Status Indicators

This section describes the front-panel LED status indicators.

Table 1. LED Status Indicators
LED Name LED State LED Status
System Status LED Off No power or in the midst of a power cycle.
Blinking green (default) The system is powering up.
Green The system is operating in a normal initialization sequence.
Flashing Blue The indicator function is active.
Amber The system is malfunctioning. The system is overheating or temperature sensors have been recorded passing the software-defined critical threshold.

The router will automatically execute a reboot/power cycle.

Cloud Connect Status LED Off (default) The system is not connected to CloudVision.
Green The system is connected to CloudVision.
Amber Problem connecting to CloudVision.
Fan Status LED Green All fan vents are operating normally.
Amber Single fan vent is malfunctioning.
Power Supply Status LED Off The power supply unit is not available.
Green The power supply unit is functional.
Amber The power supply unit has a fault.