600
Request Sequence number: 1
Response Sequence number: 1
Number of times path updated: 2
Last updated: 00:01:58
Reoptimize: Always
Path Constraint: exclude Ethernet2
Request Sequence number: 2
Response Sequence number: 2
Number of times path updated: 3
Last updated: 00:00:38
Reoptimize: Always
Displaying the Traffic-engineering Database
You can display the topology used for CSPF computations by using the show traffic-engineering database command. Starting from EOS Release 4.23.1F, the SRLG group details of a neighbor are shown if it is advertised.
switch# show traffic-engineering database
TE Router-ID:
Source: IS-IS Level-1 IPv4 Topology Database
IS-IS System-ID: 1111.1111.1001
Number of Links: 2
Network type: P2P
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1002
Administrative group (Color): 0x123a
TE Metric: 30
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 25.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.00 Mbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 9.00 Mbps TE class 1: 9.00 Mbps
TE class 2: 8.5.00 Mbps TE class 3: 8.00 Mbps
TE class 4: 7.00 Mbps TE class 5: 7.50 Mbps
TE class 6: 6.00 Mbps TE class 7: 6.00 Mbps
Network Type: LAN
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1003.02
TE Metric: 30
Administrative Group: 0x12
IPv4 Local Addresses:
Maximum Link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Maximum Reservable Link BW: 10.50 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE-Class 0: 8.50 Gbps TE-Class 1: 8.70 Gbps
TE-Class 2: 7.50 Gbps TE-Class 3: 7.25 Gbps
TE-Class 4: 6.50 Gbps TE-Class 5: 7.30 Gbps
TE-Class 6: 3.50 Gbps TE-Class 7: 7.20 Gbps
Source: IS-IS Level-2 IPv4 Topology Database
IS-IS System-ID: 1111.1111.1003
Number of Links: 1
Network Type: LAN
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1003.16
IPv4 Local Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 5.00 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 4.00 Gbps TE class 1: 4.00 Gbps
TE class 2: 4.00 Gbps TE class 3: 4.00 Gbps
TE class 4: 3.00 Gbps TE class 5: 3.00 Gbps
TE class 6: 3.00 Gbps TE class 7: 3.00 Gbps
Source: OSPFv2 Instance ID 33 Area-ID Topology Database
OSPFv2 Router-ID:
Number of Links: 2
Network type: P2P
Administrative group (Color): 0x123a
TE metric: 30
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 25.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.00 Mbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 9.00 Mbps TE class 1: 9.00 Mbps
TE class 2: 8.50 Mbps TE class 3: 8.00 Mbps
TE class 4: 7.00 Mbps TE class 5: 7.50 Mbps
TE class 6: 6.00 Mbps TE class 7: 6.00 Mbps
Network type: LAN
Administrative group (Color): 0x12
TE metric: 30
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.5 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 8.50 Gbps TE class 1: 8.70 Gbps
TE class 2: 7.50 Gbps TE class 3: 7.25 Gbps
TE class 4: 6.50 Gbps TE class 5: 7.30 Gbps
TE class 6: 3.50 Gbps TE class 7: 7.20 Gbps
TE Router-ID:
Source: IS-IS Level-1 IPv4 Topology Database
IS-IS System-ID: 1111.1111.1004
Number of Links: 2
Network type: P2P
Neighbor: 1111.1111.1002
IPv4 Interface Addresses:
IPv4 Neighbor Addresses:
Maximum link BW: 50.00 Gbps
Maximum reservable link BW: 10.00 Gbps
Unreserved BW:
TE class 0: 8.00 Gbps TE class 1: 8.00 Gbps
TE class 2: 8.00 Gbps TE class 3: 8.00 Gbps
TE class 4: 7.00 Gbps TE class 5: 7.00 Gbps
TE class 6: 7.00 Gbps TE class 7: 7.00 Gbps
Shared Risk Link Group:
Group: 100
Group: green-link (150)
- Supports only IPv4.
- Supports only the default VRF.
- Supports only strict EROs with host hops (/32).
- Supports only transit role functionality.
- Traffic Engineering links with secondary IP addresses are not supported.
- The maximum number of supported RSVP sessions and LSPs is 5000.
- For FRR, the maximum number of supported LSPs per interface is 2000.
- Changing the RSVP FRR mode while a bypass tunnel is already in use can bring down both primary and bypass tunnels which cause traffic loss.
- Changing the RSVP SRLG mode while a bypass tunnel is already in use could bring down both primary and bypass tunnels which cause traffic loss.
- The maximum number of IS-IS/OSPFv2 routers supported by CSPF on a single broadcast network is 30.
- The maximum number of IS-IS/OSPFv2 adjacencies supported by CSPF for a single router is 500.
- CSPF only takes into account a maximum of 16 SRLGs per TE link, when excluding SRLGs while computing a path.