General Configuration

The General Configuration section discusses the following topics:



The config tab holds all the settings related to the configuration of the NG Firewall server itself and settings for platform components that apps may interact with.

This is a list of all sections available under the Config tab in the Administration UI.


The Network configuration contains all the settings to control how your NG Firewall server routes and handles network traffic. Properly configuring network settings is critical for proper operation.

The Network Configuration documentation describes how networking in NG Firewall functions and is commonly configured.


Administration controls the administration-related functionality of the NG Firewall server.


The email contains all the email-related configuration of the NG Firewall server.

Local Directory

Local Directory stores a list of users that applications can use. It also supports RADIUS for 802.1x authentication from properly configured wireless network access points.

The RADIUS Server can be enabled to allow WiFi users to authenticate as any user configured in the Local Directory.

The RADIUS Proxy can be enabled to allow WiFi users to authenticate with credentials that are validated with a configured Active Directory Server.


The upgrade allows the server to upgrade and contains upgrade-related settings.

Upgrade Settings

Upgrades show the currently available upgrades, if any. If upgrades are available, you can start an upgrade by pressing the Upgrade button at the top under Status.

To see changes, see the Changelogs.



After the upgrade begins, it will download the new packages (which may take some time) and then apply the upgrades. Do not reboot or power off the server during the upgrade.

If Automatically Install Upgrades is checked, NG Firewall will automatically check for new versions and upgrade if available.

An automatic upgrade schedule is configured when the NG firewall automatically upgrades if upgrades are available. NG Firewall will automatically upgrade at the specified time on the days of the week that are checked.

Upgrade FAQs?

When will I get the upgraded version?
  • Upgrades are rolled out gradually to NG Firewall deployments, sometimes over several weeks. If you want the upgrade immediately, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your UID and request that they add it to the Early Upgrade list.

When is the new version available for my NG Firewall? When a new version is available, the Upgrade button will appear on your NG Firewall's Upgrade page. If the automatic upgrade setting is enabled, your NG Firewall will upgrade automatically after the upgrade is available on the day and time specified.

Does the upgrade require a reboot?
  • If a reboot is needed, the upgrade will reboot automatically once installed. There is no need for a manual reboot. Most upgrades will not reboot as there is no kernel change.
How long does the upgrade take?
  • It's difficult to be precise since customer platforms, Internet connection speed, and upgrade complexity vary. Generally, upgrades take less than 20 mins. If the database version is changed as part of the NG Firewall upgrade, the process will take longer as the database will need to be converted. There are extreme cases where the upgrade takes over an hour.
Do I need to reinstall?
  • No, the upgrade process will seamlessly update all the NG Firewall components.
Where can I get what is changed in the new version?


The system contains settings related to the server.


About contains system information.


The reports tab is only visible if the Reports app is currently installed. To read more about reports, view the report's documentation.


Discusses Servers, Licences, and License agreements.


The Server tab shows the current information about the Arista server.



Unique ID

The first field shows the Unique ID (UID) of the Arista server. The UID is a 16 alphanumeric code uniquely identifying this server for licensing and tracking purposes.
  • Never share the UID of the server.
  • The UID is generated automatically upon installation, and each server must have a unique UID to function properly.
  • Cloning servers post-installation will create two servers with identical UIDs, which will result in problems and licensing issues.

Server Information

The second field shows the build version and server information.
  • Build shows the version of the Arista-vm.
  • Kernel shows the kernel version. Arista support uses the other fields.
  • Current "licensed" device count shows the current number of devices in the host table that count as "licensed" devices.
  • Highest "licensed" device count since reboot shows the highest value of licensed devices seen by this Arista since reboot.



Administration controls the administration-related functionality of the NG Firewall server.

  • Admin

    Admin stores settings related to the administration settings for the NG Firewall.

  • Certificates

    NG Firewall uses digital certificates when serving web content via SSL.

  • Simple Network Management Protocol

    Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) can be used to remotely query and monitor the current state of the ETM server.

  • Skins
  • Skins control the look and feel of the administration interface, allowing customization and tuning of the Arista administration's look and feel.
  • Reports

    Reports can be searched and further defined using the time selectors and the Conditions window at the bottom of the page. The data used in the report can be obtained on the Current Data window on the right.

  • Google
  • The Google Drive connector enables certain features of the NG Firewall to store data in the connected Google account. For example, you can set the Configuration Backup app to store configuration backups in Google Drive.


Admin stores settings related to the administration settings for the NG Firewall.



Admin Accounts

This table stores the administration accounts that can administer the NG Firewall. Administrators have full administrator/root access to the NG Firewall server.

By default, only one admin account with the password is set during the Setup Wizard. You can create additional accounts. This can be useful in a few scenarios:
  • If you have multiple administrators and want to distinguish who logged in at what time.
  • You want to be able to easily disable/enable access for an administrator without changing the admin password.

Additional administrator accounts are also administrators. They also have full administrator/root access.

Allow HTTP Administration

If Allow HTTP Administration is checked, administration will be allowed on HTTP (unencrypted) on the primary address of non-WAN interfaces via each non-WAN interface on the port configured in Services. If unchecked, administration will not be allowed on HTTP, only on HTTPS.

Note: Unchecking Allow HTTP Administration does not close the HTTP port, as this service is used for other functions, such as blockpages and Captive Portal.
Note: Note: HTTPS on WANs access is controlled in Config > Network > Advanced > Filter Rules > Access Rules . To enable HTTPS administration on WANs (external), check the Allow HTTPS on WANs rule.


When saving administrator account settings, the "root" shell password is set to the admin account's password for convenience. The root password is not set if there is no admin account (because it was renamed to something else).

The root password is stored separately from the administrator account passwords. It can be changed in the shell using a password to any value. However, if you modify the admin password, the root password will be set to the new "admin" password when saved.

Password Recovery

If you forget the "admin" password - follow the Password Recovery process to reset the administration login/password settings to default.


The NG Firewall uses digital certificates when serving web content via SSL.



About Digital Certificates

The server certificate mainly provides secure access to the Administrative Console and the Email Quarantine features. The server must also generate imitation certificates on the fly when using the SSL Inspector application. There are two different ways to configure the certificate used by your server, depending on your specific requirements:
  1. Create and use a server certificate signed by the internal certificate authority
  2. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which you can have signed by a third-party certificate authority.

If you plan on using the SSL Inspector application, option #1 is likely a good choice. Since you'll need to install the root certificate on all client computers and devices to use SSL Inspector effectively, signing the certificate used by the NG Firewall server with this same CA makes sense.

If you aren't going to use the SSL Inspector or have some other reason to prefer a third-party certificate, then option #2 may be a better choice. This will allow you to obtain and use a server certificate signed by a third-party authority. Assuming you use one of the standard and well-known providers, the benefit is that their root certificate will already be included in the list of trusted CA's on client computers and devices, so you won't have to distribute and install a new root certificate.

Certificate Authority

A default Certificate Authority (CA) was created automatically during the initial server installation. This CA is used to create and sign imitation certificates generated on the fly by the SSL Inspector application. It was also used to sign the default server certificate used by the server itself. You can use the default CA as is or generate a new CA if you want to customize the information in the root certificate.

Generate Certificate Authority

When you click this button to generate a new CA, you will be presented with a popup form where you can enter the details to be included in the Subject DN of the new root certificate. Since this operation creates a root certificate, not a server certificate, the CN field can contain anything you like. Once the form is complete and you click the Generate button, the new CA will be created, and the Certificate Authority information fields will be updated to display the contents of the new certificate.

Download Root Certificate

Click this button to download the root_authority.crt certificate file of the Certificate Authority on the NG Firewall server. Suppose you use SSL Inspector or have configured your NG Firewall server to use a server certificate signed by the internal Certificate Authority. In that case, you must download and install this certificate on all client computers and devices to eliminate certificate warning messages when browsing or accessing secure content.

Alternatively, you can download the certificate from a client system by navigating to http://yourserver/cert.

Upload Root Certificate (CA)

This option lets you upload the root certificate and key files you may have generated using a different source. You can paste the certificate's contents and key files or upload the PEM formatted files.

View other Root Certificate Authorities

This option lets you view other Root Certificates you may have previously uploaded. If necessary, you can revert to a previous Root Certificate.

Server Certificate

The Server Certificate secures all HTTPS connections with the NG Firewall server. This mainly applies to the Administrative Console and the Email Quarantine pages.

During the initial server installation, a default certificate is created and signed using the default Certificate Authority created during installation. You can use the default root certificate as is or generate a new server certificate if you want to customize the information contained in the server certificate.

Generate Server Certificate

When you click this button to generate a new server certificate, you will be presented with a popup form where you can enter the details to be included in the Subject DN of the server certificate. All fields are optional except for the Common Name (CN) field, which should contain the hostname that will be used to access the server.


Once the form is complete and you click the Generate button, the new server certificate will be created, and the NG Firewall server will start using it immediately. The Server Certificate information fields will also be updated to display the contents of the new certificate.

Third-Party Certificate

Instead of using a certificate signed by the local CA, you should have the NG Firewall server use a certificate signed by a well-known CA such as VeriSign or Thawte. The advantage of this type of certificate is that client computers and devices will need no additional configuration since most browsers are already configured to trust certificates issued by these authorities.
Note: This has nothing to do with SSL Inspector and is just the certificate used when connecting to web services running on the NG Firewall server (Administration, Captive Portal, Quarantine).

Upload Server Certificate

Click the Upload Server Certificate button to upload an officially signed certificate provided by a CA or youcan generated it yourself.

Certificates from CAs are provided in many different formats. The Import a certificate or key file button can be used to upload the certificates and keys:

  1. Select Import a certificate or key file and select the certificate.
  2. Select the Import a certificate or key file and select the private key file. Repeat this process for additional intermediate certificates (not commonly required). When finished, the Server Certificate field should contain the server cert, and the "Certificate Key" field should contain the private key.
  3. The "Optional Intermediate Certificates" field may be populated if the CA provides an intermediate certificate.

At this point, click Upload Certificate to upload the certificate. Remember to adjust how the new certificate will be used (HTTPS, IPSEC, etc) in the Server Certificates table!

Alternatively, instead of importing files, you can copy and paste the certificate, key, and intermediate certificates provided by the CA into the fields.

Create Signature Signing Request

Click the Create Signature Signing Request button to generate a signature signing request; you will be presented with a popup form where you can enter the details to be included in the Subject DN of the CSR. Once the form is complete and you click Generate, a server_certificate.csr file will be downloaded to your computer. The certificate authority you choose will require this file and possibly additional information to verify that you are the "owner" of the website for which you request the certificate. When they receive all the required information and any associated fee, they will issue you a new certificate file, which you can upload to the NG Firewall server.

Import Signing Request Certificate

Note: Formatting your signed certificate as a PEM file before importing it. This format is common with Apache or Linux-type systems. Suppose your certificate is not in PEM format. In that case, you need to re-download it from your certificate authority in PEM format, or you can use tools such as OpenSSL to convert the certificate into the correct format.

When you receive your signed certificate, click the Import Signing Request Certificate button to upload the certificate to the NG Firewall server. Certificates are provided in many different formats.

You can select the Import a certificate file to upload a certificate file provided by the signer. This will parse the file and put the result in the displayed Server Certificate field and any other optional "Intermediate Certificates" in the Optional Intermediate Certificates field. To finish the upload, click the Upload Certificate button.

Alternatively, you can copy and paste the certificate (text) provided by the signer into the fields and click Upload Certificate.

Simple Network Management Protocol

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) can be used to remotely query and monitor the current state of the ETM server.



If Enable SNMP Monitoring is checked, the SNMP daemon will be enabled. Access to the SNMP daemon is controlled via the Access Rules. ETM uses Simple Network Management Protocol; the following settings will control how the SNMP daemon is configured.

Community (Get) This community is for a Get* operation, the most common communication method. An SNMP community is the group to which devices and management stations running SNMP belong. The SNMP community defines where information is sent. The SNMP community acts as a password. ETM Server will not respond to requests from management systems that do not belong to its community.
System Contact The system administrator's email address who should receive SNMP messages.
System Location Description of the system's location. Use the default if you don't want to specify a location.
Enable Traps If checked, SNMP traps (events) will be sent to the configured host/port.
Community (Traps) This community is for a Trap or Inform operation, which is a rare method of communication. An SNMP community is the group to which devices and management stations running SNMP belong. The SNMP community defines where information is sent. The SNMP community acts as a password. ETM Server will not respond to requests from management stations that do not belong to its community.
Host The management system's hostname or IP address is authorized to receive statistics from the ETM Server.
Port The default port for SNMP traps is 162.



Skins control the look and feel of the administration interface. Skins allow customization and tuning of the look and feel of the Arista administration.

Administration Skin configures the skin to be used to render the administration UI.

Upload New Skin allows for the upload of custom skins.

Example: Dell Rack AMD Skin

Dell Rack AMD

Example: Black Cammo Skin

Black Cammo Skin

Custom Skins

Custom Skins can be created. It requires extensive work and knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Download the Arista Skins Cookbook for instructions on creating custom skins.


You can search Reports and further define using the time selectors and the Conditions window at the bottom of the page. The data used in the report can be obtained on the Current Data window on the right.

Pre-defined report queries:
Report Entry Description
Admin Logins The number of total, successful, and failed admin logins over time.
Settings Change The number of settings changes over time.
Admin Login Events All local administrator logins.
All Settings Changes An administrator performs all settings changes.
The tables queried to render these reports:

All Settings Changes

All Settings Changes is a report that provides a detailed view of any settings changes an administrator performs when upgrades are applied. This is available on all systems in the Config > Administration > Reports tab .

The Reports tab shows the timestamp when the change was made, the username and hostname that made the change, and the settings files that were changed.

Click the Differences button to see the exact changes made to the files. This feature uses a color-coded ‘diff’-like feature to show the differences.

Red = Line was removed

Green = Line was added

Yellow = Line was changed

Port Forward Rule Example

The following shows an example of adding a port forward for DNS to the system.

Settings Change

First, you can see that the rule was added on 8/3/15 by the user admin from IP The settings file that changed was network.js with the appropriate version-YYYY-MM-DD-time.js file name.

You can see all the changes by clicking the Differences button. Only the DNS rule was added for this instance, and the changes are recorded below.

Settings Change

Related Topics

Reports & Events

Manage Reports


The Google Drive connector enables certain features of the NG Firewall to store data in the connected Google account. For example, you can set the Configuration Backup app to store configuration backups to Google Drive.

You can also set the Reports app to backup the database to Google Drive. Before setting these features, you must connect your NG Firewall system to a Google account.



Configure Google Drive: Click this button to connect your Google account. This opens a browser window that asks you to allow your NG Firewall system to access your Google account. After you complete the setup, the status shows the connector as configured. You can reconfigure or disconnect Google Drive.




Events control the handling of "events" in the NG Firewall.

When noteworthy actions occur within the NG Firewall and the apps, an "event" is logged. An event is an object that describes an action. For example, an HttpRequestEvent is logged when a client on the network makes an HTTP Request, and a SessionEvent is logged when a PC creates a network connection.

The Event Definitions page details all of the events and the attributes.

The platform and all apps log events through the Event Manager. The Event Manager will do several things with each event:
  1. Evaluate the Alert Rules below section and create, log, and send an alert if necessary.
  2. Evaluate Trigger Rules from the below section and take action if necessary.
  3. Evaluate Syslog Rules from the below section and send a syslog message if necessary.
  4. If installed, send the event to Reports to save it in the reports database.


Alert rules are evaluated on all events logged and will log and alert the administrator when interesting or noteworthy events occur.

Unlike most rules, all Alert rules are evaluated beyond the first matching rule.

A JSON object represents each logged event. The alert rules are evaluated as each event is logged into the database. If an alert rule's conditions match the logged event, the action(s) configured in the alert rule is performed.

  • Enable determine if the Alert rule is enabled.
  • Class is the type of event this rule matches. Selecting the Class will determine what Fields are available in the conditions.
  • Conditions list the fields within the event object to be checked. If all of the conditions match, then the rule will match.
  • Enable Thresholds to limit the Alert from firing until it reaches a certain frequency threshold.
    • Exceeds Threshold Limit is the frequency limit for which this condition will match. If the frequency exceeds this value, then the threshold conditions match.
    • Over Timeframe defines the time range, in seconds, to compute the frequency.
    • Grouping Field defines how to group thresholds by an attribute field in the events. This field is optional.
  • Log Alert logs the event to the Alert Event Log.
  • Send Alert sends an email to all administrators' emails describing the event.
    • Limit Send Frequency limits the number of times a rule can send an alert email once per the configured number of minutes. For some cases, like a low disk space alert, limiting the number of alerts sent is useful so that an alert is not sent every minute.

If the threshold limit exceeds 100 and The over-time frame is 60, then the threshold condition will only match when these rules and other conditions match approximately 100 times over any 60 seconds. If the Group Field is set to "CClientAddr," then the threshold load is grouped by the "CClientAddr" value in the event objects. The above example would mean that the Alert would only fire when a specific "CClientAddr" like "" does something over 100 times within 60 seconds. The threshold value for other clients like "" is tracked separately.

Adding Alert Rules

Writing and designing alert rules is an art.

Start by finding an event that describes the action you want to be alerted about. The Event Definitions describe all the event objects and the attributes associated with each object.

Set the Class to the event you want to alert about, then add conditions that check the fields to look for the events you are interested in.

Let's say we want to set up an alert when a specific user visits a specific website.

As a Class, select HttpRequestEvent. Then, as a field, add domain = and sessionEvent.username = example_user.

We want to know if this user visits this website once, so we want to leave the threshold as is. We want it to log this alert, so we want to check Log, and we want to send an email, so we're going to check Send Email.

However, when a user visits a website, many separate HTTP requests are made to load all components. We do not want to receive 20 emails each time a user visits a single page on that website. We want to check the Limit Send Frequency to 20 minutes so we aren't flooded with emails.

Many other alert rules are not enabled by default, which can provide some common examples.


Triggers are similar to Alert rules; however, instead of alerting when something interesting happens, trigger rules can "tag" a specific host, device, or user for a specific period.

Unlike most rules, all Trigger rules are evaluated beyond the first matching rule.

This allows the system to keep a state on the different hosts on the network, which can serve several purposes. For example, you can tag a specific host/device/user as using a specific application when the application is used.

Several rules are included but need to be enabled to provide some examples.

  • Enable determine if the alert rule is enabled.
  • Class is the type of event this rule matches. Selecting the Class will determine what Fields are available in the conditions.
  • Conditions list the fields within the event object to be checked. If all of the conditions match, then the rule will match.
  • Enable Thresholds to limit the alert from firing until it reaches a certain frequency threshold.
    • Exceeds Threshold Limit is the frequency limit for which this condition will match. If the frequency exceeds this value, then the threshold conditions match.
    • Over Timeframe defines the time range, in seconds, to compute the frequency.
    • Grouping Field defines how to group thresholds by an attribute field in the events. This field is optional.
  • Action Type determines the action taken.
    • Tag Host will tag the specified host with the specified tag.
    • Untag Host will remove the specified tag from the specified host.
    • Tag User will tag the specified user with the specified tag.
    • Untag User will remove the specified tag from the specified user.
    • Tag Device will tag the specified device with the specified tag.
    • Untag Device will remove the specified tag from the specified device.
    • Target identifies the specific host/device/user. If it is a single attribute name, 'cClientAddr,' it will look up to three layers deep within an object for any attribute named cClientAddr. If it is a fully qualified name like 'sessionEvent. ' cClientAddr,' it will look at that specific attribute within the specified sub-object.
    • Tag Name specifies the string (name) of the tag to be given or removed.
    • Tag Lifetime specifies the lifetime of the tag when adding a tag. After the lifetime expires, the tag will disappear.


Syslog sends events via syslog messages to a remote syslog server. To use syslog, install a syslog receiver on another server, then enable syslog and configure it as necessary. Some syslog products are easier to set up than others. Kiwi, a third-party syslog daemon, is a favorite of many Windows users, while those on *nix can use Syslog.

  • Host: The hostname or IP address of the Syslog daemon authorized to receive syslog messages from the NG Firewall server. Do not set the Host to the NG Firewall itself - this will result in the hard drive filling up very quickly and most likely crashing the box.
  • Port: The UDP port to send syslog messages to the syslog daemon. 514 is the default, as this is the default syslog port.
  • Protocol: The protocol used to send syslog messages. The default is UDP.

Syslog Rules

WARNING: Syslog can be a very expensive operation. If configured to send all (or most) events, it can negatively impact the server's performance.

Syslog Rules determine which events are sent via syslog.

Unlike most rules, all Syslog rules are evaluated beyond the first matching rule.

  • Enable determine if the alert rule is enabled.
  • Class is the type of event this rule matches. Selecting the Class will determine what Fields are available in the conditions.
  • Conditions list the fields within the event object to be checked. If all of the conditions match, then the rule will match.
  • Enable Thresholds to limit the alert from firing until it reaches a certain frequency threshold.
  • Exceeds Threshold Limit is the frequency limit for which this condition will match. If the frequency exceeds this value, then the threshold conditions match.
  • Over Timeframe defines the time range, in seconds, to compute the frequency.
  • Grouping Field defines how to group thresholds by an attribute field in the events. This field is optional.
  • Remote Syslog determines if the event is sent via syslog.

To send all events via syslog, create one rule where Class = All and no conditions.

To send specific events to a syslog server, configure the Syslog Rules to send the specific events to the syslog server.

Email Template

You can customize the content of email alerts by editing the Email Template. Items surrounded by the percent symbol represent system variables. You can use these throughout the Subject or Body of the message. The table below describes each variable.

Variable Information
System company Your company name is defined in Branding Manager.
Alert description The event description of the associated alert rule.
System host The Hostname of your NG Firewall system.
Event class The event class of the associated alert rule.
Event summary The event summary of the associated alert rule.
Event values keyvalue The extended event details of the associated alert rule.

The preview window shows in real time how your changes to the Subject or Body will appear in the email message content.

Local Directory

Local Directory stores a list of users that the applications can use. It also supports RADIUS for 802.1x authentication from properly configured wireless network access points.

You can enable the RADIUS Server to allow WiFi users to authenticate as any user configured in the Local Directory.

You can enable the RADIUS Server to allow WiFi users to authenticate with credentials validated by a configured Active Directory Server.

Local Users

Local Users store a list of users that the applications can use.

For example, Captive Portal and OpenVPN can select the local directory to authenticate users.



To add new users, click the Add button. It would help if you supplied a username, first name, last name, email address, and password. Only the administrator can set the password for a given user. Users can be imported or exported using the import/export buttons on the upper right.

A user can be specified with an expiration date. The user will no longer be authenticated if the expiration date has passed.

To select the Local Directory, configure apps such as Captive Portal and OpenVPN to authenticate against the Local Directory while requiring user authentication.

MFA and OpenVPN

You can enable TOTP-based multifactor authentication for OpenVPN client connections. Select Enable MFA for OpenVPN when adding a user and click Generate new key.



After generating a key, click the gear icon to show the QR code. Select key of the generated code in any TOTP mobile app, such as Google Authenticator. The TOTP app generates a temporary that the user enters into their OpenVPN client.


Note:You must also enable MFA for client configurations in OpenVPN.



Warning:Typically, when passwords are stored, password hashes are saved, and the original cleartext password is forgotten, so administrators do not have access to user passwords. However, The passwords for users in the local directory are stored in cleartext because some applications and features (L2TP) depend on access to the cleartext password. Administrators do have access to cleartext user passwords, and caution is advised.



You can use theRadius Log to view the diagnostic messages generated by the RADIUS server.



Radius Proxy is an optional configuration of the RADIUS Server that enables 802.1X authentication against an Active Directory server. Access points configured with WPA/WPA2 Enterprise authentication to the NG Firewall RADIUS Server can enforce login via Active Directory when joining the wireless network.


The NG Firewall appliance must be able to resolve the fully qualified hostname of your Active Directory Primary Domain Controller. You can test name resolution using the DNS Test of the Troubleshooting utility. If the test fails, you must create a Static DNS Entry in the NG Firewall DNS Server.

Active Directory Server

Three steps are required to configure and verify your configuration with the RADIUS Proxy.
  1. Input the Active Directory Server details and click Save to apply and activate the settings.
    Note: The AD Workgroup should be in upper case.



  2. Click the Create AD Computer Account button to register the NG Firewall server with the Active Directory server. If the operation is successful, you should see the distinguishedName when Created and when Changed fields in the AD Account Status field.



  3. Enter a valid username and password in the Active Directory Test area and click Test Authentication. You should see a message indicating the test was successful.





The RADIUS Server enables 802.1x wireless access points to enforce WPA/WPA2 Enterprise authentication. WPA/WPA2 Enterprise wireless networking provides an optimal level of network authorization by requiring each wireless device to authenticate with the unique credentials of an authorized user rather than a shared password. Users are authenticated against Local Users or Active Directory via the RADIUS Proxy.

Wi-Fi Authentication

To enable support for WPA/WPA2 Enterprise authentication, navigate to the RADIUS Server tab of the Local Directory and select Enable external access point authentication. In the RADIUS Password field, assign a strong password.



After you enable the NG Firewall RADIUS server, you need to configure your access point to use WPA/WPA2 Enterprise. The following parameters may be necessary to configure WPA/WPA2 Enterprise for your access point.
  • RADIUS Server IP address - the IP address of your NG Firewall server on the same LAN segment as your wireless access point.
  • RADIUS port number - the NG Firewall RADIUS authentication server listens on port 1812.
  • RADIUS accounting port - the NG Firewall RADIUS accounting server listens on port 1813. This optional parameter may not be supported or configurable on some access points. RADIUS accounting is used by the access point to inform the NG Firewall server about the login and logout activities of each authenticated user and their associated device address.
  • Shared Secret - the shared secret may also be called a password or key and is used to authorize communication between the access point and the NG Firewall RADIUS server.

Server Certificate

Clients must install your server's root certificate when they connect to the wireless network. See Certificates. Most devices supporting WPA/WPA2 Enterprise authentication prompt the user to install the certificate when joining the network for the first time.

Access Rules

By default, two Access Rules allow access to the RADIUS server from WAN or non-WAN interfaces. The access rules permit UDP protocol to ports 1812 and 1813. If your access point or domain Controller does not belong to a local network, you must enable the rule Allow RADIUS on WANs.



Note: When upgrading to version 16.2, these rules are not automatically created. It would help if you created them manually to permit access from your access point to the NG Firewall.


The system contains settings related to the server.

  • System Reports

    The Reports tab provides a view of all system performance reports, including CPU, memory, and disk usage.

  • Regional

    The tab configures the region/location-specific settings of the NG Firewall server.

  • Support

    The tab configures the support settings and allows for rebooting and shutting down the server for support purposes.

  • Logs

    The Logs tab configures the number of log files to retain for each log type.

  • Backup

    You can export the NG Firewall configuration to a local file. This includes all the settings in Config and the settings from the applications.

  • Restore

    Restore allows restoring settings from backups created in Config > System > Backup or the Configuration Backup application.

  • Protocols

    The protocols tab configures how certain protocol parsing and processing functions.

  • Shield

    The shield monitors the session creation rate of the clients creating sessions. Each time the NG Firewall processes a session, the shield calculates the client's current session creation rate when initiating the session.

  • System Reports

    The Reports tab provides a view of all system performance reports, including CPU, memory, and disk usage.

System Reports

The Reports tab provides a view of all system performance reports, including CPU, memory, and disk usage.


System reports can be accessed via the Reports tab at the top or the Reports tab within the settings. All pre-defined reports will be listed along with any custom reports that have been created.

Reports can be searched and further defined using the time selectors and the Conditions window at the bottom of the page. The data used in the report are obtained on the Current Data window on the right.

Table 1. Pre-defined Report Queries
Report Entry Description
CPU Load the CPU load over time.
Disk Usage The disk utilization over time.
Memory Usage The amount of free memory over time.
Swap Usage The swap utilization over time is a percentage of the total swap size.
Swap Usage Bytes The swap utilization over time.
Highest Active Hosts The highest number of active hosts.
Server Status Events All system status events.
The tables queried to render these reports:

Related Topics


The Regional tab configures the region/location-specific settings of the NG Firewall server.

Current Time

This field displays the current time on the NG Firewall Server.


This is the configured timezone. It is important to have the correct timezone configured to adjust for any time changesthroughout the year.


This is the configured language for the NG Firewall server. The administration UI and user-visible pages, such as the quarantine and block pages, will be displayed in this language. However, this will keep the language on certain strings like product names and all online services, such as the account management, help, and store pages, the same.

Regional Formats

The appropriate format of numbers and dates may vary depending on your location. While language display settings contain the most appropriate formats for that language, you should override these values.
  • Use Defaults: Use the value provided with the language.
  • Override: Specify different format values for the following fields:
    • Decimal Separator: This string is used to separate decimal spaces. For example, a period (.) for 1.23.
    • Thousand Separator This string is used to separate thousands of places. For example, a comma (,) for 1,000.
    • Date Format This string is used to generate the date display.
    • Timestamp Format: This string is used to generate the time display.

    Date and Timestamp Formats can use the formatting fields described on the time and date formatting page.

Force Time Sync

This button allows you to force the server time with the internet (via NTP).


Warning:If your server time is significantly in the future (hours or days), force syncing the time may cause issues, as the server's time will go backward. Threads and processes that are sleeping until a certain calendar date will now awaken at the planned time as the server time has moved significantly backward. To avoid this, reboot after forcing the time to synchronize if the time is significantly off. Also, logs and reports may behave oddly, and certain periods will occur twice.



The Support tab configures the support settings and allows for rebooting and shutting down the server for support purposes.

The NG Firewall server will maintain a secure connection with our cloud infrastructure if Connect to Command Center is enabled. Use this channel for centralized management, monitoring, or hotfixes from the cloud.


Note: The NG Firewall server will connect to the Support system (outbound). This does not require you to change any settings on any firewalls in front of the Untangle server to allow inbound sessions.


Suppose you Allow secure access to your server for support purposes. If checked, the Edge Threat Management Support team will access your server.

Manual Reboot

This button will reboot the NG Firewall server.
Note: Rebooting should be done sparingly. It will not solve any persistent problems.

Manual Shutdown

This button will power off the NG Firewall server.

Setup Wizard

This button allows you to re-run the Setup Wizard, automatically launching on a new install.


The Logs tab configures the number of log files to retain for each log type.

Log Retention

Disk space used by logs: Shows the current usage on the disk occupied by the log files.

For each log type, the number of logs to retain: Sets the number of log files to keep for each log type. Choose a low value to limit the amount of space used by logs. The minimum value is 1.


You can export the NG Firewall configuration to a local file. This includes all the settings in Config and the settings from the applications. It does not include the reporting data, the quarantine data, or any unique "configuration" like the server's UID. To export the configuration, go to Config→System→Backup tab and click Backup to file. Install the Configuration Backup app for automated configuration backup of configuration and other data.


Restore allows for restoring settings from backups created in Config > System > Backup or by the Configuration Backup application.

Restore from File

This allows you to upload the restored file.

First, select the Restore Options appropriate for your case.
  • Restore all Settings will restore all the settings in the backup file.
  • Restore all except keeping current network settings will restore all the settings in the backup file except the network settings. The current network settings will be maintained.

The first option is typically used to restore to a previous backup or recover from a failure.

The second option is useful if you maintain a 'standard configuration' and you want to maintain this standard configuration across multiple servers. In this case, all the servers maintain the same settings, but each has unique network settings.

After selecting the Restore Options, click Browse and select the backup file you want to restore. After selecting the backup file, click Restore from File to begin the restore process.

Restore Process

After starting the restore process, the backup file is unpacked and checked.

If the backup file requires certain applications that are not currently on the NG Firewall server, it will ask to download these applications first. After downloading those applications, the restore process is run again.

If the backup file is from an unsupported version, it will show an error. It is also suggested that a backup file from the same version that the file was created with be restored. For example, if the backup file was created with NG Firewall 16.2, restoring it on an NG Firewall running 16.2 is suggested.

Typically, the restored process's only supported versions will be the current version of NG Firewall and the immediately prior major version. For example, 16.2 will restore 16.2 and 16.1 backups, not 16.0. (Trivial versions are considered identical to the minor version for restore purposes. For example, 15.1.0, 15.1.1, and 15.1.2 are all considered 15.1 when restoring backups.)


After the restore process begins, the NG Firewall processes will reboot, and you will lose connection to the server. After reconnecting to the server, the settings and configuration are restored from the backup file.


The Protocols tab configures how certain protocol parsing and processing functions.

Warning:These settings should not be changed unless support instructs them to do so.
Figure 1. Protocols Tab

The protocols that appear and the visibility of the Protocols tab depend on the current applications installed. Many applications use hidden applications dedicated to the processing and handling of important protocols like SMTP and HTTP. These hidden applications can be enabled/disabled in this tab.

If a protocol is disabled, sessions will still be treated as binary streams, not parsed and unparsed.


If enabled, the HTTP-casing HTTP processing application runs. If disabled, the applications stop all special HTTP processing.


If enabled, the STMP-casing SMTP processing application runs. If disabled, the applications stop all special SMTP processing.


If enabled, the FTP-casing FTP processing application will run. If disabled, the applications stop all special FTP processing.


The Shield monitors the session creation rate of the clients creating sessions. Each time the NG Firewall processes a session, the Shield calculates the current session creation rate of the client initiating the session. If the session creation rate of the client reaches a level that the Shield considers too aggressive, the session creation rate of that client is limited to that level.

This process protects the NG Firewall server and the network from Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.

Enable Shield

If checked, the Shield is enabled. If unchecked, it is disabled. Warning: Do not disable the Shield. Doing so may cause performance and stability issues. This checkbox is provided to allow for troubleshooting. It is never suggested that the Shield be left disabled after any troubleshooting steps.

Note that Shield only looks at new session requests; it does not influence or process traffic in existing sessions or scan bypassed sessions.

Shield Rules

Shield rules are evaluated at session creation time. The Rules documentation describes how rules are processed.

If one of the rules matches, the action from the first matching rule is applied. If no Shield rule matches, the session will be scanned.

The packet will be dropped if the session is scanned and the current session creation rate is too high. If it is not too high, the current session creation rate is adjusted to account for this new session, and the session is allowed.

Shield Reports

The Reports tab provides a view of all reports and events for all traffic handled by Shield.


You can access the application's reports via the Reports tab at the top or the Reports tab within the settings. All pre-defined reports and custom reports created will be listed.

You can search and further define the reports using the time selectors and the Conditions window at the bottom of the page. The data used in the report can be obtained on the Current Data window on the right.

Table 2. Pre-defined Report Queries:
Report Entry Description
Scanned Sessions The amount of scanned and blocked sessions over time.
Blocked Sessions The amount of blocked sessions over time.
Top Blocked Usernames The number of blocked sessions grouped by username.
Top Blocked Clients The number of blocked sessions grouped by client.
Top Blocked Ports The number of blocked sessions grouped by server port.
Top Blocked Servers The number of blocked sessions grouped by server.
Top Blocked Hostnames The number of blocked sessions grouped by hostname.
Scanned Session Events All sessions are scanned by Shield.
Blocked Session Events All sessions are blocked by Shield.
The tables queried to render these reports:
Related Topics


Email contains all the email-related configurations of the NG Firewall server.

Safe List

The safe list is a list of email addresses considered safe or trusted.

Safe List

Several applications, such as Spam Blocker, Spam Blocker Lite, and Phish Blocker, scan SMTP messages.

Figure 2. Email Safe List

Administrators sometimes want to trust emails from certain addresses to avoid scanning messages to save resources or false positives. The safe list provides a convenient location to list safe and trusted email addresses that these applications will check before scanning emails.

Note: Virus Blocker and Virus Blocker Lite do not check the safe list because of the low false positive rate.

Global Safe List

This is a global safe list that applies to all email. If an email address is listed, all mail from that address will not be scanned in Spam Blocker, Spam Blocker Lite, and Phish Blocker.

Emails can be specified using Glob Matcher syntax, so you can safely list entire domains as "*"

Per-User Safe List

Each user/email address also has its safe list. For example, let's assume "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." has a quarantine that they manage via the quarantine application. In the quarantine application, they can add addresses to their safe list.

For example, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. may add "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." to their safe list. All emails from "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." will automatically be passed as safe listed, while emails from "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." to other users will be scanned as normal.

Per-User safe lists provide a mechanism to deal with false positives that won't affect the overall false negative rate of other users/emails.

Emails can be specified using Glob Matcher syntax so, for example, you can safely list entire domains as "*" Also, note that a user/email can add "*" to their Per-User safe list to disable spam/phishing scanning for emails to them entirely.

Users can edit their own Per-User safe list in the quarantine web application. Administrators can purge users's safe lists in the administration UI.


The Server tab shows the current information about the Arista server.



Unique ID

The first field shows the Unique ID (UID) of the Arista server. The UID is a 16 alphanumeric code uniquely identifying this server for licensing and tracking purposes.
  • Never share the UID of the server.
  • The UID is generated automatically upon installation, and each server must have a unique UID to function properly.
  • Cloning servers post-installation will create two servers with identical UIDs, which will result in problems and licensing issues.

Server Information

The second field shows the build version and server information.
  • Build shows the version of the Arista-vm.
  • Kernel shows the kernel version. Arista support uses the other fields.
  • Current "licensed" device count shows the current number of devices in the host table that count as "licensed" devices.
  • Highest "licensed" device count since reboot shows the highest value of licensed devices seen by this Arista since reboot.

Outgoing Server

The outgoing server configures how the NG Firewall will send emails.

The NG Firewall server sends emails for several reasons:

  • The Quarantine facility sends users a daily digest of the spam they receive.
  • The Quarantine allows users to "release" emails from the Quarantine.
  • The Reports sends daily summary reports to administrators about the NG Firewall server activity.
The NG Firewall must be configured correctly to send emails to your environment for these functions to work correctly.

Outgoing Email Server

If the Sent email is checked directly, the NG Firewall will send emails like a regular email server. It does this by looking up the MX DNS record of the recipient domain and sending the message via SMTP to that address. This generally works with no further configuration. However, many residential and even commercial ISPs block port 25 to prevent spam, and this will prevent the NG Firewall from sending emails.

If the Sent email using the specified SMTP Server is checked, then NG Firewall will send the email using the configured server as an SMTP relay. For this to work, the SMTP relay must be configured to allow the NG Firewall to relay emails.
  • Server Address or Hostname is the IP address or hostname of the SMTP relay.
  • The server port is the port used to connect to the SMTP relay.
  • The NG Firewall will authenticate with the SMTP relay if Use Authentication is checked.
    • Login configures the username to use during SMTP authentication.
    • Password configure the password to use during SMTP authentication.

Email from Address

This is the "from" address of all emails from the NG Firewall server (excluding emails released from the quarantine).

Email Test

This sends a test email from the configured email address. If your email settings are correct, the specified recipient should receive the test email within a few minutes.


Spam Blocker, Spam Blocker Lite, and Phish Blocker sometimes determine if an email is spam or phish and should be dropped. However, dropping an email can be dangerous as it may be a "false positive" and an important email. In this case, dropping the email would be very bad.

The quarantine action in these applications prevents important emails from getting lost. The quarantine action silently sends an email to the user's quarantine. All suspected spam/phish emails sit in quarantine, and the user is free to review the quarantined email to verify that nothing important was quarantined.

If something legitimate was quarantined (called a false positive), the user could Release the email to their inbox.

Quarantine Web Application

Each day, users/emails with new emails in their quarantine will be sent a Quarantine Digest email with a link to their quarantine. Alternatively, users can request a Quarantine Digest email by accessing https://NGFW_IP:HTTPS_PORT/quarantine.

After clicking on the Click here to access your spam quarantine link, the user can view the Quarantine web application, which allows them to manage their quarantine and Safe List.

The Quarantine Messages tab shows the list of messages currently in quarantine. To release messages to the inbox, check the message(s) and click Release to Inbox. To release a message and automatically add the sender to your safe list, click Release to Inbox & Add Senders to Safe List. Select the message(s) to delete and click Delete. Note that it is not necessary to delete messages; messages will automatically be purged from quarantine after the configured time elapses.

Safe List: This tab configures your safe (trusted) email addresses. Email from the listed address will not be scanned to determine if they are spam or phishing. If a user's email is falsely determined to be spam, their email address can be added to this list to ensure it does not happen again.

Forward or Receive Quarantines: Mailing lists or aliases often receive Quarantine Digests. This is annoying as all users on the list will receive the Quarantine Digest email. To avoid this, you can forward the quarantined mail to another user's quarantine, such as the email list administrator. Email will still be quarantined and released like normal, but the administrator can do it via their quarantine. Forward Quarantined Messages To configure where quarantined messages will be placed. Received Quarantined Messages From shows any other addresses from which you receive quarantined messages.

Quarantine Settings

The quarantine behavior can be configured via the administration UI in Config > Email > Quarantine .
  • Maximum Holding Time (days) configures how long an email will be held in a quarantine before it is automatically deleted.
  • Send Daily Quarantine Digest Emails configures if daily emails will be sent to users with new mail in their quarantine.
  • Quarantine Digest Sending Time configures when the daily digests will be sent if enabled.

User Quarantines: This shows a list of currently existing user quarantines. User quarantines are created dynamically when an email is quarantined for an email address. There is no need to delete quarantines; this will happen automatically when there are no messages. To release or purge (delete) a user's entire quarantine, select the appropriate row(s) and click the Purge Selected or Release Selected button at the top. To view a user's quarantine, click the Show Detail icon on the appropriate row. This will display a window showing all the existing messages in that user's quarantine. Messages are purged (deleted) or released by clicking on the message(s) and clicking the Purge Selected or Release Selected button at the top.

Quarantinable Addresses: This is a list of emails that will have quarantines automatically created on their behalf. Sometimes, you want to ensure that quarantine is not an option for some scanned mail. As such, you can put "*" and only "" email addresses, which will have quarantines created dynamically. If an email is scanned for another address and the action is quarantined, but it is not a quarantinable address, it will be marked instead.
Note: This should almost always be a list with one entry containing "*." This means all emails will have quarantines created for them if spam/phishing is caught for them. This is the default and suggested value. Most of the time, this is used to compensate for some other misconfiguration, like scanning email it should not be scanning (like outbound email). Changing this setting is not suggested.

Quarantine Forwards: As discussed above, it is often desirable to have distribution lists or aliases for their quarantined email to an administrator's email quarantine so the entire list does not receive quarantine digest emails. You can view/add/delete forwards in this table.

Example: you may want to forward quarantined mail for the distribution list "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." so that only "itadmin" will get messages about spam to the distribution list. "itadmin" can then manage spam to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." in their quarantine.