The omnibox performs a search and displays results from all sections in CloudVision. You must select a result for navigating to the corresponding CloudVision section.
Click the search icon at the upper-right corner of the CVP screen to access the omnibox.
- You can refine search results by adding more keywords to the query.
- Omnibox hotkeys are Command ⌘ + K in Mac; and Ctrl + K in Windows.
The Omnibox provides a variety of results classifying them by the section it belongs to, an associated device or section name, and sometimes a description that explains what kind of result it is.The list of potential search result modules are:
- Devices
- Matching devices
- Sections of matching devices
- Events
- Matching event types
- If a keyword matches a device hostname, it provides an option to view all events on that device
- Matching event configurations
- Metrics
- Matching metrics
- Matching metric dashboards
- Topology - Matching devices in topology
- Provisioning - Matching Provisioning sections
- Settings - Matching Settings sections
CloudVision displays matching results from Devices and Topology sections when a search is performed using theJPE keyword.
If you select athens from the Devices section, CloudVision displays the Device Overview screen of athens.
If you select athens from the Topology section, CloudVision displays athens node in the Topology view.
If a search is performed with the athens keyword, CloudVision displays results from Devices, Event, Metrics, and Topology sections.