Network Provisioning View
The topology view of the Network Provisioning screen is a tree structure that consists of containers and devices. This view represents the current groupings of devices (devices grouped by container) as well individual devices.
- Tenant: Top-most container.
- Undefined: Container for all devices that have registered themselves with the CloudVision Portal using Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and are awaiting configuration. Undefined containers are shown in the view in a different color than defined containers.
The example shown below includes:
- One tenant container (there is always only one tenant container).
- Three containers under the tenant container (one of the three is an undefined container).
- Seven devices (one is under the undefined container, and 6are grouped under the container named Vantage-DC (6)).
For more information, see:
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Network Provisioning Screen Options
The following options are available from the Network Provisioning screen.
- Device Management Lists all the switches that reside below the selected container level, these could belong to the selected container or reside in containers within the selected container.
- Configlet Management Lists the configlets associated with the selected container or if a switch is selected all of the configlets applied to it both directly and inherited.
- Image Management Lists the EOS or vEOS software image associated with a container or switch. Switches below the container selected will be loaded with this image.
- Label Management Lists the system or custom labels associated with the selected container or switch.
- Refresh and Listview Refresh the current screen to show any updates or changes to the switches or devices. Listview changes the display from Topology View and displays the switches in a list.
- Containers Containers are the basic logical construct of the topology view. They are used to used group devices and to apply configurations and deploy images to the device groups.
Container Right Click Options:
- Show From Here Changes the display to show only the containers and switches below the selected container.
- Expand / Collapse toggles between shrinking or growing the tree topology below the selected container.
- Show All Devices Lists the switches that are associated with that specific container. The container turns blue if it contains more than five switches and will only display 25 of the total number of switches in the topology structure.
- Container: Add / Delete Create or remove a container that from the selected container.
- Device: Add / Manage Add a device to the selected container or manage the switches already associated with the container. The manage option displays a list of switches which can be selected by enabling the tick box on the left-hand side. The selected switches can then be moved to another container, reset (returned to a ZTP boot state and associated with the undefined container), or removed from CVP completely.
- Manage: Configlet / Image Bundle Allocate or remove a configlet or Image to or from a switch or container.
- View Config View the configuration created from the combined configlets. At the container level this shows the combined configlet configuration associated with that container.
- Check Compliance - To initiate a compliance check on all devices under the container.
- Reconcile - To initiate configuration reconcile on all devices under the container.
Device Right Click Options:
- Manage: Configlet / Image Bundle Allocate or remove a configlet or Image to or from a switch or container.
- Labels Lists / assigns the user created labels associated with the selected switch.
- View Config View the configuration created from the combined configlets. At the switch level the entire configuration that will be applied to the switch is shown.
- Check Compliance Compares the current running configuration on the switch against the designed configuration in CVP. If they are out of sync the device change to an orange color.
- Move Allows a user to move a switch from one container to another.
- Factory Reset Erases the configuration on the switch then ZTP boots it. This will return it to the undefined container on the provisioning screen.
- Remove Removes the switch from CVP. This stops CVP making changes to it and tracking its configuration. The switch is left running with its current configuration on it.
- Replace - To perform a Zero Touch Replacement (ZTR) of the selected device.
Related topics:
Changing Between Network Provisioning View and List View
Click the icons to toggle between the topology view and the list view of the Network Provisioning screen.
Changing to List View
Click the List icon for a list view.
Changing to Topology View
Click the Topology icon for a topology view.
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