Validating Images
CloudVision Portal (CVP) provides automatic EOS image validation. This automated validation process helps to ensure that all devices in your CVP environment have EOS images that are supported by CVP.
The automatic validation of EOS images takes place whenever you:
- Upload images to CVP or add images to images bundles.
- Add devices to your CVP environment.
The automatic image validation ensures that images that are available to be included in image bundles and assigned to devices are supported by CVP.
For more information refer to Alerts Indicating Unsupported EOS Image Versions.
Alerts Indicating Unsupported EOS Image Versions
If you attempt to include an unsupported version of an EOS image when creating an image bundle, CVP alerts you with an error to let you know that the upload cannot be done, because the version of the EOS image you are trying to upload is not supported.
If you attempt to add a device to CVP that has an unsupported EOS image, the Status column of the Inventory page indicates that an upgrade is required.
The Network Provisioning page also indicate that the device is running an unsupported image (this alert shows only when placing your cursor over the device icon).
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