Network Configuration

The most critical configuration in NG Firewall is the proper configuration of your network settings in Config > Network .

For simple networks, the configuration completed during the Setup Wizard is probably sufficient. However, some networks have multiple WANs, multiple LANs, various subnets, VLANs, VRRP, etc. This describes how networking operates and is configured in NG Firewall.


The Interfaces page configures the network interfaces or the server.

Interfaces Grid

The Interfaces tab shows the current interfaces' status and configuration information.

There are several columns along the top of the grid that show the current interface status and configuration. Some are hidden by default.


Column Description
Id The Id is a unique integer primary key of the interface. All configurations of interfaces will refer to Id.
Name This is a name/description of the interface. It is recommended to choose names representative of their purpose.
Connected This shows the current "connected" state of the device currently mapped to this interface. This may not display correctly for all network interface cards.
Device This shows the current network device (physical NIC card or wireless card) mapped to this interface.
Config This shows the current configuration for this interface. ADDRESSED, BRIDGED, or DISABLED.
Current Address This shows the current address if there is one of the interface.
is WAN This shows true if the interface is configured as a WAN, false otherwise.
Edit This column shows an edit button to edit the configuration of this interface.
Delete This column shows an delete button on VLAN Tagged Interfaces to delete the interface. Physical interfaces cannot be deleted unless their their physical devices have been removed from the system.
There are also several additional options on this page:
  • Remap Interfaces
    • This utility can change the mapping between physical devices and the corresponding interface configurations. This is useful if you want to use certain physical devices for certain purposes.
  • Refresh Device Status
    • This refreshes the "Connected" column in the interfaces grid. To verify your interface mapping, plug/unplug one network card at a time and hit Refresh Device Status to verify that the expected interface changes the Connected status.
  • Add VLAN Tagged Interface
    • This allows for additional of 802.1q VLAN tagged interfaces. For more information read VLANs section in Network Configuration.

Interface Configuration

Clicking the edit button on an interface will open the interface configuration settings for that interface.

An interface can be configured in many ways. Some settings and configuration options are only relevant and/or available in certain configurations. As such, based on an interface's configuration certain options may appear and disappear. For example, when checking 'is WAN' the options available to WAN interfaces will appear. After unchecking 'is WAN' the WAN options will disappear and the options for non-WAN interfaces will appear. Because of this it is suggested to configure your interface from the top of the page downward.

The table below shows the various configuration options and their meanings.

Interface Options

Option Description
Interface Name This is a name/description of the interface. It is recommended to choose names representative of their purpose.
is VLAN (802.1q) Interface This is true if this a tagged VLAN interface. Otherwise this is not shown
Parent Interface This is the parent interface for this tagged VLAN interface. This is only shown for VLAN interfaces.
802.1q Tag This is the VLAN tag for this interface. This is only shown for VLAN interfaces.
Is Wireless Interface This is available if the interface is detected as a wireless (wlan) interface. Otherwise this is not shown.
Config Type This is the basic configuration type of this interfaces. Addressed means this interface has its own address and configuration. Bridged means this interface is bridged to another interface. Disabled means this interface is entirely disabled.
is WAN Interface This should be checked if this is a WAN (Wide Area Network) interface. This means it is connected to your ISP or an internet connection. This should be unchecked if this interface is connected to a private/local network.

Wireless Configuration - This section configures the wireless settings for wireless interfaces. This is only shown for wireless interfaces.

Option Description
SSID The broadcasted Service Set Identifier (SSID) for the wireless network.
Mode Access Point (AP) or Client.
Visibility Select whether to advertise or hide the SSID.
Encryption Encryption method used for the wireless signal. WPA2 is recommended.
Password When encryption is enabled, a password will be required to access the network.
Regulatory Country Choose the country in which this NG Firewall is based. This is required to comply with regulations around Wi-Fi bands & frequencies.
Channel Choose from the available channels available and 2.4GHz or 5GHz frequencies. The options available here are dependent on your wireless card.
Warning:Many chips/drivers do not correctly implement "Automatic" (ACS or Automatic Channel Survey) so it may not work depending on your card.
Note:Automatic channel selection has been removed from modern builds due to lack of support and usability issues.

IPv4 Options - This section configures the Internet Protocol v4 (IPv4) settings of this interface.

Option Description
Config Type This is the IPv4 configuration type. Static means this interface has a static IPv4 address. Auto (DHCP) means this interface will use DHCP to automatically acquire an address. PPPoE means this interface will use PPPoE to acquire an address. This option is only available for WAN interfaces because non-WANs can only be statically configured.
Address This is the IPv4 static address. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Netmask This is the IPv4 static netmask. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Gateway This is the IPv4 static gateway. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Primary DNS This is the primary DNS used for DNS resolution. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Secondary DNS This is the secondary DNS used for DNS resolution. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Address Override If set, this address will be used instead of the one in the offered DHCP lease. It is only shown if Config Type is Auto (DHCP)
Netmask Override If set, this netmask will be used instead of the one in the offered DHCP lease. It is only shown if Config Type is Auto (DHCP)
Gateway Override If set, this gateway will be used instead of the one in the offered DHCP lease. It is only shown if Config Type is Auto (DHCP)
Primary DNS Override If set, this will be used instead of the one in the offered DHCP lease. It is only shown if Config Type is Auto (DHCP)
Secondary DNS Override If set, this will be used instead of the one in the offered DHCP lease. It is only shown if Config Type is Auto (DHCP)
Username This is the PPPoE username. It is only shown in Config Type PPPoE
Password This is the PPPoE password. It is only shown in Config Type PPPoE
Use Peer DNS If checked the server will use the DNS provided by the PPPoE server for DNS resolution. It is only shown in Config Type PPPoE
Primary DNS The primary DNS to be used for DNS resolution. It is only shown in Config Type PPPoE and Use Peer DNS is unchecked.
Secondary DNS The secondary DNS to be used for DNS resolution. It is only shown in Config Type PPPoE and Use Peer DNS is unchecked.
IPv4 Aliases This is a list of alias addresses. This is an additional list of addresses that this interface will have along with their associated netmasks.
IPv4 Options - NAT traffic exiting this interface (and bridged peers) This option is only available on WAN Interfaces and defaults to checked. If checked all traffic exiting this interface and interfaces bridged to it will be NATd, and all incoming sessions from this interface will be blocked unless they are forwarded via a Port Forward Rules or destined to the local server.
IPv4 Options - NAT traffic coming from this interface (and bridged peers) This option is only available on non-WAN Interfaces and defaults to unchecked. If checked all traffic coming from this interface and interfaces bridged to it will be NATd, and all incoming sessions to this interface will be blocked unless they are forwarded via a Port Forward Rules.

IPv6 Options - This section configures the Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6) settings of this interface.

Option Description
Config Type This is the IPv6 configuration type. Disabled means the interface has no IPv6 configuration. Static means this interface has a static IPv6 address. Auto (SLAAC/RA) means this interface will use SLAAC to automatically acquired an address. This option is only available for WAN interfaces because non-WANs can only be statically configured.
Address This is the IPv6 static address. Blank is allowed and means no IPv6 address will be given. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Prefix This is the IPv6 static prefix. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Gateway This is the IPv6 static gateway. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Primary DNS This is the primary DNS used for DNS resolution. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
Secondary DNS This is the secondary DNS used for DNS resolution. It is only shown if Config Type is Static
IPv6 Aliases This is a list of alias addressed. This is an additional list of addresses that this interface will have along with their associated netmasks. This is only available on non-WAN interfaces.
IPv6 Options - Send Router Advertisements If checked route advertisements are sent on this interface. This is only available on non-WAN interfaces.

DHCP Configuration (server) - This configures the DHCP serving options on this interface. DHCP Serving is only available on Addressed non-WAN interfaces.

Option Description
Server If selected, DHCP will be served to this interface so that machines can automatically acquire addresses.
Range Start The start of the DHCP range.
Range end The end of the DHCP range.
Lease duration The duration of the provided DHCP leases in seconds.
Gateway Override If set, this value will be provided as the gateway in the DHCP leases. Otherwise the static IPv4 address of this interface will be provided as the gateway.
Netmask Override If set, this value will be provided as the netmask in the DHCP leases. Otherwise the static IPv4 netmask of this interface will be provided as the netmask.
DNS Override If set, this value will be provided as the DNS in the DHCP leases. Otherwise the static IPv4 address of this interface will be provided as the DNS. A single IPv4 address or a comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses is accepted.
DHCP Options This is a list of DHCP options for dnsmasq. WARNING: this option is for advanced users. The specified DHCP options will be used on this interface. For example, to specify an NTP server use enabled = true, description = "time server", and value = "42,". For multiple DNS override servers specify enabled = true, description = "DNS", and value = "6,,". The value must be specified in a valid dnsmasq format as described in the dnsmasq documentation

DHCP Configuration (relay) - This configures DHCP relay on this interface.

Option Description
Relay If selected, DHCP requests received on this interface will be forwarded to a specified DHCP server.
Relay Host Address The IP address of the relay host server.

Redundancy (VRRP) Configuration - This configures the VRRP redundancy options for this interface. VRRP is only available on statically assigned interfaces. VRRP documentation.

Option Description
Enable VRRP If checked, VRRP is enabled on this interface.
VRRP ID The VRRP (group) ID of this server. Must match the VRRP ID of peers, but must be unique on the server.
VRRP Priority The VRRP Priority of this server. Higher value is a higher priority. (1-255)
VRRP Aliases The list of VRRP Virtual Addresses. This list should be the same on all VRRP peers.

Interface Status

The status button on the interface brings up a window showing some of the statistics about the interface. This includes statistics, the ARP table, and the connected clients if its a wireless interface.


The tab configures the hostname and related settings of the NG Firewall server.


  • Hostname
    • This is the name given to the NG Firewall server, such as "NGFW", "firewall".
  • Domain
    • This is the domain name of the NG Firewall server. If your company uses "" you will likely want to use

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the NG Firewall server is Hostname + Domain. So Hostname = "NGFW" and Domain = "" means the FQDN for NG Firewall is If you have publicly available services like VPN and/or spam quarantines, you should make sure that resolves in DNS to the/a public IP of the NG Firewall server.

Dynamic DNS Service Configuration

Several Dynamic DNS services are available to help those with dynamic public IPs. Some ISPs and areas only offer dynamic IPs, which can be problematic for networks with remote users who want to access services. You can not remote users access the server/network by the public IP because it can change anytime.

These services exist to automatically update the public DNS entry when your DHCP address changes. This allows you to refer remote users to a FQDN such as "" and then automatically update the DNS resolution of "" to your public IP when it changes.

  • Enabled
    • If enabled, a Dynamic DNS server will be used to update the DNS resolution of the FQDN.
  • Service
    • The dropdown shows the supported services. Choose the service you want to use.
  • Username
    • The username to use the service.
  • Password
    • The password of the account of the service.
  • Hostname(s)
    • The hostname will be updated with the NG Firewall's public IP address. Specify a single FQDN or multiple FQDNs separated by commas.


The Services tab configures the local services available on the Arista Server. The Arista Server hosts an HTTPS and HTTP server (apache) that hosts services.

Services like administration, spam quarantine, reports, blockpages, etc

  • HTTPS Port: TCP Traffic to the primary address of each interface on the HTTPS Port will be forwarded to the local web server to provide services. Often, if you only have one public IP ( and want to port forward the HTTPS port to an internal service like webmail to an internal machine, you will need to move the HTTPS Port to another port, like 4343, so that port can be forwarded to your internal machine. In this case, the administration and other HTTPS services will be accessible at and, 443 can be forwarded.
  • HTTP Port: TCP Traffic from non-WANs to the primary address of each non-WAN interface on the HTTP Port will be forwarded to the local web service to provide services. In the rare event that those ports are required for port forwarding, the default HTTP Port can be changed to another port, like 8080.
Note:The configured HTTPS port will be forwarded to the local Apache process listening on port 443. The configured HTTP port will be forwarded to the local Apache process listening on port 80. The Access Rules will evaluate these sessions post-redirection where destination port has already been altered.

Port Forward Rules

Port forwarding is a technique of rewriting the destination address and destination port of packets to send them to a new location.

Port Forward Rules

Port forwarding has many uses. The most common use is on networks doing NAT where internal servers have private addresses (ie, port forwarding allows the forwarding of traffic to the NG Firewall server's public IP to an internal host.

For example, if the email server is behind NG Firewall with a private address ( and NG Firewall has one public IP ( which all hosts are "sharing" via NAT to reach the internet, then port forwarding can be used to forward TCP traffic to, port 25 (SMTP) to, port 25.

Port Forwards Rules work like all rules in NG Firewall, which is described in the Rules documentation. Rules are evaluated in order on all new sessions. The destination will be rewritten to the New Destination and the New Port of the first matching rule. If not rule matches, then no changes are made to the session.

If you are having issues with port forwards, it is suggested to follow the Port Forward Troubleshooting Guide.

There are two types of port forward rules. To add a Simple Rule, click Add Simple Rule. To add a regular rule, as described in the Rules documentation, click Add.

Simple Rules

Simple rules allow for most use cases and avoid extra configuration, which can lead to non-functional forwards. It is suggested that to always use simple port forward rules be used wherever possible.

  • Enable Port Forward Rule
    • If checked, the rule is enabled. If unchecked, the rule has no effect and is disabled.
  • Description
    • A description of this rule. This is just for documentation.
  • Protocol
    • If "TCP" then only TCP traffic to the specified port is forwarded. If "UDP" then only UDP traffic to the specified port is forwarded. If "TCP & UDP" both TCP and UDP to the specified port is forwarded.
  • Port
    • This is a list of commonly forwarded ports. Use commas to separate multiple ports or a dash to denote a range. To specify an arbitrary port, select Other and specify the port.
  • New Destination
    • The new destination of the session after the port forward. Typically, this is the internal machine, which is like

Expert Rules

There are cases where a more complex rule is desired, such as:
  • forward non TCP/UDP protocols
    • Simple Rules can only forward TCP and UDP.
  • changing the new destination port
    • Simple Rules only rewrite the destination address. If you also want to change the destination port, expert rules are necessary. For example, forwarding TCP to port 8080 to port 80.
  • Further limiting what traffic is forwarded.
    • Expert Rules allow for additional conditions to limit when a port forward will match. For example, you can limit forwarded traffic to traffic from a specific interface, specific IP range, etc.
  • only to a certain public IP (not all NG Firewall IPs)
    • Simple Rules match all Destined Local traffic as described in Rules. If your NG Firewall has multiple public IPs and you only want to forward traffic to one of them, you can use Expert Rules.
Important: The reason simple rules are encouraged is that users tend to misconfigure the port forward rule conditions. Adding MORE conditions means your port forward rule will match LESS traffic. For example, you might specify to only forward traffic with "Source Interface = External" and then discover that traffic to a public IP from the internal interface is NOT forwarded because its source interface is NOT external.

A port forward
  • Enable Port Forward Rule
    • If checked, the rule is enabled. If unchecked, the rule has no effect and is disabled.
  • Description
    • A description of this rule. This is just for documentation.
  • Conditions
    • The conditions describing which sessions will match.
  • New Destination
    • The new destination of the session after the port forward. Typically, this is the internal machine, which is like
  • New Port
    • Optional. If blank, the new destination port will remain unchanged. If specified, all matching sessions will be rewritten to the new destination port.


At the bottom of the Port Forward Rules tab there is a list of reserved ports that can not be forwarded because they are currently in use for NG Firewall services. These services can be moved to different ports in the Services tab if these ports are required for port forwarding.

NAT Rules

NAT rules allow the rewriting of the source address of traffic.

Typically, NAT is used so machines on a private subnet (10.*.*.*, 192.168.*.*, etc.) can share a single public IP address. To do this, when a private machine (say makes a connection to a public server (say, the NG Firewall server rewrites the source address to the public IP address of NG Firewall (say on the way out. When return traffic in that session returns to, it is rewritten back to the internal address,, and forwarded back to the internal server.


By default, "NAT traffic exiting this interface (and bridged peers)" is checked on WAN Interfaces. This enables the NATing of all sessions exiting that WAN interface with the source address of the primary IP of that interface. In other words, all sessions leaving the External interface will use the External interface's primary IP.

There is also another options called "NAT traffic coming from this interface (and bridged peers)" on non-WAN Interfaces. If checked, all traffic coming from the interface will be NATed using the primary IP address of its destination interface.

By default, since only "NAT traffic exiting this interface (and bridged peers)" is checked, NAT is only done on traffic that exits a WAN interface. This means traffic between internal networks will be un-NATed, and each can reach the other using private addresses. If this is not desired, NAT can be done as traffic comes from a non-WAN by checking "NAT traffic coming from this interface (and bridged peers)". This means NAT takes place between local interfaces, and no traffic will flow between separate internal networks without explicit port forwards.
Note: Checking "NAT traffic exiting this interface (and bridged peers)" adds an implicit NAT rule to NAT all traffic exiting that interface to Auto. It also adds an implicit Filter Rules to block all from that interface that is not to the local server and is not explicitly port forwarded.
Note: Checking "NAT traffic coming from this interface (and bridged peers)" adds an implicit NAT rule to NAT all traffic from that interface to Auto. It also adds implicit Filter Rules to block all to that interface that is not to the local server and is not explicitly port forwarded.

NAT Rules

Occasionally, additional rules are necessary for more complex NAT setups.

For example, let's assume you have two public IPs, and By default, you want all traffic to be NATd to the primary address, but you want your mail server ( to send mail from To do this, you need to add a NAT rule that says that traffic from the mail server should be NATd to To do so, add a rule with Source Address =, where NAT Type = 'Custom' and New Source = ''.

Another common scenario is setting up 1:1 NAT, using a paired Port Forward Rules and a NAT Rule.

A NAT rule
NAT Rules contain several components.
  • Enable
    • If checked, the rule is enabled. If unchecked, the rule has no effect and is disabled.
  • Description
    • A description of this rule. This is just for documentation.
  • Conditions
    • The conditions describing which sessions will match. As documented in Condition List of Rules documentation.
  • NAT Type
    • Auto or Custom. Auto means the session will be NATd to the primary address of the interface in which the session exits. Custom allows you to specify a specific IP.
  • New Source
    • If Custom is selected, specify the IP address that the session will be NATd to.

Like all Rules, the NAT rules are evaluated in order. The session will be NATd according to the first matching rule. If not rule matches, the session will be NATd according to the checkboxes in the Interfaces settings. If no rules match and all NAT options in Interfaces are disabled or do not match the session in question, the session is not NATd and sent with the source address.

1:1 NAT

This section will help you set up 1:1 NAT.

What is 1:1 NAT

1:1 Network Address Translation (NAT) is a mode of NAT that maps one internal address to one external address. For example, if a network has an internal servers at, 1:1 NAT can map to where is an additional external IP address provided by your ISP.

How do I Setup 1:1 NAT?

You need to do three things: first, setup an external IP Address Alias; second, map inbound traffic destined for the external address so it is redirected to the correct internal machine; third, map outbound traffic from the internal machine out the correct external address. In this example, we'll assume you're trying to setup 1:1 NAT for to - you will need to be in advanced mode to configure 1:1 NAT.

Create an IP Address Alias on the WAN interface for, with the appropriate netmask provided by your ISP and save it. This can be done at Config > Network > Interfaces on the specific interface and tells Arista to take ownership of that IP.

Create a port forward for inbound sessions and save it. This rule will cause all inbound sessions destined for to be forwarded to Destination Address: New Destination:

Create a nat rule for outbound sessions - this causes all outbound sessions from to be NATd to This is done at Config > Network > NAT Rules : Source Address: NAT Type: Custom New Source: Once this is configured and saved, your 1:1 NAT setup is complete.

How do I Verify 1:1 NAT is Working?

You can check outbound traffic by going to your internal server and visiting You can check inbound traffic by testing your port forward. For example, if your internal server is running a web server, visit from outside the network - it should load the web server on

Bypass Rules

Bypass Rules work like other Rules. They are evaluated in order.

NG Firewall's applications run in the "Arista VM" - the Arista Virtual Machine. During this process, both UDP and TCP streams are endpointed and their streams are reconstructed at layer 7 (the application layer). The data stream then flows through the applications, and if passed eventually, the data is put back into new packets and sent on its way.

Unlike most proxy firewalls, by default, NG Firewall processes almost all ports of both UDP and TCP at the application layer. In some cases, it may be ideal to "bypass" traffic so that it is not subject to scanning. As shown in the image on the right, bypassed traffic will skip all of the NG Firewall VM layer 7 processing and all the applications.

Sometimes it is ideal to bypass traffic for performance reasons. This can either be traffic that you are not interested in scanning and wish to save server resources, or traffic that is extremely sensitive to scanning, like VoIP.

Sometimes, it is also necessary to bypass traffic that the application layer processing interferes with.

Bypassed sessions are still routed, NATd, and filtered identically to all other sessions, as defined by your network configuration. The only difference is that bypassed sessions are not processed at layer 7, so their traffic "bypasses" the applications.

Bypass Rules

Bypass Rules work like other Rules. They are evaluated in order. The action from the first matching rule is taken.

As an example, let's say you have a backup server at, and you don't want traffic to that backup server scanned or interfered with in anyway. To bypass it, create a rule with Destination Address = and action = "Bypass"

Bypass Rules contain several components.

  • Enable
    • If checked, the rule is enabled. If unchecked, the rule has no effect and is disabled.
  • Description
    • A description of this rule. This is just for documentation.
  • Conditions
    • The conditions describing which sessions will match. As documented in the Condition list in Rules section.
  • Action
    • Bypass or Process. Bypass means the traffic will be bypassed. Process means the traffic will be processed by the AVM and the apps.

Like all Rules, the Bypass rules are evaluated in order. The session will be processed or bypassed according to the first matching rule. If no bypass rule matches, the session will be processed.

Common Uses

There are several scenarios in which it usually makes sense to bypass traffic.

On large networks with servers that might be very busy it usually makes sense to bypass traffic that need not be scanned. This all depends on why you are using NG Firewall on your network.

Check in Reports under "System" and look at the "Top Destination Ports." Occasionally, you'll see some bizarre port with millions of sessions, like syslog. Often these ports can be bypassed if you don't care to scan them.

Often, it makes sense to bypass port 53 from your internal DNS server so you can guarantee that NG Firewall will not interfere with your DNS server's resolution process. This is critical if NG Firewall is using this server for DNS resolution itself.

If you are using NG Firewall for just Web Filter then you can bypass all of UDP and save lots of processing time, although this isn't a good idea if you are using Bandwidth Control as then it would not be able to shape UDP.

Bypassing can sometimes be useful for troubleshooting. If you are having an issue with some traffic, you can bypass it to see if it helps. If it does help, then revert back to processing and disable the apps one at a time to see if its one of the applications is interfering with the traffic in question.

Filter Rules

Filter rules are kernel-level iptables (Layer 3) "filter" rules. Filter rules apply to sessions transiting THROUGH the Arista server. By default, this ruleset is blank. Filter Rules are useful for blocking traffic going through the Arista server.

  • Enable Filter Rule
    • If checked, the rule is enabled. If unchecked, the rule has no effect and is disabled.
  • IPv6
    • If checked, the filter rule will also be active with IPv6 addressing.
  • Description
    • A description of this rule. This is just for documentation.
  • Conditions
    • The conditions describing which sessions will match. As documented in the Condition_List section of Rules
  • Action
    • Block or Pass. Block means the session dropped silently. Pass means the session will be passed.

The rules are evaluated in order on all new sessions going through the Arista server as described in the Rules documentation. The action from the first matching rule is taken; if no rule matches, the session is passed. All passed sessions are still subject to processing in the Apps.

Why use Filter Rules

There are also block/pass rules available in the Firewall app. There are several key differences that determine when it's appropriate to use a Filter Rule vs a Firewall Rule.
  • Filter Rules still apply to bypassed traffic. The Firewall does not see bypassed traffic. This means if you want to block anything that's bypassed, you should use the Filter Rule.
  • Filter Rules apply to all protocols, while Firewall only sees TCP and UDP. If you want to block IP protocols other than TCP and UDP, you should use Filter Rules.
  • Firewall Rules have more application-layer conditions like Client has exceeded Quota and HTTP: Client User OS. If you need the application-layer conditions, you should use Firewall.
  • Firewall Rules are evaluated in the Firewall app, so they can be used in policies setup in Policy Manager.


Arista routes all traffic according to its routing table. As such, it is critical to configure your Arista server with a complete routing table.

If Arista does not have a complete routing table, it will not be able to reach hosts behind Arista, it will not properly route return traffic back to them, and they will be offline.
Figure 1. Network Routes Example

A route
  • Description: A description of this route. This is just for documentation.
  • Network: This is the IP/network for this route. Upon saving, any bits past the prefix length or netmask will be zeroed out as they are irrelevant and are not accepted in a route.
  • Netmask/Prefix: This is the netmask (or prefix) for this route.
  • Next Hop: This should either be a currently reachable local IP address or an interface chosen from the dropdown. If an IP address is specified, all traffic to this network will be routed to that IP address. If an interface is specified, all traffic to this network will be routed locally to that IP address using ARP to resolve those hosts.
Tip: It is easy to test routes using the Ping Test in Config > Network > Troubleshooting > Ping Test . If Arista can ping a host on the network in question it is likely the route is correct. If Arista can not ping a host on the network in question the route is probably incorrect and those hosts will not be online.

Common Uses

Some network have subnets that exists behind other internal routers. For example, lets say my Internal interface is There is also a network that exists behind another router at Without this route, the entire network would be offline because its return traffic would go to the wrong place (the default gateway). In this case, I need to specify that the 192.168.2.* network is reachable through This would look as follows:
Some networks also run multiple subnets on the same switch infrastructure internally. If these are "untagged" networks/VLANs, you simply need to add a route. For example, let's say my Internal interface is There is also a network on this interface. Without a route, these hosts would be offline because their traffic would be routed to the wrong place (the default gateway). In this case, I need to specify that 10.*.*.* hosts are reachable on the Internal interface directly. This would look as follows:

DNS Server

The DNS Server settings configure the DNS server running on the NG Firewall server.

These settings do NOT affect any DNS traffic passing through NG Firewall, only DNS traffic to the NG Firewall server.

It is not required to use the DNS server on NG Firewall. However, it is often desired on small networks because the NG Firewall server caches DNS for the entire network. If NG Firewall is configured 'as a router' to provide DHCP to clients on the internal network, the default is to provide the NG Firewall server as the DNS server.

Static DNS Entries

Static DNS Entries are entries that will always resolve to the address provided. Often, this is useful for servers hosted internally. For example, if your mail server is local, you can add a static entry for to its internal IP (like This means machines using NG Firewall for DNS will resolve this hostname to the internal IP and communicate with it directly.

Domain DNS Servers

Often, certain domains need to be resolved using certain DNS servers instead of the DNS servers configured on the WAN interfaces. For example, you may want all queries to "*.mycompany.local" to go to the local DNS server for resolution. Domain DNS Servers allow you to specify that all queries matching the domain go to the specified server. For example, if all * queries should go to, then you can add an entry for Domain = with Local Server =

In this scenario, the NG Firewall and all those using the NG Firewall for DNS resolution will have the matching queries resolved through the specified server. For example, Suppose someone using the NG Firewall server for DNS resolves This DNS query will be forwarded to instead of NG Firewall's upstream DNS servers configured in the WAN interface settings.

This can also tell NGFW how to do reverse DNS lookups using as the domain. For example, if you want 172.16.*.* reverse DNS queries to go to, then set the Domain of "" and the Local Server of "". If you want for 10.*.*.*, reverse DNS queries to go to "" and then set the Domain to "" and the Local Server of "".

DHCP Server

These settings configured the settings of the DHCP Server running on the NG Firewall server.

DHCP Server

Note: The DHCP configuration for each interface is handled in the configuration of that interface in Config > Network > Interfaces . This page handles the global DHCP configuration.

Static DHCP Entries

This table contains any static DHCP leases. Entries in this table will always be given the same DHCP lease with the configured address. For example, if MAC Address = aa:bb:cc:00:11:22' and Address =, then when the machine with aa:bb:cc:00:11:22 request a DHCP lease it will always be given

Current DHCP Leases

This shows the current table of active DHCP leases and their expiration time.

Custom dnsmasq Options

This textfield holds any custom dnsmasq options. This is for advanced users. Misconfiguration of this field will result in improper functioning of the NG Firewall server. Any text in this field will be appended to the dnsmasq.conf.

DNSMasq is the server NG Firewall uses to provide DNS & DHCP services. DNSMasq documentation describes the options available.





Options contain some global networking options.
  • Enable SIP NAT Helper
    • This enables the kernel SIP NAT fixup. Most SIP solutions handle NAT on their own, but sometimes, rewriting the address inside SIP by the NAT device is necessary. Enabling this will enable bypassed SIP sessions to be rewritten in the kernel. Default is off.
  • Send ICMP Redirects
    • ICMP Redirects are used to alert machines if a shorter route is available. Default is on.
  • Enable Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on Bridges
    • This enables the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on bridges which is a protocol used to help detect loops and avoid packet storms in this case. Given that a bridge loop is fatal configuration, this option is off by default so the fatal configuration will fail quickly. It is NOT suggested to rely on STP to stop bridge loops.
  • Strict ARP Mode
    • If enabled, ARP replies will only go out for network requests where the request source matches the expected configuration. This helps avoid ARP flux with complicated networks. Strict mode means arp_ignore = 1, arp_announce = 2. Loose mode means arp_ignore = 0, arp_announce = 0. More documentation about arp_ignore and arp_announce can be found here.
  • DHCP Authoritative
    • If enabled, all DHCP serving is authoritative. Default is on. DHCP Authoritative is documented here.
  • Block new sessions during network configuration.
    • If enabled, all sessions will be blocked (dropped) when network settings changes are applied. This will provide increased security for router mode deployments and is not recommended for bridged mode deployments. The default setting is disabled.
  • Log bypassed sessions.
    • If enabled, bypassed sessions will be logged to the sessions table.
  • Log outbound local sessions.
    • If enabled, bypassed sessions created by the Arista server will be logged into the sessions table.
  • Log inbound local sessions.
    • If enabled, bypassed sessions to the Arista server will be logged to the sessions table.
  • Log blocked sessions.
    • If enabled, all sessions blocked by filter rules or NAT or the shield will be logged to the sessions table.


About QoS

Quality of Service (QoS) is a mechanism to ensure high-quality performance to latency- and bandwidth-sensitive applications. It allows for the prioritization and differential treatment of traffic based on rules. Most often, this is used to improve the performance of latency and bandwidth sensitive applications and traffic (like VoIP) at the cost of less important traffic such as peer-to-peer. QoS can greatly improve the performance of the network traffic and important protocols, especially when the upload or download bandwidth is saturated. However, QoS is also detrimental to network performance if configured incorrectly. You are advised to read this section in its entirety before enabling QoS.

QoS settings can be found at Config > Network > Advanced > QoS .

The Seven Priorities

The seven priorities in the default configuration can be thought of as two sets - the top four priorities: Very High, High, Medium, and Low, all consume all available bandwidth if no higher priority class wishes to use it. Use these to prioritize traffic above normal, such as VoIP or important business traffic. The bottom three priorities, Limited, Limited More, and Limited Severely, are always limited regardless of other priorities' bandwidth consumption because their download and upload limits are set to less than 100%. These should be used in situations where the goal is to restrict traffic regardless of if there is more bandwidth available.


Below are a few examples going from simple to more complex:
  1. The network is completely idle except for one Medium priority download. This download is given all the available bandwidth and happens at full speed because no other priorities are using any traffic and the Medium download limit is 100%.
  2. The network is completely idle except for one Low priority download. This download is given all the available bandwidth and happens at full speed because no other priorities are using any traffic, and the Low download limit is 100%.
  3. The network is completely idle except for one Limited More priority download. This download is given only half the available bandwidth because the reservation of Limited More is only 50%. The other 50% remains unused.
  4. The network is fully saturated, and all seven priorities have several active downloads running. All Very High Priority downloads equally split 60% of the download bandwidth (the Very High reservation). All the other priorities split their reservations in a similar fashion down to Limited Severely, which splits the 1% reservation between all Limited Severely Sessions.
  5. One Medium priority download and one Low priority download are running simultaneously. Because the other priorities are not using any of the reservations, the left over is split relative to the Medium and Low reservations (5:12 or roughly 1:2.5). As such, the Medium priority download runs roughly 2.5 times faster than the Low priority download and together they consume all available bandwidth. (example: Low priority runs at 100kB/sec while the Medium runs at 250kB/sec and the total available bandwidth is 350kB/sec)
  6. Two Limited Severe downloads are taking place simultaneously. All sessions are given the same priority and share the resources of that priority, so the two sessions split the priority's resources. Because all other priorities are not in use, the two split the bandwidth limit (10%), and each download runs at 5% of the total available bandwidth.
  7. There are two WAN interfaces, and WAN Balancer is balancing traffic across the WANs. One Medium priority download is happening on WAN1, and one Low priority download is happening on WAN2. The Medium priority download is given 100% of the WAN1's bandwidth and the Low priority download is given 100% of WAN2's bandwidth.
  8. There are two WAN interfaces, and WAN Balancer is balancing traffic across the WANs. One Medium priority download is happening on WAN1 and one Limited More priority download is happening on WAN2. The Medium priority download is given 100% of the WAN1's bandwidth and the Limited More priority download is given 50% of WAN2's bandwidth.
  1. Any given TCP download uses upload bandwidth to communicate to the sender that the data is being received. Usually, this upload bandwidth is only a little, but sometimes, if there is very little upload bandwidth available, it can be the limiting factor in the total rate of the download. The receiver can only communicate with the sender to tell it that data is being received sporadically, and as such, the sender will slow down. This is especially common with asymmetric links, especially if other uploads are in progress.
  2. Because packets are often approximately 1500 bytes (the MTU size), the lower priorities must either send the packet or not. Splitting the packet and sending a portion is not an option. As such, the packet will be sent to prevent starvation but may actually exceed the 1% reservation at times. This is especially true on small links with very little bandwidth. As such, the granularity of the limits and reservations on small links may be slightly skewed.
  3. WANs are treated completely separately. Rules run on all traffic, regardless of which WAN the traffic is going out. However, the bandwidth settings on each WAN are separate, and they are treated as separate resources that are divided amongst traffic independently.


This section reviews the different settings and configuration options available for QoS.

  • Queue Discipline is the queueing discipline. The queue discipline is the algorithm used to "queue" packets ready to be transmitted. The default is Fair/Flow Queueing + Codel or fq_codel because it is the most modern and most performant and minimizes Buffer Bloat. Another commonly used and good algorithm is sfq or Stochastic Fairness Queueing (the old default). FIFO, or First in First out, is the simplest but is not optimal as all packets are treated equally.
  • Enabled: Controls whether QoS is enabled or disabled. The default setting is unchecked, which means QoS is disabled, and no rules have any effect. WAN Bandwidth should be set before enabling QoS.
  • Default Priority: This is the priority assigned to traffic that matches no QoS rule. You are advised to leave this under the default of the Medium setting.
  • WAN Bandwidth: The most critical setting to configure correctly. This should be set to 85-95% of your actual line speed - we recommend contacting your ISP to get the proper numbers and testing to verify.

    Finding the right settings for the WAN Bandwidth may take some experimentation. If the bandwidth limit is set too high, QoS will have no effect at all. If the bandwidth setting is too low, traffic will be unnecessarily limited to a lower bandwidth. Remember, traffic only receives preferential treatment when the set bandwidth limit is saturated.

    The QoS limits are configured correctly when the network has slightly less throughput than when QoS is disabled entirely. Depending on your hardware, the QoS settings may not match the ISP-provided or testing Mbit numbers exactly. Experimentation is required.
    Figure 2. QoS - WAN Bandwidth

  • QoS Rules: Built-in rules to provide priorities for some typically important packets and traffic types. If you're not sure, just leave these as the default.
    Figure 3. QoS Rules

  • QoS Custom Rules: This provides a simple way to create custom rules to prioritize or de-prioritize certain traffic.

    As the note warns, QoS Custom Rules only match on bypassed traffic - they will do nothing if the traffic is not bypassed. If you want to prioritize scanned sessions, use Bandwidth Control. Default rules exist for VoIP traffic, which is also bypassed by default. Here's a list of the qualifiers you can use to build Custom QoS Rules:

    Name Legal Value Description
    Destination Address IP Matcher The Destination IP of the traffic.
    Destination Port Int Matcher The Destination Port of the traffic.
    Destined Local   This will match any IP the Arista holds, including aliases. Only recommended if your WAN interface(s) are Dynamic.
    Protocol Checkboxes The protocol that should be forwarded - check all that apply.
    Source Interface Radio Buttons The Source Interface of the traffic - choose only one.
    Source Address IP Matcher The Source Address of the traffic.
    Source MAC Address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX The MAC Address of the source of the traffic.
  • QoS Priorities: This table allows customization of how each priority is treated and how they are prioritized relative to other priorities. It is recommended to keep the default values.
    Figure 4. QoS Priorities

    • Download Limit can be any value between 1% to 100%. It limits the maximum amount of download bandwidth available to this priority under any circumstance.
    • Upload Limit can be any value between 1% to 100%. It limits the maximum amount of upload bandwidth available to this priority under any circumstance.
    • Download Reservation can be any value between 1% to 100%. It guarantees the minimum amount of bandwidth available to this priority should it be needed under any circumstance.
    • Upload Reservation can be any value between 1% to 100%. It guarantees the minimum amount of bandwidth available to this priority should it be needed under any circumstance.

    Some bandwidth is always guaranteed (by the reservation) to each priority. This is to prevent any priority from being fully starved and being disconnected from the internet because higher priorities are using all the bandwidth. When a higher class is not using its reservation, the leftover is re-assigned to the lower classes based on the ratio of their reservations. For Example, by default, the Medium priority is limited to 100% of the download bandwidth and is guaranteed at least 12% of the download bandwidth.

  • QoS Statistics is a status readout of recent activity. The statistics are reset at reboot and when settings are saved.
    It is useful for diagnosing which rules are being matched and that the proper priorities are getting assigned. It is also useful to test the total usage of each priority. The statistics are broken up by WAN interface, for example External - Outbound shows the priority byte counts of all traffic going out the External WAN while External - Inbound shows the priority byte counts of all traffic coming in the External WAN.
    Figure 5. QoS Statistics

  • QoS Current Sessions shows a table of all current active sessions and the assigned priority of each.

    This is useful for testing to assure that priorities are being given the correct priority. Please note that sessions are assigned priorities at creation time, so if rules are changed, active sessions will keep their current priority - only new sessions will be run against the new rules.

Related Topics

Here are several other relevant QoS links that are worthwhile reading and may give the curious administrator more insight.

Access Rules

Access Filter rules apply to sessions destined to the Arista server's local processes and only sessions destined to the Arista server's local processes. These rules have no effect on sessions passing through Arista and are only used to limit and secure access to local services on the Arista server.

Note: Improperly configuring access rules can compromise the security and proper functioning of the Arista server.
Note: Disabling rules in the default configuration may interfere with the proper functioning of many features of the Arista server.
There are two rules not enabled by default:
  • Allow HTTPS on WANs - enable this rule if you would like HTTPS access externally.
  • Allow SSH - enable this rule if you want SSH access to Arista's SSH service.
Note: Changing other settings of Access Rules is not recommended.

Access Rules configuration

  • Enable Access Rule
    • If checked, the rule is enabled. If unchecked, the rule has no effect and is disabled.
  • IPv6
    • If checked, the filter rule will also be active with IPv6 addressing.
  • Description
    • A description of this rule. This is just for documentation.
  • Conditions
    • The conditions describing which sessions will match.
  • Action
    • Block or Pass. Block means the session dropped silently. Pass means the session will be passed.

The rules are evaluated in order on all new sessions going to the Arista server as described in the Rules documentation. The action from the first matching rule is taken; if no rule matches, the session is passed.

Universal Plug and Play


About UPnP

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) allows clients to create firewall port forward rules. Common uses include:
  • Allowing gaming consoles to host games.
  • Enables BitTorrent clients to host uploads.

UPnP settings can be found at Config > Network > Advanced > UPnP .

Security Considerations

These are considered "automatic port forward rules"; therefore, you should consider the potential security implications before enabling them in your environment. In a home environment with an Xbox, you probably want it enabled. In an office environment, you likely do not want it enabled at all.


This section reviews the different settings and configuration options available for QoS.
  • Enabled: Controls whether UPnP is enabled or disabled. The default setting is unchecked, which means UPnP is disabled.
  • Secure Mode: An option that restricts port creations to the client system. In most environments, you should leave this enabled.
  • UPnP Status is a status readout of recent activity. The statistics are reset at reboot and when settings are saved.

Access Control Rules

These rules allow you to control which networks can use UPnP and the ports they can manage, along with an allow or deny action. All rules are processed in order.

The default rules for Allow all and Deny all allow all UPnP traffic if UPnP is enabled.

If you want to control access to a particular network, create a new Allow rule for that network and ports and assure it is above the Deny all rule.

Network Cards

This grid configures the various options of the network cards in the Arista server.

MTU is the maximum transmission unit. Usually, the correct configuration is Auto, which in most cases is 1500. Occasionally, if the MTU is lower and PMTU (Path MTU discovery) is broken, it may be necessary to lower the MTU manually to a lower value. No settings (blank) are "Auto" - any other setting is an explicit hardcoded MTU.

The Ethernet Media dropdown configures the duplex of the Network card. Usually, Auto is the correct value. However, some network cards do not properly automatically configured the duplex setting or perform poorly when Auto is configured. In those cases, you can manually configure the speed and duplex settings.


Custom Dnsmasq Options

This textfield holds any custom Dnsmasq options. This is for advanced users. Misconfiguration of this field will result in improper functioning of the Arista server. Any text in this field will be appended to the dnsmasq.conf.

Dnsmasq is the server Arista uses to provide DNS & DHCP services. Dnsmasq documentation describes the options available.

Arista does not support any custom configurations for Dnsmasq.


NetFlow is a feature developed by Cisco that provides the ability to collect IP network traffic information as it enters or exits an interface. By analyzing the data provided by NetFlow, a network administrator can determine the source and destination of traffic, class of service, and the causes of congestion. A typical flow monitoring setup consists of three main components:
  • Flow exporter: aggregates packets into flows and exports flow records towards one or more flow collectors. In this case, the NGFW.
  • Flow collector: responsible for reception, storage, and pre-processing of flow data received from a flow exporter.
  • Analysis application: analyzes received flow data in the context of intrusion detection or traffic profiling, for example.
Netflow on NGFW uses softflowd.


Netflow settings are located in Config > Network > Advanced > Netflow .
  • Netflow enabled
    • This enables the sending of netflow data to the specified netflow collector.
  • Host
    • The IP address or hostname of the netflow collector.
  • Port
    • The port for the netflow collector.
  • Version
    • The version of netflow to send. NGFW supports multiple standard versions: v1, v5, and v9.

Dynamic Routing

About Dynamic Routing

Dynamic Routing allows for the exchange of routes between other routers using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).

Dynamic Routing settings can be found at Config > Network > Advanced > Dynamic Routing .

BGP Overview

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) requires that all nodes known as neighbors are known and added to the settings.

OSPF Overview

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) does not require all nodes to be known. Instead, each route is associated with a group called an area. OSPF can be hierarchical through multiple areas, so some networks are publicly known and others can be private. Additionally OSPF supports authentication.


This section reviews the different settings and configuration options available for Dynamic Routing.
  • Dynamic Routing Enabled: Controls whether dynamic routing is enabled or disabled. The default setting is unchecked, which means dynamic routing is disabled. BGP and/or OSPF must also be enabled as well.
  • Status: Overall status of dynamic routing shows:
    • Acquired Dynamic Routes: All routes obtained from enabled dynamic routing protocols.
    • BGP Status Information about each BGP neighbor, including messages received, sent, and uptime.
    • OSPF Status Information about discovered OSPF neighbors, such as their IP address and the time remaining until they next synchronize.
  • BGP: Enable BGP protocol.
    • Router ID: An IP-like identifier. It can be any IP-address like value but is typically your WAN address.
    • Router AS: The Autonomous System (AS) number for this system. It can be any number from 1-65535, but it must be unique to your BGP network.
    • Neighbors Define each BGP neighbor here. For each neighbor, you will need to know their IP address and AS.
    • Networks Define each local network route to share via BGP.
  • OSPF: Enable OSPF protocol.

Network Reports

Network reports can be accessed via the Reports tab at the top or the Reports tab within the settings. All pre-defined reports will be listed along with any custom reports that have been created.


Reports can be searched and further defineNetwork Reportsd using the time selectors and the Conditions window at the bottom of the page. The data used in the report can be obtained on the Current Data window on the right.

Pre-defined report queries:

Report Entry Description
Network Summary A summary of network traffic.
Data Usage (by interface) The total data usage by interface.
Data Usage per Day (by interface) The data usage of each interface by day
Data Rx-Usage (by interface) The total received data usage by interface.
Data Tx-Usage (by interface) The total received data usage by interface.
Sessions The amount of total, scanned, and bypassed sessions over time.
Sessions Per Minute The amount of total, scanned, and bypassed sessions created per minute.
Sessions Per Hour The total, scanned, and bypassed sessions created per hour.
Bandwidth Usage The approximate averaged data transfer rate (total, sent, received) over time.
Top Client Addresses The number of sessions grouped by client (source) address.
Top Server Addresses The number of sessions grouped by server (destination) address.
Top Server Ports The number of sessions grouped by server (destination) port.
Top IP Protocols The number of sessions grouped by IP protocol number.
Top Server Countries The number of sessions grouped by server (destination) country.
Interface Usage The RX rate of each interface over time.
All Sessions All sessions are handled by Arista.
Scanned Sessions All sessions that were not bypassed.
Bypassed Sessions All sessions matching a bypass rule were bypassed.
Blocked Sessions All sessions are blocked by filter rules.
Port Forwarded Sessions All sessions match a port forward rule.
NATd Sessions All sessions that have been NATd by Arista.
All Session Minutes All sessions by minute.

The tables queried to render these reports:

Related Topics



Setting Description
Connectivity Test The Connectivity Test checks that your NG Firewall can resolve and connect to This is an important test to establish that your WAN connections are functioning properly.
Ping Test A simple Ping utility. Enter a hostname or IP and ping away.
DNS Test A simple DNS utility. Enter a hostname and get an IP.
Connection Test The Connection Test is a very useful tool that lets you check the status of a port on a remote machine.Enter an IP or Hostname and a Port, click Run Test, and see what happens.
Traceroute Test A Simple Traceroute utility. Enter a hostname or IP and see what's between your NG Firewall and the remote machine.
Download Test Provides a utility to test the download speed that NG Firewall has available. This download is not scanned so this will provide an upper bound of the bandwidth available to NG Firewall itself as a single TCP download. Note that the results of this test are displayed in MBps, megabytes per second. You must multiply this result value by eight to get the speed test result in Mbps, megabits per second.
Packet Test The Packet Test is a very powerful troubleshooting tool. Select an Interface to listen on and a timeout value, then hit Run Test to see traffic on that interface.You can filter by IP and/or port to, for example, check if traffic is hitting an interface or if a remote machine is answering a request.