Creating Image Bundles
Creating image bundles is a key image management task. You create image bundles so that you have supported image versions available to be assigned to devices in your CVP environment.
Pre-requisite: To ensure that you include valid (supported) EOS images in the bundles you create, make sure you validate the images you want to include in the bundle (see Validating Images).
Complete the following steps to create an image bundle:
- Go to the Image Management page.
- Click the “+” icon in the grid.
This loads the Create Image Bundle page.
For more information, see:
Creating a Bundle by Tagging Existing Image Bundles
CloudVision Portal (CVP) enables you to create a new image bundle by tagging existing image bundles. This prevents you from having to import the same image again to create another bundle.
Creating a Bundle by Uploading a New Image
CloudVision Portal (CVP) enables you to create new image bundles by uploading new images to CVP.
Adding EOS Extensions to Image Bundles
CloudVision Portal (CVP) enables you to add EOS extensions to image bundles along with .swi images. Extensions are either .rpm files or .swix files. You upload .rpm or .swix files using the Images page. Extensions are optional for image bundles
Complete these steps to add EOS extensions to an image bundle: