CVP Re-Install without VM Redeployment


Complete these steps:

  1. Run cvpReInstall from the Linux shell of the primary node.  This may take 15 minutes to complete.
    [root@cvp99 ~]# cvpReInstall
    0.Log directory is /tmp/cvpReinstall_17_02_23_01_59_48
    Existing /cvpi/cvp-config.yaml will be backed up here.
    CVP configuration not backed up, please use cvpShell to setup the cluster
    CVP Re-install complete, you can now configure the cluster
  2. Re-configure using the procedure in Shell-based Configuration. Log into the Linux shell of each node as cvpadmin or su cvpadmin.
    Figure 1. cvp-shell-login
  3. Issue a cvpi status all command to ensure all components are running.
    Figure 2. Example output of cvpi status all command
  4. Login to the CVP GUI as cvpadmin/cvpadmin to set the cvpadmin password.
  5. From the Backup & Restore tab on the Setting page, restore from the backup.

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