Status Indicators

Supervisor Module

While the front panel of each switch can house two supervisors, switch operations require only one. Supervisors display switch status and contain Ethernet management and console ports. The supervisor provides:
  • one serial console port.
  • two Ethernet management ports (one RJ-45, one optical).
  • one USB port.
  • two QSFP100 (CCS-750-SUP100) or four SFP25 (CCS-750-SUP25) supervisor/uplink ports.
  • several system level status indicator LEDs Status Indicators.

System Level Status Indicator LEDs: CCS-750-SUP100

The system status indicator LEDs are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1. Supervisor CCS-750-SUP100


1 Supervisor status LED 5 Switch card status LED 9 Ethernet management ports
2 Supervisor active status LED 6 Fan status LED 10 RJ-45 Serial console port
3 PSU status LED 7 Uplink status LED 11 USB Port
4 Linecard status LED 8 QSFP100 uplink ports 12 Release/locking mechanism (Right)1

1 There is a similar mechanism on the left.


Figure 2. Supervisor CCS-750-SUP25


1 Supervisor status LED 5 Switch card status LED 9 Ethernet management ports
2 Supervisor active status LED 6 Fan status LED 10 RJ-45 Serial console port
3 PSU status LED 7 Uplink status LED 11 USB Port
4 Linecard status LED 8 SFP25 uplink ports 12 Release/locking mechanism1

1 There is a similar mechanism on the left.


Supervisor Status LEDs Behavior

Note: LED behavior is described for the active supervisor, except where noted.


Supervisor Status LED

Table 1 interprets the states of the supervisor status LED. s for both the active and the redundant supervisor module.

Table 1. Supervisor Status LED States
State Status
Off Supervisor has no power or is powering up.
Blinking Green Supervisor is booting. System can take up to 30 minutes to come up. All other LEDs will also be off.
Green Supervisor is operating normally (master supervisor). System is good.
Yellow/Amber/Orange System is overheating or has been disabled by software.
Blinking Blue Locater function enabled by CLI (Beacon).


Supervisor Active Status LED

Table 2 interprets the states of the supervisor active status LED.

Table 2. Supervisor Active Status LED States
State Status
Off Supervisor is the standby supervisor. All other LEDs except Supervisor Status remain off.
Green Supervisor is the Active supervisor.


PSU Status LED

Table 3 interprets the states of the PSU status LED.

Table 3. PSU Status LED States
State Status
Off PSU not detected, installed or powered.
Green All installed PSUs are operating normally.
Red One or more PSU has a fault.


Linecard Status LED

Table 4 interprets the states of the Linecard status LED.

Table 4. Linecard Status LED States
State Status
Off Linecard not detected, installed or powered.
Green All installed linecards are operating normally.
Yellow/Amber/Orange One or more linecard is booting up or being updated.
Red One or more linecards have failed.


Switchcard Status LED

Table 5 interprets the states of the switchcard status LED.

Table 5. Switchcard Status LED States
State Status
Off Switchcard not detected, installed or powered.
Green All installed switchcards are operating normally.
Yellow/Amber/Orange One or more switchcard is booting up or being updated.
Red One or more switchcards have failed.


Fan Status LED

Table 6 interprets the states of the Fan status LED.

Table 6. Fan Status LED States
State Status
Off No fan detected.
Green All installed fans are operating normally.
Yellow/Amber/Orange One or more fans has failed or is missing.
Red Fans are insufficient or incompatible.


Management Ethernet Port Status LED

Table 7 interprets the states of the management Ethernet port status LED.

Table 7. Management Ethernet Port Status LED States
LED State Status
Left Off Port is not linked up.
Left Green Port is linked up.
Right Off Port has no activity.
Right Green Port has activity.


Uplink Status LED

Table 8 interprets the states of the uplink status LED.

Table 8. Uplink Status LED States
State Status
Off Supervisor is not powered up or inserted.
Green Uplink card is operating normally.
Yellow/Amber/Orange Uplink card is booting up or being updated.
Red Uplink card power has failed.


Note: Uplink and supervisor are on independent power domains so one can be up while the other is down.


Linecard Module Indicators

Each linecard module provides one status LED plus LEDs for each port on the card.Figure 3 shows a representative line card. The figures in Linecards indicate the location of the LEDs on each linecard.

Figure 3. Linecard Module Status LEDs

1 Linecard module status LED 2 Port status LED


Linecard Module Status LEDs Behavior

Table 9 interprets the states of the linecard module status LED located on the individual linecard.

Linecard Module Status LED

Table 9. Linecard Module Status LED States
State Status
Off Linecard not inserted or powered.
Green Linecard operating normally.
Yellow/Amber/Orange Linecard is booting up or being updated.
Blinking Red Locater function is enabled (Beacon).
Red Linecard has failed.


Table 10 interprets the states of the port status LED located by each port on the linecard.

Table 10. Port Status LED States
State Status
Off Port link is down.
Green Port link is up.
Yellow/Amber/Orange Port is being administered by software.
Blinking Yellow/Amber/Orange Locater function is enabled (Beacon).


Switchcard Module Status Indicators

Rear Panel displays the position of the Switchcard Module Status LEDs on the rear of each switch. Figure 4 displays fan module status and switch card module status LEDs on the 755 switch.

Figure 4. 755 Switchcard Module and Fan Module Status LEDs

1 Fan module 1 status LED 4 Switchcard release 7 Switchcard release
2 Fan module 1 5 Switchcard module status LED    
3 Fan module 1 release 6 Switchcard module active status LED    


758 Switchcard Module and Fan Module Status LEDs displays fan module status and switchcard module status LEDs on the 758 switch.

Figure 5. 758 Switchcard Module and Fan Module Status LEDs

1 Fan module 1 status LED 4 Switchcard release 7 Switchcard release
2 Fan module 1 5 Switchcard module status LED    
3 Fan module 1 release 6 Switchcard module active status LED    


Switchcard Module Status LEDs Behavior

There are two LEDs for the Switchcard status. Only one of the switch cards is active. The second provides redundancy. The switchcard module LEDs are on the rear panel of the switches.


Note: LED behavior is described for the active Switchcard, except where noted.


Switchcard Module Status LED

Switchcard Module Status LED States interprets the states of the switchcard module status LED.

Table 11. Switchcard Module Status LED States
State Status
Off Switchcard does not have power.
Green All installed switchcards are working normally.
Yellow/Amber/Orange Switchcard is booting up or being updated.
Red One or more switchcards have failed.


Switchcard Module Active Status LED

Switchcard Module Active Status LED States interprets the states of the switchcard module active status LED.

Table 12. Switchcard Module Active Status LED States
State Status
Off Switchcard is in standby mode.
Green Switchcard is in active mode.


Fan Module Status Indicators

The fan module status LED are on the fan modules.Figure 6 displays the LED on the fan module.

Figure 6. Fan Module Status LED

1 Release
2 Fan module status LED


Note: Bezel color indicates airflow direction.


Table 13 interprets the states of the switch card module active status LED.

Table 13. Fan Module Status LED States
State Status
Off Fan does not have power.
Green Fan module is working normally.
Flashing red Locater function is enabled (Beacon).
Red Fan module has failed.


Power Supply Status Indicators

The power supply status LED ison the power supply modules.Figure 7 displays the LED on the PWR-3351-AC-RED AC power supply.

Figure 7. AC Power Supply (PWR-3351-AC-RED)

1 Status LED
2 Handle
3 Release


Note: Handle color indicates airflow direction.


Table 14 interprets the AC power supply module LED status indicators with multiple PSU present in the system.

Table 14. AC Power Supply Status LED States
State Status
Off No AC Input or 140V < AC < 175V - single PSU.
Blinking Amber1 No AC Input or 140V < AC < 175V – multiple PSUs.
Blinking Green1 Standby Mode.
Green Normal Operation.
Amber PSU module has failed.
Blinking Amber and Green2 Boot Loader.

1 1 second ON, 1 second OFF.

2 1 second ON, alternating.