The configuration guide is no longer being updated. Please refer to the CloudVision Help Center going forward.

Managing Tags

On the CloudVision portal, navigate to Provisioning > Tags to view the Tags Management screen. See the figure below.
Figure 1. Tags Management Screen
This screen provides the following functionalities:
  • Search device or tags field under the Devices column - Type either the required device name, tags category, or tag name for a quick search of devices and tags.

  • Search device, interface, or tags field under the Interface column - Type either the required device name, tags category, tag name, or interface name for a quick search of device, interface, or tags.

  • Select All checkbox - Select the checkbox to choose all devices simultaneously.
  • Edit tags button - Click to delete unassigned tags. See Deleting Unassigned Tags.

Creating and Assigning Tags

Perform the following steps to create and assign a tag to a device:

  1. On CVP, click Provisioning > Tags.

    The system displays the tags screen.

  2. On the Device pane, select device(s) to which you want to create and assign a tag.
    The system opens the Assigned tags pane. See the figure below.
    Figure 2. Create and Assign
    • Optionally, use the search bar for searching required devices.
    • To manage interface tags, click the Interface tab and perform required tasks.
  3. Type the new tag in the search field under User Tags > Add or create tags > Type the label then the value separated by a colon.
    • Tags should be of the form <label>: <value>. For example, owner: Bill.
    • The System Tags pane displays tags that are automatically created and assigned by the system.
  4. Click Create and Assign.
    Note: If you had selected multiple devices, the new tag will be simultaneously assigned to all selected devices.
    The new tag is displayed under Manage assigned tags.

Deleting Assigned Tags

Perform the following steps to delete an assigned tag:

  1. On CVP, click Provisioning > Tags.

    The system displays the tags screen.

  2. On the Device pane, select the device(s) which is associated with the tag that needs to be removed.
    The system displays all tags assiged to the selected device(s) under Manage assigned tags.
    Figure 3. Associated with Selected Devices
    • Optionally, use the search bar for searching required devices or tags.
    • Hovering the cursor on the number next to the tag name, lists the devices to which the current tag is assigned.
  3. Click the tag that needs to be removed.
    The system displays plus and minus signs when the tag is clicked.
  4. Click the minus sign to delete the selected tag.
  5. Click Save Edits.

Adding Tags to Multiple Devices

Perform the following steps to add a tag to multiple devices simultaneously:
  1. On the main pane of the tags screen, select the device to which the tag has already been assigned to; and new devices to which the tag needs to be assigned.
    Under Manage Assigned Tags on the right pane, CVP lists tags that are assigned to selected devices.
    Note: Hovering the cursor on the number next to the tag name, lists the devices to which the current tag is assigned. See the figure below.
    Figure 4. Tag Assigned to Multiple Devices
  2. Click the desired tag.
    The system pops up plus and minus signs beneath the tag.
  3. Click the plus sign to add this tag to all selected devices.
  4. Click Save Edits.

Removing Tags from Multiple Devices

Perform the following steps to remove a tag from multiple device simultaneously:
  1. On the main pane of the tags screen, select devices that are assigned with the tag that needs to be removed.
    Note: Alternatively, search the tag that needs to be removed. CVP lists all devices to which the tag is assigned to. To remove the tag from few devices, select only devices from which the tag needs to be removed. If you select all devices, the tag will be removed from all devices.
    Under Manage Assigned Tags on the right pane, the system lists tags that are assigned to selected devices.
  2. Click the tag that needs to be removed.
    The system pops up plus and minus signs beneath the tag. See the figure below.
    Figure 5. Remove Tag from Multiple Devices
  3. Click the minus sign to remove the tag from all selected devices.
  4. Click Save edits.

Deleting Unassigned Tags

Perform the following steps to manage unassigned tags:

  1. On CVP, click Provisioning > Tags.

    The system displays the tags screen.

  2. On the main pane of the tags screen, click Edit tags.
    The system lists all unassigned tags.
  3. Click the tag that needs to be removed.
    The clicked tag turns to red.
    Figure 6. Delete Unassigned Tags
  4. Click Delete.
    The system deletes the tag from CVP.