FEED is a network dashboard that presents a timeline view of all the detected anomalies in the network. CV-CUE curates the feed by continuously monitoring and proactively detecting anomalies in the network. It also analyzes the cause of the anomaly and provides dynamic suggestions to mitigate the issue. The administrator can analyze the issue, the AI-based recommended action, and then decide on the best approach to mitigate the issue. Feed also lets administrators go back in time and understand anomalies that occurred in the past.

Administrators can also configure a Slack webhook to get a Slack notification whenever an anomaly is detected.

Note: This is a BETA feature. Reach out to your Arista account manager to enable it.

This chapter contains the following topics:

FEED Dashboard

To view detected anomalies, navigate to FEED.

At the top of the feed dashboard is the anomaly highlight widget. The anomaly highlight shows the number of anomalies detected in the last 2 hours. If no anomaly was detected in the last 2 hours, it shows when the last anomaly was detected.

Following the analogy highlight, the Feed displays the network timeline of detected anomalies within the chosen time frame. You can select the time frame using the time slider on the left.

For each detected anomaly, the dashboard shows the top affected locations, root causes and correlations, and actions you can take to mitigate the anomaly.

Click the Actions that can be taken to mitigate the issues link to view the recommend actions. Click More Details to view a detailed Root Cause Analysis of the detected anomaly.

Configure Subscriptions

You can configure a Slack webhook to send alert notifications to your Slack channel anytime a network anomaly is detected.

To configure a Slack subscription:

  1. Go to FEED.
  2. Click Configure Subscription.
  3. Click Add Subscription.
  4. Add the following details:
    1. Subscription Name: Enter a name for the subscription.
    2. Type: Select Slack.
    3. Webhook Link: Add the webhook link configured for your slack channel. For information on adding an incoming webhook to Slack, refer to https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks
    4. Select Webhook Enabled.
    5. Click Test-Webhook Link to send a test message to your Slack channel.
    6. Click Save.

Anytime an anomaly is detected, CV-CUE sends an alert message to your Slack channel. The message contains information about the number of affected clients, their location, root cause, and key co-relations.