Managing dmf Switches and Interfaces

This chapter describes the basic configuration required to deploy and manage danz monitoring fabric (dmf) switches and interfaces.


Overriding the Default Configuration for a Switch

By default, each switch inherits its configuration from the danz monitoring fabric (dmf) Controller. Use the following pages of the Configure Switch dialog to override the following configuration options for a specific switch.
  • Info
  • Clock
  • SNMP
  • SNMP traps
  • Logging
  • sFlow®*
  • LAG enhanced hash

CLI Configuration

To use the CLI to manage switch configuration, enter the following commands to enter the config-switch submode.
controller-1(config)# switch <switch-name>
Replace the switch-name with the alias previously assigned to each switch during installation, as in the following example.
controller-1(config)# switch dmf-SWITCH-1

From this submode, configure the specific switch and override the default configuration pushed from the danz monitoring fabric (dmf) Controller to the switch.

The danz monitoring fabric 8.6 Deployment Guide provides detailed instructions on overriding the switch's default configuration..

dmf Interfaces

To monitor traffic, assign a role to each of the danz monitoring fabric (dmf) interfaces, which can be of the following four types:
  • Filter interfaces: ports where traffic enters the dmf. Use filter interfaces to TAP or SPAN ports from production networks.
  • Delivery interfaces: ports where traffic leaves the dmf. Use delivery interfaces to connect to troubleshooting, monitoring, and compliance tools. These include Network Performance monitoring (NPM), Application Performance monitoring (APM), data recorders, security (DDoS, Advanced Threat Protection, Intrusion Detection, etc.), and SLA measurement tools.
  • Filter and delivery interfaces: ports with both incoming and outgoing traffic. When placing the port in loopback mode, use a filter and delivery interface to send outgoing traffic back into the switch for further processing. To reduce cost, use a filter and delivery interface when transmit and receive cables are connected to two separate devices.
  • Service interfaces: interfaces connected to third-party services or network packet brokers, including any interface that sends or receives traffic to or from an NPB.

In addition, interfaces connected to managed service nodes and danz recorder nodes can be referenced in the configuration directly without assigning a role explicitly. Also, Inter-Switch Links (ISLs), which interconnect danz monitoring switches, are automatically detected and referred to as core interfaces.

Using the GUI to Configure a dmf Filter or Delivery Interface

To use the danz monitoring fabric (dmf) GUI to configure a fabric interface as a filter or delivery interface, perform the following steps:
  1. Select monitoring > Interfaces from the main menu to display the dmf interfaces.
    Figure 1. dmf Interfaces
  2. Click the provision control (+) in the Interfaces table to configure a new interface.
    Figure 2. Create Interface
  3. Select the Edit option to change the configuration of an already configured interface.
  4. Select the switch and interface from the selection lists and click Next.
    The system displays the second Configuration page.
  5. Assign a name, IP address, and subnet mask to the interface.
  6. Select a radio button to assign a role to the interface:
    • Filter
    • Delivery
    • Filter and Delivery
    • Service
    • The options available are updated based on the selection.

      For example, when selecting Filter, the system displays the following dialog box.

      Figure 3. Create Interface: Filter
    • Analytics is enabled by default. To disable Analytics for the interface, move the slider to Disabled. For information about Analytics, refer to the Analytics Node User Guide.
    • Optionally, enable the Rewrite VLAN option for a filter or a filter and delivery interface.
    • Enable the Rewrite VLAN option when configuring a Filter interface by identifying the VLAN in the Rewrite VLAN field.
  7. Complete the configuration for the specific interface role.
  8. Click Save to save the configuration.

Using the CLI to Configure a danz Filter or Delivery Interface

To assign a filter or delivery role to an interface, perform the following steps:
  1. From the config mode, enter the switch command, identifying the switch having the interface to configure.
    controller-1(config)# switch dmf-FILTER-SWITCH-1
    Note: Identify the switch using the alias if configured. The CLI changes to the config-switch submode to configure the specified switch.
  2. From the config-switch mode, enter the interface command, as in the following example:
    controller-1(config-switch)# interface ethernet1
    Note:To view a list of the available interfaces, enter the show switch <switch-name> interface command or press the Tab key, and the command completion feature displays a concise list of permitted values. After identifying the interface, the CLI changes to the config-switch-if mode to configure the specified interface.
  3. From the config-switch-if submode, enter the role command to identify the role for the interface. The syntax for defining an interface role (delivery, filter, filter-and-delivery, or service) is as follows:
    [no] role delivery interface-name <name> [strip-customer-vlan] [ip-address
    [nexthop-ip <ip-address> <subnet> ]
    [no] role filter interface-name <name> [ip-address <ip-address>] {[rewrite
    vlan <vlan id (1-4094)>]} [no-analytics]
    [no] role both-filter-and-delivery interface-name <name> {[rewrite vlan <vlan id
    (1-4094)>]} [noanalytics]
    [no] role service interface-name <name>a
    The interface-name command assigns an alias to the current interface, which typically would indicate the role assigned, as in the following example:
    controller-1(config-switch-if)# role delivery interface-name TOOL-PORT-1
    Note:An interface can have only one role, and the configured interface name must be unique within the danz monitoring fabric.
    The following examples show the configuration for filter, delivery, and service interfaces:
    • Filter Interfaces
      controller-1 (config)# switch dmf-FILTER-SWITCH-1
      controller-1(config-switch)# interface ethernet1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role filter interface-name TAP-PORT-1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# interface ethernet2
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role filter interface-name TAP-PORT-2
    • Delivery Interfaces
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# switch dmf-DELIVERY-SWITCH-1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# interface ethernet1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role delivery interface-name TOOL-PORT-1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# interface ethernet2
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role delivery interface-name TOOL-PORT-2
    • Filter and Delivery Interfaces
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# switch dmf-CORE-SWITCH-1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# interface ethernet1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role both-filter-and-delivery interface-name loopback-
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# interface ethernet2
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role both-filter-and-delivery interface-name loopback-
    • Service Interfaces
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# switch dmf-CORE-SWITCH-1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# interface ethernet1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role service interface-name PRE-SERVICE-PORT-1
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# interface ethernet2
      controller-1(config-switch-if)# role service interface-name POST-SERVICE-PORT-1
    1. An interface can have only one role, and the configured interface name must be unique within the danz monitoring fabric.
    2. A delivery interface will show drops under a many-to-one scenario, i.e., multiple filter interfaces pointing to a single delivery interface as per policy definition. These drops are accounted for as micro bursts occur at the egress port. For example, consider a use case of three 10G ingress ports and one 25G egress port. Even if we send a total of 25Gbps of traffic by calculation from ingress to egress, each individual ingress port still operates at 10Gbps inside the BCM chip (i.e., a total of 30G on ingress, 5Gbps traffic is still running at 10Gbps speed on the wire but with a bigger inter-frame gap). This means the ingress may oversubscribe the egress due to the 30G to 25G traffic ratio. For example, if each ingress port receives one packet at the same time, it causes 30G-to-25G over-subscription or micro-bursting (5Gbps traffic still gets processed at the ingress port’s native speed of 10Gbps). Because the egress can only process packets up to 25Gbps, one of the packets will not get dequeued promptly and accumulate inside the egress TX queue. If this pattern continues, the egress queue eventually drops packets due to the TX buffer becoming full. Therefore, expect this behavior in the case of many-to-one forwarding. After reconfiguring and using only one 25G ingress port to one 25G egress port, there is no TX drop problem.

Using the CLI to Identify a Filter Interface using Destination MAC Rewrite

The Destination MAC (D.MAC) Rewrite feature provides an option to identify the Filter interface by overriding the destination MAC address of the packet received on the filter interface. Use this feature for auto-assigned and user-configured VLANs in push-per-filter and push-per-policy modes.
Note: The D.MAC Rewrite feature VLAN preservation applies to switches running SWL OS and does not apply to 7280R/7280R2 switches running EOS.

Global Configuration

Configure this function at the filter interface level and perform the following steps using the CLI.
  1. Select a filter switch and enter the config mode.
    (config)# switch filter1
  2. Select an interface from the switch acting as the filter interface.
    (config-switch)# interface ethernet5
  3. Create a filter interface with a name and provide the MAC address to override.
    (config-switch-if)# role filter interface-name f1 rewrite dst-mac 00:00:00:00:00:03

CLI Show Commands

The following show command displays the ingress flow for the filter switch.

In the Entry value column, the filter switch contains dst MAC tlv: EthDst(00:00:00:00:00:03).

(config-policy)# show switch filter1 table ingress-flow-2
# Ingress-flow-2 Device name Entry key Entry value
1 0filter1 Priority(6400), Port(5), EthType(34525) Name(p1), Data([0, 0, 0, 61]), PushVlanOnIngress(flags=[]), VlanVid(0x1), Port(1), EthDst(00:00:00:00:00:03)
2 1filter1 Priority(6400), Port(5) Name(p1), Data([0, 0, 0, 62]), PushVlanOnIngress(flags=[]), VlanVid(0x1), Port(1), EthDst(00:00:00:00:00:03)
3 2filter1 Priority(36000), EthType(35020) Name(__System_LLDP_Flow_), Data([0, 0, 0, 56]), Port(controller), QueueId(0)

The core and delivery switch in the Entry value column doesn’t contain dst MAC tlv, as shown in the following examples.

(config-policy)# show switch core1 table ingress-flow-2
# Ingress-flow-2 Device name Entry key Entry value
1 0core1 Priority(6400), Port(1), EthType(34525), VlanVid(0x1) Name(p1), Data([0, 0, 0, 60]), Port(2)
2 1core1 Priority(6400), Port(1), VlanVid(0x1) Name(p1), Data([0, 0, 0, 59]), Port(2)
3 2core1 Priority(36000), EthType(35020) Name(__System_LLDP_Flow_), Data([0, 0, 0, 57]), Port(controller), QueueId(0)
(config-policy)# show switch delivery1 table ingress-flow-2
# Ingress-flow-2 Device name Entry key Entry value
1 0delivery1 Priority(6400), Port(1), EthType(34525), VlanVid(0x1) Name(p1), Data([0, 0, 0, 64]), Port(6)
2 1delivery1 Priority(6400), Port(1), VlanVid(0x1) Name(p1), Data([0, 0, 0, 63]), Port(6)
3 2delivery1 Priority(36000), EthType(35020) Name(__System_LLDP_Flow_), Data([0, 0, 0, 58]), Port(controller), QueueId(0)


To troubleshoot the scenario where the provided destination MAC address is attached incorrectly to the filter interface. The ingress-flow-2 table above will have a destination MAC rewrite tlv on the filter switch, but no such tlv appears on the core or delivery switch.

As an alternative, drop into the bash of the filter switch to check the flow and destination MAC rewrite.

Use the following commands for the ZTN CLI of the filter switch.

(config)# connect switch filter1
(ztn-config) debug admin
filter1> enable
filter1# debug bash

The following command prints the flow table of the filter switch.

root@filter1:~# ofad-ctl gt ING_FLOW2
Figure 4. Filter Switch Flow Table
The following command shows the policy flow from the filter switch to the delivery switch. The filter switch will have the assigned destination MAC in the match-field.
(config)# show policy-flow
# Policy Name SwitchPkts Bytes PriT MatchInstructions
1 p1core1 (00:00:52:54:00:15:94:88) 00 6400 1 eth-type ipv6,vlan-vid 1 apply: name=p1 output: max-length=65535, port=2
2 p1core1 (00:00:52:54:00:15:94:88) 00 6400 1 vlan-vid 1 apply: name=p1 output: max-length=65535, port=2
3 p1delivery1 (00:00:52:54:00:00:11:d2) 00 6400 1 vlan-vid 1 apply: name=p1 output: max-length=65535, port=6
4 p1delivery1 (00:00:52:54:00:00:11:d2) 00 6400 1 eth-type ipv6,vlan-vid 1 apply: name=p1 output: max-length=65535, port=6
5 p1filter1 (00:00:52:54:00:d5:2c:05) 00 6400 1apply: name=p1 push-vlan: ethertype=802.1Q (33024),set-field: match-field/type=vlan-vid, match-field/vlan-tag=1,output: max-length=65535, port=1,set-field: match-field/eth-address=00:00:00:00:00:03 (XEROX), match-field/type=eth-dst
6 p1filter1 (00:00:52:54:00:d5:2c:05) 00 6400 1 eth-type ipv6apply: name=p1 push-vlan: ethertype=802.1Q (33024),set-field: match-field/type=vlan-vid, match-field/vlan-tag=1,output: max-length=65535, port=1,set-field: match-field/eth-address=00:00:00:00:00:03 (XEROX), match-field/type=eth-dst


  1. The destination MAC rewrite cannot be used on the filter interface where timestamping is enabled.
  2. The destination MAC rewrite will not work when the filter interface is configured as a receive-only tunnel interface.

Using the GUI to Identify a Filter Interface using Destination MAC Rewrite

In the UI, configure the Rewrite Dest. MAC Address for a Filter Interface using one of the two workflows detailed below. The first workflow uses the monitoring > Interfaces UI, while the second uses the fabric > Interfaces UI. To use the second workflow, proceed to step 6, detailed below.

Workflow One

Using either the monitoring > Interfaces (or the monitoring > Interfaces > Filter Interfaces) page, proceed to the following workflow.

Create Interface

  1. Click the table action icon + button to create a filter interface.
  2. After selecting the switch interface in the interface tab, use the Configure tab to assign roles.
  3. Select the Filter radio button for the interface and use the Rewrite Dest.MAC Address input to configure the MAC address to override.
    Figure 5. Create Interface


  4. Click Save to continue.
Edit Interface
  1. Select the row menu of the filter interface to configure or edit, and select Edit.
    Figure 6. danz monitoring fabric (dmf) Interfaces - Edit
Workflow Two

When using the fabric > Interfaces page, use the following workflow.

  1. In the Configure step, use the Rewrite Dest. MAC Address input to configure the MAC address to override.
  2. Select the row menu of the switch interface associated with the filter interface to configure and select Configure.
    Figure 7. Configure Interface
  3. In the dmf tab, select the Rewrite Dest.MAC Address field to enter the MAC address to be overridden.
    Figure 8. Edit Interface dmf Rewrite Dest. MAC Address
  4. Click Save to continue.

Forward Slashes in Interface Names

danz monitoring fabric (dmf) supports using forward slashes (/) in interface names to aid in managing interfaces in the dmf fabric. For example, when:

  • Defining the SPAN device name and port numbers which generally contain a forward slash (eth2/1/1) in the name for easy port identification.
  • Using separate SPAN sessions for Tx and Rx traffic, when there are multiple links from a device to a filter switch.
The following is the comprehensive list of dmf interfaces supporting the use of a forward slash:
  • filter interface
  • unmanaged service interface
  • filter interface group
  • recorder node interface
  • delivery interface
  • MLAG interface
  • delivery interface group
  • LAG interface
  • filter-and-delivery interface
  • GRE tunnel interface
  • PTP interface
  • VXLAN tunnel interface
  • managed service interface
Note: An interface name cannot start with a forward slash. However, multiple forward slashes are allowed while adhering to the maximum allowed length limitation.


The configuration of dmf filter interfaces remains unchanged. This feature relaxes the existing naming convention by allowing a forward slash to be a part of the name.

The following are several examples:

For switch interfaces, for any of the roles: both-filter-and-delivery, delivery, filter, ptp, service
dmf-controller-1(config-switch-if)# role role interface-name a/b/c
For filter and delivery interface groups:
dmf-controller-1(config)# filter-interface-group a/b/c 
dmf-controller-1(config)# delivery-interface-group a/b/c
Adding interfaces or interface groups to a policy:
dmf-controller-1(config-policy)# filter-interface f1/a/b 
dmf-controller-1(config-policy)# filter-interface-group f/a/b 
dmf-controller-1(config-policy)# delivery-interface d1/a/b 
dmf-controller-1(config-policy)# delivery-interface-group d/a/b
Recorder Node interface:
dmf-controller-1(config)# recorder-fabric interface a/b/c
For a managed service:
dmf-controller-1(config-managed-srv-flow-diff)# l3-delivery-interface a/b/c
MLAG interface:
dmf-controller-1(config-mlag-domain)# mlag-interface a/b/c 
dmf-controller-1(config-mlag-domain-if)# role delivery interface-name a/b/c
LAG interface:
dmf-controller-1(config-switch)# lag-interface a/b/c
GRE tunnel interface:
dmf-controller-1(config-switch)# gre-tunnel-interface a/b/c
VXLAN tunnel interface:
dmf-controller-1(config-switch)# vxlan-tunnel-interface a/b/c

Show Commands

There are no new show commands. The existing show running-config and show this commands for the configurations mentioned earlier should display the interface names without any issue.

Using Interface Groups

Create an interface group consisting of one or more filter or delivery interfaces. It is often easier to refer to an interface group when creating a policy than to identify every interface to which the policy applies explicitly.

Use an address group in multiple policies, referring to the IP address group by name in match rules. If no subnet mask is provided in the address group, it is assumed to be an exact match. For example, in an IPv4 address group, the absence of a mask implies a mask of /32. For an IPv6 address group, the absence of a mask implies a mask of /128.

Identify only a single IP address group for a specific policy match rule. Address lists with both src-ip and dst-ip options cannot exist in the same match rule.

Using the GUI to Configure Interface Groups

To create an interface group from the monitoring > Interfaces table, perform the following steps:
  1. Select the monitoring > Interfaces option.
    Figure 9. Creating Interface Groups from monitoring > Interfaces
  2. On the Interfaces table, enable the checkboxes for the interfaces to include in the group.
  3. Click the Menu control at the top of the table and select **Group Selected Interfaces.
  4. Complete the dialog that appears to assign a descriptive name to the interface group.
    Note: Optionally, define an interface group using the monitoring > Interface > Groups UI.

Using the CLI to Configure Interface Groups

The following example illustrates the configuration of two interface groups: a filter interface group TAP-PORT-GRP, and a delivery interface group TOOL-PORT-GRP.
controller-1(config-switch)# filter-interface-group TAP-PORT-GRP
controller-1(config-filter-interface-group)# filter-interface TAP-PORT-1
controller-1(config-filter-interface-group)# filter-interface TAP-PORT-2
controller-1(config-switch)# delivery-interface-group TOOL-PORT-GRP
controller-1(config-delivery-interface-group)# delivery-interface TOOL-PORT-1
controller-1(config-delivery-interface-group)# delivery-interface TOOL-PORT-2

To view information about the interface groups in the dmf fabric, enter the show filter-interface-group command, as in the following examples:

Filter Interface Groups

controller-1(config-filter-interface-group)# show filter-interface-group
! show filter-interface-group TAP-PORT-GRP
# Name Big Tap IF NameSwitch IF NameDirectionSpeed State VLANTag
1 TAP-PORT-GRP TAP-PORT-1 dmf-CORE-SWITCH-1 ethernet17rx 100Gbps up0
2 TAP-PORT-GRP TAP-PORT-2 dmf-CORE-SWITCH-1 ethernet18rx 100Gbps up0
Delivery Interface Groups
controller1(config-filter-interface-group)# show delivery-interface-group
! show delivery-interface-group DELIVERY-PORT-GRP
# NameBig Tap IF Name Switch IF NameDirectionSpeed Rate limit State Strip Forwarding Vlan
1 TOOL-PORT-GRP TOOL-PORT-1 dmf-DELIVERY-SWITCH-1 ethernet15 tx10Gbps upTrue
2 TOOL-PORT-GRP TOOL-PORT-2 dmf-DELIVERY-SWITCH-1 ethernet16 tx10Gbps upTrue

Switch Light CLI Operational Commands

As a result of upgrading the Debian distribution to Bookworm, the original Python CLI (based on python2) was removed, as the interaction with the danz monitoring fabric (dmf) is performed mainly from the Controller.

However, several user operations involve some of the commands used on the switch. These commands are implemented in the new CLI (based on python3) in Switch Light in the Bookworm Debian distribution.

The Zero-Trust Network (ZTN) Security CLI is the default shell when logged into the switch.

Note: The following commands are only available on Dell and Arista Switch platforms running Switch Light OS.

Operational Commands

After connecting to the switch and from the dmf Controller, use the debug admin command to enter the switch admin CLI from the ZTN CLI.

Enter the exit command to leave the switch admin CLI, as illustrated in the following example.
dmf-CONTROLLER# connect switch dmf-sw-7050sx3-1
Switch Light OS SWL-OS-dmf-8.6.x(0), 2024-05-16.08:26-17f56f6
Linux dmf-sw-7050sx3-1 4.19.296-OpenNetworkLinux #1 SMP Thu May 16 08:35:25 UTC 2024 x86_64
Last login: Tue May 21 10:39:05 2024 from

Switch Light ZTN Manual Configuration. Type help or ? to list commands.

(ztn-config) debug admin
(admin) exit



The following commands are available under the admin shell.
(admin) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):


Use the ping command to test a host's accessibility using its IPV4 address.
(admin) ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.238 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.206 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.221 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3049ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.161/0.206/0.238/0.028 ms


Use the ping6 command to test a host's accessibility using its IPV6 address.
(admin) ping6 fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec
PING fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec(fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec%ma1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.490 ms
64 bytes from fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec%ma1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.232 ms
64 bytes from fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec%ma1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.218 ms
64 bytes from fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec%ma1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.238 ms

--- fe80::3673:5aff:fefb:9dec ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3069ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.218/0.294/0.490/0.113 ms

Copy Tech-Support Data

Use the copy tech-support data command to collect the switch support bundle. The tech support command executed from the Controller collects support bundles from all the switches in the fabric.

To collect tech support data for an individual switch, only run the copy tech-support data command from that switch. Perform this action when the switch isn't accessible from the Controller or when collecting a support bundle only for that switch.
(admin) copy tech-support data
Writing /mnt/onl/data/tech-support_240521104337.txt.gz...
tech-support_240521104337.txt.gz created in /mnt/onl/data/

Show Commands

The following show commands are available under the admin shell.

Show Clock
(admin) show clock
Tue May 21 10:46:20 2024
Show NTP
(admin) show ntp
remote refid st t when pollreach delayoffset jitter
======================================================================================================= .STEP.16 u- 10240 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002
* 1 u649 102437740.0469 1.6957 0.4640
+ u601 102437750.6083-0.5323 7.8069

Show Controller

The show controller command displays all the configured Controllers and their connection status and role.
(admin) show controller
Use the history and statistics options in the show controller command to obtain additional information.
(admin) show controller history | statistics
The show controller history command displays the history of controller-to-switch connections and disconnections.
(admin) show controller history
Mon May 20 15:53:42 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 15:53:43 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 15:54:46 2024 tcp: - Disconnected
Mon May 20 15:54:46 2024 tcp: - Disconnected
Mon May 20 08:57:07 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 08:57:07 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 08:57:07 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 08:57:07 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 08:57:07 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 11:16:07 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 11:16:19 2024 tcp: - Connected
Mon May 20 11:16:19 2024 tcp: - Connected
The show controller statistics command displays connection statistics, including keep-alive timeout, timeout threshold count, and other important information, as shown in the following example.
(admin) show controller statistics
Connection statistics report
Outstanding async op count from previous connections: 0
Stats for connection tcp:
Id: 131072
Auxiliary Id: 0
Controller Id: 0
State: Connected
Keepalive timeout: 2000 ms
Threshold: 3
Outstanding Echo Count: 0
Tx Echo Count: 46438
Messages in, current connection: 52887
Cumulative messages in: 52887
Messages out, current connection: 52961
Cumulative messages out: 52961
Dropped outgoing messages: 0
Outstanding Async Operations: 0
Stats for connection tcp:
Id: 112066561
Auxiliary Id: 0
Controller Id: 1
State: Connected
Keepalive timeout: 2000 ms
Threshold: 3
Outstanding Echo Count: 0
Tx Echo Count: 42269
Messages in, current connection: 43108
Cumulative messages in: 43108
Messages out, current connection: 43114
Cumulative messages out: 43114
Dropped outgoing messages: 0
Outstanding Async Operations: 0
The show log command displays log messages from the Syslog file.
(admin) show log
2024-05-20T15:53:04+00:00 localhost syslog-ng[3787]: NOTICE syslog-ng starting up; version='3.38.1'
2024-05-20T15:52:51+00:00 localhost kernel: NOTICE Linux version 4.19.296-OpenNetworkLinux (bsn@sbs3) (gcc version 12.2.0 (Debian 12.2.0-14)) #1 SMP Thu May 16 08:35:25 UTC 2024
2024-05-20T15:52:51+00:00 localhost kernel: INFO Command line:reboot=p acpi=on Aboot=Aboot-norcal6-6.1.10-14653765 platform=magpie sid=Calpella console=ttyS0,9600n8 tsc=reliable pcie_ports=native pti=off reassign_prefmem amd_iommu=off onl_mnt=/dev/mmcblk0p1 quiet=1 onl_platform=x86-64-arista-7050sx3-48yc12-r0 onl_sku=DCS-7050SX3-48YC12
2024-05-20T15:52:51+00:00 localhost kernel: INFO BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
2024-05-21T10:40:31-07:00 dmf-sw-7050sx3-1 systemd[1]: INFO Starting logrotate.service - Rotate log files...
2024-05-21T10:40:32-07:00 dmf-sw-7050sx3-1 systemd[1]: INFO logrotate.service: Deactivated successfully.
2024-05-21T10:40:32-07:00 dmf-sw-7050sx3-1 systemd[1]: INFO Finished logrotate.service - Rotate log files.
2024-05-21T10:45:32-07:00 dmf-sw-7050sx3-1 systemd[1]: INFO Starting logrotate.service - Rotate log files...
2024-05-21T10:45:33-07:00 dmf-sw-7050sx3-1 systemd[1]: INFO logrotate.service: Deactivated successfully.
2024-05-21T10:45:33-07:00 dmf-sw-7050sx3-1 systemd[1]: INFO Finished logrotate.service - Rotate log files.

Reboot and Reload

Use the reboot and reload commands to either reboot or reload the switch, as needed.
(admin) help reboot

Reboot the switch.

(admin) help reload

Reload the switch.

(admin) reboot
Proceed with reboot [confirm]?

(admin) reload
Proceed with reload [confirm]?
*sFlow® is a registered trademark of Inmon Corp.