The configuration guide is no longer being updated. Please refer to the CloudVision Help Center going forward.

Reconciling Configuration Differences

CloudVision enables you to reconcile differences between the designed (managed) configuration and running configuration on devices so that CVP is maintaining the full configuration of each device.

Key Terms

Reconcilable differences Configuration differences between the designed configuration and the running configuration, which do not conflict with the configuration in any configlets, other than the reconcile configlet.
Reconcile configlet A specially marked device configlet that is system generated and used to store reconcilable differences in order for the designed configuration to match the running configuration.

Reconciling device configuration differences does not require a task, because there is no configuration to be pushed out to the device. Reconcilable differences are only adjusted in the reconcile configlet, to match the running configuration. Because of this, there is no task pushed to change the running configuration.

When you reconcile device configuration differences, you add the reconcilable differences found in the running configuration to the reconcile configlet of the designed configuration.

For details on reconciling device configuration differences, see:

Reconciling Device Configurations Differences at the Container Level

CloudVision enables you to reconcile device configuration differences for all devices under the hierarchy of a selected container, instead of having to initiate this device by device.

Note: The designed configurations of devices in the container that do not have reconcilable differences are not changed.

For devices that have reconcilable differences, the lines or commands on the device that are not present in the designed configuration are pulled into the reconcile configlet for that device in one of two ways:

  • Using the existing reconcile configlet that is specific to that device.
  • Creating a new reconcile configlet that is specific to that device. This is done when there is no existing reconcile configlet specific for the device. The system automatically creates a unique name for the configlet.

A green checkmark beside the configlet indicates it as the reconcile configlet for the device.

Complete the following steps to reconcile device configuration differences for a container:

  1. Go to the Network Provisioning screen.
  2. Locate the container in the topology where you want to reconcile the configurations of all devices under that container hierarchy.
  3. Right-click the container, hover the cursor on Reconcile, and click either Reconcile All or Reconcile New.
    Figure 1. Device configuration reconciliation at the container level

    The Reconcile New option reconciles only the configuration lines that exist on the device, but not in the designed configuration.

    The Reconcile All option reconciles new lines and also lines that differ in designed and running configurations. This usually brings the device into compliance because the resulting designed configuration will be identical to running configuration. However, there can be cases where in spite of reconciling device configuration lines, the designed configuration may not end up identical to running configuration. In these cases, no changes are made to the reconcile configlet. Arista recommends to go through the device-level reconcile process (See Reconciling Device Configurations at the Device Level), and select the desired lines.

    Note: The bell icon in the upper right corner turns yellow to indicate unread notifications.
  4. (Optional) To view the notification for the reconciliation, click the bell icon. The notification list appears showing the container-level configuration reconciliation, and any other unread notifications.
    Figure 2. List of unread notifications

Reconciling Device Configurations at the Device Level

CloudVision enables you to reconcile device configuration differences at the device level (specific, individual devices). Configuration differences at the device level occur when there are reconcilable differences in the running configuration of the device.

The Configuration Validation screen shows details of the configuration differences. When the system identifies a reconcilable difference, the Reconcile option becomes available, and the extra reconcilable configuration is listed in a text editor on the screen.

Reconcile Configlets

You use a type of configlet called a reconcile configlet to reconcile device configuration differences at the device level. A reconcile configlet is a configlet for a single specific device, and is explicitly marked as the reconcile configlet for that device. The reconcile configlet for a device contains the additional running configuration for that device.

Note: There is only one reconcile configlet for any device. It is the only configlet that contains the additional running configuration for the device.

Every time a device-level or a container-level reconcile is performed, the reconcile configlet for each device included in the reconcile action is modified to include the extra running configuration.

To reconcile device level configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. If required, select additional lines from running configuration to reconcile.
  2. Click the blue Reconcile button to add the reconcilable configuration in the running configuration to the reconcile configlet of the designed configuration.
    Figure 3. Configuration validation screen showing device-level configuration differences
  3. (Optional) Click Edit next to the configlet name to edit or rename the reconciled configlet.
  4. (Optional) Click the reconcile disk icon next to the configlet name to save the reconciled configlet with the extra commands present in the running configuration.
    Figure 4. Reconcile Disk icon
    Note: CVP will not execute pushing a configuration that causes CVP to lose connectivity with the device if the management interface or IP is missing in the configuration. When the task is executed, it will fail.
  5. Click Save.