The configuration guide is no longer being updated. Please refer to the CloudVision Help Center going forward.

Onboarding Procedures

This section contains:
  • Onboarding Authentication Providers
  • Onboarding Devices: Token-Based Authentication
  • Subscribing to CloudVision as-a-Service updates

Onboarding Authentication Providers

Once the CloudVision as-a-Service instance is set up, use the following procedure to add a preferred authentication provider.

To add a preferred authentication provider:

  1. Navigate to Settings using the gear icon.Verify under the Features section OAuth Providers is toggled on.
    Figure 1. OAuth Providers
  2. Navigate to Access Control and then Providers. To add a new authentication provider, click the 'Add Provider' button.
    Figure 2. Add Provider
  3. Select a provider that your organization uses.
    Figure 3. Shared Provider

    Note that currently Google and Microsoft are supported as a Shared Providers. Shared Providers use an Arista-provided set of credentials so no other information is required from the customer for the onboarding.

    Other providers are currently supported as non-shared providers. Additional required form fields will appear upon selecting these providers. These fields will need to be filled out with credentials specific to your account with that provider.

    Figure 4. Non-shared Provider
  4. Saving the provider will send a registration request to the CloudVision Service backend along with the related information.
  5. Once the authentication provider is set up, make sure to add the admin email address and verify the login process before the Invitation URL expires. To add a user account navigate to Users and then the Add Userscreen.
    Figure 5. Add User

Onboarding Devices: Token-Based Authentication

To onboard the devices using token-based authentication.

  1. To onboard the devices navigate to Devices and then Inventory and thenAdd Devicesand thenOnboard Devices.
    Figure 6. Onboarding Devices
  2. Details on how to create a token, and using that token to onboard the devices are listed under the Onboard Devices. Please follow the directions to create a token and onboard your devices to CloudVision Service.
    Note: You can use the same token to onboard multiple devices. CloudVision Service will use the device serial number to identify a device.
    Figure 7. Onboarding Devices
  3. Once you successfully onboard the devices you should be able to see them under the Devices tab.
    Figure 8. Device Inventory Screen
  4. Click on the wrench icon () to provision the device. This will take you to the device-specific page. Selectthe Device Overview tab and then select Provision Device to provision the device in CloudVision Service.
    Figure 9. Device Overview
    Note: Prior to Provision Device make sure the user account exists in the EOS device. For example:
    Assuming 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 is the email address used for OAuth authentication you need to have john.smith as a user (for Arista Demo you will need to use
    该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。): 
    sw(config)#username john.smith privilege 15 <nopassword/secret>

    If you have TACACS+ configured for authentication, in order for CloudVision as-a-Service to properly provision the device, the exact user account should already exist in the TACACS+ Server.

    If you have a Radius server for EOS authentication, you need to add the --disableaaa argument into the TerminaAttr config.

    For additional information on migrating an EOS device with a TACACS+/Radius authentication to the CloudVision Service, please refer to Authentication Requirements.

Subscribing to CloudVision as-a-Service updates

You can monitor CloudVision Service live status through . You can also subscribe to CloudVision Service notification via email/text using Subscribe to CloudVision.

Following are informational and disruption notification examples you would get after subscribing to CloudVision Service updates:
Figure 10. Informational Notification

Bearer Token Login

Use bearer tokens to provide custom applications or third-party applications login access to CloudVision. This will allow the application to make configuration changes to EOS devices. Bearer token login can be used with identity providers that issue bearer tokens and have an introspection endpoint.

Note: Okta and PingIdentity have been tested for use with CloudVision.

Login via bearer token involves communication between the application, the identity provider, and CloudVision.

To allow an application to log in via bearer token, ensure that both the Roles Mapping for Providers and the Allow Bearer Token Login toggles are enabled under Cluster Management in General Settings.

  1. Make sure that the identity provider has been properly set up in Providers.
  2. Request a bearer token from the identity provider for the application.

    In generating the bearer token, you willneed to make sure that the user exists in CloudVision and that the token has the required fields for the relevant role, username, and optionally email address. Depending on the application, this may require you to log in to the identity provider, create a bearer token, and then program the token in the application.

    For more information on creating a bearer token, or access token, with Okta, see Get an Access Token and Make a Request:

    For documentation on getting a bearer token, or access token, with PingIdentity, see Getting an Access Token:

    Alternatively, you may be able to log in to the application and request a bearer token from the identity provider via script that is then returned directly to the application.

    To complete this process in Ansible, see Token-Based Authentication:

  3. Once the application has the bearer token, you willprovide it with the login URL as a bearer header in the request: https://<cv-domain>/api/v1/oauth/bearer?org=<org>&provider=<provider>

    The URL includes the following components, which must match the details in CloudVision for the bearer token to be verified and the access token returned to the application:

    • <CV-domain>: Enter the domain of your CloudVision cluster

    • <Org>: Enter Default

    • <Provider>: Enter the name of the provider in CloudVision that issued the bearer token

    The application then makes an API call to CloudVision using the access token to complete the login process.

Note: Bearer tokens generated for CloudVision logins are single use. Once used, subsequent logins will require you to generate new bearer tokens from the provider and to retrieve new access tokens from CloudVision.